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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Hey ladies...I am BEAT, but I can't go to bed without coming here and wishing a few of my sisters and extra special THANK YOU.

    I had the MOST wonderful surprise today. Amy sent me a beautiful little slice of spring...a wonderful spring bouquet! She sent me a beautiful spring flower arrangement. I was just floored…what an awesome surprise! Amy, I sent you a PM, but I also wanted all our sisters to know what a doll you are. You added a huge ray of sunshine to a snowy day.

    I got my mail tonight and got another wonderful surprise…the nicest card and note from Anne (ArmyNavyMom). Thank you SO much Anne. Your kind words added just as much sunshine as Amy’s flowers. You are so thoughtful.

    Since I have joined this circle I have gotten SO much love from you ladies I can’t begin to list it all the kindnesses I have received. You are the best…every single one of you.

    I had a friend that had 3 little boys. They never wanted hugs and kisses because it was “girly”…so my friend came up with giving her boys “Bugs and Fishes” instead.

    I am sending you all tons and tons of Bugs and Fishes…

    Love ya to pieces
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Tracey, cute joke!

    Hi ya Madison.

    Cy, of course we'll pray for your father and also that you and you dd & family have a safe trip. Keep us posted. Hugs, dear friend.

    Anne, sorry about your vehicle breaking down. I always hated any kind of car trouble. Maybe you could catch a ride for your friends birthday lunch, didn't you say your boss is going and is a friend of yours? I know you must be getting excited about your son coming home soon. Congrats on his passing the first part of his test.

    Margaret, get yourself a rectangled Knifty Knitter, some yarn and start enjoying being able to knit and be a part of a really good program. I remember when I was a kid loving those square, metal, red looms that we made pot holders on with the bag of multi-colored yarn or whatever material it was. I used to really enjoy those. If you ever did that as a child it's along the same line as the Knitter.

    NS, I do so hope you are doing better. This has turned into quite the ordeal for you. You are in my prayers.

    Goodnight dear friends. Hoping you all sleep well and have sweet wonderful dreams.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good evening CG's
    Deb - enjoy the beautiful bouquet that Amy sent you. You sure do deserve it and Amy you are also a treasure. Thanks fo sharing such nice news with us.
    Shel - I am so very sorry that the genetic person who called you was such an a**. Such insensitivity!!! She needs to learn a lesson or two on how to talk to people.
    Cy - keeping your dad, dd and you and all you family in my thoughts. Be sure to take care of yourself during this time.
    Boo - Good luck at the BS tomorrow.
    Odalys - can't help with hair thinning on AI's. Mine is pretty thick - I was on Arimidex for 7 1/2 moths and now Femara for two weeks. But one side does have a bit of a receding hair line.
    Lisa - glad that your sonogram was good. I love to hear good news.
    NS - hugs - I wish I could do something to help you. Is there anything you need that I could send from Denver. How about some cookies? I really appreciate you taking the time to keep us posted even though you are feeling so poorly.
    Shel - have a good trip to the KEys.
    Bearlysane - so sorry to hear about the burlgary.
    Colleen - thanks - I too have saved all the holiday cards.
    Peanutgirl - what is Lebed exercise?
    Odalys - good luck on the new job.
    Cheri - still not sure what happened with the puppies, but don;t bother rehasing it just for me, just know my thoughts are with you.
    Nicki - I'm confuseda bout Sinatra? I guess its hard to keep up when you don't read posts for a few days. BTW - they moved my dad to an acute rehab facility today. I will try to PM you and fill you in on the details. He will be getting 6-8 hours therapy/day.
    Cheri, Shokk, Colleen, MB, Shirley, Vickie, Nicki, Biker, Denise and everyone else - thanks for all your care and concern during my recon surgery. I am way more tired than I thougth I would be and sore - not sure if it is the surgical bra and the bandeau or just sore. Today is the first day I did anything. A girlfriend took me out to lunch and I was exhausted so had to take a nap when I came home. Having trouble getting comfortable to sleep at night. Sleeping pills aren't working, so taking pain pills. I took two Vicodin a while ago and I am still awake. Will take a Valiium when I crawl into bed. The antibiotics are wrecking havic with my stomach. My DH told me today that he can't believe how much I have aged with all this - and you know he is so right. Of course, everything hurts worse at night. I love you all. Thanks for being here.
    Karen in Denver
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good night my fair ladies.........


