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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    good evenin ladies,
    Nicki...your beautiful post brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful sweet sister you are. What a grand thing to do for us all. I think you made you point. We are all sister, we love and care for one another all the time and welcome everyone. You are my sunshine sister and I love you.

    Amber honey...sending you and mom a huge hug. Tell her how much she is loved here and that no she doesn't deserve this and if I could take it away I would. A cyst doesn't sound too bad and praying that it is all it is. Does she have an appointment scheduled? Make the docs get her in right away and get this resolved. Be a squeeky wheel!

    Jeannie are you? Busy with that sweet baby!

    Jan...looks like we are leaving the blue drinks behind and drinking koolaid from now on LOL.

    Shel...You haven't been self centered at all. You have had a lot going on...more than you deserve.

    Jankay...where are you dear girl.

    Madison...more squares today and I am furiously working on finishing an afghan. I want to have it ready to mail by Saturday!

    Z...oh I so remember that numb itch that wouldn't go away. Had a bilateral mast and still have a phantom ghost itch where there is nothing to itch!!! Pretty funny to see me itching thin air LOL. Great words to Amber. I have a son to (he's 8 and a daughter 25)and it's so hard on the kids.

    Lisa...welcome home!!! It's good to see you again.

    Jasmine...its been quite a day hasn't it LOL!

    Shokk...where are always make me laugh.

    Deb...yoohoo...I was going to tell you something and I've completely forgotten what it of those things I'll wake up and remember in the middle of the night!

    be back in a bit
    Love ya all!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Beth, I will keep you in my thoughts!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, you are the cute picture posting queen. You have amazing powers of recall. Your cheerfulness always makes me smile. You are my friend, and I glad I am yours.

    Amber, your mom is an amazing lady. She is going to be OK.

    Denise, xanax lollipops. A lovely suggestion. So far today he has been pretty much silent. Ya think me telling him last night that he was beyond crabby and getting on my nerves had anything to do with that?

    Update on hubby....doc pretty much said "deal with it". Told him to take two percoset at a time. Geez like he didn't think of that one himself.
    He said most likely cause of tear was a bone spur on clavicle. Hubby broke collar bone when he was 21.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Oh my...we are all posting together!
    Gina...sending you a hug. I was so angry this morning that I was ready to spit nails. I don't get angry often and managed to keep it under control but I refuse to allow anyone to defame one of my sisters here. I too loved the "vomit" was perfect.

    Beth...keeping you in my thoughts too...but you know that and you can call any time.

    Puppy...smooches to you...I need to send you yarn along with some other girls and have been lax...I am so sorry..I haven't forgot and will get to it TONIGHT.

    Shirley...oh my dear...sick or wounded men have to be the worst!!! Sending you some patience (or would you prefer some duct tape and rope could get some peace and quiet that way)
    Love and hugs once again (well...we can have too much of that around here you know).
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    Beth, I'm wondering why you are having SNB? Are they gonna do it on both sides? I know that you want to do what the docs have told you is best BUT....... if it were me, I'd tell them to leave my pickin nodes alone unless they find cancer in there.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    Gina, you don't specifically say, but sounds like you are feeling ok today??

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Vicki, don't forget the PJ's and Drugs.
    Duct tape and rope would be peachy. Thanks
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Uh SNB...I would be saying forget that!!! Why on earth would they do an SNB if they don't need to. If they find nothing in your breast it doesn't seem logical and the last thing you need to worry about in the future is lympedema!! I agree with Shirley on this one!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    well everyone stand back it is is......jankay
    I have a few comments but"shock" no joke.. I am like a nightmare or a bad dream-------i ALWAYS come back.
    Since this and chatroom friends are the only threads i post and keep up with -------- i have absolutely no idea what u all are talking about; i will however say this.
    it would be an honor to be a member of the pink pearl cult. the other "ladies" are just jealous about the bond we share. I have not felt such love or caring as i do here. to be cont.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Jankay...reposting this for you

    sure to bring a laugh!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    amher-please tell your mother that she has nothing to worry
    about i guarantee she will be on more prayer lists than u could shake a stick at! Also, give her my love i have an open door policy i will talk nd comfort anyone

    Vicki - i also had tears in my eyes when i read nickis post i ithink it was beautiful. i also remember u nicki u were always th ere t o talk with a cup of jo in the earlyi morning coffee club. i will never forget.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    for all of you

    and just cuz...I'm glad I found my way to all of you here.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Vicki igot a laugh. thank u
    i will always remember that u always hAd such kind. caring words. ty i will never forget

    i was right with you in your closet waiting for the next update "frrrommmmmmm shokks closet " If i had a fan club i would want u to be president.

    If kool aid was the new moonahine
    I may not have nbeen so scared to try it
    I also am not finished but the union says i need to give
    my fingers a break! love j ankay
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Amber, if you are still around give me a call if you want to talk, ok.

    thanks for all the wonderful posts tonite. I know I have told you over and over again how wonderful I think you all are. It's true again.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, you are my friend, too. *tears in my eyes*. With or without wine. I thank you for your friendship, your early morning posts, just being YOU! Thank you my friend!

