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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Cheri, I think I heard some police reports about you just now on the scanner...

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    O my gosh I had a monkey child too. climbing out of her crib at 5 months, walking at 7 months. found her on top of the fridge once munching on my HIDDEN candy. At 2 got herself up at first light one morning and decided she was going to her babysitters house. Put her shoes on and out the door she went. In her jammies, in the snow. Had some stranger knocking on my door at 6am with her in his arms. He said "I found her walking down the highway. She says she lives here" She had gone over a mile from home. She gave me a run and now has one doing the same to her. Life is grand indeed.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    I'm telling you, I thought I had the only monkey child!!! It's great to be in such good company ! Mine never took off like that, but did get into things that were hidden in high places.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    You know we read stories about the toddlers found walking down the highways, etc.....and alot of women think how could some mom let that happen and the only thing I'm thinking is omg she has one of these kids just like me!!!!! They are escape artist..........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Does anyone remember that old movie with Doris Day (Please don't eat the daises") she kept her smallest child lock in a wire crate and he still escaped......I used to think that was so funny when I was little...grew up and laughing out of the other side of my is grand.....

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007 did your father's surgery go??
    Still waiting for your phone call...Lisa
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    I love reading your stories about your monkey children! How wonderful to be able to look back and smile. I'll be glad when I can do that, too.

    My onc wanted a colonoscopy as soon as I was done with treatment. I was anemic before I started and I guess that's something they do to rule out other problems. They never told me about the breast cancer link, though. Test came out fine, but am still anemic. Probably always will be.

    Madison, I don't remember seeing your MRI results. I only have the quick version so far--no immediate problems, but we will go over it in more detail at my appt on Friday. I'm also having a nerve conductor test for carpal tunnel. Please, no surgery!!!!!

    Odalys, how awful about your eye. I would be terified. I hope you get it better. I can't wear contacts, either and I really miss it!

    We woke up to raging thunderstorms this morning. I guess it was building up to it. I love thunderstorms, but am really tired today.

    Sorry I don't have a personal note for everyone, but I sure am thinking about all of you.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    Shokk, I used to be one of those thinkers too. Until it happened to me. I can tell you that was the last time in my life I slept past 6am. We were very very lucky. We lived in a very small town and the highway was really just a wide street. Daughter has always had very big angels protecting her. I could tell you some very scary tales about all my kidlets. But I won't. Off to the grocery store. See you all later.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    For the first time in DAYS I have nothing that I have to do this morning So I am going to really catch up with my circle girls

    I made my coffee, and while it was perking I made a piece of whole-wheat toast, added homemade raspberry jam and took a big bite….MOLD…Yuck, patoooie….I HATE mold. Note to self ~ do not make toast until you have had coffee and your eyes are open…..LOLOL

    I have done some research on the Cowden Syndrome. It is rather vague, but sounds kind of creepy. The doc said it is rare, so chances are I don’t have it, but that with my dad’s family having almost all of the traits, I should be in this clinical trial. I guess time will tell.

    I’m going to go back a few pages and catch up…

    Karen- Sounds like you are healing up…I hope you continue to do well. Have you ever taken acidophilus for your tummy trouble from those nasty antibiotics? It helps me a lot. Even some good yogurt if you like it can help. I understand about how pictures of yourself pretreatment can sneak up on you and make you cry. I look at photos of myself and think “I had cancer and didn’t even know it…and I’m smiling!” It seems weird now…

    Shel – Catch a BIG fish for me Come up north some time and I will take you fishing up here…king salmon, red salmon…monster halibut. We have a blast. Of course, no sunshine like the keys….ya can’t have everything…

    Joyce – I think I might have missed something…how is Kevin? How did his EMG go? Sending you guys hugs. Could you send me a PM with a few ideas of things Kevin might like? I want to do a package for him…

    Betty can post pictures WoooHooo! Gotta love it I read you story about the snooty friend. I hate folks that rub your nose in there “wealth”. I figure I will get the last laugh because I have a family and friends that love me…no money on earth can buy that! I hope the wasp sting is better…nasty little devils. My daughter is allergic to their stings, so we try to kill as many as we can with traps. Do you know the old trick to take away the sting? Mix a paste of Adolph’s meat tenderizer and water and cover the sting with a big dollop. The meat tenderizer breaks down protein, and bee and wasp venom is protein. It takes the pain away almost instantly… I love the stuff.

