Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.
Diane, you should at the very least be able to pay via COBRA, which means you have to pay the group insurance premium to keep your insurance, but that is usually less than having individual insurance. I'm sorry this is going on for you. DH's human resources department should be informing you of all this, so call them.
Colleen, hope you don't find yourself out of a contract. This financial crisis is sucking so bad for so many of us, you, Diane, Harley.
LuAnn, I hope you have a good lawyer. Ditto your son. Also, is there a Department for Child Welfare you can report dil to? Wow, I cannot believe you are dealing with this. True mega-suckage.
I know I missed a bunch of you, but just winding down from long day at work. So, I'll catch up later. Love you all.
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AWWW CRAP! Y'all want me to paint this page blue with profanity & take the fall with the moderators just say so---seems NOTHING short of that would suffice!!!!!!
I don't know what else to say---we live in this "great country" that can't seem to take care of it's own anymore!!!! It just SUX!!!!!!!!!
I'm working some special prayers for contracts, mortgages, layoffs, insurance, STUPID dil's, & all the rest....seems that might be wiser than turning the air blue with my language (but I ALWAYS say---the is an appropriate time for ALL words & this sure seems like one of them!) !@#$%^&*$#$
Hugs all---keep the faith!
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Oh sweeties, my poor nurse. You have ripped her a new one. She did not mean to be demoralizing... she was pointing out that I am amazing for being so active. In her experience, stage 4 patients begin to tire out in their 2nd year and the amount of time they spend in bed increases. This brought us around to the part that my hospital bed is not very comfortable. So I am getting a new mattress. Which is arranged by a group assessment. She is not expecting me to slow down my activities but to recognize that I am special for doing the things I do.
It is nice to know that you would all stand up for me if I needed it. Couldnt ask for better friends.
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Hugs Dream YOU are a wonderful friend--there when I need ya! I'd take up the shovel for you anytime!! (as long as I only have to swing it & not actually shovel something! LOL)
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HMMMMM GEEZ MERRY BAH HUMBUG! Lots of suckage going on!
Luanne, that really sucks! What a crappy thing to deal with right before Christmas! Those poor babies! And you! So sorry you have to deal with that.
CMB, Diane and anyone facing layoffs and $$$$$$ worries........that sucks bad. My Dh works for one of the big 3 and we are sitting on the edge of our seats every day waiting for the bottom to fall out too. I've been stock piling like a squirel the past few weeks in anticipation! Holy cr@$, what are they thinking in washington???? 700billion with no strings to the financial institutions that caused this mess but the automakers get roasted for far less???? Hope washington can employ all the unemployed!
Big sucks to all who need it!
I need a shovel for some of those bigshots on the hill!
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Wow Diane, what horrendous news. I will help you pay for Cobra. I can't give a lot, but I can help a little and I want to help. This recession is a nightmare.
LuAnn, I can't believe they have pulled this crap on you right at Christmas! You must be a total mess! I am praying for you and your babies.
I just got off from working ten hours. It's good to know I remember how to be a peon. My shoulder sure does hurt, tho. *Sigh* I guess it's nothing a little lortab abd a few shots wouldn't cure.
Goodnight friends.
Miss S
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Shoot,and triple shoot! THAT SUX DIANE!
Call HR and ask whether you will be covered through the layoff or not Perhaps you can continue to pay the insurance while he's laid off (or his share) and keep it going through the layoff?
Cobra I know (from experience)is only for companies with 50 or more employers SUX b/c dh isn't that large! But if his is, you can do cobra to continue paying. It's less expensive than your own policy and will continue your coverage.
You can NOT go more than 60 days or any company you go to can do the pre-existing stuff, so be ready to deal with it immediately. Ask you insurer what your options are should he be laid off? They may be a good resource too. Ours was a little, but get anythign they say in writing if you can.
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Diane, I wish there was something I could do to help you girl. I want you to know that your mortgage company will most likely come through for you. Part of that massive bail-out was to give big banks and big mortgage servicing companies some financial breathing room from the massive losses they are taking on delinquent mortgages. They would rather make it so you can once again start paying your mortgage than have you walk away from it.
I quit paying my mortgage in Florida one year ago. Literally. My mortgage company just a month ago, sent me a modification agreement. They were willing to lower my rate to 4% for one year, than 5% for the next year and then fix it at 6%. They wanted $4,000 and were willing to put the balance of my delinquency (nearly $25,000) on the "end" of the loan.
My problem is declining value. I've had my home for sale for two years. I just got an offer on it that is $180,000 less than what I owe on it. It does not make since for me to take the modification loan because I do not plan on keeping that house for the 30 years it would take to pay off that mortgage. That is why I let the mortgage go. If not, I would have been throwing good money after bad.
If you want to talk about this more, call me anytime. 469-951-0516. Before my dx, I owned a small mortgage company for 11 years. Before that, I worked for other mortgage companies my entire professional life. Hugs, girl.
((((((((((((((((everybody)))))))))))))))))))) I just popped in to say hi. Sorry for everybody's suckage.
