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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited July 2008

    HAHA, wish, I started page 101!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    You know I don't want to get political on this either.  While I don't agree with anyONE saying who lives or dies, I have to admit, that I thought it was sad that we put kevorkian in jail for so long when real MURDERers get out in 3-5 years on good behavior!  NUTTY! 

     While I have no opinion on assisted suicide per se, b/c I've never been in a situation that I might consider it or someone I knew wanted it, I still think it's a persons right to forego treatment for themselves.JMHO though.  :D  Just not sure what I would do in some of those situations that people have chosen it, you know? :(  IT's sad all around that someone would HAVE to resort to something so final...

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2008

    Shirley ~ you are too funny darlin' - you for got to say nanny nanny boo boo

    Nicki ~ thanks for the bitch slap...I'm still laughing at it....oh, and the puppy is a puggle. The darndest puppy I have ever had. Loves his crate, hasn't made any mistakes in it. Sleeps through the night, loves the other 2 dogs (although they are only luke warm on him at this point but we are only on day 4) and is not afraid of anything!

    Dani ~ suk suk suk. You need a good  karma genie...or a beer. either way ~ sending a hug!

    everyone else...have a great night - see you after to eat my BIG FAT PIECE OF CHOCOLATE CAKE!!! (If any of you have a Bloom grocery store near you, and like chocolate cake...try the chocolate's DIVINE)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited July 2008

    Okay, first I'm going to be mushy.  I just love all you gals.  You are all so supportive.  Nicki, you are right...this is the best thread.  Of course I like politics too so I can bitch, moan and groan over there.  Oh, and the "I can't get my act together" is a good'un too except I forget where I am.  I bitch over there when I'm supposed to be complaining about my act.

    Hannah, I don't blame your poor girl doggie for not wanting to pee in tall grass.  I can't imagine squatting in tall grass and peeing.  In fact, I can't imagine squatting! 

    Lisa, you have the sweetest looking pup.  I'd like to have a dog.  But with four cats they'd absolutely hate it since three of them have never been around dogs.  They'd be petrified.  Shoot, we couldn't afford to feed another animal anyway.

    Dani, again, I am really, really sorry you are going through this infection crap.  I googled it and it doesn't sound fun.  You deserve a break!  I will be so happy when you can get back to your "new" normal.  Just ain't fair!  About antibiotics..yep, I try very hard not to have to take them.  I hate going to docs UNLESS it's absolutely necessary.  At least they don't hand them out left and right like they used to.

    Going back to chemo for people who may not leave long.  My dd's stepmother-in-law had stage IV bc over 10 years ago.  Her oncs sent her to Duke to have some heavy duty chemo.  The had to put her in the hospital to do it.  I don't know what kind of bc she had, but I do know it was ER/PR+.  They gave her five years to live.  Well, that woman lived 10 years before it came back.  And, I know she's been in chemo for at least two years now.  None of us thought she'd live this long.  Yes, she is very sick.  But it was HER choice to continue because she wants to live.  She had a grandbaby on the way, and she wanted to be her to see him.  None of us thought she would.  That woman lived to see her grandbaby, and he's at least 7 months old now.  She has chosen HER QOL, not some government.

    The guy who was refused the chemo had applied, as I understand it, to the state (something like Medicaid), and was refused.  He didn't have regular health insurance.  But, since they passed that stupid bill about assisted suicide that's why they denied him.  If that kind of bill EVER comes to North Carolina I hope it's defeated.  If I want to kill myself I think I could think of a way without much help from a stupid doctor.  Hell, they're trying to kill us anyway!  LOL

    Bonnie, I'll  have to try to use my imagination (don't have one) to write better stories for you. LOL  So, what kind of puppy do you have?  I'll have to post a pick of my baby before she "went to sleep."  She was a big Mama's baby.  STOP IT SHIRLEY OR YOU'LL START CRYING!

    I missed the spammer/s.  I guess that's a good thing.  It seems someone got very ugly.

    Felicia, how'd you get that UTI.  Didn't your mom teach you how to wipe?  THAT'S A JOKE!  Make sure to drink some cranbberry juice!

    Debbie, Turtle Tracks?  That sounds kinda, uh, turtle doo.  EEEWWWW!  We have some Rocky Road in the freezer.

    Nicki, why wouldn't your insurance company approve an MRI!!?? Now, that makes me mad!  I hate insurances!  How dare they tell the doctor what tests they can or cannot do.  I had an MRI last year and my insurance never blinked an eye.  THAT WAS LAST YEAR!  Now, they'd probably deny it also.  And, I'd raise HELL!  I can't stand the thought of doc's having to explain to these idiots WHY!!!!  Oh, again, don't get me started!

    I'm glad you're feeling better.  And thanks for informing me what CXR means.  Hope I can remember.  For someone who doesn't proof read their posts or used spell check (which I usually forget to do) YOU ARE GOOD!  I didn't see ANY mistakes in your post.