    Amber, thanks for posting for your mom. I love Cheri and I am worried for her. I'm sure it is nothing, but I still worry. It's the MOM in me . I'm sure you understand. Please tell her I was asking about her and that everything will be ok!

    Z, oh, I know that phantom itch!!! I had bilat. mast. with recon. and I still have itches that I can't scratch!! It is very disconcerting, to say the least.

    NS, just know that we are all with you, at your side. I don't care what venom is spewed, you are the best! I still can't fathom what I read! You are the bigger person with your response. Thank you!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Hello gals:

    Nicki:You are my friend also,I remember last year when I was so down and out,your pm's ment alot to me and so do you.

    Amber:Will be praying for you and your mom.

    Jan:Neither of my kids belong to the EVIL that is why all my girls are so good looking.the EVIL is my 2nd husband.Guess I was stupid.

    G:I am glad this thread was started,it was strated right after i was dx with mets to the liver last aug and it has been a God send to me.

    Shirley:It is quite different with grands isnt it?

    Jan:moonshine = koolaid? I learn something new every day.

    Nicki:Thank you for adding me to the map,now you'all will know where i am and how did you know I love pink??Thank you for your compliment about me being strong and having grace.that makes me feel 10 foot tall and bullet proof.

    I love the one about getting rid of the EVIL.We have shovels friends and I know where a lot of deserted land is,who could ask for anything more.Now that is a true friend indeed who has gun,shovels will travel..

    Denise:I am glad i made you laugh,i got a laugh just thinking about it.The EVIL's last internet woman was in the phillipines and I was able to hack into his chat history and man did i read some stuff.He made hiself up to be VERY BIG..Well if a person is gonna lie about one thing might as well lie about everything.He told her he has a suprise for her,well considering she left her husband for a man in hong kong she wont get a suprise from EVIL.Man this is like the stomach crumbles.But at least I am finding humor in his stupity.
    Here is a picture of Max just for you.That little weiner is growing like a weiner.:)
    Love to all of you

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Here is Noelle and Max.They fight like cats and dogs.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, your post was thoughtful and caring. I'm trying to remember where/when we first met. duh. too long ago I guess. You are caring, fun and never boring. thanks for being you.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts. Now, about the SNB. I did NOT want it at all. I was so worried about LE afterwards. They are only giving me one shot on each side and taking just one node (they say) from each side. I go by "if it ain't broke don't fix it" normally. But the bs said that with my family history and being BRCA2 and having dense breast and having 2 benign cysts already, he wanted to do the SNB. Just before I had seen him for pre-op he had an article come across his desk recommending it for women in this kind of situation. It is better to do it now along with the PBM than going back in after a positive path report. Hope that answered all the questions. I am still not happy about it but I understand their thinking.

    I am posting the baby afghan on the crafting thread and then to BED!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Cheri:I am a little slow and just figured out what is going on.Chemo brain I guess.But i want you to know I am praying hard for you.I pray God will give you the peace that passes all understanding..Please if you need anything I am here for you..

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Nicki - Your post was so sweet, you take so much time every day to really reach out to each and every person that posts here. You are feisty and protective of your friends and of the sanctity of this site.

    Cheri - I am thinking of you, try to stay strong. When is your doctor's appt?

    Susan - you're beautiful smile in your avatar picture has been mentioned a number of times. It's true, it is the sweetest smile, and I too smile every time I see it. How is your knee doing?

    OK, been just so tired lately, so I'm off to bed. Hugs to you all.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone...just wanted you all to know that I spoke to our Cheri tonight and she's still got her wicked sense of humor. Furthermore, she seems to be actually more upset about the cyst messing up her ankle surgery than the actual cyst! But she is frightened, so let's get those Circle prayers going and let's get Mon Cheri to the center where she belongs. She will fight us because she's a stubborn SOB, so says Amber!

    I have to agree. So we may have to get her drunk (no great feat given her, uh, habits) and tie her down, but to the center with her nonetheless! Y'all know how I feel about Cheri...

    Right now, she's waiting on an MRI...they need to find a way to get her one given all the titantium she has in her body...she's still waiting to hear from the dr.'s office on this...I told Amber tonight to be relentless in getting an answer tomorrow.

    Nicki? Do you know anything about this? Would an open MRI make a difference even if there is metal up around her collar bone area?

    NS: How was Day 1 of chemo? I hope it wasn't awful!

    Beth: I suppose you are counting down the days and getting nervous as well? I've been praying for you as well...

    I've been able to keep my meds down finally. Hallelujah...small pleasures...

    Jas: Thanks for giving me the heads-up on Cheri! I'll call you tomorrow; it's gotten late. But if you're still up, call me.

    Liz: The card you sent me is absolutely beautiful. You must have shopped a while for that one. Such perfect words! I really enjoyed it. It really touched my heart, Liz. Thank you for your kind thoughtfulness.

    Love, hugs, and pain-free days and nights to all...Mena...xo
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Oh, Nicki, you made me cry. Thank you for your kind words, you are MY friend too and you are special.

    So many of you are special and I am so "out of touch" with all of you. I came in tonight from work and sent some PM's just to try to catch up with some of you.

