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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007 were to quick for me Jasmine. Oh well...

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    pic of my Navy boy, my daughter, and younger grand daughter. Geez, the kid has a receding hairline at 20. How sad is that

    Just thought this one was funny
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    No worries, Vickie...that will hopefully be my last post there. I just don't understand why the mods are ignoring this issue/post. DJD has never liked me and she and her friends have tried for a long time to run me off. She is one of the first to send me 'nastygrams' thinking I would run crying. Didn't work...won't work now either.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    well crap crap crap Cheri. Hugs to you my friend.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Cheri, great big is going to be absolutely OKAY!!!! It's going to be nothing or a cyst...stay in the center of the circle with us....we are all here holding onto you.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2007
    Whew I have been without internet for awhile and I missed you all sooooo much!!!!I am gonna go read what I've missed and will be back.There's no place like home.

    Love to all,
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    another brilliant post that took to long. here's the highlights.

    gina, hope you are doing well.

    shirley, tape your husband mouth shut.

    jankay, i wish i could take on your frustration for you.

    tina, secret admirer?

    Jaz, pass the koolaid.

    vickie.very funny
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    I never come on the computer at work. You all know that. Something compelled me!

    Cheri: Im so sorry, you must be so scared.

    NS: I'm glad the first chemo went well. You are truelly loved here. Time to stay home and not wander about. Those words to you were EVIL!

    Jasmania: And now your being attacked? Im so sorry.

    I will be thinking about all of you today.


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Gina, that one is grandson Koen. He will much appreciate the file in the cupcake. Hmmmm come to think of it, he'll probably appreciate the cupcake more.

    Susan, he has been blessedly silent all morning so know duct tape yet.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    No worries Nicki...I'm too dumb to get run off by some mean words on a messageboard in cyberspace. What's sad is that I have seen the ladies here in the Circle extend their hands in friendship and concern to this individual and this is how it has been repaid.

    Cheri, how soon will you know what they plan to do for this?
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    I read what's going on - I didn't respond as I didn't want to give those that attacked G the pleasure of being singled out. I can see my grandmother shaking her head saying "treat others as you want to be treated". It is always so very sad that people feel compelled to attack others in a public forum.

    With that said -

    Sher - sorry it was a rough night. Sounds like hubby needs bigger meds.

    G - love ya kiddo.

    Cheri - I am so sorry you are dealing with this. We're all here for you and I am chanting cyst! Stay here with us sweetie.

    Okay - I have to go pick up my mom. I'll check in later.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007

    Well crap...
    All joking aside, I am sending you big hugs and healing prayers. I know you must be scared, and I wish I could take away the fear. Try hard to remember that it coyuld still be NOTHING!

    Deep breath
    and then yell LOUDLY for the testing to know exactly what this little dab-of-nothing is.....

    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, my prayers are with you!! I hope they can get at that thing! Do you live far from Ohio? Deese got the best treatment when she took her trip to the Cleveland Clinic for her brain stuff.

    Did they say WHERE it was exactly in your brain?

    Thank you for standing up for me, thank you all of you.
    Jasmine, you are a hoot.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    cheri i wuv u. i tried to call. no answer. please call me back. let me help

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2007
    Take away the debate forum and everything blows up again. I was thinking it was too quiet on this board lately. Guess some people are running out of Estrogen!!

    Shirley....That is one little cutie!! and your gd is going to cause some heartache..

    NS...glad your treatment went ok...Don't those shots hurt!!

    Cheri...we are NOT accepting anything but cyst....say it out loud..Nothing more. xoxo

    Sneaking in at work also. So much work to do with end of month coming, but....need my "fix"

    Robintn...checking in on you...just making sure you're not going to jail for finally taking care of Evil...I told you before my friend used his toothbrush to clean the toilet...try it and when he's sick all of the time. OH WELL

    Anyone heard from LauraB lately???
    oh someone's coming in my office gotta hide. xoxoxo
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Yes, RobinTN...just remember...a friend will loan you the shovel but really good friends will help you bury the body!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    NS you are one class act.........did you even realize that you were a "cult leader" need to be sure that we all have your "po box" so that we can send you all our earthly possessions.....ok now on to very could will be just a cyst....sweetheart.....whatever you are going to have to face you certainly will not do it are one the most loved sisters here....try and get some rest.....

