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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Nicki, congrats at losing the 4 lbs. It's my son's birthday we're celebrting - he'd the baby so turning 21 is traumatic for me. Do you like peanut butter? At my WW meeting yesterday our leader mentioned a peanut butter powder that you mix with water and it has 75% less fat than peanut butter. I read the reviews on it and they all said it was good. You have to order 4 but with shipping it's only $23. I'll let you know how it is.

    Betty, congrats on getting the pictures to post. It's HDTV - we saw some program on fish- unbelieveable picture.

    Cheri, thanks for driving this morning. I still can't get used to the loop de loops though- my throat hurts from screaming.

    Robin, hang in there. Is there something we can do to help? This is the place where you can vent, rant, rave, or not say anything.

    Susan, great pic.

    Shirley, don't get me started on why they don't do anything to help. At least my hubby tries. Right now he's cooking dinner cuz I don't feel good. And he'll clean.

    Shel, they're showing the difference between expensive and cheap shoes - they're cuting Manolo Blahniks....they say you get better construction and cusioning. Comparing Payles Shoe Source, 9 West, Steve madden, and Manolos.

    Vickie, I'd be bragging about Nathaniel too.

    NS, not another drain! You poor thing.

    MB, another car person huh? My hubby's hobby is cars.

    Denise, how about Earl as in the Dixie Chick's song.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Good evening everyone. This is the first opportunity I have to sit at the computer and have not been able to read today's post yet; will catch up later.

    Just wanted to share with you the scare I had today. I had to re-schedule my pre-employment PE because as I was putting on my make up I notice a white spot on my right cornea and as you can imagine, I panicked!!! My eyes had been bothering me for a week but I thought it was dryness and did not think much of it but when I saw that white spot...I got that ugly feeling in the pit of my stomach and rushed to the opthalmologist. The doctor took a long time examining my eyes and my anxiety kept climbing. Then she said " may not be anything..." (OMG - I thought my heart would come out of my chest) "...I want to send you for a second opinion..." Well….I lost it!!!! It took me a few minutes to regain my composure and every once of energy to drag myself to the consultants office. After waiting almost 2 hours…he gives me the dx- severe corneal infection and dryness causing severe hypoxia (no oxygen) of the cornea...bottom line not good! Better than mets but not something to take lightly cause it could severely damage the corneas. What the heck…?????? How on earth did I get this. I have my eyes checked regularly and am very careful with contacts and solutions. Don’t get me wrong, I was relieved it wasn’t mets but the cornea is an organ I don’t want to damage. After listening to the doc I did not know whether to be happy or just cry. He prescribed two types of eye drops every hour on both eyes and wants to see me tomorrow to evaluate how my eyes are responding. The good news is the conditions are curable and reversible; the bad news no more contacts for me. I was so upset by the time I got to the cancer treatment center for my Zoladex shot my bp was very high. It took my almost another two hours to get the bp to a level where they felt comfortable in giving me the shot. Not a good day. I'm exhausted now.

    So, for tonight, I will grieve the loss of my contact lenses (been wearing contacts since I was I teenager) and have my own pity party. Tomorrow, I will dust myself off, put my big girl panties and deal with it. I will chuckle it to one more casualty of the bc war. I sure feel like a soldier who went to war and came back wounded and fragile. Who the heck enlisted me for this war!

    Thanks for letting me rant and vent ladies. I know this is nothing compared to what you all are dealing with. I find such comfort in knowing you all really understand. Okay, enough, time for bed.

    Love and hugs to all,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Happy Tuesday evening ladies.

    Robin I'm praying for you.

    Anne, son hasn't called me back yet. The Bumm. I'll get the scoop as soon as he does.

    Deb, I've never heard of Cowden Syndrome. Have you googled it? My onc just told me at last visit he wants me to have brca test. After 3 years what the hell is the man thinking. I am sooooo done with all this crap.

    Vicki, yehaw for Nathaniel. But we all know he is sweet. And cute to boot.
    Part with just one bra my dear. You can do it.
    Couch exercising is grand. I highly recommend it.

    NS, well crap crap crap. That just sucks beans.

    MB, a bikini? hmmmmm maybe. or maybe not. a walking skeleton is not the prettiest sight in the world.

    Amy, hubby is working into sleeping on the porch. Bet I'll get a good nights sleep then.

    Susan, you look great. And the t-shirt is fabulous. Where do we get them?

    Denise, banana muffins qualifies you for sweetest, bestest wife status. Hmmmm maybe that would convince hubby we need a new matress.

    Vicki, thanks for the update on Mena.
    You took down your decorations? So soon?

    Margaret, lucky you. Dinner and cleaning. Can I borrow him?

    Odalys, hugs to you. Glad the eye infection is fixable. I'm sorry about your contacts tho.

