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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Dont have much time. Just got home from a wake and Im very, very tired. I will read all of your posts and catch up with you in the morning.

    Tumor markers went down to normal

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey ladies-

    I have been thinking about something I want to put up for discussion....

    When ever someone “goes missing” and doesn’t post for a while, I get worried. I know, I know…I’m a worry wart, but I can’t seem to help that LOL

    What I wondered is if we should try and put together an address and phone list so that if something happens and we can’t get in touch with someone via the computer, we would at least have another way. I don’t know how people feel about their snail mail addresses and phone numbers being available to everyone on the list. I also don’t know how we could do this without making them public to the whole world, which would be a BAD idea.

    If people think it is a good idea, I would be willing to put together a master address and/or phone list.

    I don’t know if this is even something people would want to do. Like I said, I just hate the thought of loosing track of someone when they might need us the most.

    What do you think?

    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    WooHoo! We love NORMAL tests

    nighty-night dear

    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007

    Deb, I think it is a great idea since I am also a fellow worry wart! If folks don't want a big list then maybe we could have a buddy system set up so if we can't reach one girl we check who is her designated buddy and she then does some hollerin?

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    I'm in a funk tonight. Today my Son would have been 29. It really doesn't get easier year after year. Manageable, but not easier. I collect Angels, and was just looking at them and going back down memory lane.................the good, the bad and the beast. I'd take the beast anyday if I could just bake one more Birthday Cake!!
    sorry for the downer, but I just felt like writing it out!
    Hugs and Sweet Dreams,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Nicki, great on the normal TM's!!!!!!! Goodbye port for sure.

    DebC, sounds good to me. Let me know what I can do to help.

    NS chanting furballs for you hon.

    Denise, I'm so sorry. Come into the inner circle and we will be with her to remember and comfort you. Glad you wrote it out. Gentle Hugs
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    I am glad you took the time to write it out, Denise. I hope it helped a little. I am so sorry about your son. Mothers aren't supposed to lose their children.
    The fifth anniversary of my brother's death is coming up and I know that I have been thinking a lot about him too.
    This time of year, being so dreary, can be disheartening enough, but when you add the sad memories to it, it can really wear you down.

    Sending you a big, warm hug ((((Denise))))

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007

    Denise..wish there were something we could do ..but we do listen..hugs across the miles

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    My deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved Son. I can't imagine you pain, but I can send you hugs and prayers.

    peace be with you
    Deb C.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2007
    Dear Circle Girls
    Wow what a warm supportive group of ladies you are and what a beautiful resason to start a thread.

    I've only been on the boards since Oct. Was dx in June with IDC trip. neg. stage 3a. Unfortunately didn't find the boards untill I was mid way thru chemo. What a blessing it has been to me.

    Just finished rads 10 days ago so started looking in the move beyond threads. I really need to learn how to move beyond. Still find myself saying I have BC instead of I had BC. Still feel like a victum most days instead of survivor. Your campfire sounds like such a peacefull safe place. Would love to occasionally "sit a spell".

    Didn't think I would post here because I am not on the boards daily and will never keep up with this thread. It took me 4 days to read it! When I read that NS is having new struggles I knew I had to post.

    Dear NS

    When I first came to the boards you were one of the first people to welcome me. Your words of kindness and inspiration are there for so many. I find myself watching for your kitties picture for I know your posts are not only inspiational but filled with wisdom and lots of good info. I'm so saddened to hear you are going through a difficult time right now. Wishing you good results on your tests, strength, and relief from stress. Know that you are an incredible person. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    Welcome- Don't worry about keeping up with everything. just stop by when you can. This is a great group of ladies. Congrats on finishing treatment!

