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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited October 2008

    Nancy, So sorry you have this PITA to put up with when you go to spend time with friends.  Maybe NEXT time, preface the time when she or you arrives last, with a comment, that You will NOT be discussing any 'medical' issues with her and to please find it in her 'stupid mine' (you can leave that out, :D, to call you later if she has questions. Hopefully you have her number and can put your phone on 'do not accept' when she does. 

    There's NO reason you should have to put up with this nut! NONE!  I'm willing to bet the ladies reamed her a new one when you left to lay off!  Hope the blouse brightened your day! 

    And GOOD LUCK wtih #13 today!  Hope this is one without ANY SE's!

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2008

    Nancy:  What a clod that lady is in every sense of the word.  You did the right thing by removing yourself from the situation and hopefully it sent the message to her so she'll leave you alone in the future.

    Good luck with your treatment today and enjoy the comaraderie of your chemo buddies.  It's so great to have people to commiserate with and also to help to pass the time while you're in the chair!


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited October 2008

    uhhhhhh I meant is the house o.k.!!!!! lol.

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((Nicki and sister))))))))))))))))))))))))

    PITA = LOL!!!! That's funny!!


    Gotta get to work.

    Love all y'all tons!!!

  • Bliss
    Bliss Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2008

    Hi Y'all,

    Yay Harley and Sherri!!!

    Nancy that is the pits.  When I was first diagnosed with MS I went through that with some people.  I had suggestions from everything from having all my fillings removed, to taking this supplement or that supplement.  I finally had to tell one persistant woman that when she hung our her shingle to practice medicine - then we would talk.

    Since the cancer, I have more of the situation someone else mentioned.  "Friends" call but it's all about them, and they don't have time to find out how I am doing.  Or they ask in passing right as they say something like..."I have to get off the phone - you doing okay?"  I know some people are just not comfortable with serious illness - it reminds them of their own mortality.

    Now for my crap....same crap different day.  I had to call the doctor again yesterday because I am continuing to have some major problems with se's from Taxol.  She called in Mary's Magic Mouthwash, which my insurance wouldn't pay for.  Have no idea why, they will pay for nystatin suspension.  This is nystatin with mouthwash.

    Did anyone else have terrible problems with yeast while on chemo?  Of course I had a multitude of IV antibiotics while in the hospital, which caused the yeast to flare up.  Normally I have generic diflucan on hand to take as needed.  My onc prescribed some (100 mg - I usually take 150 mg. twice)  I have taken 6 pills (1 daily) so far with no clearing of the yeast. Normally I never take more than 300 mg. over a 3 day period to clear it up. I have it in my mouth/throat and in a body crease to the point of bleeding.  I never use antibiotic soap as this causes it to flare as well.  I always use a mild soap like Dove.  Anyone have other suggestions?

    The bone pain might be a little better this morning.  It seems to get worse as the day wears on, and now some of my fingertips are numb.  Wah!  Doc wants me to stay on the percoset around the clock and not let the pain get ahead of me.  I'm not sure now much it does for the pain, but it makes me go to sleep.  She plans to continue the Taxol.

    Here's a big THAT SUCKS to all who need it.

    Love to all,


  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2008

    Bliss:  Yeast infections are the suckiest!  Always have an overwhelming urge to sit on a round hairbrush.  I did battle yeast infections during chemo and after all treatment ended one was discovered under my breasts.  I can't remember what they gave me for the vaginal yeast infection.  It's possible it cleared up with the over-the-counter stuff.  I just can't remember.  Regarding the one under my breasts, I was prescribed "Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP."  That is one cream, not two.  It cleared it right up.

     I hope you're able to find some relief!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited October 2008


    Hope your lucky chemo #13 goes well today.  that woman is a total *ss, and PITA is a perfect description!!  lol  I agree that retail therapy is the best kind of medicine! 

    Traci & Bliss,



    Bone pain sucks and infections suck!!  I hope you are feeling better soon!!
    I also get that same kind of reaction from 'friends'... they (even my family) don't even call very much any more, but when I DO talk to them, it is always ALL about them, and then as kind of an afterthought, they may say.... so, how are you?, right after saying, 'well, I better get going...' 

    Hoping that everyone is doing well, with a minimum of IOSs, and hoping for lots of SOIs!!!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited October 2008

    Big That SUX to everyone who's got IOS's, so sorry, Bliss and the yeast, and all!  CANCER SUX! :(

    Harley? Are you still working at the shop? Did you find anything else? OR did you quit before you trip last weekend?  Never heard!  Did she blow a gasket over the time off?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited October 2008

    A huge "That sucks!" to everyone in need of it. Nancy, send that twit over here for a few hours. My training partner and I need new blocking dummies...