    Nicki, that would be me that looked for the dog's testicles.  Embarassed  And, about boys and girls swimming.  My dd took my grandson to a more remote part of the beach and let him pee.  He's three.  So, when they got here to the house she told him to pee.  Well, he was still outdoors.  So, he peed right there in the front yard.  LOL  Geez, I can just see him now...peeing outside at daycare!

    Yes, Deb, do make sure you drink plenty of water.  Dehydration can make you have headaches.  My poor SIL used to have them so badly until he started hydrating himself.  Wish was right.  YOU DO NOT HAVE BRAIN METS!!!!!!!!!

    You girls like chocolate so much that I'm posting the easiest and greatest (according to some) chocolate cake recipe.  There's various recipes out there on the internet.  However, someone gave this one to me YEARRRSSS ago.  It's easy and good, and better the next day!

    Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake  

    1.  Cup water

    2.  Two sticks margerine     (I used Smart Balance Sticks,      or real butter..better than      trans fats)

    3.  4 Tablespoons Cocoa (I used 6     Tablespoons :)

    4.  1/2 c. buttermilk or sour milk *

    5.  2 eggs

     6.  2 cups self-rising flour

    7.  2 cups sugar  

    Mix together the sugar and flour.  Set aside.  Put water, margerine and cocoa in a sauce pan.  Bring to a boil.  Pour this over the sugar and flour and set aside.  In a different bowl mix together the buttermilk and eggs.  Pour this over the other mixture.  It will be thin.  Bake in 9X13 greased and floured pan.  Bake for 350 degrees for 20 minutes.**    


    1.  1 stick margerine

    2.  4 Tablespoons Cocoa

    3.  6 Tablespoons milk

    4.  1 Box Confectioners Sugar

    5.  1 Teaspoon vanilla

    6.  1 Cup chopped nuts   

    Put margerine, cocoa and milk in saucepan.  Bring to boil.  Beat in confectioners sugar and vanilla.  Add chopped nuts. Pour this over hot cake.  Let cool before cutting.  You can make this the day before.  I think it's even better.  

    *Instead of using buttermilk you can make sour milk.  I used a smidgeon over one tablespoon of vinegar.  First pour vinegar in 1/2 measuring cup then add the milk.  Let set five minutes.  

    **I had to bake my cake longer.  You don't want to over bake it.  I probably cooked it five minutes longer.  I tested it with a toothpick.  Each oven is different. 

    PS If you need more milk in the icing just add a tiny bit at a time.    

  • danix5
    danix5 Member Posts: 141
    edited July 2008

    Debbie, NIkki,wishiwere,and Deb C,

    I love you girls!  I forget how important being here is with all the 5 kids home and all!  Your stuff sucks and I am just plugging along wondering how I have so many problems when last year I was healthy!  This c.diff is really worrying me and the pain I am having on my left side.  I wish I did not do the hyster/oppher surgery so close, but I can not go back.

    Seeing all the post and hearing you all with your that sucks makes me think we are lucky to have this forum!  I hope everyone has a totally great day tomorrow!

    Love ya girls,


  • jerseymaria
    jerseymaria Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2008

    shirley, you're right...i got the state wrong.  i guess i was in a fever fog.  but it's daughter says she voting for BO (i want to puke) and loves the idea of nationalized health care. i keep telling her that if we get that there may come a time when i could be denied treatment cause i have too many diseases so why bother.

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited July 2008

    Sorrry to interupt, I haven't posted much on this page but after my third TAC today I came home with the same feeling as your dog might have after being fitted for one of those Elizabethan Collar cones used to protect their injury.  You ever seen their poor eyes after they have one of those on. Definately IOS.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  HunkyD

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2008

    Hi girls,

    I can't believe all the stuff I missed. I just spent two hours reading all the posts. Not cuz I'm a slow reader but because my FREAKING LAPTOP IS MOVING SLOWER THAN A TURTLE WALKING THROUGH DRYING CEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAWD..................................

    To everybody going through sorry. Man, so much crap going on. Will it ever end?

    If that *^%#!)*% doesn't stop saying "network cable unplugged" I'm going to throw my laptop through the window!!!!!!!!!

    I started my new job in my new office yesterday and I must say....being back in the rat race SUCKS!!!!!!! I've been working from home since soon after my dx and I didn't realize how great I had it. I've already spent $25 in gas in only two days!  Also, our 'new' offices are in a old house that was built in the 20's and when they put the new AC in, they didn't put a AC vent in the bathroom I use!  So, I'm tired and not use to being "dressed up" (my daily wardrobe has consisted of the strecthiest (word?) stretch pants/shorts I can find and the biggest, softess t-shirt I can find for the last 16 months) and I have to p. (I forget who typed that earlier but it cracked me up!) and so I go into this 100 yr old bathroom and instantly get a hotflash. Well, I have to know....and by the time I am out of there, I am in a full blown sweat.

