Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.
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Bonnie, I know you're scared silly. I didn't have reconstruction, so I don't have any answers. But all the other gals did. I just know it's nothing bad!
Colleen, I can remember when my oldest dd had head lice when she was in the second grade. Of course she gave them to her other two sisters too. And probably to us. I remember all the mess I had to go through..washing hair, trying to comb out nits and they had long hair, washing everything they had come in contact with...and on and on. Pain in the butt! Sorry you are still itching, but you don't have lice SO STOP IT!!!
Harley, THREE DAYS????? That does suck!
Sheila, we had a downpour this morning. Of course we needed the rain. Two of my dds live in Charlotte and I saw the flooding on the news. I think I better have dh check our gutters!
Ann, thanks..I got a good night's sleep. Now it's time to do it over again.
Debbie, leaky roofs! Our upstair bathrooms (or one of them) leaked down into our kitchen ceiling. What a mess. That's what's bad about two stories. Now our dishwasher leaks every now and then. My dh hasn't tried to figure that one out. When it's not leaking I wonder if the water is going through the floor. Will the dishwasher fall through the floor?
Hi, Nicki!
Traci, you cracked me up about your kitty! Pool elder kitty! I would love to take your kitty, but I have four already. I do NOT think they would be happy!
Wish, sorry you're still dealing with this insurance worries. I need to get everything I need done now since my deductible is met. BUT, I hate going to doctors. I need my eyes checked. But I hate going to doctors. I need to start my dental work..only have a small dental policy, but I HATE going to doctors. I see my onc in about three weeks. Did I tell you I HATE going to doctors?
Hanna, we get it....just a hotbed of revolting pests! You like that, huh?
My bitch...I have a friend who always says she wants to die! Okay, her mom who is 85 had a mammo and they saw somethiing on it. They called her primary and he's sending her to a surgeon. I thought the next step would be to do a US. I suppose the surgeon will order it. Anyway, the mom doesn't want to do anything about it. I told my friend it's probably nothing and told her to see the surgeon. He'd do a clinical be and maybe order a US. My friend said if she had bc she wouldn't do anything either because she wanted to die anyway. I got mad! I said, WHY IN THE HELL, IF YOU WANT TO DIE, DO YOU GET MAMMOS IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING!??? Yes, I was yelling. Here we, on this board, are killing ourselves trying to live and not worry! I said cancer wasn't a fun thing to die FROM. She said she didn't have the nerve to kill herself. I told her I'd rather kill myself than die of this damned disease. She said how. I said an OD or shot myself..WHATEVER! It makes me so freaking mad to hear her say that shit!!!!!!!! So, then I say to myself...why didn't she get this crap instead of me!!! Not really, I don't say that. LOL When I was dxd she was horrified. She told me she would rather have it than me. Because she wanted TO DIE ANYWAY!!!!
Okay, I'm going to bed. Nite all.
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Wow...Bonnie - So, so sorry you're having to worry all over again. Sounds like it's happened to quite a few here, so the odds are in your favor. Sending hugs and good thoughts that it's nada!!
Wish - Another wow. Overwhelming, what you've been through these past few days. I think you need to use Hanna's new fav phrase and call your dh's work a "hotbed of revolting pests"!!
Shirley - I know you were mad at your friend, but you make me laugh!! But I know what you mean about people who don't appreciate what they do have. I had the urge to yell at these young girls who were smoking the other day (no offense to anyone), but it did make me mad to see that.
I've been reading and there's a lot of other IOS's out there, but now I'm on a new page and didn't take notes. So THAT SUCKS everyone!!
My IOS is chemo again tomorrow, but it's my first Taxotere. I'm somewhat anxious about it because I don't know what s/e's to expect after and that's more nerve-wreaking than the actual chemo! Off to try to get some sleep...
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Popping in and marking my spot. A big that sucks to everyone that needs it.