    Hey, anyone heard from Hanna?

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited October 2008


    I quit that job at the dress shoppe because that woman,  my boss blew a gasket over my needing to be off for ONE lousy day, to go to Cocoa Beach!  Every time I needed to be off, it was the ONLY day that they just couldn't spare me.  It was SUPPOSED to be a p/t job, but it seemed that she would purposely schedule me on the days that I needed to be off, even for dr. appts.!  Also,  I got NO COMPASSION whatsoever, when I told her that I felt a lump... 

    Anyway, my dh thought that if I worked whenever they needed me, they would APPRECIATE me. I somehow knew better...  That isn't how things work.

    How have you been??  I haven't had a chance to really catch up...  Thinking of you, and hoping you are doing well!!



  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2008

    Felicia, I talk to Hanna.  She's fine.  Her computer is on the fritz and in for repairs.  Hopefully, she'll get it back soon.

    Harley:  So glad you got out of that shop.   She had no compassion when you found a lump?  Outrageous.  She didn't deserve you.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited October 2008

    I agree, she didn't deserve you Harley!  You'll find something else I'm sure. So many part time jobs to be had, it's the full time and especially with bennies that are easy to get around here.  Only thing they pay less than they are worth doing here, b/c there are so many colleges/universities around here, that it's easy to find those that will jump at beer money! :(  Oh well...thankfully HE has a good job with good insurance.  Never see him, but....:( He is taking 3 days next week for us to finally get some time together.  He started this job a year and 1/2 ago and the hours went crazy out of town just as I was dx, so we've missed a lot of each other this year.  We need these days off ot recoup our marriage too.

    Good luck finding a part time job.

    Glad to hear Hanna's only problem is the puter, althought that is a lifeline for so many of us, that we just wouldn't want to do without, so hope she's hooked up soon with again! :D

    I have to complain about this CANCER CRAP again...just a little one, that just makes me nutty!  Why when we get a mouth sore, months after chemo, and all, do we automatically think it's cancer?  I've never gotten mouth sores, cankers or anything and since chemo, my gums are sore, bleed easy and just tender.  So apparently, some time or other I bit the inside of cheek with my molar and left a sore there (must have been at night) be/c I do NOT remember it.  It's finally not hurting as much, but I was sure it was mouth cancer for the last week! Waiting for that 2 weeks and all, SUX that we have these stupid feelings.....Just plain SUX!  Feel so stupid, you know it's NOT cancer, but your mind plays those nasty, what ifs?  Should I call, should I watch it, should I worry, should I......

    Hate it!  Just hate it!

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited October 2008

    Just a quick fly-by for me tonight....evidently, I have a sinus infection so got a "get out of jail (chemo) free" pass today and am starting antibiotics. Someone mentioned yeast infections...OY...I need to remember to take ACIDOPHILUS with the antibiotics or I'll be one unhappy camper.

    Trish, I'm sorry you feel like you're being ignored. WE care! I have days when I wish people would quit asking me how I feel and then others when I wonder why nobody's asking! LOL...At any rate, I hope that you know that we care how you're feeling and don't mind a bit if you want to rant out 15 pages worth. Sometimes, I think any of us could do the same. Cancer doesn't insulate you from the average, every-day crap sandwiches and creates plenty of double-decker crap sandwiches on its own...rant away, dear lady.  We'll always be here to let you know we think 'THAT SUCKS!"

    On that note, a hearty "THAT SUCKS!" to all who need it.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2008

    Hugs Bliss and Harley for your yeast infections and IOS.  THAT SUCKS.   Hugs Felicia for BAD computer.    Hugs Wish, mouth sores SUCK.  Hugs Diane, postponed chemo SUCKS.  Hugs Trish, I care, I know, and I understand.   Hugs Deb, good to see ya.  Hugs Nicki.  Hope I didn't forget anyone:  THAT SUCKS as needed !!!

