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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • peg119
    peg119 Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2011

    I read this thread at least once a day and still have a hard time catching up. 

    Linda - great on being proactive.  SE seem to come and go and some people have none so don't worry too hard.

     Penny - sorry about the scariness of waiting for results.  Hope all turns out okay.

    Sherry - it definitely pours sometime.  sorry to hear about your dad.

     Whenever I start feeling bad about all this BC stuff and tamox SE's I just have to think of a friend in book club who is in her 9th year of fighting stage 4 BC. Diagnosed right after she had her first child. She has done several clinical trials and keeps fighting the fight.  She has had a second child above all odds and is the most positive person I know.  Kind of puts my struggles into perspective.

    I have my D & C tomorrow to see if they can figure out what is causing the uterine bleeding. They put me on Provera last Friday since I was bleeding so badly after not having a period for 2 years.  I don't want to be on it since my DCIS was estrogen and progesterone positive by gyn assures me a short burst won't hurt.  I won't get my results from the D & C until next Thursday but I am trying to think positive thoughts.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Peg - I will also think positive thoughts for you and hope you get an answer soon.

    Chabba - Just finished a snack.  This is what I had.  I loove blackberry pie. YUM!


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    PEG Good luck with everything tomorrow will be thinking of you and sending hugs! and thinking positive thoughts with you!

    JO..Fantastic job, it ALL looks wonderful and much better than what I made for dinner :).. thanks you did it again.

    Ladies did you all know that Tamoxifen used to be used as a fertility drug. I didnot know tis until my last MO visit. I wonder if that has something to do with all the ovary issues, maybe overstimulation??? I wonder.

    Good night wonderful ladies!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Tink - You are welcome.  The Italian was much better than what I had for dinner.  I really did have the pie - I made 2 last night for the function today.  I got to bring my leftovers home.

    Toe pain is so bad today, I can hardly walk and now the toes are numb at times.  I was going to try and wait until my next onc appt in April but I have to quit being so stubborn about this.  Going to call in the morning for an appt.  Overall, I am doing well on Tammy - the toe pain is my only SE.  Will let everyone know what I find out.

    Good Night Ladies! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Thanks all my tammi sisters.  I did not post anything here on my dad I did on the middle 40-60's thread.  But short story for you all I finished rads on a MOnday and the next Monday I was back there with my Dad.  He had lung cancer 3 years ago had surgery and all was well.  Well it has mets to the ribs now.  So no so good.  I take him next wed for his rads planning and they are going to use a pet scan instead of a ct scan because they need to finalize his diag so we will know exactly where things stand with him.  We know it is stage IV mets, but we don't know yet if we are doing rads to erradicate the cancer or if it will be for pain control which he is having alot of.  I then have to take him to the MO so we can discuss chemo which he is very against having.  Not sure if he will change his mind after the MO appt but he has agreed to discuss it.  All this and tammi SE has not been a good mix for me. Don't know what I would do with love and support from my friends and my sisters here. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    SHERRY All I can say is hugs and love and prayers to you and your dad! we are here for you sista!!!

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011
    Sherryc - Tink just took the words out of my mouth.......hugs and love your way and many many prayers!
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    Sherry - I too will hold you  and your father firmly in my heart and prayers.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    Jo - tanks for the pie.  If you run short on blackberries for the freezer come see me.  You can pick enough to fill it on the vacant lots around our house.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    chabba-I love blackberry's I'm on my way to your house plus I could use a vacation.

    Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for my family.

    ON a positive note I have been back on my tamox for 5 days with the prilosec and have not had any nausea, if I make it through the weekend I think I am home free this time.

  • surfette
    surfette Member Posts: 108
    edited February 2011

    Well this sucks. I got the results of my mammogram/ultrasound. "Areas of calcification and asymmetric density are noted in both breasts and deserve further evaluation." So I need to go for a spot diagnostic mammo on Monday. Breast cancer, the gift that keeps on giving....

  • peg119
    peg119 Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2011

    surfette - will be keeping you in my thoughts.  Maybe it will turn out to be just what it says and nothing more.

  • Exodus
    Exodus Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2011

    Good morning ladies.

    Peg, thinking of you today.  Praying that the D&C will take care of all the problems you are having.  Good luck.

    Jo - sorry you are having extreme toe pain again.  Hope you get relief soon.

    Sherryc - so sorry your dad has lung cancer.  This hits very close to home.  It was harder for me watching Dad with lung cancer than it was dealing with bc. 

    So glad you are not dealing with nausea this time around on Tamoxifen.

