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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Ok I bumpped the Map of the Circle so it's near the top so our newst gals can find it!

    The site has been slow today.
    Also a reminder that it helps to copy before you hit submit that way if it times you out all you have to do is paste it back in and submit it again
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Thank you for your knid words. I am happy to be here.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    I've added myself to the Map! Wow!! There's a lot of sisters out there.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Zazette, it would be nice if we could just answer your question about how to get on with life. It's a learning process and we're all different but the same. Here, reach out and grab hold of my hand, I gotcha. There now, we'll put you in the inner circle and feed you hot chocolate, or a stiff drink and let you pour your heart out. You're safe now and cared for and we'll take care of you until you can take care of yourself. That's what we do with each other. We look after one another because when the outside world doesn't 'get it' we do. We'll have you laughing in no time cos we're sometimes a silly bunch. In the meantime, everything is alright. (Don't tell me you read all those old posts on this thread?)

    Gina, good to see you post. You'll do fine with chemo tomorrow and you have a good attitude, Sparky.

    Shokk, please stop sending your storms up our way! lol We've had a heck of a bunch of big thunderstorms all night here. I believe they're passing over because out satelite is back on. Stay in out of them, they're nasty.

    I'll say good-night now. I imagine I'll walk the perimeter several more times before I go to bed. Just want to make sure everyone is tucked in safe. I imagine CY will come along soon and throw another log on the fire. Or maybe Tracey. Sleep well dear friends.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Yup right behind you Cheri dear! I am here to throw some more logs on the fires!
    Although I do need to get my self to bed as I have to go back to work tomorrow the Dr only signed for me to have two days off! I know I will have a desk full of things to do as the gal that covers for me will only do what has to be out that day and we had three people out today! Not to mention I will only be there half a day ofn Thursday because I'll be doing my CT's then! Glad they didn't make me wait another month to do them!

    OK let's see Gina starts Chemo tomorrow, Anne is still doing Rads, My brain just drew a blank I know there was more but can't remember, man I hate that!

    Well I think Cheri and Mazer are driving the Magic Carpet so put on the bubble wrap and lets be ther for all in need!

    The fires are burning bright to ward off the bad vibes and welcome the good warmth of this sisterhood we have in each other!

    Sleep tight and now we are holding your hands and will be there for you!

    Hugs & Prayers
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    welcome u have found a fantastic place. these women are awesome and will do anything they can to help u.
    Iam sure u will get the information u need. But remember this we all battle this disease and we do it with humor and faith and positive thinking. I am an 8 yrsurvior so i still get a lot of comfort from these ladies.
    tc jankay
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Jankay, lol, i'm blind as a bat or I would help you. And I have brand new glasses that I can't see out of! I bet Susan would be more than happy to help you put yourself on the map. I had trouble with mine too. There's just so many already there. But someone will help you with it tomorrow. Sorry that I couldn't help tonight.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Our site seems to be running slow again today. Hope I can get my post through. Chilly and gray here. Time to do the sunshine dance again!
    Nickster...tweakin your toes...crawl out from under that's Wednesday and you toothbrush is GREEN!

    Gina...we are firing up the magic carpet for your ride to the land of no more cancer! May you do very well today and know that we are all there with you holding your hand. Imagine that drug as a magic potion, little soldiers marching through your body destroying the beast in every square inch. Love ya! can zoom in on the map and get really close if that helps any. I don't know if someone else can put you there but if you want I can try...let me know.

    Z...everyone above is right. You picked the best place to be and we will hold your hand and keep you safe and sound. Hugs for you
    I have days (yesterday was looks it too)where I am just going through the motions of being happy. It's just the lack of hormones I do believe. Xanex yesterday just didn't do the trick. These moods pass and brighter days come. Read some of the inspirational stories here. It helps me sometimes.

    Shokk...hmmm...didn't find you in my back yard this morning so I'm assuming you stayed out of the wind! Stay safe.

    Cheri...bug the daylights out of your doc today. IM me your good news cuz i know that it will be good. You have a perfectly functioning healthy brain in that head of yours. Sendin you hugs too!

    Walking the perimeter. Food is cooking in the food tent. I smell coffee, eggs, toast, sausage, bacon and cinammon rolls. Lots of ladies sleeping still. Iris is safe and sound with her new alarm system, Madison is tangled in her yarn, Z is writing, I know Nicki is up and she's sneakin up on me, Shel is enjoying her tan and new tattoo, Sheri is trying to wake her son, Cheri is sleeping since she was up too late, Susan is sleeping, Liz is sleeping, MB is exercising as usual, CY...hope you are feeling better, all is well and the beast is far away. Throwing on some logs as it's a chilly morning.

