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  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    I remember when I had to make the decision about having to put my beloved cat of 20 years down. She was such a trouper. My vet said she was holding on because she knew how much I loved and needed her.
    I sat with her on the kitchen floor and told her how much I loved her and I know she is in pain and it would be ok if she wanted to cross over the rainbow bridge.

    When I took her in, the vet wanted me to just hand her over to him. I said no way. I held her the entire time and sung to her and danced with her in my arms- she used to love when i would pick her up and dance with her.

    She went to sleep in my arms. She knew she was loved. I on the other hand was a complete mess. I got into the car to drive home and that song "How do I live without you" was playing and I had to pull over because I was crying so hard.

    When I got home her sister was acting all weird. But then she started to do strange things. She would be lying with me on the sofa and then jump off and sniff the air right in front of her as if Jessie was standing there. She did this a lot. Then a few times I kept thinking I saw Jessie out of the corner of my eye.

    Jessie was very unusual looking, she was a beautiful muted calico. The day after she was put down my neighbor phoned me and said I really needed to look out the window right away.

    On my car's hood was the most beautiful muted calico lying there in the sun. I ran out to see her but she was gone by the time I got there.

    11 months later, her sister got a tumor and when they opened her up they saw she had cancer all through her. They asked if i wanted them to sew her up and let me come in and say goodbye or should they just put her down while she was still under... I couldn't put her through that, and I already told her good bye, so they put her down too.

    I swore I would NEVER EVER get another cat. It hurt too much. Then about two years later this big, grey, Maine Coon wandered into my yard and literally adopted me. He has the personality of Jessie but looks just like Jessie's sister.

    I think our animals never really leave us.

    But I do know that when it is my time to cross over to the other side Jessie will be the first one to greet me on the Rainbow bridge. There is something very comforting in that.

    (((SHEL))) tell your dog all the things your a feeling and how much you love him... he will hear you and understand.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    ok nosurrender....
    now i am in tears!!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Dear Shel-

    I will keep you in my prayers tomorrow as you do one final kindness to your faithful Babe. May you find peace in your wonderful memories of her in the coming days. I agree with G...i don't think anyone or anything we truly love is lost to us. They live on in our love.

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Its an exciting day here in Chicagoland. Has been 21 years since we went to the Superbowl. And when I woke up this morning, I heard the Colts won. I fell asleep during that game. So Its gonna be a great Superbowl. Madison - The Saints were great, and watch out for them next year.

    Jan: Happy Birthday to the twins. Bet that was a fun party. Good nut case? Yes, I like it. Thats why my nickname from the time I was 20 y/o was Nutty Nicki Nurse. I like to have fun and laugh alot.

    Sheri: Oh it was so good to hear from you. I have been worried about you and then thought you must be busy with your play. I think many of us have experienced financial ruin from this journey. Lord knows we struggle everyday to keep our heads above water. I tried playing with some of my medications - especially the expensive ones. Found out stopping some of them actually caused me more harm than good. My first thoughts are asking your onc and PCP for samples. They always have lots of samples in their office. Maybe you can get some Arimidex from the onc and antidepressant from your PCP. I posted this earlier but I will post it again. Its a magazine that is very informative and the its free. Anyways see if you can check it out online. The Winter issue - page 49 has 12 different places you can go to for help with your medications. Its says "For details about these and other assitance prgrams to visit their website. Your not alone. Just read an article in my nursing magazine that says many people are not taking their medications because of cost. And Yippee for your port coming out on 2-15. I will be one week ahead of you. 2-8 for me.

    Oh heck! I wrote along post to each of you and hit delete by accident. My time is up and I gotta go.

    Shel: Hugs about your dog. Hope someone goes with you.

    Robbie: Great to see your pic, how are you today.

    Madison: Sending special hugs to you this morning.

    Joyce: Hoping your son just has to go to Germany.

    ChristineK: Good luck with your surgery today.

    CherylG: MIL sounds depressed. Assisted Living sounds like a great idea. She needs some activities in her life.

    Brenda, Vickie, NS, Roxwood, Tracey and everyone else that I have missed, Im sorry, but I gotta go.

