Dancing with the Stars

Odalys Posts: 929
edited October 2024 in Bonded by Breast Cancer

Calling all DWTS fans. It's that time again. Join us for some fun as we compare notes again this season.



  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited August 2007

    Odalys- I was wondering and hoping you were going to start a new DWTS thread. Can't wait for GMA to come on so we can find out who's going to be dancing this year.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Posts: 771
    edited August 2007
    I heard the list that was announced earlier this week and it was kind of boring so it will be interesting to see who is actually going to participate. I like the show So You Think You Can Dance too, although it is not nearly as elegant as DWTS.

  • lam
    lam Posts: 77
    edited September 2007
    Margaret I also loved watching "So You Think You Can Dance". I became hooked this last season. This show is truly about dance and not celebrity - I do like "Dancing with the Stars" but it does not offer the same level of dance technique although it sure is a lot of fun to watch.

    Hugs to all,
  • FitChik
    FitChik Posts: 392
    edited August 2007
    And here they are....


    I don't know about half of them, but they are bound to be a good sampling of the pretty people celeb crowd. I especially like Jane Seymour.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Posts: 929
    edited August 2007
    Hey Mary, Good to see you. The last two seasons were so much fun.

    Margaret and Les-Ann - So you think you can dance was also cool to watch. I watched it several times but didn't really enjoyed it as much.

    Marin - Thanks for posting the link. I've been so busy today this is the first time I get see the cast. Jane Seymour should be interesting to watch.

    What do you think about Cameron Mathison? He is very easy on the eyes....don't you think? image
    I used to be a big fan of All My Children.

    I'm not sure if I'll be able to watch three nights a week. It's hard enough to commit to two nights and the results show tends to drag too much.
  • lam
    lam Posts: 77
    edited August 2007
    Hi Odalys!

    I also thing 3x a week is overkill...

  • Mary-Lou
    Mary-Lou Posts: 630
    edited August 2007

    I agree, 3 nights is over kill. I have tevo (sp) so I tape it and then Michael and I watch when he gets home. That way I can fast foward through the junk....

  • Dnicoletto
    Dnicoletto Posts: 3
    edited August 2007
    Excited for a new season and want to remind you all that a video recorder or TIVO will take all the pain out of watching. You cruise thru commercials and the dumb "behind the scenes" stuff. I am not sure that I could do it live. Too much baloney. Have TIVO and I'm ready to go

  • JustOne
    JustOne Posts: 74
    edited August 2007
    I love Dancing with the Stars! It’s the only show hubby and I actually sit down and watch together. 3 nights with my husband? Oh I don’t know if we’re that committed.

    I only know some of these people. That’s okay, I had never heard of Apollo either until last year. Or Drew the year before. Why oh Why do they keep that horrible Samantha Harris??? She asks the stupidest interview questions! I’m definitely skipping over her…

  • Odalys
    Odalys Posts: 929
    edited August 2007
    I agree with you Pam. I don't know why they keep Samantha. I don't have Tivo so I'll just have to concentrate on all the fab dancing.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Posts: 771
    edited September 2007
    3x a week? Too much of a good thing.

  • lam
    lam Posts: 77
    edited September 2007
    Bruno always cracks me up so hopefully he'll help carry the 3x a week schedule and help us laugh through much of it! His comments always make me smile - and laughter is one of the good meds for me right now...

  • gwenn
    gwenn Posts: 2
    edited September 2007

    I wish I had Tivo! Can someone tell me what nights it will be on? I did not get to watch last season as my BF hates the show. But now he will be home late on Monday and Wednesday nights. I watch channel 5 on Monday nights, love their sitcoms. But Im hope to watch Dancing with the Stars on Wednesday.

  • Mena
    Mena Posts: 263
    edited September 2007

    Oh this is great, Odalys! I'll be here...I thought only the first week was three nights in a row. I'm psyched! I love Cameron Mathison...he's hot! He and Jenny Garth will be "lookers" for sure...and Wayne Newton? Is that "the" Wayne Newton? I thought he only came as a wax figure...xo

  • Odalys
    Odalys Posts: 929
    edited September 2007
    Wax figure...hahahahah. You're right, Mena. How old is he anyway???? Let's just hope he is not to stiff. Not sure how long he will last but it should be fun to watch.

    I look forward to having lots of fun this season.
  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited September 2007

    I just read this, thought I'd share. Seems like a weird match to me.