    Deb C
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good evening CG's

    Welcome to Sue. Glad you found us and even happier that you are done chemo and rads. I too have trouble saying "had BC". I am coming up on my 1st anniversay.
    Deb - I think you idea is great. People who want to be a part of the list will send you (or whoever does the list) their info - others will stay private. I only wonder if someone is not posting because they just need some time away. Maybe the buddy list is good, so only one person calls instead of so many phone calls. and maybe then the buddy can fill the rest of the CG in. Deb, you are such a caring, thoughtful person. Thank you for thinking of this idea. One more thought, if we know we are going to be away for awhile (eg vacation, work or whatever, we let someone know).
    Nicki - 3 cheers for normal results!!!!! Your post sure put a smile on my face.
    Cy - whine all you want. We are here to listen.
    Shel - sending cyber hugs to you
    NS - beautiful story about your cats. So glad that you get to use your BS - one less hurdle to worry about.
    Christine K - wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery. Keep us posted.
    Biker54 - thanks for the "no more snow" chant. The front page of one of the local papers this morning headline said "ENOUGH ALREADY"
    MB - glad to hear that dh is going back to work.
    Sherndon - my 17 year old son does not play school well. He is in a high school that does not give homework which has made our lives so much easier. He is a senior but will graduate one semester late. He did not do well last year - for awhile I blamed my diagnosis on it - but its just who he is. do not second guess your decisions with consequences. You know whats best.
    Joy - good luck tomorrow getting your port out. Mine was in my upper arm and getting it out was fairly painless - it didn't take very long.
    Vickie- what a beautiful poem.
    Denise - sending you cyber hugs on your son's b'day. thanks for sharing.
    Boo46 - welcome to this wonderful group of women. I look forward to my daily check in - my support group.
    Well, I need to go put my Miriam to bed. Till tomorrow.
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2007
    Hi Deb
    I think that's a great idea .. do you want everyone to PM you?
    If you need help PM I would love to help you.
    Love & hugs

    BOO... welcome. I only found these ladies after treatment. Wish I found them earlier but there are issues after treatment that we need support with too. These ladies are amazing... and they really do GET IT. Pop in whenever you like ... there is always an empty chair by the campfire.

    DENISE... so sorry about your son. Losing a child is a mother's worst nightmare

    Sorry.. didn't take notes...worked too late & brain fried... Love to all..hugs & prayers to those who need them.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Evening all,

    NS - glad your BS can do the surgery. Still praying for those furballs.

    Shel, sorry about Babe.

    CY, it's hard to make the decision to have a parent get in AL. My mother has moved into one. I feel better knowing I don't have to worry about her at night and I know she eats.

    Sheri, have you looked into the prescription programs offered by many drug companies or the one Montel Williams always advertises? There must be some assistance so that you don't have to skip meds.

    Lini, I sent Robin a card but haven't heard anything.

    Denise, I'm sorry about your son. I can't even begin to imagine the loss of one of my kids. Please go the inner circle where we can wrap arms around you.

    Sue, welcome to you.

    Deb, I like the idea of a buddy instead of a list.

    Love you all. Sleep tight.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Welcome Sue-Boo, don't try to read back it's really hard to do that if you want to have time for other threads too. Pull up a chair and rest your feet by the fire.

    Liz good to see you.

    Deb A buddy list sounds like a great idea. Maybe we should look at who lives in the same or close time zones.

    NS one of our cats is a Maine Coon too, Scooter. He can be so very nice and loveable one minute and turn on you in the next! And smart, this cat holds a grudge. If you make him mad. he will sit on the coffe table and wait until you look at him then he'll knock something off and look at you like "whatcha gonna do about it" then do it again!

    Ok Deb I looked up how long it would take to drive up to your neck of the woods, over 49 hours straight through! Although wer could take the Alaska Marine Hwy Ferry and that would take a little more time. But I think it would be cheaper to fly! Can't afford to do it for a long time but I do want to visit Alaska some day. My daughter is going to go on a cruise up there next year I think.

    Yeah Niki, that means no problem getting the port out!

    Christine, hope the surgery went well today.
    Doesn't Mena or someone have Robin TN's phone number. I think we are all really worried about her.

    I know I'm missing many and I dfidn't take notes that and I'm really tired.

    Throwing another log on the fire to keep us all warm
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well ya see, if you go to bet later than usual, you get up later than usual. And thats me this morning. Its 25 degrees this morning, which still isnt too bad for Winter in Chicago. So Im sitting by the fire sleepy eye, still havent quite woken up yet and waiting anxiously for my coffee to be done. In Chicago - everything looks dirty including my car. So much salt put on the roads. The snow that did fall is hanging around, but there isnt much of it and it looks dirty too. So much for a Winter Wonderland. All I can say is "is it Spring yet?"

