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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good grief bayyore. You are gorgeous. You're the pretty girl we always hated in high school. Of course, now we just like to hang around you to get some of the left over fellas. Hugs

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Amy -


    How awesome on the new job! This is like someone giving you the gift of over an hour a day! So how are you going to spend the time???

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Afternoon girls. I woke up in the worst mood this morning. And yes, it was still technically morning. I don't know why. I just felt mean. I wanted to yell at somebody but I'm here all alone so that was a plus. I slept well. I've always had the weird dreams even as a child. They're very vivid & I usually remember deatails. Funny thing, in my dreams I'm thin again and never crippled. (Guess that's why they call it Dreaming. lol) Anyway, bad, bad mood. Didn't like anybody or anything. Had ugly thoughts. I started reading posts and soon I started feeling better. Go figure. I'm still not a ray of sunshine but I'm doing much better.

    Nicki, thanks for the words of encouragement on the crocheting.

    Betty, awww move to the middle of our Circle. You'll feel better there.

    Always. Must you post such long, wordy posts? lol You have a great sense of humor. I enjoy your little one-liners.

    Amy, WooHoo Congrats on the new job. I knew you could do it.

    Shirley, glad you're feeling better after the dentist. You know my crochet pic was a knock-off of yours. lol You really had crocheted in your pic and mine was a little sloppy mess and looked so silly so thought I'd post it and people would chuckle. I am trying though. There's a girl in chat that lives about 3 miles up our road that I've never met. She's gonna come out this afternoon & give me a hands on lesson.

    Vickie, you can't be in a funk too. You're supposed to cheer me up. Somebody mentioned a Hoe-Down for the party theme this week-end. Sounds good to me. I've been to hoe downs as a kid. Can't remember, besides Lini, who brought it up. I'll have to go back later and watch your video because they take sooo long to load, you know my internet server is "Backwoods Dial-up".

    Susan, glad to see you back. Sorry to hear about your OS. I tried to warn you about those Orthos in Springfield. They messed me up too many times. Every time I hear a story like that my new surgeon at the Univ of Iowa so far away seems closer & closer. lol NO, I've not snuck into town yet. You have to keep in mind that I rarely leave my house. I've had lead in my butt. But I'm gonna try for one of the last days this week. lol I have to make myself climb outta my jammies. I am The procrastinator.

    Mena. Wishing you better days.

    Brenda & Lini, where are you all?

    NS, keeping you in my mind & heart. Will be glad when your tests are over as I know you will. Post when you can.

    Hey to Ginney, Gus, MB, Theresa, Brenda, Lini, Cassie, Denise, Denise, Joyce, Anne, Jule, Holly, Tracey, Shel, Jan, Madison, and anybody I missed by mistake. Hope you all have a great day & nice evening. Although, I'm sure I'll be back.

    I'm in better spirits now. Coming here always makes me feel better. I need to get in the shower, pick up my house as best I can and call my new friend in town & have her out to teach me to crochet. I gather from what all she's made that she knows her stuff. Trying to get her to join us. She'd be a real asset to the afghan thread.
    Oh, I don't want to have to do all that. What is it with my total lack of ambition? Pure laziness. But I DO need help on the crocheting. So I guess I'll make myself pull it together. Bahhh.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I knew there'd be several posts while I was typing mine. I type, stop & think, answer my dd on yahoo IM, type, think, answer my dd on IM, type, answer dd on IM, type, answer my dd on IM, think about typing, answer my dd on IM. Put off post, answer dd on IM. Suggest chat rooms dd might be interested in, type post.

    Holly, yes we all have lost posts. Some of us many times. The thing to do is after you write a post, copy it and then if it doesn't go thru then you can paste it. As far as your husband goes, we have a little place here called the Deliverance Tent. It's run by a mean, honery little woman that despises men that don't treat their women folk good. Her name is Mena. I think your dh needs an appt. there.

