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  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007

    Another tear and another WOW!! You really have a gift.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2007
    Hey DEBC ... your avatar always brings a smile to my face. Your smile is contagious .... what DO you have on your head
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Oh my. So beautifully put---I am speechless. And moved.

    Thank you.
    We love you too---

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    I know I said I was turning in but I wanted to see if NS was Ok. It's not just a tear on my cheek, I'm into sobs.

    NS here you are facing a lot of unknows and who gives US a pep talk - you. I can only say we are here and we've got you covered.

    As Jeannie and Cheryl said - this is the meaning of the circle, Thank you and we love you too!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007

    NS I think you have so very well put our feelings into words..thank you so much

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    Last year my birthday was right after i had started my chemo, but before I had lost my hair. I wanted to just skip my birthday. I didn't see what we had to celebrate and I just wanted to forget the whole thing.

    Thank God my family didn’t let that happen. We had a little party at my Mom and Dad’s house. I got TONS of silly gifts. My sister had gone to every store in town and bought a whole bunch of silly hats and wigs….a long red little mermaid wig, a 2 foot tall curly Marge Simpson Wig, a clown wig and my favorite…the one in the photo…a rainbow Mohawk. I work in an elementary school so I wore all of them at work while I was bald and the kids LOVED them.

    I laughed so hard that day my stomach hurt for 3 days. For the first time after my Dx I saw a glimmer of hope. I thought there was a chance that I might make it. That is why I have it as my avatar. It always makes me smile to think of that day.

    Now I am just a couple of weeks from my birthday again. I DID make it through treatment, and I’m still smiling.

    Deb C
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007
    Hey CG's,

    I posted this on Deb's Woman Power songs but once I listened to it I thought it was appropriate....

    Thank you for the hugs everyone and hugs back to you all!!

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007
    I am so bummed...I tried to go on safari and it said "page not found". RATS.

    Had a nice afternoon shopping with my dw and my eldest. He wanted to buy a computer desk and chair for his computer room. This kid is amazing...he's 20 years old and has over $10,000 in the bank. He's an old soul in some ways...that kind of money would burn a hole in my pocket...I LOVE to shop. Of course, he's a computer gamer (read = that IS his social life so he doesn't spend money on going out all the time) and he could care less about being *fashionable*! Then he bought dinner for the four of us. Very cool.

    I am 7 months post op (SNB & partial mast), 5 months post rads, and sometimes it freaks me out how long everything takes to heal! Leftie is still tender, especially around the *nippular area* (as Chandler from Friends would say) and every once in awhile I get sharp *nerve* type pains. Sometimes I get them up my arm as well. Very strange how your body works things out.

    I've been on tamox for 6 months or so now, and I'm having my ovaries suppressed (for the same amount of time - clinical trial I'm on) I am noticing some veeeeeery interesting SE's...

    Flatulence so BAD the dogs leave the room...

    LEG CRAMPS (holy CRAP)...

    Hot flashes (Effexor and I seem to have those under pretty good control these days)...

    COLD SORES (could have easily done without that SE)...I've had 4 since Sept 1 (usually only get 1 maybe every 1 1/2 years)...

    WEIGHT GAIN....!....!!!!

    Now I'm noticing that I have spots here and there on my body.

    I'd be interested in seeing if anyone else has the flatulence/cold sore ones...I haven't heard too much about those before.

    So, it's a chilly Saturday night...the house is clean...Imbolc is just around the corner...and life is pretty darn good (unless you asked dw...gas is especially bad tonight).

    Hugs to all...hope everyone is feeling the love tonight,

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hi ladies
    i have been in the vacation tent and oh boy those cabanna boys have it going on!!!
    here i am sitting and drinking everything they give to me... hahahahaha
    ok really!
    i even might hit the rum tonight!!!
    can i tell you guys i love you tonight hehehehe
    i am in a lovely mood!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007
    ROFL Christmas time I was looking for pics to make up the "12 Gays of Christmas"...was going to post it for laughs...couldn't find anything.

    Where the heck were these guys hiding????

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Peggy - You find the most beautiful photos. I am going to save a copy of that one.

    I started eating ground flax seed this week and I have had gas that would melt paint! I hope my body gets use to the flax soon or I may need to wear an air freshener in my drawers!

    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    OK- I am trying to recopy the safari on a better format... I wish I knew how to post the windows media player file! I am waiting for it to "Process" and then I will repost!

    Deb, I played Mrs. Gibbs!

