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  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Sheri I wish i could see you in that play! I am glad you are getting your port out. I hear you about the financial never ends does it?

    Nicki, I hope you can make it until two!! I read the other thread- Bwahahahaha! Doesn't that "couple" sound awfully familiar???

    Vickie, this is a serious offer- I write for a living, a lot of it is press releases, etc. I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to write up your story and send everything out from here to every paper and news outlet about your trouble with Suburban! I am sorry you have to deal with so much and then worry about your daughter too!

    Shel if you come to NY I would love to meet you!

    Jan, thank you for your kind words.

    Lisa, you can go to the zoo! I don't think you can get malaria there!! At least I hope not!

    Ginney, thanks for the song link!

    Tracey you crack me up! For some reason your saturday night photos are something I look forward to- they are always the best!

    Peggy I love that photo you posted. And I relate to everything you wrote!!!

    Deb, yeah, flax is not the most fun I have ever had... and if I find out I have been force feeding myself the gunk all this time for nothing I am going to be pretty pissed! I loved seeing the photos of you again in Hawaii. When I got your christmas card I started crying when I opened it because those pictures are so moving to me.

    Cherylcy, I hope you are feeling better today!

    Shirley, you should send that song to Melissa Etheridge to record!

    Yay!! Susan is turned on!!!! Please tell Cheri I miss her!!

    Tina girl, you crack me up! And you also know how to tell it like it is!!!

    Lini, Brenda, Cheryl, Jan, Jeannie, Margaret, Amy, Madison, Jasmine,Carrie, Deese, Denise, Betty, Mena ...oh my- ALL OF YOU! Thank you so much for your kind words.

    I was able to sleep last night. Because of you I have learned that I can do the surgeries on my own and be ok...because of another thread I saw there is a new chemo cocktail combo that works great if you have heart problems and can't take anthracyclines...and I am still holding out hope that I won't need to do ANY of it! FUR BALLS RUN RAMPANT IN THIS HOUSE!!!!

    May all your teams win--- this is gonna be rough- Madison and Nicki.... good luck to both of you!!!

    Love you,
  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    good morning my friends...I thought you might like to see who I am ..I can't seem to change my heres me...some just before dx and some after imageimage
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Afternoon ladies,
    whew...the day is going too fast. Went to church and had planned on going into work to get the computer set up but just couldn't bring myself to drive that far...tired and it is freezing outside today.
    NS...may take you up on your offer. I just really can't deal with any more at this point. Sounds silly but I am so overwhelmed I can't concentrate on anything. Single mom, too many bills, too much work, too many appointments, sad daughter...cripes...the list is too long for the forum. Not whining...just tired. I have the letter I sent the AG on my computer at work...I'll send it to you tomorrow after I call our local paper here and see if they will help me. very good to see you. Don't stay away because you have worries. I come here because it eases my worries and I feel "at home" here. I would love to see the someone going to record it...maybe you could put it online!
    Jan..thanks for your sweet words. I really felt horrible for months and those are about the only pictures I have of myself during that period...I can't bear to look at them. Not out of vanity...just fear. I didn't know that women looking at me in the mirror at all and I just kept looking worse and worse and losing more and more weight...ah well...posted them to show that we can come back...maybe not the same but just as good.
    Robbie...yeah a picture...I love seeing pictures and you look great...and happy!
    Ok...gotta run for now and do some baking and cooking for the week.
    Looks like everyone is hiding today...come out girls...almost playtime again.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007 your poem!!

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited January 2007
    Hi CG's,
    I just wanted to pop in and send christineK lots of
    hugs and prayers for tommorow , She is having her Thyroid
    surgery .

    Thinking of you Christine B9 B9 B9 !!

