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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    gina........i can't remember my 'old ones' either (but i do vaguely remember the nipples lol), and the new ones do look smashing in a good bra!

    you 'sound' better, and the lymph dissection was, by far, the most painful thing for me as well (still is on some days)

    hang in there're very close to the 'other side' right now!

    even through chemo, you'll be blown away how fast it passes, and what you'll forget about!!!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Absolutely awesome Vickie!

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Vickie, I'm sitting here sobbing. I'm having a crappy week (like everyone else apparently!), and I've been overwhelmed with feelings of powerlessness about my son. This little movie clip reminded me of all the love in the Circle and it made me feel better. My friends don't undestand how I can feel so connected to people I've never met -- they should spend some time here so they could learn about loving and looking out for your pack.

    Sorry...I know I'm rambling...I just love you guys a lot and I'm so blessed that you are all a part of my life.

    Here's to better days!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Vickie, I am smiling through my tears. That was beautiful.
    Sob! Sniff, sniff. Thank you!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    ns...glad you are back and I'm sure te new girls ill be just what you wanted...and the bonus...cancer son't forget to get the bikini for
    hugs G

    Susan...hugs relax..and hb..
    Gus...this place always puts a warm felling back into my hear...
    shel...this is a can say what you feel...and are you changing your
    Vicki..fixing the convertible for your ride this cream run...a must...
    Deb...ha ha ha I knew you couldn't do it but gad your snickers bars....glad you had a good day...

    the sun was out all say, i have accomplished alot, but Ineeded my CG should be coking dinner...
    I just want you ALL to know that you have changed my life for the better and I couldn't ask for better friens, unjudging and always warm..
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Just thought we could use a Circle Girl reminder today....
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Finally getting a chance to get on here and talk for a bit. Been busy at work and was gone Wednesday to water heater training. I jumped on yesterday for a brief moment and posted on another thread and then work got busy and I never made it back. Yesterday was probably a good thing that I was on very long because of the whole EE thing. My emotions were everywhere. Mad because the beast was attacking somebody else, pissed because, I don’t mean this to sound like it will come out but,,,,oh crap cant even say it because it will come out wrong. Anyway, I enjoy running about and frolicking in my own little denial land and then I had to hear stupid news people attempt to report on something they don’t have a clue about and screw it up. Its breast cancer regardless she doesn’t now have bone cancer. The stats drive me insane. I can’t stand to see somebody quote she could live 10 or 15 years or whatever, nobody knows. My gosh if they could predict how many years I am going to live then they better be smart enough to find a freaking cure. I know she made the statement she will be on some form of treatment forever and that part does get to me because I cant stand to think that. That is the part of mets that drives me insane. Ok enough already of me rambling about my emotions yesterday. Heck, we all have them so why am I any different?

    Nicki-didnt mean to imply that I needed a break from here, heck I know I couldn’t do it and have no desire to stay away. Mazer would show up without me anyway because she has to drive the magic carpet. You have had a busy week with your late nights. I have thought of you often when it has been midnight every night this week when I finally hit the bed. Oh by the way,,you aint old missy, you are only as old as you act!

    Shel-love your words girl. You are just right out there with it and I agree, what about us “normal” people with mets?

    Susan-hate you are in a funk but lord knows I understand. I wouldn’t be doing near as well as you are if I was dealing with the physical terrorist.

    Cheri-you are a rock. You seem so steady and always there. Congrats on the square making you are kicking butt. Thanks for making me look so bad,,lol. Enjoyed the magic carpet ride today, the loops were out of this world.

    Shirley-Hope you are surviving the grandkids. Maybe you wont be held hostage too long cause we miss you around here.

    Vickie-new boobs? Wow! Cant wait to see the new pic and if you need any extra pounds I can send you some.

    Deb-sorry you were having a rough day yesterday. Your words are so powerful on here and can’t imagine you being gone too long. The posse would come find you no doubt. I would bundle up too cause its still cold over your way. I must say your remark about the floatie made me turn green.

    NS-woohooo, been missing you and so happy to see you posting. Glad to see you like the new boobs and I bet they look wonderful. Onward now to kicking some cancer butt and never looking back.

    Lini-hows your weather? Its hot here and I bet you are enjoying your flip flops.

    Madison-so sorry to hear about your daughters friend. That is so tough. Hugs to your daughter and you.

