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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning Nicki, Betty and all...
    You two beat me up this morning. I am so tired of waking up full of anxiety! I don't know what it is just that I sleep well but have horrible dreams all night long and wake up filled with dread for no reason at all. Pop a Xanex (only taking two a day now!)and generally feel better after half an hour or so but this is getting discouraging. Like a little black cloud but it isn't over me it's in me. Weird.
    Betty...sending you's ok to be blue and scared. Don't stay away when you are feeling low...come here and sit by the fire, Nicki is a great pick me upper. are a doll...what a beautiful thing you posted. I may be sick of being too skinny (although no where near as skinny as I was)but what the heck...I am beautiful. A surprise! I am so excited.
    Liz...I got your package! What a wonder you are. I will try them right away. I can't deal with all this joint pain. The exercises for my shoulder do seem to be working though.
    Has anyone heard from Carrie and Denise?...hope they are out having some fun and being busy.
    Cheri and Madison...looks like we need to find some trouble to get into today...lets grab Tracey and the rest of the brat pack and see what we can come up with.
    Have to run off and get ready for another day at work. Lots to get done today and really need to clean up my office. Four kids in my office yesterday...Bookkeeping to day care but it was wonderful. The kids had a great time and made me laugh all day.
    I have an email that I got yesterday and I will try to post it here...It was amazing and you will all love brightened my morning so much.
    Love to you all...missing many but no more time right now.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    OH...Karen...I know just what you mean about the appointments, I dread each and every one of mine. Just tired of it. I have been putting off making an appointment with the LE therapist mainly because it's so far away and I've missed so much work already. Sending you warm hugs.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Betty, I lost my dadin 1968 at the age of 52. I still miss him as I was the youngest girl and his favorite. He spoiled me rotten.

    Vickie: Well you finially woke up! I have been having goofy dreams also. Wake up and Im shaking. Sometimes I remember them, sometimes I dont. Sometimes I can shake that feeling and sometimes it stays with me all day. My mom was born in Italy and was so superstitious about dreams. So in the back of my mind, I think of what she used to say.

    Susan: Where are you? I miss seeing your smiling face. Hope everything is going well.

    Also thinking about Carrie, Denise, CheryG and Robin. Hope all is going well.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls,

    Just checking in before I run off to Ash Wednesday mass. I need to read through 3 pages that I missed, and I'll write more later.

    DebC, I love you, hon!!! I have been so down on myself because of the way I look now, and you just gave me the slap in the face that I needed! Thank you!!

    Vickie, I can't sleep either. I had CRAZY dreams last night, and I feel like I was run over by a truck this morning. Looks like an Ambien night tonight!

    Sorry I don't have time to check in with everyone else -- I promise to do that later!

    Big hugs to you all,
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    GM all.quick is too busy , but I did at least read back.....

    Betty...please don't stay away...we love everyone, just the way they can vent, or tell us how crappy your day is, and even @%(#$*^$%&# a little...we understand hugs...

    Nicki you always have such inspiring stories,,,hopefully the new BC sis will check in...this is such a great place...

    Vickie, wow an office full of people I would love it...I hate being all by myself, except when I'm here withyou all...

    Ok no time to say hey but I want everyone to remember we love you for who you are..not what you look like...its what is in your heart that counts...and this place is filled with so much love that I have to be here everyday...I can't miss a day...and now with the puter at home I do check...too much Dh says but at least he understands

    Update on Pinkstock check thread...more

    hugs MB
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007
    Morning...My girlfriend just called and invited me to go to the taping of Rachel Ray next week. Yeah more free gifts!!!
    I guess it's her talk show?

