Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
I have to agree with GryffinSong. Please post the video on the appropriate thread, which is NOT here.
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I third that comment.
Carolsd, point-blank, that was rude and inconsiderate.
How would you feel if a non-theist went to one of the prayer threads and posted something deliberately contrary to those members' core beliefs?
Suppose we posted a video that talked about how prayer fails, even if we did so with what we thought were good intentions? (Trust me, carolsd, I have links to numerous videos like that.)
What were you trying to prove?
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Every proselytizer I ever met seems to have no respect for boundaries. Rules don't seem to apply to to them because they are so caught up in their own egos that they can't imagine anyone else having rights.
If an atheist were to go to the "Prayer" forum and quote Richard Dawkins, posters there would go nuts.
Shame on you for your callous disrespect of the rights and opinions of other human beings. You give your belief system a bad name.
Dear fellow atheists,
Here is a link to the Richard Dawkins Forum. One cannot post right now because the Board is undergoing a complete revamp. It will be back for posting in about 30 days.
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Hey Kids ...
Carol's been around a long time ... and posted on this thread in the past. She wasn't pushing god on anybody. Her intent was the "dog" part of it. Let's show a little grace and not get pet dander up over the god part. If you check her profile, you can go back and read the posts she's made in this thread. I watched the video and just enjoyed the dog part.
I'm not into any religion .. be it wiccan, pagan or christian ... so please cut her some slack.
I am into trying to find a higher power ... I think maybe I'll give Tank a try!!
love you all,
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The video is first and foremost about god. It starts out "I look up and I see god".
I desire to have one place that is safe from proselytizing. Perhaps because you are looking for a higher power, you don't understand how insulting the video is for those of us who are atheists.
If carolsd's intentions were as you said, then she should come back and say so.
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What notself said. Her intentions may have been good, but this is our only prayer free zone in here, and that support means a lot to so many of us. I'd like the space to be respected as such.
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Notself .. not sure how long you have been posting in this thread ... but .. don't question me about my beliefs ... or my desire to believe in something .. which by the way is 100% mother earth. Mother Earth is my higher power, from which I gather all strength. The thing about my dog Tank was tongue-in-cheek. Last time I posted about a higher power it was the massive oak tree in my back yard.
I don't give a shit that Carol's video talked about god .. it did bother me that it was in this thread. But .. Carol is a great gal .. and I don't want her maligned.
First and foremost ... I believe in Grace. The oldtimers on this thread know me, what I believe in and how I live my life. I stood up for Carol .. not the stupid god part of that video.
And I respect the need for a thread that is free of proselytizing and preaching. I enjoy the exchange of ideas on this thread. I don't enjoy trashing other people's religions, however.
Gryffin ... sending love and hugs to you and your beloved greyhound.
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I just re-read my post and I don't see how you could find that I trashed anyone's opinions nor did I malign anyone. I merely objected to the posting of a religious video on an atheist thread.
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Notself .. you wrote to me: I desire to have one place that is safe from proselytizing. Perhaps because you are looking for a higher power, you don't understand how insulting the video is for those of us who are atheists.
That is when I got a little cranky.
Can we just move on now and let this go???
I am done with the conversation.
Peace and Grace,
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May you be well and happy,
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I liked the video. Maybe some didn't look deep enough to see what its really saying? Sad that even athiests have preconceived ideas about God. Read my tag line.
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Hi Blue -- I've missed seeing your gorgeous avatar. Meow! Or woof since we're talking about doggies.
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BinVA: this is not about "trashing" anyone, but it is about respect. As I mentioned, even with the best intentions, it was not appropriate. Others here may not care, others may care more than I, but the point is, and was already made, this is one place on this forum where those with a certain mindset can feel comfortable.
bluedahlia: I agree that many people will view it with their own lens or filter. But I would still not go onto a prayer thread or the catholics thread and post a similar video that implied an atheist perspective of god or prayer.
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I have to agree with Michele -- months ago we got a flurry of Christians praying for us and sending religious stuff and they got rebuffed. I'm sure the poster meant well but I don't think religious stuff is appropriate here any more than if one of us sent the same video with an athiest slant to it on the Prayer boards.
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Well this is how I interpreted it..........."Who needs God, when we have a dog", in which case it is appropriate. The George Carlin video was quite funny, especially when he says "If there is a God, may he strike the audience dead", which says to me........even though he was making fun, he has doubts. Now because George had doubts, does it make that video inappropriate for this thread as well?
