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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Sunset on our way to the island
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    just tossed these boys overboard
    again!!! I found them in Cheri's room LOL
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007

    Yikes Vickie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, what you really meant was no strip poker...until after cocktails, right? Thanks for tossing those boys overboard. I couldn't keep them from trying on my personal belongings!

    I just had a REAL shower! Not a sponge bath. But my dh fixed the pipes long enough to take showers, do some laundry & dishes then he has to shut it off because he's found 2 more leaking pipes! Hopefully it'll be fixed tomorrow. It's the simple things in life.

    Special thanks for the funny cards from Susan & Deb. I appreciated them. Also, thanks for the mints Deb. They got here today, a little roughed up but I got em.

    Thanks for all those Welcome Backs! I hated being away from home.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Oh now come on snuck those guys aboard to lure Mena out of hiding...admit it LOL.
    So happy you now have power...that's a long time to be without electric!
    Welcome "home" once again sweet sister.
    and ok...we can play strip poker after cocktails but you'd better help me cuz I've never played and no way is this prosthesis coming off!!! Naked men...ok...naked way!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, lol, I do believe it'd take more than those guys to lure our Mena out! We'll stack the deck so that the good-looking men always lose at strip-poker. I could use a real good time after all this disaster stuff!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Ok ladies the cruise ship has sailed. I do believe Mena is hiding on board somewhere along with a few other missing ladies...come out come out wherever you are.
    Our wagons are safely parked at the dock...Matt Dillon is guarding them and Festus is caring for all Amy's pets. Deb came in a parka so we got her a bathing suit. Tracey has her thong on. We left NS's furballs behind, LauraB's hubby is pouting on shore, Jan has her motorcycle so we can take turns racing around the deck, no doctors, no C words, no tests, no appointments, no ice storms, lots of hot tubs, spa's, food, drinking, gambling (Cheri has the deck stacked so we will always win)and fun...and we are off. The circle girls mid week cruise.
    Off to my stateroom with my crocheting and a book to be lulled to sleep by the waves.
    Love you all sisters...each and every one.
    Pray for little Trenton tonight!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    WooHoo...wipe our tears is party time

    I traded in my hot chocolate for a long island iced tea. I liked the swimsuit Vickie found, but it didn't quite fit. I decided on a skinny dip in the pool. What the heck, we all have scars and no one will care! Besides, it's dark so no one can see my "full Moon" LOL Someone find me a BIG towel for when I get out.

    Deb C
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007
    I would love to hang around and party, but I am far too melancholy. I keep thinking about our Diane.

    I'll talk to you all tomorrow.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey Peggy-

    Been crying off and on all evening. I was trying the "fake it until you make it" theory with the party. It isn't working as I just keep going to check Diane's thread...Life is truly not fair...

    Deb C
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good evening girlfriends (if I may call the CGers that),

    Does anyone read the "Funky Winkerbean" comic in the paper? Well this morning it had me in tears. The creator of the comic also gets it! It is the dh talking to another guy (not sure of the relationship) Here is the dialog: " Lisa sees her oncologist on Thursday and will have another scan"
    "I'm always on pins and needles until the reports are back"
    "I know I'm the same way" "Nobody said it was easy" "and nobody said it would hurt his much either" This really sums it up for me. I have been following Lisa's story and for some reason I cut out all the comics about her BC. Is that strange?
    Sige - so sorry to hear about Diane. I did not have the opportunity to "know her". I do hope that she is not suffering. Please pass on my prayers to her family.
    Cheri123 - power - yeah!!! i hope all the people in your area have their power restored shortly.
    Lisa - way to go - hope you enjoy Curves! I'm not a club type of person. I enjoy walking - but with the snow and cold have not been good about it this month and I miss it. Maybe need to start "mall walking"
    Vickie - where is the cruise docking tonight! I want somewhere warm with a beach. Miriam told Craig and me at dinner that we needed to go away somewhere alone without the kids. Craig then said that we haven't done anything fun for too long. You are so very creative!!! Corny is good!!
    Tina - sorry that you have to wait on the US results and are waiting for more tests. the waiting is so hard. Keeping you in my thoughts for good results.
    Deb - is the melancholy due to the lack of hormones, lack of sunshine and all the cr** that you have endured this past year. I know that I have my ups and downs. Sometimes I can cry at just about anything. when I am sore, my moods seems to take a dive and I just want to cry. I want the old me back - but she seems to not exist anymore - so I just have to wait for the new me - but she hasn't quite arrived!!!
    MB - we are due for more snow on sunday. It is warming up all week, so the latest snow is melting, but going to get cold again this weekend. I appreciate our phone call - tell your dh thanks.
    Denise - so glad that you could join the inner circle.
    Nicki - thanks for the smooch!! I know what you mean about the looks. Just what we need - more reminders of what we lost.
    I have saved all the holiday cards that you girls sent - I so looked forward to getting the mail everyday and see what cards arrived. Just thinking about them puts a smile on my face
    I just got bifocals last week and I am having trouble getting used to them! Last week they were great, and now i am struggling. go figure!!!
    Its just about time to tuck Miriam into bed. Be back tomorrow. Sending cyber hugs to everyone.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Yeah Cheri's back! We missed you girl! Have been throwing logs on the fire to guide you home.