Nicki - aka chemosabi
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You know Nicki, you are making me look for a wet spot every time I see that? LOL Marking your spot! I'm taking care of dsis and her bf's big blonde lab and he's been doing a lot of that around here, since he's the only male on the block! oh my! What a huge dog! My kitties will be so glad when he's gone. I have to admit though. His bark is so loud and so deep, he gets a 'good boy' when he barks at anyone coming near the house! I like people hearing I'm not alone these days!
Big "THAT SUCKS" to the new an old IOS's! Ladies, hope this tremendous thursday finds you all well and not feeling any suckage
Well geepers, forgot my thur morning suckage....dh and I had words before he left this morning. I really hate that, since he's gone for another 6 days
Just stupid to argue of small things and yet I can't let go of the work issue. He took tools from home to have his in truck (boss's truck) actually and I wasn't nice about it.
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{{{Suz}}} So sorry to hear about your suckiness going on. Pales mine in comparison, which si why I have problems posting mine. They are annoyances, and not health or critical things, so A BIG, 'THAT SUCKS' to you
Sorry about you rlittle guinea freind. Hate when we lose our buddies. {{hugs}} for that too.
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My IOS's are completely trivial in comparison to what some of you are going through...but having said that, can I bitch a little, anyway?
WTF is up with brain fog?!? I feel like I've been in a stupor since tx last Thursday, and still having a problem engaging my brain anything other than the simplest activity! Work? I'd love to go back to work but how can I when I can't f$#%ing think? It's scaring the hell out of me, and meanwhile, the medical bills are piling....
Am I going to be permanently disabled before it's all over? Please, please, please someone tell me this is temporary!
{{{hugs}}} and a big that sucks to all with IOS's that I don't have the cognitive wherewithal to address right now.....LOL
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I just popped in to say YIPPEEE....thanks all were right and now (hopefully) that I've had it happen once I won't panic in the future. The onc isn't sure why I have pain in the area but does not feel anything alarming that we need to image right now. We'll keep an eye on the area because it's painful but she is not concerned. I have been having major gallbladder issues that we are monitoring and holding off on until after chemo so who knows...maybe I'm just "sensitive" on that side
I'm so glad you all had been through this before so I could relax about it yesterday. Thanks for the good vibrations and benefit of your experiences. It really helped. Time to get chemo...gotta go!
Have a GREAT IOS free day...
Nancy, where are you sitting? I looked for you when I came back but can't find you! I think they are keeping us apart on purpose because of your joking about pole races...
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Hannah, your hysterical.
Suz, sorry 'bout your guinea pig...
uh oh....Shirley said sh*t w/out the asterick (sp?). You know she's mad now! I don't blame you girl. I don't remember who it was but somebody in my presence started to say something about "I would die if I got cancer" meaning.... not literally but they wouldn't be able to handle it...and then they realized I had it and immediately shut up and went red. I can't remember who that was. (Imagine that) Not that it matters.
Hugs everybody, Traci
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Hanna, I have to say dear, if you aren't comfortable with a jigsaw, Please, please, please, do NOT get a circular saw. Much more dangerous and much more possibility of injury, K? I know you COULD do either if you have someone that can show you how, but there are a lot of rules, not the least which is to keep your fingers attached to your hand! Goodness, be careful!
Is it possible to just get a sander and sand the edges rounded, or even a router to router to router the edge, then sand it smooth thereby ending the sharp edge? Just a thought, and much easier than attempting a circular cut first time on a table you like
{{Bonnie}} so sorry about the Gall bladder problems, that can be horrible too! Just watch your fat intake, like greasy foods, seemed to make mine act up more than anything.
Christine! Good luck tomorrow with your chemo! Hope it all goes well and no suckiness with the SE's or anything else!
Ladies, the suckiness for me may be nearly over. I'll wait for confirmation in writing, but both the bosses girlfriend (my dd works in her rest/bar) and the agent said the policy was going to be reinstated. They just aren't sure how long it will take. I told the agent, until I get it in writing, I won't satisfied. My problem is, the boss still has to pay money and supposedly he's going to send that tomorrow. WTF? Why wasn't it sent last wednesday when this all blew out the water? She's saying it might take awhile to get processed, but that's where I'm not happy. See, I have till Sept 15, to find other insurance IF this didn't go through. What's to say he doesn't get it paid tomorrow (of course we have holiday monday too to add to the delay), then what if the check doesn't clear, or it sits on a desk? I'm just not happy yet, can you tell?