    You all are incredible..The circle is glowing tonight!!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    ok here is hot flashes!!!!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    dang rum!!!!!!!
    hahahahahahahhahah i still have to laugh!
    muah muah muah!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Hey Peggy...found those guys sneaking around the PMS tent of all places! Not sure what they were up to but sent them on thier way.
    I love the picture you posted...all of us wrapped around this bright warm circle of love.
    NS...another post with beautiful are truly amazing. Love you sister.
    Debs birthday is coming up!!! me thinking of a party again...what's your birthday wish Deb?
    It's way late for this girl...
    Sweet dreams all
    Know that I love you all and will see you in the morning.
    Tryin to decide which pool boy to take to dream land with me!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    OH MY...we are all posting at the same time.
    ROFLMAO at the crows...thats me without the boobs LOL.
    Deb...air freshener in your drawers...oh tooooo funny.
    NS...I saw the was beautiful and thank you.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Ok I finally got up and took down my Christmas stuff. The tress packed away for another year. But to tell the truth I miss it alrady!

    Vickie, wow you went through the changes looking beatiful. Wish I could say ther same for my self. I've also been there in the "you need to gain weight" It took me four years to gain 10 pounds. But then after my last child I can't seem to lose weight. Course it doesn't help that my hubby is aleays trying to feed me!

    Dinner for tonight, Fettachini alfredo with Salmon or Bacon if you don't like fish. And for dessert Hot homemade cherry & Peach pie!

    Vickie, maybe the situation with you SIL is why you DD was so unhappy last month. I pray they can work things out.

    Susan, So glad you have power back. I hope Cheri's power comes back sooner than another week! My youngest sister lives in Dixon. I haven't heard from her so I think I'll have to call her tomorrow to check up on her and the kids.

    Liz, hope you're staying warm and starting to feel better.

    Peggy, Side affects from treatment, Gas, ye! Cold Sores, Yes! (but usually ice helps keep them at bay). Vision problems Yes! Sleeplessness, yes! Fatigue, Yes! Pain, Yes! Blood Clots, Yes! and the list goes on....

    Ok ladies I think something is wrong with me, the hubby asked if I wanted to go shopping with him today and I said I wanted to stay home, that's not like me. I like to shop, even if it's window shopping

    I couldn't get the safari site to open either!

    Lisa, I love the Wild Animal Park. I use to go all the time!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007

    ROFL @ thongs...OMIGOD the crows are hilarious!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Hi Cheryl...doesn't look like my daughter is going to work things out. She held her marriage vows as sacred and he has totally broken her trust. She is devastated and says that when the trust is gone it is gone. He didn't even bother to call her today to see if she was at least ok...just walked out and she hasn't heard a word. She is the type that when someone hurts her and she says she is done...she is done...period. I wish I could fix it for her and wish I could reach out and give her a hug but Flordia is a long ways from NY. It looks like she may be coming home before long which makes me happy on one hand as I have missed her so very much but sad on the other hand as I know how much she loves her husband and Florida.
    ahhh well...time will tell.
    My Christmas stuff is still up...LOL. You didn't want to go shopping...have you taken your temperature girl...are you sure your not coming down with something LOL.
    Hugs and love
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Ok...really going to bed now.
    Sorry Shel...had to do it LOL
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Think I 'll go to bed too maybe I am feeling a bit blue today.
    Throwing some logs on the fires to keep our dear sisters warm
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, I am so sorry about your daughter and her husband.
    That is really sad!
    Hopefully though, you may get your wish and she will come back home to NY... and then with your help she will find happiness again.

  • Deese
    Deese Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2007
    Sleep well all my beautiful sisters!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    hey G........all i can say is.......even though i didn't get a "mr fluffy furball for christmas, but rather a "mr. piss me off rib spot or 2 or 3"...........i'm keepin' on, keepin' on! some days are better than others, but now that i'm finally starting to get a little angry at the whole situation.........i'm actually doing much better, and my life is improving almost daily.

    hell girl..........if i can do this anybody can, especially our dear dear tom petty says
    "the waiting is the hardest part"!

    i am the world's MOST impatient person, and cancer is sure teaching me a lesson on that end! (at least with regard to the actual cancer, i still have work to do elsewhere in my life lol)

    ok, i have been a little piglet tonight with the food, now i'm wide awake, but i had such a nice night that i kinda don't want to go to sleep and have it end. that's really weird for me because most days i just wish it to be over and see if the next day gets any better!

    things must be looking up..........i actually enjoyed my own company tonight! great to see you, i hope all is well.........sleep tight ladies, i'm into the hotub for a bit then off to bed.........gotta buy a new kitchen set tomorrow, and prepare for dinner with my family "yikes"
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    cause my memory don't work for s**t.

    You all make me so proud to be part of a group that I wish to hell I wasn't. Does that make sense??? I'm a bit drunk, I'm drugged, and I'm tired. So whatever.
    Gonna share a song I started to write when I was first dx. You all are the first and probably the last that will ever see it.
    Please feel free to finish it as you wish.
    Have to drive to Sacramento tomorrow. My latest favorite baby is being dedicated. So nice of darling daughter to give me a whole 24 hours notice.

