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  • shirlr
    shirlr Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2006

    Okay, I'm ordering the Magic Wand. Film at 11.

  • BethNY
    BethNY Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2008
    YOU GO MENA!!!!
    I've been so absent from the mojo thread, maybe because I'm getting it, or having the options.
    I'll be thinking of you gals as I mojo myself to go see an old flame out of town tomorrow until the weekend...
    I always said life was better with options.
    These new boobs of mine sure are worth every dollar!!!
    love to all
  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited April 2006
    Hiya Mena!!!

    You certainly deserve happiness and you deserve to be given attention by an old flame who definitely put some energy into finding you again. I think that it is nice for you to be distracted away from the anger that you feel for the ex-hubby.

    ENJOY Mena!!!!!!

    Peace and Hugs,

  • ruths2
    ruths2 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2006
    I got my magic wand last Friday. All week people have been telling me I look so relaxed. Hmmmmmm.

    Between the Estring and the wand, all is finally working again!!! Yippee!!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2006
    Hey there all you horn dogs!

    Mena-I'm so happy that you have found someone! One of my big fears is finding myself alone in the world. I told my DH that if anything ever happened to him, I would probably become the crazy cat lady of the neighborhood. Yikes!!! I have some real issues with the way my body looks since bc took over my life. I am not happy with my new boobs. I need some "fine-tuning", which will hopefully be done in the fall. My ps has me so scared of infection, that I want to wait until summer is over.

    My DH and I have always had a phenomenal sex life, although with treatment, sex for sure isn't what it used to be. I have a lot of burning pain with sex and the big "O" is tougher to find. I am using KY moisturizing gel with vit.E and then KY lube before sex. Good Lord, you'd think I would be drenched !

    One thing I have found that works pretty well for me is (and I hope this isn't too much info) using a vibrator during intercourse. It helps me get around the burning and everyone has a "Happy Ending" . Hubby has no problem with this. I am a huge fan of erotic power tools!

    I have been with DH since we were 14 yrs. old. OMG! Did I say that out loud? Seriously, if anything were to happen to him, I don't know what I'd do. Like I said, between the fake boobs, weight-gain and all the apparatus required to have sex..........Yikes!!!!!

    I am lucky that I can still get things to work most of the time, but it would be nice to have things back the way they used to be. And to all of you gals out there finding new and exciting men, YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

    Hugs to all,
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2006
    Bumping this up for Ter!

    I have to say that my eroscillator works well enough for me! I have yet to use it during intercourse but I do not think my young man would mind. I have a good friend who uses a vibrator with her husb and she's never been through this (BC/menopause) so it's not only "us" who uses these things.

    Janis L
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2006

    oh hell, its not just best friend used to have me on the floor and beet red laughing with her "vibrator stories"...........she's young and vibrant and BC free but she (and fiance) seem to love that thing! it used to embarass i want "tmi"!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2006
    Yikes! First time I've been to this thread. I myself have lost all desire for sex since I was diagnosed. And thats all Im gonna say - have a hard time knowing there is a man in this group reading what we say lol.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2006
    I have no problem with anyone, male or female, reading about my sexual problems caused by BC. If a man can get a better understanding of what we're going through then it's for the betterment of all. Again, JMO....

    Oh, and while my schedule and my young man's schedule haven't meshed lately I do expect to see him this Thursday! I see him at work almost every day but it's our private time that gets me through my week!

    Nickii, my true desire is gone, too, but there's no way in hell that I'm going to give in to that. I used to be horny 24/7 and now I really never feel horny but I like my young man and he does excite me and while my body doesn't respond like it used to it does respond so while I have to psych myself up now sex is definitely something I want to keep in my life.

    Janis L
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2006
    I have been going back over this thread a little and I only want to know two things....Who is Oilman and why is he posting on this site? Not that there's anything wrong with that . I am just a little curious as to why he is here. All I have to say is, I'm glad this is anonymous
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 47
    edited April 2006
    Oilman is history!
  • Lynne
    Lynne Member Posts: 368
    edited April 2006
    I too have no desire at all since I had a complete hysterectomy (was premenopausal before) in Dec. My husband is being understanding, but I want to make him happy. I've given in 3 times because I felt so guilty. I want to have my desire back though. We've been together since high school (27yrs ago, married 23, I'm 44, he's 42), and I want to make him happy too.

    My gyn said to get Sensuality from GNC. I went in there last week and they didn't have it, said they don't carry it. I need to know if anyone else's drs have suggested any herbal remedies? I know that the oncologist doesn't want me to take certain herbs.

    Any suggestions would be wonderful!

  • jlazyk
    jlazyk Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2006
    I just had to share this funny.

    When my son was 7 he found my vibrator in my top underwear drawer. He comes walking in the living room and asks me what it was. I told him it was a toy for our dog that I bought her for Christmas and forgot to give to her (okay okay I was under the gun). So he wants to give it to her and I told him we should wait for a special occasion. (If you can believe it I think he bought this story). Then I asked what he was doing in my underwear drawer, because I had it buried deep. He said "Well Mom I needed batteries!" If that kid takes my last batteries when I need them there is going to hell to pay!!!!!

  • Yazmin
    Yazmin Member Posts: 218
    edited April 2006

    It's sooo much fun reading you all. I love it.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2006

    Time to stock up on extra betteries - just in case!

  • roseg
    roseg Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2006
    You need a new resting place for your vibrator. Next thing you know he'll be showing it to his friends.