    I mentioned last night that I had just come home from a wake. My BIL father passed. As we were saying our final good byes I reached over and gave a hug to his wife. A person I have never met before. And she hugged me saying "thank you for all your help." It took me back for a moment, then I thought well maybe she is saying that to everyone. But she wasnt. So I told my husband, I was confused by what she said - a person I didnt know. He reminded me of the support and information I gave to my BIL. His dad was 78 and dying from cancer. I had told them about an inpatient Hospice that might be helpful. And they went there. The moral to this story is sometimes you just dont know the lives you touch in passing. So that made me feel pretty good.

    Ok, I just took notes from the previous page. I cant believe how talkative we are. So here goes.

    MargaretB: Just saying hello. Always nice to hear from you.

    Lini: I remember the day of my surgery. I stood up and looked at myself naked in the mirror. Once I could erase all the fat rolls - I knew it was gonna be the last time I would see myself as me. I look in the mirror now, and I dont feel whole again. I know a part of me is missing. But now that Im 18 months post op, Im getting used to the look. It now reminds me that I am a fighter, a survivor. And being connected? My goodness, I feel so connected to all of you.

    Madison: The only thing that is stopping me from being completely out of control about the Bears, is knowing how I would feel if the shoes were turned around. The Saints sure did put up a good fight. They became the "darlings" of this country. So you should be proud. You coach grew up right here in the Chicago area - so it was a bitter sweet loss. Enough said, next year will be their year!!

    Amy: what a great story abuot "Talisman" and what a great name too. Living in Chicago, it is so hard to picture waiting for the poles to go up for electricity. Gosh, I sometimes take things for granted.

    DebC: After my diagnosis, everyone that knew me started to get mammograms. I was always the strong person, in control and very healthy. Whats scary is then, so many were also being diagnosed with bc. First my sister 3 months after me, then 2 woman at work, a close call for my SIL. I came to realize that I did a good thing. I made people more aware of breast cancer. And I also realized how prevalent bc is. Its all around us. Before my diagnosis, I guess I had my head in a hole and just didnt realize it.

    Jan: Yep, I was dubbed NNN right outta nursing school. Always did and still do things to get a smile out of people. What a cute hair story.

    Sherloc: OMG you brought back memories. What a cute story. Me oh my, I remember those dress up days.

    MB: Thanks for thinking about me with DaBears. As you can tell I am just so excited. We sure do miss you around here on the week-ends.

    Tracey: This is my take on exercise equipment. Find something that you will enjoy. An exercise bike is good cause you are using larger muscles - and good for aerobic. But then you might want to add something for upper arm strenth. Oh geez, listen to me. Giving advice when I cannot muster the motivation to exercise at all. If I didnt tell anyone before, one of my many nursing caps was Cardiac Exercise Specialist. Did that in the 80's. So believe it or not, I have a good understanding of exercise physiology. Here is my story. I whined and whined and told my husband if I only had a bicycle I would exercise everyday. So he got me one last summer. Our house is on a hill, and I couldnt make it up the hill. So in our garage, For sale, one slightly used bicycle. But Im thinking maybe come this Spring I will bring it to a bike path.

    NS: I am jumping up and so excited. You get to keep your BS! Thats wonderful. For a minute I was losing faith in our whole healthcare program. I had bil. skin sparing masts. The one on my cancer side is a little smaller than the one I did prophylactically. So how are ya doing? Things must seem to be moving fast forward for you.

    Sheri: Oh wow, History was my worst subject. I was always interested in science. Bet you got a good visual - thats nice, while teaching your class yesterday. Dont skip your medications. High blood pressure is the silent killer. Talk to your doctor, Im sure they have samples in their office they can give you for free, and if they dont, its a simple call from them to their pharmaceutical reprasentative. Maybe for once I will consider those pharm reps the good guys.

    Puppy: Glad you stopped by and hope things are going well.

