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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Welcome to the circle, Zaz. Please make yourself at home!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Do you think something is wrong with the website? Two or Three days of slowness and time lapses that throw our post into cyberland.

    Is there someone like a "webmaster" that it can be reported to? I have no idea....cuz in case you haven't guessed, I am computer challenged!

    The Site doesn't want to mess with (how many of us?) girls that need to gab!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    tgirl, the estate you went to sounds really neat. So cool about the dog bringing you presents. About RA. I tested positive and went to a rhuematologist ( that isn't spelled right) and he said there are a lot of false positives with that test. My hands were not puffed up. he said i didn't have it.

    Is anyone interested in having a secret pal. A secret pal would send you cards/presents when you are blue or just because you are you. We all need a little extra attention. If anyone is interested let me know. I'll organize it somehow. Just participate if you like to get presents/cards.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    the site is drivin me insane! if I weren't high anxiety enough, now I have to deal with not being able to post. I'm sure our trusty team behind the scenes are working on it though.
    Love to all
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    hi zaz. welcome

    yes, I haven't been posting cause it takes too long.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    can I just grump for a second...?

    Feel free to hit ignore

    I am just So tired of crap...of the hard stuff...of trying to get people to make nice and be friends. I am sick of petty problems and leaks and the stupid crap that takes so much of my energy.

    I am tired of trying to be all things to all people.

    I am sick of people dying from cancer. Our community lost a dear man yesterday to the beast and another man in my church is very ill and considering stopping treatment for mets. and I am SICK of it.

    Today I don't like my job, I don't like the gray weather and I don't even like myself very much.

    I know tomorrow I will get ahold of my bootstraps and get back on the good path, but today I am headed for the friutcake tent with a possible LONG side-trip to the drinking tent.

    OK...Whew...I needed to get THAT out. I'll be back later.
    Have to go to work...oh joy! I had someone tell me bringing hteir class to the library was a "waste of time" yesterday...made me see red and now I have to go deal with it...

    Deb C
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon all!

    As slow as this thing is again today, thought I'd better post now in case it locks up later on.

    Well ladies, the VISA BILL IS HERE! 2 1/2 hours till DH gets home. Soooooo, it's been nice knowing all of you and remember: The murky pond at back of property!

    Vickie: Thanks for making me part of the map! And they say pouting gets you no where!

    Amy: Thanks for offering to put me on the map, Vickie already did! Yea...Tucker's team won! But how's the rib?
    And you are gonna be an Uncle! Congratulations! I remember weighing 104# once..........I believe it was at birth!

    Shirley: Always sad to take a kid back to the airport. But you had a good visit with him. So the Tech wouldn't budge on the Dexa Scan viewing, eh. I think they are schooled in "poker face." Hope DH gets feeling better soon....throw him some drugs and let him sleep through it!

    Beth: 11 days until Surgery..I know you will be fine, hang in there.

    Liz: Hope they found a vein for your labs today! I've been used as a pin cushion many of times!

    Shokk: LOL, that is to funny! And you are so right...welcome to the "nut house!"

    Robin: 2 things for you missy!
    You didn't like my idea of using your new embrodery machine on Evil? Just think, take a few "male body parts" and practice a few stitches.
    Okay, I'm hoping that Max isn't your new man. The description sounds lovely! And I quote, "I took my time and enjoyed. Just me and Max. He's growing so long and his tummy drags the ground." Girl, we've got to talk!

    Hugs to all, and If this site doesn't come to a real slow down tonight, I'll be back.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hey Girls!

    Whoa, busy week and of course haven't had time to check in so now there are 161 posts for me to read!! Don't have time now, just 3 minutes before I to go pick up Warren from school.

    Nicki - it's funny the little things we have in common! That's the only time I can eat fast food too! Any other time it literally makes me feel sick.

    Denise - are you getting married this summer? Sorry if I'm out of the loop!

    OK, will read for real, tonight I hope, or maybe tomorrow...

    Hope you are all doing well.

