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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Wow - I have really lost track of the days. Didnt even realize it was Friday until I saw Vickies post. After today - 3 more days off andits back to work already. Life is just flying by. It also seems to me that once July 4th is over - the summer goes away pretty quickly.

    Time is so different too. I cant believe I woke up late again. Usually at this time, I showered - geting dressed and get ready to go to work. Would have been up for 2 hours already on a regular work day.

    Peter: Goodnight and sweet dreams. Its so weird to me that you are going to bed when Im getting up and viceversa.

    Vickie: Oh yuck. Waking up with an abcessed tooth! Sounds like you need antibiotics - maybe get the tooth pulled. And hope your poor puppy is ok.

    Betty: Why on earth do you need to wait another week to get the bone scan results? I would be sitting in the oncs waiting room - until someone told me something.

    Laura: If it were me, I would reschedule the mammogram too.

    Pam: Oh Im laughing out loud. Clyde was in deep doggie doo. The ultimate punishment - putting a dog outside in what used to be their natural habitat. I do that with my dog too! Of course his biggest fear, while he is outside, is that he is missing food - food - food inside.

    Sherloc: I have been reading about the heat wave in your parts. 104 degrees is way too hot for me. I read an earlier post about you not having to get chemo. I do believe, there are lots of women who dont need chemo. My older sister was one of them. She was diagnosed with bc 3 months after me - but they caught hers at an earlier stage than mine. My ticket to chemo was 1 positive lymph node. My sister didnt need RADs either - cause she had a bil. mast with clear margins.

    Charlene: I always have loved Morning Glories. Like a sophisticated sparkler. Somehow, I got older and it just didnt have the beauty it did 5 years ago. I still have 5 more that I can light. Ya gotta watch children with fireworks. You never know what they will do. When I was 5 y/o I ate a sparkler! Yep - got a pretty bad stomach ache. Now who would think a kid would be so stupid to eat a sparkler?

    Carrie: Where in the world have you been. I think of you and Deese alot. Good news that Denise got the all clear. I say go for the MRI.


    Denise: Mom duty? Hope you dont go too crazy!

    Gus/Sue: You have been in this circle from the beginning. Sometimes I go back to page one and just read about why this thread was started and what everyone was saying. For some reason, many feel they should only come here with good, cheery news. If that were the case, I would probably stop coming to this site - because then I believe I would have truelly moved on. What is most important is to come here when your feeling down and need some support. First of all I say to hell with those little boys and girls who are so mean. If they werent children I would put the Italian hex on them. Now, when it comes to insurance covering your sons treatment. You might try contacting the Attorney General for Insurance Fraud. No treatment is not an option as far as Im concerned. If you cant get him into the therapist that is covered by your insurance, then I would ask them for a letter stating they wont have an opening until a certain date. Then I would get the current therapist to write a letter, stating they are will to take the insurance payment. I would also contact your local Autism/Aspergers association. They may act as an advocate and voice for you. I sure do understand hiding from the world. I feel so safe at home. Slowly but surely I am forcing myself to get out. So Im glad you came and finially posted about your feelings. The same feelings so many of us have. Sending you a big hug. And a kick in the butt!

    I have missed many, but its late and time to go for my walk. Gonna be really hot here today too so I want to walk early before it become unbearable. Hoping everyone has a great day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

    tell me when it is good

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2007
    Just a quick HAPPY FRIDAY to everyone. We will be leaving in a bit heading to Michigan for the weekend. Just going for the weekend and seems we are packing for a months stay. But - I get to meet Denise on Sunday - I am so excited.

    Vickie - ouch - so sorry it had to happen this weekend with the wedding and all. Hope you can get it taken care of.

    Nicki - my dh says after the 4th summer is over - I hate to hear that - our summers are too short and winter too long -ughh. Glad you are enjoying your time off. Its supposed to be really hot this weekend so enjoy that pool.

    Peter - great joke.

    Gus/Sue - Insurance companies just don't get it. If they would pay for some things in the first place they would pay less for other things down the road. The whole system needs an overhaul. Sorry you are stuck in the middle of it.

    Betty - after the break -maybe the Arimidex will be kinder to you.

    Charlene - good morning.

    Cheri - good to see you post. Miss you when you are not around.

    Robin - are you still cleaning? You are putting the rest of us to shame.

    Gotta run - we need to get on the road and little ds is not packed yet. Have a great weekend all from A to Z.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited July 2007
    Geesh...miss a couple days and the posts just pile up! I am stopping in really quick....have much to do to get ready for a week at the shore. We had a great July 4th in the Poconos....took my neighbors' boat out on the lake even though it was quite overcast and of course got stuck in the rain! But of course the boys thought it was great fun and so we had a good time anyway. Then we went back to the house and lit a fire in the fireplace and ate ribs and pasta and 4th of July cupcakes!

