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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Oh I was telling a story about my ex he was trying to make me feel bad about my housecleaning and went to our hall closet and pulled everything out into the middle of the floor and said see how hard was that the closet is clean....of course everything is just lying in the middle of the floor and I said I can clean a closet like that so I shoved everything back into the closet except all his junk and when he left to go to work I threw it all in the trash.......ha......

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    good morning all,
    sending hugs and prayers to you Robin. You have a lot of life left. Remember that. This is just the hard part.

    shokk, the post about child rearing was funny. I am "well-educated" (masters degree) but I find I know so very little about life. I have so much to learn.

    Glad to see the CGs are thriving and caring.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    I think bc is the same way....I would love to hear from the nurses (Shel and Nicki)do you think nursing is or will be different now that you are a patient as well as a nurse?Nicki you have been on both sides of the fence now for about 2 yrs do you see nursing in a different light then before you had bc and Shel you are getting ready to go back to nursing since your you think nursing will be different for you??????????

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Busy morning here at the office, so I don't have much time to steal...but two things need to be said:

    Shel - How RUDE!! It's so hard when medical types don't listen to what they are saying with our ears. Maybe you should have asked her when she was being fired for being insensitive to the patients?

    Shirley - Please don't worry about what I heard! I would definitely think your son knows more. I think my DH told me about Enterprise sailing, and I think he got it off her website. That seemed a little odd at the time, because wouldn't the Navy keep the movement of ships a little quiet for security?? I'm sure your son's got better info. We really wanted to get to graduation, but it wasn't in the cards. Hoping to go for the end of Prototype. I know the ceremony isn't as big but ya do what ya can. Glad it sounds like your son is coming home, too. It doesn't seem to matter when or for how long, it's just great to have them home. (Even if they do triple the grocery bill )

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    I am going to double post this because I'm not sure where it should go! I am a bit troubled by the idea of yet another problem...but i guess I need to get it checked out....

    Cowden Syndrome – PTEN gene

    Has anyone been tested for this? I went in for genetic counseling and I am getting the normal Braca1 and 2 testing, but when the doc looked at my family and personal history, she said I also need to be tested to see if I have Cowden Syndrome, another, more rare gene alteration that can lead to breast cancer. It also has lots of other types of diseases and problems associated with it…many of which are present in my father’s family line.

    She said it is rather rare, and most likely I will test negative, but there are enough signs of it for me to be tested. I guess that it must be rare because she is signing me up for a clinical trial for the blood test.

    I’m not totally stressed about this, but more than a little bit curious since I have never heard of Cowden Syndrome. Anyone have any experience with this???

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Afternoon Ladies,
    I have been at work for a while but haven't had time to check in with you all. Swamped here but catching up.
    Ok...went to school for Nathaniels award this morning...get ready...gotta brag. (and I am so sympathetic to all of you wonderful moms having kid troubles...I'm just lucky...I doubt I'm doing anything different than any of you are!) Nathaniel got an award for being kind, compassionate and a best friend to everyone! It was great. I sat next to his teacher and she said he is at the top of his class in reading and math but she wanted him to be recognized for his sweet spirit. This is his second award for the same thing! I am so pround of him and so blessed to have him. Keep in mind, he's only eight, I may change my tune and lock myself in the bathroom in another five years or so LOL. happy you are ok. Glad you felt all of us there with you.
    Shokk...laughing at the sight of you locking yourself in the bathroom! I would have loved to seen the ex's clothes thrown out LOL... didn't miss the magic carpet ride were a bit hung over and probably don't remember us picking you up. You and Cheri...what are we gonna do with you two!
    Robin...hang in there, we are with you all the way. Sending lots of prayers.
    Shirley...exersizing on the couch! Now that's my kind of workout LOL. I am still working on sending you a bra. Why am I havin such a tough time parting with something I don't need...geez...I almost bought one to dumb is that!
    Cheri...I am such a crybaby. I cry at friggin pudding commercials...geez. I swear I have a box of tissues in every room of my house.
    CY...sending more prayers your way and lots of hugs. Hope that all goes well and life can get back to some sort of normal for you and your family soon.
    Iris...peanut areobics ROFLMBO!!! I do Chex Mix...the new peanut butter and the turtle chex mix are truly addicting.
    Susan...stick around sweetie...we have missed you.
    Margaret...Lini should be gettin some soggy snow any day now!
    Lini...if you get a drippy box or two from NY...It's from me and MB!
    Deb...Bugs and Fishes to you too...I love that! I haven't heard of Cowdens Syndrome either. I had one aunt with thryoid cancer and one with pancreatic cancer and they wanted me to be tested for the gene for those and I opted out. Chicken!'s good to see you posting...sending you very gentle hugs.
    Joyce...thinking of Kevin today.
    Tracey...oh I love the outhouse story!
    Nicki...can I come play in the sand with you? Pretty please.
    Madison...where are you sweet girl? Lost in the squares and can't find your way out?!?
    love and hugs to everyone...I'll be back later
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Another day another drain.
    Yep- they put IN another one.
    This is so much fun I can't stand it.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007

    This sounds like some kind of sick and twisted form of the hokey-pokey...