  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    well, thanks you guys!

    they're 'just words' that the girl used, but they sure hit home.

    i guess i'll stop with my funeral plans and go back to living lol!

    i really upset a few of my friends when i called bawling! my best friend in the keys just called me in tears (she lost her (our) dad to cancer last spring) and it was a really rough time for both of us, for varying reasons, but we came through it better friends than ever!

    hell, i even upset my ex "earl"!!!! but better than upsetting mackenzie right?

    i have my back to work meeting today at 2pm, that'll be the best thing thats happened for me in a long while.......i think! then i'm off to the keys for a bit before i actually hit my nursing floor again.

    thanks for the compassion (yet again) girls! this last couple of weeks has been really trying for some reason......i couldn't have braved it without you all!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Shel- Wow,how insensitive was that?? There are a lot of options and treatments available for you. Don't give up!!Stage 4 can be treatable but you know that maybe she doesn't. Some people shouldn't be in the job position they are in.
    I don't have much time but I wanted to let you all know I am thinking of you. Kevin gets his EMG today. Hopefully they can treat him.
    Karen-It's been three weeks since my 2nd part of the recon. It hit me harder then I thought it would too. I am still really sore and have to wear a brace on my stomach for two months. I feel like a 90 yr old myself. Hope you feel better yourself soon.
    I have a stupid thing people say that will give you all a laugh. I went to a wedding Saturday and the grooms aunt who I've known for 15 years says "you look so natural".I said thanks Karen,that is the look I was going for!!LOL She is a hospice nurse too!!I am still laughing about it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    I had the most wonderful day yesterday. Mother Nature has sort of given us a tease here in Chicago. We broke the record for the warmest day in March! I had to go to Northwestern Hospital which is right by Lake Michigan. After I left, I drove up to the Lake. Took my shoes and socks off and walked along the shore. As I was walking, I was looking at other people, who had the same idea I did. Everyone was smiling. Children were playing in the sand. Making sand castles! In march!! The last time I saw Lake Michigan it was frozen, and now there is this beautiful Lake with all different shades of blue. As I was walking, I thought to myself - I need to do this more often. Just take a few minutes out of my day to enjoy and appreciate life.

    And there are birds singing this morning. Such a pleasant sound, which I have missed so much this past Winter. The temperatures will soon drop and go back to what we normally are this time of year. It gave me the itch to clean up my garden and plant annuals! But alas, that is too risky, as it can and will get colder again. Really cant think about planting annuals until May.

    Colleen: It is always good to see you. Miss you when you are not here. How is the counselling going with your son? This has to be a difficult time for you right now as April approaches, and just remember we are all here for you.

    MargaretB: I hope you have a blast in LasVegas with your daughter. My best friend wants to go there for her 50th Birthday in June. She is the one who has lots of money and was to take me with her. She wants to go on an Air Balloon and float over LasVegas! Sounds like fun, although I get dizzy with heights! I would much rather be playing the slots or black jack.

    Shokk: You threw all of his stuff out?


    Odaly: "Here Comes The Sun" by the Beatles. Now that was a nice trip down memory lane. I could even picture what I was doing at that time. Alas, I was much younger then.

    Laura: Sorry to hear about you MIL dealing with anger and depression while going through rehab. Its actually a normal reaction. Loss of control, loss of health, loss of independence - and fear that she will have to stay there and not go home. Im hoping her spirits are better today.

    Jan: Dang! A broken toe hurts like heck. Make sure to tape it to the toe right next to it. That will cut down on the discomfort. I havent gotten a new bathing suit yet and I need one this year. Im sure Im gonna walk outta the store bawling my eyes out. Anything that fits my hips and stomach is way too big on top. The good news - I lost 4 pounds. Now whether I keep that off or not is another question.