    It was a really special day for me. Last year I remember sitting and watching the fireworks and wondering if it would be my last. But it wasn't....I am still here and not planning to go anywhere any time soon!

    I gotta go get some laundry done so that we have some clean clothes to take with us! Have a great weekend! I will be back on Sunday, 7/15!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited July 2007
    hey its friday...hehehehe...quick fly by...hugs to all in need and prayers ...
    well the plans are coming together nice for pinkstock...trailers will be rolling in and tents being put lists are growing and must start the shopping...
    and off to play with the grand daughters just love fridays work and gramma duty...hehehehe...
    shhh..don't tell son I'm on his puter again...
    hugs and smooches to all
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    I have had my medicine and my breakfast. Heaven help me
    if i had to have coffee in the morning. I would never make it!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning Charlene, Jankay, Suz, and Kristin. Hoping you all have a great day and a great week-end.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning All

    I clocked in an hour early at work (trying to catch up)..

    Have a great day all

    (Vickie-you may need antibiotics--here is a not to tight hug so I don't hurt your face)....

    hugs to all from Amy to Z

    Good night Peter....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Good morning all. I had a long post last night and was trying to finish it up and everybody was rushing me to go outside because they were going to start fireworks and I kept telling them 'just a minute' and scrambling to finish up. I ended up losing my post but I posted a link to something, didn't know what it was so had to edit as dh was pushing my wheelchair outside. We had alot of fireworks though and Ethan had a blast. We let him light them this year but with alot of supervision. I was ready for bed when it was all over.

    Shokk, yes I'm eating my bananas. Thanks

    Marsha, ooops! I already told Sheri that we broke in her house and partied while she was gone. Didn't know anything about her carpet though but I do think I mentioned Vickies name if there were damages. lol

    Charlene, whatcha doin up so early?

    Gus. I am so sorry about your little boys therapist and insurance problems. I wish I could help you.

    Neesie, you're home! Welcome back. Hope you had a great trip.

    Carrie, gosh it's good to see a post from you. Hope your MRI goes well and let us know the outcome. Great news about Deese. Please tell her I said Congrats. You need to check in more often we miss you.

    Vickie, sorry about your abcess tooth. Go to the dentist and get you some anti-biotics to get that poison out then get your tooth fixed. As far as where Janny is teehee, you know the saying 'if I tell ya I'm gonna have to ---- --, Well she just knew too much about me. hahahha

    Suz, have a great week-end and I know you'll enjoy meeting Denise.

    Nicki, darned vacations just seem to zip by but enjoy your week-end. Sounds like you really relaxed and had a pleasant week.

    I'm aggravated with Amber this morning. She's started shirking her responsibilitys a bit and she's taking advantage of my good nature. I won't go into it but I'm going to put a stop to it. I just hope she makes it home alright.

    To all my friends from Amy to Z, have an pleasant day.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007

    OH Suz and Denise, have a great time on Sunday. Just so you know, you are each about to meet an old friend!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Good morning Nicki - ate a sparkler?! lmao I was trying to find an image of a lit morning glory to see what it looked like. Sounds beautiful to me. I couldn't find one but thought you'd get a kick out of this:


    Suz - Good morning, have a great time in Michigan!

    Cheri - Have some running around to do during Ava's nap so I needed to get up early to shower (I usually do that when she's napping). I'm lucky my SO works from home so I can make my appts. for Ava's nap time. He can keep working but he's here if she needs anything before I get home. Good luck with setting things straight with Amber.

    Peter - thanks for the funny, great start to a tired morning!

    Laura - I'm glad you made it through PA safely! I agree, reschedule the mammo. It's your life, do what's right for you.

    hey to Kristen, MB, Jankay, Marsha, Madison, Odalys, Betty, Iris Angel, Shirley, Denise, Jasmine, Vickie and everyone else from Amy - Z!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    Morning all, I haven't had a chance to catch up but have sure missed everyone.

    Bathroom update: the subfloor is now in! We're going to a "lesson" tomorrow on installing laminate flooring. LOL We're also thinking of checking into the new concrete floors that are stained. Still haven't chosen a color yet. I have to wipe down the walls and then prime them.

    We're going to take a short break today and go out of town for the afternoon. I need to do some shopping for Pinkstock.

    Mom and aunt's birthday (yes twins) was great. Took them out to eat.