    SOI ( suckies otherwise inverted ) Tx today went well, no reactions and I got to spend the time with Bonnie and Kelly next to me.  Visited with Barb and Cristina a bit also.  I sort of taught Bonnie to play Rummy - it may or may not have been the real official way, but who says we can't make up own rules.   And as the drugs began to take effect, we both were looking at the cards and wondering what we need -  fun and funny !!!    And it was good to be able to call people by their name. ~:-}  (hint of hair growing smilie)   

    Still SOI:  I wore my wig as it was cool in the morning and a lady (think name is Lorna)  who was thinking of getting one wanted to see it.  The nurses, onco and everyone loved it on me.  I took off for tx since it does get hot and a bit itchy if I wear a long time.   @ :- }   (turban headed smilie)  

    Has anyone tried journalling - type on the puter, print out and burn if you want.  I did that after my husband died:  typed up letters to certain, printed out but never sent them.  Set aside and eventually had a mini bon fire in the back yard.  The experts claim that depression is Anger turned inward and I was a VERY angry person.   Add the post chemo steroid rage and you had better NOT be too near me. I have thrown a chair over the fence and down the hillside...!!!    ( i moved since then and dont have a fence or hillside or those chairs anymore )...!!!   C

    Can you tell I am 7 hours post chemo and wired for sound???     Nancy 

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited October 2008

    Nancy, glad you had a good, and fun day at chemo.  It helps to laugh and not concentrate on the poison trampsing through our bodies! :(

    And yes, Journalling.  Just the other day, I wrote a long letter and keep adding to it.  Saved it to the desktop and just keep adding my IOS's as they appear about the after effects of moods, physical and emotional events, and responses from supposedly caring friends and family and THEIR expectations of HOW I should be today.  WTH?  I personally love to write them, and then delete them.  Then again...this one might get sent with christmas cards this year to them all!  HA!  A happy new year for me that way huh? I'd have NO one in my corner then! LOL

    Take care, and a BIG THAT SUX to each who need it, including you, Diane and that sinus infection. I think I've been fighting that all week or last 2.  I keep thinking it's coming full force with the headaches, then it abates.  Now I"m wondering if it's just this wonder-drug arimidex causing it :(  My thoat has been sore for months on it.  Now always, just daily at least :(

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2008

    Current IOS:   5 am, wired for sound after 3 hours sleep due to steroids.  UGH.   But that too will pass.

  • Alba08
    Alba08 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2008

    Hey Traci,

    Just to say that there might be worst even.... how about leaving in the country when there is no oncology clinic at all, were I have to travel 1000 km to see a doctor, were there is no insurance at all and you have to pay everything from you packet and were you don't have money for reconstruction because you have spent all on healing

     And yes everything SUCKC!!!!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited October 2008

    Oh, Alba, {{hugs}}, that SUX!

    {{Nancy}} waking to weird noises SUX too! :(  Steriods are so fun, NOT!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2008

    Mini IOS:  no one on chat room in early morning, not that anyone wants to put up with my steroid buzz...

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited October 2008

    I'M BACK!!!!!  :)  Had a blast but missed you all!  I tried to read enough to catch up but it is very hard!  I did read Nancy's post and you need to wear a shirt to the next lunch.  Have it printed with  "No PITA's welcome here" when she asks what PITA means tell her and as soon as she starts her crap tell her  "oh no, are we havinga pita party?" maybe she will get the hint.

    A big THAT SUCKS! to all who need it.  In the meantime I will try to catch up in between sleeping.  Seems I kind or really wore out this old body of mine  LOL  And NO I did not break the bank, actually was to busy with so many things that I actually didn't have much time to gamble.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited October 2008

    BIG THAT SUX to worn out bodies being in the chate room night before last for Nancy :(  So sorry!  Could've used someone to bounce stuff off this morning about the same time....Right time, wrong morning, Nancy!

    Glad you had a good time, LuAnn, now rest up and enjoy the weekend.  Sounds like your pump must be in good order now?  Hoping at least! :D

    Worked the new job, and of course was wound up when I got home to top it off, about a 1/2 hour after I got home, my thighs and lower back starting hurting so bad, I was praying I could find something to help.  Naturally not.  Gave the good meds away months ago and motrin/tylenol didn't touch it!  Could not sleep till about 7 am, and then guess what?  Some Jack@ss friends of dh's decided this morning was the morning, he was going to come and take a chain saw to the pile of downed tree wood the road crew left us.  I had thought dh would want it for the fire pit, but oh NO, let's let Jack@ss come early one morning and wake up dw and all the neighbors early as crap!  IDIOT MEN!  Yes, I am NORMALLY up at 5 am, but not when I didn't GET to sleep till 7 am!  JACK#!@(#$&(#*#@&#~

    Okay, my IOS is over, now I'm going to find some salt to throw in his gas tank :(  CU!

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited October 2008

    I waited too long to check this thread and now I'm overwhelmed. I am sorry about the major suckiness going around (a friend dying, pain, child support issues, brain mets, nosy people...)

