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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited August 2008

    Wow, Stay away from this place for one day and fall behind by two whole pages. Too much suckage going on...

    Isabella, I feel for your daughter. Your gs sounds like my youngest stepson (I have four - and all of them are bad asses). He did crap like that just because. Smart as a whip and just as crass, he knew what the heck he was doing and did it anyway. When I first met him I thought he'd be in jail before he was 21. I was wrong - he got sent to the pokey when he was 19. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but things may get a whole lot worse before they get worse. Have you tried counseling?

    Nicki, so sucks that the doc at the hospital was an ass. Do these fools think before they open their pie holes or what?!? He must be related to my (former) oncologist as they both have the bedside manner of a rock. Sorry about your ankle, too. Great land, you must have a heck of a pain tolerance, woman!

    Traci, you had me rolling about the lack of ac in the ladies' room. I could picture you going in looking all businessy and coming out looking like you were melting. But here's my penence for that: my laptop is baking my thighs and I'm having one of the longest freaking hot flashes on record. OMG! Will winter freaking come already?!? Cute kitty, btw...

    Shirly, you know I'm gonna get you for cracking on my UTI, right? Like it isn't bad enough that my pee is orange (from those creepy brown pills) and I'm buying cranberry juice like it's going out of style, you have to poke fun at my misery! Betcha like ripping band-aids of scabs, too, huh?!? But seriously, I think I got it from too many...umm...passonate rolls in the hay last week. I was just trying to test the "use it or lose it" theory. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

    Tomorrow and Monday are moving days for me - to a new office. I HATE moving of any kind. Absolutely hate it. So if you don't hear from me for a few days I'm either trapped under something heavy or I can't get the wireless to work with my computer...

    Have a good one, ladies... 

  • sccruiser
    sccruiser Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2008


    Love your kitten--she may be part "Scottish Fold" which is a recognized breed in the cat world, and of course so named for the folded ears! And tuxedo cats are great--they are known for being people cats and are very smart. They are also called picture cats because they are black and white. I have had a few, even a couple long haired picture cats. So far, they are my favorite as far as personalities. Have fun with your new fur-baby!

  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited August 2008

    Okay, apparently the punishment for not checking in here for 4 days is 5 pages to read!!  Dang!!!

    Can't catch up with everyone just yet, but at least I'm marking my spot!  So I'm hollerin' a big THAT SUCKS to everyone!!

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2008

    Christine ~ a visual of you lifting your leg popped in my head when I read your post...I know what you meant, but I couldn't help what the TV in my head played when I read you marking your spot...too funny!

    Isabella ~ right there with Felicia, there is some serious counseling needed. For your gs and your dd. Coming from a former problem child, gs is pissed about something going on that he's not talking about. I sure hope your dd grows some balls and takes responsibiltiy for her sons mental healt as well. p'ing on a car is not a normal expression of displeasure!

    Traci ~ I feel your pain on the a/c - we lose the ac in our building every other biggest fear is a chemo induced ladies room session when it's out...I just can't hold my breath that long! sorry, TMI....

    Debc - so glad your headache is gone...

    Shirley, if I was a baker I would totatally try that recipe. Think I'll give it to my dp's mother and pull the cancer card to get her to make it. (although seriously, the way I bake, she should just be glad I am asking her to do it instead of burning down the house...again :) long story )

    Nicki ~ for what's its worth; in 2004 I hurt my ankle. Went to ortho..xray didn't show break. Did therapy for 9 weeks - pain still there, swelling still coming and going every week. Complained every week starting at 4 weeks in to dr. that somethig was not RIGHT!!! He told me - and I quote "it's therapy, it's supposed to hurt. See you next week". So, after insurance company called him, they FINALLY did an mri..."oh, I'm sorry" he says -  "your ankle is broken after all and by the way, you have two torn tendons"...fired his dumb a** and went to an ankle specialist who operated to fix. By now 3 months had passed. I did this on my birthday on 9/8 and had surgery 12/10. Just before bc dx ortho suggested I go for another surgery to have pinned because it still pops out 4 years later and causes me to stumble and or fall...which really pisses me off if I happen to be carrying cake or bloody mary's at the time...but I digress. I am not doing another surgery until I can't walk any more. I somehow don't belive metal pins and plates which limit my mobility is going to make my life any better. Give me my darvocet and leave me alone until I am hopping on one foot!!!

    Felicia ~ good luck with the move...the next time I move, it's going to be on a gurney with a sheet over my head to the morgue!!