    Will catch up with you all later.

    Hope today is a good day.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies, it takes too long to go back and catch up. Had one of those busy weekends and didn't have time to do anything I wanted, let alone go back and catch up on what I missed. Hope everyone has a great day.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    So sorry about Babe, Shel. Our dog is getting close, she's 14. She got me through my dx and sx. I know that sounds weird, but she truly got me through it and she also confirmed my dx before I got it. Pets are truly "special". Just yesterday morning I had told my DH to save a particular box for "Penny" just in case we might need it one morning soon. He told me he already has a blanket for her. I'll be thinking of you and Mac today.

    Strange just yesterday I was watching Dr. 90210, the Beverly Hills PS's. The little Chihuahua, Peanut, had died suddenly. Peanut had been there for all of the couples life events and truly was a member of their family. The other episode was about a young woman that had a prophylactic bilateral at 18. She had seen her mom, since 3, go through breast and ovarian cancer and die when the mom was in her 30s. I guess several other family members also had died very young. Her younger sister is now considering the prophys. I'm in my angry phase once again.

    And another coincidence (of which I don't believe they are, but come from a higher power and we are all linked). At church yesterday the topic was the body as a whole. If one part isn't working or there, it is missed. One part's job isn't any less important than another part's. I know that they were referring to the church and it's people, but boy do I miss my boobs and wondering if I'll ever feel whole again. I can fake it, but I truly don't feel it.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    I am sorry about Babe, Shel. My veterinarian daughter will tell you that is the hardest thing she has to do….and she does cry with the owners of the animal……My heart is heavy for you today.

    I am already at work, have a rad onc appointment this morning, and am trying to make up hours, so I don’t have very much time…..(you know the time clock police may be after me again).

    Nicki, I AM SO HAPPY you are celebrating. We are not unhappy in Louisiana. Our team made us PROUD this year, gave us something to cheer about….it just wasn’t meant to be for us in 2007.

    NS, you are one special person!! Like Tracey said, I am in tears

    I really need to read about 50 posts, ….Anyway, I do think of all of you, and wishing you a good day.

    Shel, many HUGS to you….and to all who need Hugs today.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007

    NS - My daughter has a Maine Coon. Her roommates had to do a lot of convincing as she was extrememly reluctant to let a cat into the house. I can honestly say this is the first cat our family has ever connected to. We've always been dog people, but on our three day visit a few months ago, that cat really found a spot in the whole family's heart.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007

    Shel thinking of you today. Catherine - hope the biopsy is B9.

    NS, read your note - so fustrated with hubby and his back and that was so touching, gonna go to work sniffling and with red eyes.

    Everyone take care. Have a great day, will try to check in later.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning circle girls,

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had rain here in alabama but other than that it was good. They should start running power to the farm today so I am excited about that. They have to cut the way first and it will require 4 poles being set to get back to the homeplace but its getting started which is nice.

    Deb-So sorry to hear about your ongoing bad news as of late. Does it ever stop? I will keep you in my thoughts as I always do.

    Shel-man oh man I feel for you today. I am more of a dog person than a cat person but had a stray get hurt in front of my house. I took her in and had her at the vet on an emergency call. Mentally she was perfect but it had twisted nerves and she was paralized from the waist down. There was nothing that could be done. They tried steroids and other drugs for 3 days to see if swelling would go down and somehow heal but it didnt do any good. The decision was made that she had to go down and I was there holding her through the whole thing. I cried like a baby for this poor cat because she was dying and I didnt know if she had experienced what it was like to be loved. I made sure she knew what love was before they put her down. I was a basket case and this was a stray. Well, the next day I pull into my driveway and laying where "Cassie" always layed was another cat. I thought I was seeing things. I had never seen this cat before in my life and there it was in Cassies spot. Well,,Talisman as he became known was an immediate member of the family. I will be thinking of you today.

    NS-ok your words made me cry about the cat. I am sitting at work and crying at my desk. Such a lovely story. Your words are always perfect. Furballs, furballs, furballs, is my chant for you. I woke up at about 2 am and chanted furballs, furballs, furballs it has to be and then I was back to sleep. Crossing my fingers for you but whatever you find out we are here for you and you will put on your big girl panties and deal with it. We will once again prove that the monster has picked on the wrong person. Once again if there is anything I can do, dont hesitate to ask. I am here for you.