    Joyce: Good luck today with your port coming out. As you know mine comes out the beginning of February so I will be anxiously waitng to hear how it goes.

    OK - now I need to go back and read everything on this page. Ill be back in a bit.

    NS: Your cat is so darn cute. Thats just about how I looked when the game was football game was over. I was so anxiety ridden. Couldnt eat dinner until 6:30 - hmmm wish I lost my appetite more. But the cats picture is a good description of what I looked like right after the game.

    Hey, thanks to everyone for the congrats on the tumor markers. Its so weird, mine have always been slightly above normal, but this time they went down. These tumor markers make a pretty girl crazy. I know many feel they are not a good predictor, but once you start getting them drawn, well - its another significant thing in your life.

    Liz: As you know, I know how you feel about the TM. Good luck with the results.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    I had my appt with the onc yesterday. She took bloodwork and we went over all the questions evryone was so good to give me to ask. They were all very incisive and she was impressed with you guys and our site. I did not start the Tamoxifen yet because she wants to try to get me inot a clinical trial called the Stellar Study. I have not heard about it and was wondering if anyone has. It involves using AI's in women in my particular situation and being high risk. She also said once I get the prohy mast that I would be off of Tamoxifen which kind of surprised me. However, she did want a CA125 every year because even with the ooph there are still ovarian cells left in the abdomen. Now I am really upset with my gyn who for 5 years kept telling me don't worry about it and never ordered it. Definitely changing gyns.

    Thanks for being there for me. Without some of those insights and questions, I would not have gotten the answers I truly needed. Just wanted to update.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Good morning all!

    Nicki---I read your message and it touched me. We never know how we impact others. I found out yesterday that a gal who ran for my team in the '06 Race for the Cure has a tumor on her liver....Please add Deedie to your prayers!

    I haven't posted in a while because I got tired of the ups and downs; I won't bore you with all the details these last few days...except for last nite!

    I got home from work and I could tell he was really, really pissed off (almost look like he'd been crying). I asked what was wrong: "I don't want to talk about it." I tried to ask if it was work, me, his Dad, and he insisted he didn't want to discuss it.

    I was cleaning the hamster's cage and knew he was in his "bar room" but no TV on--went in and asked if he was OK (he was hugging a pillow) and he just looked at me.

    I asked Caitie if Daddy was in a good mood when he picked her up, and she said "yeah, but he was yelling at someone on the phone when we got home."

    My turn to put Caitie to bed at 8p; by the time she settled, it was 830p---AND HE WAS ALREADY IN BED! That ol' detective in me went and checked the redial on the basement phone---and it was the OW's home phone number! Just to be sure, I called his sister (they can get into some heated arguments) and it wasn't her he was yelling at.

    This morning I went to kiss him good-bye (we do it for Caitie) and he turned his cheek. I just stared at him...and he said "you got your wish." I continued to stare, and he said "think about it."

    Guess what...the OW probably told him it's over! LOL I have a feeling when I told him Saturday that I knew where she lived, he then told her---and she finally got smart (or scared?) and said enuf's enuf!

    Oh, poor baby!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Wowser! Another whole page of posts.

    Shel: Im so sorry about you dog. My animals are like my chilcren. Very hard to let them go.

    Vickie: Thats song/poem brought tears to my eyes.

    Denise: Im so sorry about your son. Somehow we all know our kids shouldnt pass on before us. Just sad. But memories are good. You hold on to them.

    OK ladies - I have 2 posts this morning and Im going back and forth. Geez! That proves Im a fruitcake. But I only have 10 more minutes and Im going as fast as I can.

    Sue: Welcome. Im so glad you are done with treatment and in the next stage of Moving Beyond Breast Cancer. Its a tough deal, but you can do it. And all of us here will help you. Dont go bakc, way too much information, just come on and say Hi!

    Karen: Sending you a big, juicy smooch!

    Brenda: Men, they make me crazy when it comes to health care. Sure sounds like sciatica, so glad you got your hubby the medrol dose pak. Hope it works.

    LauraB: So glad you stopped by. Poor baby - the OW dropped him like a hot potato. Ill catch up with you alot more later. I only have 3 minutes left!! lol.