    At work and crazy as usual. I have auditors coming in next week so research, research and more research to do. yuukkk
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I love Rachel Ray!!!! I'm incredibly jealous....not fair not fair. Just kidding...hope you have a great time.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning CG's

    Yesterday was a busy day. It was the anniversary of my bi lateral mastectomy but actually I didnt think about it all day long until my mother mentioned it so I was pretty darn proud of myself. Infusion yesterday was quick and painless. Had a nurse that hit my vein on the first try. I asked her where she had been all my life?!? Now for the big news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT THE JOB!! Woohoooo,,dancing around and yes I dance like Elaine on Seinfield also. I was very excited but so worn out last night that I couldnt even celebrate. I did drink a few beers but that was it. Got tired and fell asleep on the couch,,hows that for an exciting night life?!? Anyway my 100 mile a day job has turned into about 30 miles a day and I will be basically doing the job i am now but will be more busy which I like. I dont transfer until March 12th but I got it,,I did it! Woohoooo

    NS-Thinking of you and boy that waiting room was crowded yesterday. mazer and distorted humor saved you some teddy grahams also so I hope you enjoyed them.

    Nicki-Nice BC story. You were there at the right time for her and she needed that.

    tgirl-have fun at seeing Rachel Ray. Sounds like fun.

    Betty-wow-you were awake early this morning. You even beat Nicki and thats impressive. I for one will never have the first post I can promise you. If I do that magic carpet better be coming toward Alabama because something isnt right.

    Deb-Thanks for the smack down. I needed that. You always know the right thing to say. Surprises,,,I cant wait. Still pondering over who gets the first one? Probably not me since I have to wait for the pony express to come by in my lil ol town.

    newvickie-sorry you are having a rough time with anxiety. You do have alot on your mind though.

    I remember Captain Kangaroo-I loved watching that show. never was a fan of Mr. Rogers though,,I couldnt handle that man.

    Cheri-your crochet looks nice. You are making the effort and thats more than I can say for myself. I am going to give it a whirl though.

    Shirley-glad your dentist appointment was ok and hopefully not too much pain.

    Tracey-and you wonder why your daughters are like they are? You pay for your raising girl,,havent you ever heard that?

    biker-wow you were a wild child also?

    Sherndon-I laughed at your goody two shoes comment. Surely you had some type of wild time in your life.

    ok short but sweet but got to get busy here at work because I cant even see the top of my desk since I left early yesterday for my infusion. Back to the grind.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning girls. Coming out of my ativan fog. O my did I sleep well. Got home from the dentist and crashed on the couch for the rest of the day. Woke up when hubby got home long enough to eat some dinner and pop in to say hi. Back to bed and slept till 6. My mouth is a teeny bit sore but not bad at all. Even better news. This gunk is finally starting to drain out of my head and my head is not pounding so badly this morning.

    NS, don't see an update from you. Waiting axiously to hear.

    Deb, I hate the dentist too. This was the first cleaning I have had since I was.......8 years old. How bad is that. I've been a few times over the years for cavities and a couple of root canals. But thats it. This is the year I promised myself to get my teeth fixed. Gonna get braces so have to do all the fixer upper stuff first.

    MB, I am totally serious. The Bras Across America Quilt is gonna be fabulous.

    Shokk, hahahahhahhahahahha
    I was so saddened to read about your son. I can not even imagine that pain. Hugs to you hon.

    Ginney, thanks for the update on Laura.

    Cheri, crap...wash your hands and everything else in sight. Can't have you getting sick too.
    Only a little sore this morning thank you.
    I loved Romper Room
    Reach reach reach for the stars
    There goes Jupiter, there goes Mars....
    can't remember the rest.

    Jan, yehaw on sleeping thru the night. I haven't done that without drugs for a very long time.

    Cheri, practice practice. You'll figure it out.

    CY, yes it was my son. He will be on a carrier not a sub. Oldest who is not in the navy anymore was on a sub in Washington.

    Deb, AMEN and AMEN!!!
    The Lord made us who we are. He didn't make me, you. Or you, me.
    OOOOOOO O love surprises.

    Karen, doesn't sound like that sleep doctor was any help at all. I'll be praying you get it figured out soon. Not sleeping is the absolute pits.

    Hugs Betty. Anniversaries can be hard.

    Nicki, I slept long and hard. Didn't even wake up to pee. Just a little foggy brained this morning.
    I am so glad you were there for that dear lady. Did you tell her to come visit us?

    Vicki, hugs my friend.

    Theresa, very cool. Have a grand time.

    Amy, yehaw, hurrah, yippee, and hot damn!!!!!!
    Dancing with you. Never watched Seinfeld but have a feeling I probably dance like Elaine too.