    I mean it's running down my face, back, guys know.....GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we paleeze..............................have some AC in the bathroom?

    Then, I get hung up on two times today (sometimes sales sucks!) and my boss...aka BIL (I know, don't get me started) proceeds to want to have a freaking sales meeting! In the good news department, by the time his 30 minute lecture was over, I had cooled down.

    However, since I've been working from home, it was suggested (I was told) to bring in my home computer. Well hell....that's where all my pictures are and all my people in my mailbox and everything!!! I hate this laptop!

    I am running out of Xanax and Ambien....I'm starting to cut them in half....and I have to fly back to Florida to see my dr's there to get a refill cuz of my FREAKING INSURANCE CO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF again!!!!????

    I'm so tired. That lump that my last MRI said was nothing is getting bigger and harder. I'm getting fatter by the second. My hair is barely growing. You can't even really see a difference. EVERYTHING SUCKS!!!!!!!

    Well......not everything......I drove to Abilene to see my old best friend. We were the bestest of friends when I was like 14-17 and have stayed in touch all this time. We then drove to San Angelo, my home town and drove around to all the old familiar places. I haven't been there in 24 years. It's amazing how you remember. Anyway, we looked up an old friend and he had 6 little kittens. I got one. It's the cutest little thing. It has floppy ears! I went to Walmart to buy some stuff and took her/him (too little to tell yet) in and everybody was calling in a puppy cuz of it's ears. It's so cute. I am really liking the distraction. I would post a picture but I DON'T HAVE MY COMPUTER ANYMORE!!!

    I am policed at work so, sorry I can't check in during the day like I used to but, I still get the posts on this thread emailed to me so I can see what everybody is up to.

    Gawddangit.......................I wrote down some crap that y'all were going through and now can't find it. Man, I'm losing it.

    Nikki, I feel your pain on the ins woes. What a load of crap on yours!  It's really bittersweet reading everybody crap on here. It really sucks sure puts things into perspective.

    Dani, nice to see you girl in spite of your IOS. You too Maria and, everybody else. I wish you could page back. Oh great. The freaking thing just said again that I'm not connected to the internet anymore. I have no idea whether this is gonna post or not.

    I'm having a hotflash and this laptop is burning my palms!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?????????????  I miss you guys. I'll try to peek in on my lunch break tomorrow. I was gonna say something else but, I forgot. Sorry I didn't comment on everybody. (((((((Bonnie))))) Shirley, WTH are you doing posting a cake recipe for Texas??? I don't need cake!! I need a diet pill!!!!



  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited July 2008

    Traci - what's this about a lump getting bigger?!? Get that tended to, girl!

    Dani - keep fighting the good fight - we're all rooting for you to smack down that C.diff!

    Bonnie - I love your 'chocolate cake before chemo day' tradition. I think you've started a new trend! Congrats on the new pup! Anything with Pug in it has got to be a cutie!

    Shirley - no fair posting a recipe that calls for THREE sticks of butter! No wonder it tastes fabulous! Laughing

    Deb C - maybe you tweaked your neck? That can give you a headache for three days - or clenching/grinding your teeth? We have all decided it is not mets, so there.

    Felicia - sorry about the UTI. Lordy, I hate those - used to get them chronically when I had an especially well endowed lover. The best thing about breaking up with him was no more Cipro! Sorry - TMI!

    Nicki - good luck with your CT scan, your CXR and the ankle/foot thang, too. Sounded like you had a tough day with a tougher commute tacked on to it. Makes for a long workday. Hope the swim helped. Thank you for your compliment on my puppy and my pic from our luncheon. I don't know what to do with this hair - I never had curls like this before and it's never been dark like this before - so I just let it go 'natural'. 

    Diane - thanks for posting that cakewreck site that Rock posted elsewhere - that was a riot!

    ACK! It's 1am. What am I doing on the computer?!?

    nite nite friends!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited July 2008

    Going backwards, to Shirleys story about a 3 year old peeing....well, he was 3!!

    I went with my DD to a hospital appointment last week. We HAD planned a shopping trip after her appointment, but she had to bring along G/son, he's 11. My temper was beginning to rumble as soon as I saw him, he is just so out of control, and I specifically told her not to bring him....I just didn't want to sit in a hospital waiting room wondering what the heck he was going to get up to.....apart from the fact DD was going for some test results, and had a list of questions, and had asked me along to make sure she wasn't missing anything, and to shout up on her behalf if the Dr started stringing her along.