    See you all tomorrow.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Odalys - wow that sounds painful. I wore contacts for many years also and got some corneal scaring so had to quit wearing them. I ended up having lasik surgery about 5 years ago and have been so happy with the results. Hope your eyes feel better.
    NS - They are not supposed to put them back in! wow no fair. Stay strong. It's good to see you posting.
    Robin - oh big hugs to you.
    I didn't take notes so I know I'm missing a ton. Actually stopped back in to ask a question but just had to read even though I should be in bed - working tommorrow.
    Anyway the question. My BS told me today that she wants me to have a colonoscopy. She said women who have had breast cancer are more prone to colon cancer and that monitoring needs to begin earlier than the usual 50yr old.
    I don't ever remember hearing or reading about this before. Have any of you heard this?
    Thanks again for the carpet ride this morn.
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Sue-my onc would not order a colonoscopy for me, because if they didn't find anything, my insurance might not pay. Got my PCP to refer me. Even then it was iffy that my insurance would pay. When I talked to BCBS they said no, because it was considered screening. Got back with the gastro guy and they gave me the dx code that they'd be using, and low and behold, when we called BCBS back we the dx codes, I was covered.

    That's the long story. Had my 1st colonoscpy last summer at age 55. My gyno insisted that I have it done. She said that I was at greater risk now, too. Well, I had one B9 polyp. Most folks go back every ten years if their 1st scope is clear. Those who have a B9 polyp need to return in five years. Well, because I'm a bc survivor with a B9 polyp, I get to go back in three years. The gastro guy says that we're at a higher risk, too. Glad I had it done. That was one cancer bullet dodged.

    Going in tomorrow to see onc at 11:30. There's an area of swelling on my breast bone. Don't believe it's anything, just want to be sure. Hope I haven't opened up a can of worms. I hate testing, and waiting for results. Maybe it'll be a get out of here your okay appt. Sure hope so.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Hi All, sorry I haven't been able to keep up...had to start PT again for my arm/shoulder (had frozen shoulder in September)...anyway....

    Sue, I had a colonoscopy in December because of the suggested link between colon cancer and bc...however the gastro doc had just returned from a seminar and said that they don't believe there is a link between the two anymore.

    Nicki, glad you are getting some spring weather. Have the trees started blooming?

    Vickie, congrats on our Nathaniel....he is one great kid and we are all proud aunties

    Robin, it breaks my heart to hear you so sad…..all of us are here for you.

    Odalys, one of my co-workers had the same condition you have been diagnosed with. Last week she was able to have lasik surgery. Take care and be sure to use the eye drops. Also, the hair thinning may be a result of the HT therapy AND some anti-depressants can cause hair loss. We just had our roof repaired late last year…the damage was from Rita and Katrina. I know the new hurricane predictions are out and they are predicting numerous storms!!!

    Amy, I am trying to figure out how to make Mazer a Spring bonnet!!! Hummm, I have a few ideas. Be sure to tell Tucker congrats on his baseball hits

    Vickie, I know you let Mena know we are always holding her close in the circle.

    NS, rats and double rats…a new drain…I’m so sorry.

    Anne, congrats on your son passing the first half of his final exam. He should be home in about a week – how long since he had leave? My military daughter went 9 months w/out a leave when she first joined…..

    Shel, do we have a tent for insensitive, obnoxious medical personnel? If not we need one….Michelle will stay a long time

    Laura, how is your MIL? Is it her appendix?

    Tracey the outhouse story is fantastic

    Sheri, any results on your MRI?

    Laura, we are going to have to get Cheri to drive the magic carpet for your onc appointment….good luck

    Karen, I hope you are feeling better and able to get some sleep.

    Cy, how are you?

    Deb, I wish I could send you some spring weather….we are already in the 80’s in the south. I am a little concerned about hurricane season....gonna pray that there are no storms headed this way around the time of Pinkstock

    Joyce, Kevin had his EMG today…how is he?

    Susan, the Pinkstock shirt looks great. It is good to see you posting again.

    Alwayshope, yep retirement in about 20 years seems correct…wish it wasn’t that way

    Iris, my, oh my, being burglarized is so frightening. I hope you are able to get the alarm up and running… it does sound like whoever did this knew what they were doing.

    Shirley, I am with you….I really, really miss my estrogen also……

    Cheri, received your squares in the mail……I am putting borders on them…you’ll see them incorporated in the next afghan.

    Jan, did I see you broke a toe….ouch!

    Shokk, love the housecleaning story. Remember that Vickie can keep the housecleaning police away…

    MB, I’ll go crawfishing with DD…..I may teach her a new sport – crawfish racing!

    Betty, wasp stings HURT….hopefully the swelling has eased and your foot is better today. We had to have a professional take down a yellow jacket nest years ago….scary and mean stingers…

    Margaret, oh goodness, my baby is turning 21 also…yep it is traumatic. My oldest turns 27 next week….where has the time gone?

