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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011
    Tink - Change of plans - worked outside in my gardens all day and I am exhausted.  By tired butt is sitting in my favorite chair right now.
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Jo---Sat outside in your garden?!?!?!?!?!? Can you hear the envy? Ah well...most of the snow is gone and the sun was still in the sky at 5:$5 pm so nothing to complain about, hmm?

    Sunangel- You are more than welcome. Hope the week runs smoothly for you....nothing worse than anniversary dates to trigger other things...go gently, hmm?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    ECG-I was so nauseated my MO took me off of tammi for three days, gave me reglan for 4 days and then I went back on tammi.  I started back again on Sunday and he also put me on 1 prilosec 2 times a day.  So far so good, no nausea.  Mine was so bad all I could do was lay flat on my back.

    Sunangel hope you have a better day tomorrow.  Hate those sucky days.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    Oh Yummmmmmm. Thank you Thank you.

  • JoanDavies
    JoanDavies Member Posts: 80
    edited February 2011

    I am curious... how is Tamoxifen effective if you are going off and on it? I'm seeing that some of you girls have to stop taking it for brief or longer periods of time, for whatever reason, and then get back on it. Just how effective can if be if you stop and then start again?

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    Sandee and Sherry.........thank you so much......... I didn't sleep last night but about 3 hours......I don't know what is going on with that.....  Gonna be a long day at work, but I will make it!! :)

    Hope everyone's day is good

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    SherryC/Sunangel27 Gosh ladies here is to hoping both you ladies make it through this and the symptoms both are very strong, not sure if I could have made it through this far along with symptoms like yours!  Hang in there......

    Jo what's for breakfast?

    Tink I hope you are having a better day by the time you read this....thinking of you!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    June - Hum! Let's see what I can come up with.

    How does this look?  Pretty yummy to me.

    You girls are soooo spoiled.  Love it! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Joan-it takes quite a while for tami to get completely out of your system so I guess with a short break it just gives your body alittle of a break but the tammi is still there.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    JUNE Thanks I am going to try and make it a better day today, yesterday was horrible, figure I can only go up from there lol! exercising, showering and then headed out to run some errands. hugs!

    JO.That look delicious... hhmmm how do you feel about Italian food for dinner tonight ?? lol Smile

    SUNANGEL.So sorry to hear it wasnt a good nights sleep. Hope works goes quick for you and tonights better :)

    JOANDAVIS..I believe that Tam has a long half life I think I read 7 days for it to get through your system so maybe that has something to do with it, I think stoppping fr a short period of time is ok because of the long half life and most cancers dont ususally grow in a matter of a couple of week.

    SHERRY.Glad to hera your nausea is better yeah!!!

    see you ladies later have a good day!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Sunangle I tried a sleeping pill last night hopeing to sleep through my 4 oclock hot flash wake up call.  No such luck.  I made it until 4:30

  • Resting
    Resting Member Posts: 117
    edited February 2011

     Tinkertude and Sandee...

            Sorry I did not post the article link correctly. Try going to BCO treatment and side effects - then to research news on surgery. The article is Sentinel Node Dissection Poses No Breast CA Survival Hazard. It's to late for me - already had the surgery -  and I can sympathize with you all on the discomfort relating to your surgery. I have numbness down part of my back arm and when I over use that arm it gets sore, even under the breast and on my side under my arm. I have asked the radiation onco about it and he told me to take 1000 units of vit E and keep on doing stretching exercises. I wonder if the under-wire bra I wear is not part of the problem. When I'm home and not wearing one I usually have little to no soreness. Thankfully no LE but then I'm always wondering......

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    TINK - I love Italian food.  Any special request?  Spaghetti, ravioli, lasagne, what?  I will try and meet any and all special requests.  It may be a late dinner.  I have a function to attend right after work and don't know when I will be home.


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    JO..I had my first real laugh out loud moment  in days  when I saw the pic of Tink I loooove it !!!! I soo needed that ! I love all Italian food, so you can pick it, I am sure I will love it... enjoy your function, hopes its fun! Smile