    G/son wasn't TOO bad as we waited, had to be asked twice by a nurse to stop using his cell phone, spilled a can of Coke, knocked a pile of magazines to the floor, and wouldn't give up his seat for an older lady (until I got a hold of him and physically lifted him from the seat ) but when we were called to see consultant, up he gets and comes into the room with us. Consultant immediatly said he felt it would be better if G/son waited outside, to which G/son started shouting that he WAS going to stay. I had had enough of this young man, got up, and frogmarched him outside!! Half way thru consultation there was a terrific crash outside the room...I just KNEW G/son was behind it, and when we got outside he'd tipped over the fresh water machine.

    When we got into the carpark he said he 'had done it on purpose because he had been sent out of the room', then, without any warning, right in the middle of a busy carpark he walked to the front of his mothers car, and PEED right over the front window. I had just got into the front seat, and luckily had shut the door ! It was DD's car, if it had been mine I would have given him a real hiding, but DD just shrugged and tells me he often does it....words fail me... neither DD nor SIL make him behave, but, as I keep telling them it'll come back and bite them on the backside before much longer.


  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2008

    Isabella, I just read your story about your gd and I'll tell you, it made me mad!  I hate it when kids are rude and disrespectful and deliberately do mean things.  It is scary.  I have no right to tell you or your dd what to do, but personally, I don't think that behavior is acceptable at all!  I hope your dd and sil can find a way to get his behavior under control.  I'm impressed at your self-control in not throttling him right then and there.  How did the appt go?  Did your dd get her test results and were they ok?

    That was an IOS if I ever saw one.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    *********That lump that my last MRI said was nothing is getting bigger and harder*********TRACI!!!!!  Woman, when did you have the MRI for that?  Oh lady, Please, call and tell them if you haven't and get that looked at again.  Even if you have to get a second opinion!  Pretty please? :(  I sure hope it's a cyst, but...are you still have menses?  Could it be a cyst? Is it tender? Does it come and go with your cycles? :(

    Oh my, isabella!  They certainly have a lot of problems slighted for them coming up, and real soon! What is he?  5th grade?  Oh my, that boy is in need of some serious intervention.  WOW!  I'm surprised his mother kept her calm?  How can a person allow a child to get that out of control without doing SOMETHING? 

    Good Luck to your dd with her tests..

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2008

    Hey girls,

    I'm at work. My boss works out every Tues and Thurs! Woo Hoo!!

    I just had either a PET Scan or MRI...can't remember's the one you have to drink the yucky stuff and it took like an hour....anyway, head to knee and it didn't show anything other than "normal something or other uptake" that my onc says is a result of the bi-mast. I do not have my period anymore since hysterectomy. It's in my armpit. My PCP was real worried about it when she felt it but, after reading the scan results said it was ok.

    I am planning to fly back to FL in September and see my PCP and Onc. (Thank you AETNA) I'll get them to check it out again. It doesn't hurt or anything it's just so there. It's like my pit sticks out instead of caving in like my other one. Different sh*t, different day.

    My sister was so funny on the phone last nite talking about her aches and pains. I wish I was as funny as she is. She was talking about her hotflashes and her DH (not dear) asked her why she was walking funny and she said "because I have a bucket of sweat running down the crack of my a**!" Then, she say that she decided to look down at her hoochie (what do y'all call it?) in the shower thinking she hadn't shaved down there in awhile and she said her hair was 1/4 way to her knees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She had me rolling on the floor laughing.  She has handled her BC so much better than I have. I honestly think it's cuz she has kids. I mean, you just gotta handle it when you have little kids counting on you. If your like me.......totally alone......(except for cats!) It's sometimes real hard to keep a positive attitude. Well, y'all know what I mean. Again....reading y'alls probs does make me feel better! How sick is that??? Wink

    She is going into surgery again on 8/4 so a new PS can try to repair the mutilation she experienced with her tram-flap. Poor girl. She's so tough about it though. She amazes me. We compared scars the last time I saw her. She won hands down. I hate this freaking disease.

    I gotta get to work. I hope everybody has a suckless as possible day. I get the messages in my email box (I know I already said that) and it's like staying in touch with friends all day long! Suckiness and all.

    Here's my new kitty!!


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2008

    I want that kitty!  Look at those eyes....I am in kitty love :)

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Oh man, scans next month, what a bite! I'm So glad I don't have to do that stuff at all! Mammo's are ENOUGH thank you!  And to be charged for a full one when I only need a 1/2, is simple NOT FAIR!  It's like charging for 2 arms when You only have one!  How is that right?  They don't have 4 films!  They only have 2, so why the full charge?  NUTTY!

    Traci, I want that kitty too!  What a pretty baby!  Love his eyes but his nose gets high honors too :D  What a cutie!

    Pugs are cute, but I'm always worried they'll get away or get stepped on, they're like those little toy poodles, Scare me... :D

    DEB?  How's the head doing?  Better I hope?

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008

    I LOVE TUXEDO CATS!!  My first cat was Axel, and he was a tuxedo cat.  Now we have TWO cats, SPIKE, who is a tuxedo cat, and Thor, who is a black Norwegian Forest cat.  I love them both, but since Axel, I have been partial to tuxedos!