    I bawled at the news of Diane. May she be in peace and her family know how much she is loved.

    Tina, they were probably just making sure the got good pics of you liver so the doc wouldn't make them do it over again. I pray you get the results soon!

    Shirley are you still waiting for results too? You would think the Dr would have someone else from his office call with the results when he went on vacation.

    I'm getting anxious to get the results on the blood test s to see if they can determine why I keep getting the blood clots. Can't wait for Thrusday to get here so I can find out. I've been waiting since the begining of Dec.

    Next week I find out about the BRACA test results. Not sure what to think about that one.

    Did you all know that Janis in the drinking thread will be getting her daughter soon! She's adopting and Avery should be home in a few weeks! I'm so excited for her!

    Niki, you know if you wanted to ride that bike you could get a bike stand and turn it into a stationary bike right there in the house.

    OK I'm being good I made some fat free brownies for dessert. They are actually pretty good too.

    Amy before you know it you'll have that farm all fixed up!
  • Roxwooood
    Roxwooood Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    I asked this question on 2 other forums, thought I'd put it out here too, hoping for answers/ideas.

    I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced vaginal spotting (after a hysterectomy) with their bowel movements? I've been doing this for about 3 weeks, never told my gyn on the hysterectomy follow up on the 10th, I was hoping it would go away and I wanted to get released to go back to work. This started about the 4th or 5th week after surgery. It doesn't appear to be stopping anytime soon. Here's my description, and if anyone has any thoughts or ideas, I'd really appreciate it.

    Only when I have a bowel movement, I find pinkish vaginal bleeding on the tissue when I wipe. I have checked it out thoroughly, it's definitely vaginal, not anal. It doesn't happen when I sit on the commode and strain, trying to simulate a BM. It doesn't appear again until the next BM. It doesn't matter if the BM is loose, firm or in between. It's not painful. It doesn't have a particular odor that I can discern. I had no vaginal bleeding with or after sex (2 times since surgery). Any ideas?

    Thanks, Rachel
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Boo, WELCOME. Thank you for what you wrote. You can't imagine how much that meant to me! Please do come and "sit a spell"... but if my dad should happen to come to the circle and call me- just know that he calls me Boo! Iwill tell him to use my given name!

    Karen, so nice to see you post. I think you have had your quota of snow this year my friend!

    Hey Margaret, thanks for the furball chant! I am really hoping it works!!!

    CY- that is exactly what mine does! If I am not moving fast enough or am not paying enough attention to him he swipes things off the table too!!!

    Nicki, I am not surprised that you helped someone so much and you didn't even realize it... you do it EVERY DAY here on BCO- you are a very special person.

    Jan that is a touching story about your parent's cat... I bet your dad liked that. I know I would! I want to get an elliptical. I used to like those the best at the gym. I just can't seem to find a good one for a good price... and a gym membership is probably not a good idea right now!

    Vickie! Another owner of a couch potato cat!! LOL!! Girl, I am going to work on your letters in the am... I am not operating on all cylinders tonight so I want to wait until I am fresh and fiesty!

    MB- I am ashamed to admit I still haven't FOUND a pedometer... and I have looked! I am going to try Target.. if not then if you come here you can walk with me on the beach!

    Amy, you and I seem to be up at the same time at night. I am so thankful for the furball chant! I am getting a little more scared as the days go by, so I could use all the furballs I can get! THANK YOU!!

    Sweet Deb, you were so strong through your surgeries, your chemo and your rads... you have to let the inner Deb take a little time to heal and get back on her feet again. Just because we heal physically does NOT mean emotionally and spiritually we bounce right back... first our spirits need to be told it is safe to relax and not be on red alert anymore. Once you have your inner healing, the rest of you will feel a lot better... I went through the same thing... it is normal and will pass.

    Oh Tina!! Don't panic yet! They ALWAYS do that to me- I think it is because they have to push the bowel out of the way to see the kidneys and liver... it may just be a traffic jam inside you and nothing more... but let me worry for you ok? I am the designated worrier this week- you take the rest of the week off, ok my friend?