    In-laws dinner was changed until tomorrow since my sis-in-law will be here. They have been married 60 years. Pretty amazing I say.

    DH is bellowing to get ready to leave.

    Hugs and Prayers to everyong. Miss you guys!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Good morning chicas and Peter.........Nicki dittos to your comments about this thread.....its strange because we all get bc issues and family issues and even off topic issues but we share a common thread of life and being bc survivors.....regular life crap doesn't end just because we are/have been sick......anyway Pam thanks so much for the comment about the kiddo I think you are so right....she is hurt but she doesn't want her dad to know how much....she has always been my "tuff kid".....she would get knocked down and jump right back up without shedding a tear......I think I have seen her cry maybe 10 times in her entire life....Gus/Sue so sorry you are having to deal with these you know anyone who knows anyone that maybe could get you an earlier appointment with a new therapist......Vickie oooochhhhhh...had my wisdom teeth out 21 yrs ago.....lost so much wisdom in the process........anyway guys it rained all day was just a mess....right outside our office building an 18 wheeler slammed right into a firetruck that had stopped in another accident and sent 4 firefighters to the hospital.....they are all ok but it completely shut down the freeway and it was a nightmare trying to get out of our office building parking lot.....all traffic was on the service road.....anyway I was so happy to be home last night I could hardly stand

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. And a very good evening to you Peter. Time for bed. Sweet dreams and don't worry about a thing. We've got your back. Today is my appt with surgeon for colonoscopy. Yeah for me! Haven't heard anything about my mammo so I figure with all the pretzel making the girl got my whole scar in there and I won't have to go back. Even bigger YEAH for me. Just checked the temp outside. 70F at 7:30am. Gonna be another hot one. Bugman must have come while I was out yesterday cause there are dead bugs all over my porch. I love the Bugman. Hmmm wonder if he does gophers? Or bats? Having an issue with both this month. Called onc yesterday about my not breathing issue again. Have an appt next week. According to the pulmonary function test my lungs are working just fine. I'm guessing he's gonna order a CT and send me to an allergist? I'm thinking geez, can't they just give me an inhaler or something? I thought after a week of closing off my bedroom, (the bats are in the attic up there)and sleeping downstairs in the guestroom I would be getting better but I'm not. What I have learned from sleeping downstairs is my guest bed is not as cushy as I thought it was. And that room is pickin hot.

    Pam, Poor Clyde. I hope you to have kissed and made up.

    Charlene, brutal indeed. Only go out if I have to when it's this hot. These temps only last for a couple of weeks usually. Then we hit the downswing for fall.

    Laura, hugs for you. I'd tell them to reschedule the mammo too. No point in stressing when you don't have to.

    Betty, when my onc switched me from arimidex back to tamox he let me go for a whole month. I say wait till your conference is over then start it again.

    Peter, hahahahhahhahahhahh to funny.

    Vicki, get thee to the dentist. Call and tell them you have a wedding shoot to do this afternoon and need to get in ASAP!!! I have yet to meet a dentist who isn't a wanna be photographer so you should definately get the sympathy vote there.

    Nicki, think of all the fun you have had this week swimming and walking your doggie and just hanging out. I'm happy to hear that your sister didn't need further treatment. I was stage 1, 1.5cm tumor. My doc uses Standford Protocols and at the time the protocol was under 2cm neg nodes no chemo. About a year later Standford changed the protocol to under 1cm. Seems the 2cm thing was just an experiment? Thats the bit that freaks me out. First they say I didn't need it then they say I do. But by then I'd passed the window for chemo. UGH!!!! Three years and counting. No going back. So what will be will be. I do wish the oncotype test had been available then.

    Jankay, every morning that we open our eyes is good. Is that to PollyAnna? I'm sorry. Can't help it I'm a morning person. Tell that to my crabby husband every morning. Usually he just flips me off. But on occasion he opens his grumpy mouth and says somthing not very nice.

    Suz, have a great time this weekend. I'm going to a 7/7/7 party tomorrow night. Should be fun. Tho the dear young man who died last week will be sorely missed. I'm sure there will be more than one toast for him.
    I hear you about insurance companies. Stupid stupid stupid. They will pay over and over for me to have ear surgery (4x so far) that does not work at the cost of $100,000's but won't pay the $6000 for a hearing aides. Thats just stupid in my book. I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES!

    Have a great time Krisitn

    Have fun with your grand daughter MB. I won't tell I promise.

    Madison, an hour early? you are dedicated. Don't work to hard.