    Nicki-go bears!!!! they played excellent and it will be a great superbowl. I am pulling for the bears!

    Madison-so sorry about the saints. I feel great that they made it that far and watch out for next year. That was really a boost that New Orleans needed. How is the king doing by the way? lol I saw some of this thrones,,lmao.

    margaretb-sounds like you had a busy weekend. I know how those can be.

    Roxwood-I remember you from when I first found this wonderful site. You had lots of great input and look forward to seeing you around.

    Joyce-wishing your son a long stay in Germany and no where else. My nephew leaves for Irag in March and I am worried about him but its only natural.

    lini-I can totally understand how you would have related the story to your breast. I catch myself often asking if things will ever be like they used to? Honestly there is no way they can be because of all the changes we have gone through but heres to hoping I find peace with the new me. Most of the time I do but sometimes are worse than others. My SO always says the old you is gone but the new you is a fighter and a survivor and you have dug deep within and found things out about yourself that you didnt know before. Shes right but its easier said than lived. Will I ever be like I used to be? No because I am 2 boobs short and missing lymph nodes along with something that grows in side of me that I depend on medicine to kill but am I a better person for what life has dealt me,,you bet I am! I have stared death in the face and made it back down and you cant get much stronger than that.

    Sheri-so glad to see you checking in. I know you know this but one thing really stood out in your post. I know you say you dont have the money for some of your meds but some things will only get worse if you stop taking the meds cold turkey. Look for help and I know you dont want your parents helping you but they would in a heartbeat and they couldnt stand to know their daughter is doing without things that she needs. Please stay checked in with us and let us know how you are doing.

    Jan-hope you enjoyed the birthday party. I know you all had fun.

    newvickie-so sorry to hear about your daughter. I am sure she is a fighter like her mom and will be ok in the end. divorce is tough but sometimes we find out we are happier in the end.

    Mena, I laughed out loud when I read your sentence about you speaking your mind. If there is one thing I know about you, that is it. You go girl!

    Laurab-hope your weekend was ok and you didnt have to deal with alot of BS from the ex.

    Thongs-glad I wasnt the only one that cried after reading NS post. We can cry together.

    Robbie-hope things are going ok for you and you are healing well.

    sige-glad to see you popping in often. We miss you when you arent around. Love the pic you posted and 12 gays of Christmas made me die laughing. It sounds like your son is doing well and I am sure you all had a nice time out together.

    Cy-thats a tough decision with the MIL but it does sounds like she would be better off in an assisted living place. I can only imagine how it would be to lose your best friend and you try to keep on living. Life sure is tough isnt it?

    Brenda-your words were excellent about the circle and you also brought tears to my eyes. Man, you all are going to think I am one big cry baby. I cant even use the "that time of the month" excuse since chemo has taken care of that. thank you again for the reminder of how great the circle of women are.

    ok I hate it when I dont take notes because I seem to think I will remember everything. Who am I kidding?? I have a hard time remembering garbage day and its the same time every week?

    Will be back later to make my rounds and make sure the circle is being watched at all times.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Good morning girls-

    I got a good 8 hour, ambien assisted, nights sleep. I need to find a way to be a caring friend without letting it rip me up each time I know someone who is diagnosed. I know this sounds nuts…but somehow I am taking each diagnosis personally…like cancer is stalking my friends and family. I even have had nightmares about it. I’m trying to work on the free-floating anger…breathe…breathe…

    Lini- I have to wonder if you attend a Lutheran church! Our reading was the same text this week and I was thinking the same thing! Too weird.

    I usually don’t talk much about religion here…I don’t know why because my faith is very important to me. Maybe I just don’t want to offend or put someone off that has different beliefs than me. I really do think that everyone has to find their own way to God. ANYWAY…one of my favorite prayers was written by Teresa of Avila who was a Nun in the 1500’s...
    Christ has no body now but yours
    No hands, no feet on earth but yours
    Yours are the eyes through which He looks
    compassion on this world
    Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

    I find comfort in the fact that even this scared, wounded body can “look compassion on the world”.