    Lisa! I am anxious to hear how you like curves! Are they very expensive?

    CHERI! Cut off my pinkie and call me Sparky- YOU ARE BACK!!! I missed you!! SO SORRY ABOUT WHAT YOU WENT THROUGH!!! Next time just come here- ok?? SOOOOO glad to see your name up here!!!

    Peggy I saw the message. My heart is broken. It truly feels like it is split in two. Thank you for letting us know to look.

    Shirley, thanks for putting down the rest of the lyrics to that beautiful song.

    Liz, wanna feel lost with me? I have been wandering around like a ghost latetly... lost is exactly the right word.

    CY- you are still getting the clots? I still do and I am five years out... in my case they told me it will be forever, thanks to chemo. About that BRCA test... the waiting is the hardest part... I remember I was nervous before I got my results too.

    Hi Rachel, I have had that but I have not had a hysto. It doesn't sound right. bearing down is causing a blood vessel to rupture maybe from the surgical site? Please call your doc!!

    I had a low day today. My onc called and my TMs from last week are up. I didn't need to hear that. I am starting to get a bit freaked. I have a pre-surgical meeting on Thursday so I guess my excisional will be next week. It is hard to believe I am doing this again...PLEASE let it be furballs.

    I made a movie for us, but it is kind of cheerful and I don't feel right posting it what with Dianne going through what she is right now.
    If you think it is appropriate let me know and I will put it in the Take Me Away section.

    Love and prayers and extra hugs to my sisters tonight.

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Hi Ladies -
    No Surrender invited me to come and join all of you. I wrote in the other Wagon Circle and she said to come to this one. I am unsure what this thread is all about, but I sure noticed over 80 pages, boy do I have quite a bit of reading to do.

    2 years out, IDC-Stage I, Grade 3 Triple Negative, Lumpectomy w/reduction
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Welcome Judy-

    Don't feel like you need to read it would take DAYS. We are here to support our sisters in what ever way they need. Come sit by the fire and sit a while...welcome
    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hi Judy!
    Here is a little movie about what we are all about!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well I accomplished 2 things yesterday. I got my car washed, it was probably the dirtiest car in Chicago. If there were a contest, I would have won it. And I finially bought a pedometer. So this morning Im happy.

    I just woke up from the goofiest dream. I was in a hotel on vacation and every room had ginger snaps. So I was walking around the beach and the hotel eating ginger snaps and loving them. Then I looked in the mirror and I had my long hair back too. In my dream, went running to my husband to say look, look how fast it grew over night. Then I woke up. Ginger snaps and long hair? Geez!

    Im just now taking my first sip of coffee. Need it very much this morning. I do have Diane3strikes on my mind. Hoping she has crossed over peacefully and is saying hello to all our other sisters we have lost. Its another sad day here on

    I hate to bring this subject up, but Im very superstitious. First my BIL lost his dad. Now we are close to losing Diane. It do believe things like this come in threes. And Im sad that our dear MJ from chat is also close. This part of getting to know so many people is the hardest.

    Woke up with a headache! Now Im getting mad! Well Im a lady, so Im getting angry. Dont know the cause, but I sure wasnt driving in my sleep. Seems like lately Ive been taking Darvocet like candy. I see my PCP today. A pre-check before the port comes out. Im gonna mention the headaches to him. Gonna also mention this unpredictable fatigue, dry cough - Im constantly having to suck on a piece of hard candy cause it gets so dry, and breaking out in big time sweats - just like when I was in menopause. But my ovaries are gone, Im post menopausal and Im not on any aromatase inhibitors. Last night I ripped my PJ's off and I was covered in sweat from head to toe. You should see my hair this morning. It was totally wet last night. Now I look like Rusty the Clown from the Simpsons.

    Brenda and Sherloc - thanks for singing that song with me. And Sherloc, thanks for the rest of the words. And yes, yes we go on the cruise - no men allowed!

    Vickie: This is so weird. I was just thinking last night about Trenton. The story is so sad, Im just hoping someone is taking really good care of him.

    Liz: My goodness, you have so much to contribute. You are one of those pieces to a puzzle, when your not here, we are not complete. I just figured you were so motivated with your exercise you didnt have time to come and talk. Thats my biggest concern. Once I start exercising, I have to give up some computer time. So please dont stay away. We miss you.

    Shel: Hahahahaha. Look above. We must have been posting at the same time and I hit the continue button faster than you. So top of the morning to ya.