    Amy: While many of you are having the blues and crying, for some reason I have been angry and having a difficult time curbing my mouth from saying things I dont really want to be saying. Cant seem to shake it. If someone looks at me wrong, inside Im in a battle mode. I need to just enjoy life and stop this.

    Debc: Well, when it finially gets to 40's that is gonna feel really really warm. When I hear about your cold weather, I just wonder what they are all talking about with regards to Global Warming.

    Denise: "witchy" mood. Now that describes exactly how I am feeling.


    Jan: Cute pictures lol. I know I say it everyday, but I hate it. I exercise, but I hate it. From the beginning to end, I cant wait for it to be over.

    Boo/Sue: Im laughing cause I got myself a bike last year. It has one of those seats you are talking about. Man it hurts. Oh and it sits in the garage. For sale, one slightly used bicycle. Good luck at you BS visit.

    CY: Sorry about your dad. Hoping all goes well with the surgery. Goodness your hands are full.

    Tracey: Now that was a great story about the outhouse. Im laughing out loud here in this quiet house.


    Shel: That was a cold hearted, tactless thing for the Genetics institute to say. I would wipe off my tears, get angry, and report this to their CEO.

    Karen: Sinatra was the name cheri gave to her puppy that passed on. Acute Rehab? Now that sounds great.

    Vickie: Where is my sunshine sister?


    OK! Time to go and get ready for work. Hoping everyone has a wonderful day.


    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007

    Did it work?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    It worked Betty! The aroma of that coffee is penetrating the entire wagon circle.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    Well, it kinda worked.

    Good morning all,

    MargaretB was kind enough to help a newbie picture poster. I'll be back later, but now that sunshiny coffee is calling my name.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Like Betty, I'll be back later. (I have PT for my neck/arms this morning).
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    I'm back after catching up on all the posts and have my coffee beside me.

    Anne, I hope you can get the car fixed and get to the party. It sounds like fun. I agree with everyone, but I know how you feel.

    When we moved back to TN, we came with nothing. no money, no jobs, nothing. I have a friend that knew of all that. ABout a week ago my former boss invited Tony and me to a fundraiser for the local art org. The tickets were steep, but we can afford it. When Barb found out we were going she said, amd I quote, "Did you have to take out a bank loan?" This was at dinner at our Friday night get to together. Tony tried to smooth it over before I said anything by making it sound like he was covering it for the paper. But I didn't let it go and told her no, we didn't get a bank loan, we can afford it and he's not covering it for the paper. She said she was kidding (never apologized). She always finds a way to bring up the fact that we still rent and haven't bought a house, etc. So I don't think you were being ultra sensitive.

    I loved the first hour of the Discovery show. The little bears at the beginning were my favorite. But the next one on mountains didn't hold my interest. Tony said he thinks it's something that really should be watched in the new TV format. Can't remeber the initials I want to say HGTV, but that's not right. You know what I mean.

    Odalys, thanks for flaxseed info. I read everything and think I'll stay away. I'm already on arimidex and it's supposed to get all the estrogen. My hair never came back as full as before and it's thinning now too. It is so fine and straight. I've never had hair like this. I caught a glimpse of myself in a door about a week or so ago and I looked like the wicked witch or one of Macbeth's witches. I immediately called and got in and now have very short, non fly away hair. And I found it covers some of the spots. Maybe because there is no weight to bring the hair down now to show those spots. Anyway, I'm now a confirmed short hair gal.

    Lisa, great news. Woopee

    Sue, the magic carpet will be visiting you on your BS visit.

    CY, your dad and family have my prayers. Keep us informed as you can.

    Michelle, what can I say. That person needs to be reported. Man, I'd be crying my eyes out and then be in the car hunting her or him down.

    Well, with spring come little critters. We live in a log house. We have carpenter bees and wasps. But this time of year, they are lazy little devils. Last night right before bed, I stepped on a slow moving wasp. It of course did its wasp thing. I cried and moaned and DH thought I'd hurt my sore toes. Nope two toes down. I have neurophy (sp?) in both feet and don't have feeling usually in my toes (thank you chemo), but a wasp sting will penetrate the numbness. The toe swelled up and got bright red. It didn't like covers over it when I finally went to bed, but this morning it's just a little sore. Ah, spring.