    NS and Lini-
    My cat growing up looked like a main coon cat. We never were really sure since Mittens was found in a snow bank when her eyes were barely open. The rest of her littermates were dead, but my dad kept her on a heating pad in the pharmacy all that first day. No one else took her, so he brought her home to us. She was a super cat. She snuck out and got knocked up on her first heat before we could get her fixed and she had a litter of the most beautiful kittens. She was a big cat, but her kittens were HUGE! We use to joke that the father must have been a lynx. We found homes for all of the kittens except one…Snoopy. We kept her and then had both of them fixed. Snoopy lived to be 18 and Mittens was 23. They were both beautiful, smart cats. The wisest cats I have ever known. Thanks for reminding me

    I need to go get a few things done before work. Be back later
    Deb C
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Good morning everyone, oops, I mean good afternoon!

    Shel - My heart goes out to you about your poor Babe. I have had several cats, over the years, and it never gets any easier to put them down. Right now we are "catless".
    Those shwarma things sound great. I love bad breath ethnic foods!
    NS - I had to walk away from my computer twice. I am bawling my eyes out. I also held my cats when they were put down. I just needed them to know that I was there helping them and staying with them until the end. Crying again. I'm glad that Maine Coon found you. Friends have one and they are lovely cats! If we ever get another cat, it will be a Maine Coon.

    DebC - Not another friend!! I swear, when you get dx with BC, it seems like everyone around you has cancer also. It positively SUCKS!!

    Nicki - Congrats on the Da Bears win!! I'm not sure who I will be cheering for in the Super Bowl. I just want to see a good game! I like the nutty Nicki nurse!! I laugh all the time, too! It's the only thing that got me through treatment.

    Joyce - I hope your son stays in Germany and far, far away from Iraq.

    Madison - Sorry about the Saints. I felt bad. After all that has happened in New Orleans, it would have been nice to win.

    Karen - I am doing a "no more snow" chant for you.

    Cy - It sucks when our parents get older. My dad had Alzheimers and it was very difficult for the whole family when we had to put him in a facility.

    Amy - I would have held that stray just like you did. Crying the whole time.

    I am still LMAO over kitty gas. I believe that it is called queefing LOL. The twin's party was a success, although the noise level was beyond belief! It was fun seeing all the grands though.

    Take care all!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    I just remembered a funny story about my grandson.
    When I was going through chemo he was just under 2 yrs. old. He got really odd with me, didn't want to be hugged, sit with me, etc. I didn't wear a wig, so I told DH that he was freaked out by my bald head. Everyone thought I was nuts, since he was so young. When he was 3, he asked me to take off my hair again!! ROFLMAO ! I told my DH, "See? He was freaked out!" Now he is 4 and last week I was visiting and he says, "Mom Mom, you have hair". I asked him if he remembered when I had no hair and he said yes. Did he like me better with or without hair? He said. "With hair!" and ran away laughing. Kids really do remember more things than we give them credit for. Everyone thought he was too young to be affected, but guess not!
    Just thought I share that, before chemo brain took over again and I forgot.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    My son was much older than 2 because he was 10 at the time but he wanted mom to have hair also. He knew I was bald because I was not a wig person. I always felt like it was a dead animal on my head although everybody said it looked nice but I still didnt like the feel. We would be going out and he would say, mom are you going to wear your wig or a hat?
    He told me after my hair came back in that he was never embarrassed at me being bald but when I had no hair it made him more aware of me being sick and with hair I looked normal. It all made sense when he said it. Nobody wants to think of their mom being sick.

    Glad you enjoyed the party and i bet it was loud.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning friends. I so can't believe I posted that song??? Geez must have been drunker than I thought. Yikes!!
    Had a lovely day yesterday. Went to Sacramento. My youngest grandson was dedicated. Then yesterday afternoon my daughters friends had a suprise going away Tea Party for her. It was great fun. Place we went to was totally girl. Purple and pink EVERYWHERE!!! The best part was the dress up closet. We got funny hats, boas, crowns, jewelry. We were like little girls playing dress up. To much fun.