    Puttin on my happy face and jumpin in the shower. Hi ho, Hi's off to work we go. Whoopie! Still can't decide on the new job...sending them my resume today as they are bugging me about it but really think I'll stay where I am. I'll see what they have to offer though and then decide for sure. DD called last night...oh I miss her soooooo much. Said that she would come home afer inventory was done. Maybe I can convince her to stay. Nate is missing her too.

    Have a wonderful glorious good news filled day sweet sisters. I'll be back to post to all later.
    Love and hugs all around.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well, this is the beginning of my long day. And probably the only chance I will have time to be on the computer. Im having a hard time today getting onto this site. Everything is moving so slow.

    Lisa: Spending the day at the Navy Hospital doesnt sound like too much fun to me! Hoping all those tests come back normal. Its funny, my MIL did the same thing with my husband. Had him cooking meals while he was still living at home. To this day, he is a better cook than me.

    Vickie: Good morning sunshine sister. No sun today - its raining cats and dogs right now. I can hear it pounding on the window. Hoping you have a good day and that someone makes you really smile - for real! Looks like Im gonna need my umbrella today.


    Denise: Sounds to me you were put in the right place at the right time. Your cousin needed someone and there you were. So sad - 34 y/o is so young. Its making me crazy that so many young women are being diagnosed with bc. And yet the medical community still recommends mammograms to start at age 40! When will they learn?

    Anne: Sorry to hear about your FIL. Its pretty scary at first after someone has a stroke. But I have seen some truelly "miracle" recoveries. Hoping he will be eligible for some acute rehab. If he is too weak, he may need a subacute setting which would be in a nursing home, but not for permanent placement. Your poor MIL must be beside herself.

    CY: Oh - good news. Glad the onc doesnt think its mets. That must have been scary.


    NS: The real battle begins today. I know your unsettled about having the Adriamycin, but its gonna kick cancers butt. Its gonna be a weird feeling, being back in that chair getting chemo again. We are all gonna be with you. Make sure you drinks lots and lots of water. Since I will be doing alot of driving, I might just swing by the oncs office. What time is chemo scheduled for? Good luck!


    Z: Being a survivor? Yeppers, its pretty hard. When you are first diagnosed you feel like your world is falling apart. Then all of a sudden your done with treatment and they say - move on! Im still learning how to be a survivor. Coming to this site is the only thing that keeps me sane. The support and friendship here is wonderful. So I just wanted to say welcome to you again. You have indeed found the right place.

    Beth: There isnt much you can do for a broken rib. When I had chemo, I got a cold one week after my first round. I coughed so hard, I lost my voice and it didnt return until chemo was over. I remember clearly when I broke the first rib - cause it hurt so much I went to the emergency room, but they told me it was a chest wall injury. Now I understand why I was in so much pain for so long. I dont have any pain anymore. Fuuny that I find out about 2 borken ribs after they are healing!

    Madison: Oh no! Im sorry to hear about triplenegative - Stephanie. I always read her posts. Sending lots of prayers her way. She has been through way too much this past year.

    Stephanie: God is able.


    Well, my time is up. I have missed so many of you. Amy, PurpleMB, Sherloc, Tracey, Cheri, Robin, Shokk, Boo (geez) I cant even remember all the names. Know that you are loved. See ya all later.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    i zoomed,changed to dots,

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    for anyone who needs a laugh


    Once upon a time there was a female brain cell which, by mistake,
    happened to end up in a man's head.
    She looked around nervously because it was all empty and quiet.
    "Hello?" she cried, but no answer.
    "Is there anyone here?" she cried a little louder, but still no answer.
    Now the female brain cell started to feel alone and scared and yelled at the top of her voice,
    Then she heard a faint voice from far, far away..............

    "We're down here
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Jankay: Zoom in twice. I added your name to the map. Your in a pink dress.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning CG'S!

    Jankay: I have never been able to add myself to the circle map either. God knows I've tried! Those who know me will vouch for my computer smarts!
    VICKIE or NICKI: I want to be on the map! (big pout)

    Jankay: Love the laugh you gave me this morning!

    Cheri: A perfect welcome for our new friend Z. You going to get some results today?

    Cy: What a beautiful Lilac Tree. Love the smell of them. Will you send me some Lilac Scent, please?!
    Selectively Smart, eh? Does that go along with select hearing?!LOL

    Z: Nice to meet you and learn a bit about you! Were all learning to be survivors..we learn a bit, fall back, and learn again. The great thing is, there is always someone here to catch us when we start falling back..and with alot of compassion and patience they put us back on the road to learning.
    You mentioned you were crazy? GREAT! As you will soon find out..we are ALL crazy here!
    See, I told you that you'd like it here!

    Shokk: Hope you were able to whip out the pistol and blast them there storms out of your path!