  • Roxwooood
    Roxwooood Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    Sige/Peggy, the gas!!! Yeah, what's up with that? I thought I had developed lactose intolerance, nearly quit dairy all together, and it seemed to help...but how do you develop lactose intolerance? Aren't we born with it? And it's like when it happens, it goes on forever! Now that I'm working with people having a colonoscopy, I visualize how big my colon must be, how much it must have expanded to accomodate the amount of gas I'm expelling....Okay, TMI, sorry. Just that we watch on screens, as the MD fills the bowel full of gas, to expand it, better visualization and all. I have yet to hear someone in recovery pass as much gas, for as long as I can. Nuff said, I guess. I sorta think it's left over from Taxol, it works on your bowel pretty hard. I definitely had a change in bowel habits after finishing Taxol. (need to get scoped too, onc told me I better have it done or at least scheduled by my next visit). Anyways, glad someone else has noticed this too. I recall a thread, long ago, that mentioned kitty gas......vaginal flatulence.....weird too. I noticed that after treatment as well. Definitely not surgery related, hadn't had it at that time.
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007
    kitty gas...LMAO wasn't even going to GO there...definitely been there!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    MEOW...laughing my arse off!!!

    Deb C
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Hello Everyone,

    I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to Nicki and Da Bears.

    Nicki, I sincerely do mean Congratulations. I know you are excited, as well you should be.

    I am not disappointed in The Saints. They gave us hope, joy, and something to cheer about.

    Now, we shall see you NEXT YEAR.

    I am happy for you Nicki.


    Hello everyone else. I am going to read the pages of posts (all were very chatty) and post later.

    Take Care All, HUGS - ME
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good evening ladies!
    quiet day here at this end of the circle!
    having a little hair of the dog that bit me last nite...
    just relaxing and making a nice dinner... tonight we are having a fresh garden salad, 2x baked potatoes mmm mmmm and bbq steaks...
    another chilly day here and its still snowing...
    will check back later!!!
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2007
    OMG ... kitty gas I just can't stop laughing. Been there too but didn't know how to bring it up. Wonder why that happens ... or do we want to know LOL

    CHRISTINEK... prayers and hugs for surgery tomorrow...B9..B9...B9

    Have to shut down now ... my laptop feels like it's on fire I fried my desktop PC last week now this .. what's next

    Hugs and love to all
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007

    Vickie - you are a beautiful woman!!! I know what you mean about looking in the mirror and wondering who the reflection is. I am approaching my one year anniversary and starting to get a little unnerved about it all. I journeyed through BC most all of 2006. I am not the same person I was one year ago - but I have yet to figure out who I am. The other day Craig, Miriam ( 8 year old) and I were looking at some pictures from last year - stages of hair cut/loss and pic the day of my double mastectomy of the family. Miriam said to me that I looked like I was ready to cry in some of the pics. She then said that she had been through so much over the past year. It hurt to hear her say that - a reminder of the toll that the BC takes on the whole family. Miriam is such a joy, but her words spoke volumes. She is in spelling bee and the written competition is 3/1 and she said to me "mommy that won't be a good day for you". I told her I wasn't worried about that day - but I was about 2/3 the day of diagnosis. to handle that I am having my carpel tunnel surgery the day before - but its a friday and that was the day of the week I was told. Well I just got side tracked. Need to go make dinner then finish catching up from the weekend. Again - Vickie you are a beautiful person - outside and inside - you have brought so much to this board. I'll be back later.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Evening Sisters,

    A dreary day here. Thought we were going to get sleet and ice but then it changed. Had some rain early and temps hovering around freezing but hopefully rain will move on and no problems.

    Sheri; glad that you dropped by. Most of us here understand the financial burdens that weigh you down so don't let that keep you away.

    Tracey, I still laugh when I see your flashing crows - best one yet!!! I never know what you are going to find next but fun to anticipate.

    Cy; most of my outside Christmas decorations are still up but I DID start on them last week so maybe this week will finish. I have to put away my Dickens Village yet

    Shel, I'm with Jan - I had no idea what kind of food your friend was bringing for you to eat. I don't think we have that in rural NC

    Nicki; I think you should meet up with my sis. I taught her to crosstitch years ago and now I don't do it anymore and she is so advanced. She does it all the time; beautiful work too, She used to do quilting but gave that up as it took up so much room. Bet it got warmer in Chicago with that Bears win.