    Please welcome to the stage for it's one and only preformance.

    New Reality
    words by Shirley Larson

    Doctor said, the tests are back
    the news is very bad.
    Your gonna need some surgery
    And drugs, and lots of scans.
    Don't be afraid, we'll fix you up.
    Your gonna be ok
    By the way, I forgot to say
    Welcome to... your New Reality.

    But the grass is greener
    the sky is bluer
    and childrens laughter fills my ears.
    I've learned to dance,
    O aint life grand
    In this New Reality.

    So here we go, lets kill this beast.
    Come fill me with your poison.
    Yes I'm afraid, but I'll survive
    Living in my New Reality.

    Dang thats corny.
    Love you all, I'll see you tomorrow.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: They have been predicting a snow storm coming our way here in the chicago end of the circle. I just peaked out my head and sure enough - the snow has arrived. Right now there is just a light dusting of snow, but Im sure we are gonna get the 6 inches that predicted. Glad its happening on a Sunday instead of a work day.

    Sitting here enjoying my first cup of coffee, it always tastes the best, and catching my breath from the whirlwind of emotions we have dealt with this week-end. But mostly Im thinking about all the laughs we had too. I have a wee bit of a headache from the rum but I sure did have fun in the vacation tent. And all those pools boys, yummy.

    My first thought immediately go to our poor Cheri who is still without power. So if any of you talk to her, say hello for me and tell her that I miss her.

    Susan: Nothing like waking up in the morning and seeing a post from you. Your smile is so pretty and its contagious. Im sitting here smiling even though everyone person and animal in this house is asleep right now. Im so glad you have your power back. The circle just wasnt the same without you. Thats right! We missed you very, very much.

    Shel: What a nice thing for your friend to do. But Im scratching my head. What is Lamb shwarma and tabouli? Im picturing something like gyros and a dessert - ha thats how much I know. I had the house to myself last night also. I think I fell asleep at about 7:30pm. Now thats why Im usually the first one to post and wake the circle girls up. I go to bed so darn early!

    CherylG: Out of hormones - have a gun, any questions? Ha ha ha ha. What a great signature. And thanks for the hugs.

    NS: Sometimes I wonder what others would think if they were watching my when Im on the computer in the morning. I go through so many emotions as I read each post. Your brought a tear to my eye, but I still have the smile from Susans post! If I wasnt diagnosed with bc - life would indeed be different. But Im here and all of you mean so very much to me. Im thankful I found - the support has been indescribable. I dont say thank you enough. Coming here in the mornings is so much part of my day now. I know I can be me - and know you will all get it. Oh and by the way - dont get me starting on quotes from the Movie the Godfather. I think I know every word by heart in that movie. And now I have a taste for canoli this morning!

    Now if I went on a Safari, what animals would I like to see. I love the gorilla and monkeys, then the giraffes. Soemtimes the gorillas can be so human like, I stand there is awe. And the Giraffes are so beautful and graceful. OK - give me peanuts, Im ready to feed the animals.

    Lisa: Now if I were to go to my local zoo, I would have to add Bears. I just love them. They are big and cute - makes me feel like giving all of you a big bear hug right now. Ok yeah yeah yeah, some of you have bears in your backyards, but here in Chicago we have the usually critters. Possums, Raccoons, Skunks, Rabbits, and Squirrels. Hee hee that makes me think of the Squirrel Carrie posted sitting by the campfire roasting marshmallows.

    DebC: Oh the story about your birthday just gave me goosebumps What a nice story.

    Peggy: Im er/pr negative so I cant help you on the side effect from tamoxifen. Flatulence - Im sorry, but that cracked me up. Cold sores, get yourself some Zovirax. Its a cream and when you feel the first tingle your start putting in on. And it works. I used to get cold sores all the time. Sort of funny - Im the opposite. Dont get them anymore since surgery. As always, I love ya dearly.

    Tracey: Ahahahaha you are just so darn funny. The hot flash pictures were great. Im still laughing at that one. And yes, that darn rum - goes down too easy!

    Cy: My husband does all the cooking here too, and he does feed me too much. Even when Im trying to cut down. Are you hungry? Are you sure you had enough? That list could go on and on. Guess when Im eating well he feels better. Right now, I weigh the most I have ever in my entire life. But I think I finially found my motivation. Looking at how awful I looked in September. Looked fat then, fatter now. I want to throw that CD away.

    Vickie: Just sending a hug to you and your daughter. The next 6 months are gonna be rough, but you both will get through it. I gotta tell ya. Men - what is wrong with these guys? They think with their boys and not their heads and their boys are very bright!

