Hugs to everyone
Marisa0 -
Good Morning Friends. Guess the powers that be changed their minds last night. Hmmmmm wonder when the shut down is going to happen.
I'm still reveling in the glow of my rightness, tho I'm not gloating anymore. hahahahhahh Today is clean-up day after the grands. Pick up all the bits of paper from art projects and such. Not to mention that lovely phone call I will be making.
Happy Anniversary Karen. Nothing better than Chinese Take Out to celebrate an event.
I use a good old fashioned calendar stuck on the wall right next to my desk. If it's not written there it doesn't get done. OR remembered. Actually truth be told, my life is on my desk.
Charlene, he only got a little red faced. And I was so looking forward to calling 911. Bummer!
Cherryl, welcome home. Glad you had a good time. Did you make friends with any cute cabana boys?
Margaret, I have Outlook. Maybe I should try to figure it out. Might be a way to tame the paper monster just a bit. What a nice friend to have your house painted for you. Can he be my friend too?
Cy, mine say "your so funny grammie". Funny kidlet story of the day. Yesterday I caught Ileeah (3) with the scissors just about to chop off a hunk of hair. Childrens scissors thank goodness. Took them away from her of course and she said, "but grandma, I have to cut my hair, my bangs are to long". Thought I had saved the day. But when I got home and started cleaning up the "art" mess on the dining room table I found a lovely swatch of shiney blond hair. UHOH!!!! Thankfully her mommy was amused by the tale.
Holding your hand today.
Socal, it was the vote that did it I'm sure.
Brenda/BMD, I missed the excitement yesterday too. Glad I did. My dear hubby has a 69 Datsun Roadster waiting for hell to freeze before he even thinks about restoring it. Stupid thing has been sitting on a trailer following us where ever we go for 15 years.
Too funny about the bike. That must have been a site.
Peter, you sound like you are feeling better. Sweet dreams
Nicki, I'm sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Seems that kind of thing is going around these days. Hubby is having the same issue. A few months ago his employers cut our benefits and his pay so now we are making about a 1/3 less than we were. Burns my buttons. In our case any place he would choose to look for another job would be an hour commute each way.
Histoplasmosis is what the man said. Tho how he can tell that from looking at an xray is beyond me. Dr Goggle hasn't taught me how to do that yet. But the man gets the big bucks for a reason sooooooo I just passed on the info. He even said "tell hubby to call him if he needed confirmation" I do believe I like this new guy.
Glad you slept well.
Charlene, google has a calendar? how cool is that?
Gonna click the button before going on to the next page. Hoping were still here. Fingers crossed.0 -
YEAH!!! Were still here.
Madison, Hate it when they do that. You would think Vampires would be experts at getting blood from a vein. Hope this week isn't as busy for you.
Laura, I'm so sorry to read about your MIL. I HATE CANCER too.
And about hubbys job. That just does not seem right. I'll be praying for your family.
I get to go to the dentist tomorrow. Yeah for me.
Margaret, very cool on the bike. UHOH on the bridesmaid dress woes. Best not to tell the bride. All will work out in the end.
Susan, you are sweet too. Big warm fuzzie hugs for us all. "Don't be sad alone", excellent advice.
Good morning Emelee
OOOO almost forgot my second story for the day.....Dear daughter drives like a bat out of you know. I am constantly lecturing her about it. Not safe, stupid, what happens if you have a blow out, blah blah blah. Yesterday morning while she was driving here I was telling her she needed to slow down or she was going to get a ticket one of these days. She said "I never get pulled over mom, I'm to cute. Cops don't pull over cute girls." Yeah right....guess who got a ticket for doing 87 in a 55 zone on her way home yesterday.
She said when she called me after she drove away from our dear men in brown (highway patrol wears brown in CA) Go ahead mom, you know you want to say it.....So I did...."I told you so"
How at 26 she's escaped getting a ticket so far is beyond me.
Here we go again. So hoping they figured out a way to change things without shutting us down.0 -
Good morning amigas and mate (Peter)......(love that mate stuff)......I want to post one thing about yesterday and then Gina I promise to move on........Vickie you had every freaking right to defend yourself openly here on the boards.....when someone with mental disorders trys to bring disruption to this thread because they are jealous and stalking someone and doesn't want them to have relationships with anyone but themselves then we all just need to be aware and take precautions.....Jas thanks so much for watching out for us......I swear if I ever need to track down the ex for money I am hiring you and Cheri......he will never be able to hide..........Gina I understand were you are coming from......a rational sane place but when you are dealing with someone who is irrational then you do what needs to be done.......Vickie I just hope you are having some computers problems this morning and not still smarting from the wounds that were flung your way yesterday.......we all love you sweatheart...please check in.................
