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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    I hate DOCS.....same thing, different day!  Mine still hasn't called with the path on the bx last wed! :(

    So what would have been different with your tx had they read it?  STupid people that lie.  We should be able to do something about that!  Like post it on their entry doors to the tx room :(

    {{Nikki}}...thinking about you!

    Harley?  When is your appt?

    Hope everyone gets a well deserved full nights sleep with pleasant dreams to boot! :D

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008


    Sending HUGS your way!!!  Please let us know the results of your tests.  I'm praying for you. 


    I can't believe that you don't have your path report... no, I CAN believe it! I HATE DRS!!

    I had my gyn onc appt. yesterday, and while this guy seemed nice, it didn't go very well.  I had to tell my entire life history of my periods and all my female health history to a nurse who wrote it all down.  Then when the dr. FINALLY came in to the office, he apparently doesn't know how to read, because he made me tell him EVERYTHING that I just got done telling the nurse!   I said that I don't want a biopsy, but I want a hysterectomy, because I don't need these parts, and they NEVER worked right anyway.  He kept saying "I hear you" but apparently he can't hear either because he refused to do a hysterectomy.  Seems he had a woman who insisted on getting a hysterectomy, even though she "didn't need it", and he said "I/we made a mistake", and she sued him.  Now I don't even want him to do the biopsy if he is not a very good dr. and screws up his surgeries!  I don't think he even read any of my information, because he never even mentioned the uterine fibroid.  He said that he 'thinks I have a polyp, and they are benign."  Now I am reading posts here and another woman had a polyp which was questionable so they are not ALL benign. 

    My dh was there, and at my insistence, he went in to this office with me, so he heard it all, and the way he heard it, you would think we were in two separate rooms!  He thinks this guy is great but I don't ....   After our 'meeting', he took me into an exam room and examined me.  Not too much to really see or feel... he felt my abdomen and after he finished sticking the speculum in he didn't really do much, but when he took it out he said that he didn't see ANY evidence that there had been any bleeding.  Did he think I was lying???  Why would I lie about this?? 

    So now he wants me to come back next month to his office... why I don't know but I guess they will schedule the biopsy then.  He wants to do it in the hospital, since he can get a better look at things.... so he said... 

    I have left a message for my onc's P.A., and she is supposed to call me back tomorrow.  Maybe I can at least get her to switch me to an AI instead of the Tamoxifen which seems to be causing me all kinds of problems.  I don't want to go back on it, since it caused my endometrial lining to go from 4 mm to TEN mm!!! 

    Anyway sorry for venting!   I hate gyn oncs, they suck!!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Shoot HArley! Dant it, sounds like you got a 'wait and see' fella, like I have!  NUTTY! 

    Can you get a second opinion? I know with your insurance, though, you had trouble finding this one, didn't you?  Dagnabit!  This is so nutty!  I'll be ticked if I do NOT get a call back tomorrow darn it!  I left a message on the nurses phone, but remember last time I did that, I had to call back in 2 weeks, b/c I never got a call from anyone then! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HATE DOCS! HATE DOCS! HATE DOCS~~~~`````````````````````````

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008

    tweety7.jpg picture by chemosabi1

     Thank you everyone.  You will never know how good you made me feel with your kind words.

    Oooop!  Thats not a bitch.


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited July 2008

    A hearty, "THAT SUCKS!" to all!

    Christine, sorry to leave you hanging. I did, in fact, get my AVASTIN after sitting in the chair waiting for three hours for it to be started. UGH. For my trouble, they gave me a coupon for a "guest meal" at the hospital cafeteria.  Guess who I gave it to? (LOL! Dexa Susan!!!!). I had even more trouble with Ms. BUTITSMYFIRSTDAY and the office manager from hell when I tried to check out. Then, I  spent nearly an hour at the grocery store, dragging but the whole time, only to discover that my dh had taken my debit card out of my wallet because his was not working. I stood in line at the checkout for at least half an hour before spying the little sign that said, "No checks--debit card and EBT only". OMG!! The very pregnant cashier greeted me and all I could say was, "I am so sorry. All I have are checks. I can't buy this." I apologized for causing an IOS in HER day because there was no way I could physically replace all the items I had put into my cart. She was sweet; I felt so rotten! Got into the car for the drive home to find that the turn signals quit working and the transmission is chugging. Oh, JOY!

