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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    This post and the one above were pics of the little puppy we got that didn't make it. I couldn't stand to see it anymore so that's why these are deleted.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007

    Deb, I think she looks lab, too, and you're right the eyes could come from a Huskey. She looks like the pic Nicki posted except for the ears. They're not long enough and they are lab ears. Isn't she a cutie? Dh says we have to get rid of her but he may change his mind. But with her having a collar i'm gonna check the paper when it comes out Wed. (yes, we have only a weekly paper) to see if anything is listed for her. She's so sweet.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    You might call your local dog pound and humane society to see if anyone has reported a lost puppy.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    I've been knify knitting about all evening and it's not going so well. It's break time.

    Iris! Good to see you post, where ya been? Hey sorry about your robbery bet that was scary. Post a little more often.

    Sheri, glad you all had a nice day today. Sounded like you were refreshed in your post.

    Boo, so sorry you're going through such a difficult time. Hope you do better soon.

    Vickieroo, hey you had a "real" night out. You were in need of some fun. Glad Nate enjoyed the play. Sure missed you on the party thread tho. lol

    Jazmanian, good idea about calling the pound. I'll do that. Hope you had better luck with your knitting. Heck I can't hand crochet and now my knitting loom skills are going down the drain. Maybe it's cos I'm not used to having much sleep. lol

    NS, I think you're getting stronger every day and I'm so glad we need you here.

    Meaner, thanks for the contact so I don't worry. Darlin I was born to worry I just usually fight against it. Most times I win.

    Hey to Susan, Nicki, MB, Liz, Laura, Denise, Karen, Colleen, Shel, Joyce, Ginney, Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Margaret and to all those I missed, I wish you all a restful nights sleep and a great day tomorrow.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Thanks,Cheri! I appreciate your kind words as it is a stressful time and thanks for thinking of me. I help my elderly parents(no internet and I miss it so much!)and check-in whenever I can. Been missing reading abt the happenings. I bet your knitting is awesome! What talent--I am sure it is an enjoyable hobby. I have no ability w/crafts or sewing. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    Have a good Sunday,everyone!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Iris, I have no all. I'm using the Knifty Knitter cos I just can't seem to get the crocheting I'm just kinda bobbling along.

    It's been awhile since I've had a puppy. Just exactly how many times can one little puppy poop in one night? Too danged many! Yuck, wish she'd been house broken. Plus she's chewing up everything she can reach. What have I done? I thought I'd let her stay outside tonight in the fenced yard with Rover. I put her out the back and sat back down and she'd found the dog door and came right back in! So she's smart. She's a bit much for me to handle. Anyone want her, she's sooo pretty and playful and sweet? Oh no, she's eating again!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Cheri: That puppy is so darn cute. I agree she looks like there is a little lab mixture. You can tell by her paws, she is gonna be a big doggy. If she has a collar, she might belong to someone, but thank goodness she is safe and warm in a house full of love.

    Boo! I thought I remembered you talking about the trunkal LE when you first found out about it. So of course sometimes you feel overwhelmed and scared.

    Ok! when is my other sunshine sister. Probably sleeping in after a long night out.

    Tweaking your toes Vickie:


    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good morning Nicki.....those endorphines making you feel good or is it that fresh brewed coffee tasting good? Well I am fixing to leave to go to the airport to take my oldest back to school....she will be flying into Midway and her roommate will pick her up (she lives in Lincoln Park) and then they will drive on up to Appleton, WI.....she is going to have a long day.....she stayed out to 1:30 this morning and has not been to sleep.....ahhhhh college life....have a good morning will check in later............

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    No endorphins this morning shokk. At least not yet. Its definitely the coffee. Hazelnut! Somehow I forgot your daughter is going to school in my area. Man I lived about 3 miles from Midway airport when I was a little girl.