    CatherineK - sending you love and warm wishes - B9 IS the word.

    Karen, I didn't think that my first anniversary of my diagnosis would bother me so much - but it did. In fact, NS, told me my feelings were only natural when I commented that I was having a hard time and didn't know why. I hope those anniversaries get better. I know that on March 9th, I will mark my one year mark of ending all treatment. Strange how we remember these dates.

    I know some are having bad weather again so I hope everyone is OK. Cheri, hope you don't have to wait the rest of this week for power.

    Vicki, glad you are going to let NS help you on that Suburban Gas Mess. I've been a single mom of two but not during diagnosis and treatment. My hat is off to everyone who has to deal with BC but especially single moms. By the way, your daughter is beautiful also - just like her Mom.

    Margaret, Amy, Mena, MB, -there are many others too, missing in action. Hope all is well.

    Hugs, Brenda
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Karen...thank you for your sweet words. I know just what you mean about it affecting the entire family. It effected poor Nathaniel and it was so hard on my daughter as she was so very far away. She wanted to be here but was in school and that was too important for her to give up on at the time so I convinced her I was fine and for her to stay put. She was at work the day of my surgery and everyone kept asking her if she'd heard anything and she'd cry and they finally sent her home.
    Brenda...thank you daughter is such a doll. I am so blessed with both of my children. They are so caring and loving and helpful at all times.
    Have a stinkin migraine...too much stress this weekend so I'm off to bed with hopes it will go away by morning as it's going to be a loooong day at work tomorrow.
    love ya all sweet sisters
    have sweet happy dreams
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Oh ladies…I am just so sick of cancer…I’m heartsick. I just got off the phone with another dear friend. Her husband had colon cancer surgery last year. They thought they got it all. At his one year check-up they found a large mass in his lung that was not there 6 months ago. They don’t know for sure, but they think it is mets. They are rushing to Anchorage to see an Onc ASAP. They are both so scared. I just hate this. Some days I feel like cancer is just a plague that will keep on striking the people I love. How do I stay positive when this just keeps happening? I just feel such despair that we will ever have a cure….

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    (((Deb))) have certainly had your share of bad news lately. I too am beginning to hate the friggin C word.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Deb, I'm so sorry. I am like you does it ever end it is all around me anymore. My Sis has bladder cancer and she is on 3 month checks 4 years out and has had several recurrences. I hate that friggin word.

    Lots of hugs!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    i'm cracking up at you gals.........shwarma's are lebanese "wraps" with a ton of seaoning, and embelishments. there are chicken, pork, beef or lamb varieties, and they are quite "ethnic" in flavour.........and they rock if you have no aversion to "bad breath" the next day lol! (which i obviously don't at this particular juncture haha)

    i have a very loyal, caring, doctor friend who always thinks of me (who happens to be lebanese)....he happened to be on call last night, and thought he'd kill some time while his pager was quiet, so brought me my favourite food and absolutely made my day!

    it is so great to know that i have great friends like the "pig out" factor rocks...........i never would have even eaten dinner if not for my "special delivery" oink!

    things are changing for me, and i think i like it!

    as far as the C word hell with it, "f" it, screw it, etc etc...........i'm jumping back into "denial land"............"f" cancer, "f" my ex, "f" my retarded family............."viva michelle, the strongest lady that any of the jackasses know"...........i'm tired of everybody elses's about me now!

    g'night girls, i'm putting my dog down tomorrow, so it won't be a banner day!
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007

    So really have had too much cancer news...f'ing sucks.


  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Deb I am so sorry... I remember when I was just out of treatment I was flooded with friends being dx'd. I almost felt like I caused it somehow! But then things calmed down and I wasn't as raw as I was.
    But i know the fear you are talking about and we just want to do SOMETHING for our friends and loved ones- but this dam beast is so sneaky- every time we turn around!!!