    Good Morning CheriBeri. Did Amber stay out all night again. You have been noticeably absent lately. Are you ok? Other than being busy with the boys?

    Happy morning Marsha.

    Totally cool sink Charlene. I would love to have that. Yikes to SO working from home. I would end up in jail if my hubby worked from home.

    Liz, amazing indeed. Hope the party is grand. I've seen the concrete floors. They are very cool. But maybe cold in the winter?

    Off to work out before it gets to hot. See ya.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2007
    Good morning all, from Amy to Z!

    Just a quick fly-by from work.

    Cheri, good to see you posting again! I was starting to worry about you. Your steak dinner sounded great!

    Nicki, I'm glad you are enjoying your time off. I'm off next week, Wed., Thurs., and Fri.

    Vickie, get to the dentist. If you have swelling, you need an antibiotic!!!

    JanKay, Hugs for you!

    Shirley, when we lived in Phoenix, it got to be around 115 and that was stinking HOT!

    Hello to everyone. I've got zero time to post lately. I may be able to catch a couple of minutes when I get home.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007

    Good Morning Shokk. Holy Smokes you guys need a break. Glad the firefighters are ok.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007

    Well good morning to you too Jan. 115, YIKES! I think it's got that high a couple of times here.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited July 2007

    Sherloc at least that room they have you in today doing your test should be was so cool last night when I was walking the dogs couldn't believe it.....I will do my best to send some cool breezes to CA.......ok ladies they are promising the rain is suppose to stop sometime this weekend we will see.........almost finished cleaning up the office will be glad when Monday is thankful it is the weekend....the girls are now in my kitchen.....throwing everything away....spices but they really did needd to be replaced....aren't they only good for a year.....anyway can goods that have not expired are going to the North Texas Food Bank and lots of old pots and pans are going that I just don't use.........I am so thankful that they are doing this for me.....I am a pack rat and have a hard time letting things go........and my energy has not returned like I think it daughter thinks I'm does her dad....they may be right...going to talk to my onc on my next appointment.....ok sweet girls and our assie Peter....ha.......everyone stay safe....if there is a cyper party tonight don't get thrown off the thread for misbehaving.......ok guys will check in later.....see ya later gators.......

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Good morning
    East Coasters, sure get a head start on everyone except for Peter...

    Before I forget, Liz..take a look at Mannington Adura is wonderful..we put it in our bathrooms and kitchens a few years ago and just love little upkeep and it looks great!!

    For remembering my pills, I use a large weekly pill case and cut my fosamax into a square to fit in the day..I take mine on for me anyhow.

    Betty..I heard somewhere that sometimes if you take a drug holiday from arimidex/femara..the side effects can get alot better when you start up again..but I can't remember the study.. sorry about all your red tape troubles..they are sooooo frustrating and make you feel hopeless sometimes...hugs to you..

    Sounds like everyone is enjoying vacations..this is a good thing!! that is one morning glory!!
    Maybe from a unisex bathroom..

    Shokk..are you treading water yet??

    Sherloc..Guess you got all the heat up there..shucks we put in central air this spring and haven't had to use it yet..but shhhhh don't tell...hope your colonoscopy is as easy as it could be, right!!

    Vickie..don't mess around with an abcessed tooth!!

    Jan and JanKay,Kristin, Denise,and everyone..hi there..

    Odalys..hola guapa, que hay?

    I am off to Curves and my volunteer docent work at our museum

    Hugs, SoCal
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007
    Liz, ugh replacing a floor. We did that a little over a yr. ago. Seems when they made our dryer space they didn't do the vents and hoses right. So the hose was going under our kitchen floor and all that humidity finally rotted it all out. Expensive. And a pain in the butt. Good luck.

    Shirley, good luck with your colonoscopy today. The only way I can really tell that i'm posting less than usual is if someone mentions it. lol Feels like the same amount to me. And Yes, dd had another all-nighter. I'd rather her stay in Springfiled than try to drive the 30 miles home after the party but it's still taking advantage of me. Her boys are gone all week-end so that should give her all the running time she needs. I darned sure never had breaks away from her like that when she was liitle. Although, my Mother and older sisters did help with her.

    Janny, hi girlfriend. Did you ever get pm's back? I wrote them but it doesnt show any were sent. I was really not myself and had a bunch of stuff going on at the same time.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    today is just the consult with the surgeon ladies. Colonoscopy not scheduled yet.

    Shokk, I forgot to mention earlier. I am sooooo impressed with your girls for cleaning your house. Getting my kids to do that kind of cleaning took whips and chains.

    Socal, lucky you. PG&E is loving us this month. I just got back from Curves.