    I've been exhausted ever since--can't even bring myself to write an entertaining account of my most recent IOS. 

    (((HUGS))) to all,


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    {{{DIANE}}} THAT SUCKS BIG TIME!  SO sorry you had such a crappy day from hell-o! :(  Be kind to yourself, make a grocery list with all you had in the cart and when dh gets home tonight, nicely explain your day and hand it to him, saying sweetie.....I just can't bear another trip to the store.  Thanks for gettign this stuff honey! :D

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Oh!  And most of all, hand him your keys to use your car and he can fix the things gone awry there too! :D  AND of course, bring home take on his way work...although you'll have to pick up the phone to get that one done! :D  Sit down, put your feet up and relax the rest of the day!  You've earned at least 3 days of it!

    BTW...when and office is that bad and I've just finished a tx, I'd be saying, BYE-BYE!  Bill me when you get it straighened out! :D

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2008

    Hi everyone ~ I am REALLY sorry about all the sh*t people are dealing with.  I am.  

    Harley what did I tell you about docs not wanting to do hysterectomies!!  Same deal here!  My sister went in for what she thought was getting her uterus and ovaries out, then wakes up to find her uterus still left in there.  She was pissed and she is not prone to getting mad.  You may just have to go on a hunt to find a doc to clear you out of those parts.  Maybe there really is some use to a uterus -  maybe like a flag pole.  Maybe it's like a flag pole that holds other organs in place or something I don't know. Well good luck.

    Diane - you wrote the most hilarious thing I think I've ever read in print about your day at the chemo center.  I swear I don't typically laugh out loud like a true LOL but you were brilliant my dear.  You have some major talent going on.  You really ought to submit it to a magazine somewhere - I know you'd get money for that and your sequels.  Next time you're at the docs, look for those relevant magaizines and check out where to submit your writing.   You want some $$ I say you need to start sending out your writing.  It's is definitely article material. 

    Nicki - I haven't read back too far yet, but were you to get a scan yesterday? I hope all is well. This whole sh*t really sucks.   It has been life altering suckage and I'm frankly sick of it all.  I am beginning to feel it all started just because I went to the doctor like a good girl for a mammo.  I shoulda listened to my grandad who was famous for saying don't go to doctors, they just make you sick.  I have a scan coming up and I just feel like blowing it off.  I hate it.  No one anywhere in this whole daggone planet can understand this crap like we all do.  No one anywhere.  Bunch of dam* crap the whole thing.   Well, I guess that wasn't too supportive of me and I'm sorry.  I hope you are ok and not sweating bullets waiting for results. 

    Wish, I hope your dent is filling in nicely since having the spot off your ya-ya. You are usually in such a good energetic mood it makes me feel like a slug. 

    I hope all you nauseous girls are feeling better by now.  Personally, I have a headache and I'm pissed off I have to get a scan.  Mention a twinge here and there now and it's off for a scan. Where in the heck are those good old days?!?!?  Oh, it's not for my head.  I think my headache is from the chinese food I ate.  Plus I've gained weight and that sucks.  And this day is not over yet - I have to get one of my kids through a minor surgical thing but everything with him can be a curve ball.  I am just going to have to bring this before God because I just can't deal anymore.  I think that's part of all this.  I always felt I could do it all and take care of everyone and make everyone and everything turn out OK.  Now I feel like I need to make myself just BUCK UP.  Buck up and get back in the saddle and RIDE!!  Maybe a motorcycle would do it for me. And a leather jacket and boots and chains!  I want my POWER BACK.  

    Hey, to you cm...I can't remember your whole handle, I totally understand how you think.  I do.  Turn 50 then just turn away from it all right?  Yep. 

    Shirley, how's it going?  Gypsy kids off again?  I swear I am a Pavlov dog - just writing your name now makes me drool for cake.



  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    {{{HAnna}}}  I'm so sorry you've got such suckage going on today! Sweetie, you don't need to BUCK up, You need to relax and take some time off sweetheart!  Man, all the things you have going?  What's up with the minor surgical thing with you boy? Hope it's not serious........ :(  I'll saya little prayer for you both.  A scan hey?  Sounds like more bucks in someone's pocket hey?  Well, just get 'er done and get home to relax soon!  I guess I'm glad the scans have not been in the plan for us in this little clinic, b/c it sounds like way too much stress hearing you ladies talk about them and wait for results, I'd be nutsy!