    Okay, Gotta be home by 2 cuz they are coming to make a template for our New Countertops today!!! Sooo, guess I'll try to leave on time today..that in itself will be a change!
    Hugs to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Denise...I put you on the map.
    Jankay...great laugh and sooo true!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    T H A N K Y O U N I C K I
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Morning girls, I had a nice long post yesterday and things were so slow it went into cyber land.

    Hi Z - nice to meet you.

    Vickie - Hope today is better. Big Hugs

    Shokk - I'm so sick of this stormy weather! Aren't you?

    Cheri - I was afraid you and Susan were going to get hit with the storms. Think there's more coming your way.

    I'm headed off for my labs today. Sure hope we can find a good vein as I don't have any in my "good" arm.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning circle girls,

    First of all I want to stop and welcome Z to the best group of friends on the web. Everyone has given you great advice. Pull up a log and set a spell and before long you will have some of us all figured out. We laugh, cry, sing and dance together and it doesnt matter whats going on in your life,,we get "it".

    Cheri-well hoping you find out today about your test. I bet the wait is killing you and the no smoking to boot. Talk about a test, huh?

    Jankay-nice joke and so true. Glad you got added on the map and leave it to Nicki to make you wear pink. YUCK!

    Nicki-Wow you will be tired tonight with all that running around. It is Wednesday though and before we know it the weekend will be here and we can work in our yards again. I am working on a fence project that goes around my soon to be garden because if I dont put a fence up my dogs will destroy it. I would say deer but with all my dogs I dont think the deer get too close. I am doing it rustic of course with pine tree post and hoping to build an arbor out of pine trees. I will post some pics if we ever finish the project.

    Shokk-glad to hear you avoided the tornados. We are supposed to get storms tomorrow but right now they are not predicting tornados so we will see.

    Liz-yeah yesterday was a slow day on this site and I think we were all having problems with it. Today doesnt seem to be much better.

    Deb-I hate when I lose a post. It doesnt happen often but when it does I hate it.

    Biker-sister is ok but went to ortho doctor yesterday and he told her she has neuropsy but it had about 3 other words with it also. He said not on feet for 2 weeks. She can get up and go to the bathroom but he said he wished she wouldnt do that. If not healing in 2 weeks they will do another MRI. She cant get up really because it swells so bad when she does. She cant stand to be still so this will be a long 2 weeks. It could have been a whole lot worse though.

    Vickie-there has been alot of bomb scares at schools since the Virgina Tech ordeal. Crazy kids. Good luck in the job decision.

    Adrionna-new counter tops sounds nice. Lucky you. Where are you in Michigan and we will get you on the map.

    Lisa-spending the day at any hospital is never fun. Hoping for good results for you.

    CY-Excellent news. woohoooooooooooooooo Hope you feel better soon.

    NS-magic carpet is up and moving early this morning with Cheri and Mazer at the wheel. Mazer is also bringing boxing gloves cause she heard we were kicking cancer A$$ today so she was all for it.

    baseball game was good last night and Tucker's team won 4-0. He has 1 great hit and then he got hit in the ribs. He has a nice bruise that looks just like a baseball. Nothing like a good battle scar.

    ok guess I better earn my pay here and get some work done. I shall return.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Good morning cg's.....well it was one heck of a storm.....Denise my guns are still smoking....shot the you know what out of those storms.......welcome V....I hope you realize that this thread is actlually "One Flew Over The CooCoo's Nest" and Nurse Hatcher is being played by Cancer.....Ha....but thats ok another bc "survivor" is always welcomed into our "nut house" Hey Vickie, Nicki, Cheri, Denise, Jankay, Amy, Liz and all the other great nutty girls....I'm feeling better today....can ya'll tell??? bbl.....

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hey Vickie.....anyone seen Vickie....omg I think she is under a bunch of paper work....can someone close to Vickie go rescue her?????????Guess what Vickie you are going to appreciate elementary school here in the Metroplex had to be evacuated yesterday because a forth grader brought a hangernaid (sp) to school.....don't you just love it...............

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Nicki:as long as I have been here I didnt know we had a map.Would you plz add me and send me the link so I can see it.Or tell me how to get to it.

    Zazette:welcome,you are in the right place.These ladies are wonderful and I cant tell you the times that some of them have saved my sanity.Know you are among friends here.

    HELP:Tesla has her days and nights messed up,and so do I now,does anyone have any suggestions of what we can do? I have no idea cause neither of my kids ever did this.Jasmine is thinking about stopping breast feeding and I told her that is the last thing she should do cause she sleeps good during the day so obviously she has enough milk.

    Hope everyone is well today,it is dreary and rainy here,and the rain makes my shoulder hurt something fierce.

    Amy:How is it going? any developments yet? I just cant wait until someone comes up with something to get the EVIL.

    Beth: Please give me a call when you get the chance,I am so sorry I missed you friday,but since I was out alone,I took my time and enjoyed myself.Just me and Max.I need to post a new picture of him also he is growing so long.his tummie still drags the ground though.