    So to all my dear friends here, I thank you for always being there for me. Trying to move forward after having breast cancer is so hard. When I was at the wake yesterday there were lots of people who didnt recognize me. My husband joked, well you knew her when she had long hair. And they all laughed. I laughed with them, but my heart was breaking inside. I just do so hate social gatherings. This is why.

    Have a wonderful day to all my bc buddies.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Thanks for letting me visit the inner circle and for all the hugs!! I'm going to play catch up when I get home from work....I've lost track of some of you!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning CG's,

    I have a couple of minutes to post before I have to work out in my dungeon . I forget who was talking about an exercise bike. My DH has one that he uses all the time. I hate it. When I stopped teaching aerobics, I got an eliptical trainer. I like it, when I can get beyond the boredom of the basement. It's very good exercise and easy on the knees. I was reading another thread ,yesterday, and it had been deleted. Melissa referred to the Rules of Conduct, which I went back and re-
    read. Did you know that we can't use @#* instead of profanity? Humm.. I didn't know that.

    NS - I'm glad you are able to use your BS. I know that mine is my favorite dr. I don't know what I would do if I needed more surgery and he couldn't do it. Your cat avatar looks EXACTLY like my last cat. He was my parent's cat and I inherited him when they passed away. He was the best! When he died, we buried him in our back yard, with a small container of my Dad's ashes. He was my Dad's best friend for years and it only seemed right for them to be together. At Dad's funeral, my sister had given me the ashes and I told her what I intended to do with them. The whole family thought it was the right thing to do.

    Joyce - Congrats on the port removal. I'm glad you had a good visit with your son. We can only pray that he stays in Germany and comes home safe and sound.

    Vickie - Your poem for Shel & MacKensie was beautiful!

    Christine - Hope your surgery went well and everything is B-9.

    Nicki - Yeah!!!! Tumor Markers normal!! Great news!
    It's funny how we touch people's lives and never know.

    Denise - I'm so sorry to hear about your son's death. I can't imagine the pain you must have. Just know that we are here for you.

    Sue - Welcome to the Circle. I discovered the boards after treatment also. I had to work on the nights that the local BC support group met, so this has been a lifesaver for me. This is a great group of women with tons of good info.

    Laura - We are adding Deedie to the inner circle. My it's getting crowded in there! We need more good news!!
    I hope if Ray decides to stay with you, you don't make his life too easy. That man has put you through hell!! I would hope that he would agree to counselling. If you two decide to make a go of it, you will need counselling to get past what was said and done. If you don't, it will fester and rear it's ugly head down the road. Take it from one who knows!

    Looking at the clock, it is time for me to go down to the dungeon. Geez, I hate to work out. I need a knee replacement on top of everything else and it just plain hurts to work out some days. I think today will be one of them . Oh well, TaTa for now!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Good morning sweet sisters,
    Have been in a little funk...nothing major, just too much to do manage all at one time. I NEED A VACATION!!!

    NS...good morning to you...I sent you a pm about Suburban. I am so happy you get to have your BS, that is such great news and things are always easier with someone we trust. I love the kitty pic!!! I used to have an orange tiger manx and he was my doll, he would sit on his butt on the couch and watch television...he looked like a little old man sitting like that with his little pot belly.

    Cheryl...I work in an assisted living facility and it sounds like just what your MIL needs. We have so many wonderful things going on all the time that there is no time for boredom and they have so many people to interact with that they almost always impove within a couple of weeks and settle in very nicely.

    Shel...sending you hugs.

    Christinek...thinking of you and hoping you are doing well.

    (((Lini)))I know what you mean when you say your faking it but not feeling it. I miss my boobs too but can say that losing them was worth it as I am still here.

    Madison...I'm keeping the clock police busy for you so don't worry (and don't ask how I'm keeping them busy LOL). on your way to having power. What an exciting day that will be!

    Jan...I saw your pictures...simply beautiful.

    Shirley...don't be sorry about the tears. I thought the poem was wonderful and they weren't bad tears at all. I would love to go to Florida and smack that SIL of mine. So very disappointed with him. My daughter has basically said that it is done, finished, over, kaput...she will never trust him again. We'll see how it goes.