    Lincoln Park? What a fun place to live. Weather here in Chicago is in the 60's and looking forward to a beautiful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh my sunshine sister up before me! But here I am.
    Had a wonderful time at the play and the kids did a fantastic job. They got a standing ovation at the end and Nathaniel literally grinned all the way through it. I so love to see him smile.
    Hey Nickerster...loving all your pictures!
    Iris...oh my a burglery is scary. When I was with my ex our house got broken in to three times and I was so freaked out every time that I couldn't sleep for weeks. I hated it. I love living where I am now and actually seldom even lock my doors. (yup...dumb..I know)
    Sue...oh my. Sending you a hug. Maybe a garment would help. I read somewhere (maybe here)that LE is so much harder for women to deal with than their original dx as it seem never ending. Grab a xanex...I couldn't make it without them.
    On that note!!! I only took 1 Xanex all day yesterday! Never even thought about it!!!
    Cheri...that puppy is adorable and I couldn't have said no either!
    Has anyone heard from Karen? If your reading this sweetie...know that we are thinking of you.
    Good morning Shokk...another sunshine sister up early to play.
    Madison...sending hugs your way.
    Hmmm...we seem to be missin lots of ladies. Hope they are all having a happy busy weekend.
    Hugs and love to Jan, Sue, Liz, Shel, Alwayshope, Sheri, oh heck...EVERYONE.
    Off to shower and feed the "always hungry" boy LOL. about a picture of YOU!
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning,everyone!

    I was up before the sun this morning. You are right,Vickie,abt the burglary as they cut the alarm this time and just got tvs and things to sell. I had one yrs ago, and forgot the "mind games". I am not sleeping that well and will have to get the Ambien out tonight.Getting my new alarm helps;lucky you in the country as I think it feels safer(JMO).Yours and Nicki's pictures have gotten me through the early morning hours today. Finding the receipts and all that other know the drill.

    Nicki, been looking at your pics of the bears and other cute pics while reading some of the 30 or more pages that I had missed. It is like catching a glimpse of other people through chapters;just fascinating. Thought of you on St. Pat's Day and wondered if you had some good food and music there to celebrate?

    Cheri,hope all the knitting is done and that puppy is so cute. I loved how smart it is to come through the dog door. Smarter than me today! Brings back memories,for real.

    Wow,Shokk,your daughter is going to be traveling a long distance today. I hope she enjoys her trip--remember those days when we could stay up forever(and not feel it the next day)? LOL!

    Sherndon,have a great trip to AL next week. Hope Vera is doing well in Ft Payne. Wonder is she sold her house? I was thinking abt your parents' trip when their Jeep was vandalized(during this mess that I am sorting). I remember that your father had his sermons on the computer and other things,too. Luckily,my laptop was junk and the good one was spared this time. Security that was taken is hard to replace.

    Everyone have a great Sun! Supposed to be warm in NC and another pretty,spring day.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning CG girls!!

    I've been reading, but not taking any notes. I went to the library Friday, haven't been in a couple of months. I'm taking a machine quilting class Monday at a local quilt shop and didn't want to buy the recommended book. Found it on the library's web site and had them put a hold on it for me. When I got there to pick it up, I decided, what the heck. I put extra money in the meter and took some time to brouse(sp?). Found the new Trigiani book "Home to Big Stone Gap". It's a 7 day book, so I've been reading whenever I can. It's pretty good. I'm more than three quarters done. Got a couple of craft books, and three bc books. Hoping they will keep me busy until my appt on Wednesday. Got a dog training book, and not any too soon. Storm season is here and our little terrier mix just freaks out during thunder storms. Might just have to check out that topic today. The rain and storms have come our way.

    I'm not thinking too much about my onc appt. Beginning to think that an exercise that I did with weights on Thursday is the culprit. I was going over the movements, and I might have pulled a muscle there. That's if there's a muscle that CAN be pulled in that area. Maybe with my exercise classes, I've developed a bigger muscle there. that would be a weird place for that to happen.

    I think we have MIL settled in now. Yesterday we got her a small TV for her room, and she has most of her clothes that she needs for rehab. They're all marked too, except for the ones she was wearing.

    I think today will be a day without in-law contact. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly for both of them. Tomorrow SIL is coming to work out some of the details for FIL's living situation. Things like renter's ins, haircut, going through the mail, and some bills. She's the bookkeeper in the family.

    Today is DD's 21st b-day. My baby is legal. That's hard to imagine. She tells me she's planning on only one bar. We're going to a brunch buffet after church at a really nice hotel. Only one of her brothers and one sister can make it. My 81 year old Mom is driving in from the country to meet us for church and will go with us to lunch. It should be nice.

    Sorry I didn't take notes today, but you're always in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and Healing to all who need them.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Cheri, on the puppy front. Do you have a baby gate. Find someplace like a laundry room to put the pup in at night and put down newspaper over almost all of the floor area. Each night gradually cover less and less floor space with newspaper and the pup should learn to go on the paper. Lots of praise when the pup does it right.