    Always, this is the most I've ever seen you post. Can't believe you ate the whole thing? lol Step away from the 'Ding Dongs'...they're mine.

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007
    No, no, no Hope! Never the pretty girl in HS. Too serious, tomboyish, too into books and writing and saving animals. And I had to grow into my crooked broken Italian nose and learn how to deal with unruly leftover men...I like that idea though even though I am 'off' men right now----!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Amy-you go girls..a whole hour a day more to talk to us.

    I just got called from my new job for an interview next week. While I was on leave my company sold my part of the company. Everyone transferred over but me. They had to keep me on the payroll so I have been in limbo. They told me they would try to hold a spot for me and it looks like they did. I finally feel like maybe my life is finally taking a turn for the better.
    ICE CREAM!!! What flavor..I can't stop you but I am on my way with my spoon to join you.

    I'll check back later after my ice cream break. I have to get the nuts whip cream and sprinkles. If your gonna splurge you do it with flare!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Hi All,

    Just have a few minutes as DD is leaving for her base tomorrow morning so I'm spending time with her....
    Wait, no - spending time with the stove and washing machine...

    Amy, congrats on the job....

    Vickie, cute, cute video. I wonder if DD could teach Bad JAKE that dance....nope, don't think so.

    somebody said Ice Cream....I'm there

    Calgon...take me away!!! (I wish)

    I'll check back in later

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    alwayshope-I have grabbed my chocolate syrup and nuts and coming your way. Its not nice to eat alone ya know,,people will talk. I have some maple syrup also to pour on top in case I get tired of chocolate. Dont knock it till you've tried it. its good!

    Deb-Well lets just say Mazer is probably the happiest donkey around since last night when I told her that mommie is transferring closer to home which means dinner times comes quicker. I have read that there is nothing worse than a hungry donkey and believe me its right. I dont even need a clock because she lets me know when it gets to be her normal feeding time. Poor lil thing you would think she was starving. You can be a bit late with the hay but never late with the grain. Thanks for the congrats though.

    bayyore-sorry about the rough night with the husband.

    Joyce congrats on the upcoming interview. kick butt. It is stressful though to have to wait and see if you got the job. I'm excited as if no one can tell.

    Cheri-Hate that yo woke up in a funk. I have done that and you just wake up angry and mad at the world for no reason. Good luck with your neighbor helping you. I'm a bit jealous though since you seem to have caught on quicker than I will.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Alwayshope...hand over the ice cream honey...I need ice cream, chocolate, whipped cream, hot chocolate, raisinetes, rollo's, peanut butter cups, ok you all get the hint!
    So it's a hoe (ho LOL) down this weekend..look out ladies...I'm all set for a hoe down. I think we should hold it at Alaska Debs...I'll go swipe us a big barn.
    Cheri pal...trying really hard to get out of this silly funk.
    Denise...what is it with the early morning axiety!!!
    Sue...I love Joyce Meyers and read her all the time along with Bishop Jakes and Paula White but no luck. I didn't know about the warm/cold thing but will see if I can regulate my temperature as I am always waking up either freezing or sweating.
    Off to swipe a right back...Cheri, Madison, Tracey, my back.
    Love to all I missed
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Hey Amy---WOOOHOOO and big "attagirl"s on the new job. We never doubted you would get it for one minute!

    Susan---so good to see you posting again. Docs never like it when a PT person has a different insight (that is probably correct, I might add). I should know---spent almost 2 years hanging out with my PT dude for 2 successively frozen shoulders. My that was fun. Yeah, need another friggin biopsy. It's in the remaining boob tissue on the TRAM side so they need the MRI and stereotactic machines---only time they could get them both is next Wednesday at 6:30 a.m. I'll probably fall asleep in the machine. Nothing like waiting for two weeks! Only good thing is that, by doing it that early in the day, we will probably hear back by Friday.