    Still feeling a bit drugged so I think it's gonna be another couch and movie day. Maybe next time I'll only take one pill.
    See you all later.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    AMY...whooo hooo.....
    quick response to great to run

    Shirely enjoy the day, maybe watch my Fav movie...pretty it ever happens but its nice to think it I 'm a quilter...and think a crazy quilt of bras would be something to see...especially all those VS pretty...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ok ladies...trying to cheer up and kick this ugly black cloud...this video made me smile...turn up your sound!

    I've watched this over and over
    Hugs all around
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning!
    I'm staying home again today. The worst part of the bug is over (I think), but just extremely achy and yukky. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it, just in case my supervisor calls one of you!)

    Deb: Gotta Love you!! Your lecture was a Beautiful Thing!

    Betty: Stick around darling, Funks are our middle name. Hugs to you.

    Vickie: I'm mailing more squares to you today!

    Madison: I'm getting concerned about your mail!! I mailed a little something last Tuesday and I mailed squares Thursday. I think we need to call in the Mardi Gras police!

    Shirley: OOHH, the dreaded Dentist. Never bothered me abit until this past October.

    Vickie: I do the same. I wake up in the morn with a feeling of dread or doom. No reason, just happens. Take it easy dear.

    More later, I'm heading to the post office.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    o my gosh that was to pickin cute.

    MB, it's gonna be a site to see. I am already picturing it finished in my brain.

    Feel better Denise
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007
    Hey again. Found a moment to type. My hubby is really mad at me for going and not him. Rachel is his dream date. Of course, she can cook!!

    Denise,,,take it easy outside with all of the other germy people.

    Amy....yo go girl!!! Congrats to you. I had a nice job offer but wimped out. You should see me dance. One time my hubby punched me in the face dancing. Stay away from us!!

    Sue, my mom and I take my 6yr nephew to mass bucause my sister is too lazy. I love his face when it's a special mass. I'll be taking him tonight and can't wait to hear his reasons for getting ashes. xoxo

    Niki...see how you help change people's lives. You must be very good with your patients.

    Well back to boring spreadsheets. Love to all xoxo
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007

    Too much time playing already today but had to send CONGRATS TO AMY!!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    I'm back. took a couple of days off. I have an interesting story from my physical therapist. I was asking her if I was doing ok, making the right amount of progress, etc and she reassured me and started telling me about one patient who couldn't do any of his exercises after knee replacement with out crying cause he was in so much pain. She (the PT) went back to the surgeon and said she couldn't treat him cause of the pain level and she really thought something was wrong. The almighty doctor got upset that a mere physical therapist was telling him what to do and she almost got fired. After two months of agony the patient went for a second opinion. Turns out the original surgeon did not reconnect the quad muscle to the knee after he put the knee in. Can you believe it. The patient has to have more surgery and will have a hard time recovering. He is suing his surgeon. As for the rest of the story, you guessed it!!! We have the same surgeon. He comes very highly recommended but I didn't like him. Trust your instincts. Maybe after he loses his practice we can put him in Mena's tent. You know the one where all the bad things happen. Can't remember the name. boohoo chemo brain. Is it deliverance tent?

    Silvergirl, I didn't know you were having a biopsy. Yeow. And why do you have to wait so long for the results? I know I haven't been paying attention. Sorry. I know what you mean about the patient SO. My husband is once again waiting on me as I wait for me knee to heal. With us it has been one thing after another. I really owe him. Let me know how you are doing. I hope the thumb is ok.

    Gus if there is a produce tent at Pinkstock, we can all sell our extra pears and apples. LOL

    shokk, i used to play the clarinet. I went to a contest when I was in grade school just as you described. Our band won first place and I was in a quartet that won first place. Just the greatest experience. So glad your daughter is interested in music and we'll see her on TV some day!!

    Madison, if I became the yarn rather than the hook, could I lose weight by making lots of rectangles???