    Denise, I have another afghan ALMOST completed…the squares just can’t decide who they want to go live with……I’m waiting on them to make a decision!!

    Hi to anyone and all that I missed……

    Time to turn in for the night ‘cause I’m going to do PT before work in the mornings

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good evening CG's

    Can't remember if I posted earlier today, so if I did, forgive me for repeating myself. Well I over did it yesterday and was totally EXHAUSTED today. The only place I went today was to the PT for my hand. I napped, read the paper, watched a little TV and puttered on my desk in the kitchen looking through 2 little platic containers of stuff (mostly momentos). Found a picture of myself taken about 6 months before I started chemo and I just cried. Then cried when I told DH about it. I'm tired of being tired. My oldest DD comes home for spring break tomorrow for 2 1/2 weeks. She knows that she will be helping me grocery shop and clean for Passover (she'll do the cleaning with DH and I'll supervise). I had promised Miriam to take her painting pottery today - thank goodness she ended up with DI practice for almost 4 hours as I felt too crummy to do anything. Miriam is so sweet, but I feel so bad saying mommy doesn't feel good to do anything - and this is also her spring break. I promised her that she could have two friends spend the night thursday night and she is so excited. Luckily big sister and daddy are here to help.
    Boo/Sue - when I saw a GI doc in the fall for my stomach and he did a endoscopy, he told me that I would need a colonoscopy because I was 50 - and since I had BC I was at higher risk. I talked to my PCP a couple weeks ago and she said I needed to schedule my physical and also a colonoscopy. Our insurance paid for DH colonoscopy at 50, so I'm guessing that they will pay for mine. We are lucky that we have good insurance. We have started on our taxes and it is unbelieveable how much we paid out of pocket after insurance for medical in 2006!!! Scary!!!
    Boo/Sue - how did your other tests go?
    Odalys - I'm sorry about the eye scare and not being able to wear contacts. I only started wearing glasses in my 40's when my arms got too short!!!
    Susan - I love your picture.
    Vickie - congrats on Nathaniel and brag all you want. WE want to hear the good news!!! I'm so glad that you are including the CG's on the journal. It will be such a treasure. I need to find my original writing so I can add to it. Thank you again for doing it.
    NS - I'm so sorry that you are having to endure another drain.
    Deb - I've never heard of Cowden Syndrome - good luck with the testing. I only had the multi-stie 3 testing for BRCA - it came back negative and the geneticist said that the full testing would also probably be negative so recommended against doing it. But I had all the same procedures as if it was positive. I guess being negative leaves just a little bit less of a worry for my two girls.
    Shokk - love the DD story - never skied Purgatory, but we have been to Crested Butte and most of the front range ski areas. I've pretty much given up skiing. With Dx last year and still going through procedures this year no skiing. Actually, the family has hardly skied this year. All my kids started as 3 year olds.
    Biker - glad all was okay with the PS
    Betty - wow log house - I'm jealous. When DH and I got marreid we wanted to build a log house, but it was way beyond our budget. At the time we had 4 wooded acres in Ohio. Now we live in the city in Colorado.
    Nicki - barefoot in the sand. What fun.
    Joyce - I like the comment "look natural". I've had a few friends ask me if I am pleased with the size. Not sure how to take it, but one or two knew that I was worried about being too big. I can't wait to get this darn surgical bra (or corset as a friend calls it) off on thursday. From what I can tell, I think I do like the size - small!!!!
    Cheri - I missed the puppy pics - what type? I saw an ad for a English bulldog puppy and asked DH if he was intersted (his beloved bulldog Sarge died just before we got our Berners). He said no - smart man as we have 3 dogs - 2 Berners over 100# each and an almost 15 year old beagle/cocer mix. But if he had said yes, I would have gotten the Bulldog. He misses his Sarge. And my DH has been my strength through all this.
    Shirley, MB, - thanks
    To everyone I have left out, I hope you are all doing well.
    Karen in Denver
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    I've been busy today so I've just looked in now and then and haven't taken notes. I can't remember who said what if I don't write it down. I know Gina has yet another drain. So, so sorry. I'm being selfish now, I'm ready for you to be well and come back in regularly. I also pray it for you. It seems so unfair. Vickie, you have every right to be proud of Nathaniel.Mothers and Grandmothers have automatic bragging rights. Nicki, I remember a walk by the lake that must've been very nice. Iris, i recall you talking about us chatting i just don't recall us chatting. lol No wonder if it was early morning hours. Shokk, so you were the soap box know it all teacher that knew everything about children until you had one of your own? Lots easier raising kids through text books than in real life, huh? lol CY, hoping your dad made it thru surgery alright and you had a safe flight with your daughter. Margaret, after your trip you need to learn to crochet or'll have fun. Deb, hokie pokie was funny, sad but funny. Janny, did you post today? Can't remember but don't think so. Hey Denise, red has been my favorite color...until now. I'm getting a little sick of it. Moving onto Royal. Susan, glad you're back and I'll see you tomorrow. We will be knitting fools--or at least fools. lol Madison, let me think,um,lets see, it'll come to me, oh yeah (the power of scrolling) good luck with shoulder pt. Vickie, thanks for the update on Meaner. Joyce, hope Kevin is doing better and you are well. Laura, think you have inlaw troubles? If so, I hope it all works out and if its not you then whoever it is i still hope it works out. Margaret, thanks for riding shotgun on the Magic Carpet you brave soul. Robin, may God give you the strength to kick your dh's behind to the curb, literally. A mean man can sure give us incentive to do alot of things to get even or at least just to get out. I wish I lived closer so I could be of some help. Karen, sorry you're feeling so sad. Shilrley, good to have ya home girl! Laura, you were the one with the colonoscopy , good luck with that.