Felicia, good question, where is Nikki? And, I will be at the game Sunday. I'm sure the stadium will be packed with Giants fans!! Well, at least you guys aren't like Eagles fans! They can be brutal!!! I hope the Cowboys at least put up a fight.
ps...I can't go back a page....who ever was told they couldn't be a foster parent...that make my skin crawl. What a bunch of crap!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't let that go.
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Wow, you know, the word that comes to mind right now is Fumi's CRAPTACULAR!!!! BTW, Fumi, I never said an official welcome & I hope your silly colleagues learn to do a few things for themselves. What kind of work do you do? You certainly have been our web/cyberspace maven here on the forum, and for that we are all grateful. Also, I wanted to tell you that I love your little Godzilla!! Wasn't he the first? Even before King Kong??
@#$%&*%, Ladies. THIS IS MAJOR SUCKAGE HERE! It would be unbelievably stupid to let the auto makers go into bankruptcy. For god's sake, the worldwide market has already reacted badly to the Senate's non-action, never mind how the American economy would react. It's not just Detroit or even American cars that would be affected. The ripples would be a lot larger than the senators seem to acknowledge. Let's all start emailing them. Maybe I'll look up some links for us & post them here. Jeez. We gotta do something!
Hugs to {{{{{{{{{ All }}}}}}}}}.
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Miss you, Nicki! Waving hello to you...
This whole bailout collapse has me terrified. Should be interesting to see what happens from here...
Have fun at the game, Traci. I think it will be a very close game, for sure. Can't wait!
Diane, if your hubby's employer doesn't do the right thing with the insurance, look into what your state offers for self-employed folks. For example, in NY, there is "Healthy NY" for those of us without employers who cover health insurance. It isn't too expensive (I pay a little under $300 a month for me with full perscription rider, which is way cheaper than what I paid for COBRA when I left my job to go to grad school) and might be a bridge for coverage while your hubby is out of work. Let me know if you need help finding any info (although I know you are the resource queen,lol). Hang in there, woman...
Sorry for the rest of the suckage! Guess we're due for some SOIs pretty soon...
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Major SOI: I need to be re excized next Wednesday to get 2 cm clear margin. The surgeon only got a 1 cm clear. But the lymph node biopsy was clear. Half full, half empty -- I am seeing half full. Surgeon said it took 62 years for me to get this, so she is confident I will have at least half that many more years left. Hugs, Nancy
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Nancy, I don't understand. You said your "clear" margin was 1 cm, but your surgeon wants 2 cm??? I never heard of anyone needing that wide a margin. Is it possible she meant 2 mm and not 2 cm?
otter (who was told her narrowest margin, 8 mm, was "terrific")
P.S.: Hi to everybody, and, all together: IT SUCKS!
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Otter: my surgeon will not allow you to tape record, so I probably am wrong with the cm and it should be mm... Still having chemo brain fog, lol...
Here's hoping for a suck free weekend for all. HUGS, Nancy
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I hope you have minimal IOS's this weekend, too.
BTW, getting a 2-mm margin should be a lot less difficult for your surgeon than getting a 2-cm margin. I hope the surgery goes smoothly and you get lots of dark chocolate therapy.
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just a quick note before I am off to sleep, had another police incident today and the DIL heard that my son is planning on divorcing her and then she got upset and said she didn't want a divorce???? WTF????? I just know I need a full day of sleep and rest to get past this craziness.
As for those asking for Nicki, I heard from her and she was banned from the board for some reason or other. I guess someone has it out for her. She will be back as soon as possible marking her spot!
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I wanna ask the moderators to give us a graffiti wall/thread where we can just let fly with whatever language we want!!!!!! As previously stated-I think it is appropriate here! @$#@$%#%^$&^*^&*%#@#$@$
Just a few responses: I THOUGHT it was now a federal law that insurance companies could NOT nix you due to pre-exisiting conditions when you have cancer....Anyone else hear that?
Glass half full is sooooo much more preferable!! Let's make it half full of deep dark sipping chocolate!!!!!!!!
How does an onc justify NO recorder?????? It would make me question him/her as to WHY!!! Is THAT a common attitude? I was under the impression that MOST allowed recording devices...I'd get one of those little pocket-sized voice activated ones & play 007 on him/her!! LOL
My SOI--spent my day at HOME--didn't get dressed til after 4!! I talked on the phone with 3 of my bc sisters for over 2 hours each----pure decadence!!!!! Then hit a great sale & finished all my shopping for next year!!! (please don'thate me--I'm compulsive-LOL)
My other good news is DD auditioned for the HS spring musical, Thoroughly Modern Mille. She got the second female lead as a Sophmore!!! pretty cool beans!!!!!!!!
HUGS nick-nack--THAT SUX ---sweet dreams LuAnn--God knows you deserve a good nite's rest-all be well & stay strong
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Hi All - Sounds like some had a pretty sucky week.
Nips are so much less itchy. I survived wearing a bra to work all week but it was the first thing I took off when I got home! Several nights, I attempted to take it offf while driving home but visions of an accident and having to explain why or have some one find me knocked out half in a shirt and bra and these LOVELY frankenboods stopped me. I can imagine the shock on the EMS's faces!