Hey there Konakat. LOL!
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Can we stop arguing about gods? This is an forum about breast cancer for atheists. It is not a forum to discuss belief in gods, not even George Carlin's.
Perhaps this is why the poster put the video on this thread, to create a discussion about gods. If so she succeeded.
Let's get back to Dogs.
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Hi Blue .. I had to log back in to say hello to you! And to see Jim .. was worth typing in my ID.
hugs buddy .. you too Kona!
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"Let's get back to Dogs."
Four of my Italian greyhounds are snuggled up in a quilt on the kitchen floor keeping each other warm. They're adorable.
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Who's arguing? I'm not an athiest. I am a person with an OPEN mind. Guess maybe I don't belong on this thread either.
Hey there buddy! You're always getting me into trouble......BAD GIRL!
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bluedahlia: no, carlin was a non-theist.
But that's besides the point.
The point is that this thread is one of very few that we (non-theists and others who don't "fit" the mindset of say, the mainstream definition of "religious) can go to chat and laugh and commiserate without having to deal with having our "religion filter" on.
This is not a discussion about whether god exists or not, but whether it's appropriate to lift our veil and insert religion references into a place where we want to feel comfortable that we don't have to filter through it.
I, personally, don't have any issues with people who believe in a supreme or spiritual being, or who pray, or who tell me to "trust in god" or that they are praying for me (with the one exception of the woman who said she was praying that I "find Jesus" before cancer kills me).
Those statements are as meaningless to me as if they were to tell me that they are sending Santa a note to give me what I want for Christmas. It's fine for them, I thank them, I am courteous. I have my "religion filter" on in those cases because I know they mean well (for the most part) and I know they are really only saying they care about me.
But here, I don't want to have to deal with having those shields up.
Some of the posters on this thread don't mind. Including you. That's fine. But there are enough people on this thread who do mind, or MAY mind. Which is why it's inappropriate to post "god" videos, even if they are well meaning. There are a lot of non-theist women posting and reading this thread, and it's just not very sensitive to insert a religous message into a post here.
Post them in other threads. We ALL visit other threads. Here, many of us would just like to feel like we can take our shoes off and not worry about our feet stinking.
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Michele, you have a great way with words. And now I'll take my shoes off and sit a spell.0
Not in a typing mood tonite and although I disagree with some of the attitudes, you have a right to them as do I.
Pax Vobiscum (hope I spelled that right)
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Geez Blue ... I had to look that up.
Peace be with you too.
love to all,
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Were you raise Roman Catholic by any chance? Pax Vobiscum is usually said by a priest at various times during Mass.
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Yes I was, but I don't think the Roman Catholic Religion has exclusive rights to it. hehe! It's one of the few things I remember from Latin Class in highschool, but is a good example of how there are good things everywhere......if we look for them.
Peace be with you (plural).
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Ah, Latin. It improved my vocabulary and my understanding of Western History, but I wish I had taken Spanish or French. All I remember is Caesar.
"Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres." All Gaul is divided into three parts.
I really enjoyed watching "Rome" on HBO. That was something.
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We HAD to study French in my highschool. I can read it but speaking it is quite different. My SO is French and I get a kick out of the way he speaks it. Being Italian makes it easy for me to pick up on latin based languages. I never watched that I wish I had.
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There was some serious beef-cake in that show and it was very culturally accurate with terrific actors. If it repeats try to catch it.
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Dudess - I am a Christian but have nothing but respect for your post. I struggled for years with faith and still don't subscribe to cookie cutter Christianity. I have Muslim and Hindu friends and am sure the same God loves us all.
I have found God to be more inside me than in a building. Its the peace and calm that He gives me when I pray or just an inexplicable feeling I get sometimes that is greater than myself. In Christian terms,I think its the Holy Spirit that lives inside us all.
No matter what your religious persasion (or lack thereof) I believe there is life after this and that the energy of the universe (I call that God) loves all of us. Letting people pray for me and with me just reaffirms that for me. The mind is incredibly powerful and what it believes helps make reality. I'm not saying the mind alone can cure cancer. But I do think it helps. Read Love,Medicine, and Miracles by Bernie Seigle. It's pretty powerful evidence for mind/body/spirit connection.
I wish you peace for this difficult journey.
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Sigh. I know it's probably too much to ask but I sure wish people would read at least a few of the 57 pages of posts on this thread before chiming in. Ah well. I'm probably just cranky today because the wind chill in southern Minnesota was neg-16 this morning as I trudged to work.