    My dh says that his ankle bone clicks.  I am sure that you are just fine.  I have had episodes of falling, and the best explanation we have is that I am just clumsy!  LOL  I had TWO episodes of falling in the PetSmart, and BOTH times, I fell in the back, where there were all these 'pallets' of different kinds of pet supplies, but they were just sitting out in the middle of the floor, and I guess everything just blended together on the floor, and I fell.  BOTH times, I felt myself falling, and I couldn't stop myself.  It was so embarrassing, but I don't think anyone saw me.  BOTH times, it was just a month or so before my bc dx.  I was afraid that it was because the bc had spread, but I never told my dr.  I guess I forgot, when I was going through my dx.  But, I haven't had any more episodes since then, well, ONE, back in February, I tripped over the suitcases, when we were packing before our cruise.  I did tell my onc about it, but he didn't seem to think that there was any reason to be concerned.  Also, it was dark and I didn't feel dizzy, so I guess it was just one of those things. 


    Your headache is JUST A HEADACHE!!!  We won't let it be anything else. I hope you are feeling better today.


    I haven't had to hurt any drs. yet, but I am thinking that I might have to soon, if they keep acting like idiots!  I am now back on Tamoxifen, and now, even though the bleeding has stopped, I am having that 'abdominal pressure or fullness' feeling, and NOW, today, my lower back hurts, but it feels like something is pressing on it from inside me... like that darn fibroid tumor or something else.  I am not having that endometrial biopsy until Aug. 13th, so I wish things would just go back to feeling normal until I can go for that biopsy. 
    I have to say that  for the past few weeks, I have had strange health problems and I am just afraid, since I am also having strange pains.  My brain won't stop thinking that it must be cancer... I just wish things would go back to normal, but every day it seems like there is some new symptom.  I was spotting, and feeling crampy a few weeks ago. 

    I hate all these cancer scares, and weird unexplained pains!  IT SUCKS!!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Hanna, I had mine out about 3 years ago.  August 2nd actually.  While I lost 20 lbs from it before hand, I had a hard time getting my muscle weight back on as a result.  I've heard some gain weight after, but then I heard also, that overweight women tend to have problems with the GB.  I didn't fit that mold either.  I never gained it all back.  Took me nearly a year to gain about 10 of it back.  The dumping of the potent bile from the liver, it happens from time to time, but less often than it used to.  I'm just really careful what I eat out.  Like NO really spicey or fatty foods.  Bacon (which I love) or fries or burgers all do it. :(  There are a lot of other good things you can do and probably not have that problem.

    As for the sweettooth?  Perhaps that can be no estrogen! :D  I blame that on everything.  Always had a sweet tooth and still do.  I used to eat 1/2 lb of peanut m&m's everyother day.  Not so much now, b/c I'm sick fo them! :D  But I've lost like 13 lbs since this dx with BC and still having problems getting it back, so everyone is different.  The steriods didn't do and the arimidex hasn't yet, and the meno didn't either.  I think it just depends on your normal metabolism and how active you stay as you age.  You can do it!  Eat sweets, but just use it a reward for an exercise treat! :D

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008

    Oh Hanna,

    I must have missed the part about your gall bladder!  Everyone I know who has had gall bladder surgery has said that they felt SO MUCH better AFTER their gall bladder was removed!  I guess because they were so sick BEFORE they had the gall bladder removed, they felt better IMMEDIATELY! 

    It can be an adjustment, to getting used to your body handling bile differently after the gall bladder has been removed.

    Good Luck!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2008

    Hi all - My head DOES feel better today :)  You guys are great diagnosticians....

    It is sunny here today, a rare thing this summer, so I am headed for the back yard to do some weeding.

    Deb C

  • dhettish
    dhettish Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2008

    Oh Traci, I too love your kitty. I had two long haired Tuxedo's in my life and they were the best cats ever. Now I have Tabby's, black cats, and one siamese. I know if I ever saw a tuxedo, I would take it and make my cats an even dozen!

    Isabella, I cannot belive you gs! Whoa, that boy needs to really get under control before something serious happens.

    AlaskaDeb, glad your headache is feeling better. Get out in the sun and enjoy the day. You deserve it!

    Nothing sucky going on here except I spoke to soon about my expander pain. I hurt like hell around 2pm. Luckily, he gave me plenty of meds and they do take care of the pain. And it is hot as hell here. It was supposed to be in the upper 80's today but the thermometer on my porch says 98.

    My left expander is so big at the top. It looks like a beluga whale. The one with the big hump on his head.  

    Traci, I work in an old building as well with one wall unit. I was working on some frames and sweat was just pouring down my face. Luckily, we dress sloppy since we are always painting, nailing, gluing and getting on the dirty floor. I could not imagine being dressed up and sweating.