    You pull the left drain out, you put the left drain in, you pull the right drain out, and you twist it all about...

    You poor thing! I hope this is the last drain you will EVER need and that it is out quicker than quick.

    Soft hugs
    Deb C
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Vickie congrats on the kiddo....I love this time of year because the kids get their school awards....Vickie what grade is Nathaniel going to be in next yr? DebC you be sure and get tested for whatever they want to test you for for your might answer some questions for you and your family......I'm not sure why I thought of this story but when my oldest daughter was a freshman in high school the drill team at the time was the National Champions and they had a drill team from Sydney, Aus. come to visit them.....our high school is built on some grazing land....the small town I live in is basically a suberb of a suberb of DAllas....anyway there is a cattle rancher right across the street from the high school and he raises longhorn cattle.....these girls from Aus. could not believe that there were actually cattle (much less longhorn cattle)right across from the hs....anyway they spent on whole day taking pictures of themselves with the cattle......I told my daughter that it would be like her going to Aus. and being excited about all the kangaroos.....

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    ROBIN....we don't know what we would do without you so hnag in there...we love you....
    Vicki...give Nathaniel a hug for all his very proud't wait to meet him...GD wonders if he'll like going crayfishing in her creek....?
    Deb...breathe and take it day by day...hugs
    Karen...hope all is going well
    Iris...I'm going to twist your arm so you go to the exercise thread...hmmm...kinda reminds me of Vickies potatoe bag if you don't quit showing everyone how to post pics, I'll never be able to check this site at home...i think we have "slowski"
    Susan...glad your back...we miss you
    Amy...DH took the day off and is in a tizzy cleaning the yard, hauling junk and burning stuff...i hope he remembers to fix the eaves where the birds think they need to work never seems to end...
    Shel...wowo thanks for the Blue drink recipe...must try some...maybe I should get my flip flops out first...
    Tracey...hope things are rolling along better...hugs ...
    Shirely...whoo hoo exercising, remember to start slow..but I expect to see you in the bikini parade this summer...
    Jaz...I always love to read your posts and don't want you to think I forget about lift my spirits so much...
    Cy, keeping you in my prayers and sending warm thoughts ...take it easy if you can...hugs

    Ok I didn't take notes
    hmm... trouble maybe I can help...we only have 5 on the course 2 are hot rods and not very good on gas but you'd look great pulling up in my 73 charger...silver & black...and as far as the party go, buy a personal card so she knows she wasn't an after thought... you've met my boys....
    Odalys...needing some nice warm sand in my area...i still have snow in the shady areas..

    Ok off to check in on others....bbl
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Iris and Colleen, just a quick note cuz I'm at work, but it is so frustrating to read, type, and then lose everything. Open your window so you can read the posts, open another window in either Work or Notepad so you can type as you are reading. When you are done typing, "select all" and "copy" from whichever application you are using, go to the box where you would normally post in the window, and "paste" and continue. You should see your post in a minute. If it gets lost, you still have it in either Notepad or Word and then after you have successfully posted, you can close Notepad or Word. Has saved me hours of retyping, as I guess times out after inactivity.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Wow – this morning went SO fast. I guess that’s what happens when you get swamped at work. It’s 2:41 local time, and I’m just now getting lunch. Not that I am complaining – I’d much rather be busy at work, because it makes the time pass so much quicker.

    In my last post I mentioned that my DH’s van died. Well, we got it towed to our favorite mechanic’s shop last night and this morning my DH gets a call that it started right up!! I was teasing the DH that if he didn’t want to go to rehearsal last night that much he should have just come home.

    Vickie – You most certainly aren’t bragging. It’s so nice to hear that your kiddo got an award! You both have every right to be proud. Please be sure and tell him I said, “Way to GO!”

    Deb – I haven’t decided about the genetic testing yet. My onc suggested it, but didn’t press. Part of me thinks it would be good to know, part of me thinks it would just make me worry more… Have you tried searching for Cowden’s Syndrome on WebMD? Bugs and Fishes right back at ya. (I can’t wait to use that with my Scouts.)