    BTW.....B9 on the BX! :D  YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!  No problems other than it's broken and needs fixing with some good ol' fashioned estrogen! :D  Just what I need, and shouldn't get!  But....I'm going to do it for 2 months and see if it helps. Hopefully from there I can keep it going without the estrogen crap!  Danged ESTROGEN anyway! :(

    Heading over to dd's, so you try to relax tonight and have someone make dinner for you, or better yet, take you out to your fav place! :D

    {{hugs}} Hanna!

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited July 2008

    Hanna, that all sucks.  Diane, I agree with Hanna, you should so sell your writing. A big that sucks to anyone else that needs it.   Wish, what did you do today?

    I took my SIL to the airport and am here all alone for the first time in days---and it feels good.  My youngest is leaving home tomorrow, I think we are taking him out for dinner tonight.  Pray for me! I am feeling the ultimate in mixed feelings about this whole empty nest thing...

    Hope everyone has a great evening with NO IOSs.



  • dhettish
    dhettish Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2008

    Harley, sorry for all your gyno troubles. That sucks. I am seeing a new GYN for my pap which was supposed to occur in Jan (thank you chemo). I am hoping he will do a U/S of my ovaries since I had cysts several years ago. My BC grew in a cyst.

    Diane, sorry about you sucky day. You are very creative. I had to read it aloud to my husband. We have some talented women. Who was it that wrote that hilarious piece about constipation several months ago? I just remember the part about passing the rock of Gilbralter. These diatribes need to be printed into a book! Of course, it may scare the newbies out there.

    I am going through expander pain from Hell. Traci, I know how you felt. I want these things out and will settle for -A cup right now. The doc just called in nth rx of Lortab. The cancer side looks and feels great. The other side is freaky. the boob is just under my collar bone and hurts like hell. I am to the point that I would not mind having a small and medium boob. I don't think I can take another fill on the left (good????) side.

    I went blueberry picking yesterday and loaded up on Off. and I still got more chiggers. My legs are so awful looking with these red bumps and scars from the old scratched to death ones.

    My hair is growing and beginning to get curly and is all over the place. I am back to wearing a ball cap. I need some heavy duty hair gel. thinking of supergluing it in place.

    But I am not on chemo or any other killer drug. My doc does not believe in scans so I don't have the waiting worries. I will get my colonscopy after my exhange. I can just see them rolling me over my stomach and waking up in pain and screaming at them. I cannot even lay on my sides. Oh well such is life in the BC lane.


  • m0mtobe
    m0mtobe Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2008

    Hanna-from what I gather on the "other" board Nicki cancelled her scans or her doctor did and wants to check her out for sinusitis.  Not sure how you go from brain scan to look for mets to possible sinus but I'm no dr.  Maybe Nicki will post on here what she posted at the other place so people will know what is going on.  Just wanted to pass along the info so that all of you that might have been thinking of the stress awaiting a brain scan is possibly only a sinus infection.  go figure.


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2008

    Hey everybody....I'm still at work...under alot of pressure (it sucks) but I had to pop in and respond to Debbie.....

    Girl, you made me dizzy with your post. I'm just freaking out for you! I took mine out too early because of the pain. I HATE THE RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE THEM! God I wish I could turn back time....I would so have left them in had I known this is what I was going to look like. Please, please discuss this in depth with your dr Debbie. I do not want you to feel like I do after all you've been through. I had horrible pain with my last two fills. So bad that at 2 in the am....I would be sitting in bed crying like a baby it hurt so bad. If I had to do it over again, I would just medicate myself into a coma to keep them in as long as they needed to be in to get some "projection".

    I hope you can find something to help with the pain girl.......I hope with all my soul that you do not end up with what I've got.....

    I'm sorry if that sounds so.....drastic....(is that a word? it doesn't look right) I just had to tell you that though. (((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    gtg, I'll be back.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008

    Hello to all my friends.  Thanks for your kind words and all of your pm's.  Made me feel so good.

    I did go to my PCP - and Im sorry Im redirecting you once again, but I just dont have the energy to post it twice.  So if ya want to know what happened at my PCP check out "Time To Circle The Wagons."  Im feeling better tonight and not soooo sucky.  Still having lots of tests - but feel better.