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Ok moving on.......Amy where in the heck are you......it is no fun hiding in the closet when you are not here to make fun of me........tornado warnings this morning and lots of rain......some flooding but they say things should be getting better this afternoon........Laura I am so sorry you are having some issues..........it was so sweet for you to mention the coastal areas......will keep you in my prayers........maybe husband could do some tutoring or something until he finds a more fulltime teaching job......Sheri I want to say I can only imagine how much you must worry about your 20 yr old........mental illnesses are just so difficult......you take your medication feel so much better and usually because of SE you stop taking them....such a vicious cycle......and of course relapse..........Sheri you take care..........I never really thought about how sad motherhood could be of course until I became a mom.......Hey Batgirl (Sherloc)......we all know what you can go as for Halloween.........I know this is going to sound really strange but my nose hair never grew back after chemo and my lungs are giving me trouble and I swear I am going to have to start wearing one of those nose and mouth mask to do yardwork and houswork.........oh geez brb................
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Shokk you should probably wear a dust mask when doing yardwork anyway. Especially, when mowing or weedeating.
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very good question Shokk. Where is Amy? And everyone else whose names I can't remember but haven't checked in for a while? And Cheri, what did the doctor say yesterday????
Vicki, hoping with Shokk that you just over slept.
Jaz, why on earth would she change her user name? Doesn't she know we all can see it when she does????? I am so without a clue over this nonsense.
Shokk, you should definately be wearing a mask when doing yardwork. And goggles. And while your at it add a cape.....You can be our SuperHero.0 -
If I remember correctly, BatGirl rode a very cool motorcycle. I can live with that.
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Hey Jas you think that maybe I could get one of those masks and "pimp" it out with some glitter and suff......ha.....oh yea and I wanted to tell you that my daughters and I love watching clean house......it is one of our favorite shows.....it really is what inspired my daughters to "clean out our house"........now when ever I think about buying something for the house I just ask myself how much could I sell this in a yard sale..........and I don't buy it.......what's the host name Mancie anyway my oldest and I thought about starting a drinking game for when ever she says mayham take a shot or foolishness take a shot or when she does her "Little Richard" yell take a shot.....anyway just wanted you to know that.........
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nanananannananan <theme from batman>...BATGIRL!
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Yea superhero my ass the neighbors would just be calling the police...........
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Shokk -- I love that show. The host is Niecey Nash and she is hilarious.
Shirl -- I don't know why she changed her name. I don't try to figure out silliness. It reminds me when my niece was small and would cover her eyes with her hands and think we couldn't see her and that she was invisible.0 -
Flying by to say hey ...refuse to let work take over my family time.....
Larissa's first day of Pre K......and I missed it...so made DH take pictures...so jealous as he sees the girls at school everyday....hmmm...Brianna started 3rd grade...wow where does time go....
to all having "kid" trouble...remember you are not alone...keep your head up some days the best we can do is just love them no matter what...hugs
Shirley...bats.....you better put up some bat houses out back so they have someplace to go besides your house...maybe on your neighbors garage...lol...make sure you get the holes plugged....hugs....
Madison..sounds like you are in need a few hugs...so sending you some, was out by the pond, with my sweater last night thinking of you...a big smile must have been on my face & DH even said how much he missed everyone...hugs....
Tgirl gald you're sneaking in when you can, hope all is well with the new job....
Charlene.....hmmm...are you stretching?....and did you get that pedometer...lol....take care
Nicki...hugs no one should be so mean to another person...keep looking the right job will come when you are least expecting it....
Vicki...I can stand myself, I have shopped, new clothes, told my boss, and trying to plan....but the stomach is still queezy every time I think of Flying...lol....will you go to Syr the night before?....let me know...i'll tell my sis we have to stay there...
Peter, hey big brother....don't want you to think I forget about you...but we need to be on the same schedule...lol...and if this flying thing isn't so bad, my horizons may just include Austrailia...
Ok work is calling....and the boss does pay me to do his work, not chat with my friends...lol.....
hugs and prayers A to Z....
PS...my BC closet...un-needed objects is starting filling up...I have people waiting for things so if you have items let me know, I do not charge for these, wigs, hats, scarves, even proths...I have some one who does the wigs for me too...PM me....thanks again...
MB0 -
Good mornin ladies-
I see our site didnt go down last night I wonder if that means it will tonight??? Enquiring minds want too know
I will be back after coffee to post but I have to ask a stupid question ..what the heck is the name of that web site I usually go too and find pictures???? It has something about a pail in the name I think??? Kids erased my history and now I cant just go up and click on the site I want to visit have to use my brain ..PROBLEM! I dont seem to HAVE a brain any more LOLOL
Deb C0 -
Thanks jaz! ****singing****...if I Only had a braaaaain
let's see if I remember how too do this0 -
WooHooo! Shirley's secret is out. Maybe her hubby won't feel so bad about spending big bucks to get rid of the bats if you wear the cool leather outfit for him......
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I so gotta get me one of those.
Shokk, I'll be BatGirl, you can be Wonder Woman. You get the really cool airplane.
Jaz, no telling with slightly off kilter folks.
Deb, I'm sure your brain is hanging out with mine on a beach in the bahamas.0 -
Going thru my book marks waiting for the bat getter ridder to call.