    Dani ~ hope the cdiff is better...can only imagine what you're going through...

    For anyone I missed ~ a big THAT SUCKS for you!!

    My IOS for the day? Turns out I had an allergic reaction to Herceptin on my first day of Taxol/Hercepting they had to stop and pump me full of crap to stop the reaction. 10 hours later I was done and now we are not sure I will be able to continue with my whole course. FABULOUS...the one drug I feel I need the most and I am allergic to it. WTF??? I feel like the ac was  a waste of time without the Herceptin. So not happy about this. Think I'll have another piece of cake to make up for it! Oh, and can I just say how I love it when people tell me I shouldn't eat sweets because cancer feeds off of sugar???? REALLY PEOPLE, if it was that f'n simple ~ wouldn't we just starve the cancer by eliminating sugar from our diets??? No need for that horrible chemo, just skip the sugar, of course ...why didn't I think of that??? ok, off my soap bit*! box.

    have fun all...

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2008

    ps...i will try to figur out how to get puppy pics down loaded from blackberry onto my not gifted like that so i make no promised but will try it today...apparently the steroids will give me plenty of energy for it :)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited August 2008

    grumpy_tgif.jpg picture by chemosabi1

    Ok - Im marking my spot.  Will catch up with ya all when I get home from work.

    Bonnie:  OMG hahahaha "give me my darvocet and leave me alone."  I really laughed at that - and thats exactly how I feel.

    See ya all later.  Hope your day isnt too sucky.


  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited August 2008

    Been away for a few days so I'm still trying to catch up, but wanted to send a hello and that sucks to everyone experiencing IOS.

    Nicki, hate to hear about your ankle. I fell off my front porch back in November and have had problems with my ankle ever since. It doesn't swell, but hurts like hell when I try to walk after sitting for a few minutes or especially when I get up in the morning. I've been so involved with biopsies, mast and recon since it happened that I've just been putting up with the ankle. Now I'm seriously considering having it checked out, but just haven't been able to make the appt. I've got to do something though cuz I got out of my car at Target the other day and could hardly walk. Just don't want to see another dr and be told something else is wrong with me.

    I haven't even got this dang wound healed yet, although it has made great progress towards closing and looks like it may be done within a couple of weeks. Finally, I've been treating it for almost 4 months! Now I'm hoping it will close before the middle of August and I'll be able to take at least one dip in my pool before we close it (since I've spent all summer keeping it clean for everyone else).

    Hope everyone has a good Friday and it kicks off a great weekend! 

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited August 2008

    Nicki and sheila?  Have you ladies had a bone density (DEXA) done yet?  If not, it might be a good idea if you are getting breaks like this.  Perhaps you've already got bone thinning from tx and need some bone building meds?

    BIG THAT SUCKS to BONNIE and the rest who are having sucky times.  Bonnie, have they said whether it might have been from the combo meds and not the hercep?  Just a thought, but the some of those pre-meds can cause a reaction too.  Hope you get to finish your tx!  Keeping you close in thoughts and prayers dear!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited August 2008

    It all sucks.  Now hear my crappy crap:

    Seems like the order to move the phone lines from the old office to the new one got lost in the system. The order is now in the hands of a rep (whatever the hell that means), but no date to actually turn the damn thing on has been set yet. And to make matters worse, Verizon is threatening to strike tomorrow, so this may NEVER get to where it needs to go until the strike is over! WTF?!? I place the damn order about three weeks ago! GRRRRR!!

    So while my entire office will move on Monday, my phone lines will be at the old place. To at least have some communication with the folks I need to (we are fast approaching deadline on this end), I actually had to order call forwarding on one line - more $!! - but there not even sure that will go through.

    I absolutely HATE incompetent customer service folks! If I ran my business like that, I'd be freaking bankrupt. GRRRR!!! 

    And Cipro sucks! And it's bloody 90+ degrees here today! GRRRR!!! 

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited August 2008

    Shoot!  Felecia, threaten to take your phone numbers and switch to a mobile phone service!  Maybe that will get verizon motivated to do something NOW rather than later!  Of course, I'd be mentioning also, that you won't be paying for those weeks without service at the new place.  What do they mean,they can't forward the calls?  Isn't that like OLD technology? 

    This should be interesting how Alltel does after verizon buys them out!  UGH!

  • danix5
    danix5 Member Posts: 141
    edited August 2008

    hey Girls,

    I am just checking in, my days have been crazy!  Just finally got the two college kids squared away with the apartments, of course they are at two different schools.  whew that was a lot of work now i just need to get their meal plans and utlilites done when I get back!