    MB...nice to see you. I was teasing about your camping idea...thought you intended to camp in the snow!! Glad hubby is going back to work.

    Tracey...thanks for the link. It looks interesting and I will check it out later. skipping meds!!! Ask your doctors if they have samples from the drug companies. I almost always get a supply of samples of certain meds if I ask.

    Joyce...sending prayers for your family and Kevin.

    Sue...welcome to you. Come pull up a chair and sit by the fire. Anything you need can be found here...all you have to do is ask.

    Brenda...shall we hogtie your hubby and send him off to the doctors!! My goodness...what a stubborn man. We would be a force to be reckoned with if we were to arrive with ropes in hand.

    Nicki...doing the happy dance for your normal markers!!! Your waiting for spring and all I can say is "Is it Friday yet?". your idea of a buddy system. I will pm you my phone numbers and address.

    (((Denise)))I cannot comprehend your pain just sending you hugs.

    LauraB...Hahahaha...hope he's miserable!!!

    gotta get to work as I am waaay behind as usual.

    Love you all sisters,
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    morning lots of logs for the fire...and made some taco salad and cornbread....tea and lunch is on me...

    Vicki.and anyone in need..vacation can always be at my house..I love company, I love to cook, and would wait on you & Nathaniel hand & tub, playstation, warm cozy fires...pool table & air hockey...sledding hills and snow mobile rides...the fee for all this ...hugs and just remember I'm not that far away...

    Nicki...spinning in my chair at the office whoo hoo love good reports....PS I know I'm missed on the weekends but I think its because I'm not reminding people to
    Deb, there is a thread about if you go missing, but thats for planned vacations..I like the Idea...and would love to help ...PM me...
    Welcome sue this is a great place to be..and wonderful women to help
    Denise...hugs...may our love lift yur heart...
    NS...push up always count but not for'm still waiting for your count of the are close enough for me to show up and walk with you...becareful what you ask hubby drive bus so we will all be over to get your hubby to the Dr...then after we drop him off. we will all hit Appleby's..
    Mena missing you ...
    Always...still trying to get used to the new
    Jan...check out some of the easy stuff I have on the exercise may help you stay motivated...good luck...
    Karen...hope the snow starts to melt soon...keep warm...hugs....PS DH was wondering who I could know in phone bill came...told him it was some hot pool boy I met on the internet thru just shakes his head...he knows how much you all mean to me...

    Sige so good to see you pop in , you know we worry about every one...

    OK i still have all my holiday cards out...I just can't seem to put you all I'm going to try some thing new....a small map with everyone on hang in my I can send good thoughts & prayers ...

    Well work is calling ...take care all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Hi MB...thanks for the never know when I might show up.
    I have my holiday cards AND tree still up!!!! Oh my!!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    good morning all well,,almost afternoon.

    Just a quick moment to check in as work is busy today so far.

    DebC-excellent idea on the call list. Count me in and will help out any way you need me. You always have the best ideas.

    Nicki-I bet you think I live in the sticks,,lol since I am waiting for power to be ran. Well,,you are almost correct. The good news is we have running water and a bathroom that will be inside the house. Now theres something to be thankful for. I would take some pictures but all you see is a driveway cut between trees so not much there for you to see. Well, with all the rain we do have alot of mud.

    Vickie-sorry to hear you are in a funk. Hug that little boy and he will put you through it no doubt.

    Sherndon-sorry to hear about your son. Believe me, I know how you feel. Mine actually said he didnt do his homework because he wanted to see how it felt to be "lazy" one time. I could have killed him. Boyssssssssssssssss!!!!! Needless to say with the chore list I built up and the things I took away he decided real quick what it was like when mom found out he had been lazy. Sometimes I wonder where those thoughts come from?!? To top that off he lied about doing his homework so that was double trouble. Nothing worse than a liar in my book. Ohhh, dont get me started. Thinking of you and hoping you make some calls to get some samples of your meds.