    I did come to one very important conclusion, however: The photo that was posted suggests that Diane is rocking the bald.  (You look GOOD, sister, good!)

    Over here, I am "all rads, all the time" it seems. It's going okay. For Halloween, I'm going to surprise the techs by showing up with a big fake tattoo on my chest: a snake coming out of a skull.  

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2008

    LuAnn, you cracked me up - NO pita for lunch... thanks for the laugh.   Wish, sorry I missed you in chat - and chain saw men --- GRRRRR -- THAT SUCKS.   Alba, hugs for all your suckiness  with the lack of medical difficulties - THAT SUCKS !  

    Rock, a fake tattoo sounds too cool.   HUGS and Smilies going out for everyone. 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2008

    oops, Alba, i meant to type "facilities", not difficulties.  Please forgive my chemo brain fog.   

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited October 2008

    girlwitch_flying_web-1.jpg witch and cat image by pasquinelliclaro

    Hi to everyone.  This is not a flyby!  Whoo hoo, its the week-end and I have time to say hello.  And of course wish a big that sucks to all who need to hear that today.

    Im having an SOI day.  Just a pleasant Fall day here in Chicagoland.  The temperature is going up to 79 degrees - ha should I open my pool?  Even though I hate Chicago Winters, I love the fact that I can enjoy all Seasons as Fall is the prettiest.

    I'm so far behind, I will start from this page and try to keep up from here.

    DebC and Nancy:  I do believe that going for chemo as a way of getting out of the house wins the suckiest for the day.

    Lefty:  My goodness I can feel your steroid high!  Boy I hated those days - it sucks big time.  That Nasty lady who kept persisting in talking to you about breast time excuse yourself and say your going out to get the shovel!  Can you picture her seeing all of us walk back in with shovels in our hands?

    Wish:  Not sleeping and then having to put up with a chain saw?  Its sucks and is definitely  a PITA.  I think I might have just turned the electricity off.  Then chain saw with what?

    Traci:  Some thing to have in common.  ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((traci and sister)))))))))))))))))))))))))))).

    Bliss:  I almost quit chemo cause of Taxol.  My onc talked me out of quitting by putting me on taxotere.  It wasnt much better.  Sending big that sucks and hoping today is a better day.

    Harley:  Hi to you.  I  sure am glad you quit that oh so sucky job.

    Diane:  I was just thinking I havent heard from you and here you are.  So glad to talk to you and hear whats going on.  Even if it sucks.  Sinus sucks.

    Patrice:  Thanks for the update on Hanna.  I have been missing her around here.

    Alba:  Hi to you and nice to meet you.  Although meeting each other because of having breast cancer sucks.  Can't imagine not having medical care within reach.  Shhhh!  Sending a big hug you way.

    LuAnn:  Im so glad your back.  This place isnt the same without you.

    Rock:  As always, you gave me a chuckle for the day.

    Felicia, Cristine, Sue, Saint, Dreamer and the many others who are missing, Im waving to you and shouting out a big that sucks...if ya need to hear it.


  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited October 2008

    Saint and Dreamer and probably still recovering.  You all are going to have to ask them about pretending to be Thelma and Louise in Las Vegas  Laughing  Oh shoot, I forgot the saying is what happens in vegas stays in vegas  LOL  We kind of changed that this weekend and said what happens in vegas get talked about on the boards!!!!  LOL 

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited October 2008

    Nicki, LuAnn,Rock,Traci, Alba (Welcome!),Bliss, Diane, Deb,Nancy,

    I'm not missing, am I? I 'm really sorry, I've been reading and keeping up, just not posting much.  Finshing up rads Monday, and I am really tired.  Cut back to 6-hour days, been taking afternoon naps and still ready for bed at bedtime.  This, too shall pass.  Hair is coming in soft and blonde, didn't ever lose my eyebrows, but eyelashes are gone, baby....

    BIG THAT SUCKS to anyone that needs it.

    Love you guys.


  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited October 2008

    Boy am I recovering.  Got a cold.  Put me in bed for 2 days.

    Thelma & Louise and sidekick ..... a convertible through the desert sands.... to the Grand Canyon -  then the Grand Cleaning of the rental car.  Made us late for the pj party.  We were not the highlight of the trip.  After all we didnt dance in the tour bus or flash Freemont cameras.... Just innocent little fun (KOSH SAINT & DREAM).