    I'm in Ithaca on Sam duty. Having a little trouble with the hand---it's like trying to pick up a baby with a football on your hand. He's been fussy today too----it's probably just me misreading cues, which will improve over time. The Prince calls.

    BTW---saw the afghan and damn we're good. And Vickie is even better! Saw Nathaniel too---a real cutey patooty.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    I am an addict...I have checked in about a thousand times today...
    Vickie..I have a huge...40' long quanset hut...will it do...I'll ship it over to Deb's...
    hugs to all...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ok...I "borrowed" a barn...I borrow big ladies and this is the best looking barn I can find...I always wanted to sleep in a hay loft!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007's name is Vickie and I'm a can join too. I plan on being boardaholic for a very long time. Add your hut, we can fill it with men!! Oops...there I go again...someone said I had a dirty mind so I'm trying to behave myself but geez with all these sexy men running around its hard...I mean difficult LOL.
    Jeannie! Oh thank you. I am having a wonderful time putting the afghans together. I hope the thumb is healed and the cast is off soon.
    Still at work determined to clear my desk so break time is over...don't mean to miss anyone but love ya all.
    What do we need for hoe down music? I'm all for "borrowing" some bands.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    I am so busy and I can't stay away from the "boards".......anyway I think we need to take Holly's husband and LauraB's and give them a penis mammogram..............that should straighten them out (in more ways than one)

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hee hee Shokk!

    Ok I had to post this but it may not last...hope it's not too over the top but pretty fitting for our weekend hoe down. Please don't slap my hand Melissa and Tami!?!?

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Work ohhh thats what I'm supposed to be doing...hmmm....
    Vickie your barn is much nicer than mine, but i think I see the guys hanging in the loft....

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007
    What's a quanset hut and what's all the barn talk?? Vickie, we're sleeping in my cousin's barn for the family reunion this summer--if you really need a barn, you can probably borrow that one..a bit bulky though to cart around, tho...
    jeannie--So sorry you have to go thru this! Waiting is the pits.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    bayyore...we are having a hoe down this weekend. Come join the fun!!!
    Ohhhh...I'm supposed to be working too....
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    quanset hut...big silver half round barn...
    / \
    / \ lol...not bad...but round...

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007
    Ohhh a virtual hoedown---I'll actually have the energy to dance!
    MB--I'm going to look up a pic of that--hang on
    hmmm...reminds me of a ...covered wagon!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, ROFLMAO Now that's the kind of bands I reember as a very small child. You naughty girl, you're so good when you're bad. Love the barn. A whole lot nicer than my house.
    I must help you locate some stuff.

    Ummm. Shokk said 'penis' now I'm tellin'.

    Yes, Holly, we are always this crazy. Just in case you were wondering. We're having a hoe-down this week. This phrase is apparently very new to many of the girls here. I grew up hearing it. But the innuendos are great. lol

    Checking back later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Holly, i see you got the hang of it. lol Cyber parties are so much fun because we're all well and whole and all the pain is erased. Nobody has to hobble around cos in 'Cybervlle' we're all just like we were before.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Wooohooo a hoe down-mazer cant wait. She will wear her best hat. whos bringing the keg? Cant have a hoe down with out a nice keg. There would just be something wrong with that.

    Shokk said penis,,he! he! he! Be careful vickie gets excited about things like that.

    My name is Amy and I am a board addict. yes I should be working also.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Its not nice to eat alone ya know,,people will talk.

    Thanks! That statement gave me the giggles. Too cute!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Ooooooo Vickie, I love the barn. Now that's what I call high class farming!! Anyone is welcome to the Brat Pack. Real bad girls or even girls with a little bit of the rebel in them can join. I think that about covers everyone LOL. What can I swipe for the hoe-down? Maybe I can score a bunch of bandanas or straw hats.

    Tracey, yeah I think I'm still a bit of a bad girl. I don't even want to tell you guys what I did in Sturgis last summer ! A little bit of the old drink seems to bring out the worst (or the best) in me.