    Cheri, same here. My family was in Florida. No babysitting aunts or mom for me. and we were so dirt poor we could never afford a babysitter. So the kidlets went with us or we didn't go.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    Hmmmmm....where did my post go??? no weird message but it didn't show up??

    I just said I was dropping in for a quick howdy...things are summertime busy, but since last summer I was doing chemo it is nice to have a normal summer!

    I have been reading along, just have not had much too say the past little bit. i hope everyone has a great day.

    Bugs and fishes
    Deb C
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2007
    Just popping in again, to tell you that my cancer center's radiation department is the best!!! Called them this morning to ask if my mammo could be scheduled for the same day as my appt. No problem. They called and it was done. No questions asked. Not bad, considering my mammo was scheduled for 9:30 this morning.

    Thanks for all the feedback.

    I've got baby pics on another site, and need some help getting them here. Might even post one of me, if I like any of them enough. I've never done any picture stuff before, so this learning experience might be painful.

    Got to finish unpacking, do laundry, and get a Home Depot list together. No interest for a year. We have a few more projects to get to this summer.

    Hugs, healing, and prayers for everyone from Amy to Z.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007
    Shirley..we had no family living near us all our moves..the only thing we did do was swap kids with another family so the parents could get away for a break...or the kids came with us..or we stayed at home!!
    It all worked out OK...

    I went to buy some yarn on Wednesday at Joannes..and there was a long, long checkout line..the lady behind me asked about my squares (I had one with me) and I told her. She said that last year, when her husband was in hospice they gave him an afghan and that now it is THE most precious thing she has as a reminder of him..
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007
    Just a quick swoop in and I am getting busy with some overdue cleaning of bathrooms.

    A helpful hint form my dh who works at Home Depot: If you have a coupon from Loewe's or Ace Hardware, Home Depot will honor it. Also, shop around for pricing. If the competitor has the exact same item for less than Home Depot, get it in writing and Home Depot will match it plus 10% off. And no, they do not give employees discounts which sucks because dh has a lot of plans for the yard and other projects.

    Sherloc, I saw your thread about myspace and added my link. So far, I think we have found at least 5 or 6 ladies on there. Thanks for the cute comments you guys have left. Yes, Ringo is gone....for good!

    We are off tomorrow to see "Transformers" (oh wow, can't wait--->heavy sarcasm) with ss#1 and his family and at least the two of us and one ds and/or evil ss. One of the theaters near us costs $5/each for shows before noon. Not too bad.

    BBL, ss called to tell me car "may" be done soon. This morning as I was putting the window up, there was a weird noise and the window went up crooked. What next?
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Oh SoCalLisa, such a wonderful thing to read about gift afghans.

    I do know that I will continue to make our afghans. We have the joy of making something special for someone and the joy of knowing this gift will last a lifetime.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2007

    Madison and are such special ladies to put these afghans together..You are appreciated more than we can express..

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good day everyone. Work is hopping right now so not much time. I'll be back this evening. Where is the cyberparty going to be?

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2007
    And I was blaming the dog for the mess--poor Holly, she took it so well. I hope you had fun partying at my house, it sure looked like it!

    MIL is arriving at 5:55 pm at the Lexington airport. I have the airline giving me updates on the phone, so I'll know if she is on time. Layover in Dallas, so but so far so good. I have a lot to do still, put sheets on the bed, clean the bathrooms, vacuum, and clean up the car. The car is the worst! We live in it so much, that it just gets bad and no one ever wants to clean it up.

    As far as taking care of grandkids, while my 3 eldest were little we lived withing 10 miles of both sets of grandparents. My parents were always helpful if I needed it for appts or scheduled "dates" with my dh, but my mom was always pretty picky about me being responsible for my own children. Now that our nearest relatives are 6 hours away, I'm glad I learned not to rely on anyone else to care for my kids. I also try not to take advantage of my oldest in caring for Micah, the 6 year old. I'm sure I do sometimes, and it was especially hard during tx days. I hope this doesn't sounds too preachy, but it may not be to your children's best interests for them to not be totally responsible for their own children. I'm not a grandma yet, so who knows what I'll do then, but being on "my own" has been good for me.

    I think I need to stop with these rambling thoughts. I'm putting off getting ready for MIL, can you tell I'm stressed? 10 days with her may put me in the looney bin. Any extra xanax out there? Of course, dh, her son, is working tonight, so guess who has to pick her up and entertain her and hear about how wonderful all her other grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and nieces and nephews are? As my son would say, shoot me now. If you don't hear from me for a couple of days, you may have to send out a posse.