    Tracey-aka snowman in thongs-hmmmmm the things teenagers do. Ya know? I know I am glad my mother never caught me doing some of the things I did or I probably wouldn’t be living right now. Chalk me up as a wild child and sure hoping my son doesn’t do some of the things I did.

    Biker-I agree Cheri needs a tattoo. I hope you are right in saying boys are easier cause I am preparing myself for next year when the boy turns 13. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,,dreading it already.

    Shokk-I say go for it and have fun enjoying you.

    Gus sorry you are having it rough. We love you!

    I hate when I start typing and don’t take notes and draw a blank.

    Farm update-SO got the fencing finished for the geriatric dogs cause they get their own suite. They were excited and took right to it. She has set about 15 poles this week in places that they needed to be set for the goats and we just had not got around to it because of lack of time. With the new goats coming we didn’t need any surprises. She has spent her spring break working her butt off but has enjoyed every minute of it. Needless to say she hates summer worse than me since she is from the northeast so I have heard all week how freaking hot it is. I get home just in time to crack a cold beer and walk around and see all the farm work so its pretty good timing on my part. Oh also, my dad got a new tractor today and I am rather jealous,,lol

    Ok gotta go finish up a few things and work and then hit the door running. Everyone have a great weekend and do something to make yourself laugh even if its laughing at yourself. If you cant laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2007
    A couple of days have passed and I can't believe how many posts there are to catch up on! I need to start doing this on a 2/3x a day basis...

    This week really sucked -- another friend who was dx with mets and fought like hell passed away last Sunday and it is just so frigging sad. In a way, maybe it's good that EE is getting all this press; maybe BC will be back in the limelight and more funding will be gotten for cure this F---ing disease!

    I went to my first onc appt this morning since I finished my herceptin 3 weeks ago. My labs didn't come back so good. I have iron deficient anemia and have to go tomorrow morning for a battery of tests. At least now I know why I've been soooo tired lately. I actually thought it was just some depression. Depending on the results, he may send me for a colonoscopy. Does the FEAR ever end??? Will life as we once knew it ever be the same?

    My very pregnant daughter is here for the weekend -- she and her DH live in CT -- and I'm giving it my all to play 'the happy mom' -- she has no idea about my friend, Robin, or my appt with the onc this morning.

    I'm really sorry, but I don't have the energy to respond to each and every one of you, but I am thinking of you and hoping everyone is fabulous, happy, okay, drunk (or thinking about it) . . .

    Love, Sue

    I hope to catch up tomorrow (famous last words!).
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Amy, thanks for the farm update!! What a lot of work! Can't wait to see pics of the new goats!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Good Day Sisters,

    I've only skimmed the post since last night. I have to say to Gina, I love what you have said and I love the video!! Yesterday was a rotten day for so many. Nobody
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    oh frig? i'm so not 'shel38' anymore!!!!!!!

    i'm 'shel40'as of march 30th!..........yikes!!!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Uhhh....Shel 40??????

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    You will always be Shel29 in your mind girlfrend, and that's all that matters! You're BEAUTIFUL Damn it
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Well Hell, I'm still Jan 18 in my mind!!!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Hi girls,

    Next Saturday is our city wide garage sale day. We’ve never participated in it at I HATE getting things ready for one. DH decided we needed to do this so I’ve been going through stuff all day. I’m pooped! I can’t believe I have so many pairs of jeans that I will never get into again. LOL

    Susan – you have done a wonderful job on the Pinkstock merchandise. I can’t seem to pick out what I want. I want it all. LOL Take the time you need. We’ll miss you and will be waiting for your return.

    Ishop/Sue – I’m sorry to hear about your friend. We’ll be with you during your tests. It’s hard to pretend all is okie dokey isn’t it? You’re a good mom.

    Amy – great news on things moving along on the farm. I love your updates.

    DebC – Glad you returned! I can’t seem to stay away either. I’ve had one of Carl Jr’s guacamole burgers. They are huge, messy and oh so good. We don’t have one here but there is one in the town where I got treatment.

    Gina – as I’ve said before, you are an amazing woman. Hope things continue to improve now. Take it easy. Hugs

    MB – I’m still laughing at me going out and buying a bathing suit. That is such a scary thought.

    Gus/Sue – I’m so sorry you’ve had a crappy week. Dealing with schools and your son is stressful. Come into the inner circle.

    Jas – always good to see you. Have you talked with Doris lately? I haven’t heard anything from her.