    When my good friend died in October of BC it haunted me. Everything happened so fast. I have been thinking about her alot lately...I even said a prayer in church to her and asked told her I was scared I was following in her footsteps now. I remembered what I always tell everyone else that just because she didn't make it doesn't mean I won't...but it is a fear we can't avoid.
    I think I am just getting nervous about this week because there will be a lot happening on the furball front and I really am not up for it!

    I know I will get my fighting spirit up again... and you will too- once you let this sink in about your friend. It is so hard though- especially now because we know TOO much.

    I will add him to my prayers and of course, you are already in them.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Shel! I am so sorry about your dog!!! Oh that is awful. My heart goes out to you honey!!!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    evening, so we have DA BEARS wining, kitty gas, never heard that term before and Deb you cracked me up when you came back with MEOW!

    AM felling somewhat better but still so very cold.
    Did some shopping and looked up info on getting our passports.

    Hubby wants to play a game so I'll be back later.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    kitty gas..I never knew it had a
    Deb-I am sorry about your friend. Cancer does suck
    NS- I am saying a prayer for you.
    Shel-I am so sorry sbout your dog. I know how I love my puppy.
    My son has to go back to Germany tomorrow. It was great having him home but it is hard to let go again. I am praying he doesn't have to go back to Iraq. He is getting out next December so he keeps telling me he will probably stay in Germany till he is done. I pray he is right and not just trying to make me feel better about letting him go.
    Tomorrow we have to take him to the airport and Kevin to the hospital. He needs to get an echo and ekg.I'll check in after..It is going to be a rotten Monday

    Take Care,
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Shel so sorry to hear about your puppy.

    Deb. I think it's hard anytime we hear about someone facing cancer and even harder to see that they are facing it again.

    Joyce, Give your son a big hug from us. We will pray he comes home safe. And Kevin is of course in the middle of the circle!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good evening gals - I finally caught up with all the posts from the weekend. We sure are a chatty group of girls- a wondeful group of girls!!!
    Well, Denver has more snow - we got about 8 inches today. I tell you, everyone is sick of "white". Enough is enough!!!
    I got the results of my pap from earlier in the week and it was normal - I was so happy - it is so nice to get good news. Hope all will be the same when I go for my 3 month with the onc this thursday (1/25). DH asked me tonight what other tests he can do besides blood work, like what scans since there are no more mammos for me.
    Nikki - you are so eloquent with your words. You expressed in an earlier post what I couldn't, but it described how I feel. CONGRATS ON DA BEARS!!!!
    DH said its been 21 years since they have been to the superbowl!!! I'll be cheering them along with you.
    Deb - you always light up my day. I am so sorry to hear about your friend.
    Vicki- I am so sorry that your daughter is hurting and that her husband has left her. I know she can feel your love all the way to FL from NY. You be sure to take care of yourself as well.
    NS- my prayers are with you.
    Arlee - welcome to this wonderful group of women. So many very wise people here.
    Tracey - cute poem. I love all the pics you post. You are great with that.
    Sheri- glad you are back, but sorry that you are so down.
    Christine K- you will be in my thoughts tomorrow during your thyroid surgery.
    Brenda - thanks
    Shel - I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I know my dogs are a part of my family and how painful it can be to loose a 4 legged member of the family. I will be thinking about you.
    Joyce - best of luck to your son while he is in Germany. Hope you had a good visit while he was home. Sending hugs to you and Kevin as he goes through all the tests prior to his surgery.
    Brenda - you too are good with words.
    Its hard to catch up on 3 days of posts, so I end up skimming many of them, so I know I miss out on somethings. So I am confused - what are fur balls?
    I know I have left out a lot of people - but know I think of each and everyone of the CG's everyday. You are truly a wonderful group of women. So wise and such a wonderful support for me. Hope everyone now has heat and is staying worm. Thinking of everyone who is having a tough time, for whatever the reason. I am sending cyber hugs from Denver - and if I could, I would send everyone some snow.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    oh, i just had a melt down with my bestfriend about the damn dog.........she doesn't even like dogs and i left her in tears!