    That is why I am popping in, days have been crazy two other kids just got home from 4H camp and I am flying with the laundry and they are packing.  We leave to Sandbrige Va Beach tomorrow for 2 WEEKS yeah, we have a pool and an ocean front home!!!  No I did not rob a bank my MIL pays every year for this it is our only real vacation.  This year Doug and I did take two quick runs to the beach over nite though!

    Well I guess I won't be able to catch up with all of your suckiness, I really want to though!

    Thanks all of you for thinking of me I won't list names because I know I will forget someone!

    I am on two probiotics and do not need any pain meds.  The pain comes and goes on left side, it is concerning but i did refuse the CT scan they wanted to do early in the week on Monday!  I would like to wait, radiation paranoid, I am now on another week of Vancomocin 250mg X4 a day!  If the pain is still there when I get home I will do the CT.

    BTW, the probiotics are great especially one called Florastor, look it up they do sell it on, but it ain't cheap!  If it helps me from getting sicker I am PAYING!!!!!

    Know that I will be thinking of you girls and will check in if I can with my brothers computer, but not sure they have internet at the house.

    Traci-  I love your Kitty!  Your sister cracks me up too!  I have kids and your right it helps to make light and jokes about it all!  All though my kids think I am nuts cause I have been bleaching everything in my house cause of the c.diff.  I only use my masterbath and I am not having direahha (sp) anymore but never hurts to be careful with a little bleach!!!  LOL!  The two that are lifequards keep telling me our house smells like the pool!  Now I will probably get lung cancer and give it to my kids and hubby with the bleach fumes!!!

    Love you all,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited August 2008

    xLIfesucks.gif picture by chemosabi1

    Hello Everyone.  Im marking my spot.  Husband isnt working tonight and I need to spend some time with him.  I promise I will catch up with all the necessary IOS's in the morning.  I do love my Saturday morning computer time.


  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited August 2008

    Just popping in to wish everyone a suck-free (as much as possible) weekend!!  And if it's not, then here's an extra-large THAT SUCKS!!  '

    (BTW, I am reading but not able to post too much)

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited August 2008

    Back at you, with the wishes Christine! and everyone else too!  Enjoy this hot, humid and oh my, it's too hot to enjoy weekend!  Where's our lake effect snow we are so famous for when you need it most! :(

  • dhettish
    dhettish Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2008

    Hi All,

    I have had a very busy week and weeknights and was exhausted when I got home yesterday and decided to take a quick nap before dinner. My husband calls and said he heard on the scanner, (he does police radio work) that a boy had drowned in the river in front of our house. I look out the window and every country sherrif's car, ambulance, EMA vehicles, Firetrucks are all down the road. My husband came home and went to help with the lighting as he used to do recovery diving. They finally got the body out at 9PM. I am not sure what happened but he was playing on the bank wearing jeans and cowboy boots and fell in. I guess he could not swim and the clothing bogged him down. There is a slight current there but kids swim all the time. I was so depressed about it thinking about the family this am even though I don't know them. That is so awful for them. We have lived here for 12 years and kids swim in the river all the time and this is the first drowning. 

    I am so spent from the busy week I had, the pain of the expanders that today I am just bumming around and laying on the couch.

    Nicki, I am so sorry for all your worries, insurance woes, and broken ankle. Geez, you have been through the ringer. And now if you CT scan is all right, thanks to the doctor, you may still worry????? I would question why it has to be rebroken and pinned. Will it affect your leg on down the road. Hell, if you get along just fine, can you live with it? You don't need anymore pain or surgeries.

    Well, I am going to pop in a comedy in the player and try to forget everything.

    Darn you Traci, after seeing your new baby, I now have kitten fever. I want a new one and we have 11 and my husband would absolutely kill me if I got another one. I don't even have time to play with all the ones I have except the youngest who make you play with them. Kittens are just so cute and I hope you get a lot of happiness and laughter from him. We have 3 very old cats who will not be with us much longer. I walked in yesterday and Millie was lying in the middle of the living room so still. I called her name and no response. I went over to her and set my grocery bags down next to her and no response. I called her again and no response. I started crying and then she looked up at me and "MEOW". I guess she was just really asleep.


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited August 2008

    Debbie--So sorry about the tragedy striking so near you.  I feel for the family as well. I can't imagine losing a child, that would be the most difficult thing of all for me.

