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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Ladies. Popping in to wish everyone a VERY HAPPY AND SAFE THANKSGIVING. Whether you celebrate the day or not. I am out of here in just a few. Gonna go work out the head out to daughters. Not sure if I will be able to get back to say goodbye before I leave next monday for Florida. I will be thinking of you all while I frolic in the warm caribbean seas. Florida girls. I have ordered warmth for my arrival next week. Please feel free to open the package before I get there.

    Amy, I'm glad your are getting to a new onc so quickly.

    Colleen, bluefish sounds eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    Nice to meet you Peggy. Babies flying the coup is hard. My youngest has been gone for 18 months. I miss him. But then again having his brother move back in after almost 3 years gone isn't so great either.

    Deb, the vodka fountain should be in the pissy tent. Hmmmm on second thought all the tents need one. A trip to sams club is in order.

    Cy, hamster tubes, hahahahahahaahhhahahah, great idea.
    Poor Scooter, give him a scratch from me.

    Vicki, we have a guard on the tunnels in San Diego. I'll send word to release some of the stash.
    Pills bah.....wheres the fun in that.

    Nicki, glad your dinner went well in spite of the turkey

    Lynn, my suitcase is expandable. Climb on in.

    I'm outa here. My love to each and every one of you wonderful, magnificent, fabulous women.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning everyone,

    Nicki, so glad your dinner went well and I laughed out loud and your brother giving you advice. Mazer definetly thinks she is a race horse because she runs around like a wild pony enjoying the cool weather. I think she is trying to convince distorted humor that she is a horse with a cross on her back. She gets all excited and just cant control herself when she is trying to impress. She gave me a kiss last night when I was feeding her hay. She nudged her nose under my neck as if to say thank you. Crazy girl!

    I am also a Christmas and Thanksgiving celebrator. I know we are a diverse group so will be interesting to see how everybody enjoys the holidays. I guess my family is traditional with the turkey and ham going on along with the dressing and every vegetable known to man. My mother will think she is feeding everybody in Alabama and just keeps adding to the list. Of course, she does start out in November saying we always have way too much food and this year we are having the basics. We all just say ok mother knowing she will get carried away once again. I usually go for something easy like desserts or gallons of tea. I do cook, I promise!

    LauraB-dont overdue it for the holidays. You are still trying to heal so take care of yourself.

    Colleen-smoked blue fish doesnt sound like something I would like. I guess to each his own though and everybody has their traditions. I am sure some people would think boiled okra is nasty and I happen to love it.

    jeannie-heres hoping your sunshine rushes things up. I know you are excited.

    DebC-thanks again for getting the card list together. I know we have alot of women that couldnt send out but if we can come up with their addresses it would be nice to send them cards. We have so many going through hard times right now. Excellent idea. I also never commented on your bragging statement, but uhh thats not bragging and I enjoyed the story so keep them coming. I am also glad you are getting to the moving on stage which is sometimes hard to do.

    Susan-You made me feel a bit guilty on the housecleaning comment. I am glad nobody is coming to my house. I had rather be outside doing anything than inside cleaning. My work is on the farm and I enjoy it but vaccuuming??? yuck!

    CherylC-My rat terrier had to wear the lamp shade also and I felt so sorry for him. He was playing with a kitten and got his eye scratched so had to have surgery. It was truly an accident but boy did I feel sorry for him wearing the lamp shade. Hopefully your kitty will heal quickly and enjoy all the attention she will be receiving. gotta love vet bills huh? I think I own one of the wings at my vets and she has even commented that my name should be above it. I have taken so many strays to her that get hit & not to mention all of my animals. I swear they need a SS# so I can put them on my insurance.

    Pegy-sige-Great seeing you again and dont be a stranger even if you just drop in for a quick hello. We all start to worry and a bunch of women worrying is never a good thing. If you were to look out and see a posse heading toward your house you would know who it was,,,the circle girls and all their wagons.

    Mena-Still missing you also and hoping you get back to your old self soon.

    The pissy tent seems to be filling up fast. I hooked up the keg for all the beer lovers and put lots of ice around it and a new stack of cups. I also brought the whack-a-mole game so it would give us something to whack and work out our frustrations.

    o.k. I am off to ride the perimeter. If you hear a deep voice, i promise its not a frog croacking, it is me trying to talk. Bronchitis got a hold of me and I got the squeaky voice thing going if anything comes out at all.

    bye for now. Amy
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2006
    Hello all,

    Just came into the circle to wish everyone a Great Thanksgiving!!