    Nicki, congrats to the Bears.

    Vicki, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to make anyone cry. I am praying for your daughter. I think I would beat my son in law senseless if he hurt my kid.

    Jan, Happy Birthday to your grand daughters.
    My grandson was 3 when I was dx. We told him grammie had a sick boobie but the doctor was gonna make it all better. Now at 6 he occasionally asks me if my boobie is still better. Gotta love those grands.

    Sherndon, hugs to you my friend. Isn't there some kind of assistance you can get for your meds? That is just not right.

    NS, hahaahahahah. hmmmm if I ever get around to finishing it I just might. But then again probably not. Glad you got some good sleep. I've been sleeping well lately too. Must be all the painting. My bod is POOOOOOOPED.
    Thinking FURBALLS

    Robbi, pictures tiny, eyes old. But I can tell from the glow on my screen that YOU LOOK MARVELOUS DARLING!!

    Socal, awwww thanks. Warm fuzzies. That article you sent me is freaking me out. More so cause silly doc is on vacation. UGH!!

    Prayers for Christine today. B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9

    Roxwood, Kitty gas?? O MY!!! hahahahahahahahahah

    Deb, hugs to you and prayers for your friend.

    Shel, holding your hand as you say goodbye to your furfriend. Been there. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

    Ok missed a bunch. I love you all. Back to the paint brush for me. See you later.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    Hello all, I'm not lost, just don't puter Thurs-Sun....our rule at home, no cell phones..(no signal where we live anyway) no internet, no cable TV...just lots of us time and don't forget the grandkids
    OMG Jan that is too funny...too bad so many people think kids are too young...

    Praying for all those with test & appt. today....
    Welcome to all the newbies I missed....

    OK now for the camping idea...hmmm....I only camp when its nice out...not in the anyone interested in visiting NY this summer...bring the wagons and I'll get the marshmallows...

    to all that need are all beautiful to me, I see the worlds most beautiful people here...I'm sure that is what you see in the mirrors too...

    NS...your posts are so thoughtful and beautiful, you always make me cry...good thing I'm the only one at my office most of the time...

    Susan, Cheri...good to see you warming up...
    Karen. sorry but keep the snow...

    Deb...your friends are so lucky to have a woman like you...a heart as big as the are the best...remember to also take care of yourself...hugs...

    vickie & thongs, you guys have the greatest pictures...and vickie the guys you find hanging out are too goood..yummy that

    Nicki...was thinking bout you ,,,couldnt watch the game but , caught glimpses on the TV at roller no cable at my house...whoo hoo go BEARS....

    Now you know I havent forgotten you, but I must work....
    and the DH goes back to work tomarrow...I'll be poppping the cork around 5:00pm...he's driving me crazy and killing my diet...we eat out for lunch all the time, cuz he's bored at push ups for me today...
    Hugs MB
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good afternoon ladies...

    day off for me so i am just lazying around today....
    stayed in bed to watch
    not much going on here but its still snowing... holy cow i am going to have to get some
    hey just curious if anyone has a exercise bike the stationary ones... i am thinking of ordering one... would love to hear if anyone has one and uses it...

    shel... i am thinking of you today... hugsssssssss
    amy,,, we were the same age at dx... same time and close to the same in dx.... i would change doctors to if it was that hard to convince her something was wrong!!! hugs and glad your mets are shrinking!
    jan... thats a great story of your grandson... thanks for sharing it!!!
    sherloc i loved your song.... hehehehehe
    hugssss for all the cg's
    well i am thinking of having a nice relaxing bath... so i will check in later... have a great day!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Only have half a minute to pop in as I am (as usual)buried here at work.
    Just wanted to send my love and hugs to all this afternoon and let everyone know that I am thinking of them, just very busy.
    Shel...sending you a warm gentle hug...I am so very sorry. I know how hard it is...been there and done that and was so heartbroken I swore I'd never have another pet...I have 2 german shepherds, a shitzu puppy and a cat. You are doing a loving thing but a very hard thing at the same time.
    be back later after I take notes!!
    Love ya ladies
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Just a quick hello... and a hug to everyone who needs one... ((Shel)) thinking about you and Babe.