    Well, gotta go and pick MORE tomatoes. I am getting tired of this. I am making some spaghetti w/ fresh tomatoes. And frying some okra which I have been craving for 2 days now.

    I guess I missed all the spammers. What was going on? 


  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008

    OMG!  Look at all of these posts.  How will I ever catch up. 

    OK! Now here is my whine for the day.

    By time I left work to go for my tests I was actually pretty calm. Accepted the fact that my insurance would not cover the MRI of the brain - so just going along with the CT scan of the brain.

    They did the chest x-ray first and I got such a sick feeling in my stomach. I was standing thinking, man Im so sick of tests. All of the techs know me for cripes sake!

    Then its the x-ray of the ankle. Im watching the techs and didnt see any funny looks, so I figure Im good with that also.

    Then its off to the CT scan. Im on the table and the girl is starting an IV. Its such a sickening feeling. The she says to me when we are done here Im leaving the IV in and you will be going over to MRI. So I said wait a minute. My insurance wouldnt approve it. Now mind you this is before the test is even done! The radiologist walks in and I say why are we doing both tests? My insurance denied the MRI. He tells me he is getting on the telephone with them right now trying to get approval because of my history and symptoms. And then he coldly says brain mets dont always show up on a CT scan. He walked out of the room and I started sobbing. Couldnt stop. They are telling me to hold still and these awful deep sniffles are coming from my chest.

    When the CT scan is over - another person comes to take out the IV and I say wait a minute they said they wanted me to go over to MRI. Well despite the radiologists urging - they still said no! OK I will accept that. The test wasnt bad and was pretty quick. I get my act together and go to the dressing room to change.

    I hear - Nicolette? Why cant people call you by the name you ask them too. So I come out of the dressing room and she says you need to stay here, your ankle is broken and we need to talk to the doctor. So go to the waiting room.

    My doctors nurse calls me back and says I have to go to an orthopedic doctor. I say what for, I have been walking on this for almost 6 weeks now. She says - Nicki, thank goodness she used my name, you broke your ankle good and you need to see ortho. I say - what the heck is ortho gonna do now. Put a cast on me after all this time, the pain is almost gone. She tells me he might want to rebreak it and put pins in it. Then I really flip out. She made me an appointment for Monday. Now if this fracture is so bad, why not send me to ER? So I guess it ok to walk on it until Monday cause I wasnt told not to.

    They told me to get the x-rays and bring it to the ortho. Of course as soon as I got in my car I looked at the X-rays and gosh darnit, I broke my fibula all the way across close to the ankle. Dont ask me how I have been walking on it - I must have a high pain tolerance.

    I told my husband Im gonna refuse all treatment when I see this guy. He says to me so your gonna walk on it like that the rest of your life. I say - what if I never got it x-rayed - I wouldnt have never known.

    I have to walk and I have to drive and its my right ankle.

    When I got home from work I called our HR person and issued a complaint. I pay $7,000.00/year for insurance plus my $2,000.00 deductable and I her to find out why my insurance company was being so unreasonable with breast cancer, HER2 +, failed herceptin and no treatment.

    I think the brain scan will come back normal. I really do. Now Im worried about this ankle thing and I even told her if she doesnt talk to the owners, I will! They need to know how this insurance company is treating us.

    Thats my bitch, whine etc!

    Debbie:  Same think happened to me when I was getting fills.  They seemed so big and felt hard and unnatural.  Wait until you have your exchange.  You will wake up and feel them and go they are so soft!  The fill pain sucks!

    DebC:  Im so glad your headache is better today.  This darn bc messes with out minds way too much.  Weird summer, I would agree - its hot here in Chicago - had a huge thunderstorm and now the sun is shining again.  Humidity is very oppressive.  

    Harley:  A big hello to you.  I havent read Hanna's post yet, but I would really like to know why so many of us with breast cancer ended up with gallbladder issues. Hahahaha I just read you other post.  I do believe I have been clumbsy all of my life.  Im figuring after today, the reason I have been falling is totally related to this ankle fracture.  I must be compensating?

    Wish:  Today Im gonna get the biggest piece of canoli can that I can.  I need sweets and I need it now.  Comfort food I guess.  If I had a chocolate fountain right now my mouth would be covered in chocolate.

    Hanna:  Hahaha you made me laugh.  Somehow your posts always put a smile on my face.  Yes I too feel like that penguin!  I like sweet stuff, Im gonna eat it - thats my story and Im sticking to it.

    Traci:  I understand your concerns and its a big that sucks to you.  My sister also handled her bc better than I.  So big deal, she is my older sister and still thinks she needs to support her baby sister.  Im so sick of this stuff I could spit fire.

    Hanna:  Goodness, I dont remember what I read.  Not from one post to another.  I just go back and read each post, then make a comment!  Sometimes I take notes lol.

