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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2006

    My DH and I are 54 and the only problem he has is maintaining erections sometimes. He also has prostate problems though. He has never had a problem with the "happy ending". I'm usually the one that takes longer

  • Milica
    Milica Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2006

    Men can have erection problems as young as 48 (and younger) -- so the sparks may still be there but..........

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2006

    So the current issue of Women's Health has a fun article listing a few inexpensive sex toys. They mention the 'usual' things being marketed by the condom companies like Elexa with the condom/mini-vibrator combo and Lifestyles condoms with edible body paint. Also listed are the Oral-B Pulsar electric toothbrush to be used (smooth side only of course!) as a vibrator, a feather duster (hey, at least they found a use for one of those things!), a sleep mask, fishnet stockings and the handheld showerhead. All good ideas for the more hesitant/curious/ shy adventurer!

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2006
    OK I think I should break the silence here. I have a pitiful sex life myself but always loved hearing the posts here, gave me hope and inspiration. Please lets get back to the mojo, I am sure many feel the same way. Susan_NY
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2006
    Thank you Susan!! How are you girlfriend? I miss you!

    FINALLY I have news on my blast-from-the-past romance-in-waiting...he just left...nothing really exciting...but my first real kissing in over a year...felt great to be "spooned" also! Things were going so slow, I was very confused as to why he kept coming around and calling daily...Now I'm really looking forward to seeing him again...I think there's something here...I guess he's either nervous or whatever and God knows I'm gun shy...but I can't stop smiling...What a little spooning and a couple kisses can do! Got my mojo flowing for sure...

    Oh! I almost forgot the best part...he brought me two beautiful ever-blooming begonia which is spectacular and another great one with tiny yellow flowers...that really blew me away!

    I'll try to spice things up next time we're together for all of your sakes, God help me...Wish me luck...xo
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2006
    Hey ladies, check this out!

    FORT LEE, N.J. -- A New Jersey drug company says an inhaler it's working on could be the long-sought female version of Viagra.

    Palatin Technologies of Fort Lee says it's had encouraging results in both men and women with Bremolanotide, which stimulates the brain, rather than the genitals.

    The company's director of preclinical development said it may help women who lack desire and have trouble getting aroused.

    She said it works differently from Viagra and other drugs, which increase blood flow to the genitals.

    Those drugs facililate sexual arousal, Annette Shadiack reports. "Bremolanotide initiates sexual arousal."

    So many have posted here about decreased desire since treatment so this could be awesome! Let's just hope it doesn't have any unacceptable side effects. Hmmmmm......wonder what an overdose would cause?
  • carolinakatlady
    carolinakatlady Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2006
    Hi everyone,

    Just found this thread so I have been reading from the beginning. I LOVED the story that Jlazyk wrote about her son finding her vibrater and she said it was a new dog toy. Hilarious. Then he said he was looking for batteries...wahhaahahahah! My hubbie got up one night and stole the batteies from my daughters cd player. I was horrified. He said we'll get her some more tomorrow. Don't think only people with problems use toys. My husband and I have been using them since we were in our 20s just because they are fun. We have so many that it is often hard to find the one you want in the bottom of the drawer. My daughter came out with something one day that I won't describe. She was about 6 I think. I told her it was a back massager. She said really, that's what grandma uses that for! My husband and I laughed about it for years. When my mil died from cancer one of the girls found hers as she was cleaning out drawers. It was passed on to the newly divorced sister as a joke. No one knows what ever happened to that thing after that....

    When ever we go somewhere on vacation, we like to check out the shops. What I'm saying is get some toys, girls! Those places have way better lubes than ky too.

    Anyway, why I'm here...I have never really had a problem with loss of desire. I am just so tired all the time. I work, get rads, go home and sleep. Then the hot flashes started. I swear I am going to have to get a bigger bed. I don't want any body closer than a yard away. We are getting ready to celebrate 20 years so I guess I will have to sweat it out. He has something big planned I think. Any suggestions?

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2006
    Anne....Not sure what sort of suggestions you need. Do you want to avoid the anniversary sex or just endure it? You can always suggest doggie style and just sleep through it
  • shirlr
    shirlr Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2006

    I've been following bremolanotide, too. Someone on a discussion board I post on concerning female sexual dysfunction said that this drug is just in the beginning of clinical trials - it could be years before it is FDA approved. It is actually further along in trials on men - as usual, it is primarily being developed as a drug for men. If anyone has any updated info on this, I'd like to know.