    Yes, Maine Coons are quite the cat! he weighs 26 pounds and that is normal for a male. He was abandoned by the woman who lived behind the house I had just moved into. She just let all her animals out and wouldn't let them back in. There were four cats and a Cockopoo dog. I don't know how they survived the winter before I got there.
    I found homes for all of the cats except for the Maine Coon. He had been abused by the neighborhood kids and was very wild. Nobody wanted him. So I took him and he is reformed!

    We moved here and is the darling of the neighborhood- i am not kidding! He got Christmas presents!! NO ONE believes me that he was once mean and used to bite people! They all say- "Oh he is so sweet! That can't be!!" and then he looks at me as if to say "heh heh heh got em all fooled!"

    I had some good news today- my beloved BS will be able to do my surgery! I was so upset that he couldn't do it- but he said he wouldn't let me down and we got through this together the first time and we will do it again.
    He also said he thinks I could get a skin sparing procedure if that is what it takes. He said if these dam tumors are not furballs I have to get the bilateral because there is too much cancer in my breasts to take any more chances... and it grew really fast.

    But I am still praying for furballs- believe me!

    I will check in later.

    Love you girls,
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    check out this link if you can get a chance.... its a live webcam of a waterhole in africa.... its night there right now but you can still see if something comes for a drink of water... its really kinda cool...

    afican web cam live

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Deb-One major thing learned after my BC dx is that we are all one connected in this universe. I have had so many "coincidences", "twilight zone", "God", "whatever anyone wants to call them" moments that tell me we are all connected and there's no way around it. I think that we are so much more in tune to the universe now.

    By the way, Catholic.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls,

    Wow you miss a few days and it’s so hard to catch up. My mom was pretty sick so I’ve been getting her well. She’s doing better today though. I go have lab drawn tomorrow and then will see my oncologist on the 30th. I always tell myself I won’t call to get the tumor marker number but I always do. We shall see how long I last this time. I skimmed over posts and will go back and really read them later.

    Nicki, congrats on DaBears! I don’t normally watch pro ball but did click back and forth for you and Madison. Did you get your TM’s back?

    Madison, sorry but I’m sure you’re still very proud of the Saints.

    Shel, I’m so sorry about Babe. That is always so heartbreaking. Hugs.

    Karen, I’m so sick of snow/ice and white I could scream! I totally understand.

    Sher, will you come paint my house? Every room needs it. Love the song kiddo. You drunk? LOL

    DebC I’m sorry about your friends. Hugs

    Ginny, how are you feeling on Arimidex?

    CY I completely understand the MIL problem. We’ve found that the AL’s are so expensive around here. They have an adult day facility here in town but my in-laws don’t live here. They’re 20 miles away
    Tracey, snowshoes? ICK! I admire you guys who live up there. I couldn’t do it. LOVE the crows!

    Peggy what a gorgeous picture. Where do you find those?

    Sheri congrats on the port removal. I had mine out when I did my exchange surgery. I’m glad you’re enjoying the play.

    Vickie I’m so sorry about your daughter and her husband. I would be the same as you, wanting to go whip some a**. Amazing pictures of you! Thank you for sharing. I’m glad you’ve gained some weight. You looked great.

    Robbie great pics! Looks like you’re having fun.

    Carrie so good to see you.

    Deese you as well.

    CherylG, love your new saying! Hope you’re feeling better. I still check the map. It’s fun to see where everyone is.

    Brenda, sorry to hear about your sister. I hate the “C” word also.

    Joyce I pray your son stays in Germany. How nice you got to visit. Thinking of you and your family. When is Kevin’s surgery?

    Okay, I’ve missed so many of my wonderful sisters. I just have to tell you guys that if it wasn’t for you all, I’m not sure I could hold it together right now. Thanks for welcoming me when I jumped in and thanks for always being here.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007
    What a place to laugh and cry. The animal stories are so sweet! I am not an animal person, I tell people I'm an animal "tolerator", but I do know how they become a part of the family.