    *****UPDATE the site I posted has revised it's picture of Alex Mazo, the picture I posted below (the guy in the blue shirt) was originally on the site and listed as Alec Mazo but is actually Brian Fortuna *****

    Now this match makes sense!!!!!!!!Laughing

     The Real Alec Mazo

    Oops!!!!! Not Alec Mazo

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Posts: 771
    edited September 2007
    Gwen, I can't remember! I think it's Tuesday and Wednesday nights on Channel 7. Tivo is great - I have the equivalent - Comcast's DVR and I tape shows all the time.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Posts: 929
    edited September 2007

    Hi Katz - Sorry, I missed your post with all the changes on these boards.  I agree about the nuptials, weird match.  Love is blind...

    Margaret - here is information on the new schedule, just in case you missed it...


  • Odalys
    Odalys Posts: 929
    edited September 2007

    Count down has begun.  We are one week away...yeah!!!!!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Posts: 929
    edited September 2007

    I hope everyone is watching.  The famous quotes from Bruno have started..."You look like a sail ship stranged on a sand bank!" hahahahah.

  • ADK
    ADK Posts: 752
    edited September 2007

    I was blown away by Sabrina, but DH says it's not fair to have her compete because she is a dancer.  I did point out to him that in the last season, Joey was an experienced dancer and he didn't win.  He also objects to the whole Disney and ABC connection.  I agree with him there - there were rumors with the first one that the soap star from ABC won unfairly.  I am rooting for Jane Seymour big time.  I would love to see an older woman win this.  I really liked Juliana's brother - he is someone to watch.

  • JustOne
    JustOne Posts: 74
    edited September 2007

    The Cheetah girl was awesome but I didn't care for that hip-hop stuff at all(and neither did LenLaughing) I really like Jenny Garth, you could tell she was so nervous, I hope she gets better. Marie Osmond ugh, she's so obnoxious...hope she's the first to go.  Oh, and I hope they keep Drew as co-host, he did great.

    Can't wait to see the guys tonight. I have my snacks ready...


  • FitChik
    FitChik Posts: 392
    edited September 2007

    I adore Sabrina and loved the touch of hip hop (but I'm a huge hip hop fan)! That said, I also like Jane Seymour. She's (supposedly) a member of the 50+ website I belong to (eons.com) and has been writing about what it's like to get ready for the show.

    And what a night coming up! The men should be very interesting.....AND then there's Boston Legal! Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!


  • Odalys
    Odalys Posts: 929
    edited September 2007

    I did not care for the hip hop cha cha mix.  It did not look like ball room dancing at all.  I think Mary Osmond will go soon too.

    Tonight I will be watching my fav Cameron Mathison.  I sure hope he can dance.   

  • Odalys
    Odalys Posts: 929
    edited September 2007

    Oh Cameron, Cameron, what were you thinking?  Maybe he will blosom into a great dancer....I hope.

    I think the model is going first.  Those judges were so cruel to her.  I noticed they tend to be more critical of the girls.  Those guys could barely dance yet the judges focused more on the what they could do...not fair.

  • ADK
    ADK Posts: 752
    edited September 2007

    Did anyone else think that Wayne Newton was the worst even badder than Josie (the model)?  I couldn't believe they gave him a higher score that the boxer.  I agree that Josie is history tonight only because Wayne will be saved as the sentimental favorite.  I think he should go  first.

  • JustOne
    JustOne Posts: 74
    edited September 2007

    I thought Floyd the boxer was good and he got a lower score than Wayne? The judges are star struck and not fair. Ole Wayne may be around for awhile. Helio is adoreable and a good dancer too! I sure hope Cameron gets better, he's so nice to look at. Did you see where he wore leg braces as a child and still has problems?

    Wayne should go tonight, but probably won't. Although, did you notice the female model pouting everytime the camera was on her? She's gone. Kiss


  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited September 2007

    Wayne has gotta go but he'll probably stick around for a while like George Hamilton did in season 2.

    Pam I agree with you about Marie Osmond Tongue out I like to see her be the first female to go.

    Sabrina danced well, I'm surprised Len did let her have it more than he did about  the hip hop stuff. I'm not sure how she's going to do/look performing the more elegant type dances.

    Jane looked very elegant, she was suited for the Fox Trot but I'm not sure how well she'll do with a dances like the Mambo, Jive, Samba Undecided 

    My favorite was Helio, he danced really well and I loved his personality.

    Odalys Sorry, I'm not diggin Cameron Wink

  • pconn03
    pconn03 Posts: 49
    edited September 2007


    I'm on the same page with you on all of the dancers!!!  The men (other than the race car driver, and the boxer) were all pretty bad.  I thought the model was the worst.

    Regarding Jane Seymour - I too thought she was so elegant doing the fox trot, but I too wonder how she'll do in those other ones.  Maybe we'll be surprised, right??  How are you doing, Mary??  "Long time, no talk."



  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Posts: 771
    edited September 2007

    Ok, my favorites are Helio and Sabrina and I thought Wayne was not better than the boxer.  I think the model is going tonight.