    Hugs to all of you
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Good morning girls! Wonderful to hear from all of you. I feel safe and warm (love warm, not hot-flash warm) here by the fire with you all.

    Shokk,Glad you had your guns for that storm, storm never had a chance.

    To all you girls, have a great day. Peace and strength to all who have "stuff" to do or endure today. I personally dread going to the doctors, but I try to look at all 5 of them as a part of my battle team against this stupid bc and this helps me get through the tests and visits.

    So far so good today.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Robin still working on the password thing. I will send you the map also so you can put yourself right on it.

    Z-Good Morning! We have a magic carpet that flys by and picks us up when one of us has an appointment so we are a busy group. We are in New York today as G gets her first chemo. Well her first chemo this time around or however you would say it. Sometimes Cheri gets a lil crazy with her driving so buddle up and be ready for the loop de loops.

    I forgot to post in my earlier post that I am going to be an uncle. lol! Yep its a boy! She is due September 21st and there is no denying the boy status. In fact, uhhh they were calling him tripod last night. I asked my neices husband where he got that from and he said he had no idea. Cute lil pics and weighs a whole 8 ounces. My neice is a tiny lil thing though. In fact she weighed 98 pounds on her 1st visit and is now up to a whopping 104. I actually remember when I was 104 but its such a distant and faint memory it seems non existent.

    ok back to work,,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Robin I love Tesla's name.....I would suggest that you create some "white noise"......if you think about it during the day there really is quite abit of noise going on in a house (dishwasher,washing machine,TV, radio, night the house will get real wakes up so one of the best things to do is but on "talk radio" can do music but she might get up and boogie....ha....actually the sound of human voices are the best....just a thought....also try and keep her up in the evening and do alot of interaction with her....good luck...she will finally get her days and nights switch back around.........

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. I'm home once again. This time for a while I think. Got the kid to the airport on time. Sniff sniff, we had a good visit. Gonna miss my baby. Had my DEXA yesterday. Snippy little tech wouldn't give me the score. I even got downright huffy. Which did no good whatsoever. Had to go to the main hospital and sign a release and they are going to send me the report. At least I won't have to wait till the end of May when I see the doc. The tech told me when I whined really good (at least I thought it was really good, apparently not cause I didn't get what I wanted)...anywhos she told me..."if your doctor isn't calling you with the results you should really consider getting a different doctor" hmmmmmmm now that would be a royal pain in the butt for someone I see only twice a year. We'll see.
    The best news....I didn't get lost in Sacramento one time. I am soooo proud of myself.
    And moving on. Hubby had a bad night. He is in a lot more pain than his denial land brain had prepared him for. The man should listen to his wife, not that it would have made any difference buttttttt.
    Have to take the kid to work. I'll catch up later.

    Welcome to Zazette. This is the best place on the web or anywhere else.
    You really read all the pages? wow I am very very impressed.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Holding your hand today Gina.

    Cheri, how did your scan go?
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Just doing a morning fly-by to welcome Z to the boards...sorry you have to BE here, but glad you ARE here! It's the best place for you to be under the circumstances.

    The ladies are amazing...pull up a seat by the fire, grab a cup of coffee and sit a spell...and feel the loving energy surround you!


    PS: (((((G)))))
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Afternoon all! The system is so slow today here. I thnk it is my DSL again. 11 days and counting till surgery. Keeping busy so I won't think about it too much.

    Welcome Z! Reach when you need to and join in the fun!

    Robin, great to talk today...finally. Hope the pictures turn out great and post one if you can. I hope the pediatrician can help with Tesla's confusion. I never had that with ds so maybe the white noise recommendation is a good one. makes sense to me.

    Cheri, have you heard anything yet?

    Nicki, enjoy your blankie!

    Amy and Vickie, funny you mentioned Alpacas. I just started a book ds found at Barnes and Noble. It is called "Needled to Death" and is a murder mystery of a woman who breeds Alpacas for their wool. Takes place in Colorado. It also deals with women who get together and knit and/or crochet. Anyway, it includes a recipe and 2 knitting projects. Author is Maggie Sefton and she has 2 others as well. I will be glad to send it to anyone who wants a good read after I am finished. pm me!

    Got to run. The dryer just buzzed and I have to get the shirts out before they are wrinkled...I don't believe in ironing, that's dh's thing and I just hang right away and pray! Why else do they make poly/cotton blends?!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    just a quick know work and all
    Welcome Zaz...this is the greatest place...

    hugs bbl. to catch up
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Welcome to Zaz!

    I am having a hard time posting the past few days...if the post is more than a few lines long it takes too long to post and I get kicked off the web!

    I have two long posts saved in word, but I can't get them to post!

    Suffice it to say I love ya all!
    Deb C