    DebC whirly xanax lollipops whoopee. "Shoot Howdy" huh? That's in the same category as "crummy buttons" I think I heard that one before when I was a kid. Sorry you had to have a melt down. They do attack us every once in a while no matter how good we are doing. I had a minor one the other day at the TV. I'm sick to death of the Sally Fields commercials where she talks about how good she is doing "in spite of" her osteoporosis treatments. Give me a break. If that's the toughest thing you got going on in your life, you are not doing enough living. Wise up Boniva!

    But other than that, I think you are one great fantastic gal Deb!!!

    Sheri, the nasty players are fun!! heeheehee

    Sue, I love it "not to yell out my name unless someone is bleeding or on fire! "

    I'm all for a bra burning. I still have one and a half boobs so occasionally I wear a bra. My boob that had 2 lumps and rads is still tender so mostly I wear t-shirts under another shirt. I don't seem to be able to find any bras that I'm comfortable in. I don't care about both sides looking the same size. I just want something that doesn't irritate my skin.

    Shirley, If we could figure out something to make with the bras, that would be good too. Sherloc, did you rename me?? that's ok, just let me know what my new name is. LOL

    Hi Tgirl, good to see you again. Your street sounds like the Little Rascals. Are you old enough to remember that??? I bet it was fun. Good luck with your scans and hugs to your friend Laura.

    Jan, I'm cracking up over your story about the butts and sleds and sticker bushes. woohoo. Must have been a great day. did you get all the stickers out??

    Tracey, big hug for you. Hope it's better. Sorry about the disappointments. We love you.

    Bayyore02, so you feel purty do you??? Here I am singing lullabyes and massaging your sholders.

    Cheri I just love the picture with the massaging cats. Where did you find it????? Did you sneak into town and miss me?? My first crochet looked about like yours.

    Liz and Jan, late but happy anniversary

    Liz, maybe we should start a wagon train and drive to NY. I could meet you in Joplin and we could drive to Buffalo and get Cheri and then to StL and get Christine, etc.

    NS, you crack me up. How admirable of you to give up boobs for Lent. LOL

    Peanutsgirl. I have the same problems in giving blood. The day before I start drinking a lot, lot of water. That seems to help. I've been running into more resistance about not wanting them to use my bc side for blood draws. Doctors around here are challenging that. I tell them I have had lymphedema in my breast and then they say ok and use the other arm.

    Karen, how are you doing after your surgery?

    Nicki, I'm so glad you got your prescriptions filled. How dare they treat you like that. I bet they wouldn't like it if we all showed up and took over the office.

    Joyce, pre-op appointment. Are you having surgerY?

    Denise, flu ?? uugh. So sorry you are feeling bad. And i guess from your comment that you got a flu shot also. I don't know. I'll continue to keep getting mine. I haven't had the flu this year. quick. knock on wood. whew, ok, now.

    Vicki and Amy, I bet I could get a three on my foot. It won't fit on my leg, cause my knee is still swollen. LOL

    If I missed responding to you, it's because I ran out of gas. Love you all very much.
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning all.....
    Not much time for me this morning either, but wanted to say hi and wish everyone a wonderful day...
    It was windy and cold here yesterday but today is bright and sunny (at least for the moment).
    Granddaughter is a gem.....but hard to wake in the mornings so will have to try to get a little earlier start....Son changed jobs the beginning of this week and leaves an hour before she gets up....
    Since Im at work I probably really should do something but I bet I check back here off and on to try to catch up ...

    All take care today
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Denise-I promise if my phone rings and its your supervisor I will say how sick you are and have been. No problem.

    Shirley-Believe me dancing like Elaine is not a compliment but who cares at least we can dance!

    Jule-I'm sure your life is changing quickly with a granddaughter there to get ready. So much for a peaceful morning, huh?

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Amy, congrats on the new job. Tell Mazer I said hi. I figured out why I'm so attached to him. He reminds me of my hero, Eeyore.

    Vicki, put something good in your head before you go to sleep. I read a devotional from Joyce Meyers. I belive God is protecting me as I sleep then.