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Girls - It's Thursday, I am at work and just about to start my day. To Cheri: I am praying for you, I pray specifically for whatever they saw to be a thumbprint and a mistake, but if not, then I pray that it will do no harm, can be easliy removed or cured and that it will in no way incapacitate you. I am praying.
    I want you all to know that I love reading your thoughts and the issues of the day and it has greatly changed my mood. I look forward to the few minutes a day when I can come here and read and post. I may not respond individually, still getting familiar, but I already feel a part of you all.

    Oh yea - my son wants a donkey Amy! We live in a townhouse though.

    Also, if anyone who lives in Southern California, California period, wants to talk or visit send me a pm and I will respond, I would really like that.

    My boss is back today after being gone a while and I am excited because she's really cool and great support for me, something to look forward too.

    I am reading a lot about life after recovery and boy, me not alone!

    I hope everyone has a good day. If you have test, chemo or just feel like crap, I am sending you prayers and peace.

    Today I will remember to take care.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, Don't panic yet. We are all here to hold your hand.

    Jacob, my son, had his FNA on his neck yesterday. We haven't gotten the results yet. He said it hurt a lot more than he expected. I don't like my child going through this, but at least now he knows "a little" about what his mother went through!

    Should be typing study guides. All you take care and feel a hug from me.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hey Girls! Just another quick check-in, my crazy week got the tiniest bit less crazy, so I had a moment to myself between meetings. I read just a few posts, and I'm sorry to read there is trouble on the site, and something up with Cheri.

    You know, this is the only thread I read or post to (and I can barely keep up with it!) So I'm usually ignorant of the issues that seem to crop up from time to time.

    I trust you girls would let me know if I ever said something that hurt someone's feelings, cause (I hope) you would realize it wasn't intentional.

    Cheri - can't find your actual post, but it seems like you may have gotten some bad news. Hang in there, I'm thinking about you.

    NS - How did chemo go?

    Everyone else - hugs to you, be well.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Cheri - It will be okay. It's probably just a cist, and besides, all tumors don't grow. My FIL has had a stable one for over 30 years. Sending big, fat, squeezy hugs.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I just think it would be odd for Cheri to develop a brain met without it having metasticized elsewhere in the body first. The one thing that comes to mind is trychonosis...eating undercooked and improperly processed pork can sometimes cause brain cysts that are benign.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Had time this morning to check in at BCO. I go to Moving Beyond and the Circle. Did I ever get a surprise!!!! I mentioned some folks in my post and I missed way to many folks - I love each and every one of you for all that you have given.

    Cheri, sorry to read your news. You've been through much -I'm sorry you have to once again be faced with fear and questions. You have lots of friends so you aren't walking alone.

    Gina, I don't quite know what to say other than I am so sorry. Happy that you had no problems with the first chemo.

    I'll have to come back later and try to read and catch up more. I kind of got side tracked in Moving Beyond. I'm training another teenager and then in about another weeks, will start with yet another one. Some of my guys and gals are graduating and moving on too.

    Trials can make us giving, caring and loving or they can make us angry, resentful and hard. For me, BC made my faith alive and strong. My God was all that he promised me he would be - he spoke to my heart and understood my fear and my pain. I don't wish to offend others, so I try not to say much that would make them uncomfortable or upset as this is not faith tread. My BC was a blessing - yes a blessing. My faith is stronger. BC has taught me to cherish life, friends and family. You are my friends and I cherish each of you. Let us build from our experiences - not tear down or destroy.

    Thank you for letting me say that. I love each of you!!!!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I will tell you a secret:
    I have had the same post office box for over 11 years. It is the only way to get your mail here. Packages are kept safely indoors and I get all my mail. I guess I should get a street address listed for our cult meetings.

    I was thinking- one thing they check on me with brain mri's is a cyst on the acoustic nerve... because of the dizziness. They did find a sinus cyst once but there is nothing they can do about it.

    I have a good feeling about this Cheri. I don't "feel" like this is going to be bad. And we are here to get you through it!


    PS to jaz. Your so called "bible quote avatar" must be VERY irritating to some. Because they know one thing- we speak THE TRUTH and it is pretty hard to make up specious arguments in the presence of truth.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Ok first of all, Vickie where did you find a video of my boys....OMG I sent it to my DIL...she'll pee herself....