    Chewing...lots of bones from Walmart. Get the nyla bones...the rawhide can cause them to choke.

    And I don't keep the food bowl full all day. I use a measuring cup and measure out the recommended daily amount. If the pup eats all of that that's all he/she needs..don't refill the bowl.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Iris, so sorry about the burglary. I would be so freaked that I would probably be packing to move. But I know that's not a realistic thing to do. I was going to recommend getting an alarm but if they cut that then! Glad nobody was hurt.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Iris, I am so impressed, you remember the burglary my parents had last summer! It seemed like it took my dad forever to finally replace everything. Even with insurance he still didn't get everything he lost, some of that went the wayside of the deductible.

    Cheri, the puppy is the cutest thing, but.... I don't know how I'd have the energy to try to train another animal. Jasmine, my dad does that with their dog a chocolate lab, he only feeds her a certain amount at the same time every day. We try to do that with our dog, but when people see her bowl empty they aren't sure if anyone fed her yet that day, so who knows how many times she eats? I really should take better charge of it, but when we got her it was NOT supposed to be my responsibility, but you know how that goes.

    Laura, sounds like you will have a nice luncheon to celebrate. Do they serve champaign with it?

    I would rather have a cup of Nicki's cup this morning, mine is very boring. We ran out of milk last night, so it's very black. I'll drink it, but I would rather have some cream.

    Vickie, kid performances can be so much fun. We have an Arts for Kids group who is doing the Wizard of Oz. Lots of students from our school are in it. They are doing a school performance Monday, so we are taking a field trip to go see it. Should be fun.

    Looks like we are going to have another sunny, warm day. May try to get out into the garden, but at least will try to go outside for awhile.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Well everyone! Just heard on the news its gonna be 75 and sunny. Im getting dressed and heading outdoors. Ya gotta love it when Spring arrives.

    Karen: I do hope you are doing ok. Kinda worried that we havent heard from you since Friday and hoping the surgery went well.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning cg's
    well i am feeling pretty good today as i got lots of sleepy yesterday!!!
    but another day at work..... going to talk with my boss about working to many freakin weekends!!!!
    omg cheri that dog is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    if you cant keep it i am sure you can find it a good good thing i dont live near ya!!!
    i already have my 2.5 family dogs!!!!!!
    wow can believe the hotel got so busy when i left yesterday we were at 14 and this morning it was 30..... well thats a good thing i guess!! ha!
    well i am going to go peek outside and see if its still raining..... holy cow we are going to get huge run off this yr,,, already parts of southern bc are flooding!!!
    well have a great morning ladies... bbl
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Cheri - Cute puppy. I am dogless right now and have been trying to talk DH into a new pup. They are lots of work but the love they give makes it worth it.
    Thank you everyone for the kind words. I'm just feeling stressed right now. It just really sucks to have a new complication to deal with and haveing a check up in a couple days does not help either!.
    On a more positive note I went cycling yesterday for the first time since DX. I used to ride 10 to 15 miles 4-5 times a week. Well yesterday I went 3 miles and was panting and leg muscles were shaking by the end. I'm so glad I went. I've been trying to walk but it bothers my neuropathy in my feet. I was afraid to cycle because I wasn't confident about my ballance but had no ballance problem just lack of stamina! I still have 23 of 25lbs to lose so this should help.
    Everyone have a happy Sunday.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007

    Tracy - A .5 dog?????

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    OH everyone: Its a beautiful Spring day here in Chicago. I just went for a walk. Like Shokk said - got my endorphins going wild this morning. Another one of my perennials is starting. I dont know its name but the flowers are in a Lavender ball. Right now it just green leaves coming up from the ground, but heck last week my crocus were sprouts. This week they are blooming.

    Gives ya such a good feeling inside. We have not experienced Spring in the circle. Its gonna be a fun and new adventure.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Good Sunday morning to all. Just want to drop by and say hi! Love the pics.

    Vickie- you look great! Do you have an exercise routine and diet that you follow? I need to loose 30lbs but haven't been too motivated to do so yet. The sweets are always calling my name. They got me through chemo but now I really need to stop eating them cause the lbs are piling up.

