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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    evening all,
    It's been a windy blustery day here at this end of the circle. Woke up to snow but the roads were clear. Took Scotter in to get his drain out and he got to take the cone off his head too. He still has to stay insode for a few more days and doesn't like that but hey we all had to do the recovery time, so does he.
    Had to run out to MIL and stock her up for the week. by the time I got headed abck home it weas snowing like crazy! this time the roads are not clear.
    Got some cute thermal union suits and blanket sleepers for Cloe. Since Jerri was having so much problem with the bi-polar stuff she had to quit working and Cloe has out grown all her sleepers and they could afford to get more. Can't have Cloe getting cold at night. Can't wait to find out if she's going to have a brother or a sister, but guess they won't find out for awhile longer.

    SoCal Lisa, You really don't live far from where I grew up. One of my best friends lived in Bonita. I always liked shopping at Bonita Plaza.

    OK for those of you that like cheescake, Kraft now makes Cheescake filling that all you have to do is put it in the grham cracker pie crust. I put it in an Oreo pie crust and I'm in heaven! It's near the cream cheese. You can stir in fruit or whatever you want before you add it to the crust.

    I'll post the pumpkin cheese cake recipe on the recipe thread.

    Almost time for Desperate Housewives so have got to get moving.

    Throwing another log on each fire.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Woke up late this morning. I knew it too. Could see some daylight outside my window and usually when I get up its still dark outside. Its gonna be a cloudy day today, but I just let my dog out and its still warm. Cant believe its still in the 50's! But come Wednesday all of that will change. Cold, rainy, snowy, windy. Lake effect snow! Now thats a good description of Chicago.

    This is gonna be a crazy week for me. Reality check! have 3 follow up appointments. Onc, PCP, and PS. Im just so popular. The onc should be an easy appt - routine follow up, blood work, and get my port flushed. Im going into that appointment with a mission. I want my port out!! Hoping he will give me the ok for that. My PCP - well he is just a Teddy Bear - will get fasting Lipid profile done. The my PS - well, gonna tell him my decision is official. No nips for me. Hoping they all say nice to see you, see ya in 3-6 months.

    On December 2, will be my 1 year anniversary post chemo. I cant believe it. Seems like last year was so very long ago. A distant memory of a very bad dream.

    Karen: Walking is so healthy. Since I do alot of walking everyday with my job, I try and use my treadmill at home. We are expecting the same cold weather that you are. So enjoy the next 2 days.

    SoCalLisa: The Dixieland Jazz Festival sounds like it was a blast. I would have enjoyed that.

    Carrie: So good to hear from you. Hoping everything is going well. When is Denise having the surgery? We will all need to get on our horses (and mules) and ride in the wind to Cleveland. It sure was a quiet day in the circle yesterday. i finished my Gingerbread man. Its adorable. So onward to my next project. 8 families. One for each family. 3 down - 5 to go. Will I ever finish in time for Christmas? I feel like I am one of Santas elves busy working in his toy shop.

    Lisa: Oh my -10F is really cold. That cold front is on its way to Chicago. But not -10F - my goodness. That makes me want some hot chocolate and a fire to sit by. So stay warm. No sitting outside by the fire for you.

    CherylCy: Im so glad scooter is better. No drain and no lamp shade makes one cat very happy. The map is looking great. I checked it this morning before I came to the boards. 148 people!! Im gonna have to try the x8 zoom thing. It sure is amazing to see so many of us across the world dealing with the bc stuff.

    Ok - its time to go. Even though I have to work, Im gonna enjoy today. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited November 2006
    GM to my Circle do miss alot not being near the computer...hmmm where to start....

    The holiday was great I cooked all weekend,,,,really need to do lots of she hate's me' the weather was so wonderful , I have all my holiday lights up and the house is its time for cookies and gifts, a few stained glass pieces to make for my gifts...DH took me shopping this weekend in Buffalo, got almost everything the rest of my time can be spent on my friends here making sure everyone is warm, and matter what

    Everyone in the pissy tent...I now have a happiness exercise for you to try...
    1. Find a buddy...son, daughter DH or friend...
    2. stand behind them...wrap your arms around them...
    3. ask them to think sad & heavy, then breathe out, relaxing
    4. now try to lift them will find this hard
    5. now ask them to think happy and light..then breathe in
    6. once again try to gently
    lift them from will see that they are lighter
    7. object lesson...make yourself feel lighter & happier...breathe in and smile...keep your head up and a haapy thought in your mind...
    good luck ...