    Tuesday at my gyn appointment, the doc mentioned a sister drug to Tamoxifen that was originally marketed for treatment/prevention of bone loss.  This drug has been proven to offer the same benefits as Tamoxifen in blocking estrogen.  Unfortunately I cannot remember the name.  It does start with "A."  Maybe this will be a valid alternative for Tamoxifen w/o the gyn SE's.

  • Pennythoughts
    Pennythoughts Member Posts: 36
    edited February 2011

    surfette - So sorry about your mammo/US results.  That really does suck.  (((HUGS)))

    Sherryc - What a lot for you to deal with all at once. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

    Jo - Sorry about your toe pain.  Have you and your doc determined that it is definitely a SE of Tammi, or could it be something else?  I have toe pain, but it is Reynaud's syndrome and not exactly in the joint.  A couple of weeks ago I had severe ankle pain, which only started in the evening after I sat down to read, and when I would get up to go to bed, I could hardly walk.  The ankles would hurt all night, and when I got up in the night, still could hardly walk for the pain.  But in the morning, when I got out of bed, the pain would be gone, and not bother me all day.  This carried on for about 3 - 4 days and then suddenly stopped.  I told my docs about it, and they all just shake their heads.  I'm convinced it's a Tammi issue, but can't get anyone to agree with me.

    Peg - Hope all goes well today for your D & C and they get to the bottom of the bleeding.  (((HUGS)))

    DiDel - Yes, you must insist on an US!  I have had this ovary pain for 6 years and because it wasn't debilitating, I ignored it.  It happened once in awhile.  So when I got the steady pain a week ago, I told myself all kinds of things; its a ruptured disc, it's gas, it's constipation, etc. etc. I'm glad you know the difference between gas and a painful ovary - -  I waited 5 days to go to the ER because I am always second guessing myself.  I really did, deep down know it was my ovary but I didn't want it to be my ovary.  Just scared, I guess.  My DH finally got annoyed with me and said, you are going because you can't afford to fool around with any of this stuff.  And after my experience in the ER and just generally with all the docs along the way of the BC journey, I have also found that if you don't advocate for yourself, no one else will.  Definitely, INSIST on that US!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    Surffette SO sorry but we will pray that it will all turn out to be nothing to worry about. Everything takes on a new light once we have been diagnosed with bc... hugs and prayers to you!!!!

    JO..Ouch so sorry about the toe pain! Let us know what the doc says hugs to you!!!

    Exodus.I have heard what your talking about I think its called Evista???

    Ladies I am thinking about all of you today and hoping each one of your results are good!


  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    Mornin' :)       I am a little better this mornn', just more tired!!!   I got the news yesterday early afternoon that the night shift clerk wasn't coming in, so I had to come home, take a three and half hour nap, and go back for 9 more hours!    And I haven't been able to go to bed yet....but i will !  I don't want to yet cause I need to sleep later, I work nights on Friday and Saturdays...... ( I will tell you.....I work for a "TRAIN" switching company!! Funny how this is called the Tammy Train!! heeeeeee  (We bring cars in from the big BNSF and UPRR to our customers to empty or load and then send them out again, in case some of you were wondering what a train switching co. was :)

    Anyway.... hope you are doing better today Sherry!! Will so keep your dad in my prayers!!  

    Jo.....that TINK spoiled brat was soooo cute!! I have a four yr old g./d and we call her Tink ....she is tiny.....she was only 4lbs. when she was born and she is just still so little! :)    

    Tink enjoy your attitude!! :)

    Teklya......we all are here and will be with you thru this........I cannot believe the support I have gotten from all these women in just the short time I have been here......(even tho it SEEMS like it's been a LONG TIME! )

    Linda :)    YOU are one of us.....strong..and when we don't feel stong.....someone here is always here to pick us up and pull us back into that strength! I KNOW they have me!! And I hope by atleasst a few words I have atleast one too.

    Everyone else..I hope your day goes good,  sending all of you hugs!

  • Exodus
    Exodus Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2011

    Tinker - That's it!  It is in a class of drugs called Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM).  SE's include hot flashes, leg cramps, swelling of the extremities, flu-like syndrome, joint pain, sweating, and difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

    There are dietary considerations to increase calcium and vitamin D.  The one big plus I see is that it has not been found to cause vaginal bleeding nor increase the risk of cancer of the uterine lining.  It does increase the risk to develop blood clots in legs or lungs.

    This may be a viable alternative for some people who do experience gyn issues on Tamoxifen. 

    DiDel - have you been able to get your gyn to schedule an US?  Like Penny's DH said, this is not something to fool around with.  While I really, really don't like medical tests/procedures, I did learn it is much better to catch problems early.  I sure wanted to bury my head in the sand but that wasn't an option. 