    Cheri - the puppy is adorable. I hope you can find it a good home. Weekly newspaper?????

    Boo - I hope you can convince dh to get a dog. Yes, they offer so much unconditional love. Ahhh, I'm a big doggie fan. I wish I had a large yard so I could have a Golden Retriever or Lab. We currently have a Beagle named Maggie. She is a lot of work but a total sweetie.

    Nickie - 60's sounds great. I hope you enjoy the outdoors today.

    Boo - Cycling sounds great. Where do you go cycling? Three miles is a good start. Soon you will be back to your usual 10-15 miles.

    Tracey - bummer you have to work on the weekends. Could they atleast rotate your weekends?

    Sheri - I love gardening at this time of the year. It gets so hot here past May that I usually try to plant all my annuals this month.

    Laura - happy b'day to your DD. Wow, 21 is so grown up. How awsome to see them grow into their own person.

    Iris - how scary about the burglary. I don't recall how they got in. Did they take much? I hope they get caught. Do you think you will get your things back?

    AlwaysHope - good advice on feeding the puppy. I had to laugh because my beagle eats everything. She is like a bottomless pit. If we don't feed her enough she will haul until we do. It drives my husband crazy. I usually try to keep her quiet cause dh is not much of a dog lover. He likes them from afar and as long as they don't make too much noise.

    Okay, got to go now. Son is asking for breakfast. I'll try to post more often. Have a great day everyone.

    Love and hugs to all,
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    GM an hour to read back, and I didnt take notes...its finally sunny here so not tiem to be inside...just a little story...hope it makes someone smile...
    Ok you know I live in nowhere usa...but the local fire dept ahs a ham & turkey raffle...well its where you see all your walks a ribbon hat obviously coverinbg a blad head...and she is struting like ther is nothing different about her...i was so impresssed, cuz little town can be cruel.(one time a lady told me not to go out with out my other breast...which I do frequently on the weekends...hmmpft..) after the evenings event was over I walked up to her and gave her a hugs and my phone #...she was so over come that anyone "cared"...SO I told her about this summer and told her to call me when she was ready...tears were in both our eyes and it felt so good...
    OK off to rake and pick up and see if there are any sings of spring yet...
    everyone have a good day.. old is your DD...I can find lots to do out here and pinkstock wont be the same with out you...
    hugs MB
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Ok...I'm jealous...I'm seeing 75 degrees, shorts, flip flops, gardening, crocus's and flowers blooming and we still have snow and I had to wear my winter coat to church this morning. I'm movin in with one of you!!! LOL.
    Stupid car has an issue that I can't figure out so I have help on the way to see what's wrong with it. Stinkin thing probably has cancer or something equally expensive. Sometimes I hate cars. diet or exercise program. I lost tons of weight during chemo, surgery and rads...went from 148 to 110 by the time I was done and the docs were freakin out. Told me I had to get back up to at least 130 and I've finally reached my goal. Exercising is something that I have to start doing now. It will be much easier when spring is here and I can get outside. Not much of an indoor exersizer but I think I'll join MB's spa and get busy anyway. Getting a bit of the Arimedex belly!!!
    Back in a bit.
    Love to all
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Shel – I’m sorry to know you’re feeling sad. I know I sure cry more easily now than I used to – happy tears and sad. Sometimes it so embarrassing!! Are you taking any meds this could be a side effect of?? I’m worried, girlfriend. Maybe a consultation with your onc or PCP is in order? I’m sending big, squeezy hugs and a big chocolate bar.

    CY – Thoughts and prayers for you, and your Mom and Dad. And big hugs, too. The medical community has made huge advancements with bypass stuff. Keep positive – all will be well.

    Joyce – Brothers are special, aren’t they? I had told mine about my tests, and also told him not to worry. He replied and said, “I’ll worry if I want to, you’re my little sis!” Made me cry. (see my note to Shel about crying.)

    NS – Nice to see you posting, because every time it sounds like you fell just a little bit better. What a stinker of a doctor… I think if I had that doctor, I’d be running for a second opinion. But then I’m used to my docs, all of whom are very aggressive on treatment – which is fine by me!

    Sheri – 15 is such a ‘fun’ age. I can only tell you to keep plugging away. There were so many times when we were ready to throw my eldest out on his behind, but he finally got his stuff together and is now a kid to be proud of. Hang in there, and just keep doin’ your best with him. In the long run, he’ll turn out FINE! In the mean time, I’m sending understanding hugs.

