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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2009

    Hope you still have a happy birthday, Kathi! All weekend long, I hope!

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited April 2009

    That's why I break all my chocolate before I eat it.  Looks like I need to break off the feet first prior to the lucky, calorie free consumption of the chocolate.  Thanks for the suggestions.  I love you guys.

    We still give our adult children easter baskets but we're trying to cut back on the candy.  Any suggestions?  We usually put some money in eggs for them but I think this year I'm going to send them on a scavenger hunt to find the last egg.

    KAK.......Happy Birthday to you,

    happy birthday to you,

    happy birthday to KAAAAAAAK,

    Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!

    I know what you're asking for when you blow out the candles.  I'll be praying for the same thing for you.


    Oops.  That SUX to all that need it.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2009

    Loving all the greetings, girls.  Love that cake, Ann!  Ooooh, I can just taste it.

    Listen, I have to share this because it's just too weird, awful, one of those "life is stranger than fiction" things, and I feel horrible about it.   My poor, dear, darling breast surgeon just lost her husband two days ago while they and their family were on vacation in Colorado.  He was an orthopedic surgeon, 48, and he collapsed while they were riding a chairlift and never regained consciousness.   They were attending a snowboarding tournament that two of their kids were in.

    Here's a link:   Dr. Michael Wiggins Dies

    Unreal.  I think they have 5 kids.  They just had a "whoops" baby who's almost two.  So sad.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2009

    Stella, how's your sis??  I've gotta get over to her blog...

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2009

    Trish!!!!!!!!!!!! That is such awesome news!! Woo Hoo!'s so awesome to put a face with a name.... ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))

    I can't remember anything else....that's my bitch for the day.....I've been logging on, here and there, reading the posts and when I finally take the time to post...I can't remember jack. (((patrice)))

    I've been really moody lately. Don't know why. Prolly cuz my bro is insurance woes are keeping me from getting my scan....I keep gaining weight....don't know what church to go to for Easter....feel out of place.....

    My nephew got out of jail and I saw him on Skype today. He looked so good. I fought back the tears.....until now.

    I can remember seeing video calling on movies thinking....won't that be cool...and now, here we are...I talked to my nephew, and saw his handsome face today, even though we are 1300 miles apart. Gotta love it.

    Sorry for not acknowledging everybody by's a collective, heartfelt... (((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))).

    I'm off to bed. Man, how life has changed......Friday bed......SUCKS.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2009

    Hey, what you do in bed on Friday nights is your business.....LOL! Embarassed

    I prefer to get a good nights' sleep for work on Saturday. Wink

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited April 2009

    I find it amusing that prayrv doubts the existence of something intangible.  Like calories and fat.  They can prove that there are calories and fat.  However the idea is to keep ahead.... exercise plus colories = no gain.  Trouble is I keep lagging behind on the exercise.....

  • flash
    flash Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2009

    dream- ROFL- I hear you and I am floating downstream with you.

    I need a moment to moan and groan:

    downstairs bathroom had a mark on the ceiling, I touched it and woooooooosh. down comes the ceiling and tons of water.  Ahhhhaaa, we have a leak.  Plumber comes, I'm going through it with him and he starts pointing out other places sthe water has done damage. Final outcome:

    Because I had put off work to pay off other bills, upstairs bathroom has 4 different leaks, almost all the piping has to be re-done, all of the tile work.  Downstairs bathroom turns out to have same problem and needs complete new subfloor and tile.   Dreccccccccck. Just when I thought things might be getting better...........

     One good note: Hubby looked at me and said: But you're here aren't you? who cares, we can live without a bathroom downstairs for awhile.  Sigh.... I do love that man, he did put it in perspective.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2009


    Yes I know that they can prove it - I just don't like it! 

    On another subject, I would save the chocolate rabbit foot for last - that way I can wish that I would not gain the weight that I would normally gain from eating said chocolate!


    Sorry for the moodiness, it's hard when love ones are not closer in geography than we would like.  It's a great thing this Skype.  I have a web cam on my laptop and so does my son, so we can chat with the web cam on while he's at college.  Ain't technology great!!!!!!!

    May everyone have a blessed holiday!


  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2009

    KAK and flash those are both terrible. Wow!  Puts things in perspective!

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2009

    Ladies, let's hope that there is NO MORE SUCKAGE this weekend.

    Flash, good god almighty, is there any way you can get your homeowner's insurance to kick in for this?   Where's the leak coming from?  The roof, or elsewhere?   

    Traci, my dear, I'd say it would be a miracle if anyone could NOT feel moody with everything you've got going on.   {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Traci}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Stella, your sister and our good pal made me cry last night with her birthday greeting to me on her blog.   If you see her soon, please give her an in-person, GREAT BIG HUG  from me.   And a smooch from Foxy.    I was so touched.

    Girls, here's a little SOI to counteract some of the IOS.   Pix of some of my birthday loot.  The one of the purple textured silk wrap-around doesn't do it justice.  The other is an "edible bouquet" made of fruit, including chocolate covered strawberries!   Yum!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited April 2009

    Those edible arrangements are great, aren't they?  I gave one to my husband last year.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited April 2009

    We got one of those one was lovely.  I've never eaten so much fruit in my life.