    BTW we haven't had food in a while, so let's see... How about a brownie bar? Brownies with nuts, brownies without nuts, cakelike brownies (yuck! says me), fudge-y brownies (yum!), brownies with peppermint patties baked inside, blonde brownies, brownies with m&ms... You get the idea. And lots and lots of milk to wash them all down...ENJOY!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hey Deb (and you all can ignore me too)...looks like you, me and Tracey are in the same "gray" mood.
    Sick of anxiety
    Sick of everyone bugging me
    Sick of too much work to do both at work and home...I want a maid!
    Sick of reading of mets
    Sick of newly dx's
    I don't like the weather either or myself right now and I've been in the fruitcake tent for a couple of days so come join me there...I think there are a few of us here but they are hiding! Cheri makes great blue drinks.
    I'd never ignore you...sending you a hug and prayers for sunny days ahead.
    If I lose this post I'm gonna go AWOL to the nearest bar!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ok...that post doesn't sound like what I wanted it to sound like at all. I'm NOT sick of hearing about all these things...don't ever think you can't post about these things. I am sick of the fact that there isn't a cure...there isn't a magic wand to fix it all. I am NOT sick of any of you as far as the "bugging me" thing went...that's a family, friends, coworkers issue.
    Just tired I guess and hormone deprived.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    ok sounds like everyone is in need of great big warm hugs....

    passing them out freely...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    OH and by the way Deb...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    not because I'm not trying! I've called my dr.s office tGood afternoon ladies. I don't have any CT results yet but wice already and waiting on a call back. I honestly do not think I have Brain Mets. I just don't. But there is a problem of some kind causing my head to feel like I have a tight cap on and my fingers drawing up, etc. I'm more afraid of a stroke. I'm not sure I didn't have a small TIA the other night when my mouth kept pulling to the left. I have an ankle/foot surgery that is very important to me that I cannot have delayed...again. Plus, this is officially 2 weeks since I've smoked a cigarette or had nicotine in any form. I am not as strong as I was the first week so I have to really be careful.

    Jankay, loved the joke and how true it is. lol

    Liz, good luck with your labs. I have no veins either so I know how bad it is. Sorry.

    Amy, thanks for keeping an eye on me. I know that's what you're doing, you never post this much. You softie, you.

    Shirley, glad you're home. Sorry dh is in pain but at least he's doing alright.

    Robin, well, this is going to sound stange. Amber was an infant and had her days & nights mixed up. My Mother told me an old wives tale that I poo-pooed. Then I got desperate. She was sleeping in a basinet. So when I laid her down I laid her head down at the foot and her feet at he head of the bed. Nothing changed. Now I feel silly even writing this, but after just a couple nights she was switched back around on her days and nights. I don't understand it but then, old wives tales are never logical. It can't hurt anything to try it, just change her around when you lay her down at night. It worked for me.

    Susan, I wanna play. Can we pick our secret pals? C'mon, it'd be more fun.

    Hey to Zaz, MB, Denise, Jazzmanian, Deb, Nicki and my Vickie.

    Hope your first chemo went well, Gina.

    Feel better, Meaner.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Humm. I don't know what happened to the very first part of my last post, it was like it was cut off or something. Just ignore it. Something's up with this site. Duh. Like you all didn't already know that. lol

    C'mon girls. You're all going to be alright. Maybe it's a moon thing that some of you are moody. BTW, Vickie, it wouldn't have mattered if you'd meant that you wanted us to leave you alone cos I wouldn't have anyway. hahahha Everything is going to be alright. We all hate Cancer and sometimes we just have down days and that's alright, as long as you don't stay down. I think it's human nature to get into a funk sometimes, that's what makes the good days look so good. Things will look better tomorrow.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Cheri do you take blood pressure medication? I had been on bp/with the diaretics and I think that is what affected my liver markers and ended up having to have a liver scan so I just stopped taking them instead of calling my pcp and getting the meds without diaretics so when I saw my pcp in April she said on I see you want to have a stroke and cancer!!!! I got the hint....haven't missed a day since of taking the bp medication......if you had some kind of minor stroke would that show up in your scans????

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls – this slow site is driving me nuts! I had the labs drawn and will see the onc. on Wednesday.

    So here’s the bone scan report. My gyn (who ordered it) says from his standpoint it’s good. BUT he wants my onc. to see it.