Deb just popped into your blog and saw your pics from PinkStock. Sniff sniff I am still sad that I wasn't able to be there.
And who does that monstrous dog belong to?0 -
LOL..that is Hank, my friend Bonnie's great dane. He is beyond huge. When I was visiting her Hank managed to get a package of hot dog buns from the top of the FRIDGE and eat them. He didn't disturb anything else, just plucked them off the top of the fridge...LOL Isn't he something else?
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OK I have been fooling around on my blog instead of posting to everyone my bad!
I need to go take a shower so I have time to call my sis before I go to work. She went home from the hospital last night and seems to be on the mend, though she will be off work for another 6 weeks .
Im glad to see some ladies I have not seen in a while posting but where is Amy and about a dozen other folks whose names escape me at the moment remember my brain is at the beach with Shirleys brain .anyway, missing lots of folks. We may need to have an old fashioned round-up but without the branding irons LOL
Hugs everyone
Deb C0 -
Quick fly by, as I am at work. I took all kinds of notes when I got home from the Lake mon night, but sad news... something is wrong with my laptop. The screen would go black and say all this stuff which I couldn't read fast enough. I could read "dumping physical memory" Arrgghh- that sounds bad. I am going to a Geek Squad or Computer Nerdz today, hopefully.
I feel like I have lost my lifeline, but right now I have to get back. I need to read and catch up. I just didn't want anyone to think I choose to stay away, although I could live on the Lake, I would just need my computer and access to the circle.0 -
Shirley, the REAL Batgirl. (I posted this on your MySpace but couldn't resist putting it here. hahaha0
You read my mind.....I have been wondering about Amy....I think she had scans last week....let's put her in the center of the circle.......
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Hey Madison,
Just sent you a pm..........
Denise0 -
Just sent you one back Denise...thanks
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Do you all have the sillies today.?
SoCal-I had that exact same car in 1979 when I graduated from high school. Mine was a 1962. It was black and had red molding on it. I loved that car so much. Can you image what it would be worth today? Mine was a 3 speed on the column and I remember in the cold of winter I would have to drive it in 1st gear for 10 minutes before I could change gears.
Peter-Good morning but I will bet you are actually sleeping now.
Nicki-Sorry your job is getting you down.
Charlene-My husband has definitely mellowed over the years. I think having kids settled him down a lot. He certainly was the life of the party in our 20s and early 30s though.
Oladys-Good morning but I bet you have already had lunch in your time zone. I hope the family got through the hurricane.
Madison-Thanks for reminding me to put Survivor on my day planner.
Laura-It sounds like you need some hugs and prayers yourself. I am sending them your way.
Margaret-I think we need to double date sometime. Seems we and our dhs have a lot in common. Unfortunately we dont get up north much. Do you ever come to the San Diego area?
The rest of you are cracking my up this morning. Well I have to get some work done. Hi to everyone I missed.0 -
Guess I'll jump in and say Hi to all! \
I think Melissa and Tami are getting a head start on april Fools Day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell us they are shutting us down for a day and getting everyones lack of hormones in a panic mode and then POOF......we're still here!
Another 'not for profit' day for me. I really seriously need to look for a job. My clients have really dropped..(I don't mean they dropped dead!)...the Company isn't getting a major call on new ones and I think it is time to move on. Now, the big question, move on to what???????????????? I really don't have alot of self esteem......I know it doesn't seem that way......I'm fine with people, actually to fine with people, but am stuck on the "I can't do that" mindset. I'll try not to come back with more about it........but no guarantee!
Nicki: Hope today is better at work for you........I hate snobby people and when you work with them it's miserable. I tell you, the right job will come up, you've got alot of good credentials.
Laura: Sorry things are not looking the brightest for you and your family right now. come on in and stay in the center of the circle for awhile, we'll take good care of you. So sorry to hear of the problems with both MIL and FIL.
Madison: Glad the Xanax helped you sleep! You are probably going over figures in your sleep with all the loans closed the past couple of weeks!
Margaret: Last minute alterations........a true nightmare and probably a real good thing that the Bride doesn't know about it!! Like you said, You know what you are wearing and it fits!! Have a great time....are you going to be gone a few days or just driving back and forth?
Susan: Aw Thanks...............We're all so sweet you could sweeten lemonade with us!!
Alwayshope: The one liners are back!! Missed ya.......still need you to fly in and show me that stitch again!
As Shokk would say.........BRB
Denise0 -
I would love to take another trip. I hate that my job gets in the way of fun. I would love to go to Florida with Mary Beth and Vickie too but I think they've had more than enough of me to last the year.
What type of work have you done in the past? Maybe signing up with a temp agency for a month or two would help you decide what you are interested in on a longer term basis.0 -
Hi everyone - I may never get caught up. I need cliff notes for sure this time.
Thanks for all the hugs, prayers and well wishes. They were very welcoming. Knowing I had all my sisters and brother with me was heartwarming.
I'm off to try to read a bit but have lots of things to try to get caught up on - mainly laundry.