    Also on a more practical note, is it cold in your house when you wake up. My chinese medicine practioner said when we are too cold, it brings out our fears and when we are too hot it brings out our anger. If I find myself getting fearful, I go put extra clothes on.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Hey there susan, You have been hiding and we missed you! I will give mazer a big ol squeeze for you this afternoon when I get home from work. She had some carrots this morning and wasnt too impressed with the health food stuff I was giving her. She said her eyes were fine and to bring on the teddy grahams and cinnamon rolls. I always try to give her a little treat with her hay and her grain but she appreciates some treats more than others. Hmmm, dont we all!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Hi Susan,
    Yes,it is the second part of my reconstruction. I am getting a nipple and the unaffected breast lifted to match. They are also fixing a small hernia in my tram area. It is a one day in and out surgery next Friday. I can't wait till it is over with.

    Pinkfest- Well,I talked hubby into going. We are going to make a long weekend out of it. I am looking forward to going and meeting everyone.

    I will check in later

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    ok on a little more serious note...I am thinking I am going crazy...
    I go for my check up on Mar 8, and since I only had close margins not clear, I get Dr says no worries...BUT...should I ask for more testing since the Mast I have had 3 implant surg..and deconstruction..what if just one little cell got out?...or am I just nuts...(oh wait don't answer that, I've invited you all to my house...)
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning and/or Afternoon everyone.....a beautiful day here in North Texas.....I'm not as bored as I was yesterday here at work but I wanted to pop in and tell Amy congrats on the couldn't happen to a nicer (and funnier...wear a size 3 on one leg) cg....Susan I think if you come to Pinkfest you need
    to bring that Clarinet and any of you other band nerds should bring your instruments as well............Betty (I took the time to grab my boob) its good to hear from you....MB I don't think it will ever be easy to have our check-ups....just try and stay busy and on Mar 8 we will be there holding your hand......hello to everybody else.....I may check in daughter hates it when i am on the computer (competition) I try and wait for her to go to sleep but the only problem is I usually fall asleep first........
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies ~
    I ONLY got to read to page 240 and now there are 253 pages.

    I wanted to say Hi and hope everyone is doing well or at least what could be expected.

    I wish the best of luck to all who are having treatments, surgeries and doctor appointments. I will catch up with all the readings later.

    I am doing fine ---- No more COLD ---- at least I hope not anyway.

    The weather in my area was beautiful for President's Day weekend so DH and I took off and went to a local casino and stayed over night. It is a beautiful resort, although we stay only 30 minutes away from it at a GREAT Best Western Motel that is less than twice the amount of the resort and the room is huge with a wet bar, microwave and refrigerator, couch, table and chairs and queen size bed. Beautiful pool and 2 spas in a tropical setting. We stay there often since we both really like the area and of course the casino. We are also dancers and they have a dance place there called Club 88. There is also Karaoke, which we also do and GREAT food including their buffet. I go for their Clams and Shrimp at their buffet. By the way I did not gain a pound while I was there either. I weighed exactly the same from when I left, we also went to 2 dinners at my brother and sister-in-laws house and played “Catch Phrase,” Awesome game, get it ladies if you don’t have it.

    Catch up with all of you later and will say more then once I read everyone's posts.
    Hugs to all of you.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    OMG I just binged on a whole tub of ice cream. Somebody stop me!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    JAz...I'm standing over the frige with my step back and to work off all that ice cream...hugs...
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Pass me the icecream. I'll suffer through eating half of it and share the pain

    It's OK girlfriend. Go brush your teeth and start over. You'll be fine

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    LOL...I feel so guilty but I just couldn't stop. Honest! It was like an alien was in control. What is wrong with me? I know better and kept thinking that I should stop but just kept shoveling it in. I ate the whole carton.

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007
    AHHHHHHHHHHHH- I just lost a long post!
    Let's see...
    Deb--love you--really needed to hear that! I come from a family that critisized me for having a belly during PREGNANCY so I have been very hard on myself for all the chemo weight I've been gaining.
    Susan--thanks for the shoulder rub--how'd ya know that's just what I needed!
    Hope--STOP~~!(and share some..... )

    Ok--husband going a bit crazy again last night and this morning. If anyone can send some kick in the pants vibes to him, I'll be forever grateful.....
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Ok holly, he should be feeling them soon...I'll do a few side kicks and maybe a flying round house...hmmm Chuck norris style...lo...hope it helps