    Liz....walking 5,280 feet will get you to a mile...,000 just a little short but better than 0...PS I know this because of the work I do (I work for a surveyor).., not because I try to get my 10,000 steps a day....

    Deb...thanks for the list I cant wait to get started on the cards....

    go to run back to work
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Girls. Cold here in the hills. Rained most of yesterday. I am packed and ready to go. Heading to daughters this afternoon. Gonna take my favorite soon to be 6 year old to Build a Bear tomorrow for his birthday. Plane leaves at 0dark30 wednesday morning. I will be thinking of you all while I float aimlessly amid sharks on a beach mat. Gonna do my best not to lose any body parts on this trip.

    Hi Helen, good to see you. I owe you an email but will have to wait till I get back.

    Carrie, I am sherloc. Glad I was helpful to you in chat. Sometimes I can be a bit snippy.

    Cy, Chloe is adorable. I would keep her. Glad Scooter is feeling better.

    Lynn, Brrrrrrrrr indeed, stay warm.

    CherylG, Thanks again for the map.

    Nicki, I'll be thinking about you this week. Hate the mad doctor rush month. Happy Anniversary.

    MB, I would love to learn how to do stained glass.

    Have a great month girls. I'll be back around Christmas.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited November 2006

    Hello CG'S, MB, what a sweet post, Carrie, Please let Deese know My Prayers are with Her on The 12th of dec. Mena, tried to get ahold of my son again, Now he has blocked her call's too! I'm Really getting scared about this, Lynn, I have no Idea why he would be embaresed, He was Discharged with honors, But it was a Medical Discharge, Maybe Your right, I don't know!! But It is driving me crazy, sorry for the venting, But this is the only place I know someone really cares!!! My thoughts and Prayers to All of You, goy my bone scan back, it was ok, and the meds. have worked well on my cholesterol, More test next month, will let you know how they turn out too! I hate this depressed feeling, so i wont post for a while, It is not fair to all of you, But knowing Your praying for US makes me very happy! always keeping all of you in my prayers, love Puppy

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Just aquick good morning. I am running around like a fool trying to get ready to leave for Hawaii tomorrow WOOHOOO!!! I love vacations once I get on the plane, but I hate getting ready...I know, leave it to me to gripe about a trip to hawaii. Can I just say HAWAII one more time??? I am SO ready to be there. I am a bit stressed about the costs, but I have sworn to myself that I will not fret and worry about it.

    It was -27 F here yesterday morning. We looked at the weather in Maui and it was +87F there...a 100 degree difference...that will be a shock to the system

    Hugs and prayers to eveyone...I'm off to look at my to do list...

    Deb C.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Deb...hope you have a wonderful time in Hawaii!!! The sun, the sand and the ocean are so healing. Relax and have earned every second of it.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited November 2006

    Deb, have a grand time in HAWAII!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    ok...I have to rant...I'm sorry in advance...just read and ignore but I have to get this off my chest before I slap someone.
    I'm at work...doing and a co-worker were in a different office working on a payroll issue...another co-worker walks by (she's the one who is on the board of our local breast cancer alliance) and she comes back laughing her head off and says..."gee...I was wondering who that boy was sitting in here...then I realized it was you." OK...I've lost a lot of weight hair is growing out, I'm wearing a red fuzzy sweater, my prosthesis, a works. Maybe I'm to self vain? I don't know...all I know is that for some reason it really really hurt my feelings.
    Overreacting...probably...just had to vent somewhere and this is the only place I have to do that.
    Love ya girls and you know what...each and every one of you is BEAUTIFUL!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2006
    goodness vickie..what an inconsiderate thing to could she NOT know it would hurt your feelings!!!
    Hugs, Lisa
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited November 2006
    Vicki, I would even contact the BC alliance and let them know what kind of person they have on their board...hmmm...the nerve....just know we love you and I'll come on over and kick some butt if needed....or I could teach you a real nice spinning
    Deb, save some sand for me...Don't fly so I may never see Hawaii..
    Shirley...Stained glass lessons any time come on over...Ps remebering I don't fly so you'll have to
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006

    oh...she had breast cancer herself...lost her hair with chemo, had lumpectomy, rads, the works. She told me terrible horror stories right from day one about how horrible chemo would be, how her surgery made her feel like she'd been shot in the chest, how rads made her so tire she couldn't get out of bed for weeks...working with her has been NO fun.