    Some of us have traveled many, many months together here. I was never part of chat and I came after my treatments had ended but was lost at that point. Sometimes I have "survivors' guilt" - do any of you. I talked with my SIL about this this evening - she has had BC and has lymphoma and recently a recurrence of the lymphoma. She has felt that too.

    This thread brings out the best in us - reaching out, lifting up, sharing in joys, encouraging in difficult days and sharing laughter. I'm kind of lost as there are so many post to catch up on if you miss a day or two, heaven forbid you are gone for a week. Then it becomes to hard to catch up so you just read or drift away.

    It has been a long day plus I've not been sleeping well - that is not a pretty sight when you get to be my age!!!

    I'll be back tomorrow to check on everyone, I will make time. May take me awhile to get caught up and fall in line but, Nicki, I miss you and I will try. Where is Tracy and Amy, Catherine?????

    Goodnight and may you have pleasant dreams, restful night and a beautiful tomorrow.

    Love to all, Brenda
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. I took a nap today and my husband told Amber what the dr had said. She was upset and I haven't mentioned any of it to my family so she had no one to turn to and she thought of the Circle. When I got up she was going on about how great this place was and how super nice you all were to her. She apoligized for coming on here but felt like she had nowhere else to go. I told her I didn't mind. She said she'd talked to the nicest lady, it was AlwaysHope, or Jazmanian as I prefer to call her. She said she'd been so very nice to her. So Jazz, thanks girlfriend. She also said all of you were nice but I think the timing was right for Jaz. And Z. You were also quite kind to her. She's an only child and I'm really all she's got. That's why I have to be alright.

    I knew there had to be something wrong but wasn't prepared to hear that I defineatly had something they think is a cyst and they don't think it's a tumor or cancer but have to do more tests. My dr. was out today so the NP was taking his place and was the one that told me I needed an MRI but couldn't get one due to the titanium plates/rods in my body. She was supposed to call me back and let me know what tests they could do and what they needed to do to fix this. She never called and I slept. I'll call in the morning and hopefully my dr will be back in. I was so worried about it being something to postpone my ankle surgery that I never even thought it could be something serious. And it probably isn't, but i will tell you all one thing for sure, when you hear the words that your CT did show up at least a cyst and probabaly not a tumor in your will scare you to pieces! I do not like the idea of anybody Flippin around with my brain. What if they should turn it upside down and the remainder of my brain cells run out? Or even worse, what if they find out that chemo has gobbled up all my brain cells like a game of pac man? Or even worse yet, what if they flip around too long and something bad explodes in my brain??? Or it grows too fast? Or it....spreads? I'm here to tell you that I don't have very good luck in life. Abnormal things happen to me all the time. for real. But I never really believed that there was something up there, even tho I was concerned, I wasn't really worried. Now I'm worried. And all the laughter in the world cannot keep this fear at bay.

    Thank you all for being here when I am so frightened. To hold my hand. Thank you for the kind words to my daughter who is so scared. Thank you for all the sweet pm's I've gotten.

    Sorry Susan, I just didn't feel like talking so soon after talking to the dr. today. I appreciate your kindness.

    I'll pull it together a little better once I know more about what's actually going on. I'm a little freaked right now. Just been knitting. Simple, keeps my hands busy. And to all you smokers, OMG, I never wanted a cigarette so bad in my life and my dh has some in his shirt pocket...but I will NOT let this situation get the best of me. This is the end of day 15. I will not give in. But damn, I sure would like to have one.

    I appreciate all you ladies.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Well shoot, Mena, if I'd known you were going to post about me I wouldn't have! How was I to know? You never tell me anything. lol It's sooo good to see you posting. It's like old times. Except we bantered instead of one of us reporting on the others health. OMG! Are we messed up or what?

    Susan, I'm going to be on here for awhile so if you come on give me a holler. I'm sending a pm.

    Mena, wanna go chat?

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2007
    Cheri,I am so glad to see you post.I want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.I love reading your posts,you have a way with words.I am glad that Amber turned here to us,please let her know that we are here for her anytime.I am still fairly new here in the circle but all of you made me feel accepted and loved from the very beginning.NS,I've not read the nasty crap yet as I've not had internet for a few days but I must say that you are one of the most caring people I've encountered.I hope your chemo went ok and I pray for you daily.Jankay,I am so sorry sweetie.Parkinson's is a cruel twist to your already ill health.I love the jokes you post and I pray for you to find peace of mind.Amy,congrats on the new baby,pics were so sweet.Robin,thanks for the pics of the grandbabies,they are beautiful like you.I so look forward to meeting you soon,I wanna give you a big ol hug.Nicki,your post was beautiful,thank you.I also look forward to seeing your posts,your pics are always great.Vickie,you are another sweetheart that always makes me feel better.Mena,I haven't met you yet but Hello and you have already been in my prayers and will continue to be.It was great to see you post.I am so tired,it's bedtime.I know I left out some but you are all in my heart and I will try to catch up tommorrow.I love all of you,my wonderful sisters.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    omg nikki,,,
    you hit the nail on the head everytime there i bet!!!!!!!!
    love ya to girlfriend!!!!!!!!!