    Shel – 40 is fabulous! I wish I would have looked as good as you do at 40!

    Vickie & Madison – I have more rectangles to mail the first of next week.

    Cheri – have you guys had these storms?

    Christina – okay I’m trying to embrace the curls. I bought the items you mentioned and with this rain and super humidity I have mega curls. Thanks for all the advice. I’m trying to learn.

    Sher – hope you don’t get pooped being grammie for a few days.

    Nicki – busy girl! Hope you get some rest this weekend.

    I’ve missed many but DH is calling me to come see if I want to sell something. My luck he’ll have everything I own out there soon.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Just poppin in to say howdy and good night.
    I said that I'd post my new "body" picture but Nate has a headache (car sick)so I will post it tomorrow.
    Just wanted to send my love to all and I'll see ya in the moring.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    Happy friday girls. I've survived the day. Had 5 not 4 kidlets to corral today. Yehaw what fun. Daughters 3 and 2 that she is babysitting for two weeks. She took the baby with her. Got the call at 2am this morning. Friend in labor, no need to induce. Poor lady did not deliver till about an hour ago. Yikes and double yikes. Thats a longgggg labor. Anywhos Daddy person came home early from work. Wasn't that nice of him? Daughter should be home late this evening. Hubby coming to get me tomorrow I think? Not sure yet. If not I won't be home till next week. Have a great weekend.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Amy, I'm actually more of a rolling stone than a 'rock' but i appreciate the compliment.

    Liz, we're just getting rain and dreary stuff. Hey thank you so much for the cd, i watched the part i needed to learn last night and it shows step by step instructions and I followed them to what i thought was exact and it looked real good at first then about 4 rows and it had started to taper, lol Thanks again for the cd.

    NS, nice post, wonderful video. You're getting stronger won't be long til you're on here all the time.

    Vickie, it's only 8:43 your time on a friday night and your going to bed? I hate bed i avoid it until I have to sleep.

    Talked to Mena today. Think she's doing better. Sounded better anyway.

    Shokk, glad your feeling better today.

    I didn't take any notes, just too many pages. Hey to everyone and you know who you are.

    Guess we must've lost Holly and maybe Ginney. And Carol just jump in anytime.

    Tired tonight gonna have to sleep. what a waste of time. I want to be swake the whole rest of my life so i don't miss a second. but I don't real well without rest and i know when its time ao it shouldn't be long now.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    vicki have a good night and take care of nate..
    shel40 is great...hell MB 48 is'tso bad, got rid of my grey today..whoo hooo feel 22....enjoy age soend't matter frame of mind does... glad your posting...hugs gF...
    Ishop, take care of yourself and enjoy being a to know i'm not the only trying to finish their projects...
    wow I like this weekend night
    Liz...hmmm..maybe a string bikini...but my son says no thongs.... kids keep telling me im not 22 anmore...what when did that happen...
    cheers, enjoying a glass of Reisling and off to bed...
    hugs to all please peaceful niht and sweet dreams
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    oops night...too much wine
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    haven't gone to bed yet...just trying to juggle Nathaniel and my board addiction at the same time.
    Cheri...get you silly butt back to the party!
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Good evening Sisters,

    I was going to re-do the post I lost at lunch, but I was especially pooped today when I got home from work. I ended up sittin' on the couch and crocheting.

    I'll see you all on Sunday.

    Night all!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Good night girls!

    I started a post earlier and thought I had canceled it, but I see it is hanging there half done! I got a call from the relative of one of my clients and had to do some fancy foot work to get her taken care of!
    I spent the day with my Mom at the Dr's and at the grocery store. OMG!! That is about all I can say. Everytime we made it through 2 aisles of the grocery store I would call my dd on cell and give her an update. 3:00, aisle 1. 3:20, aisle 3. 3:45, looking for the perfect pkg. of Ground sirloin! To Funny..and to tiring (misspelled). Love her to pieces,!

    And love you guys too, but I"m going to bed. Will catch up tommorrow!

    Hugs and sweet dreams,
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    omg you guys!

    i'm friggin leaking out of my eye sockets everywhere!

    i have my own, personal 'niagara falls' lol!

    what the hell is wrong with me???????

    all i do is cry lately, even when i'm happy!

    crap, i'm so tired of this ride!

    i need to get a grip! especially if i expect to return to work next week!

    thanks for reading yet another 'rant' of mine!!!!!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    128 new messages that I have to read....