    I've got to put on the apron, fire up the stove and oven and get cooking!!!

    Happy, Happy Day to ALL.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Hi girls,

    Thanks for the never ending support you all give here. I’ve left the pissy tent today and am busy baking. Hopefully, things will continue to improve (like my mood).

    God bless you all and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    I think there is a "pissy" thing going around, cause some of the girls at work are really pissy this week!

    I'm home early cause my Message thereapy got cancelled and I already made up my time at wortk so I am doing Circle Therapy instead!

    We were going to go to Black Angus for Thanksgiving dinner with my youngest and her boyfirends family but think we'll stay home and tend to Scooter. He's really having a hard time not being able to go outside and he keeps running into things with the cone collar. poor "puppy", he's sleeping with daddy right now.

    Hubby picked up a smoked Turkey, I sure hope it's better than the last time

    We will watch movies and take it easy this weekend.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful TG
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    some one posted this on another thread & I thought it would be good to share it

    Ten Commandments of cancer survivorship

    1 Thou shalt regard the word "Cancer" as exactly that: a word. Nothing more, nothing less. For its original meaning has changed mightily over the years as have such words as Smallpox, TB and Polio, all once dreaded ailments, now non-existent as maladies. And thus, too, shalt go thy Cancer. The answer shall come to those who shall be present to hear it. Be present to hear it when it comes.

    2 Thou shalt love thy chemotherapy, thy radiation, and thy other treatments even as thyself, for they are thy friends and champions. Although they may exact a toll foar their endeavors, they are oft most genrous in the favors they bestow.

    3 Thou shalt participate fully in thy recovery. Thou shalt learn all the details of thy ailment, its diagosis, its prognosis, its treatments, conventional and alternative. Thou shalt discuss them openly and candidly with thy oncologist and shalt question all thou do not comprehend. Then, thou shalt cooperate intelligently, and knowledgeably with thy doctor.

    4 Thou shalt regard thy ailment as a temporary detour in thy life and shalt plan thy future as though this detour had not occurred. Thou shalt never, at no time, no how, regard thy temporary ailment as permanent. Thou shalt set long-term goals for thyself. For thou will verily recover and your believing so will contribute mightily to thy recovery.

    5 Thou shalt express thy feelings candidly and openly to thy loved ones for they too are stricken. Thou shalt comfort and reassure them for they, too, needest comforting and reassurance, even as thou dost.

    6 Thou shalt be a comfort to thy fellow-cancerites, providing knowledge, encouragement, understanding and love. You shalt give them hope where there may be none, for only in hope lies their salvation. and by doing so, thou providest comfort for thyself as well.

    7 Thou shalt never relinquish hope, no matter how thou may feelest at that moment, for thou knowest, in the deep recesses of thy heart, that your discouragement is but fleeting and that a better day awaits thee, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps the day after tomorrow.

    8 Thou shalt not regard thy ailment as the sum total of thy life but as merely a part of it. Fill your life with other diversions, be they mundane, daring, altruistic or merely amusing. To fill your life with your ailment s to surrender to it.

    9 Thou shalt maintain in all times and in all circumstances, thy sense of humor, for laughter lightens thy heart and hastens thy recovery. This is not an easy task, sometimes seemingly impossible, but it is a goal well worth the endeavor.

    10 Thou shalt have enduring and unassailabale faith, whether thy faith be in a Supreme Being, in Medical Science, in Thy Future, in Thyself or Whatever. Steadfastly sustain thy faith for it shall sustain thee.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2006
    I've been lurking since the beginning. I've laughed and cried with all of you. But Cheryl's post made me come out of lurkdom. Our first cat was named Puppy and when he had to leave us, our second cat was named Scooter. How weird that yours is Scooter and called Puppy. That's so cool.

    I really appreciate all of you and now that I've come out, I'll post more.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

    Betty in TN

    Oh, BTW, you can see my Puppy and Scooter at Click on The Cats. And excuse the site. It is sooo out of date.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited November 2006
    Welcome to the circle Betty from TN and glad you felt that it was time to step out.

    cherylc-enjoy your relaxing weekend and take care of the kitty aka puppy.

    lizws-glad you were able to step out of the pissy tent. Sometimes we all find ourselves there at one time or another.