    I happened onto a self-charging model at CVS. It's got all these knobs at the top, and once I got it figured out it was pretty good.
  • happy2bme
    happy2bme Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2006

    I have been through my first round of chemo and am now starting round 2 , I have estrogen sensitive breast cancer so I am being put through meno-pause early. I have not lost any desire for physical contact with my spouse but he has for me . He is so afraid to touching something that may hurt . I recently had a mastectomy . Any suggetsions how I can assure hubby? I do not know how we may differ maybe we are on different meds. If you tell me more about you maybe I can tell you what I do that keeps my interest peaked . I wish you well and I wish that you return to you when treatments are over .

  • Yazmin
    Yazmin Member Posts: 218
    edited April 2006

    I think hubby just needs more time. Sometimes, sickness is harder on loved ones than it is on the patient him/herself. I don't think it depends on what medicine you are on. Hubby is probably feeling a little lost after you've been through. He will come back.
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2006

    Here's a kind of survey, ladies, for those of you who have partners/spouses over the age of, say, 40. My gf and I were discussing this yesterday and found that we have had similar experiences. Our 'older' guys, it seems, have no problem getting hard and can actually stay that way for what seems like forever. Of course there are great advantages to that in that it allows us plenty of time to be pleasured but we have found that sometimes it can go on REALLY forever and the guy never actually has an orgasm! At this point, in both of our experiences, the guy will finally just quietly give up (once we're satisfied of course) and, if questioned, will swear that he's fine with it, completely fine and no problem, blah, blah, blah. Having read about this type of event as a form of erectile dysfunction that is fairly common among men as the age, I wonder if any of you ladies have experienced it with your guys and how you've handled it..? I must say that, fortunately, it doesn't happen for us all that much, but maybe because he's still 'only' 41..? What do you all think?

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2006

    Hi soon-to-be ex-husband does not have the option of coming back! When I threw him out it was forever. He's a pig. I filed for divorce last April and am awaiting its finality far as his feeling "lost" after all I've been through...that's bullshit...he's a spineless coward who happened upon a whore when life got really difficult...they deserve one another...I wish them many STD's and endless poverty...xo

  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476
    edited May 2006
    Marin - my BF is 48 and same story. Sometimes he just doesn't "get there" and claims all is fine. He always makes sure I get there though. Go figure...

  • luba
    luba Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2006
    hi marin, my husband of 23 years is 52 and we have never had this problem, yet. But I'll be on the look-out now. Thanks
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2006
    OMG!!! I have erectile dysfunction! I can go and go and go and never get there so sometimes I just give up!

    No, no problem with my young man.....

    But I did date a guy a few years ago (early 40's at the time) who didn't get there either and didn't seem bothered by it. I never pressed the issue but did think it was sorta weird as no one before him had acted that way.

    Some years ago I did date an older guy (he was in his 40's) and there was an occasion or two where he just gave up but, again, nothing that was a problem. This could be psychological or physical. I think it should be looked into if he's willing to see a uroligist. Could be a prostate issue.

    Janis L
  • kats
    kats Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2006

    Bumping this up for EvaGirl.

  • EvaGirl
    EvaGirl Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2006
    Hi I am sort of new to these boards and I do have a question..I havent asked my doctor this question because it is pretty personal....I was wondering how long after having a natural tissue flap reconstruction can you throw caution to the wind and enjoy the sexual experience as before?
    More specifically I was wondering how having the weight of your mate pressing on your breast would affect them.
    I am 10 weeks out from s-gap surgery and so far we have been very careful..but this seems pretty unnatural.
    My Dh and I have gone to a lot of stuff to get these babies and we dont want to hurt them! ha!
    Please I would love to have comments and your thoughts on this subject...
    Thanks a lot.

    Oh and by the way....I got my MOJO back right away !!!6 weeks post op.....oh yeah! ;-)


    P.S. I would also like to know the steps to inject a picture in my posts like all you other COOL ladies!

    Whew!!! After reading some of the back posts on here...Maybe my MOJO could be improved upon too!!!!!ha!
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2006

    I'm definitely thinking that this is an older guy issue. It's only happened to my current man twice (in 8 months), but the earlier one (49 yrs old) had it happen about 1/4 of the time. I had never experienced this since my 2 guys before these 40-somethings were 27 and 33....TOTALLY no problem with them! Maybe I should go back to 'robbing the cradle'?

  • 34a
    34a Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2006
    EvaGirl, I just sent you a PM about how to put a picture in your posts. PM back if you have any problems with my directions.
  • EvaGirl
    EvaGirl Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2006
    Hi 34A

    Thanks for the instructions...I did it...

    See ME.........!!!!
  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476
    edited May 2006
    I don't know what to think, and don't have much to compare to. My ex after 20 years of marriage, (divorce final 4/05) had no sexual interest in me for several years before I finally left his ass.

    When I left he was 46, I was 41. Only BF I have had since then is 48 and the sex is AWESOME (at least for me)and he says it is for him too, but when he doesn't "get there" it makes me wonder if things are starting to wane between us or, is this just the natural progression of a relationship?

    He has been under extreme stress from his job lately, and I know that can play a big part in how a man performs sexually.

    I miss those moments when, upon the mere sight of the other, we were practically tearing off each others clothes. WooHoo!

    Okay - I admit I live in a fanstasy world sometimes...but all the people there know me, so I feel comfortable.

  • sherryhaire
    sherryhaire Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2006

    This is certainly what I have experienced with my bf we have been together for 4 years now and he can get aroused easily but either takes forever to have an orgasm or it just doesn't happen. I used to feel like I was doing something wrong or just didn't know what I was doing but he says all is ok