    Hey to Lini, MB, Christine, Gus, Betty, Anne,Ishop, Tracy, Boo, Liz, Colleen, Amy, Jazmanian, Odalys, Kristen, Michele, Theresa, Jeannie, and anyone I've mistakenly forgotten. Hoping you all have a good nights sleep and wake up feelin fantastic, or great, at least better than average.

    Then we come to our list of either MIA'S or AWOL'S. Yes, girls we know you're out there and we miss you. Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Puppy, Ginney and Holly, that I can think of. If you're not here with us then hopefully life has gotten better for you and you've learned to live in the new normal. And that would be wonderful for all of us. If you're still having a hard time then don't lurk around come on in and let us try and help you. I know I've left some out but not intentionally. Wishing everyone a good evening.

    Shel, why aren't you hanging out around here tonight? Hot date? You have nothing to be crying about sweetie. You are one lucky girl. In so many ways. I suppose we all are. Hope you're doing alright. Tonight.

    Meaner, now just how busy can you be? Hummm? You can tell me...did you break your parole...again?? HAHAHAHA Tag, You're It!

    Back to the old ball of yarn. I've become a slave to it. ME, even owning 'yarn' much less halfway enjoying it. Who would've thought? Hint, Hint, Margaret! lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    April showers will be May flowers. Yes, its raining this morning. And it was only 2 days ago I was walkin along the shores of Lake Michigan!

    Went shopping yesterday. Found this really cute skirt and top - it fit! and it was on sale. When I got home my husband said it looks a little gypsish. When I put it on he saw, wow - that looks sexy! Sexy? Me? He had to be talking about someone else.

    Shokk: You ask a good question. Yes I do look at things differently. I have always considered myself a caring person and a good nurse. I found it very hard to be a patient. Still find it very hard. I think the healthcare has changed over the last 20 years - and with a nursing shortage - its worse, not better. I am an advocate and will always be an advocate for my patients and their families. I was like that before bc and Im only more determined after bc.

    DebC: Well I had never heard of Cowden Syndrome before so I had to look it up. I find it so amazing that each day they are identifying more and more genes that can put us at risk. Im brca 2+. I say dont worry. Knowledge is power.

    Amy: I cant wait to plant my annuals. Im getting really itchy. Want to plants some herbs too. But alas, here in Illinois they say to wait until after Mothers Day! I say bah humbug to that. I will probably plant the annuals in the middle of April. My hsuband said Im getting ridiculous. I keep looking at my perrenials and giving him a detailed report 3-4 times a day. Yes, Im watching them slowing peak their heads up from under the ground.

    Robin: All of us have good and bad days! You are riding such an emotional roller coaster right now. Hard enough to get the strength to fight bc, but then have to deal with complications from surgery and a husband who is a jerk. No wonder you feel down. Thats why we have the circle. So you can come here and get some relief and comfort. We do love you.

    Susan: Man, what a great picture. You are looking great, and Im so glad to see you back here posting. Have missed ya.

    Denise: Yes, "whatever" has become part of my daily dialogue. It works great!

    Mena: Man oh man, hoping everything is ok. Sending you lots of hugs.

    MargaretB: I love peanut butter. Can eat it with a spoon right from the jar. Although I must admit with this latest scare from Peter Pan peanut butter, I havent bought any lately.

    Odalys: Man, what a scare that must have been. Thank goodness you got in to see the eye doctor right away. I've never worn contacts - just couldnt get used to them. I do pretty good with my glasses, that is when I dont sleep with them on and wake up with the frames being crooked. Hoping today is a better day.

    Boo/Sue: I have heard from others here on the boards that we are at a higher risk for colon cancer. Havent talked to my doctor about it. Figure if I mention it, I will get the ol colonoscopy order!

    Laura: Good luck with your onc appointment today. Im hoping the swelling is nothing serious.

    Madison: The trees are still start naked! Its weird cause you can see all the birds sitting in the trees. Can see all the squirrels nests! I have a Pear tree in my backyard and I cant wait for the blossums to bloom.