    Madison-hope you got the stove all fired up and your baking is going as planned.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Amy
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2006
    Cheryl - thanks for posting the "10 commandments". They are so true. I plan to print them off and safe them to read again (and again...).
    HAve a wonderful turkey day.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    uh oh...I just sat down. I have waaayyyy too much to do and now I probably won't be able to get up again. Pumpkin pie in the going in next...need to get the banana bread and cranberry orange bread made and I'M TIRED.
    Everything is vacuumed...need to sweep and mop and clean the bathroom...rrrrrr.
    Glad I didn't try to fly out to Florida tonight to surprise my daughter...freezing rain predicted here and I would probably get stuck at the airport! And Lini...thanks for the thought and I know you would. the 10 commandments...going to print it and hang it here at home and at my office.
    Welcome Betty...we have a tent for every occasion here...I'm leaving the pissy tent for now hoping that I can bring everyone with me.
    Have a wonderful evening circle ya all...may stop back in later if I don't fall asleep at the stove.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    Hi all,
    Nicki I love your idea about everybody sharing their holiday celebrations. We celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas but they are not big family holidays. I guess they are more about going to church and worshiping and celebrating my connection with God. ( I really don't want to offend anyone here. People can get awfully touchy when you mention any kind of religion.)

    Welcome Betty!

    The 10 commandments were very good.

    Too funny, the comments about me and cleaning house. You all were looking at that from YOUR perspective. For me, "cleaning" is about making the piles smaller so they are easier to walk around. LOL Ya'll do much more domestic kinds of things than I do.

    Shirley have fun in Florida. Sounds great

    MB, your granny's cool.

    Have a great thanksgiving, or Thursday if you don't celebrate Turkey day.
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2006

    Woohooo! I can post (finally)

    Susan ... you sound a lot like me lol. My dh laughs when I go into my "cleaning frenzy" making 2 piles out of one or moving them from one room to another. Domestically challenged is what I am .... I like clean but can't mange tidy

    Wow 133 posts to the map now! Some areas definitely have a lot more people than others. Seems to be heavily concentrated around the Great Lakes area.

    Anyway Happy turkey day to all. I am thankful for having "met" you all. You are all in my thoughts daily.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Shirley...take me with you!!! Oh...too late...hope your trip is safe and you have a wonderful time.
    Susan...everyone love you here...don't worry about offending anyone. This circle (IMO) accepts all regardless of what they do or believe.
    Cheryl...LOVE THE MAP...makes us all feel so much closer together.
    NS...Vera...Silvergirl...Mena...Peggy...where are you?
    Off to bed...didn't make the apple pie yet but should have time in the morning.
    Sweet dreams ladies,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Does anyone know how to remove the "twin" of me I made on the map? Someone said I should just be able to click on it and make it go away...nope! I tried to move myself, and somehow ended up with two of me! The "me" that is further North is the one that needs to go bye-bye....maybe put her in Hawaii...I will be there on vacation in 6 more days

    Deb C.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Hey! I just noticed we are on page 99. Wouldn't it be cool if we hit 100 pages for Thanksgiving...

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006 girl...hope you have a wonderful time. You deserve it. Don't know how to get your twin off the map but two of you can't be a bad thing since one of you is so great! looked a bit lonely up there!

  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2006
    To All My Circle Girl Sisters south of the 49th


    Oh I do miss Thanksgiving - we used to do it up big style when we lived in the States. It was a special time for family and friends. Somehow we can't capture that when we are away - like so many holidays that need there place as well as space. So have a wonderful time on what can truly be defined as the definitive American Holiday.

    Cheryl, the 10 commandments will go up on my wall as well - great reminders for what I need to do for myself and for others.

    I know that not everyone is into the sprituality thing and we need to respect that. But I am in the process of writing an article on spirituality and healing and hair loss for women with BC. There is a huge amount written about the subject of sprituality and cancer care. So we have to remember how important it is for so many people. And respect those who walk a different path.

    BTW - the map is awesome, and I am placed way north from where I should be (it looks like I am in the Yukon or Northwest Territories) but I am afraid to make a double - like Alaska Deb I would never be able to remove it.

