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  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007
    imageYour Donkey DEB, all ya gotta do is ask!!! see ya tomorrow, love you girls!!! Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Uh oh...Deb wants a donkey.'re coming to Pinkstock right? Maybe we can find you one to take home with you LOL...think they'd let it on the plane?
    Hi Jasmine...where ya been?
    Jankay...oh...butt dust LOL!
    Missin a bunch of ladies and I promise to catch up with everyone soon...where is Joyce? KareninDenver...I miss you. I'll miss you Lini! Oh so many lovely sisters here...too many to mention when I'm this tired

    Love ya all bunches and bunches
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hey Puppy...hugs to you!
    Hi Z...we are always good for a laugh around here!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Ooooo Amy, a BABY DONKEY!!!!! I could just melt!!! I want one! And BTW, congrats, Uncle Amy .

    I just skimmed throught the posts and I will try and truely catch up tomorrow.

    Susan, secret pals??? Hmm, I'm interested!

    To everyone having bad times, here's a big fat hug!! Gina, hope all went well with your first chemo!

    I'll check in tomorrow. Good night my CG's! Love all of you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    To all the friends I have made in this Wagon Circle. I just wanted to tell all of you


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    ok, now I guess I'm gonna organize secret pals. but tomorrow. gotta go crochet!

    butt dust!!!! hee hee haaa hooo LMDBO
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Oh, I am going to hate myself in the morning for getting sucked into a tiff on another thread. I think I am in need of a drink.

    ANyone want to join me in an "instant messaging type chat or blog-fest" down by the fire...I need a drink or 6...


    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Me too! I'm a good secret pal!

    Loved the jokes, Vicki and Jankay

    Amy you're going to be a gruncle! (great uncle) or Grauntie (great auntie) & your a new mommy too! wow!

    Tried to read earlier and can't remember what I read!

    So I hope everyone is having a better night!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    You could do a private chat in staying connected. Or we could talk to each other live. What do ya think. Im getting another glass of wine.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Deb I would love to join you, hubby convinced me to try milk of magneisa and man o live I haven't been able to stay out of the bathroom all day! Won't be doing that again!

    I'll stick to my pepto for an upset tummy!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    CY: Hee hee hee. 4th glass of wine, and Im laughing and have to go to bed.

    Oh! I had a major anxiety attack at the board meeting tonight and then I came home and started crying when I read what was going on in the other thread.

    Im full of so many different emotions I dont know what I am.

    My DH, in support of all of us is gonna write a song about the wagon circle thread.

    Good Night.


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007

    Niki that's so cool that he wants to write a song about us. My hubby has written several songs for me.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    I don't remember where i may have talked about dh and the problem with son #2 and they haven't talked since before Thanksgiving. But today, he showed up at dh's work and they began a dialogue. He had shown up last week but they couldn't talk because dh was too busy...he was working after all.

    so now, we hear that he, my ss, was going through tough times moneywise and all of a sudden those family members he could tap are not giving him any more. So he cut us off. Well, hell's bells, we are all going through tough times. DH took a cut in pay with his new job and real estate sales are slow for me. Our expenses have gone up but not comensurate with our income. I am a little, no a lot, miffed. Should I be? Or should I jst let it go and let bygones be bygones? this is not a situation I can get through with only dh. he is so upset too and I don;t want to make it worse.

    Hey, thanks for letting me vent. It has nothing much to do with bc but I know I can come here and vent and not be judged and maybe get some advice.

    Nicki and Deb, if you are in the drinking tent, have one for me or pour a virgin colada since I can't drink this close to surgery. Why is that again? Will alcohol thin the blood too much? Oh well, I will join you for a real one another time. Meanwhile I will hang with Puppy in the fruitcake tent!

    See you all in the AM.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Good evening to you all. I made it through the day and I actually feel pretty good. The weather here is great and I think that has a lot to do with mood sometimes. I had to go pick up an rx for my Tamox and I got a little mad when I think that I have to take this stuff for 5 years, but I think I need to add it to my battle team too and stop being mad at it. I am cooking dinner right now and thought how nice it would be to sit around the fire with the girls sharing this jumbalaya, huddled beneath warm blankets, sharing the tales of the day, secrets of this survivor life. I hope everyone had a good day, and if not today, then definitely tomorrow.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Beth I know it's hard when the kids think we're made of money and then stop coming around cause we won't give them anymore. Try to put it behind and move forward but you have every right to be miffed! It happens alot with one of ours too!

    Z, glad today has been better for you. Yup you might as well make the Tamox your friend as it is there to help you as part of your team.

    I grew up in San Diego and moved up to Seattle many moons ago. But I sure miss the sunshine!

    We have several gals from southern Cali. Maybe one of them is close to you.

    Well I really should get something done around here. My sewing machine is starting to think I don't like it anymore! I've got tons of sewing to get done.

    I'll try to check back later
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Deb, I'd love to join you in an instant message style chat or blogfest. Exactly how does that work by the way? I thought we were just normal posters. Imagine my shock to learn that I've been instant message blogging. Do you think this is a skill that I could use on my resume? or bring up in my next job interview?

    "Yes, siree, if you hire me I'll be the best durn instant message style blogger in yourn company. Shoot howdy, I'll even train your other employees."