    Gina – What’s up with them? Do they think you’re a pin cushion?? Poor girl, sending gentle hugs, and a little bit of my sunny weather, too.

    MB – a silver and black Charger, huh? I don’t think I could afford the tickets. I love to drive fast (don’t tell the officers at the cyber party) and I think the only reason that I don’t get pulled over is because the cops look at the little ol’ rust bucket I drive and think it can’t go that fast!

    Not done with lunch, but the cold front/thunderstorms haven't come through yet, so I’m thinking I’ll take a quick walk. I have a meeting this evening, so everybody be good (or at least don’t get caught) until tomorrow.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Gina...don't read Deb's note...she made me laugh and I fear if you laugh you just might blow a hose! Seriously though...all I can say is it's a good thing we have our moderators cuz this country girl has a whole string of curse words I'd like to scream at the beast for what you are going through right now. I am so very sorry and I'm sending you lots of love, hugs, and prayers.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    NS...hugs my friend...I'm with Deb, some kind of real twisted "hokey pokey you"...but I'm glad you are posting cuz that means you haven't forgotten us...
    Anne, we took it to SC in Oct, my mom was worried it wouldn't go fast because when she drive with me, we are doing a poker run , trying to get the most points....lololol...and my DIL car does the same thing, will break down and DH will go there and it starts right up for him...
    Joyce, hoping to hear about kevin soon...hugs

    off to work..
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    NS I keep imagining the beast is very much like Robin's husband......he is just trying to wear you down.....need to kick some beast a$$...hang in there we all are praying for you...............specking of husbands who misbehave LauraB you need to update us.......................

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    just poppin in to repost this for all...please join!!

    I started a Nukemboobie exchange several months ago in the Radiation thread. I sent out two boxes filled with goodies, the recipients could take out as many things as they wanted, add the same number of things and send the box to the next person on the list. We also had a journal project going and everyone was writing their "story" or their feelings and adding pictures of whatever they wanted. WELL...the boxes have disappeared. I know where they were last but get no response from my pm's to the girls who had them last. Lost in the mail...not sent onward...I don't know.
    SOOOOO....I decided to repost under that thread that I would like everyone to redo their journal pages and send them directly to me as my sister has offered to put them in Adobe and I have a bookbinder who will make them into books for each of us.
    The journal was the most important and the most anticipated part of this project and there are some heartbroken ladies who so very much wanted to see the finished project as they put their heart and soul into it along with pictures, drawings etc.
    I am inviting anyone here who would like to join in to journal a few pages and send them to me. Add whatever you like and we will include it into the book. Just a loving, encouraging book all about us...our feelings, thoughts, hopes for the future, rants...whatever you wish to say would be included.
    If you are interested in joining me and I'll send you my address.
    I will probably repost this a couple more times here so forgive me for repeating myself but I want everyone to see it and get as many pages as I can.
    Love and hugs
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon all,

    Had a fun and exciting morning getting my treatment,,,NOT! Grrrrrr,,I hate going, I'm tired of going and it will never stop.

    ok enough whining about that and trying to move on.

    Shokk-loved your kid story.

    Tracey-love the outhouse funny. I was sitting here at work laughing and had to copy and paste it to my mom.

    Before it goes any further, I will say I do not have an outhouse thank you very much. I live in the country but running water and everything,,imagine that!

    Deb-you deserve it! Thanks for being you.

    Madison-hmm, an easter outfit. Since I am so crafty maybe I can make her one,,,cracking myself up over that one.

    Cheri-enjoyed the magic carpet ride this morning. Brought along the sippy cup so I would not lose any of my coffee. I did give up the bubble wrap though and decided I would live on the wild side. Give those cute lil pups a hug from me.

    biker-hmmm I thought I always posted right after you. I must be slacking on my stalking job.

    Shel-not much more that I can say except inconsiderate B! If you are end stage I am end stage and well thats just not happening. I would have cried no doubt but then anger would have kicked in. Where is this person and I will send a swift kick from Mazer to her?

    MB-would take more than a day off for me to catch up. It never ends but thats ok, it keeps me out of trouble. Well, not really but it sounds good anyway.

    Anne-sorry about the car trouble. I hate car trouble. What difference does it make if you own a home or not? Geesh, some people! By the way, sorry about the sting. We have those wood drilling bees around here also and I swear they are like cyclopes staring at you as they buzz about. It is great batting practice though.

    Vickie-congrats on Nate getting the award. My boy used to be sweet too but now he is almost 13 and I can see it slowing fading. I swear everyday he loses a bit more of his brain.