    I sending out big IOC's to everyone and will try to catch up with a big that sucks to all.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited July 2008

    Snowy, DAGGONE!  Someone was either incompetent OR a liar!  I wonder how the doc would feel if this happened to her..not reading the supplementary path.  And I so empathize with you about the dentist.  I haven't made my appointments yet.  Gotta call my dentist.  I'll need a couple of root canals, about three crowns, one cavity filled, wisdom tooth extraction.  I think that's all.  And the total cost -- I don't want to think about it!  Now, just getting up the nerve to make the appointments before things get worse!

    Harley, again, I'm really sorry about your "new" doctor disappointing you.  I don't know why these docs insist we keep things (body parts) that we DON'T want and are not working anyway.  When I mentioned to my gyn that maybe it'd good to get THOSE PARTS out...he said, no.  I wonder why.  I'm 62 yo and I sure as heck don't need them!  Just one more thing to worry about.

    Nicki, I'm sorry you are going through so much stress.  Maybe your pcp is right about your sinuses and that would be a good thing!  Good luck, girlfriend.  Prayers going up for you.

    Diane, thank you for finishing your story.  However, as much as I laughed in reality it wasn't funny.  You have a good sense of humor, and I suppose that's what helps some of us get through.  Feeling miserable and going to the store to find out you didn't have your card. NOW THAT SUCKS!  I absolutely agree with Wish..send dh out.

    Wish, YAY for the benign. estrogen is supposed to do WHAT with what he took out?  I'm confused.  Is it supposed to fill in the "holes."  LOL  That didn't come out right!  All I want to say is my onc said ABSOLUTELY NO ESTROGEN CREAM NO MATTER WHAT A GYN SAID.  Now, I have to say that I was highly ER/PR+ and my tumor was quite large.  And every doctor has a difference of opinion.  Good luck!  That estrogen cream will at least make "things work," if you know what I mean.  Will make your dh very happy!  Laughing

    Hanna, I agree with you.  Diane needs to write a book.  In fact so do you.  You had me LMBO about your pole story.  And, aren't you the one that backed your car into the garage?  Well, whoever it was it was funny too.  And, my dd had a Pavlov dog.  She would come to me for som people food and if I didn't give it to her right away she'd drool all over the place.  And, you dear, need to sit back and let someone else BUCK UP!  What kind of scan are you having?  Did I miss something?  Or, did I just FORGET?  Oh, and there's no chocolate cake nothing!  And, yep the Gypsy kids have bee gone for about two weeks (I think).  I miss them even though I griped about them coming over to "visit" eat.

    Sue, it's so nice to have company.  And it's nice when they leave.  And, you will get to liking the empty nest syndrome.  Really, you will.  I love my children, but I guess I'm just set in my ways.  And by the time they visit and leave I'm pooped!

    Debbie, I didn't have reconstruction so I can't give any advice.  But, I think you should take Traci's.  The only option I had was a tram flap due to my radiated breast.  My PS didn't do some of the other procedures and I didn't want to lose my tummy muscle.  WHAT MUSCLE?  It's all flab, but I can still sit up when I'm on an examining table.  I don't want to have to ask a doc to help me up because I have no muscles.  He'd agree that I didn't have any muscles...only fat!  I need to start working on that..YEAH, RIGHT!

    Hi, Traci!  We're always glad to see you.  So sorry you are slammed at work (or does pressure = work?).  But, in most cases that can be a good thing, right?

    Well, no really big sucky issues here except I have to cook dinner.  Or, is my dh going to?  I really don't like to cook anymore.  Wished I did.

    Ya'll be good! 


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited July 2008


    I love you.  You always make me feel better.

    Thanks for the kind words.  I think I will get to liking the empty nest.  I remember my husband use to have this thing he said when the kids were little and everybody was tired and loud and things were chaotic--he would look at me and say, "Remember, one of these days it's going to be just you and me again..."  So I guess that day is here. 

    A new part of life.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited July 2008

    Awww Sweet, Sue.  I think back and I miss those days.  Would I like to have them back?  I have to say probably so BECAUSE I had SO much MORE energy.  LOL  I remember the chaos.  But I wouldn't change one thing.

    I had my three girls very close together.  I think they were all born withing 3 years and 3 months.  Had my first one when I was about 24 1/2 (1/2 makes a big difference...LOL), and third one when I was four months shy of my 28th b'day.  My mil told me that was the way to have kids..get rid of them all within a short time. LOL  Memories....and you're starting your memories.  Good and bad ones.