    Karen: Sounds like you house is gonna be busy. Nothing wrong with Miriam cleaning for passover. And for once, you should sit back and watch. You are sounding like your feeling better.

    Cheri: Yes, there are some MIA's. Im looking for Brenda, Ginney, Jeannette, and Peggy. Hoping all is going well.

    Vickie: You should be so proud of Nathaniel. What a nice award. Handing you a cup of coffee while you fly by to get to work early.

    OK - time to get a move on. Hope everyone has a great day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning all, I wanted to sleep in and the alarm clock wouldn't let me. Geez...Is it Friday yet?
    Nicki...tweakin your toes and blowing the trumpet...time to make the donuts.
    Odalys...oh my that sounds painful. Can you get the laser surgery. My sister was almost legally blind and had the laser surgery two years ago and is thrilled with the results. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    How is Kevin? Hope his day went ok.
    I did tell Mena that we were all thinking of her and to post when she could. Hopefully we will hear from her today. Mena...sending you positive thoughts and a big hug.
    Karen...more hugs for you. I have a really hard time looking at pictures of the "before bc me"...I have all my daughters wedding pictures with and album and all the paper to do a scapbook and still haven't been able to do it. Seeing myself before is hard. But...happy to be here today. Your kids understand, of that I'm sure. Last year I couldn't do anything with Nathaniel. It was so hard and I felt so guilty. This year...we have been to plays, I went to his award ceremony, I am going on a couple of his class trips and we are going to the circus Friday night. It will get better.
    No time to write to all...gotta get to work early again...geez.
    Is it Friday yet? Did I already say that?!?
    Love ya all
    Cheri is right...where is everybody?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Hey there sunshine snuck in on me! Have a grand day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning all,

    Today is "Fossilmax" day so here I sit with a glass of water. Why can't it be any liquid. I can suck down 8 oz of coffee in nothing flat. I just took the little devil and already I'm burbing. That's my SE from it.

    Our server is being moved at work today and they are upgrading it so no 'net time for me. Bummer

    Odalys, take care of that eye. I had some eye trouble years ago and it's nothing to take lightly.

    We don't have kids, so I vicariously become a grandmom (just skipped the whole mom -childrearing thing)when you moms talk about babies turning 21 or getting awards, etc. I think it's so great. I love hearing about all your kids. It just makes me feel all the more like we are one family.

    Oh,'s been thirty minutes. Now gals, you know I love you all, but nothing stands between me and my morning coffee (except that burby little white pill.) So bye for now. Have a great day everyone.

    Love ya,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Hee Hee Hee Vickie, I say that as I snicker. I knew you were up, I saw you post on the afghan thread, so I snuck my sunshine picture in.

    Good morning Betty.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning Sunshine Sisters,

    I am going to do a Deb and do a quick fly by to say hello...gotta leave early for PT so I will catch up later today

    Oh, Cheri-magic carpet driver-don't forget to come get me!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for all the concern for my MIL. She's back in the hospital. Today she's having a colonoscopy. Docs are now thinking of two posibilities: colon cancer or appendix. They want to rule out cancer. Hopefully it is just her appendix. She actually ate real food yesterday. She hasn't been eating or sleeping very well at all. I don't think I ever mentioned that she's an 18 year bc survivor. Had just surgery and no recurrance.

    I didn't take notes sorry. Good thoughts to all. Glad to hear of good test and surgery results for everyone that had them.

    Hooray for Nathaniel.

    Gina that's not the kind of hokey pokey that anyone wants to do. Hope your drain ordeal is over soon.

    Thanks for the company on my appt today. It's going to be a tight fit in the waiting room, but all of my onc's staff is so wonderful. I know they'll make you feel welcome and at ease. If that's possible in an onc's office.

    I'm not a wreck over this. I think MIL's situation is taking up my attention right now. I really don't have much time to think about me. It's not nice that she's going through all this, but I guess in a way it's helping me not to fret so much about myself.

    Hugs and healing to all.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Laura, good luck at your appointment today. Someone will pick me up on the magic carpet. MIL is with us in prayer today.

    Madison, hows the PT going? Yup, baby is turning 21; the oldest turned 30 in January.

    Odalys, I had lasik eye surgery about 7 years ago - one of the best things I ever did. Doesn't stop the aging process so you might have to wear reading glasses (unbelieveably, I'm 52 and don't have to) but the normal vision is awesome.

    Karen, an extra hug to you.

    Nicki, I'll let you know how the peanut butter is. Accept the compliment from hubby.

    I'm getting a cold. Just what I need before getting on a plane.

    Everyone have a great day. I'll check in later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Ok ladies, we're burning daylight. I'm running a little behind this morning so have your bubble wrap and helmet already on. Unless you want to be like Amy and live life on the edge! Alot of jokes are made but we always seem to arrive at all the destinations safely. I do like those loop da loops! All you girls having tests, dr appt. or surgeries, we are on our way. You will not go through it alone one of us will be holding your hand at all time. We will go through whatever we have to...together.