    Welcome Betty from TN. I hope you inspire other vistors to come and join our campfire. We will throw a celebratory log on to welcome you to us.

    BTW, I vote that we hitch Mazer and Distorted Humor up for our Chrstmas sled. They should make quite a pair travelling the circle.
    Ladies, enjoy your pumpkin flavored lattees. Egg nog time is just around the corner.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Oh now can we get teh sliegh to move if Mazer & Distored Humor are histhced together? I think Distored Humaor is so awestruck by Mazer that we'd just go in circles!

    Hey I got doubley good news today! My mamo looks good! & I'm going to be a grandma again! Yahoo! on both counts!

    Lets see did we make 100 yet?
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Oh maybe one more time around the circle!

    happy thanks Giving to all!

    Welcome Betty, that is wiered! that we had cats called the same thing!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006

    133 posts on the map and we still have a couple of states not represented yet! Wow & just look at our friends in Europe too!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006

    Ok my hubby just looked at the map and said OH Jeez they're all over each other! What a bunch of ladies we are

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    This is my MIL showing you're never to old to be sexy and have some fun!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    By the way that's the kids play wig that she has on. She's a hoot and I couldn't ask for a better MIL.

    I know why I let my hubby do the grocery shopping, I wind up buying all this stuff our waistlines sure don't need!

    But it looks like I'm making pumpkin chees pies tomorrow!

    i'm off to bed as I can barely keep my eyes open now! it's been a long day I was up at 3! too early for me!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    I am so thankful to BE here...thankful to God...thankful for my children and so very thankful to all of you who have picked me up and dusted me off more than once. All of you, my friends and my family, my doctors, nurses, technicians and all who worked behind the scenes throughout my treatments. So very much to be thankful for today.
    Bless you all...I will be saying a special prayer for all of you today...just because I care...just because we are here. I don't care if you pray or not, believe or not...I will send out positive healing light, hope, happiness, love, healing along with my prayers.
    Love ya girls
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2006
    Thanks for the welcomes. I have been tempted before to post, but just never made it.

    Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. We are going to friends. There will be about 18 of us. I'm in charge of the sweet potatoes. I'm be cooking here though. We love the leftovers and you don't get those the next day when you eat elsewhere.

    A little about me...don't want to bore you. I'm 53, married 32 years to a wonderful guy. We are owned by Sissy Ann, a short hair cat. I 'm an events coordinator for a non-profit. We have two big events every year that I'm responsible for. The NP is the National Storytelling Network.

    I found a lump in my right breast in Nov of 2002. We had just moved to outside Boston and I knew no one and had no doctor. I was able to get it checked out and they assured me it was a fluid-filled cyst. Through a series of events we were able to return to TN (Dec 2003) where after I got insurance (late 2004), I was able to get it checked again and found out it had never been a cyst. That was Feb 2005. I always believed that if I could get back to TN I could find out the truth. The whirlwind of surguries began. I had 4 rounds of AC, am on Arimidex (could write a book on it) and Effexor (keeps me from writing the book. LOL). I'm currently NED and thankful for it. (but always waiting for the other shoe to fall.)

    Enough of me.

    Even though I hadn't posted before, I have felt a part of the circle and appreciate the love and caring of it. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Happy Thanksgiving and good morning everyone. No work today so I tried to sleep in late - but wasnt successful. My body is its own alarm clock. Yesterday was a beautiful day. Warm and sunny and in the 50's. They are saying we will have a repeat of that today. And Im gonna enjoy every minute of it. I hear a cold front is coming our way next week.

    Its not so quiet in the circle this morning. Lots of ladies up and already starting to prepare meals for the Thanksgiving feast we will be having later today.

    Lynn: It is sort of funny. I come on this site once a day. Now Im not just searching for everyones posts. Its pages! Seems like we add a new page everyday. We are a chatty bunch arnt we? I missed exercising 2 days this week but Im still in my rhythm. Gonna exercise today and squeeze in 2 miles on the treadmill. Gotta do something to burn all the calories I will be eating today.

    Sherloc: Oh Florida, its my favorite place to vacation. I am so jealous of you. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great vacation. Cant wait till you come back and tell us all about it. Geez! I will miss you while your gone. Need my daily dose of Sherloc!