    I have a cat too, just one. She is a total princess, my husband spoils her to death.  She was wild.  There was a mother cat outside in our well house, and my dogs murdered her and one of her kittens (we didn't even know they were out there).  We found what we thought were all the kittens and found them homes, and about two days later I was going to work really early and heard this baby crying outside. She was about 3 1/2 weeks old and the most flea-infested little mite I had ever seen--and of course I immediately fell in love with her.  She was 4 in May, she is waiting just inside the door for me when I come home from work, and she will actually come when I call.  Every morning I get up early because I need 45 minutes with my book and a cup of coffee to start my day.  This is the time when she comes and sits in my lap and it is just the two of us.  The love we get from our pets is so good, and when you think about it, love is love, you know? Even though they are "just an animal".  It hurts so much when we have to let them go, but we go into it knowing that is part of the price of loving and being loved by them.

    Traci, so glad you got a kitten!! You must be settling in!!

    Nicki, hope you had a good evening with your hubby. You are so faithful to read everyone's posts and answer then one by one. I look forward to your posts because you care so much and it shows.  Thank you for caring, and taking the time that you do. And WOW, what a woman you are with your pain tolerance!!!!  Sorry about your ankle, hope you know soon what is the right way to handle it.

    Bonnie, sorry for your suckiness and hope you feel better...

    Sheila, good to hear from you!!! Glad to hear you might get some swim time this year after all, I know it's been a long hard road--I think we actually had surgery on the same day (4/2) but I only had a mast/SNB.  Hard to imagine still healing after all this time, you have had a rough road.

    Cris--I know you're tired, just hang on, it's almost over!!!! 

    A heartfelt "THAT SUCKS" to anyone I missed... 

    My crap--swollen ankles/lower legs.  Called the on-call onc this morning and he called in Lasix for me--and mentioned congestive heart failure as a possibility.  That made my weekend, now I get to worry!!!  He seemed certain that my onc would want to do a repeat echocardiogram before giving me anymore adriamycin... 

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2008

    Dropping in with a huge that SUCKS for everyone who needs it this morning....

    I'm having some spooky symptoms and have to get a brain MRI on Monday.  Can I just say that I hate cancer so bad I can't even express it.....I am SO sick of worrying and stressing about cancer.....

     Cancer just sucks

    Deb C

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited August 2008

    Deb C

    I am so sorry you are having to worry AGAIN.  You will be in my prayers.



  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2008


    You are very fortunate that your onc will check for CHF now, because of your swollen legs/ankles. Even though my onc noticed mine and even prescribed Lasix, no one checked my heart. They went on to give me three months of Herceptin and now I have a low LVEF that still has not bounced back a year later. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. If they had known ahead of time I would have received NO Herceptin. Now I'm hoping three months of it is enough to keep the bc away.

    Deb, spooky symptoms suck majorly. Praying good results from your brain MRI will put your mind at ease for a little while.

     Love to all,

    Miss S

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited August 2008

    angelbad_girl1.jpg image by chemosabi1

    A big howdy and a big IOS to all that need one.  With so many bco members getting together at Pinkstock, I got a little sentimental yesterday and was reading some old posts.

    I dont have an IOS today - its gonna be a hot one.  The dog days of summer are here.

    Cristine:  Good to see you.  Same here, I have been reading alot too.

    Wish:  Hahahaha Im laughing cause I think Im looking for that Lake effect snow myself.

    Debbie:  What a sad story about the child that drowned in the river.  I dont know what they are going to do with my ankle.  All I know is that Im gonna swim my heart out until the appointment just in case they put a cast on it.  I know the ankle needs stability cause thats why I have been falling - how we fix that, I dont know - but surgery will be a very last choice.  Dont like the sounds of that at all.

    Sue:  That kittne story brought a tear to my eye.  I could here that little baby meowing outside your door.  Hope you find out the cause of those swollen ankles.  I had some CHF after chemo, but luckily for me it went back to normal after I stopped herceptin.  They said the combination of Adriamycin and Herceptin is pretty darn hard on the heart.  Keep those legs elevated, and watch out - that Lasix is gonna make you pee!

    DebC:  Getting that MRI on Monday - well it just sucks!

    Miss S:  Ya know, I learned more from these boards than from my doctors.  I asked for heart tests before and after treatment because so many here told me too.  It sucks you still have issues a year after treatment.

    Have a good Sunday and hoping its not too sucky.  I will try to get back later, but who knows, DH may be hogging this computer all day once he wakes up.