    Amy, do something with Mazer breathing hot breath down the back of my neck I'm trying to drive and besides....I think I'm beginning to like it! hahaha

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning Campers. Drive safe Cheri. And make sure you have your proof of insurance card with you! hahahaha

    nother day, nother dime...
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    JAz, yup work work work, but tomorrow is Friday and my day i guess it makes it friday today for
    Well met another BC sister...used to do work for her at my office,hopefully will be meeting her Friday...and have told her about you I hope she visits...
    too much of this going around, or maybe we just hear more about it, it used to be a secret no one shared the news....
    anyway...gonna enjoy the sun shinning in my office window and try to keep my mind on work today...

    hugs to all in need and I've made brownies for the magic carpet....hmmm oh yeah and cinnomon rolls for
    take care all
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Just checking in to say Good Morning and to wish everyone who is having test, procedures and surgeries the best.

    Cheri: If you could pick me up last that would be great, cuz I haven't even showered yet!

    I'm checking in later after reading morning posts..gotta drag this body to work!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies. Here's a thought to get us all going this morning and throughout the day...

    "He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle which is against me." Psalm 55:18

    Trying to catch up with all the posts, I'll be back later. I hope everyone has a good day today.


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    hmmmm,, MB tomorrow is not Friday and thats a mean and nasty trick to play on us! How dare you!

    Good Morning CG's! well everybody but MB cause she was mean just plain mean.

    Cheri-no bubble wrap for me,,yesterday was rather fun living on the edge. Hmm, it might help if you didnt rub cinnamon roll icing on your neck to get Mazer to stop breathing and licking your neck. I have been wanting to talk with you about that but didnt know how to bring it up. At least you went for a cutie cause Mazer is kinda cute but geesh woman,, a donkey? Then again I was married to a donkey one time.

    Odalys-wow sorry about the eye thing. It does seem to be always something but at least you are on top of things and went to get it checked ASAP. I would love to have lasik surgery but I hate the thoughts of having surgery again.

    Nicki-I sleep with my glasses on often also. It really does a doozy on the frames though. I also have peanut the rat terrier that thinks they are a chew toy so I have to be even more careful and cant just lay them on the bedside table. I have to hide them under something. You also mentioned herbs in your post. I love my herb garden. Basil, choc mint, spearmint, lemon balm, sage, 2 types of rosemary, parsley, chives, thyme, lavender and the list goes on and on. I cant wait to get some planted at the farm. I love cooking with fresh herbs and making fresh pesto. ok gotta stop,,making myself hungry.

    Mena-hoping I see you drop in today cause well we need a little help controlling Cheri. She can really get out of control ya know?!? I noticed she mentioned probation office and bless her heart I think she has convinced herself that it is you that has the officer and not her. Please come here and help us.

    Madison-hoping the PT goes well today and if not Mazer will be there to give a swift kick.

    Adrionna-better hurry with the shower cause we whip around fast on that magic carpet and can be from New York to Alaska in nothing flat. Dont worry about drying your hair cause the wind will take care of that.

    Karen-dont feel bad about your daughter cleaning. Its good for them and I know my mom never felt bad when she had me do things.

    Peanutsgirl-hoping for good results for you MIL.

    Susan-wow perfect model for the perfect T. Nice pic girl.

    Betty-you mentioned not having kids and you really arent that far from me so I might could work out a trade. He is coming up on 13 so I will need all the help I can come up with.

    Sue-cant help you much with your question but I have heard we should get tested sooner. Grrr, another test.

    Vickie-your alarm clock picture looks like mine. I snooze so many times its crazy. My pups never move though until I turn the alarm off and then they crawl out. I guess we all have our routines.

    Yesterday at my treatment I talked to the oncologist about my feelings lately so he gave me a script and I dropped it off to be filled. I cant remember what it was and I now have to be brave and go by and pick it up and actually take it. For some reason, I am thinking it will not work just by getting it filled. I will ask for input when I pick it up and see what he gave me. He did make me feel better by going on and on about how normal it was for me to feel the way I feel and couldnt believe I wasnt taking anything prior to this. It did help to hear him say that but I still felt awful having to say I am depressed and crying alot. ummmwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,me,,,,I never cry. crying is for wusses!

    Amy--the big wus of the circle.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Yikes, it took over an hour to catch up!!

    Good morning everybody!!

    Robin, you CAN do this!! You WILL do this!! We all get down in the dumps. We are here for you whenever you need us! Sending healing vibes your way.

    Shirley, salsa dancing on the sofa?? Now that's my kind of exercise. Tell DH to just get the new mattress already! We just got one and we are both sleeping better.

