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  • agent9d9
    agent9d9 Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2006

    I used to feel that if this happened predominantly to men, it'd be cured. But men with prostate cancer get screwed (so to speak) sexually as well, and no one has been able to fix that yet.

  • mkurtzman
    mkurtzman Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2006

    ha ha sam53 I can not keep my id well hid

  • sam52
    sam52 Member Posts: 431
    edited October 2006
    *Janis - like Lauri said...I was referring to the physical side of things,NOT to the 'mental' aspect of libido.

    I was already dx with 'vaginal atrophy' while on tamoxifen; I
    remember I had a smear test which was unbelievably painful - testimony to the shrinkage and dryness.After 2.5 years I switched to aromasin, which is likely to have made things worse.

    Then I started a new relationship, after years of no sex.....I had libido a-plenty, but was quite scared about penetration. The first time was a bit uncomfortable, but I was so well lubricated by oral stimulation first, that it was ok.After that, it became more and more comfortable on each occasion.We can go all night long now and I do not have any pain whatsoever.
    So 'use it or lose it' really seems to be true.

    mk.....don't make me a year older, perleeze!

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited October 2006
    Just gotta chime in here. When I was diagnosed, I was enjoying a terrific sex life and, after reading here about what could happen, I decided to try to keep up the wild sex throughout treatment, if I could. I was fortunate and to this day, have never experienced any dryness or atrophy. I've been post-menopausal forever and on Aromasin for a year now. I really believe the 'use it or lose it' theory and plan to keep using it. For those of you who are without a partner (whether temporarily or longer) I still say its about keeping the 'plumbing' in good working order and well-lubricated, however you can accomplish that. Also, I swear by my fish oil supplements - take 2,000 mg/day. Works for me!
  • imper
    imper Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2006

    I completely lost interest in sex during my chemo and rads. Just couldn't stand the thought of being touched anywhere. Then, about 6 months after the end of tx, I got involved with a very sweet, sexy man who helped me bring back my libido--with a vengence!! Well, last night, after a year of mind-blowing sex, we split up. Our reasons are good, and I'm confident we'll stay friends, but now what do I do for the old mojo? I have a rabbit, but it just isn't the same...

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited October 2006

    Hey caffeinatedlady, I just broke up with one-year guy too and am feeling very free, excited and, well, horny. You're right about the toys, though I find the Hitachi Magic Wand (with attachment) better than any rabbit. Anyway, several women here have recommendeed checking out some online hook-up sites. PM me if you want more info or chat on the subject.

  • agent9d9
    agent9d9 Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2006

    I went to the doctor about my mojo on Friday. I've been on Celexa and I think that might partially what's knocked it right out of me. She suggested changing the estring monthly rather than every 3 months. I'm also going to attempt to switch from Celexa to Wellbutrin. Hopefully that will give me the interest, and having some interest will help a LOT.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited October 2006

    Anyway, several women here have recommendeed checking out some online hook-up sites. PM me if you want more info or chat on the subject.

    I swear by AFF! I could have more than I've had but I'm way too selective. Had a lot of fun Friday night though!
  • agent9d9
    agent9d9 Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2006


  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited October 2006
    Janis...I gotta admire you for putting yourself out there. AFF is the site I mentioned earlier in this thread where I got alot of messages from guys and it scared the crap outta me. One guy was wrote stuff like 'You got to be able to take my 9 inches and not get sore after an hour' OMG! And the photos...geez...I'm not so surprised with all the penis pics, but the women.....WHOA! And I thought I was way liberated! Anyway, maybe its a local thing (these home boys in the South?)..? I found a few other sites though and hearing of your experience, I'm encouraged. Keep it up, girl
  • Claiire
    Claiire Member Posts: 60
    edited November 2006

    They will probably have a lot left... Adam and Eve actually had a toy section set up of PINK toys. 25% of the profit goes to breast cancer research....

    That was the one product I purchased specifically because of that! Once it has been delivered and tested, I'll give you a product review!

    Not posting much, work is killing me.. but my Mojo is rolling right along!

    I second and third AFF, and several other "adult dating sites" My friends are teasing me about my "stable" of men!

    Thank goodness October is over!