    Shokk – I think we’ve all had times we’d like to be able to reach out and pull the words back into our mouths. I’m sure your mother understands. My dad is 82 and I can’t talk to him at all about my cancer, because he gets the same look on his face I bet your mother had. It’ll be okay.

    Ishop – I’m with ya – waiting stinks!! And I’ve had the same conversation with my phlebotomist – If you don’t want me to be anemic, stop taking it out of me… Are you a tea drinker? My onc told me that tea interferes with the absorption of iron. She suggested I start drink green tea instead, but I just don’t like the taste as well.

    Vickie – You’re beautiful!! Can’t wait til I have hair again. Probably won’t get back to 130 pounds until heaven, but I’m trying to move in that direction.

    Cheri – I she’s a Weimaraner, I think she’s valuable. My uncle had one years ago and at the time I understood they were fairly rare.

    Iris – sorry about the robbery. Hugs to you.

    Always – That’s exactly what I just said to my DH. Makes me wish I could adopt him.

    MB – What a caring thing to do. You are wonderful, and I hope she comes to Pinkstock. Did you tell her about the boards?

    I was so tired when we got back from my IL house yesterday. Friday I tried sleeping without help and didn’t (sleep that is). So last night it was back to AmbienCR. I slept 10 hours and feel SO much better today. Has anybody else noticed that Ambien impacts their balance? I fell twice at work Thursday, and that’s the only thing I can think of, since I’m not usually too clutzy. Now if I can only figure out a way to take my iron supplements without getting the runs… The joys of better living through chemistry.

    Heading to the kitchen for lunch, and then to the couch to crochet with some of the yarn from my MIL.

    Happy Sunday everyone!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    don't worry anne!

    i'm pretty sure we've got it narrowed down to the zoladex injection last week. ever since then, i'm all over the place with my emotions, thoughts, ideals etc. i'm way more clutzy too!

    hell, i'm even getting soft with my ex that is messed up hormones if ever there were lol!

    going out to enjoy our good to all

    shel(aka sybil)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Vickie: Im hoping the nice weather we are having is coming your way. Sending you some sunshine.


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    I am just flying by with big hugs and deep breaths for everyone. I know I have been extra-stressed with all the BC crud in the news. I want you all to know that even if i act like a flake or seem freaked out some of the times...I love ya all to little tiny bits!

    I hope everyone has an awesome day...even though I have reserved at least 30 seconds today to hate anyone who lives where it is already spring...LOL...just 30 seconds of envy since it was -12 this morning!!! Yes...3 days into spring and it is 12 freeking degrees below ZERO. All you lucky ladies who live where dafodills are blloming...take a big sniff for Meeeeeeee!

    Love ya
    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Its spring here and my grass already needs to be mowed! Gonna have to call my lawn guy early this year.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hi ladies.
    I started a Nukemboobie exchange several months ago in the Radiation thread. I sent out two boxes filled with goodies, the recipients could take out as many things as they wanted, add the same number of things and send the box to the next person on the list. We also had a journal project going and everyone was writing their "story" or their feelings and adding pictures of whatever they wanted. WELL...the boxes have disappeared. I know where they were last but get no response from my pm's to the girls who had them last. Lost in the mail...not sent onward...I don't know.
    SOOOOO....I decided to repost under that thread that I would like everyone to redo their journal pages and send them directly to me as my sister has offered to put them in Adobe and I have a bookbinder who will make them into books for each of us.
    The journal was the most important and the most anticipated part of this project and there are some heartbroken ladies who so very much wanted to see the finished project as they put their heart and soul into it along with pictures, drawings etc.
    I am inviting anyone here who would like to join in to journal a few pages and send them to me. Add whatever you like and we will include it into the book. Just a loving, encouraging book all about us...our feelings, thoughts, hopes for the future, rants...whatever you wish to say would be included.
    If you are interested in joining me and I'll send you my address.
    I will probably repost this a couple more times here so forgive me for repeating myself but I want everyone to see it and get as many pages as I can.
    Love and hugs
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Boy I hate it when I miss a day of posts. I've been reading and took some notes, but I've missed so much. I hope all of you are having a good weekend, and with the exception of Deb, enjoying the spring weather! I will read some more and try to catch up individually this evening. (after in laws leave.)