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2006
    Wow Vickie - that is so rude. You are not sensitive - she is an ignorant a$$. Again - I am astounded by what people say. She is the one with the problem - she is insecure - she is afraid of bc - she is afraid of what she would look like if she were in your shoes. She probably has one of those men that "would kill me if I ever cut my hair" as well.

    Sorry for the rant but that is beyond rude. I think I might have said - "oh yeah - didn't I tell you, when they removed my breast they added a penis - want to see it?"
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    Afternoon Ladies - Just a quick check-in to say hello, haven't had much computer time since before Thanksgiving, and having kind of a hard time right now, I've got one foot in the blues tent and one in the pissy tent I guess! Even just doing a quick read of the (many!) posts has lifted my spirits though - so thanks for that and I'm off to walk the dog (generally a bit of a mood booster for me as well.)

    Peace, love and good thoughts to all...
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2006
    OMG I just read that she HAD BC????

    UNBELIEVABLE - she should definitely not be on that board.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2006
    good morning ladies...
    well its only minus -20c here today...
    and i am sooooooo getting jelous of our girls going on vacations...... deb you have a great time in hawaii and pls have a mai tai for me:):)
    newvickie, that was quite insensitive i prob would of thumped it never amazes me how some ppl are!
    well i guess i should shower and get into town not looking forward to this drive as town is 20 miles away and its still snowing, but i have to get in for some grocerys and also i think i will get to the college to enroll for my class....
    have a good afternoon ladies and will be back later:):)

    stay warm cause i know i am going to freeze buttocks off!!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited November 2006
    Didnt take notes since there has been 98 post since I last checked in. good afternoon to all.

    AlaskaDeb-how many times can you say Hawaii? LOL Just kidding, keep saying it over and over and we promise we wont be jealous,,lol yeah right.

    I couldnt help but die laughing when I read the post about distorted humor and mazer hooking up to the wagon. I dont know if thats a great idea or not. The wagon would be one big blur going by as they tried to impress each other with their speed. Be sure and tell distored humor he has nice teeth since he has learned the big donkey grin. Mazer much prefers cinnamon teddy grahams than anything else although she will not turn down a treat.

    Thanks for the card list and I cant believe somebody already has theirs in the mail? Geesh, there is always one in the crowd trying to look like the golden child,,,lol. Just kidding for sure and I wish I was that organized to be completed. Heck I have not even bought my cards much less have them in the mail. I think I better get busy.

    I have emerged from the medic tent and bronchitis has left me thank goodness. I still wake up at night coughing and always have cough drops close by but I no longer have the deep male voice going for myself.

    Menaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Great to see you around the circle again. I knew you couldnt live without us. We have missed you so dont be such a stranger next time.

    It was much to warm for Thanksgiving in alabama. We have had 70 degree weather but Friday they are predicting possible snow flurries or sleet. Like they say, only in Alabama can you run the heat and air on the same day. I long for 4 seasons like alot of you have. We just have mild cold, warm and hot. Snow prediction here sends everybody and their mother to the grocery store for milk and bread. Only had one big snow storm in 93 here but its still fresh on everybodys mind. Gotta love the south I suppose.

    Got alot done at the farm on my days off for Thanksgiving. The space is ready for the septic tank. All I need is the money,hmmm. Speaking of money, I have almost finished buying for my sons Christmas which is a relief. Now I know why I only had one child. Its gets expensive. My family is expensive at all because we actually have a 5.00 limit on everyone. Its amazing at the things you can get for 5 bucks and you arent in debt when Christmas is over. sounds cheap I am sure but we all agreed to it as the family grew and you get lots of little gifts instead of drawing names and getting one larger gift. We enjoy it and it helps to keep in mind that Christmas isnt all about the gifts you receive.