    Cy-you are in my thoughts.

    Shirley-glad you made it home and figured out its either your husband or the mattress. Hopefully he will make the right decision and if not, well maybe he can sleep on the old mattress somewhere when you get your new one.

    Robin-I know some days are tough,,heck sometimes its the whole week but please remember it will get better. We need you around here and plus you are stubborn and gotta stick around to torture you future ex husband.

    Shokk-read up above that you were close to Dallas,,anywhere around North Richland Hills? I have family that lives there but not been in a few years.

    Gina-hmm beginning to think you and your PS have something going cause that many problems cant happen to one person. Geesh! Thinking of you and hoping things begin to look brighter for you.

    Susan-glad to see you around. You always make me smile!

    ok going to brag on Tucker, the one son I have with his brain missing. He did have the best 2 hits yesterday in his baseball practice game so he was a bit excited. We have another practice game today after youth orchestra so its a full day. Mazer will not be excited that grain time will be a little later today.

    Nicki-glad you enjoyed walking along the lake. Speaking of annuals, I have got to get my garden planted. I tilled it this weekend but need to turn it again before I plant. It was too freaking hot to get what I wanted done this weekend and I was forced to stop and drink a beer.

    ok gotta run and get some work done here. I shall return.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Amy North Richland Hills is north of Fort Worth and I am in far east Dallas county but its not too far.....One thing I keep forgetting to tell you being in Alabama is my neighbor down the the street (acutallly they moved awhile ago) is Gene Stallings is so funny how Alabamans kind of think of him is God's left hand neighbor and I went to the same high school in Dallas when her Dad was defense coach of the Dallas Cowboys......anyway just thought I would share that info with ya..........

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    NS, I feel so sorry that you have to have drains put back in, that must be very uncomfortable. An extra ((((gentle))) hug for you.

    Amy, It was over 80 yesterday and today, again. There have been thunderstorms around us, but not here, just hot. It's almost too much. I had forgotten how hard it is to sleep at night, we even have airconditioning and a ceiling fan in our room, but it is upstairs and just HOT! We went from very cold to very hot very fast.

    Robin, we love you!!!!!!! I know it hurts to write, maybe you could get your daughter to type for you, but we love hearing from you. Know that you are wrapped in supporting arms.

    Vickie, be proud! Just because some of us are going through tough times with our kids doesn't mean we don't want to celebrate the good times. A kindness award is just as, if not more, important than academic awards! I gripe about my teenage son alot and forget that I, too, have a sweet younger child. He's truly the apple of my eye, even though I love his siblings just as much. I just appreciate his innocence when the world just gets too crazy sometimes.

    A great spring afternoon to all of you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Just got home from work. No exercise this evening and Im drinking wine. I needed a break today.

    Betty: As far as your friend is concerned. "them is fighting words." Before chemo I had a nice head of thick hair. It was wavy and I could curl it or make it straight. I am over one year post chemo and my hair came back baby soft and is still baby soft. Its not as thick as it used to be thats for sure. Bee stings? Oh I hate bees!


    Shokk: You make sure you that you tell your daughter to go visit the "Bahai' Temple. When she is done tell her to go to Gillison Park and spend the day at the beach. Two of the prettiest places here in Chicago. And they are within walking distance of each other.

    Laura: That exercise sounds really interesting. There is a new breast surgeon who is partners with mine at my bc care center. He has a program where he exercises with survivors. Maybe I should get off my butt and take part. Sounds interesting.

    Iris: Peanut exercises? The funny thing was pant suits were not even allowed. Had to wear white dresses! Now in the 60's short became style. So we were young nurses dressed up in SHORT uniforms. Imagine what we looked like when we were making beds.


    Odalys: One reason not to change jobs! Pre-employment physcials. Geez! Lets see, I would test positive for Opiates cause I take one Darvocet a day. I would test positive for benzodiazepines cause I take xanax. Hmmm wonder if my antidepressant would show up to. Anyways, your new job sounds like its gonna be fun and exciting.

    Colleen: This is what I do which is different from what it seems like others do. I write one sentence and I save the post. Once the post comes up your are offered "edit" in the right hand corner. If you hit edit, you can keep editing and editing your posts. You can read one post at a time and reply to each one. Just keep saving and editing. Thats what I do anyways.

    Shokk: Actually I was sitting here laughing with your story about your education and specializing in child psychology. Then you told us about your 2 year old cute little monster. And you didnt finish the story. But I laughed out loud anyways.

    Robin: Sending some healing light your way. You will get through this! Hey your a nurse and we can get through anything.