    Shirley, I hope your mouth is feeling better today. Are they doing scaling and root planing on you? That can be uncomfortable.

    Cy, I love London broil. I marinate it and throw it on the grill. But, what is hominy?

    SoCal, Legoland?? ROFLMAO! That is too funny. I have never heard of Legoland. It looks like a real hoot though.

    Deb, thanks for the kick in the butt!! You are right. We are all beautiful. Thanks for the Divine Miss M song.

    Karen, I did not sleep as well last night . I still haven't made my appt. with the sleep doc. I'm sorry yours didn't tell you anything better.

    Nicki, yum, cheesecake. I have made a couple with Splenda and they came out pretty good. I loooove cheescake.

    Amy, Yay!!!! Congrats on the job! I do about 70 miles a day for my job, so I can sympathize. It will be nice to be that much closer to home. I remember Capt. Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans. Remember the cartoon they showed? I think it was Tom Terrific.

    Susan, yup, I got the stickers out, although I have little bruises all over my body and a big fat one on my butt. That will teach me to play like a little kid .

    Joyce, good luck with your surgery.

    Judy, I'm glad you are feeling better.

    AlwaysHope, I can't beleive you ate the whole thing!! Where's my share?

    Holly, Your family didn't like your pregnant belly???? To the deliverence tent with the whole bunch!

    Cheri, I have weird dreams also. They used to be stranger when I was a kid. Also in amazing technicolor. I hope your mood is improving. You know we are here to make you smile . Oh the stories I could tell, if I could remember half of them!

    It's my turn to be pissy. My DH just left for Atlanta for 3 days. I know, I am such a big baby, but I will miss him so much. I told him I would put on my big girl panties and deal with it. To top it all, I'm going through the posts and I realize that my 3 year annivesary is coming up in March. I hadn't given it much thought until now. I don't know why that makes me a little weepy. I should be happy to be here. Again, time to pull up those panties and get on with it.

    I'm going to take a break now. I'll try to catch up later. Hugs to all who I have missed.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Michele, I'll use chemo brain as long as I can. I don't have any other explanation for the things I forget lately.

    Jan, a whole night of sleep? I usually have two potty breaks between 10 and 5; don't know what a whole night of sleep is like.

    Nicki, good job on the exercise. I called our gym today to find out how much it is for a personal trainer. I know everything you are supposed to eat/not eat, how much exercise is needed, etc., it's just doing it. Even the idea of having everyone look at me at my daughter's wedding isn't making me move any faster, so I applaud you. I even have a TV set up in front of the exercise bike - do you think I could do it??????

    Lisa, Legoland? That sounds like fun and it was good weather to boot. Hold on though, the storm is coming. I'm waiting for it to hit today.

    Deb, thanks for the pep talk. I needed that. I love surprises.

    Karen, my husband tells me I snore but I won't do the sleep center testing; he'll just have to deal with it.

    Betty, I hope today is a better day for you; if not, we are definitely here.

    Tgirl, how fun to go to the talk show. I rarely watch Rachel's show anymore but it would still be fun.

    Amy, GOOD JOB - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Knew you could do it.

    Cheri, hope you are feeling better.

    Ok, back to work ladies. Will catch up later; let's see how many posts there are between now and then; this is page 254.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Uh oh! I think I know where Mena's been....


    Mena, yu's been cow tippin again?????
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Anniversaries. I say if it makes you happy to celebrate this day and it makes you feel powerful then do so.

    On the other hand. I prefer not to re-live that particular news that was the worst of my life. I do not want to rerun the feelings I had over in my head and stress myself out again and let the Beast win another day of my life. My anniversary will be the first part of Oct when I had all the treatments and surgeries behind me.

    But again, to each his own.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    I found some hoe-down pics.

    Amy, here's the kegs,

    More hoe-down pics


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Ok, one more. This just cracked me up for some reason.