    Well, like I said, I didnt take notes since been a while since I had been on but I have thought of each and every one of you. Welcome to the new comers and you have found a great place to call home.

    Oh, going for a skeletal survey this week to compare the chest bones that showed up on the bone scan so everybody cross your fingers that it was just something weird that showed up and not another bone mets showing up while I am on chemo. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr,the fun never stops.

    bye for now. amy
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited November 2006
    I'm wearing closed-toed shoes.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006

    OH NO...Sending Lini some toe socks so she can wear her flip flops...rhyming not intended LOL.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Lini...see toe socks are cool!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2006

    Those are cool..must look for them

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited November 2006

    You just made me laugh, Vickie. I forgot all about toe socks.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006

    They actually have them here at Wal-Mart! I remember my mom getting them for us years ago...everything comes back in style at some point or another!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    Hi all,
    I've been gone for a couple of days and when I got home the second thing I did when I walked in the door was log on and see what's been happening. it makes me so happy to read about everything that is going on. Except for the bad stuff of course. I guess what I mean to say is it feels good to feel so connected to all of you!

    Shirley and Deb, have fun on vacation.
    Debbyfive, sounds like you are doing a little better. I'll send you an email.

    Anybody heard from RobinTN?

    Newvickie, I wish I knew what to say about the women at work. I'm not good at snappy comebacks. There are many here who are though.

    Lisa, hope you had a great birthday.

    Liz, saying a prayer for Danita. Got your card. Cute!!!

    Gotta run.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: Just got home from work and thought I would peak in. Didnt take notes tonight but I read everyone's posts. I had a great day. Went to work, TRIED to shop for presents, and just walked around. 64 degress and Im lovin it. Only mistake is my oncs appt is next Monday, not today. Went to his office for nothing - wel almost nothing - ran into my sister. Geez! Sounds ridiculous doesnt it. Ran into my sister at the oncs office. Well with 3 appointments, who can get what straight anyways. For those of you who dont know, my sister was dx with bc 3 months after me. Thats a story in itself!

    The computer is slow today. Took along time to get onto the wagon circle. 3 mintues (which seemed like 10). So Im hoping everything I type goes through.

    Ohhhhhh I am so jealous of sherloc and DebC. Vacation right now sounds wonderful! Havent gone on vacation since my diagnosis which was about 1 1/2 years ago. Sherloc have a wonderful time, DebC - I figure living in Alaska - of all of us - you deserve to go to Hawaii. Have a wonderful time. Are ya gonna bring your lap top?

    Vickie: I am just speechless. What an awful, insensitive comment to make. I would have felt the exact same way as you!! In my fantasy world I would have pulled my arm back and slugged her. Flatten her on the floor. Then I would have glared at her and said "if you think I look like a boy, Ill act like one." Now in the real world I would have said, "get with the times, this is stylish." What a witch!

    Amy: Oh great! Distored Humor just slapped his hoof down. He want the cinnamon bears too. What will this horse do for his female honey Mazer the Tazer? Im feeling pretty strong, so Im sending you some strength and positive vibes. This stupid test - this too shall pass. We are doing low cost presents too. I cant seem to find things under $5.00 though. $6.99 seems to be what Im being lured too. Got some great ornaments with sentimental values. Sometimes I think those presents mean more than the big expensive ones.

    Collen and Debbyfive: Quit hiding in the blues and pissy tent and come to the wagon to play. Otherwise we will worry about you.

    Susan: Whew! Glad your back, I missed you.

    Robin: How are you?

    Peggy: Hi. You little devil you!

    OK! Husband is cooking dinner. I havent even talked to him other than Hello. So Ill see ya in the morning.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Geez...wrote a long post and hit continue and in cyberspace somewhere...what a pain.
    Will try again.
    Hi Susan...good to see you...hope all is well.
    Amy...fingers and toes crossed for you tomorrow...we will all be with you and the results will be good ones...we are a force to be reckoned with and will tolerate NO bad news or results. Need to find NS to bring the chocolate fountain.
    Thanks for all your support today ladies. She really floored me with her inconsiderate remark. I do think I will contact the Breast Cancer Alliance board...she is inconsiderate and creates more fear than hope...not someone who is newly dx'd needs to talk to.
    Love all your ideas...a spinning roundhouse and a thumping sound just like what I wanted to do after the shock wore off. Nicki...guess I'm in the real world and will just brush it off (althought I almost emailed her the penis comment...loved that one!!!)
    Anyway...thanks for picking me up and dusting me off once again.
    Where is Vera...we need some humor here.
    Oh Lini...picking up some toe socks for you tomorrow...can't have our flip flop girl running around without her flip flops...will let you know when they are in the mail.
    Silvergirl...when will you be in Ithaca...I can pm you my work number and home number (did I do that already LOL...chemo brain strikes again) and the offer of a place to stay still stands...
    Hugs all around...
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited November 2006
    It's been a long couple of days and you guys sure have been chatty since the last time I was here. No notes so here goes from very shakey memory.