    Better get going.

    Hugs to all,


    PS I'm going to improve my picture posting. I can't let my sunshine sisiters know something I don't.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good morning ya'll.......its a beautiful day in the neighborhood......we actually got some rain yesterday afternoon until about 3 o'clock this morning....ya'll have no idea how much we needed that rain.....maybe I will get to mow and work out in the yard again this weekend......Shel what a complete idiot.......sweetheart you are young and strong and I don't know but you appear to have taken very good care of yourself......I think your goal should be to outlive that stupid woman and go to her funeral............DebC I hope you know how much you are loved on these boards.....Amy what a kind thing you did.....Karen we are about the same age....I'm one of those Texans that just love Colorado......I learned to ski in Purgatory...during the 80's my ex and I lived in NM that's where my oldest child was born......she learned to ski when she was about 18 mos old.........we would ski in Santa Fe but out favorite spot us "Durango Mountain"......I hate that it will always be Purgatory to me..........Nicki my daughter told me during her visit about Chicago......of course we have our Texas pride ( I can hear ya'll talking about us behind my back) but she said that Chicagoans (is that right) have such city pride....she has never seen anything like it......She said Lake Michagan is just beautiful.......NS you hang in there and everyone here is in my daily prayers....I will be back later..........

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Morning girls!!!!!

    Hugs to all who need it. I'm off to visit my cousin in rehab. Heck, the way things are going here, I may need to see if they have a room. LOL See you all soon.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Morning CG sisters!!

    Oh Shel, I have nothing original to add, but ditto to what others have said. How ignorant. Well, actually I do have something to share. I lied. I heard Dr. Alexander H. G. Paterson speak on Friday afternoon. The talk was "Bones, Drugs and Breast Cancer". He's the Chair of the Province of Alberta Breast Cancer Program. He has a patient who is still going strong 17 years after a bone mets dx. He said that you just don't know what will happen, and also shared that there's some promising new tx down the road. Can't share any particulars, because a lot of what he spoke on was too technical for me to grasp.

    Amy-How sweet of you.

    For all who asked. Lebed is an exercise program developed specifically for bc survivors. The purpose is to help us regain range of motion, and avoid or lessen the effects of lymphodema. I haven't had any trouble with either of those. I mostly go for the fun, companionship, and support. It's one place where I don't have to explain myself. Everyone understands. I went to class all through chemo and rads. My onc recommends it for her patients. I think it helped me keep an upbeat attitude during tx. Sherry Lebed Davis has written a book called "Focus on Healing". There's also a video available. She started this program when her mother was dx'd with bc. Her brothers are docs and have approved the esercises. She has recently been dx'd with bc herself. My library had a copy of the book that I was able to check out. Now I has a copy from our local cancer center's library, which I should be returning soon.

    Pick me up on the magic carpet today. I'll be with all in spirit and prayer.

    MIL is back in hospital. Docs think her appendix might be the culprit, but it isn't showing up on any scan. DH informed them that 2 of our kids' appendii didn't show up on their scans either. It was hiding behind some other organ. DD's came out after they found it, and just in time too.

    Gotts run, lost track of time. Exercisse class starts soon. Be back later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    OH MY..guess who slept in this morning. Good morning sunshine sisters. Wow...lots of post last night but no time to catch up right now.
    Taking Nathaniel to school this morning to see what the award is that he is getting...woohoo...I am more excited than he is!
    Shel...what a lousy thing to say. I will come with Deb and we'll hunt down the insensitive idiot and throttle whoever it was for you. You are going to be with us for a very looooooong time. Sending hugs your way and stay away from the funeral home!!!!
    Magic carpet ride this morning...I'll be with you.
    I'll catch up at lunchtime.
    Love ya all
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning Happy Campers. Another busy day and the work assignments just keep coming. Oh well, nother day nother dime!

    Nicki...I think the frog lady has to be my favorite pic here yet.

    Here's some good thoughts to those that have test or doc visits coming up soon.