    Cheri: Oh my! It is the simplest things that make us happy. Like finially being able to take a shower. Glad things are starting to improve. Its sort of sad, so many people still without power and struggling. And not a word of it on the news! So Im hoping the red cross is there giving a hand.

    Vickie and Deb: So the cruise ship has left its dock. I am so ready. I brought some dramamine with just in case the waves give me motion sickness. And since its just us bc girls, Im skinny dipping. No bathing suit for me. Just let me know if you bring any good looking guys aboard - I will be running very fast, all my fat blubber with me.

    Peggy: My mother in law, God rest her soul, was so precious to me. She treted me like her daughter. She was born in Ireland. Yep, you got it, Im married to someone who is half Italian and half Irish! What a combination. Anyways the Irish have the right idea. When they lose of loved one, they do party. They celebrate that persons life. Thats what I want when its my time to go. I dont want people being sad and crying. I want them to celebrate my life. Recall all the good things I did. And laugh at all the silly things I did.

    Karen: I just loved the "Funky Winkerbean" story. I dont get to read the newspaper much during the week. But I love reading it on the week-ends. Sometimes we forget what this journey does to our partners in life. On Monday, I called my onc for my tumor marker results. Despite me giving my cell phone, you got it, they called home. So my husband immediately called me in a panic! It took 5 minutes to calm him down and reassure him everything was gonna be ok. This has been one strange Winter. Especially for Denver - so I hope Spring comes really soon for all of us.

    Joyce: Just looking for ya. Wondering how the port removal went and hoping that you are doing well.

    Cherylcy: Geez! Why do you keep getting blood clots? I have too many red blood cells. My pcp says its cause I smoke and my body is making more to get more oxygen to my cells. In fact, I will stop my coumadin, one week before my port removal. Thats making me a little nervous cause I cant take aspirin. Thats another thing Im gonna talk to my pcp about today. Anyways, good luck with your blood test results.

    Rachael: Hey, the nurse in me says the spotting is probably normal after a hysterectomy. Especially when bearing down. But the nurse in me also says, you need to go back to the doctor and get it checked out - just to make sure everything is ok.

    NS: Thanks for your kind words. I actually feel like I take much more than I give. Always have something to whine about. What TM did the onc do? Just remember, they are not good at predicting anything. And they can be elevated for so many reasons. My onc does a Ca15-3 and CEA. My Ca15-3 has been elevated for the past year. The last set finially went down to normal. In his lab 32 is normal and now Im 30. All these darns tests and stuff have to be really scary for you right now. Walking around feeling lost is a good description. We've all been there. And its not going away until you find out all your test results, have surgery, and then have a plan. But dont you worry, we are right beside you. And hey, BTW, I got my pedometer at Walmart for 4 bucks. Such a deal.

    Judy: Howdy and welcome to the circle. Dont even try and read back lol, just come on in and say hi. This is a wonderful group. We laugh, we cry, we give support, we get support. We help each other - through all the phases of moving along. I dont say moving beyond any longer. I just move along and try to cope with this whole journey.

    He is hoping everyone has a wonderful day. Try and smile. Look at the good things in life today. They are there, sometimes our vision just gets blurred.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007

    i finally beat nicki to the "first post of the day!"

    but only because i've been wide awake since 5 am lol!

    i tried to catch up with everyone by reading back quite a way.......suffice it to say, i send my very best to everyone, in every way!

    sooooo, i'll leave it up to nicki to post her usual well thought out, individual messages.........i finally have my macbook back, so i'm just happy to have a computer to myself lol!

    i didn't put my dog down on monday, because the vet had a "glitch" today is the day, but i'm ok with it because i know she is suffering.

    the news about diane is really disconcerting......i just don't "get" breast cancer, even though i live it everyday. may the good lord hear our prayers!

    just wanted to give a shout out to everybody and say "hi" back later i'm sure!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Shel: Good luck today. When I think of what are some of the saddest things in my life, I must include having to say good bye to my pets.

    Its gonna be a hard day - but just remember we will be with you.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007

    Shel: Maybe Diane will meet Babe on the way up. She did love her Furbabies and now she'll have another special one. As your tagline goes: "everything happens for a reason".

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007

    oh my know what? the vet had a glitch "for a reason"..........thanks always know exactly what to say to me!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007

    That's 'cause I love you!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, power - FINALLY. I can't imagine being without power for that long.

    Lisa, hope you stay with Curves. I liked it when I first joined and then got bored with it.

    Vickie, where's the next port of call on that cruise? I need to get on board.

    Karen, the old you is gone; you'll have to find the new you.

    Tina, hope you get your results soon.

    Boo, glad you felt comfortable enough around here to post.