    Vickie---Can't believe she didn't walk away from your office and berate herself for saying such a stupid thing. We all put our feet in our mouths on occassion---could she really be that insensitive? Glad you enjoyed the ballet too.

    DebC---Hawaii---WOW! Where in Hawaii? Have been to Maui and the big Island---love Maui. (Actually, love the Big Island too but it's much harder to get from point A to Point B because of the size and distances involved.) Flew over Kiluea (or however you spell it) and it was mind boggling. Cost about as much as the refrigerator I needed at the time but the flight is far more memorable than a refrigerator so GO for it! Loved the orchids they use on your dinner plates like parsley!

    Nicki---we're having the same weather here. Should be freezing our butts off but it was 65 degrees today. I may have actually finished the shopping.

    Talked to my daughter today and nothing is happening. Her blood pressure is down to 108/80 since she stopped working but cervix is just starting to efface and no dilation yet. Sunshine is due tomorrow----looks like that ain't happening.

    Which is a good thing since I have to go for US tomorrow. Found a lump and something else weird in The Lone Ranger just before Thanksgiving---just didn't say anything to anybody until after I talked to my surgeon. Haven't even told SO yet. My guess is it's another necrotic lump like last spring but I can't figure out what that other "stuff" feels like. Kinda bloblike---big and no discernable edges to the touch---just "stuff" The tech has seen me so many times by now I hope she'll give me a clue since I can't get back in to see the surgeon until 12/8----don't you just love the waits? Eyeballs, boob---will the fun ever end? Didn't want to say anything here either since there are already a few sisters hanging in the blues and pissy tents and don't want to bring anybody down. So break out the chocolate fountain---here we go again! Oh yeah---talked to onc today---parathyroid peptides are normal too so maybe elevated calcium is just "me". They tell me that bone loss bears no discerinible relation to blood CA either so-----whatever.

    Having lots of fun getting dressed in the mornings---everything I want to wear is in my trunk. You know as soon as I bring it back in the house my daughter will go into labor.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2006
    hello cg's! how are ya'll doing?

    feels good to check in here!

    tons of crap going on here, but i'm hanging in there.

    i made it to your thanksgiving sales.......yikes!!!!!! took me 3 hours to cross the bridge to get home (luckily i had cutie neighbour to occupy my time).......anyhow, i hope you're all well........i miss you all but i'm so busy with doctors, diagnostics, lawyers, trying to get back to work, exes, and hottie neighbours that i seem to be exhausted all the time!

    how's my horse keeping? i've neglected him lol!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited November 2006
    Hello Circle Girls!

    I had a great Thanksgiving. Didn't crack open the laptop once until today! But now the long weekend is over and it is back to reality! AC #4 is tomorrow. Ugh!

    AlaskaDeb, thanks so much for coordinating the address list! Now I guess I really have to get cracking on Christmas cards! Have a GREAT time in Hawaii! I will be really interested in hearing all about it since I have vowed that once my treatment is over I will go to Hawaii with my DH and leave the kids with the in-laws!

    Mena, so glad to hear from you! You are doing better? I hope things are looking up!

    I was not able to read all the posts I missed...over 3 pages' worth...but hopefully I will get caught up over the next few days since I will be stuck at home anyway!

    Keeping the circle in my thoughts and prayers....
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Woo hoo Shel...Glad you made it to the sales safe and sound and had some good company when you were doing it. Hope your having tons of fun...I'll take care of your hottie neighbors here so I've got lots of time on my hands.
    Hugs and good to see get some sleep!!!