    I'm sorry that I don't have time to go back and read all the posts.

    Betty, I had a good friend tell me how to respond to questions like that that seems to be very effective for me. When someone inquires or makes a remark about something that is really none of their just look them in the eye and say 'I wonder why you need to know that.' And then don't say anything else.

    Cheri, I'm so sorry about the little puppy. Poor baby. The new pups are adorable too. Post some pics when they get a little older.

    Mena Bena....I sure hope you are behaving and having some good days. Or are those two things a contradiction? Hmmm... Maybe misbehavin is the way to have some fun and good days!

    NS, I sure hope things clear up for you soon and you can get all your drains out. The drains were the worst for me. Just never could find a comfortable position to sleep with those things.

    Well, gotta run! I sure can't wait to about 20 years.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning, everyone!
    Finally I was able to sleep some as I had felt horrible since Fri--think I burned a light in every rm all night! LOL The alarm was repaired and the young man was so nice;kept telling him my life story just like being on Oprah/Jerry Springer! Ha!
    Jan,I called the ph company and they are coming out to do something diff this time. I live in a busy neighborhood just was gone;people who do this stuff know what they are doing.
    Makes me want to throw all my 8 bags of trash at them--hard!

    Hey Cheri--grew up w/small town newspapers,too. We still get a weekly one at my parents'. I can relate abt the chatty as I have talked so much since this mess happened;neigbhors abt run from the parking lot to their townhouses. Not quite!
    Hope you are OK and so sorry abt the puppy;you/I chatted in the early morning so I know you are so caring.

    Odalys--how is the weather there? I wonder if kids are coming in for spring break? Schools here get out this wk.

    Nicki--Since we are the same age,I rememb the white shoes and white hose that would rustle when the nurses walked. I know we need comfort just wish casual wasn't so casual. The schools had relaxed so much that the teachers were violating the dress codes here--belly buttons showing,hip hugger w/tattos,etc. I sound jealous--got a big stomach! Good news abt your exercising! I am doing peanut aerobics--throwing peanuts from jar to mouth! LOL...

    Yeah,Lisa! Good news is wonderful!

    Shel--that was a stupid thing that idiot said to you--like the fool who asked me if I was being targeted since I had my place vandalized again. Thank you as I needed more worries.
    Try to rememb that stupid can't be fixed! Enjoy your trip!

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    I did not finish as I keep losing my posts these days-one day will learn more abt technology.

    Hey to you,Amy!I have had my purse taken,yrs ago. That is a royal pain to replace all the id junk. I could have used Mazer to kick the mess out of these thugs!Ha! Hope you are feeling better as I go through the same feelings and will cry one minute/be angry and kicking things another minute. You are a great person and I admire your abilities on your farm. AL springtime weather---the best;take care.

    Hi,Margaret,thanks for thinking of me and hope you are doing well.I did feel violated and angry that so much damage was done--tvs can be replaced--door was really damaged,too. It is a city,what can I say? Take care--how are your kids?

    Anne--with over 30 yrs of the office parties and having no kids or close family,I got tired of contributing to baby showers and quit going. Some people just lack skills for expressing things and I would cry abt remarks abt having no children,etc. Sounds like the person meant well and hope your vehicle gets straight soon. Congrats on your son!

    Hey,Vickie! Thanks for writing to me yesterday and I mailed you a letter that maybe will come tomorr. Take care!

    Always Hope--thanks for caring;look forward to meeting you this summer.

    To everyone else,have a great day! Thanks to you for the support as you have been such a blessing during this stress.
    I need to go make more phone calls and keep working on the insurance info....

    All the best,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Iris, don't forget to start checking your credit reports on a regular basis for identity theft. Have you located all you blank checks if you had any in the house? Credit cards, bank statements, etc.?

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies. I only have a couple minutes cause I'm off to get a pre-employment physical. I laughed when they asked me to take the bottles from any medication I'm on. Hahahahah...poor RN who will have to write down all the scripts. LOL. I decided to discuise (sp?) them in my lunch box that way no one will be the wiser.