I was also told to tell the doc/clinic/hospital to do 'delayed billing' as it would be okay, just delayed until it's all set. Said it's routine. Well, it might be, but with bills coming in to me saying they were denied payment, it's going to be hard to then say, well, just delay this billing and rebill after they get it going! HA! and of course, the pharmacy won't do delayed billing, I'm sure and my arimidex is out!
Just sick of it all! Glad it's being fixed, but as others have pointed this a clue of the next shoe to drop with this business? What about next month? With michigans economy is hard to leave a job anywhere right now, but one with insurance even more so for us
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AWW.... I think your version of how your kitty is scratching you up was funny, but I am sorry to hear that your kitties aren't getting along, and that your kitty is scratching you up!! LUMPS suck! I am sending you HUGS! Thinking of you, and praying that it is not anything to worry about.
Shirley, HI... I will be working from 1:00 til 6:00 tomorrow. Then I am off three days, and then I am working THREE days again... then I am off on Friday, Sept. 5th, because of my gyn onc appt.... then she scheduled me for SATURDAY!! ! I told my dh about working saturday, and he said that I need to tell my boss NO way, I don't want to work Saturday! He is living in a dream world if he thinks that I will be exempt from working Saturdays... and he is the one who wanted me to go out and find a job!!
Well, I better go to bed. Feels like my headache is coming back...
To any I didn't mention.... a Hearty THAT SUCKS to all!!
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I have to agree with Wish...if the jigsaw instructions scared you, the circular saw is even worse, especially since it is meant to cut along straight lines.
A tool that should safely do the job that you want is a rasp. It is a like a long very sharp grater with a handle, and the microplane graters that the TV chefs use are based on them. Think of using it like a giant nail file to contour the corners of the table.
We definitely want you to keep all of your fingers firmly attached because doing anything else sucks big time!
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I was wondering....does your dh have an OOIDA membership? It may not be necessary if the boss pays up on time, but if you do need a lawyer, that is one of the benefits of OOIDA membership. They also have prescription discount plans that kick in on top of your insurance copay. I can't remember if you need to have your own driver's authority or not to be a member. Maybe they could help if things don't work out.
I'm sending a big, "THAT SUCKS" to all. Now my crap:
The good news is I don't have to worry about insurance covering the XELODA anymore. The reason I don't have to worry is because the PET I had on Tuesday showed progression and I'll be going on TAXOL. Fun, huh? I'm a chemo virgin...and a little freaked out about it. Anybody have any "what the doctor won't tell you" type tips for TAXOL? You know what's stupid? The last two times I've started feeling better--a little less pain and a little more energy--I've had progression. Does that mean I should be glad when I feel like crap? I'm beginning to wonder.
Speaking of cats, my son's cat--who my dh banished from the house a little more than a month ago--has returned. We had thought it was a female and discovered "Sara" is really a "Steve"...that sort of put my mind at ease about why "Sara" was peeing/spraying all over the place. My son's friend kept Steve at his house for a month before my dh allowed him back. Poor kitty. He's just not the same. He's not spraying or misbehaving, but he's not playful anymore. It makes me wonder if he was treated badly. :-(
Diane0 -
badboob, I'm so sorry to hear you've had progression. That truly sucketh majorly. As far as the Taxol goes, mostly I remember bone pain and jacked up toenails. My toenails are still falling out a year later. It could also cause you some neuropathy in the hands and feet. It's not exactly a fun time, but it was definitely easier than the A/C cocktail.
I didn't realize you were a chemo virgin. Hopefully, you'll experience only light SE, as some others speak about.
I'll be thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer.