    Here's a song for you.  You might want a tissue.  You've probably heard this song, and it almost makes me cry everytime I hear it DEPENDING on my mood.


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Whew!  Gone a couple/three hours and the yackers take over! :D  Love you all so much, it's fun to read it all, the good, bad and UGLY :)  Sorry for the SUckiness I missed mentioning, but thinking of you all when I'm gone really!

    Except for the art fair I found downtown on the way to dd's this afternoon!  What a find!  Some really neat things that I wish I could create!  I'm going back saturday morning to put an order in for 2 things I just feel in love with! I'll try to post pictures after I get them in a couple weeks :D

    Shirley, you SO crack me up!  No, the estrogen isn't to fill in the crater he left with the bx silly! :D  It's to replace the lack of it in the ya-ya so I (we) can enjoy life again!  I'm so thin, I bleed even thinking about ya-ya-fun! :(  It's so painful, I bled with even a vaginal ultrasound a month ago.  My onco (who I'm still working on replacing) I don't think really understand BC at all, at all!  He's leaving it up to the gyno, who himself doesn't understand the creams and such.  He said NO estrogen gets systemic (NOT true).  Very little does with the estring and another one (can't remember the name).  Though I'm going to be using only 1/2 mg 2X a week rather than the 2-4 mg a time that is normally prescribed. I'm also only TRYING it for 2 months, then he'll do estrodial levels and see what's changed.  Also, MY plan (regardless of his plan) is to use this for 2 months, try to replenish the wall thinning and lube enough that I can then use a non-hormonal to keep it supple.  Now is that enough info for all the world?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited July 2008

    Wish, hmmm...I wonder......would the estrogen cream work for my dh?  Actually, I have forgotten what "enjoy life again" means.  Hell, I don't know whether I'd bleed or not.  I bleed after a pap, but heck, the doc takes half of my cervix!  Well, at least you and dh can enjoy life.  Have fun!

    I have one cat who likes to puke daily.  I hate stepping in the stuff!

    So, you've been shopping.  What made you think you can leave your yard work and go gallivanting (I'm so glad there's spell check..darn, I can't spell worth a crap anymore..must be my estrogen deprivation!).  Can't wait to see the pics.

    Good nite all!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Shirley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I told dh you ladies were made at me doing gardening and cleaning and I had to get away today to keep my stand in the 'can't get it together' thread!  Geesh!  Don't riun it for me, or I won't be able to finish that art walk Saturday morning and put my order in! ! :D

    And yes, this one does it about every other month or so....pukes till she empties her tummy, then eats and is fine. SHe's just a tiny thing, and not sure why she does it. The other one is a cougher with her hair balls, but never brings anything up.  Just coughs till I put that stuff on her paws to losing it up in there and it passes the other end.  GREAT stuff! :D

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited July 2008


    having to go BACK to buy art sucks!!!!Tongue out  You have so much energy, how do you do it?  It helped me tonight to read you are only a year or so out from diagnosis--gives me hope that in just a few months things will be more normal for me.

    shirley--good night.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008

    Hi All:  I have a short bitchy, whiny, IOC for the day.  First of all I hate cancer!  Thats a given.  I got a call from my PCP last night and the Ca15-3 that was drawn at my oncs office on Monday is slightly elevated!  Roller Coaster ride - here we come.


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Big 'THAT SUCKS!' CS~  Dang it, I've heard though that they aren't always a good predictor, so we'll hang on to the fact that 'LABS' can be wrong and other things can cause a change in them on occasion, right?  What's the plan now?

    {{Sue}} You will get here, I promise :D  I still have bad days and still am sore from the mast (bad ROM with the arm) and the constant sore throat, tired, sore and stiff joints and the Hoochy thing going on, but seriously....things could be worse!  I could be still fighting the beast!  I feel thankful that it's a lot easier than 20-40 years ago!  I was just reading that BC back 40 years ago, they'd do that Radical thing, removing all tissue to the bone on the women (INCLUDING the skin) then graft from their backs to cover the area?  HOLEY MOLEY!  No wonder so many died!  Imagine the infections back then with the non-steile environments and so on.  AND NO WONDER the women were hospitalized so long!  HOW BARBARIC was that!  Oh, and let us know forget that they used COBALT to treat them afterwards! about poisoning someone?  ANd we said hussein was a monster?  I think cancer tx back then win! :(  WHEW!  Yes, I'm thankful today! For all of us!