    Here is a weather report for those who are curious... mid 80's partly cloudy in the am but sunny in the pm. Forget Spring we move right on to Summer.

    BTW- we are getting a new roof today(old one damaged during the last hurricanes - 1 1/2 yrs ago!) Boy they are tearing all the clay tile and it's so noisy I can't even think right now. Sorry for all the typos...blame them on the roofers. LOL !!!

    Well got to go no, can't be late for my physical. Prayers for those in need today and love and hugs to all the sisters. Talk with you later.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    OK, I finally type a really long posts, and you guessed it, I lose it! ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

    Don't have time to re-type now, but will try again tonight. I know I asked this before, but can some of the more tech savvy girls give some advice.

    This is what I do:
    1. Click on Circle Girls thread, so I automatically go to the last post I read. (I think anyway, sometimes it seems like it takes me to a different place which I don't understand!)

    2. Read your wonderful posts.

    3. In the Quick Reply box below the last new post, I type my post. (It's hard because it's so tiny, and I have to keep scrolling to remember what I just said, never mind what you all have said!)

    So, I know some of you have a way that you can see the posts and be typing at the same time. Elimating the need to take notes on paper and pencil which is what I do now. It anyone has any suggestions, please help!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Use 'Notepad', its should be under the 'accessories' folder on your start menu, to type the notes as you go and then you can copy/paste them into the window on bco.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Good morning,
    Ok back from my BS appt. With all you wonderful ladies there I DID NOT have a panic attack this time. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the good wishes and support. Cheri - Thanks for driving. It wasn't scarry at all! Don't let these ladies pick on you. I do love rollercoasters by the way.
    Well I need to schedule a breast MRI. My BC didn't show on a mammogram so I don't trust them.
    My BS thinks the GI symptoms I'm having may be an ulcer due to stess this past year. STRESS gee do ya think!!!!!! If antacids and pepcid don't help then it's off to onc for an opinion and testing. Yikes.
    So one more appt down with no horrible news. I can't wait to just have one month with no Dr appts or tests. It would be heaven.

    Shel - WTH What an insensitive clod. Lots of hugs to you.
    A wonderful day is wished for everyone.
    Thankful Hugs,
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Alright ladies I am at work and my co-worker is not here today so it is pretty quiet.........anyway I would like to talk about kids for a minute.....when I went to college I wanted to become a child in Texas I decided to go into the Education Department because when you get a education degree you double major so one major was in child development and the other major was in abnormal child psychology.....anyway then I was going to go to graduate school etc.....will after I graduated from undergraduate school I taught school for a couple of years trying to gather enough money for graduate school and then my ex was transfer to NM and I wasn't license to teach in NM so I just started working and never made it back to anyway I was one of those really annoying women that would give child rearing advice to people because I was "educated" and thought I knew it all (didn't have any children of my own at the time)Anyway I got pregnant with my first daughter when I was 30 and I'm not sure if God has just a really wicked sense of humor or what but from the momnent that child was born everything I thought I knew about childing rearing was wrong.....she was the most difficult child in the world....When we were living in NM all of our family was here in TX so I really had no backup.....I can remember literlly locking myself in the bathroom with her banging on the other side of the door screaming to let her in (she was probably 2)to keep myself from hurting her....I am not kidding.....I promised God if he would keep me from killing her I would track down every women I had "given child rearing advice" to and apologize for being a complete a$$......oh geez...brb.....

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Morning everyone,
    I only have a minute, since I have to get my butt to work. I saw my PS this morning and all is well with the new boobie. He says to massage it and we will keep our fingers and toes crossed that it won't get encapsulated again.

    Shel, that was the most amazingly poor choice of words that I have ever heard!!! You are one strong lady and will be here a long time. In 20 years you should go up to that person and say,"Who's end-stage now, A$$-wipe!" Grrrrr. Some people who work around cancer get hardened and don't always think before crap flies out of their mouths.