    Vickie, you must be so proud of Nathanial!! What an accomplishment for a young boy. You should be proud of yourself, too! You are raising a fine young man! Thanks for the update on Mena. We worry when we don't hear. I thought you were getting the jump on next year's X-mas decorations. You took them down????

    NS, not another drain!!!!!! What is going on? You should not have to be going through this torture. We gotcha girlfriend. Be strong!

    Amy, we hve those bee also. We call them carpenter bees. You're right. They stare at you and follow you around. I hate them. If I try to smack one, they follow me back to the house and stare in, waiting for me to come back out. You can actually hear them drilling into wood (under my deck of course).

    Betty, I got stung on the finger, lst summer, by a wasp. That hurt so bad, it actually made me cry. I felt like a little sissy girl, but I couldn't help it.

    Nicki, take that break!! You deserve it. You found an outfit that you like, it fit, and on sale?? I'm so jealous! And Dh likes it, to boot??

    Susan, great pic of the new shirt. I will be ordering one soon. I love the design you came up with.

    Deb, Hokey Pokey drain. I hope NS didn't see that and hurt herself laughing . Too funny!

    Odalys, that infection sounds scary!!

    Boo, I had a colonoscopy last year and it was nothing.
    The prep sucks though. My ins. paid for it with no problem.

    Well, I got smacked with reality yesterday!! There are things that are way worse than cancer. One of our patients was in a terrible car accident, last summer. She was in a coma for 6 weeks. She came into the office last night and I almost lost it. She was a totally different person. She had a terrible brain injury, facial injuries and broken bones all over her body. She can hardly walk and her speech is slurred. OMG. She has young children and a husband who takes wonderful care of her. She remembered me and everyone in the office, but she has no short term memory. I just felt awful. Just when you think you have it bad.......NOT!

    Well, my toe is starting to look better, although it looks like I dipped it in purple dye up to the first joint

    Hi Cheri, I'm getting ready for the weekend!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Oh Amy, now I'm stalking you!!! Bwwaahhhaaahhhaaa!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Howdy from Texas.....we are expecting some more rain....I might get to work in the yard again this weekend....if it keeps raining I will get to plant some flowers....because of water restrictions (if you use more water than whats allowed the city charges you double)no one has been doing much landscaping......Nicki wanted me to finish my story of my little terrorist (that was her nickname long before terrorism was a household word)sat up a 4 mos, stood up at 6.5 mos, did that back and forth swaying for about 3 wks and at 7 mos and 1 wk started running and I mean running......bouncing off of walls, furniture, and me..she was one of those kids that hated car seats, strollers, and being buckled into shopping carts....would scream her bloody head off.....I could not take her anywhere.....I would get up in the middle of the night when the ex and she were sleeping and go grocrey shopping...ya'll are going to think I am lying but I promise when she turned 14 and wanted to go to the mall with one of her friends to do some shopping the child had probably been to the mall maybe 10 times.....I would never take her...anyway once she did start school she settled down alittle bit....or maybe I thought she did because she wasn't at home but anyway she has always done extremely well in school, teachers love her...thank God...and when she was in 10th grade she started going to this website called which you enter a bunch of info and they match you up with financial aid,scolarships and grants to go to school....financially we (my ex and I)were ruined.....his drug of choice for the last 10yrs has been credit cards....I felt so bad because when the marriage was finally finished here in Texas it doesn't matter who ran up debt, everything is split right down the middle and money for that matter but there was alot more debt than I didn't think she had a change to not only go to a small liberal arts college much less go out of state...but the child managed to get accepted into a very good school in WI a total of 1500 students, her hs had almost 3000,got scholorships, grants, and a small loan of 22,000,.00 dollars that doesn't start maturing until the day she graduates and is at 4.5% fixed......I got sick her last semester of high school and I must have done something right cause that child stepped up to the plate and took such good care of me.....I love her to death but even with her being home for spring break (she is extremely mean to her little sister) totally wore me out....brb....

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. I had a bit of a freaky scare this morning. Woke up, got my coffee, sat down to check in with my favorite ladies, only to find my entire favorites file is EMPTY. O my, 100's of bookmarks just gone. I freaked out only a little bit and then rebooted the puter. All back in their rightful place now. Have no idea where they disappeared to.

    Sue, I just had the colonoscopy conversation with my surgeon. He said not needed till I'm 50. Hope he's right.

    Laura, holding your hand at 11:30
    Seems odd to say, but praying for appendicitis for you MIL.
    18 years!! WOW

    Madison, hoping PT works quickly and you won't be tortured for to long.....Note to self....make appt with Mrs Hippy Magicfingers.
    My baby will be 21 next January. He'll be somewhere on the high seas for his big day. Hope his shipmates don't throw him overboard.

    Karen, seems to me like you have/are raising two lovely young ladies. Let them Honor you without guilt.

    Cheri, it is good to be home. Even if I'm back to no sleeping mode.