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2008


    They did check my heart before chemo and then again after three months of Herceptin. It just would have been wise for my onc to recheck when she noticed the swelling (during treatment). I think the adriamycin messed up my heart. I'll never know because I had three months of Herceptin added on before my heart was checked again. Of course, now my heart gets checked constantly in hopes of seeing improvement.


    I am so sorry to hear about the boy that drowned. I used to live at the beach and people drowned there every summer. It was so horrible to see families all happy to be on vacation and then to lose a family member. One year a 33 yo doctor got pulled out by a riptide and died. Another year a 13 yo boy was standing knee deep in the water the last time his parent's saw him and they found him about a mile away. Always so tragic.... I also feel for the families... I cannot imagine losing one of my kids.

    Speaking of kids... one of mine is in trouble and I should go speak with him now. :-)

    Miss S

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited August 2008

    Hanna, amidst all the suckiness about drowned children and orphaned kittens and ominous headaches (Deb C--Nooooooo!), you come along and manage to make me laugh.  Thanks for being your usual witty self.

    I read your post, and turned to ask my dh if we could build a lap pool to help me with my exercise plan.  Wouldn't that be nice?  His response:  "Where would we put it--over the septic tank???"

    Oh.  Never mind.

    I, too, am tomatoless, pool-less, lopsided, and annoyingly worried.  I am also bald, although there is colorless peach fuzz covering my scalp.  There has been some local suckiness (I am visiting relatives), but not enough to post here.  Besides, I vowed yesterday to try not to complain so much about family interactions.

    Gotta go take my Arimidex.  Maybe I'll take it with a peanut butter cookie.  Or with some dark chocolate M&M's.  Yeah, that would be better. 


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2008

    I live about 2 miles from a pool, BUT its just full of teens all summer, ya know, skinny size 0 teens, legs as long as spiders teens, all busy eyeing the boys, who are busy showing off, and don't watch where they throw themselves in, so I have now and then been bombed by them. So now I don't go down while schools out.

    I wait 'til schools are back...then what??? Pool full of whole classes of screamy little kids, teachers prancing up and down the edge of the pool blowing whistles. Just try and swim a length thru 60 or so 8-10 year olds all thrashing their legs into you. Not easy !

    I think it makes more sense to lay in my bath and imagine !! I was having a moan to DH about how I would love a pool ( ha ha ha, just no chance. We only get about 7 days of summer here in UK, apart from the cost ) Know what he said ?!?!  'Well, I could dig one out.' arrrgghhh !!! This from the man who can't put a shelf up straight. I do most ( or did) of the DIY jobs about the house. If I can't do it, I hire someone who can. NOT DH.

    He was actually quite serious...god knows what he was thinking, maybe he thought I meant a pond, or a hippo pool, when I really meant a POOL, with clean water in it, tiles to hold the water in, a roof to keep out the rain, and some HEAT in this awful climate of ours. I have this awful fear that I will come back in one day and find half of my garden being ripped up by DH on a tractor digging merrily away, and then I'll have to live with a gaping hole all winter. 

    I have been out gardening all afternoon, well, about 2 hours !!, and I am beyond tired. I will suffer all day tomorrow for just 2 hours of doing what I love today. I am pleased I don't have any neighbours, there I was both hands in splints for carpal tunnel, both feet hobbling along in baby steps with plantar fasiitis, trying to cut back overgrown plants and cart the rubbish away. Looked like a cripple.....and felt like one...and where was DH while I was struggling ?? reading the paper on the recliner, and drinking a beer !!  


  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2008

    Just enough juice left on the laptop to wish everyone a very mellow sunday eve...hope you all had a good weekend...I'll get caught up later...NO IOS's today, YIPPEEE!!!!!

  • PurpleCircle
    PurpleCircle Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2008

    Can I get an AMEN!!!!    CANCER SUCKS!!!!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited August 2008

    Hey everybody! Debbie----you have 11 (eleven) cats????????????? Talk about "cat lady"! Holy crap! That is too funny. I don't know how you do it. My cute little Scottish Flop named Jimmy if a boy and Jimmie if a girl, wakes me up in the middle of the night by biting my nose! My hands and forearms are covered in scratches! One of them is deep enough to require a bandage! My other cat Dallas is totally over Jimmy(ie) jumping on her back and chasing and scratching her tail. She hasn't come out from under my bed all day long. I had no idea a little bitty kittie would be so much work. I do love it though. It's so freaking cute. If I hold it up to my face, it puts it's little paws on my cheeks and just stares me right in the eyes and meows. It's like my baby I never had!