    Shokk- I hope you get enough rain to plant your yard. Do you use Hydro-gels when you plant? They are sold under the names Solid H2O, Solid Water, and several other things. It looks like rock salt when dry, but swells up and holds water and looks like crumbled up jello. You put a bit in each hole when you plant and you can water WAY less. It is great for hot climates. I laughed SO hard about your child rearing advice….too funny

    Liz- Hope your cousin is doing well in rehab….no fair staying

    Laura- I hope your MIL is doing well…seems weird to pray for appendicitis, but I am. Gentle hugs. The Lebed exercise class sounds really great….wish we had something like that here in the sticks

    Iris- I’m SO sorry to hear about your break in. That doesn’t happen much here because so many Alaskans are “locked and loaded” that folks don’t break in much. I was robbed in college when our house was broken into…I hated the feeling that someone had been in my house…Sending hugs

    Odalys- Wow, the eye thing sounds scary! I’m glad to hear that it is not cancer related, but what a bummer about the contacts. I am so sorry you had such a rough day. I worked for an eye doc for 5 years…don’t totally give up on the idea of contacts in the future. We had patients who had cornel hypoxia and scarring that were eventually able to wear soft contacts again. The glasses may not be forever, and there is always the chance you could try the lasics surgery. Sending you hugs and hopes for a better day today.

    Boo/Sue – So, an ulcer??? Well…Crummy Buttons (to steal a phrase). That is just not fair. I hope it is something easy to cure.

    Jan – Hope the new boobie is liking it’s massage and is NOT getting encapsulated again.

    Robin - I am so sorry you are feeling low. I do understand…it’s tough…so very tough. I wish I lived close enough to come make you some dinner and give you a hug. Just think about your grandbabies and focus on all of us loving you. You CAN do it. Cancer sucks, but you are STRONG. Tell us what we can do too help. Big hugs

    Shirley – I laughed out loud about your Salsa dance on the couch. In college we used “Couch Dancing” as a code word for something else….too funny. I don’t know what type of mattress you have, but I was sleeping really poorly during chemo and my mom went and got me a 3-inch thick mattress pad made out of memory foam. I LOVE it. It was about a hundred bucks for the king sized one, but I sleep SO well on it. If you don’t want to spring for a new mattress, you might want to give this a try.

    Susan- glad you got your afghan. Isn’t it just like a big old hug? We love ya girlfriend. The t-shirt looks good, but that model you have was BEAUTIFUL!

    Vickie – give your wonderful boy a hug from me. I have told my kids many times that kindness is the most important trait they can have. You should be very proud…and I know you are

    Gina – I hope you know I was not making light of your new drain with the hokey-pokey crack…My mind just naturally goes to the funny part of things…sorry if I am irreverent sometimes. You are in my prayers every day and I think you need to save at least one of those drains to BURN at Pinkstock!! Sending you hugs

    MB- You must be beside yourself planning for Pinkstock. I wish I lived closer and could help more…I am so excited about coming it is actually kind of silly…When you posted how many days it was I laughed because I had counted about a week ago..

    Anne – funny story about your DH’s van that miraculously began running again once you had it towed…sounds like my kind of luck.

    Amy – I’m sorry to hear that treatment has gotten you down in the dumps. I’m sorry to hear it but not surprised. I’m sure the drugs will help once you pick them up. I hated taking my Lexapro while I was in treatment. I kept thinking I was showing a weakness by needing help. Well let me tell ya something…after a week of being on it I felt my old self coming back! I wondered why it took me so long to try it. Hang in there. Start the drugs and give them a week or two to work. They are not instant, but they help so much…Hugs too you and scritches to Mazer. The herb garden sounds beautiful…send pictures

    Sheri – I love the new picture of you crocheting….80 degrees huh? I can only dream

    Nicki – glad you took some “me” time last night and enjoyed your wine. I love Lake Michigan. We lived across the water from you for a few years in St. Joseph Michigan. I loved the beach there and spent hours and hours walking on the beach. We went to the beach over spring break too…just a little different experience here in March! LOL. I posted a couple of photos on my blog…lots of snow and icebergs. wooHoo on your 4 pound loss! I bet your new outfit is WAY sexy

    Denise- How did the banana muffins come out? Yum…I bet you earned BIG points with that. There is nothing like the smell of something baking in the morning.

    Mena- I was glad to get the update from Vickie, but sorry to hear that things are rough. I am looking forward to your post and update. Sending you hugs…

    Margaret – I would love to hear about your powdered peanut butter…I love the stuff!

    Laura – I hope the swollen area is ok. Sending you hugs.

    Madison – Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Hopefully the PT will help.

    Hey Cheri- Don’t get buried in the yarn! I’m glad you are having fun with it I like the loop-de-loops Tooooooo

    Oh NOOOO I’m running out of time…

    I am going to be late for work if I don’t sign off now. I am sending Bugs and Fishes to everyone I didn’t mention. You know I love ya all!!!