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited July 2008

    LOL @ all you guys saying I should write a book! I have found that I can only really be creative/entertaining if I'm really pissed off--not sure I want to STAY pissed all the time in order to write! I do know that I have read so many funny things here on the boards. When I was first dx'ed and just lurking, I nearly peed myself reading the "where's my remote?" thread. I remember sitting at the computer and laughing so hard that my dog came running to see what was the matter. With something as SH#*(%^ as bc, laughing is essential.

    A great big "THAT SUCKS" to everyone. I keep hoping that I'll come here and find no one has any IOS to report. No such luck. Here's hoping the weekend is suction-free for all!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008

    ok... sorry I haven't been on too much lately, but I am dealing with lots of A**Hole drs. who must have their heads up their A**!! 

    I hope I don't get kicked off this board!! 

    Now I don't remember, but somewhere, either the Bitch thread or the I can't get my act together thread, someone may have inquired as to how my gyn onc appt. went on Tuesday.  I can't find the thread, so I'll update now.

    I saw this dr., and I HATE it when you have to tell a nurse your whole life gyn history, all the dates of your periods, etc... and then the dr. comes in and is CLUELESS, so you have to repeat the entire conversation!! 

    He didn't think it was anything to be concerned about.  Abnormal bleeding, after menopause, while on Tamoxifen is NOTHING to worry about?  and going from a 4 mm endometrial stripe to a 10 mm stripe is nothing to worry about??  He refused to do a prophylactic hysterectomy, saying that he had a patient who "didn't need a hyst., but she insisted, so he did it.  There were problems, "I/we made a mistake, and she sued me." 

    He did a pelvic exam, and scheduled me to come back in on Aug 21 or 22nd.  I asked him for some kind of anxiety med., to help since I have so much anxiety about yet another biopsy, when we all know what happened after the BREAST biopsy!  He looked dumbfounded, and said "YOU had another endometrial biopsy?"  I said NO.... the breast!  That is when I knew that he wasn't listening to me.

    So anyway, the hospital called to see how my gyn experience went...  Oh, yes, I LOVED it!!  I can't WAIT to do it again!!  The pelvic exam was not much, just stuck the speculum in and felt around a little... then declared that he didn't see ANY evidence of bleeding.  ok, I'm lying?

    The hospital called the nurse and told her that I was kind of upset, so she called me after talking to the dr., and he wrote a Rx for some Xanax.  Then he called me a little while ago because the nurse told him I had some questions.  NOT TRUE... She asked if he could call me and I said that I didn't see the point... 

    Just a word of advice... DO NOT go see a dr when they are trying to go on vacation!!    

    Since my insurance sucks, I will have to see him again, for this biopsy. I am concerned about waiting, since my primary care dr. just held onto the u/s report for TWO weeks before I even got the results, and now I have waited ONE month to see this dr., who just blew me off, and wants me to wait another MONTH??  So he said that he will have someone call me to get me scheduled for an appt. on Aug 11th, the day he gets back from vacation.  Then, he said that he can schedule the biopsy for the 13th. 

    Sorry for the long bitchy post...  I have just had it with drs. who really don't have a clue about how it feels to have a cancer dx., and then to have to wait...  and worry about another biopsy.

    GYNS suck and ONCs suck, but GYN ONCS suck the most!!!

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Shoot girl!  You've sooooooooooooo gotten the run-around!  I'd be pissed too and you know I have been with my stuff and it's not near the worry yours is! :(  I'm so sorry you are going through this crap, dang it all!  Why can't there be GOOD GYNS out there! You know?  A good gyn that is versed well in dealing with cancer pts could make a killing in most places!  Seems they are just NOT with it, unless you are giving birth! :(  Seems so and read and research!  We do it, why can't they?

  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited July 2008

    Diane  - Thanks for the ending, though I agee, it was really sucky about the groceries!!

    Nicki - Glad to know what it ISN'T.  Maybe you will get some peace with that...

    I was gone for a couple days and still catching up...Big SUCK-O's to everyone with IOS!

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2008

    Geeze Harley, how have you not choked someone yet?? I think it's time for a shovel party!! I'm so sorry you have to deal with these dumba**es!