    You know, I freaking hate it that you can't go back a page to be able to reply to everybody! That sucks. Deb, Otter, Sue, Nikki, Hannah, Bonnie, everybody....that is having physical IOS....I'm so sorry. It sucks so bad. I just got off the phone with my brave sister. She goes under the knife AGAIN tomorrow morning. I'm kicking my self in the ass for not being there for her. She's in Atlanta. I could have flown.......and I'm worried about those BRATS of hers! They are beyond spoiled and it's almost like they have seen there mom have so many surgeries, treatments, etc..that it is nothing new. They are misbehaved children because mom and dad do not know the true meaning of disipline and I just know they are not going to let her rest. I can just here her 11 year old son now screaming "mom......get me some milk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" GAWD..............

    Somebody was talking about their grandkids being misbehaved but not with them...that's exactly how my niece and nephew are. The first few times I watched them, I let them know they weren't going to get away with the crap they do with their parents and now, they are angels when they are with just me but just like...was it you Debbie?....the second mom or dad show up they turn into little devils.

    Hannah, you cracked me up with being officially jealous about people with pools. I had one in FL but do not in Dallas. We have been breaking records with temps above 100 for the last two weeks. Not even a chance of rain and.......all of the public pools are closing so they can clean up the water cuz people p in the pools!!!! Oh yea, and this I was cleaning and thought "man, it's hot in here". Yep, the AC in my house in broken again. Man, I sure hope they can get out here tomorrow cuz it is just way to freaking hot to be without AC. Oh god, I'm having a hotflash just thinking about it.

    Dallas just tried to come in here to see me and Jimmie attacked. Poor Dallas.

    I gotta go give her some love. She's been totally neglected since the kitty got here.

    Nikki, that grumpy Care Bear TGIF pic CRACKED ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs everybody,


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited August 2008

    A big old, 'THAT SUCKS!" to those who've had suckiness today! 

    And the biggest of wishes for you EACH to have a wonderfully Suckless week! :D 

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited August 2008

    Another big "that sucks" to anyone that needs it tonight.  Back to work for me tomorrow, just three days this week so I can have my LAST TAC on Thursday (THANK YOU, GOD....and thank all of you here for listening to my whines and rants and bitches through this whole process so far...) I don't really have a bitch tonight other than that IT IS HOT here--107 degrees today--and I went grocery shopping mid-afternoon, and was so tired when I got home that I put the fridge and frozen stuff away, laid down on the couch "just for a minute" and woke up at 8:30!!!!  So now, I have to get up at 4 a.m. and of course I'm not sleepy.  Then again, I guess that three hour nap could count for some of my sleep tonight, right?

    Hanna, you crack me up. I, too am poolless, asymmetrical and also, I am bald. I do have a wonderful friend that lives one mile away who lets me use her pool.  I mostly go there early in the morning or late at night because my heat tolerance is ZERO, but it really helps with the bone pain from Neulasta and the chemo drugs.  And it's a saline pool, which makes my skin feel really soft and good. Just a word of advice, Texas in the summer time is NOT where you want to move to. I think you might need a carribean island where it's 75 degrees all the time, all year round, with a sea breeze.  And an extra house inland in the U.S. somewhere to come to when hurricanes threaten the carribean. How does that sound?

    Traci-we have only one cat, and my husband refuses to let me get another because he is afraid it will hurt the cat's feelings.  She is a total princess, and he spoils her rotten.  Then, of course. she loves me the best, because she is a cat and that is the way they are.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week with no incidences of suckiness!!



  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2008

    A big that sucks to Debbie, can not even imagine ~ how very sad for that family and for you having this happen so close to your home.

    Deb C ~ I sure hope you're feeling bettery lady friend...spooky symptoms and constant worry do suck!

    Sue ~ just sending you a ((((hug)))) my friend, you say the nicest things to people and always make me smile. Even when you rant ;)

    A big that sucks to all of you with the heat waves, yesterday was such a beautiful day and now as we head into the week the DC area will be joining you in the hot humid dog days of summer.

    My only IOS (and it seems small in comparison) is Taxol side effects! My nerve pain in my hand is back and the bottom of my feets feel like I have a) blisters or b) sunburn on them...and this is only tx 1???!!! What the heck is it going to be like by the time I reach tx 12? My boss is going to hate me by the time this is over....

    Happy Monday Gang, I hope we all have a quiet week!