    Sheri:  A big hello to you.  Glad to see a post from you.  BTW, I think having to teach Spanish is a big IOS!

    Isabella:  OMG!  I would rather be alone than go through what you did.  A big that sucks for you.

    Lisa:  Right when I think I have my hair right when I want it, I get sucked back into that awful bad hair day.  But since so many are going through chemo right now, I guess I will accept my bad hair days.  Today being one of them.

    OK, gotta run. 


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited July 2008

    I'm with you all on the sweating thing, I am in the shower morning noon and night, even when its not hot outside I am changing my clothes 2 and 3 times a day, they're stuck to me, its glad I don't have to go out into the world and do a job nowadays.

    My G/son has always been a handful, the only time he gets a slap is from me....DD and SIL won't touch a hair on his head....he is their last child, and is treated like a baby, so stupid for a boy, he screams and stomps like a little girl, and gets everything he wants. He gets £5 ($10) a night on his way home from school, and spends it all on chocolate and crisps, even though he has had to have all his baby teeth pulled as they were rotten, and has been told NOT to eat rubbish, or his second teeth will go the same way. He has no rules at all, goes to bed when he wants, which is more often than not nearly midnight, cannot get up for school, so is not doing well with his schoolwork.

    I am afraid he gets many a slap from me if he misbehaves, some days I feel like throwing him under a train !!!! But, and this is funny, he NEVER misbehaves when he is alone with me, we get on like a house on fire, but as soon as DD comes on the scene he starts, and is just evil. DD says she doesn't know how I can slap him, and wishes she dare !!!! I tell her its damned easy, seeing him being such a little sh*t.

    DD has been having a lot of trouble with kidney stones, some days she looks awful, it has been discovered that she has a horseshoe kidney, and that is causing whatever it is that forms the stones in her urine to back up and 'pool' instead of passing straight out of her body. She seems to get one Uti after another, and has gone onto antibiotics for the forseeable future. She is not a well young woman, and of course coping with her son can't be helping her. She sometimes takes to her bed for some peace when the pain is bad, but G/son thinks nothing of barging straight into his mothers room, and disturbing her when shes sleeping, so now I try and fetch him to my house so she can sleep quietly.

    I took G/son fishing this week, first time I have been fishing in years, and he loved it, and was just not a moments trouble, as soon as his mother came to fetch him he started slamming doors and chasing cats, when a half hour before he'd been sat playing with one of the cats. He will end up in prison before he's 18, because he knows exactly what he's doing.....and I for one won't be going to see him !!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited July 2008

    Awww, Dani, I so hope that infection clears up AND soon.  Taking care of FIVE children and not feeling up to par is hard.  I remember when my three were young how I hated getting JUST a cold.  You do have pain meds, right?  You are going to beat this infection!  Hang in there!  

    Jersey, we can't talk our kids out of something they believe in.  Brain fog sucks!  

    Traci, being in an unairconditioned bathroom when things need to get done is horrible.  Heck, but the time I would get out of there I'd probably pass out.  I surely would have to bring spare makeup because mine streaks when I sweat!   That test you had was a PET scan if you drank the junk.  Good luck when you see your doctors in September.  It really SUCKS that you have to fly back to Florida.  I hope you're traveling light because I think they're going to go up on the luggage fees.  I'd hate to be flying with all the mess that's going on.  As far as the Texas Cake's comfort food...LOL  We gave most of it away so we couldn't eat it.  I think I saved a couple little pieces each for me and dh.

    AlaskaDeb said it first but I also want that cat!  That is the cutest cat.  Has anyone seen the 45 pound cat that was given up by it's owners?  I believe the owners couldn't afford him anymore.  No wonder, he was is so fat.  They had to get a vet to tell what sex he was..they were calling him a her.  I guess he had so much fat that the vet had to dig through the fat to find his little you-know-what!  He's in a foster home and needs to be adopted.  

     Hanna, thanks but no thanks about running for Congress.  I was watching C-Span today getting angrier buy the minute. I think I told someone somewhere that I'd go postal.  Listening to all the back and forth of the two parties is enough to make one go WOULD'CHA JUST PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT....NOT WHAT YOU WANT!  See what I mean.  And now it's legal to have guns in D.C.     

    Wish, I'm like you.  I don't get scans, and I'm glad.  If I should report a "symptom" they'd order the tests.  When I go to the onc OR any doctor, my priority is to get in and get out as fast as I can!    Oh, how I wish I had your problem...not gaining weight.  I just look at a cake or cookie or whatever and I gain weight.  You're so good because you have kept up your hard work!  You energetic thing you!

    Harley, how'd you change the font on your print?  Let's see if this works!     Nope it didn't!  Hope all is going well with you.  August 13 with be here sooner than you know.