    NS-still chanting furballs for you. I was awake last night,,not sure why but from 3-5 I sent lots of positive vibes your way and did the furball chant for you. Loved your picture of your cat also. Looks like me sometimes.

    MB-nice to see you dropping in and glad to hear good news about your husband.

    Brenda-speaking of husbands,,,I thought I was stubborn but I do believe he takes the cake. Hoping you got a good night of well deserved sleep.

    Laura-moving deedie to the inner circle and not going to say much about the ex except that I hope you just dont take him back with open arms because he has put you through it lately. ok shutting up on that one,,lol.

    Sue-welcome to the boards. Pull up a log and sit a spell. Just jump in when you can and dont bother trying to catch up. This is a great group of women to sit with.

    Beth-cant help you with your questions because none of it pertains to me but I am sure you have done your research and will have good answers.

    Denise-there is no way I can understand your feelings about your son but I do want you to know I am thinking of you. As upset as I was about my sons being lazy comment I read your post and realize how thankful I should be to have him with me. Thank you for reminding to treasure each moment----even if I did want to smack him.

    mena, where are you girl? Mazer is going to have to go out on a search hunt and locate you. Not sure if I can trust her though because she knows Deb in Alaska makes some nice cinnamon rolls so she might "accidently" get confused on her directions!

    Denise-hope your work day went well and will see you back later on.

    ok I know I have left out many but time is being cut short. I hope to be checking back in later.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hi all-

    I am going in to work a few hours early today to go to a computer training, so I don’t have time to reply to everyone, but I wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you all!

    I have been melancholy the past few days. I guess it is starting to sink in that it will be a long road back to “me”. I want so badly to have the energy to do everything I use to do, but so far…no luck. I know I did a LOT to my body this past year…I did 6 full months of DD chemo, two major surgeries, two minor ones, and 33 rads. I KNOW it will take a while to get over it physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, but I have very little patience with this part of the process. Blah, blah blah…it’s an old story and I know I’m preaching to the choir. You guys DO get it. I just wish I could figure out what causes these dips in energy so I could do something about it. I guess for now I will just go with the flow.

    I’ll try and pos tonight. In the mean time, hugs to all those having a hard time and love to all!

    Deb C
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2007
    Good morning girls,

    I just got back from a breast ultrasound which I wasn't too worried about actually, I really wasn't worried about the abdominal ultrasound either until I started getting it done The tech focused on the right side just under my rib cage and kept on rubbing that wand over and over, deep breath in....push your stomach this, do that, etc.
    By the time she was done I was sure something was wrong because she barely ran the wand over my left side and the rest of my abdomen. YIKES, now I'm worried and I really wasn't worried before.
    These tests bring everything speeding back to me from two years ago and I hate this anxious, nervewracked feeling I have right now. I go for a bone scan in two weeks so the nailbiting will continue.

    Hope all the girls are good, sorry I didn't mention you all by name but you are always in my heart.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Deb...melancholy baby here too. Just trying to go with the flow is the best I can manage right now and not really sure why. Everything health wise is fine (mild LE and really tired is all)but everything else is overwhelming. Two car accidents, trying to be a good mom to Nate, Sarah's marriage troubles, buried at work, along with Suburban Energy issues have just simply exhausted me. Just keep thinking...this too shall pass but boy do I need a "me, Nate and Sarah" vacation. A nice hideaway with nothing to do but love and laugh and be together. No outside world to interfere (I would still have to come here as this is like "home" to me!).
    Tina...Oh don't you hate it when they do things like that and leave you hanging and wondering what is going on. I hate tests and scans but I hate the waiting even worse. When I went in for my MRI I was soooo worried. After the test I asked two of the technicians if they saw anything unusual and both said "oh...we can't tell you anything, you'll have to wait for your doctor to call."...the third technician waited for them to leave the room, bent over and whispered to me "All is well...we saw nothing to be concerned about." I seriously could have kissed him!!! If only they could all be so kind (or be allowed to ease our minds). I am hoping and praying you get fast and good results.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Oh Circle Girls,

    Melancholy seems to be running rampant among us.

    I have also been off-center, melancholy.

    Hugs to Everyone,