    NS, furball, furball, furball. I'm sorry that you have to go through this crap again. Just remember that we are with you every step of the way. Oh, package mailed Monday so you should have it by Saturday.

    Judy, welcome to the circle. Don't try to go back and read - takes too long. If I miss a day or two, I just go back and read two pages or so. You will find there is a lot of love, warmth, and support in this circle.

    Nicki, first this I did this morning was check to see if there was any word on Diane. I even had watermelon in her honor last night. Like you, I think things come in threes as well.

    Shel, good luck today. Putting down an animal is hard to do. We had a basenji (they don't call them devil dogs for no reason) for 7 years and had to put him down. As much of a pain in the butt that he was, my husband cried when he had to do it.

    Lini, you are probably right. Didn't even think of that.

    Everyone have a good day. I'll check back later.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Shel-So sorry about your dog. I am thinking of you today.

    Nicki- It wasn't too bad getting the port out. They just localized the area. I felt the needle going in,little uncomfortable for about 10 seconds. The doctor counted with me,she knew I was nervous. They have to burn the blood vessles closed. You don't feel it but you can smell it. I had mine in the right chest area. It is just a little sore today. I had to take oxycodine last night because it was really hurting.When I was leaving the nurse says take tylenol for the pain. Are they kidding!! Tylenol doesn't even help with headaches anymore!
    I am so sorry to hear about Dianne. I did not know her but I feel like I do.I will keep her in my thoughts today.
    I will check in later ladies. I now have to go to the gyn for my first post bc check up. This should be fun!

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2007
    Hi all I have been reading your posts and I can feel the love and care here,so I wanna join!I feel like I know most of you already.Well,I am off for my Herceptin,will check in later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Sending love to you Shel and warm hugs. I posted a poem for you a few pages back and I'll see if I can find it. Take care today and know you are doing the right thing.

    Having a bit of a hard time with our "cruise" vacation with Diane leaving us. I didn't know her or her story but it is still leaving a lump in my throat and an empty feeling in my heart...she is a sister after all and I guess it's just a feeling of "There but for the grace of God goes I"...does that sound selfish...not meant to be. My heart breaks for her and her family...this shouldn't happen to anyone.
    but...I will carry on with our vacation dream...we all need a respite from the constant worry.
    We have docked on our island, the birds are singing, Deb is frolicking in the ocean with me...skinny dipping...yup...we all can bear our scars...we are all the same! The horses and wagons are here to take us to our castle whenever we are ready.
    The sun is rising over the ocean and it's going to be a beautiful day
    Cheri and I made a fortune on poker last night (she stacked the deck so they ended up not only broke, but naked)so we are internet shopping when we reach our castle...we are sharing so list your wishes...we have all the money we need!!
    We are on an unmapped deserted island till we all get homesick for our wagons and forest at home. I will return later...
    no time to mention all but sending hugs to Brenda, NS, Deb, Sheri oh geez...the boss is in...gotta run!!!!! eek
    Love you all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Shel...reposting this for you...don't want to bring on more tears...hoping to give you a lift.

    For Shel and Mackenzie with warm hugs and love.
    If it should be that I grow frail and weak
    And pain should keep me from my sleep
    Then you muct do what must be done
    For this, the last battle, can't be won.
    You will be sad- I understand
    Don't let your grief then stay your hand
    For this day, more than all the rest
    Your love and friendship stand the test.
    We've had so many happy years
    What is to come can hold no fears
    You'd not want me to suffer, so
    When the time comes, please let me go.
    I know in time you too will see
    It is a kindness you do to me
    Although my tail, it's last has waved
    From pain and suffering I've been saved.
    Don't grieve that it should be you
    Who has decided this thing to do
    We've been so close, we two these years
    Don't let your heart hold any tears.

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Praying for Diane and her family.

    Judy,Lisa, welcome, these bc sisters are WONDERFUL. Pull up a wagon…

    NS, furball, furball, furball……you know we are right there with you.
    I just played your movie …I can’t stop crying…how WONDERFUL you are.

    Nicki, ginger snaps and milk….they are sooo good together. Seriously, thinking of you today. I agree, news comes in threes…

    Joyce, good luck at the doc today.

    Shel, I am sorry…it will be a sad day for you.

    Vickie, love the ships, men….

    I did my usual wake up at 3:00 a.m. this morning……and I know it is because someone needed prayers….so I prayed, feel asleep, let the angels finish my prayers and carry them up… is the only way I can help Diane, and all who need prayers….

    I know I am missing many, but need to get to the courthouse……Take care all, HUGS

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007

    Gambling ships.....sounds like my state....I'm a coming...... Wait for me.

    Hugs Madison