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited November 2006
    Claiire and Janis...I've PM'd you. Please help me get with these sites...I am SOOOOOO ready!!!!!
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited November 2006
    Go Marin! I have date #3 with a nice, normal (so far anyway) guy I met on AFF. Thai food and then.....
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited November 2006

    Hi ladies...just a bump for Mary...Mena...xo

  • mags
    mags Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2006
    Hi ladies, mojo is slipping and i've only got another 8 pages of reading. I will post some more when I've finished it.
  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2006

    Ladies there are good guys on AFF and others.I met mine online..and had dated a few before him...theres also alot of idiots but lots of them on the streets

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006


  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    MOJO what's that...anyway
    just got my MORE magazine they had an article on how to keepthe fires going..not bad reading if anyone is interested...FYI DH hve been together for over 33 anything is greatly
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Purplemb - DH and I have been together for 36 years. All you really need is a vibrating buddy, lots of KY and lots of practice! If you give the old vagina too much rest, it will start to shrink on you. It gets better. I promise!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    Jan thanks ,,,I've been working on and so has DH...
    good to know its not just
  • harvey
    harvey Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2006
    Me - i'm glad my mojo went up and left, what would I do with it any way. Hubby thinks he might catch cancer - he has never ever touchted my hand since he saw the lump.
    Loads of people live happy with out sex - I aim to be one of them.

    have fun doing what ever - just be careful because I cant afford a pram. LOL . ( old scottish joke)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    I have a great dh. He has been supportive and stood by me through many things. He's great in every way but one. He'd had a few beers a couple of years ago and we had an intimate talk & he told me he didn't have sex with fat women. I said that was alright I didn't have sex with ugly men. But what he said cut to the bone. I had gained alot of weight, not as much as now. And it was before bc. We haven't had sex since 2/13/05. We love each other, but things have changed. I'm still the same person, fat or thin. I have alot of resentment but keep it under wraps because he is reallly a good man, other than that. I guess he thought that would make me lose weight but it did just the opposite. So it's good my drive is in idle.

    Cheri M.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    OK, I am going to confess to something. I have passed over this thread a hundred times...'cos I thought it was about giving up COFFEE!! Gee, is my face red! That's what I thought MOJO was. I have never heard sex referred to as that before. I was bored so I thought I'd browse through the thread, tee hee. I didn't mention it in my first reply because I was afraid I'd lose my post. Golly gee, I AM from the Ozarks, aren't I?

    Laughing out loud,
  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited December 2006
    Hey, Cheri, don't feel bad, I had to learn what MOJO meant too.
    As far as no sex---I've not had any since 2001 and before that it was about 1xyr when we'd been to a party with booze and dancing. He'd just not been all that interested our whole married life even at the beginning.
    I thought it was me---my counselor said it was HIS depression. I believe that.
    That's why I'm grateful that he goes to bed early, sleeps deeply, and that they make soft porn movies on cable and I have some toys with electric cords! Learned to appreciate those things decades ago! Hey, even at 63 and all the weight gain, I'm still a normal woman, married to a good man who just didn't get the right amount of testerone or antidepressants.
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited December 2006
    Oh Dotti...I just LOVE you! You made me laugh out loud and if I'd have been trying to swallow my coffee (aka 'cup-o-joe' ), I'd have lost it! You just might be the essence of the woman full of MOJO You go, girl!!!!

    (BTW, I believe that 'mojo' actually refers to a magical type of spirit within or something along those lines...)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Ya know, I felt so bad because I still drink coffee & tea. I was thinking,"wow there's so many women out there trying to drink & eat right" Until I read it. LOL
    Dottie, you always put a little different spin on things!

    Best Wishes
  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited December 2006
    Oh and Dotti...I'm with you on the soft porn. Every guy I date has the hard core collection and I just, well, ya know - grin & bare it But I'll take the sensuous, juicy stuff anytime! Got a special treat a few nights ago when I caught 'Wild Orchid' (Mickey Rourke, Jackie Bisset and that nymphetta)....totally hot! Next time I'll record it for repeated playback!
  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited December 2006
    One of my favs is something Palmetto something with the guy who played in Cheers as the dumb bar keep guy.
    It has one of the sexiest --- when she grabs onto the blinds at the window--wow.
    I like the black Orchid, too. Unfortunately, we have a DVD player and no way to record.
    Keep on grinning and "bare-ing" it.
  • tinkermax
    tinkermax Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2006

    Did you ever see 9 1/2 weeks with Mickey Rourke and Kim Bassinger?

    Very sexy movie!!!!!

  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited December 2006
    tink....After seeing Wild Orchid, I'm totally renting 9 1/2 weeks...thanks for reminding me about that one. I never thought Mickey Rourke was especially hot until now...OMG! I'll have to research your Palmetto-something one too, Dotti. Wow, this might be better viewing than Grey's Anatomy