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited May 2006

    That site was sooooo good, just sent it on to my mom for a good laugh~!!~!

  • carolinakatlady
    carolinakatlady Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2006

    EXCELLENT IDEA for the sleeping part. I also wonder about the sweating part. Maybe some baby powder? LOL.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2006

    anne...........morning for me, then you've had some fun, broken the tension, done the deed, blown the steam off etc! and you can actually enjoy the occaison without the added pressure!.........its actually quite liberating, and enjoyable lol!

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2006
    Well, speaking of sweating during sex, I thought of the hot flash dilemna (are you listening katlady?) when read a ridiculous article in (I think) Cosmo that suggested various 'exciting' new places to have sex. Of all far-out ideas, it encourages the reader to sit down in front of an open refrigerator and do it. I am soooooooo not kidding!!! Then again, if the flash is bad enough and the urge is strong......
    (And I thought doing it hanging from a chin-up bar-- yep, did that recently, y'all --was outrageous!)
  • carolinakatlady
    carolinakatlady Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2006
    Now, the refrigerator gives me an idea. I could prop open the lid on the deep freeze, move over the corn and green beans.....LOL,

    Shel, morning...great idea, I don't flash as much then. However, by the time he woke me up, he would be "out of the mood". I can hardly roll out of the sack to pee on time these days. Weekends though, I sleep late, usually, and feel great....hmmmm.... tomorrows Saturday.... long weekend lATER GIRLS!
  • carolinakatlady
    carolinakatlady Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2006
    Not hanging upside down, I hope?
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2006

    nah anne they're always in the mood!.........that fidge/freezer thing is going to come in handy though........lord have mercy.......any human contact sets my hotflashes into a frenzy! mike and i laughed the other day.........i said "well ok, but you might just slide right off"........don't know how to post little faces, but if i did mine would be a "blushing" one lololol!

  • carolinakatlady
    carolinakatlady Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2006
    You are so funny Shel. If you click on "Reply" the faces are there. just click on the one you want.
    The ones at the bottom actually go in the post.

  • Biscotti
    Biscotti Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2006
    The refrigerator is don't have to go far to get the ice cream afterwards....mmmmmm ice cream...almost as good as sex...and a MUST afterward
  • BethNY
    BethNY Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2008
    MOJO girls, I met someone.... I will tell all later...
    BUT... doooo doooo doooooo, be on the lookout for many mojo tales to come.
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2006
    Oh, Beth, DO TELL! I'm in limbo mode as I no longer work in the same store as my young man and I've been working a lot of overtime and he's been very busy himself! If I can't do it I'm more than happy to read about it!

    Janis L
  • MattsMom
    MattsMom Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2006

    I've been sweating this for the last week. :-) I decided it was time to go through clothing my son has outgrown, and give items away. Over the last few weeks, I've placed shirts, pants and pajamas in a folded pile until I could find a box big enough to hold everything. I found a box, and for some reason, (I have no idea how it got there) the instructions for my eroscillator were in the bottom of the box. I kept thinking "I need to remove that." :-S Last week, before leaving for my son's preschool at our church, I packed the box and loaded it in the car, forgetting completely about the eroscillator instructions. I took the box inside, but couldn't find the donation lady, so I left the box on the floor of the preschool office. After coming home, it hit me. Whoever opened my donation box, would see that I have an eroscillator. lol I haven't claimed my donation yet. I'll probably never claim it now. lol

  • Liezel
    Liezel Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2006
    Hi Ladies! I admire all of you for being so open and easy about this subject. I need your help today! I have serious problems in this regard. I lost my Mojo about 3 years ago after I fell pregnant with my son. I battled with thrush throughout the pregnancy and after the birth I was tired all the time. Little did I know then that it was a symptom of bc. This thing has been growing inside me for about 5 years they said, and I felt it for the first time after my son was born. Blocked milk duct they told me. Anyway, I had a right mast in Sep05, followed by 4 x FEC, 4 x Taxotere, Excission of Axilla, finished 28 rads waiting to start 8 boosts. Needless to say, my Mojo headed for the hills! Our relationship has really taken strain. I have been trying to keep DH happy, but I failed. Anyway - Chemo pause did not last long, and for the last 2 weeks, my Mojo has been stirring. The problem now is that DH has got no idea what foreplay is and is not interested in showing me a good time. I guess I can not blame him. I have not expected that of him for the last few years.