Miss S
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Thanks, Miss know, I'm much less worried than I am pi$$ed. I suppose it's major denial, but I was thinking, "I don't have TIME for this...I have too much to do...what a pain in the butt!" My onc is such a sweetheart. When I said, "I guess I made the wrong choice with XELODA," he said, "Of course you DIDN'T! We can't know these things until we try." Poor guy...I overheard him giving another patient "the talk" before he came in to see me. It sure takes a special kind of person to be a good onc, doesn't it?
Up until the last two years, September was the time when *good* and exciting things happened for me. Maybe my luck with change *next* September, huh?
My boys took it well. They were prepared for the chemo thing when I was first dx'ed before the mets were found and the tx plan changed. Wouldn't you know it? I've always wanted long hair and it's finally there.......UGH
Diane0 -
Diane, that is beyond sucking -- I'm sorry. Don't know much about chemo, except I think it's good to suck on ice chips or popsicles while you're getting infused to help prevent mouth sores -- there are controlled studies that say it's helpful (not 100% effective, but helpful) --just in case you encounter a chemo nurse like somebody here did who told her it was an old wives' tale!
(Like that's a bad thing, a tip an old wife would pass along!)
Anyway, here's a "tips for getting through chemo" thread started by MelissaGA:
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Thanks, Ann!
Since we're all missing Rock and her witticisms and Pam stories, I thought I'd pass along this link:
A good laugh never hurt anyone!
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Diane - If you need some Taxol advice, there are quite a few gals from May 2008 chemo thread that are either in the middle or just finished. Our missing friend just finished hers recently, also. Feel free to visit and either read the archives or just ASK! They will let you know.
As for me, I'm just starting it's cousin, Taxotere, so I'll be right in there with you. Now listen to my crap...
First, the good news - My PET scan was clear! And the infusion went well today overall. It will ultimately take less time than the Carbo/Cytoxan (2 hours instead of 4-5), but today was pretty long because it was the first one. I am feeling o.k., very little nausea (none as I'm writing this), so I'm hopeful there will be no more of that. I don't have to go back in the morning for another 2 hours of hydration. And I don't have the IV needle still stuck in my arm for the next day of hydration. These are all good things.
Now for the not so good news (which is really more like an inconvenience but still crappy) - My white blood cells did not come up as much after the last round of C/C, so the nurse says the onc wants to talk to me about my treatment plan. Crap. I lean over to dh and said, I bet he'll want me to do a weekly lower dose. So my onc finally comes in and says he wants me to have infusions at a third of the dose (wait for it...) once a week, instead of every 3! [Pause] Give my my medical degree!! This will go on for the next 12 weeks. Which actually extends my total time of chemo to the middle of November, rather than being finished on Oct. 30. Crap. I get that the good part is not only will it (hopefully) minimize the WBC issue, but minimize the other potential s/e's. I get that. But sucks to think of weekly infusions. Right, DebC?! far, I have had a mild headache, mild achiness and weird tingling sensations in seemingly random parts of my body. And I'm awake when I should be asleep, thank you steriods.
I think I may be getting tired, so throwing out a THAT SUCKS to everyone and hoping for a less sucky day tomorrow for all.
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(((((hugs)))) Diane...I'm so sorry to hear it...I hope your next road undoes this and then some of your progression. You've had enough crap for the need to go backwards a bit
Christine...I so feel your pain...the se's are the same, hate doing it weekly...blah!! It just all SUCKS. Sending you a big (((((hug))))) sister....don't like my crime fighting partner to have things interfere with her duties in a cape
A BIG that SUCKS to anyone who needs's 3 am and nothing I have tried can match the steriods...and I've tried things I never thought I would try just to get out of this viscious cycle of not sleeping for 36 - 48 hours after treatment. It jmay also have to do with the "REST" of my test results that I got with my onc visit. Apparently the us came back on my liver/gallbladder and I have "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease". Apparently my onc has not seen my signature on here or she may have gone over my alcohol intake again just to be sure I wasn't hiding anything. (I'm not, I only drink when I am socializing or I have problems...that's considered infrequently or socially righ?) Anyway, as scary as it could be if I did nothing, there is a lot that I can do to undo the damage and improve my liver health. I have not crossed the threshold into cirrossis (SP?) or poor liver function, although I do have swelling so we caught this just in time (before serious damage could occur). SO there you go, a silver lining in a breast scare...bc may have saved my liver! Go Figure...