    Oh Lordy! 3 glasses of wine. Time to go eat dinner and relax. For everyone I didnt catch up with like Vickie, NS, Amy, Sherloc, Cheri and everyone one else. I will catch up with ya in the morning.

    Have a great evening.

    And "Good Night"


  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Thank you girls for your thoughts and prayers.I have good ands and I have really bad days.Do any of you feel this way.All of you seen to be so upbeat and strong.It makes me not even want to open my mouth.I am just an emotional wreck.
    Somedays I cant even find the things that I am fight so hard to live for.I am just so miserable and alone.
    I guess the old saying is true that which dosent kill us makes us strong.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Robin we all have those days and here lately there seems to be alot of us having those type days.

    Hang in there with us honey!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Robin I love you. NS I love you. All the rest of you, I love you too. and !!!! here is a picture of me in my pinkstock t-shirt. start making your plans.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    I love you to.I dont know what I would do without all of you.I love your new picture also.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Good Evening!

    Susan: You look so good, and I love the t-shirt. I so want to go, just can't commit yet! I'm so glad you received an Afghan...more on the afghan thread!

    Deb: You absolutely crack me up! I never know what to expect when I read your post!! Hokey, Pokey is to Funny!
    We all love ya. That was so nice of Amy to send you flowers!

    Gina: My God, in and out.....sorta like "Wam, Bam, thank you Mam!" Only not as much fun. You've been through so much, and yet you manage to keep your spirits up!!

    Jan: How's the Toe? Not much more painful than that.

    Lisa: Good news on the Sonogram!

    Anne: Bottoms up, Cheers and all the'll be sloshing Blue Rinks real soon! Congrats on Your Navy Son a nd his test results!

    Madison: You talk to the squares?! As long as they don't answer you, we don't have a problem!

    Shel: I agree with all the others. The Loser needs to have her head put in a mammogram machine and get the remaining bits of her brain squeezed out! You're here to stay and don't forget that. Like Shokk said, you will be around to attend the Losers funeral!

    Sue: glad appt. went well. Cheri's driving isn't to bad, or we are all getting used to it!

    Deb: I haven't heard of Cowden disease either. Gotta check that one out.

    I'll be back
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I know, it's getting old. Me splitting my post. I'm working on the copy and post thing.

    Shel: Is your Ex's name really "Earl?" Like in, "My names Earl!" That's all I can conjure!!

    Joyce: Just wanted to say: "You look so Natural!!" The things people say! Hope you are feeling better and hope Kevin is too!

    Nicki: My kind of day, I love the beach and water. And putting my tootsies in the water feels so good!

    Margaret: You're going to Vegas? Have Fun.....We'll teach you how to use the knifty knitter when you get back!

    Betty: I don't remember what I read about the "friend" and dinner..But I do remember to tell you to use the word, "whatever!" If you don't know what that means..ask Nicki!

    Liz: Hope your cousin is doing okay with her rehab. Maybe you can get a group rate for all of us!!

    Sue: No panic attack, that's great. They are the worse things. Pepcid and Antacids didn't help me, then my PCP Rx'd Prilosec OTC and that works. It is Over the Couner, but if you have a RX for it, you only have to pay your co-pay.

    Laura: I hope they find your MIL's problems soon. Poor lady....and poor you.

    Robin: Stay strong..I'm thinking of you!

    Vickie: You should be proud! Sounds to me like Nathaniel takes after his Mom!!

    Amy: So nice of you to send flowers to Deb! So many great people on this site. And, your treatments will stop, just doesn't seem like it now!! Blessings to you.

    If I have forgotten anyone in words, remember that I haven't forgotten anyone in thoughts!

    Sweet Dreams,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Oh Crap,

    It's 8p and I just remembered I've got all the stuff sitting out to make dh Banana Muffins. Aren't I just the sweetest, bestest, nicest Wife on earth!! (okay, I just gagged myself!)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007 made me laugh...
    Ok ladies
    Quick note from Mena...
    I just talked to her on the phone and she wanted me to update all of you.
    She went today for her treatment after having blood work and scans yesterday and they didn't do her treatment. Her doctor wasn't there and the nurse couldn't tell her much so she was waiting for a call from her doctor tonight. She is seriously p*ssed! She is talking strong and fighting like crazy. Send her some love, healing light, prayers...everything you've got. She will try to post to us and let us know what is going on when she knows for sure but is very busy.
    Off to bed...tired my Christmas decorations down that were outside tonight. Beautiful night here...lots of sunshine and really warm...still got some piles of snow that I need to get in the mail to Lini LOL.
    Love ya all and thanks for the congratulations to Nathaniel...I told him. He's my strength!