    Nicki - hope all turned out well...crossing my fingers things are quiet for a while for you!

    Sue - Thanks for the good vibes you sent..they seemed to have worked Wink

    Everyone else...sorry for your troubles, hope everyone has a quiet weekend with no IOS's...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008

    Good Morning and a big "that sucks" to everyone.  I guess I have limited my bitching, groaning, and moaning to the week-ends.  Things are just so busy and hectic now a days. 

    Diane:  You could write a book lol.  Your office manager sounds like nurse ratchet.  I wonder why there is always one mean gatekeeper in every doctors office.  Hard enough you have to go there for treatment.  You would think they would be a little more civilized knowing what you are going through.  That women deserves a punch in the nose.  The grocery store episode is so ridiculous.  What is this world coming to.  I prefer writing checks over a debit card any time Im can.  I heard on the new a couple of weeks ago that a hacker got into the debit system for one of the larger banks and got hold of the passwords.  Cant believe they left you hanging there and unable to buy the food.  A big that sucks for you - hate shopping to begin with and wouldnt want to have to do it over again.

    Hanna:  It was good to see a post from you.  I love the statement dont go to doctors they will only make you sick lol.  So much has happened this week and my computer time has been so limited.  I cancelled the scan and went to see my PCP first.  I posted what he said in the wagon circle because I didnt want to be posting that stuff everywhere.  There are so many places I like to go.  Anyways, he was able to calm me down.  Im having a bunch of tests next week including an MRI of the brain on Thursday.  Sending a big that sucks your way for any testing that is in your future.  I hate what it does to us.

    Shirley:  This has been a week from hell, but I have finially managed to pull myself out of this hole and Im actually feeling better today.  My PCP was so reassuring.  He was looking out for my physical and emotional well being.  He saw that I had worked myself up to a place none of us want to be.  He never told me I had sinusitis.  Im not quite sure where that came from, other than I was trying to think of things that would be causing me to have an unsteady gait.  The emotional side of can be so overwhelming sometimes.  Sue is right, your posts are always so reassuring.  Im gonna enjoy today and not even think about tomorrow.

     thgoofy3.gif Goofy image by priamos_1

    Wish:  Tumor markers are not always reliable.  I have asked my onc over and over why does he do them when they are not recommend by ASCO.  They tend to cause more stress than what its worth.  Im feeling pretty good today.  Not so sucky at all.  Guess I have been able to work through things. 

    Harley:  What a nightmare.  I know what you mean about the nurse coming in and asking questions, then the doctor coming in clueless.  Seems to me he could have given you a better explanation than he was afraid of being sued.  I have the picture picture for what I think of him.

     donkey-1.jpg picture by chemosabi1

    Crisitne:  Yep as time moves forward, Im getting more relaxed.  Dont even care anymore that Im getting all those scans.  I hate bc - I hate that it makes us crazy and worry over every little thing.  Im just greatful I have a wonderful PCP who know me.  Maybe to well lol.

    Bonnie:  It is amazing what a little xanax will do!

    Well forgive me - for not mentioning everyone.  At least its the week-end and I will be able to keep up with all the IOC's.  Im hungry and gonna go raid the refrigerator!  Have a good morning and hoping your day isnt too sucky.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008


    Did you say you had a CA-15-3 test?  I don't know what that is, but I have read that some of these blood tests are unrealiable, and maybe these levels can fluctuate, so try  not to worry.  That is wise advice, to just think about today, and be happy.  Have a great weekend, my friend! 


    Yep, these drs. are going to make us crazy, I think!  This gyn onc even PATTED ME ON THE HEAD, when I asked for some anxiety medication, and said "you don't need anything."  I HATE being patronized!! 


    I wanted to choke him, for dismissing my concerns!  He said "it's probably a polyp, and they are benign."  oh, and a TEN mm endometrial stripe is 'not very big'.  WTH?  IF he had read the reports I gave him, he would see that 3/07 u/s showed only a 4 mm stripe, and now, 6/08's report shows TEN mm?  and that isn't a significant change??

    Happy weekend to all!   Sorry, I know this is the bitchy thread, but if I don't try to put all this bc stuff out of  my head, I'll worry myself to death!!


    I haven't seen you for awhile, how are you doing?  I bet you are playing with your grand babies and having fun!!