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Good Morning, and yes - Im marking my spot again this morning. After today I will be on vacation. Whew - can finially catch up with everyone. A big that sucks to everyone that needs it today.
Diane: Progression and new chemo sucks! Im sending you a big hug. I had taxol and taxotere and will try to get back and give you some tips!
Nicki - akak chemosabi
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{{{{DIANE}}}} A big That sucks to the dang progression and having to do taxol, although glad the payment issue is over. You have every RIGHT to be P*ssed, btw...I'd be posting a little harsher word, but then would probably get kicked off here, the way this last week has gone
Hope, and good thoughts that this taxol does the trick and quickly for you, with as little SE's as possible. I still can't get over ladies saying it was easier than A/C, nothing is easier and just having to do it, SUCKS big time!
So sorry to hear this news from you
As for the OOIDA membership? Does one have to be an owner/operator. I tried to figure that out, and wasn't quite sure from the by-laws and such. Dh isn't one, but drives for the owner of the fleet. Ethanol, which is scary, but not as much as the crude he was going to be doing, thank heavens! Do you know more about this membership?
{{Christine}} It sucks you have the weekly too, darn ladies, we need a cure for this crap. Something over and above what they are doing! We can put a man on the moon, turn urine into drinking water (isnt' that what they do on the shuttles?), do bone marrow transplants, use pig valves for hearts, and all sorts of weird stuff, but can't kill these buggers quicker, more easily and without all the SE's? Somethings wrong here....very wrong!
{{Bonnie}} What can you do for a fatty liver? What causes it? Is it from tx, do you (they) think, or something else? I've heard talk about it, but do not know a thing about it. Hope it's reversible for you. As for drinking....Hm. well. with a liver in trouble, you might want to fore-go the alcohol just to be sure there isn't further damage. It's really hard on the liver, like chemo and darn it. You need to keep a good liver to flush all the crap they put us on, you know? Stay well dear lady!
Big THAT S*CKS, but hoping this weekend finds each of you, time with your family/friends, where you can put this aside and enjoy before fall hits us. Love the cooler nights and love fall, but hate the thoughts of feet of snow coming in a few months
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Sorry, it was me that said taxol was easier than A/C..... just MHO.
If (a) makes you sick for a week and (b) makes you sick for 2 days, you might say, "Hey, this is easier. If (c) doesn't make you sick at all, you may say, "Wow, this is way better."
Nothing is easier than A/C? The majority of events in my life have been easier than A/C. lol
Does having cancer suck? Yes.
Does having your boobs hacked off suck? Yes.
Does getting A/C suck? Yes.
Does getting Taxol suck? Yes.
Does getting rads suck? Yes.
This doesn't mean all these things cause the same amount of sickness and pain. I was just trying to be encouraging.
Miss S
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Just popping in to say THAT SUCKS to any who need it today, and from the posts I have been reading, there are quite a few.
I have to get ready to go to the coffee shop, and then, when I get back, I'll have to start all over again, getting ready for work, because I am working the afternoon shift today... day #3!!!
Glad they are going to re-instate your insurance. Sorry it isn't helping with your prescriptions, though.
So sorry to read about your progression!! THAT REALLY SUCKS!!
Sending you Gentle HUGS!!
Harley0 -
Oh geepers MissS!
I meant to add something to that, but was forgotten and NOW it's WAY forgotten! I'm sorry if it appeared I was saying you ladies meaning, those who said something was easier than the other. I meant to compare it as you do to something else, but duh...what that was at the time is long gone
Again, sorry it was misinterpreted b/c of how I said it. I truly didn't mean it the way as written. I guess it was something along the lines of having neuropathy in the fingers and toes and /or losing nails and so on, seemed drastic compared to the A/C. Yes it was harder than more things in life, but I'd be in big trouble with my fingernails, I use them for so much.