    Cheri...getting the fuzzy slippers and the cute pool boys to take care of your every need...hugs ....

    Susan did I miss the post for the secret friend...? it a new thread?...

    Shirley...hmmm wondering if the bra's are growing yet...(I have visions of them

    Jaz...i never new that about always have such good info...

    ok back to work...some day I will have time to take notes...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    NS...I just find it a little odd that apparently everything I do or post on here is somehow directed at a certain individual.

    If I post in the same threads she posts on then I am stalking her and if I use certain 'code' words in my post apparently I am mocking her.

    Do those things not send up warning flags to you when someone says things like that???
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    well hell ........... i got to thinking about it this morning ............ weren't we formerly referred to as a 'posse' ......when did i leave the posse and join the cult? was it before or after gina got dx'd and i got mets? maybe it was while i was dealing with Earl lololol!

    in any event, are there fees involved to belong in the cult or do i just sacrifice my cat or goldfish or something!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Here's a link about trichonosis. I also remember that Cheri was quite ill a week or two back with flu like symptoms (encephalitis maybe?) and her new eyeglasses don't seem quite right.

    Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. I am not a medical professional in anyway.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Good morning girls or whats left of it.
    I dont understand what is going on with the other thread? What could someone catch me up? I cant believe people can turn on each other like they do oh well its sad.

    Cheri: CYST,CYST,and nothing else.

    Susan:I got a nice package yesterday and it had the most wonderful angel in it.That was a wonderful suprise.You never cease to amaze me with your friendship.I couldnt make it without you.

    Theresa:No I am still here and the EVIL is still around,I want something more powerful than toothbrush.Anyone remember Blanche the black widow? I wouldnt go that far but its nice to dream.

    Jasmine:I might just take you up on the friendship thing.How many shovels you got?

    Cheri:one more thing we switched Tesla to the foot of her bassinett last night so we will see.I believe in some old wives tales especially the one about thrush as noelle had it bad when she was a baby and meds were not helping so we resorted to an old wives tale and it worked.


    Denise:AH i saved the best for last.If I were haveing an affair i wish it was with someone like max.Actually Max is my 4 legged friend a minature dashund and the most loving dog.Wherever I go there he is.I will post a picture of him soon.I love your idea about the embroidery machine,my machine even has zig zag and as flat as it stays it wont be any trouble to get under the needle and i can zig and you can zag.

    I still cant figure how to get on the map would someone mind to add me to it.I dont want to be left out.

    I am downloading some new pictures of noelle and tesla and will post them later.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I have had warning bells from that direction for a long time. You should see the hate PMs I have gotten.
    If you aren't "stalking" then you are "trying to take over the board"... you just can't win.

    The thread I started about the cancer coming back was posting in the appropriate place. But then it grew... grew big. So either the mods thought that this topic deserved its own forum because there were a lot of women in the same boat- or someone complained. I see lots of posts there about a new cancer, new treatment all the time.

    When I posted about my moving port I wanted to go directly to the veterans... the ones who have had ports and know what they do. Funny, the one person who had a problem with that post never had chemo OR a port.

    We know our aim is true. We don't come here to "find the bad post" or play those other inane games. That makes us true sisters reaching out and helping those in need. You have helped me so much and I treasure it.

    I think it must seem like I am around a lot because I had Tripneg and post there often because I am trying to raise awareness for other girls with it- they need to know that their prognosis is not as bleak as the docs tell them.

    Then all of a sudden I get LOBULAR? I knew nothing about that one! The Lob gals were a tremendous help to me.

    I had a bilateral with recon- I have found help there.

    I am considered high risk because of the brca gene so I have posted there.

    Then my chemo date was looming and I hesitated to join the May girls because it was my second time. But then I thought I will need them as we go through this step by step---and MAYBE I could help them a little too because I know what to expect and know some tricks of the trade.

    Is that taking over the board? I see you always posting in other threads giving encouragement. That is not taking over the board. That is what a support community is all about.

    Like I said before, these chicks need to look WITHIN themselves for their problems and not imagine "stalkers" and "cults"... in short, they need a life.

    Love you,