    Amy: With all the stress and running around you did, Im not surprised you got bronchitis. Hope you have the right medicine to take care of it. Distored Humor and Mazer the Tazer are quite happy today. They are frolicking about, smiling, and thankful they had the opportunity to meet. Distorted Humor is actually sharing his apples and carrots - and believe me he doesnt share anything. It was love at first sight!!

    Madison: Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Liz: With everything that is going on in your life, pissy mood is definitely allowed. Baking sounds yummy. No cooking here. Going to my SIL for a great meal. And Im gonna eat anything I want today.

    CherylCy: Oh poor little scooter. I think the lamp thing is much harder on cats than dogs. Cats - we they have a mind of their own. Poor little baby. Just enjoy your day, whatever you do. Wish I didnt have to work tomorrow, but hey, thats alot better than having to go shopping tomorrow. The crown of all bad shopping days. Now steak sounds good to me. Think I will bring my turkey home to my two cats and dog. But Im gonna eat pumpkin pie for sure!!

    Oh Betty: So nice to meet you. Im so glad you decided to "come out." The circle is a great place to visit. You and I are similiar in age. I was diagnosed April 2005. Found a lump, but waited 3 months to have it checked out. Had started a new job and waited for my insurance to kick in. Oh - and about left overs! My SIL makes 2 turkeys. One for dinner, and one for everyone to take home left overs. So I will have a goodie bag when I leave. But if you have read my previous posts, I wont be digging into the Turkey anytime soon. Now sweet potatoes - right up my alley. Again - so nice to meet you.

    Karen in Denver: Happy Turkey Day.

    CherylG: So glad you can post again. The map is great. I havent look at it yet this morning and I cant wait to see all the new names. After your big dinner make sure to enjoy your cake.

    Vickie: Wow! turned on the adrenalin? So much baking and it all sounds so good. I bet your house smelled great. Freezing rain? Yuck - so be careful if you have to drive.

    Susan: The one thing about the circle is that it is a safe place. We can come and talk to each other and support each other. And I do believe, no matter what our culture is, Religion does have something to do with the Holidays. So when you go to church, make sure to mention me will ya? Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Jeannette: Oh I just got a visual of Distorted Humor and Mazer the Tazer hitched up to a sled. Im laughing my head off right now. Put a carrot or apple in front of their noses and away we go. Yes you sure do look like you live in the Yukon. Besides DebC you seem to be in what looks like a really cold area.

    LauraB: Where are you? Off cleaning toilets? Hope you have a great day.

    The aroma in the air is wonderful. Turkeys in the over cooking. Nothing, but nothing smells as good. All kinds of desserts. Pumpkins and Apple Pies cooking. Hmmmm Apple pie, another wonderful aroma when its cooking. Sweet potates are ready. So much food and so many different, but pleasant smells are penetrating the wagon circle.

    Im sitting at the campfire. Put more logs on and the glow is wonderful. Drinking some coffee. Contemplating and thinking. Thankful to be here to celebrate TG. Thankful to have all of you, as you all have become such dear friends to me. Enjoy your day. When I sit down at the dinner table today, a prayer will be said - and I will think of all of you. Happy Turkey Day. Be well, Be blessed and Be happy.

    To everyone else: NS, Robin, Carrie, Denise, Debbyfive, Mena, Kristin, Jeannie, Peggy and all of those I am forgeting. Hope you have a wonderful day

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Wow! I just checked out the map! There are so many of us we look like an ocean of people. Sure am glad I have had the chance to meet you all.

  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2006
    Top of the morning to you all.

    I can smell the roasting turkeys all the way up in Canuk land. Mmmm. Anybody ever try a stuffed pumpkin to go with it? Meat and rice and veggies with herbs inside and baked in its shell. A great Native dish. I also used to make a curried pumpkin soup and serve it in the pumpkin. Very colorful and tasty. Now Imy mouth is watering.

    I shall pull up a chair by the fire and join Niki for a while before she goes off to eat.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Jeannette...the stuffed pumpkin and curried pumpkin soup sound wonderful.
    Still cooking and cleaning...sis and brother in law coming at 1...talked to my daughter who has to work until 5 and Nathaniel is watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade.
    Hugs all
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006

    Happy Thanksgiving Circle Girls!!!