    I teach history to middle schoolers and today we were talking about the Oregon Trail. There was a wonderful picture of a wagon train and it made me think of all of you. Thankfully our wagons have a few nicer amenities.

    I'm almost embarrassed to admit I'm skipping my meds. I am planning on ordering them as soon as I get my next paycheck. I can really feel the tightness in my hands and feet right now. I think that's from the blood pressure med. I'm constantly in tears, so I know where that is from.

    This morning my 15 year old said stated he wasn't going to school because he hadn't done his homework. I think he had hoped we would have a snow day, but it didn't happen. I was so mad! We've been down this road before and I just lost it. I completely deleted all of his computer accounts. He spends all his time on the computer and then can't go to school because he didn't get his homework done? Now I'm torn up. It was pretty drastic. I don't know if he knows that I've done it. I'm kind of afraid to tell him. He knew he was grounded today anyway. Another chapter to my ongoing woes these days.

    Debc, BTW, I'm also a Lutheran. I didn't make it to church yesterday, so I didn't see the scripture reading. When I get really depressed I tend to skip church, too. Not very smart.

    All of you stay warm! Let's get that circle tight and cosy.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Sheri - Don't feel torn. I don't think it was drastic at all. We have a no TV, computer,phone, games rule until all homework done and verified. I used to have to take all the phones in the house and lock them in the trunk of the car. I heard every name in the book for this, but it isn't our job to be friend. Who do you think he'll be the first to blame if he doesn't graduate high school? At least you can say that you tried.

    NS- You are strong!! You CAN do this!!

    Vickie-Hoping your baby girl is doing okay. Nothing hurts more than a broken heart.

    Has anybody heart from RobinTN. She's been on my mind lately.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    HI CG'S, thought i would come out long enough to let you know I am thinking of you all, and praying! NS, my heart is breaking that this is going on for you, My prayers are with you, and furball it is!! To all of you going through rough times and sad times, please know I care and send good thoughts your way!! xoxo Puppy

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Well Michael left,I am sad but we enjoyed our time together. Next time he comes home he will be done.
    Liz-Kevin's chest wall surgery is 2/7 and the aorta surgery will be 4 to 5 months after that. We went for his echo and ekg today. The doctor said everything looked good for surgery. I can't wait till it is behind us.
    I am getting my port out tomorrow..yeah! They are going to finish my recconstruction and the hernia I developed on the tram area on 3/2. I am hoping to go back to work by 3/15. It all depends on how Kevin is.
    I will check in tomorrow. Hope all is well.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    For Shel and Mackenzie with warm hugs and love.
    If it should be that I grow frail and weak
    And pain should keep me from my sleep
    Then you muct do what must be done
    For this, the last battle, can't be won.
    You will be sad- I understand
    Don't let your grief then stay your hand
    For this day, more than all the rest
    Your love and friendship stand the test.
    We've had so many happy years
    What is to come can hold no fears
    You'd not want me to suffer, so
    When the time comes, please let me go.
    I know in time you too will see
    It is a kindness you do to me
    Although my tail, it's last has waved
    From pain and suffering I've been saved.
    Don't grieve that it should be you
    Who has decided this thing to do
    We've been so close, we two these years
    Don't let your heart hold any tears.

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Tracey, I can't wait to watch the water hole! Cool link!

    Deb that was a beautiful prayer. I have felt a much stronger connection to God since I had BC. I know a lot of folks get mad at God and that is understandable. But for me, being able to put everything in God's hands and to accept whatever comes has given me great peace.

    Amy, thank you so much. I really appreciate all your good wishes and thoughts, they mean so much. I totally understand about Talisaman... they never leave us, ever, even if they have to come back in another form.

    Lini it is so true about Maine Coons... the DO win you over. And mine is more dog-like than cat like. He plays fetch and chases dogs! The cutest thing he does is when I am up in my office too long and he gets bored. He starts to howl at the bottom of the stairs and when I get there he has at least three of his toys there ready for me to play with him.

    Madison, I hope everything went ok at the rad onc!!

    Jan you and I are a lot alike. That is just how I felt. I wanted her to know she was loved and cared for even after she had gone to sleep.