    Nicki, Sexy!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
    I love hippy/gypsy clothes. Vogue says they are so out this season but who gives a hoot.

    Vicki, my dad had the laser/lasik whatever its called surgery on one eye last year. First time in 60 years he doesn't have to wear glasses. My eye doc has never mentioned it to me. Think I'll ask him about it next year. I hate wearing glasses. Tried contacts once, they were miserable.

    Betty, I take fossilmax too. Only a crazy person could have come up with a pill before coffee. Have my next DEXA on the 9th. Not looking forward to it. Onc doesn't think fosomax is doing me any good. Wants me to have aredia infusions. I'm gonna let him fight it out with Endo.
    I would be more than happy to send you my 21 year old. He's a bit smelly but very sweet most of the time. Except when he is attitudal. Usually only takes a swift kick or two to get him past that tho.

    Margaret, when are you leaving? Have a great time. Win me some money.

    Cheri, hot breath on your neck? hmmmmmmmmm

    Jas, hahaahaahhahahhahhahah.

    MB, please tell me your missing a day and it's not really thursday?

    Have a good day at work Denise.

    Odalys, INDEED!!!

    hi Mena, we know your out there.

    Amy, great big squishy hugs for you. You are not a wuss. Fresh pesto...yummmmmm

    Jan, hubby is sooooo (can't think of the word)...he hates change of any kind. I will get a new mattress soon enough cause I always win.
    How very sad about your patient. I have a nephew that hit a tree when he was 16. He was in a coma for sometime as well. 12 years later, lives in an group home for brain injury patients. Sad what one night of partying and stupid choices can do.
    I'm glad your toe is getting better. Been there, done that, hurts like the dickens.
    Does Amy know your stalking her?

    We were quiet last night. Only one page to scroll thru. Have a great day girls. See you later.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Shirley...hehehe its my work on Friday....sorry didn't mean to confuse you...and men hate change of any
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    I am so sorry that I am posting so much.....I feel like I am coming out of my chemo fog....I think I am thinking clearer....I seem to have so much to say and like I said in one of my earlier post my ex got custody of our friends...most of the women in the couple friends we had think you can catch cancer.........anyway one more story about this oldest child....she and her dad have a horrible relationship....thats another long story......but anyway when I was first dx and was going for the first meeting with the bs of course she was coming with me to take notes and ask questions,etc....I had that swirling wind noise in my head that you get when you hear the words (you have breast cancer)...anyway the morning I was to go (my ex and I were already divorced)he called and said he wanted to go with us.....I was really surprised..anyway my daughter had a fit...she was going mom he is going to somehow make this about him....he's going to cause trouble (ex has a touch of narcissism)and all the way to the hospital(ex was following in his car)I lectured her saying give your dad a change, maybe for once he will think about me....maybe it won't be about him......she kept shaking her head....anyway sure enough we get to the bs office (I was shock by how many women were in the waiting room)I am filling out tons of forms (daughter is helping) and my ex gets a "phone call"and excuses himself and leaves...tells me to call him when its our anyway get into see doctor....examines me and then I am sent to the "library" were we discuss treatment etc....I call my ex and say its time for you to come back....well the doctor comes in (no ex) and we begin (I am really getting pissed)(sorry) 20 minutes later my ex strolls into the room...of course doctor stands up to shake his hand and my ex asked the doctor to start over!!!!!I think I had smoke coming out of my ears...sure enough he managed to get all the attention onto himself...I so wanted to bitch slap him right there and daughter is sitting across from me at this conference table and while the doctor is shaking his hand I look over at my daughter and she has got the biggest smile on her face I have ever seen...she had been crying for 4 days since the dx......god that child loves being this day we still giggle about that......even on the way home (it had been such a bad day)we both laughed our a$$es off................from that day forward my daughter and I have never been closer......

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Shokk, my youngest son was just like your DD! He was climbing out of his crib, in the middle of the night, when he was 6 months old. He would come in and pull himself to a standing position next to DH's side of the bed, and say, Da,Da! We thought our older son was somehow getting him up, but he was sleeping away! He walked at 7 months and was potty trained before he was 1. I couldn't keep him in diapers! He pulled them off as soon as I put them on. I came into the dining room one day to find him squatting on top of the table, pooping . He was really thin, all muscles, veins and tendons. Really scary! He was always very athletic and ended up getting a football scholarship to college. He had some fairly serious injuries and ended up quitting football after 3 years. Bye bye college money .
    I'm so glad I found another person with a crazy monkey child like me!! People always thought we were lying about him. Now he has a son who is almost as bad as he was. He is almost 2 and climbs on everything!! Poor little GS has already broken his collarbone when he was just 1.

    Oh, continuing on my earlier story about the girl in the car accident. Before she left our office, she looked at me and said, "I wish I was normal again". I could have cried right there. I don't think it will ever happen for her. What a shame.