    as i lifted the gigantic thing onto my dtrs bed "for the last time"tonight, i had an overwhwelming sense of loss........that damned dog was a big part of all of our lives, and her impending passing just goes to show that my "family life as i preferred it" is waaaay over!

    my life is changing, big time, whether i like it or not! i never thought the loss of a dog would hit me this hard, but "whatever works for a wake up call"............i have bawled like a moron all evening, so by tomorrow i should look like someone beat me up, oh well!!!!!!!!!!

    vickie.............your son in law is an ass (but then again, aren't most men?)

    G...............join me in the "we can overcome" tent, i don't go there often, but tonight i'm sleeping there because "enough is enough"

    g'night girls............i know it is really stupid, but the only prayers and thoughts i want tomorrow are for getting through the passing of my dog............i'm not sure how to do this, but i'm pretty independent so i'm sure i'll get over this too!

    thanks for your support, as usual............xo, michelle
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Karen, no ofense but keep the snow. I love it if I can sit home by the fire and watch it out the window. But I really hate that people here seem to forget how to drive in it everytime it snows.

    Well we had to tell my MIL once again that she needs to start acting like an adult and find ways to keep her mind busy cause she's just wasting away and people are going to think she needs to be in a home if she doesn't. I dropped my hubby off to visit with her today while I did her grocery shopping. I was gone less than an hour and she went to bed twice during that time! She hasn't seen her son in almost a month and she goes to bed instead of visiting? I don't get it. She's boared and misses Dad, passed on almost 3 years ago. Her memory is failing and she forgets waht she's doing. Scott said she laid down for 5 minutes got up sat in her chair for 5 minutes and went back to bed ?????????
    She lives in an appartment for Seniors and there are some that talk of course. I think it's time I really looked for an assistanted living place for her. She has care givers that come for about 2 hours Mon - Fri. but I think she needs more. We talked and I think we are going to try to find somewhere by summer. She just needs someone around to keep her busy, she gets bored and just goes to bed and I don;t think that's good for anyone. We talked about moving her in with us but she'd drive us totally batty. I love her but I couldn't be worrying about her while we were at work. What if she were to go for a walk and forget where whe was. An AS living place she would more than likely share an apartment with someone else. that would give her a companion.

    Soory for the whine. I just needed to put my thoughts into words. And this is a touchy subject with her sons.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007
    Oh Shel - so sorry about your is a big loss - and I kind of understand about the family thing - had a lot of changes and now living with just my kitties.

    Cry all you want....

    Here's a big hug for you...


  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    shel i am so sorry to hear about your dog!
    i have 2 dogs 2 cats and they are all part of my family!!
    i am way to sensitive to the animal world!!!
    i cry at everything!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    ah hell...........i adopted the damn dog 1 day before they were going to destroy her, but now she wheezes, coughs, vomits, and seizures multiple times a day............i let her out last week and she walked in circles on the street, like an alzheimers patient "lost". mackenzie and i have to lift her onto her bed and she won't eat or drink for the last 2 weeks. her fur is falling out, she is deaf, and she won't get off mackenzie's bed anymore unless we lift her. i know she is suffering, and i won't have her suffer, but my eyes are leaking continously just thinking about tomorrow. while i was away in the keys, my "housesitter called twice because the dog was listless, vomiting and wouldn't leave the foyer for days on end.............when we got home, the dog was worse.........."it's time" dad is going to come with me (us).............i'm going to tell my daughter that i found the dog "gone" at home.........i hope she believes me. i just don't think she needs anymore loss right now considering my divorce.

    thanks for all the well wishes for "babe"...........she is pretty nifty!