    Last night I tried to discuss this in a NICE way with him. Using words like I appreciate it when you do this and really enjoy that. I am still shocked by the reaction I got. He basically told me that unless I give him what he wants, he is not going to do anything for me. I asked him what it is that he wants (I thought it was a BJ - he is obsessed with that - I hate it). He denied this but still could not tell me what he wants. Anyway, now he is not talking to me.

    Our love life has never been great. We met when we were both 31. I was married before, and has always had great sex life, but he has been a bachelor and while not a virgin, he has only had 1 long term partner, but he has not been with anyone for about 2 years before he met me. The initial attraction was great, and I kept thinking the technique will get better. It got worse.

    I am shocked, but I am starting to realise that he is one of those men who thinks that sex is all about them and their pleasure. And that women should be thankful for the male member and that that is all a women needs.

    My first husband was the first man I slept with, and we discovered the joys together, and were very adventurous throughout our 11 year relationship. And now this. My DH has a very fragile ego, and want to forget about the fact that I was married before. So he is not very open to coaching in this regard. And like I discovered last night, definitely not open to even talk about it.

    What is a girl to do?! For the first time in years I am starting to feel like my old self, and will now have to surpress that. My DH is a very good father, and I like him as a person. Sure, he is not very affectionate, but my day to day life is not that bad. I guess I can ignore all of this and just carry on, but I got divorced because I wanted a complete life and really don't want to settle.

    Sorry for rambling. I am just so tired after last night (could not sleep afterwards), and this board has been a great help until now. Forgive me if there is too much detail - it was good to vent....
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2006
    Hey y'all! Glad the fridge idea appealed to so many! As for the chin-up bar, I was definitely not upside down, but that could be interesting.... Can't wait to hear about Beth's new man-toy and loved the box story!
    Liezel...Sounds like your DH needs an education. Once you are convinced that you totally deserve the sex you need, you may feel confident enough to talk to him more about it. Or maybe if you both watch some soft porn together and point out what you like and ask him if he likes some of the things portrayed...? Some people don't 'believe in' watching porn, but I say...WHATEVER HELPS!
  • shirlr
    shirlr Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2006
    Liezel - I highly recommend you place a post on a website sponsored by Dr. Laura Berman, an expert in women's sexual problems. Men and women post here with questions and problems. I am a regular poster there and have received lots of help after I began to experience chemopause-related sexual problems. I've seen many posts from women going through the same thing you're going through with your husband who didn't have cancer.

    You'll get lots of help here

    Put a post on the Women's Sexual Health board. I promise you'll get helpful suggestions and support.

    Good luck! Don't give up!
  • stacey2930
    stacey2930 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2006

    I started Wellbutrin about 2 weeks ago and ladies let me tell you it has made my libido go through the roof! I had the best sex I have had in a long time! You may want to give it a try.

  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476
    edited May 2006
    Beth - WTF? Spill the beans!

  • Liezel
    Liezel Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2006
    Thank you Shirley, I'll definitely give it a try!

  • carolinakatlady
    carolinakatlady Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2006
    Hellow girls, still tired and ignoring the hot flashes. Until recently it had been quite a whilel since ...ya know. Now it doesnt take nearly as long. Thank God oor I would be sleeping in a puuddle of sweat. I am so thankful for the toys and that my DH know where and how to use them. Maybe one day we will get back to the long sessions but for now the quickies are quite satisfying.

  • shirlr
    shirlr Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2006
    My husband and I have reservations for this Friday and Saturday night at a wonderful hotel for a romantic weekend!

    I need maximum "MOJO"! Anyone got any suggestions for toys, lingerie, CDs, bath products, etc., to make this weekend more special?

    Thanks for any suggestions! I need all the help I can get these days!
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited June 2006
    Shirley...It's too late to order toys, etc., so why don't you visit a 'nice' sex shop and see what they have. Lots of interesting lingerie, for sure. And maybe your husband likes you in heels (and only lingerie)? I don't get the shoe thing that men have (like doing it totally naked except for stilettos ), but whatever works! I would also recommend a lube that either heats up with friction/contact or is flavored (or both!) or maybe even a nicely scented massage oil and a book on sensual massage to give you directions and ideas. There's even a "Sensual Massage for Dummies' that you might could find in Barnes & Nobles. For the bath, what more do you need besides bubbles (beware of irritating ones...don't want a vaginal infection on your romantic weekend!), champagne/wine, music and, um, truffles! If y'all like body painting, btw, the sex store will have edible stuff. Finally, some good jazz CDs would be very 'in the mood.' I love 'doing it' to Van Morrison....very hot!

    Have a 'ball'