    I missed the magic carpet this morning, but good luck to all with tests and dr appts.!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls
    Please excuse any typeo's its hard to type with a splint on but i want to tell all of you hello and I am praying and thinking of you'all.
    would you please pray for me also just to survive this.Somedays i dotn think i can go on.
    Love all of you
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning ladies. Had a nice long post catching up last night and stupid satelite crapped out. WE have a nasty storm going thru. Not raining now but doesn't look like we'll be seeing any blue sky today.
    I exercised for the first time since january yesterday. Just a bit achey today. Left curves and went to Ross and bought one of those Salsa Dancing Exercise videos. Came home, popped it in the machine, plopped my hiney on the couch and watched the whole thing. Even thought about breaking a sweat for a minute or two. It was a fabulous workout.

    Jan, my onc said no phytoestrogens too. I really really miss my estrogen.

    NS, I'm happy the bad drain came out. I'm sorry about the seromas. Gentle hugs for you.

    Cheri, I'm with you. No crying for this girl. Unless it's hallmark commercials or sappy country songs.

    Socal, does that mean I can stop chewing my fingernails now?

    Sheri, knitting in the park sounds like a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

    Amy, I can honestly say I have never met a donkey that dresses up for Easter. Can't wait to see Mazer in her Sunday Best.

    Sue, luck for you appt today. It will be fine. Don't think the carpet will find my house thru the fog but I'll be thinking about you today.

    CY, praying for your dad surgery and easy travel for your daughter.

    Anne, got your bras. Thanks bunches and bunches. I don't know where they took dishwashing lessons. Where ever the teacher needs to be fired.
    You said in your note you heard the Enterprise is going to the Middle East??????
    Son told me they are doing the WestPac tour and then going into dry dock? Is he just not telling me cause he doesn't want me to stress or is he misinformed??? He finished prototype about a week ago. Graduates on April 6th, then coming home for a bit before he reports. Not sure how long tho. He only left a message on my machine.
    Congrats to your son. He's finishing up the hardest part of the program. Prototype is a breeze according to my dear child. Are you going to his graduation? It is a pretty big ceremony. Lots of pomp and fal-da-ral.

    Shel, WTF indeed. Shame on that moron.

    Margaret, I do indeed. You would think I'd be used to it by now. But then again I shouldn't have to be. The bumms could at least wash the dishes they use. Or is that asking to much???

    Deb, got your bras too. Thank You.
    Ladies I still need more bras.

    Karen, your still recovering. Rest and nap as much as you need to. Praying you get some good sleep soon.
    I slept like a baby at daughters house, with no meds. Came to the conclusion that my sleep issues are either my matress or hubby's bipap machine. Told hubby since I can't get rid of his machine looks like were getting a new matress. He said "Not gonna happen", I said, "then I guess you have to go". I think we'll be getting a new matress.

    Joyce, hugs to you too. Hope your feeling better sooner than soon.

    Nicki, time to play in the sand. A lovely day indeed.
    Do it again today.

    Thanks for the coffee Betty. Ouch for your poor toe. I've stepped on a wasp a couple of times. Not a happy experience. We have carpenter bees too. Funny little creatures they are.

    Shokk, I missed whose stuff you threw out?

    Hugs Liz. Hope the visit goes well.

    Laura, Lebed sound very interesting. Have never heard of it before. My nasty appendix didn't show up on CT either. Stupid ER doc said "we are pretty sure it's your appendix but can't confirm it so were sending you home"

    kVicki, congrats to Nathaniel.

    Hi Jas

    Iris, your house was robbed? How scary. Not much of that going on in my neck of the woods. The bad guys know we country folks have guns and were all a bit twisted. I don't even lock my doors.
    Peanut areobics? hahahhahahhahahahha

    Odalys, BADDDDDD roofers messing up your spelling.

    Colleen, I do the scrolling too. Seems to work for me. Once I finish with a page I copy what I've typed....higlight text, right click, copy....then go on to next page and do the same. When I'm done I copy the whole thing and hit the continue button...if I get the dreaded no loger valid page I just hit the back button and repost

    Have a great day girls. Off to work out and get my day started in spite of the rain.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Robin I think about you everyday....please stay strong....your daughters need their mom....please let us know when your daughter has her baby.....I love the way babies smell on top of their heads......I hope Robin that will give you strength........