    1. Slight increased activity at the sternomanubrial joint. This may be related to normal articular uptake or degenerative disease. However, correlation with other imaging modalities may be helpful, inclusive of routine radiographs.

    2. Slight increased activity along the superior posterior left side of the cervical spine, primary consideration is degenerative changes of the cervical spine. Correlation with radiographs is recommended.

    3. Degenerative changes of both knees and of the first metatarsophalangeal joints.

    So there goes. Not sure what to make of all this.

    Hugs to you all. I’ll be back later.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    All who are tired of Anne venting and whining skip this post, but I need to sort some stuff out.

    My friend/boss called me an hour ago to tell me her doctor called her last night and wants her to schedule a CT because he thinks her last x-ray may show bone cancer. She’s out of town at a conference until Friday.

    I’m a total mess now because I’m so frightened for her and worried about her. I managed not to start crying while we were on the phone, but sure did after we hung up. I am one huge knot; sick to my stomach, crying, and shaking, and not able to think about anything else.

    Part of me is angry because I don’t know how her doctor could diagnose cancer from an x-ray. Maybe bone cancer is different, I don’t know. I did a tiny bit of reading on the ACS website, but I didn’t see anything that seemed to apply. Maybe because I’m looking for something that will tell me she’s going to be fine, and it’s not there.

    But I have to pull myself together because one of my co-workers, who is with her at the conference, is trying to talk her into coming home early so she can get the CT scheduled. She wants me to call this evening and try to talk her into it. That means I’ve got to find it within me somewhere to be strong and supportive and help her get through this. I am a terrible friend, because right now I’m not so sure I can make that call, but I’m going to have to. I feel like a little puddle of goo. I don’t think I cried this much over my diagnosis. It sounds completely trite, but I’d rather it was me than her; somehow I think that would be easier for me to handle.

    I keep typing and deleting and typing and deleting, but I guess that’s the essence of my current pity party. I just hate this disease. I’ve got an hour to think of what to say.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hugs Anne
    Hugs Vickie
    Hugs DebC
    Hugs Z
    Hugs Jankay
    Hugs Cheri
    Hugs Nicki
    Hugs Sher
    Hugs Gina
    Hugs MB
    Hugs shokk
    Hugs Shel
    Hugs Susan
    Hugs Robin
    Hugs Christine
    Hugs Kristin
    Hugs Colleen
    Hugs Brenda
    Hugs Amy
    Hugs Madison
    Hugs Sheri
    Hugs Peggy
    Hugs Iris
    Hugs Margaret
    Hugs tgirl
    Hugs lini
    Hugs Lynn
    Hugs CY
    Hugs Tracey
    Hugs to everyone! I know I'm missing so many.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Liz...hugs to you too and MB! Looks like we need a night around the campfire with hot chocolate.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    Vickie - good idea! I'll bring the marshmallows.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Ah hugs back atcha Liz!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    hiding out at my puter. Dear Lord forgive me but I'm gonna kill him if he's really gonna be home for 6 weeks. Shame shame shame on me.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Cheri????????? me a softy? You must be mistaken. I'm mean as a snake and tough as a rock dont you know?!? I am glad to see that you have called though and will wait patiently for them to call you back,,,NOT!

    Shokk-I got the same thing said to me about high cholesterol when I decided to play dr and quit taking it.

    Robin-cant help with the days and night mixup but Cheri gave you some good advice. I'm thinking she should try it on herself since she likes to stay up all night.

    Shirley-glad to see you home safe and sound and not going in circles in Sacramento. Give DH lots of drugs or this could be a long healing process for you. We all know how men can be.

    Susan-I'm game so count me in. Sounds like fun.

    Mena-if you read this just know that I miss you!

    Vickie and Deb-sorry you two are having a rough day. We all have those days and glad you feel comfortable in coming here to rant. Thats what we are here for. Hugs to both of you.

    Colleen that should help anyones bad mood. Lets throw some ice cream on top of it. Homemade ice cream since I am from the south.

    This site is driving me crazy today. If we go postal can we blame it on our board addiction?

    Beth-the book sounds good. I have often thought we should share books on here because most of the ones I read I am done with them after I read it once.