    Tinkertude at her best! lol

  • Linda_M
    Linda_M Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2011

    Ladies, I feel once again fraudulent for being here, but...  all of you have been through so much and are now on Tamoxifen.  I've had 3 surgeries and finally have results.  My pathology was clear so no cancer, but I'm pretty high risk I guess and I'm to start Tamoxifen as a preventative.  I have mixed emotion about it.  I will be monitored every 6 months with mammogram but they still want me to do this.  After reading all your stories (I've been lurking in this thread quite a while), I just wonder.  Honestly, I know me, and I always feel it is better to be safe than sorry, but I am scared nonetheless to join this train of yours.  Bless all of you--you are some of the toughest people I've ever seen.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Tink -  I found that picture and thought it was so perfect.  I couldn't help myself, I had to post it.  So glad you have a good sense of humor.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Linda-don't be scared if the Dr's want you to take it. I have had SE but have been working thorugh it and i can say the SE are better than having cancer again. I really don't know that I am that strong, we just all do what we have to do to get through and deal with this beast that we have had.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    LINDA..We are tough and so are you!!! You can do this We ALL have our moments when we are scared and cry and break down, that was me yesterday, but its ok to be scared, I love the quote that says "courage is not not being afraid, but being afraid and moving forward anyway"..It sounds like you have been through alot as well with 3 surgeries under your belt. I agree though it is better to be safe than sorry. If you decide to jump on the train, we will be here to support you all through the ride. I truley am in a very different place than when I first joined, these ladies are amazing and I consider them friends now!!!! so welcome aboard when you decide!!!

    JO..Absolutley,with a avatar named Tinkertude how can I not?? lol... you rock!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Yesterday I had a pitty party but today I am much better.  I was on the phone with the RO nurse about my dad and I just starting crying.  Think I shocked her because I never cried to her when I was going through rads.  Good thing one of my best friends was doing some volunteer work in my office because I really needed her.  She reminded me it was OK to feel all these emotions.  She said that I have not even had time to really process my own cancer and now I am having to deal with my Dad's cancer.  But today has been a much better day.  Seems like between me and my Dad I am always talking to Dr's.  Would like to get rid of a few.  Not because I don't like them I am just tired of it all.

  • Exodus
    Exodus Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2011

    Linda_M - You are NOT fraudulent.  You don't have to be a cancer survivor to join in.  Personally I think it is awesome to be pro-active to prevent getting cancer and that you should do all that you can towards prevention.  I've had it, I don't like and I can't undo it.

    Yesterday morning a thought (fleeting but nonetheless a thought) popped into my head. "Why is it women are so quick to take birth control pills to prevent something with the possibility of increasing their chance of breast cancer and hesitant to take a pill to help prevent an awful disease?"  Is it because in our youth we figured it couldn't happen to us?

    Honey you are singing to the choir.  I was fearful of the SE's but I was more worried about a recurrence even though my Oncotype score was low.  Remember the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." 

     Fear is normal so dont' beat yourself up about it. 

    Jo thanks for all the treats.  Tink, ECG, Sandee. Sherry, June and all of the rest of you - just dropping in to say hello. 

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362
    edited February 2011

    I know for me, the fear is definitely the fact that I have been in fight mode for almost a year now and I am so so so so tired of this. 

    I think having gone thru surgery, (where evetything was supposed to be clean and clear), adding 6 sessions of dose dense nasty chemo, followed by 25 "hot" rads, now adding several years of a wicked pill is like close to overkill for me.  I say ENOUGH!
    sorry, just venting,
    PS  I have not yet filled my prescription 
  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    Sherryc how awful for you!  I had no idea about your Dad, where did I miss that?  My heart goes out to you as you have a been through a ton and you have every right to break down and cry, especially with good friends.....please stay strong and know we are all thinking about are on strong woman.....

    Jo thanks for supporting all my needs, breakfast was fantastic!!

    Exodus I do believe we should all say that daily "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!"

    How are you Tink?

  • Pennythoughts
    Pennythoughts Member Posts: 36
    edited February 2011

    Hello lovely ladies,

    After my day in the ER on Monday, I have now been to two more ultrasounds.  They confirmed a very large ovarian complex cyst (larger than first thought) and I am being sent to a gyne for a biopsy of the cyst.  They also confirmed unknown cyst/tumor on my liver so I'm still not sure what is to be done about that, but the radiologist recommended I be checked for metastatic liver disease.  How do they do that????

    I am also scheduled for a colonoscopy to find out what the thing is in my colon.  Sheesh . . . it never rains, it pours!  I can hardly believe any of this.  I am 3 weeks out from rads and never dreamed the whole nightmare might start again, but with different issues!  Will keep you all posted.  Other than the ovary pain, I feel fine.  It's the emotions and the mind that get me . . . I know you all know what I'm talking about. 

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    SHERRYC I am so sorry about your dad. I had no idea, sometimes it just seems like it just keeps comimg.. hugs to you ! Its ok to not always be strong, you have been through so much yourself. please keep us posted.

    Penny.So sorry you are going through more medical issues. Please keep us posted and let us know how all your tests go.

    JUNE...I feel better today thanks for checking on me :) ran some errands got out a bit and felt better

    EXODUS..hello to you too, Smile

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2011

     This train is smokin!  Reminds me of the train in Back to the Future it goes so fast!