Winter storm warning and Blizzard warning in effect for my area. Not sure why both warnings but get the message. High tomorrow is -10 degrees so guess I will get to experience just how cold my silicone girls can get.
Been using Fumi's Craptatuclar all week at work. Someone at work came up with Craptastic and we are using that also. (Also had someone refer to their cafereria lunch as craplicious).
Heading to Walmart for groceries before snow gets too deep and the temps drop too low - then hunkering down.
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I'm sorry about Nicki, that sucks. I hope she is back soon. These boards are a life line to some semblance of sanity.0
Itchy nips, in-law idiots and all the other suckiness BIG THAT SUX!
Those I missed, sorry, just can't go back with the day running away already so quickly.....
Hope Nicki can get back on and work something out so we have her funny whit back. Please let her know we miss her, LuAnn!
Hope everyones Saturday is IOS negative and positively filled with SOI's!
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Just a quick fly-by (a la our "vacationing" sister Nicki!) to say "THAT SUCKS, Y'ALL!" Here's hoping for a suction-free weekend...and so many SOIs that we fill pages and pages with GOOD stuff come Monday!
Diane0 -
Amen to that Diane.
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Sharon, is that your actual dog?? SOOOOO Kewt!! Lab pups are adorable. That's an SOI right there.
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well even though i awoke this morning with severe diarhhea and nausea...go figure...why is today so different from yesterday when i felt pretty decent. with all the proper pills in my belly (and there are many) i am feeling better and fully intend to go to my grandson's 6th birthday party. so there cancer!
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I haven't pooped normally since August....just in case you all were wondering.
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No Kak, can't take the credit and fame for the cute pic but my dog was that cute when he was a puppy.
A bit THAT SUCKS to you Jane. Nothing compares to a good b.m.
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Otter, thanks for the chocolate wishes, but I am allergic... is that an IOS??? Saint: the onco allows you to record, but not my surgeon. Reason: unknown... Hugs LuAnn with your family issues.It IS winter, smb, but we do NOT have to like it.
I also love the craptacular word and coined another one: craptacular - ist... one who is suffering from it. Kak, jersey, jane, and whoever else I may have missed: gentle HUGS and wishing no IOS for anyone this weekend.
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Jane, your poop report reminded me of AlaskaDeb's mom (who gave poop reports on her to her friends). Where is Deb? Oh, just found this update from John from Dec. 11 -
All, Deb says Hello. Hope things are good with everybody. Hope it's warmer where you are! Deb says Give them bugs kisses Deb is still making slow prog... Just getting busier with the holidays.
It's nice to get news, but I am still very worried. I'll be glad when she is well enough to come and talk to us a bit.
Maria, I'm glad you feel good enough to get to that precious grandson's birthday party. I hope you have a ball!
Love to all,
Miss S
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Nancy, oooohhh NOOOOO!!!! You're allergic to chocolate? Yes, that is definitely an IOS, especially this time of year. What do you do for comfort food?
Nicki off the boards? Now, THAT sux. (Can I say that?) Do they tell someone when she's going to be kicked off, and do they explain exactly why? Is it for a specific length of time (you know, like a prison sentence)? Do they let you back on if you do penance? Nicki's pics are so comforting ... I miss her already.
I don't have an IOS worth posting today. Just a bunch of little things--weather here is cooler than normal (but nothing like temps with that little hyphen in front of them); under-arm/chest wall feels kind of strange 10 months post-mast/SNB, but I guess that's not unusual; dh is p*ssed because I was still in my robe and jammies when he got home for lunch (actually, he was p*ssed 'cause I was sitting here on my 'puter); still haven't mailed my cards; still haven't finished all my holiday shopping (thank goodness for overnight delivery!); ... like I said, just little stuff.
Everybody else's stuff really sux, though.
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Nancy, thanks for the hugs & right back at ya for being allergic to chocolate!! That's just terrible! Altho' when you're allergic to something, you kinda don't feel like you're missing something. I'm allergic to lobster - can you beat that, here I am in New England & can't eat lobster!! - so get similar sympathetic reactions.
Otter, my dear, I'm with ya. Spent all day yesterday in my jammies & I'm still in my jammies today. I have washed some dishes, tho', taken out the trash, etc., so I guess I've been somewhat productive.
Hey, I miss Nicki, too! Does anybody know what happened? Did someone have a failure of humor? I miss her wonderful brand of tartness mixed with kindness. How can you get kicked off for that? That probably describes most of us, for crying out loud! That SUX!
This lacks Nicki's special touch, but in honor of her, it's a seasonal animation. Come back soon, Nicki!!!!
A great big Holy Suckola & hugs to you all & let's have an upswing in SOI's next week.
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I miss Nicki's posts!! Can't we all just live and let live? Sometimes on the internet things are said and the wrong meaning comes across. Sheesh, we're all adults here. Don't we all deserve the right to be here? My goodness, I don't know what I'd do if I got banned from this web site. Can we petition to have her back?
Edit to say, if it's like a prison sentence.........I'll help towards posting her bond.