    Biker must be working hard today or at least pretending to be since she hasnt posted.

    Adrionna-yep its a boy. last baby born in my family was Tucker and thats been 12 years so its time. This will be the first great grandbaby also. His rib should be fine. Nice bruise though and he said he couldnt lie down on that side. Perfect ball bruise though,,can even see the stitchin' in his skin.

    Cheri-need Mazer to come kick something for you to get some answers? Shes ready, willing and able.

    Madison-you must be busy today or so tangled up in yarn that you cant post.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Dang but were all having a crappy day.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Just checking to see if anyone had checked in with test results yet.

    Liz: Gotta love reports. English, please..that's what we should all ask for! I know squat about most of this. But could all of the "degenerative disease" be associated with osteoporosis? I know what a sternom is..but what is a Sternomanubrial Joint?
    Glad the Doc thought all looked well. When does Onc take a look at them?

    Cheri: I was wondering what was with your first post! I thought you had learned a new "lingo"! I hope you get ahold of your DR. soon...frustrating. Okay...Lecture time. You think you may have had a TIA the other day? Not good. Small TIA'S can lead up to major strokes. TIA'S are often hard to diagnose as they seldom if ever show up on scans. If your foot was pulling to the left, what was the rest of that side doing? I'm hoping that some of our Resident Nurses will see this post and correct me or add their opinions.
    It never hurts to remember the 3 S's for stroke.
    1. Say a simple sentence.
    2. Smile
    3. Stick out tongue.
    You take care of yourself.

    Anne: You are not whining! You have a lot on your the middle of Rads and now this. Take lots of deep breaths, relax for a while, and then you will be ready to talk to your friend/boss. You are strong and you can do it. Prayers for both of you.

    Colleen: Me getting married this summer? Could be interesting, but I've already got myself one of those! I did mention that my Son is getting married in Nov.!!!!

    Susan: I thought I had read everything, what's this about Secret Pals? I'm going back to see if I can find it, but with this site being so slow, we'll see how far back I get! Let me know what's up!


    P.S. 35 minutes until DH gets home and the unveiling of the Visa Bill!!!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Hi all CG' has been slow soooo

    We've got those fires burning for everyone....

    sending you all my hugs, support (and sending special protection over Denise)....

    G, kick some C-butt....I know Mazer was keeping you company.

    Gotta to do...bosses took us out for Administrative Professionals Day....the wine was really good.....soooo, I don't know how much more work will be done..
    Hugs, Madison
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Denise - I see my oncologist on the 2nd.

    Secret pals???? I wanna play!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    I just posted about secret pals. we all deserve cards and presents. I would love to send cards and presents to everyone but I don't have that much time or money. it we get secret pals, you secretly send cards or presents to your secret pal. everyone who has a secret pal gets cards or presents. the cards can be email cards. the presents can be home made, like brownies or chocolate chip cookies. I guess the expensive part is the postage. We could send our secret pal a present/card once a month and on birthdays, cancerversaries, worried about test days, etc. So, if you want to be a secret pal, you have to come back and check in so you know what's going on with your pal.

    Liz, you have arthritis. sorry it's no fun either but it beats the heck out of cancer. they just don't want to come right out and say that. My rehumatologist says that mets goes to long bones (like ribs) and not so much joints. My onc says he has never seen anybody with knee mets. LOL I found that out when my knee started hurting.

    Anne sorry this is so hard on you. I would be surprised if you could dx cancer from x-ray. It's probably just something that he's worried some day might possibly be an occurence of a possibility of something that someone told him in a dream that could maybe be cancerous. So to be safe he is ordering a CT scan.

    Shirley, don't kill your husband. They would put you in jail and I bet internet access is not very good.

    Deb, go ahead and grump. I sent you a pm. did you get it?

    Cheri,any word?
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Susan - I could have told them my knees hurt! LOL

    I do have pain in the sternum area. I don't think it's mets though. Old age and arthritis. Thanks for your input. I really do appreciate everyone's opinion. Okay now I'm going to go read about secret pals. I can't wait to do this. Great idea Susan.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Susan - love the idea! Put me down - I'll help you if you need it.