    Jo, what's for breakfast?  My stomach is growling.

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    Peg will keep you in my thoughts! Hugs!!

     Jo hope your toe pain gets better! 

     surette, will keep you too in my thoughts.....hoping for good results!!!! need to make them do that!! 

  • surfette
    surfette Member Posts: 108
    edited February 2011

    What's wierd is that all of the findings seem pretty much normal on the ultrasound, this stuff was found on the mammo only. I kinda thought that the ultrasound superceded the mammogram but I guess not.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Surfette-sorry about having to have another mammo.  My understanding is that calcifications do not show well on US.  Not sure about that maybe some else has more info. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Surfette - Sorry to hear about another mammo - hoping for B9 results.

    Sherry - Sounds like the Tammi is starting to work for you.  Hope it continues.

    Pennythoughts - I am pretty sure the toe pain is an SE of Tammi.  I did not have this before starting it.  I  have an appt with the onc on Monday @ 1:45 to see what he says.

    Chabba - I don't know where in the Pacific Northwest you are - Washington/Oregon?  But that would be a nice vacation.  

    (((HUGS))) to everyone and hoping everyone has a great day. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    We're right on the coast, about half way between Vancouver  Island (Victoria) and Oregon.  City of under 5000 permanent residents but we can get nearly 20,000 tourists on a busy weekend.  Majority of population is retired.

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    Joplease do tell us what your Onc tells you as my toe pain has gotten worse as well.  It is only the left toes, but this week has been horrible and debilitating........

    Surfette- So sorry you are going through this nightmare....lets hope it is nothing and please keep us posted.  I still have yet to have a clean mammo as there is a suspicious area they are watching....they feel it is benign, but keeping a close is all so aggravating!  Praying it is nothing and you can move on with your life.....

    Has Biotin bothered anyone here?

    Happy Friday ladies.......Cocktails and dancing on the train tonight?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    June - The pain is in both toes but the left is the worst.  I know it is from the Tammy.  I am on my feet alot and the pains are worse at night once I can get off them. Will let everyone know what my onc says on Monday.

    I think I can handle the cocktails tonight - not sure about the dancing though.  Maybe I will be the bartender. 

  • Exodus
    Exodus Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2011

    June - sorry your toe pain has gotten so much worse. 

    Jo and June - I've got a web page pulled up right now that says NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Antiimflammatory Drugs) help with arthritis-like aches and stiffness.  These include aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen (DH took this for gout).  If you don't get adquate relief, your doctor might prescribe opiods.

    You both have probably already tried the aspirin and ibuprofen but at least this does give hope that your doctor can prescribe something to alleviate the pain.  No one wants more prescriptions but it sure beats being in pain.

    Coktails - now that sounds like a great way to alleviate pain!  Count me in.

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    Bartender/Cook you really are something else Jo.......looking forward to what you are going to serve up tonight!

    Exodus I have been living on ibuprofen this last week.  I used to get the toe cramp maybe once to twice a week, and yesterday was like 4 times in an hour and many more through the day.....I feel like a whiner but really what else is next......whah whah whah.......phew I really needed to get that off my chest.  My appt is end of March and I am compiling a list to go over with him and this is def going to be one of them.  The only thing with this doc is I know he is going to say "this is not a SE of Tamox blah blah blah"......and I end up leaving feeling like it is all in my head....

    Tink are you having a better day today?

  • Exodus
    Exodus Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2011

    June - It is not in your head and you are not whining.  It sounds like you are going to have to be insistent that he listen to your complaint and follow-up by providing treatment. Maybe you could say something like, "I'm not leaving here until....."  Well, maybe you could make it sound a little less confrontational.

    You should not be expected to "accept" debilitating joint pain.  You deserve better!

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362
    edited February 2011

    Okay, I filled the prescription.  I am not sure I am ready to take them yet, but I have the pills at least.  Baby steps, right?

    Had a manicure/pedicure this morning - what a fabulous treat.  It has been so long since my last one.  Breast cancer robs us of so many things, doesn't it?  I love my hot pink toe nails and my soft, pampered feet.  Keep staring at my nails on my hands, too, nice to see that there is hope for them again!

    Enjoy a painless, stress free weekend, all.  Take good care and just breathe. . .  


  • Exodus
    Exodus Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2011

    Teklya - good for you.  Keep in mind, the Tamoxifen can't do you any good if you don't take it.  Maybe you can treat yourself to something else after taking the plunge.  You can do this.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Go Teklya Go!!!