    I think we should patent or copyright this new form of messageboard posting before someone else steals our method and skills and turns a buck before we do.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Well its a boy. I got home and ran into the fence to check it out. He is the cutest lil thing. Probably about 20 pounds and about the size of hmmmmmm,,my australian cattle dog but that doesnt help you all. Anyway as you can tell from the pics he is dark like his mom and has a lil white belly. I petted him and loved on him and picked him up just cause I could. SO was convinced it was a girl when I got home and I took one look and said,,thats a boy. She said well something is hanging down but I think its he umbilical cord. I said,,uhh,,I thought your parents taught you better than that,,geesh. It wasnt long until the lil boy did a tee tee and lets just say you dont pee out your umbilical cord. Oh my gosh ya'll I dont know if I have ever seen anything as cute as this lil donkey. SO says we dont need another donkey so when old enough we will sell him. I said no, then Lucy would be sad because we sold her baby. She said we cant raise goats and not sell you know?!? I just said,,you cant? I'm hopeless,,I know. It's big ears are the biggest thing on the lil guy. I kissed him on his nose and I'm not so sure he liked it but he better get used to it.

    I should have take more pics but I didnt. I was too busy watching and petting that I forgot about the picture thing. I will take more for sure. Oh ya'll hes so cute and fuzzy and soft.

    Mazer is taking it well and getting plenty of attention. The lil baby started to follow her once and the babes mom quickly told her that wasnt her mom. I think Mazer was just trying to figure it all out.

    Like I said before,,never a dull moment on the farm. Its supposed to start raining and thunderstorming after midnight so I wouldnt be surprised if we arent walking down to make sure they got in the barn.

    Lucy is named after the Beatles song Lucy in the sky with diamonds so we are leaning toward name the lil boy after a beatles song also.

    ok gotta run. Its 10:06 here and gotta go do a late night check on the baby.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    oh amy i love your life!!!!!!!!
    have fun girlfriend!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    ihate my life why am i here

    why me?????????????????????

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    JK, you are here-with us-for some special hugs...we are all around you, holding hands. Remember you are not alone in this journey-we are here.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Ah Jankay...

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007

    Jankay what up dear? We love you and we're wrapping our arms around you!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    i jusr hate it when my body freezes (wont move) and i need help putting on underwear and pjs
    i cant help myself and cant tell people how to help
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007

    Here I am in a puddle of self pity, and you are dealing with this...I am humbled that you have joined our circle. Since I don't know what else to do, I am sending you a hug and a prayer.

    I pray that tomorrow will be a better day for you
    Deb C
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    i got this email from iamhere4u

    > hey jankay, sorry i havnt written. havent been feeling too chipper. had chemo
    > on the 16th and the week after that my white counts were to nothing. so i had
    > to start on nupregen shots daily. i am still on them, counts are not wanting
    > to raise up. been running a low grade fever on top of it all. we thing i may
    > have some infection in my mast. site. i have a hole that opened up after my
    > chemo and i was also on steroids. so before that the darn hole was closed up and
    > healing. the chemo and steroid made it open right up. the funny thing is my dr
    > dont know what in the heck the cut was from. i didnt have before my surgery
    > so something had to have happened. they want to do sugery today but could not
    > because wbc are too low. my surgeon wants to go in clean the site and cut
    > around the hole then stitch it back up. im sure thats why im trying to run the
    > fever. anyway i will take the shots till friday then they will recheck my blood to
    > see id counts are up......if they are i will have surgery monday at 9. im
    > hanging in there and doing ok. hurting all over from the shots but know that i
    > have to have them. havnt felt like being on line. i am running to dr's and
    > hospitals daily and i am drained. pass this info along to everyone and tell them to
    > keep praying. pray for my counts to go up and the low grade fever to go down
    > lol lol thank you for checking on me. i will try to write as i feel up to it.
    > your so sweet and i appreciate all your support........riat </HTML>
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Awww Jankay. I'm sorry that you have that old Parkinsons. I know that must be so difficult. Life doesn't seem fair alot of times.

    Nicki, Deb, Jazz, CY, I just couldn't leave that alone. You know what I'm talking about. I didn't mean to post, I fought against it but I just couldn't help it. I think I did alright though. If I can stay away from it. I may need a babysitter tonight. hahahahaha

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Cheri you did OK, I don't know what happened there I Know NBN and something had her rialled! I love them both and hope things will settle down. I just hate that it couldn't be done privately!
    I had to go look to see what al the hubbub was about and I think I'm sorry I did!

    I like this thread were everything is nice!

    I'm tired so I'll trow some logs on the fires getting cooking real good.
    Cheri you behave and I'll talk to you all tomorrow after the CT.

    Love you all to pieces!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Cheri I had to post after you did....I tried to stay away as well because I simpley did not have a clue to what was going on but you said it very well.....Jankay I'm sorry your body doesn't do what you want it to do....just so you know I have already become hooked to your morning bring a smile to my you have a "fan club"??????

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    I need a favor!!

    My neighbor has a puppy he's giving away (FREE!).
    It's a Dachshund, it's house broken, and it's great with kids.

    He's giving it away because his wife says the dog 'stares' at her when she is undressing ,

    and that gives her the 'Heebie Jeebies'. I think she is just weird !

    If you're interested, or know someone who is, let me know.

    Here's a picture of the dog.

    Imagine cutesst pic of pup with puppy dog eyes

    Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your
    turn to share the fun ! Send this to someone you want
    to bring a smile to (maybe even a chuckle)...
    in other words send it to everyone.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Jankay I'm smiling about the dog even without the picture. Thanks for sharing the letter from iamhere4u. Let her know we are sending hugs.

    It's good to come back to the circle when wars are raging outside.