    I guess I was a little testy with the cold, because I got really mad about someone taking email addresses from Luanne Marr's Guest Book.  Obviously a security problem.  The person got my name, my email address etc and if you read the email under THIS MAKES ME SOOO SICK it refers to a Mike Evans.  But this was sent to my email address - when I am online our computer automatically provides the family email unless I provide it - which I did.  So they got it from the source they said they did.  It is mean spirited and now I will not use the same medium for my memorial service.  We (my friend Johanna) thought the presentation was beautiful.  She was going to go along the same lines.  But now we will provide an off line program. OIS!

    And now the email may screw things up because it goes over the edges of the setup and I dont know how to fix it.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited October 2008

    Hello ladies! Happy Sunday to all.

    Gsg, I am so glad that you and Hanna get to keep in touch with each other! I'm also glad she is okay.... I'm missing her great wit! Thanks for letting us know. I have a friend on the humor boards who hasn't posted for months and I am so worried about her (TakingCare)!

    Harley, sorry that job didn't work out for you. Did you ever try the school system? How was Cocoa Beach? Fun!! How are you feeling these days?

    Diane, I never got a chance to tell you I love your bald pic! At least I don't remember telling you. Sometimes I get confused over what I've actually said (typed) and thoughts that have just passed through my mind. Your pic did remind me how I used to burst into laughter when I looked in the mirror after my son shaved my head. My sons had their hair buzzed off, too, and we all looked alike. I know it made them more comfortable that I found it amusing. It did get old, but it cut major time off getting ready for work when I went back. Sorry you had to miss a chemo because of a sinus infection. Ouch! Definitely guard the rest of your body from the effects of the antibiotic... so it's ACIDOPHILUS that works on that! My ex MIL used to drink acidophilus milk.

    Wish, sorry you were awakened by a chain saw! AArrgggg!

    ROCK, GLAD you've finished chemo and moved on the rads.... the fun never stops! The tatt will give a good laugh to the rad techs.

    Dream, sorry about the email... :(

    My suckiness.... I had a PET scan Friday and now I wait, but only til Tuesday. Of course, I now have all sorts of spots that are sore or hurting. I'm sure things are fine, but I would appreciate your prayers.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    Love to all,

    Miss S

  • SherriM
    SherriM Member Posts: 90
    edited October 2008

    Morning ladies...

    My IOS today is that my dd went home yesterday....after 10 years of living away from my kids, I've gotten fairly used to saying goodbye to them, but yesterday was rough.  We had a lovely week, made a baby quilt, had a pedicure, did lunch, went to the mountains......and after she left I cried and cried and cried.  May not get to see here again till January when baby is born.  Distance SUCKS!!

    I've kept up with reading but haven't posted.....

    Trish--I'm sorry you're feeling like a cyber-wallflower...I know the feeling and it sucks!!  But we are here for you!

    Bliss--I'm sorry about the bone pain and yeast infections...Yeast SUCKS!  Pain SUCKS!

    Diane--I'm sorry about your sinus infection but glad you got a break from chemo this week.  What happens when that happens?  Do they tack it on the end or just skip it?  Anyway, sinus infections SUCK!

    Alba--welcome and I'm so sorry about your difficulties in getting tx and not having $ left over for reconstruction.  That all SUCKS!!

    WIsh--chainsaws at 7am?  WTF?!?!?!?!?  That sucks, and insomnia truly SUCKS!!  (I can relate--I wonder if it's the moon or something.....?)

    Dream--Sucks about the email stuff!  I'm not sure I understood what was happening, but it sounded distressing!  Glad you had a good time in Vegas--sorry you came home to a two-days-in-bed kind of cold!!

    Luann--welcome home!!  Rest up, we missed you!

    Nancy--All I could think of when I read about that PITA handing you a piece of paper and pen to write what you didn't want to discuss is how sweet it would have been to write "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!"   What a b!tch! Oh, and BTW--love the smiley faces ~:-} @:-} !!

    Miss S--I'll be praying about your PET scan--Scanxiety SUCKS!!

    THAT SUCKS to anyone in need and hello to any I've missed...

    Wishing a SOI Sunday to all!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited October 2008

    Sue?  You missed me :(  So sad....J/K!  Just can't imagine how someone would MISS MOI?  ROFL

    DWriter, big SUX that people do that, steal email addys!  I don't even put one down except where I have to, in order to pay bills online any more.  Even then, it happens! :(

    MiisS, All the best of prayers and thoughts for the report you get on Tuesday!

    Sherri, I can so relate, every time one of dd's has left to return's hard. Thankfully One has chosen to stay a little closer than 12 hours away this last few years, and I LOVE IT!  But you's still hard to say good-bye...on the phone or in person!  {{hugs}}