    Deese: Oh my good to see you. And thank you, I did sleep well. Of course with a little help from my medicine cabinet.

    Sherloc: Great words. I do so understand. Im so glad to be part of this circle, but wish I didnt. But hey - bc brought something special into my life and that was all of you.

    So thats about it for my morning talk. Gonna watch football and will be eating xanax lollipops like they are going out of style. DaBears against DaSaints.

    Have a wonderful morning. Ill check back later. No tumor marker results yet, but I didnt send my email to my onc until yesterday morning. And unless a mistake occurred, I know they will be ok, cause in the past when they were abnormal he called me.

    Brenda, Tina, Lini, Shel - you girls rock.

    See ya

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning sweet sisters,
    Sending love and hugs to all this morning. Bitter cold here...yuck. I know why my daughter loves Florida!!!

    NS...Nicki...everyone...thanks for your thoughts about my sweet girl. MY heart is breaking for her but I'll get her through it.
    Denise...So good to see you and praying your feeling well.
    Shirley...CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT...boy we sure had a lot of love going around last night didn't we. As for your brought tears to my eyes and it wasn't corny, it was "real" (can't think of a better word to describe it)...thank you and good job.
    Susan...yup...your smiling face. So happy to see you. Does Cheri have phone service?
    Missing many but gotta get in the shower and get off to church...praying for us all.
    Be back later
    Love ya all
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Good morning all,

    The twin grandaughters will be 3 tomorrow and we are going to their party today. Can't wait to see them and the two grandsons!! It is really frigid here too. Boy, the weather changed just like that!

    Nicki - Nutcase??? Of course! In a really good way . It sounds like most us us have had weight gain. I hate what I see in the mirror too. I was very lucky going through chemo. Even though I lost my hair, I looked pretty good. A lot better than I felt. Bleah!

    Vickie - You may think you looked bad during tx, but I think you are beautiful. We all look different with no hair. It's really too bad about your DD. I know it's especially hard when she lives so far away.

    Susan - Yeah for electricity!!! Boy, we really take all that we have for granted, until we have to do without. I'm glad everything is heading back to normal.

    Shel - What the h*ll is shwarma???

    NS - You may live alone, but please know that you are never really alone. We are here for you whenever you need us!

    Tracey - Love the crows! Keep the pics coming.

    Those pool boys were great also. We need to kick those odd balls out of the PMS tent and send them back to the planet that they came from.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Queit morning here in the circle. Me? Im working on my St. Pattys Day kleenex box and getting very anxious about the football game. Doesnt start til 2pm! And I drank all my wine last night!

    Hope everyone is ejoying their Sunday.

    Hey to Liz, BTSN, Sheron (where are you?), Cookie (been missing your food) and so many more.

    Oor poor MJ - a special prayer for you and your family. We have you in the middle of the circle, lifting our arms up to the hands of God. To give you and your family Love and Peace.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007
    Wow, I have missed so much. There is no way I could read everything, but you guys have sure been busy.
    NS, I'm sorry you are going through this again. You are surrounded with love and support here. I'm glad you started this!
    Vickie, so sorry about your daughter. As parents, it breaks our hearts when our children go through rough times.
    Susan and Cheri, how awful to be without power! It's hard to believe it really happens. Thankfully, we have never had that problem.
    Peggy, you wrote that you love snow. So do I!!! This winter has been so discouraging, no significant snow yet. We just had cold rain last night when they said we were supposed to get our first good snowfall.
    Shel, I missed it, are you moving south? Wow, what a change that will be.
    I've been thinking/praying for all of you lately, but just haven't had the energy to get on the computer lately. I've had the "crud" that's been going around. I also had an appt with a neuro surgeon a couple of weeks ago about the pain in my neck (ddd). He said there was nothing they could do, just treat the pain. I was so discouraged. I've been seeing a chiropractor since. It's helped a little, but not as much as I would really like. He even said the pain may not go completely away. I guess I'm glad it's not cancer, but I hate being in constant pain.

    I saw my surgeon this past week for my 6 month. He said I'm fine and we scheduled my port out for Feb 15. I told him I just can't seem to get over it, it was 2 years from my mast on Jan 11. He suggested thinking about recon. I'm thinking about it, but it just seems like so much to do.

    Financially, we are in terrible shape. That's not helping my mood much either. It seems like the more depressed I get, the less I want to come on the computer. I just want to sit on the couch, knit and watch tv. I've cut my maintainance meds because I couldn't afford to refill them right now. I'm off my blood pressure, diaretic, anti depressant and arimidex. Hopefully, by next month I'll get back on schedule.

    The highlight in my life right now is the play, To Kill a Mockingbird. It gives me something to look forward to. My part is short, but challenging.

    Hopefully, I won't stay away as long this time.