    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Wow you all have some scary children stories. My son, Tucker, was a good lil boy until he turned 12 and I think it is just that that almost 13 thing. He still can be good at times and I really shouldnt complain too much. Currently he is just a stinking boy that thinks his mother doesnt know anything. Well got news for him, I been there and done that and just hoping he doesnt do some of the things I did. He doesnt have a mean bone in his body and sometimes he is just way too relaxed because the entire state could be up in flames and he would say oh well, whatever, guess we better get some more water or something. I mean I am layed back, or the old me used to be, but he is more than I ever was. I guess better that that biting everybodies head off. When he entered 5th grade one of his teachers was telling me that after Christmas something goes on and so many boys get into fights. I didnt say it but I thought if my boy gets in a fight I wouldnt believe it. He doesnt even like the pushing and shoving that boys do. I do know how kids change though so ya never know.

    ok off to get some work done.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    This is too long. It would be better in two posts, eh Denise?

    So Jan I'll bet your new boob isn't droopy. Is your toe droopy? There are so many people with problems. It's good to put it into perspective. that's what I told myself after my dx. At least it wasn't a car accident.

    Shirley, watching your exercise video. That is too funny. Well at least when you get around to exercising you will know what to expect. I have bras to send.

    shokk, I have to ask. what happened when the ex found all his stuff in the trash??? I so remember the swirling wind noise.

    Deb, I've never heard of Cowden but as far as I am concerned, the only disease you have is super nice wonderful woman disease. It's a disease we are all striving for. And I missed the Bugs and Fishes thingy. Is that your new friend greeting??

    Hmmm.... Nathaniel got an award for being kind, compassionate and a best friend to everyone. Gee, do you think he had a great role model and he was smart enough to follow that example. congrats vickie. You have a right to be proud. and you are right about being lucky. There are plenty of great women whose kids just don't or can't get it.

    Amy, I can imagine that it gets hard to know you have to keep having treatments. But you sure don't let it stop you, do you. You'll go aout and build a new chicken coop when you get home tonite. You are one of my heroes and you are also Mazer's human mommy, a very prestegious position.

    Robin, we love you and I have a sneeking suspicion that many of us (like me) are not that strong. We just like to come on here and pretend that we are. LOL I hope your shoulder is becoming a little more comfortable and I hope DH is miserable and sick and puking his guts out.

    Margaret, I didn't know you were going to Las Vegas? If you win 2 new cars, I'll take one. Last time I was there I bet I spent 50 bucks trying to win a BMW that was sitting on a stand above the slots.

    Mena, hope things are going ok. I know it's a lot of work trying to sell a house, expecially with everything else going on. hugs for you.

    Odalys, gee that's crummy you can't wear your contacts anymore. Having to deal with another "condition" is even worse, I know, but glasses are an everyday hassle. Hugs to you.

    Shirley there are links to the Pinkstock Store on the Pinkstock thread. The Pinkstock Store has coffee mugs, bags, baby clothes, mouse pads, thongs, sweatshirts, teadybears, ..... get ready to spend some money.

    SueBoo, I don't know about having a colonoscopy before 50. I had one at 55. The prep is icky but the test is a piece of cake and I felt so much better knowing that there was no CA.

    Laura what did your onc say about the swelling? Hope MIL is ok.

    Madison, I hope the PT goes well. The terrorism part can be hard sometimes. Do your exercises like a good girl. heee heee heee. I'm giggling cause I get to say that to somebody else. I hear it allllll the time.

    Karen, I hope you are feeling better. I'm at a point where I'm want to look at my pre BC stuff. Maybe that comes with time.

    Cheri, who are you calling a fool, girl??? And you stay away from Mazer, he's all mine.

    Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Puppy, Ginney and Holly, Jeannette, Peggy, and....uh.....(stalling for time)...didja hear the one....jesh I just can't think under pressure. anyway hope you are all well and busy.

    Betty, I took my actonel this morning. I'm with you on that. It's inhumane to ask someone to take a pill before they have their coffee.

    Nicki, wow, your husband told you that looked sexy. You go girl!!!

    Hi Denise.

    Sheri, is the carpal tunnel related to the neck pain?

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    link to pinkstock store. Don't want you to get the wrong idea, I am not making a dime off this but I so want everyone to come. so get thee to the store.

    Pinkstock Store
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007

    Deb we musta been posting at the same time. I'm beautiful dammit!!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Susan, nope, not even my toe is droopy, just purple . My ass might be a little droopy, though.
    And.........Don't you even think you are not a strong person. You beat back the beast and after all that you survived that awful ice storm with no power for 2 weeks!!! I don't think I could have done that! Beside that, we all enjoy your wonderful sense of humor (crummy buttons) lol! It takes a strong person to laugh in the face of adversity!
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Rats!!! If it's not 1 thing it's another.