Weird SE from being on A/C I still can't understand, maybe someone can help me out here? My nails grew so fast, I had to trim them every couple weeks. I mean FAST! They were longer and thicker than they'd ever been. They stayed long till about 4-5 months after A/C. The toenails I have just noticed, have a layer like over them 1/2 way, like there was an extra layer growing on them through the chemo? I thought they were supposed to get thinner, but mine did the opposite. Hoping that's not an indication of what it did to any wondering cancer cells too!
Anyway, just wanted to apologize for the misunderstanding.... I've always felt glad I didn't have to have endure what the Taxane ladies went through
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{{HI Harley}} haven't spoke in a bit, but have kept up on your ios' too! Especially the working 3 days in a row one! Sorry about that! To bad we aren't closer, we could split a job and cover each other when one was having an off day!
Have fun at the coffee shop!
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Diane--I'm so sorry for the progression and need for chemo!! A hale and hearty THAT SUCKS!! I've been spending a lot of time worrying lately, and personally, I feel so much better when I'm pi$$ed than when I'm worried--seems more positive, somehow, so I say, You go, girl!! I've not had taxol, so I can't help with tips specific to Taxol. I'm with Christine--on it's cousin, Taxotere.
I love my onc, too. He oozes intelligence, and is not too demonstrative with us patients (me, anyway), but the office I get tx at is very small, and in the tight quarters I overhear him talking to staff about how bad my se's are, or other patient's issues, and you can just hear it in his voice how much he cares. I've nicknamed him (are we allowed to say onc's names?) B*** the Blessed.
Christine--congrats on the clear PET scan! Sorry about the weekly tx's, though--sucks that everything will be extended into November. But like you said, maybe it'll be blessing in disguise and the smaller doses will mean smaller/no se's.
Bonnie--sucks about the fatty liver....I'm glad there are things you can do to improve the situation--Power to the Patient!!
Hope everyone has a suck-free day!
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I'm so sorry you are going through this girl. I'm sorry all of us are. Here's to the chemo kicking your progressions *ss and coming out clean on the other side like Christine!
Hugs girl.
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Diane - Wow...chemobrain me, somehow I missed the progression part of your post. That Super Sucks!! I think we both need a new med called "Damitol" this week. But what I said about visiting the May 2008 thread still stands. They will help/support you there. Sending {{{hugs}}}.
So far, so good. Nothing has gotten any worse than last night, so keeping fingers and toes crossed, but I know it's only day 2.
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Well guess what girls? As I went to turn over the ant trap that had somehow gotten flipped upside down in the corner of my garage, I almost touched the dead mouse that was lying right next to it. Please add ants (been going on since June) and dead mice to my hotbed of revolting pests - and that was just for you Hanna!!! (Though the part about the ant trap and dead mouse is true.)
Debbie - The worst thing about being single and living in this house is that I never know who to call to fix things. They don't have a "water seems to be leaking from the pipe connected to your heating system? call me!" section in the yellow pages.
Sheila - I hope you get new plastic (you should probably keep the husband :-)
Traci - I was the Angela Landsbury of infertility, the majority of my friends kids and nephews are adopted. It always amazes me how people who have no business having kids never seem to have a problem getting pregnant.
Nicki - Sorry to spread the psychological itch!!
Shirley - yes, I've already had 2 other friends tell me to stop it as well, keep it up, it's working!
wish - I think of that every time Nicki marks her spot too! tee hee, sounds like good news on the insurance front!
ladysuz - I'm sorry about your guinea pig (and you pain, stupid boss, hair and leaky appliances!)
Harely - I hope you enjoy your days off
Diane - here's my taxol tip - if you feel like you're having neuropathy (numbness/tingling in your fingers/toes) go the GNC or vitamin store in the mall and get some L-Glutamine powder. It's not cheap, but it's supposed to help. Besides that, hand lotion, chap stick and lots of water, you feel like the Sahara. Sorry and good luck!
Whoops! Gotta boogie, back to read the rest later!