    Isabella, I'm glad you weren't seeing the doctor.  You're BP would have been out of sight.  You know what I find, Isabella?  Sometimes parents let their kids get by with stuff because it's much easier than disciplining them.  I've seen my SIL let my two grandkids say things that my kids WOULD HAVE NEVER SAID TO ME!  My dd is really trying to "work" on changing the bad behavior.  But you need both parents to be on the same page.  

    I think I'm going to make a meatloaf.  That makes my dh happy since I haven't cook stuff for a while.  We've been eating frozen this and that.  My minutes are numbered since I have to cook.  I don't like cooking anymore.  


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited July 2008

    Geez, Nicki, that's all you need is for the ortho to break your foot after you already broke it.  I wouldn't jump to any conclusions still you see the doc.  But, you may have to do whatever he says because down the road you could have more trouble.

    INSURANCE!  I know!  They are creeps!  I get so angry that they can tell doctors what tests or what treatment is best for us....AKA DENY!  Burns me up!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited July 2008

    Isabella, I think you need to keep your gs for about a month.  You may be able to straighten his butt right out.  LOL  I've threatened to keep my grands for a couple of weeks when they misbehave.  HELL NO!  They's wear me out the first day!

    I'm glad you enjoyed your fishing trip.  That's some good memories for him.  And, you know what?  Kids want to have rules.  They want discipline.  But now that he's 11 it may be a bit hard for Mom and Dad.  That's a shame.


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited July 2008

    Hello Ladies,

    It's been a while since I posted, but I read faithfully every day. One thing I have to say is we sure have a lot of gifted writers posting here. I laugh, I cry, and I certainly empathize with each of you precious ladies. If there is any good thing that could possibly come brom brest cancer, 'meeting' all of you would be at the top of the list.

    Dani, that c-diff is some serious schnit. I hope your kids are being helpful. I am remembering you in my prayers. SO you won't be able to get your fipples by Christmas???  That seems so far off..

    Lisa, your puppy is a heart breaker. How will you ever train her? All she'll have to do is look at you and you'll melt. LOL

    The slapping penguin is hilarious. We need to see how many different smack downs we can come up with. I'll help.


    Jmaria, that new Stage IV cancer law being considered is totally outrageous!! That makes my blood boil.  There was some sort of trial my cardiologist was going to put me on for my heart, but I'm not eligible until I am five years NED. Great... I hope to last that long. So much is already against us... the constant fighting with insurance companies to approve needed tests and txs is already shameful (and that's just the tip of the ice berg). Then we have our dear Traci flying to a different state to get freakin' onc appointments approved? Okay, enough of all that..

    Hannah,  I have a sweet tooth and I still have my gall bladder. I need a different excuse. :-) Actually, I think bread is more of a problem for me than sweets. Whatever it is, I need to get hopping. Hopping burns calories, right?

    My B*tch is the fact that I came online last night to chat and received a message that I had already exceeded my FIVE posts for the day. Since I play games, I normally post many more times than that every day. I was so BUMMED. AND... I never, ever saw any of the hacker spammer crapola. I kept seeing everyone talking about it, but never saw the real stuff. That's amazing considering I roam around the boards for hours every day. Anyway, I am so disappointed!!

    Shirley, you are such a NUT! I cannot believe what you said to Felicia!! She is going to kick your butt. Don't you know she has skillz? I hate to see you after she gets ahold of you. LOL

    Oh yeah, the kitty cat. *melt* I miss my kitty!

    Harley, wish, Deb, Nicki - How in the world are youse doing?

    Isabella, I hope your gson has some sort of handicap, because it should be against the law for someone to allow a normal human being to behave in such a manner at 11 years of age! Grrrrr. Next time you see him in the car, run for the hills.

    Well guys, I better go.... work calls. :-) A big that sucks to all stuck in a vacuum of suckulosis.

    Much love,

    Miss S

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008


    I don't know HOW I changed my font, and the size of the print, but I was just typing along, when suddenly,  BAM!!  The print changed!  Then, just as suddenly, it changed back!!   I hope you are right, and this endometrial stuff is nothing, but when I get these weird pains, I get scared.  And I haven't taken that Xanax yet...  but I might, if I start having trouble sleeping again.

    Oh, Shirley... that FAT cat that I saw on TV, has THYROID PROBLEMS, and that is why she is so fat!!  Poor thing!!!

    Yes, I love your kitty, too, TRACI!! 


    I can't believe that you broke your fibula!  Wow!  Shirley is should get it fixed properly, or you might have trouble all your life!!  Be careful, ok?


    Glad your headache is all better today!! 

    Miss S.

    Thanks for thinking of me... I haven't been on the HUMOR thread too much lately, but I know you posted awhile back when someone was wondering where I was...  Thanks for letting them know I am doing ok...  The biopsy is 8/13, and my drs. don't 'think' it's anything to be concerned about.

    Hope everyone has a non sucky day tomorrow!  And HAPPY FRIDAY to all!!