    Tracey, man, can't live with them and you can't live without them. Sending you big hugs. My daughter was a horrible kid and she's a great person now, so there's hope, it just may take awhile. I'm waiting for my son to grow up.

    Susan, it's normal to resent this whole BC thing. I try to keep a positive attitude.

    Always, I'm with you on the copy and paste thing. I got tired of losing my posts.

    Deb, that was my thought too when I heard about Elizabeth Edwards. It takes well known people to bring this to the forefront. I have her book and still can't get past the first few pages; I cried every time I started to pick it up. I can't seem to get into the "no cancer" world - I think I told you ladies that I just found out my girlfriend's hubby may have a recurrence of multiple myeloma and then today a friend had a bilateral after two lumpectomies. Just saw that you couldn't stay away.

    Anne, congratulations on your good results.

    Tgirl, I watched the first season of Lost on DVD and then never got the DVD for the second season so I never got into it but I have heard that it's good.

    Shel, what is there to forgive you for? You expressed your opinion and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Remember, this is a safe place for anyone to vent, whine, etc. Having said that, I agree with you and I don't. Like Susan, I cry whenever I hear that someone has cancer. I was sad for EE and I admire her grace and dignity, as I have with others on this board. My first thought was that she would be raising public awareness.

    Karen, extra prayers for your friend. I have one going through the same thing with her hubby, for a minute there, I was wondering if we knew the same person.

    CY, glad you are starting to feel better.

    Nicki, 57 IS NOT old. You're only 5 years older than me and I am not old. My body may betray me sometimes, but my attitude is young. Where are you getting your images? Better question - when are you finding them? 50 is the new 40.

    Laura, hugs to you. Don't worry until you know what to worry about, if anything. I'm sure it will be nothing.

    NS, I think you have such a way with words. I told you, your advice is always so well thought out, a wise soul, that I figured you were much older - well, I about fell out of my chair when I saw how young you are.

    Shokk - like Anne said -You're not a looser - you're just a self-confident woman, who is comfortable with herself! And you're beautiful dammit.

    Sue/Gus, is there something we can help you with for your son? That has got to be tough dealing with his situation.

    Sue/Ishop, hugs to you for your friend. I hate this disease.

    MB, got rid of my gray last night; I go every six weeks, may now have to go every five weeks.

    Cheri, Madison, many others I missed. I'm gearing up for my fundraiser for the organization I volunteer for so between now and May 5, that's where every spare minute is going.

    Love you guys.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hey Liz, yep, I talked to Doris this week. She's also a pogo bud. We love to get on voice chat and play Lottso while we chat. We're getting together in Wilmington in June. Would love to meet up with you there too!

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    MIL's first day at nursing home for rehab went pretty well. We met her OT. I really liked her, and I think Mother did, too. I was in charge of getting her clothes there. Thought I was doing a good job of it until as I was putting away her things and realized that I had forgotten her shoes. Tomorrow I'll have to get them. Then I need to put her name on everything. There's just so much to do. It's almost unbelieveable.

    NS & everyone else-thanks for the words of wisdom and encouragement. I realized that I'm really too tired to worry. I had to start repeting to myself my worry quote. "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength."

    I'll be okay until Tuesday night. Then it's possible that I'll turn into a wreck.

    Hugs and Healing to all in need.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Was trying to read to catch up a little then get a call from my Mom, Dad is in the hospital and will need bypass surgery and their going to keep him in until it gets done. I think Mom is a little freaked but she's trying hard not to show it. That means they won't be here for the grandbaby's birth in May. So they are a bit bummed about that. I'm going to try to get home this week but it's going to cost me more than my trip to Pinkstock but they are worth it now I just have to get a hold of my employer and set up my being away for a week unexpectedly.

    tired now and have to be up early to do a Red Hat thing at the Womens Show with my daughter tomorrow!
    Night all
    Hugs & prayers
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007

    Ok Shel- just know that yesterday you were posting and sounding so strong and determined to enjoy a lil alone time, of course with the added strength of the women here. I can tell your spirit nd soul is stronger than ever. Sometimes, you even sound like a hard ass- "You can't get me!" That is so you! Cancer, Mets, DH, teen daughter, you will survive it all! In the end, as they say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, you are on your way to be that much more confident woman and mother. We will help, please come and have a lil fun "me" time at Pinkstock!