    Remember yesterday when I was laughing about DH's van? Today we found out it's going to be twice as many $$$ as we thought testerday. 2 month old fuel pump died. (It was an intermittent thing so that's why it started right up for our mechanic.) I'm hoping we can get the receipt from the brother-of-a-friend who installed it and get a refund. <me saying all the dirty words I learned in the army>

    The good news (if there is any) is that at least I didn't start crying when DH called to let me know what the mechanic said today. Might do that later in private, but at least not doing it here at work. That's something.

    I'll come back later to read, but needed to vent a little.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    ok wus girl checking in here and went on my lunch and picked up my drugs. Its lexapro. Sooo,,tell me all the bad things and I will convince myself I dont need it.

    Actually feel a bit better today for some reason but sure not going to question it. I am working really hard at the talking to yourself thing and to just shut up, quit my whining and move along.

    I did get some good news though. I had asked my oncologist in Birmingham about getting my treatments at the local cancer center but using not leaving him and he said he didnt know why not since Birmingham is 1 hour away from me and one of the top 10 in the US. Anyway, got a call this morning that I have a time slot here and once it gets all set up I can do my treatments here. wow, 5 minutes away from work instead of the 2 hours driving time it takes me now to go there and back. 30 min herceptin and 15 min zometa,,sounds like a lunch date if you ask me. Drugs are the same and heck nurses always have trouble with my veins so that will be the same also and I still have my wonderful oncologist to oversee it all. I'm liking it!

    Susan-you are beautiful dammit!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008 sorry to hear about the van. Isn't that the way it goes though. It won't work until you get to the mechanic and then it works.

    I sure hope you can get your money back on the broken pump. New things should work longer than 2 months.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Tee hee, Amy, here I am!! Duduh,Duduh, dada,dada,dada,dada.*Jaws music*

    My sis takes Lexapro and she likes it. I don't do the anti-depressant thing. I don't know why. I think I'm afraid I'll get addicted or something.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited March 2007

    Hey CG'S just wanted to pop in and say I love ya, and Praying for everyone! Mena, come feel the Love Sweetie it will make you feel better! can anyone explain why they are putting so many drains in our sweet NS all the time? NS, always in my prayers hope they leave you alone soon! Susan soooo happy you got a afghan with all the love you give, a BIG HUG from your sisters will show you how much we care! and ya already know I got your back! ok gotta go talked to much getting nervous, Love ya all, Puppy

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Puppy I have no idea why I keep getting drains! But this new one isn't draining so I WANT IT OUT! NOW!
    I hope everyone is well and I have 117 post to catch up on but I still can't type or use the mouse for longer than five minutes at a stretch so please forgive me!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Bummer NS. So sorry to hear that its not getting any better. Big hugs!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Damn, G, I can't believe what is happening with you. I never heard of putting more drains back in . I know it hurts you to type, so just know we are all here for you and we love you, sweetie!

    Amy, how nice that you can get your treatments closer to home. My onc's office is fifteen minutes from my house and I can't imagine having to drive an hour to get there!

    Susan, enjoy your afgan!! You deserve it!

    To everyone I missed, please know you are all in my thoughts daily. This is a beautiful sisterhood!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    hmmmm,,now this seems more normal. I always post after you. lol

    Dang NS, enough is enough already. Dont over do it and we are thinking of you.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Nicki, I'm sure you will be good and exercise when you get home, but this is how I feel today. Although I did get a light workout in this morning


    Since I was so good, I did this

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    NS - how frustrating! Having them in is bad enough, having them in and not working is outrageous!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Ha ha!! I get to be last!!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    just peeking in for a moment!
    day off today so i just got out of bed.... well i laid in bed and watched crossing jordan, then csi.... figure its time to get my big butt out of bed....
    going for a shower and will come back to read all the posts.....
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Susan to answer you question like the ex was going to look in the trash?????It was a hall closet that had alot of his "sporting goods junk" in it that was usually used once and forgotten....he did have some coats in there but I threw it all out and it was picked up a couple of days later buy the garage truck.....he did ask one time were his favorite "driver" was...I said the last time I saw it it was in the hall closet....ha........

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hey TracEy. I like Crossing Jordan too. Was really ticked off when they killed off her reporter boyfriend though. Its nice to enjoy a lazy day every once in a while.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    MEna...we miss you hugs..GF..
    Puppy howdy good to see you
    NS...I am always thinking about you... worries about the planning, I love to plan, got a notebook will pass it on to next years nut case....notes and what I did and why...lololo....
    Tracey...hmmm planning a lazt day tomorrow...not babysitting so massage and BC walk for a not so lazy but for me...not bad...
    JAz, I liked CJ boy friend too...don't watch so much any more
    be back boss is sitting right next to me...lololo.