    Shirley! Drunk or no drunk- it was a great song!!

    MB, Do push ups count on the pedometer????

    Liz, good luck with your onc appointment!!

    Oh sheri can you imagine if you taught the kids about OUR wagon train instead???

    Joyce, you have a lot on your plate! One son leaving the other facing his surgery... and you and your own surgery!! I think you could use some time in the inner circle!!


    BTW- my cat watched the game yesterday too- here he is- can't seem to find the remote anywhere!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Just popping in quick to send everyone a good night. Really tired and no time to take notes. I will write to all tomorrow as I may be almost caught up at work.
    NS...furball, furballs, furballs! many rads left?
    Christine...hope your surgery is a breeze...thinking of you. good to see you.
    Deb...I am so much closer to God now than I've ever been. Not at all ashamed to say so either. Brought me through a lot this past year.
    Ok...wiped out...
    Love you all
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Thought I would check in and see what kind of day everyone was/had having. I'm really in dire need of sleep so if something here doesn't make sense just overlook. Men can be so darn stubborn - and my patience has run it course. His darn back -actually no back pain this time only leg pain- and we are now in the 2nd week. He can sit and he can stand; although not real comfortable with that. Lying down is awful and he naps in the chair. Friday night, FRIDAY NIGHT mind you, around 10 pm he is in so much pain and I wanted to scream about why did you wait. He isn't sleeping and neither am I. Thought he was going to see a "real" doctor today but last night it was back to chiropractor and he might try acupuncture. This morning he had the nerve to tell me when I ask about seeing a doctor and he said that he was going to the chiropractor after all and I got upset so he goes "I don't know what to do"!!!! I had told him, our daughter had told him. I had to wear darker makup today (looked like I had that tanning stuff on my face and I had blotched the job)because I was broken out in all these big red places. I worked as an office manager for an orthopaedic group for many years and I called and at least got him a Medrol Dose Pack (Prednisone) to take for 12 days and some muscle relaxants. Our doctor friend said if no improvement seen in a week, gonna need an MRI. I know that - husband does to - stubborn man!!!!!! Ok, guess you guys can tell that been quite frustrated.

    Shel thought of you and Madison today. Sending warm hugs.

    Christine, (called you Catherine this morning -blame it on my husband) hope all went well today and B9 is the word.

    Robbie, thinking of you too.

    NS, wonderful that your BS can stay with you on this one. When you build trust with someone and then something serious comes up again and they may not be able to be your doctor, it only adds to the all the scary thoughts that go round and round in our head anyway. My faith sure helped me through - no one understood the fear and pain so deep within me when I was told I had BC, but He did . There were things that "happened" during my surgery/treatment that I prayed and I "knew" He was there - I knew it!!

    DebC. Was raised Lutheran. THis area at one time was called the "Lutheran Stronghold" Never dated a guy in high school that wasn't Lutheran - don't think there were any.
    Had one girlfriend that was Methodist and she came to the Lutheran church one time with me and said she had never sat and stood and confessed sins so much in all her life.
    Hubby was Baptist, me Lutheran, so we tried Methodist as a compromise and now I am Baptist. I miss my Lutheran roots and the worship service - thinking of going back. Hope you have had a better day.

    I'm going to try to say hello to everyone else and I almost hate to do this because I don't want to leave anyone out: Hello, Liz, MB, Lisa, Madison, Margaret, Lini,
    Tracey, Almosthope, Petty, Amy, Roxwood, Ginny, Jeannie, Shirley, Sheri, Jan, Vicki, RobinTN, Susan, Cheri, Cy, Karen, Puppyfive, Mena, and any one I might have missed.

    Joyce, so glad that your son got home for a visit. Hard to see him leave but I think he was just the medicine you needed too. Hope he gets to stay in Germany.

    I haven't seen Susan today; hope she didn't loose power again. Been wondering about RobinTN myself - has anyone heard from her?

    Not sure if any one we know is in the area that the Army Core of Engineers are concerned the damn in Ky might collapse and flood areas of Ky and TN - keeping everyone there in our prayers.

    Everyone have a wonderful night - stay safe and sleep well.

    Blessing to all, Brenda