    Penny - scary time I know!  Keep in mind scans are so sensitive, many times they pick up nothing more than 'incidental findings.'  I had appendicitis last summer but did not have the typical symptoms so the gastroenterologist ordered a CT scan.  Sure enough it was appendicitis - but the CT also saw small gall stones & unknown spots on adrenal glands.  That freaked me out more than the appendicitis.  So then I had to get an MRI next and everything turned out to be harmless.  The doctor called them 'incidental findings' & said that's the downside of new technology - it picks up every little thing but once it's seen you need to check them out.   Hoping that's all it is with your liver!

    Tink - glad you're feeling better.

    Linda - that's great your doc is being so proactive.  I hear more and more about women taking preventive meds.  Wish I had!!!!!   And you'll find me in the wimp car.  Only thing that got me through was someone said you don't have to be brave, you just have to show up.

    Tekla - just think though - you're over the biggest hurdles now!

    Sherry - no matter how old we get we are still 'daddy's girl' aren't we?  You BOTH will kick this.

    Jo - how about swordfish with mango salsa over the weekend?

    Hugs to everyone!  Gotta go fix dinner.  Good thing pictures of what I make aren't posted.  Gourmet dishes this week included sloppy joes with ground turkey breast.  Tonight  BBQ chic breasts.  And endless brussel sprouts.  I like Jo's virtual dinners much better :)

  • Exodus
    Exodus Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2011

    Sherryc - hang in there lady.  Never feel bad about feeling, showing emotion.  You are so entitled.  You would have to be a robot not to overwhelmed with all you are dealing with. 

    Penny - I had kinda forgotten what it felt like to be in limbo while waiting on results.  I got a reminder this week.  It is not a comfortable place to be.  Don't know if it is comforting or not, but I too have an ovarian cyst.  My gyn ordered a blood test for the presence of the protein CA 125.  If it was elevated then she said she would "take possession of my ovaries."  The test did come back normal so now it is a matter of monitor it for any changes.  I honestly can't fathom dealing with so many medical issues/tests at one time.  You are amazing.

    The surgeon who performed my BMX was already following the new protocol and only removed the sentinel node plus 1.  He had the pathologist check the dissected nodes while I was still on the table so he would know if he needed to remove additional nodes. 

    I have been so blessed throughout this journey.  Wish I wasn't on the journey but I cannot complain.  There are so many amazing women throughout who have endure so much. is a link to an article about Noreen Fraser, television producer living with Stage IV breast cancer who is credited with starting Stand Up to Cancer and raising $100 million dollars for research.  What a wonderful thing to do!

    June, hope warm weather is headed your way.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Sunangel- you are most are a tough will be ok (just keep repeating that! helps to look in the mirror or imagine one when you say it:)

    Tinkertude- Sorry you had a lousy will be better (or tonight, depending on your time frame from Nova Scotia time)

    ECT- thanks for the info about the article and vitamin E. I will add it to my regime! The stretching I am doing and the underwire bra...yeah...likely part of the culprit but my god they are pretty!somedays I just want to wear them....(especially as I was fit for them the month before I was diagnosed...puuulease!) but then the nex two days I wear a camisole or sports bra as a result....underarm area is sore and all along the top ribs....but doing lots of arm exercizes to try and combat it.

    Linda- Just jump into the water my dear...really....if it doesn't work for you, you can always decide not to do it, right? prevention....sooo important ...our bodies are adjusting ..we are talking about it to process it and find solutions..most of us are doing ok on this anti hormone med....

    SherryC- hear you about the pity party and it is OK!!! You are allowed (as my sister said to me)...true enough. sometimes it is easier for us to cry on behalf of other people instead of ourselves...sad but true.

    Exodus- good to see you! Yeah...weird how we will take birth control,not ever thinking we will be that 1/7 who gets breast cancer since it is such a small number etc....maybe it is the naivete of youth and as we get older we know that this medicatin can potentially harm us...we hav ebeen the 1/7 so are aware that we are not immune to being stung with something...

    Pennythoughts- Not sure what to say here except that like the other gals here, I amkeeping you front and centre in my thoughts and sending you lots of love

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    This train is moving way too fast and I am way too tired to go back and read everything.  Maybe I can try and catch up tomorrow.

    TINK - Dinner is served.  Sorry it is so late, but got home about an hour ago and am just settling down for the night.


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    Jo - Thanks, I just finnished supper and now you have me hungry again.  I do need to gain about 10 or 15 lbs. So this is a good thing.  I'm off to the kitchen for a snack.

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited February 2011

    Whheeeeeww this train is moving fast!

    Hope everyone is having a good week. Mine has been a little up and down emotions and stress with work. UGH! Why can't I win Mega Millions?? I would do so much good with $76 million. Laughing

    Penny sorry for your pains and tests and biopsies YUCK! I have been having lots of ovarian pain and when I told my gyn and my onc they keep telling me I have gas Undecided I am 44 I think I know the difference between pain in my ovary and gas. I need to push for an US

    Good luck with your biopsy, sending positive vibes your way!

    Good night everyone,