    Easter hugs to all of you.  May the sucky stuff subside!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2009

    Wow! Gorgeous, I love purple, it's my favourite colour. When you are in it, it will be like getting hugs from your friend.

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited April 2009

    Hello all and a big THAT SUCKS to all who need it.  I was awakened this morning by a Texas spring thunderstorm and a trembling greyhound. She really doesn't like loud noises...

    My IOS--have to get my house really clean before my surgery on Wednesday.  I worked really hard Friday and yesterday woke with LE symptoms (mild, mild pain, no swelling) so erred on the side of caution and elevated my arm and rested yesterday.  It feels fine this morning, so I'll work a little more today.

    An SOI that is closely related--for years I was a working wife and mother and seldom had time to make real progress in the housework--just kept up, know what I mean?  Now that I am retired, I have time and am finding that I enjoy it!  Also before it felt like I had to do it all at once, now I can take my time and do a little each day...which also makes it easier!!!! (Obviously I am easily entertained)..

    Happy Easter!



  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited April 2009

    Traci ((((((HUGS back))))))) I'm sorry you are in such a sucky place...wanna go out for a beer? Or two, or five....

    Kathi ~ I'm so happy you had a good birthday! You deserve it!

    Flash ~ you're edging in on my denial. There are things I just can't get to either...but I love that your husband put it in perspective. I'm sorry for the nasty suprise.

    Sue ~ So good to see you! I am also happy for you in your retirement! Good that you elevated your arm so as not to get will be in my prayers this week for your surgery!

    Everyone else...HAPPY EASTER....I hope it's an IOS free day!

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited April 2009

    Um, Sue?

    You said this:  "An SOI that is closely related--for years I was a working wife and mother and seldom had time to make real progress in the housework--just kept up, know what I mean?  Now that I am retired, I have time and am finding that I enjoy it!"

    You are enjoying doing housework?  I'm worrying about you now. 

    Okay, it's true that once you're retired, you don't have to squeeze housework into the evening hours or weekends anymore.  I'll admit that, the first time I washed a load of laundry at 11 o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday, it felt pretty good.  And, now when I see fingerprints in the dust on the table tops, I can just get a dustrag and clean it up... or not.

    But, I would never admit to enjoying it.  (Maybe I belong on Patrice's thread.) 

    Hugs to all, and a hearty "That SUX" to all who might need it. 


  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited April 2009

    Sue, I get the house work thing. For me, I do a little something most days. Keeping the clutter under control makes everything so much easier. Its really nice when everything has a home, much less stress. It was hard all those yrs w/little ones and working etc, but being home now changes it all. It also helps if I keep it all in perspective and don't get crazy about it.

    So sorry for all the suckiness, hoping things get better SOON!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2009

    Marking my spot and Happy belated Easter to all.   My computer is sick and I may have it back by next weekend...   EEEKKKKKKKKKKK.....   Hugs,  Nancy

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited April 2009

    Here's an IOS that could be worse...

    It's MONDAY, I so wanted to just sleep and sleep...on the other hand, I HAVE a job!

    Be well, and HUGS to everyone!

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited April 2009

    Oh, navygirl, that is IOS for sure!



  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2009

    Hey all----marking my spot.....

    Having some pain in my leg which is making sitting & typing uncomfortable. In answer to someone's (navygirl?) question-No, you eventually stop the spin cycle & just say WTF---it will be whatever it I wait to see if this pain is a prior injury & HOPE that I can cheer like trish---hey! It's only ________ (fill in the blank: a kidney stone, diabetes, get the pic) 

    My SOI: my 16 yr old dd has her first boyfriend & is going to her first prom------I lived to see this, so who knows how many more joys I'll get? 

    HUGS all-sorry for not naming individuals but my brain is a sieve!-be well & stay strong 

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2009

    Otter....the "um, Sue?" CRACKED ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs everybody!!!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2009

    Sue...I forgot to add....I'm here for you if you need me girl. Phone call away!!!! Good luck with your surgery. If I can make my brain work....I'll call you. I would call now but aren't you an ealry bird?

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2009


    Isn't life's milestones wonderful!?  Hope the leg pain is just that, leg pain.  Prayers for all to have a non-sucky Tuesday tomorrow!

    Gentle Hugs,


  • dmayes
    dmayes Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2009

    Gosh - an excellent thread ladies!!

    I am newly diagnosed, had surgery 4 weeks ago and just waiting to confirm apt time with onc.  I had the lumpectomy (SP?) and nodes removed.  I am in a remote town - so SN surgery not heard of, but would have preferred that.  My arm is still very numb at the back and hurts with every pot hole or bump in the shops.  My left hand can hardly grip and I have trouble putting the bra on (but take the time to keep the girls as supported as poss - less bounce means less pain).

    I try to be positive and happy around my family and friends - truth is I feel very lost and scared.  I dont really want to talk to people around me - prefer to read these pages and see what may lie ahead (as scary as this is).  I wonder if I am going to have the courage and determination that many of you seem to have.  Pre BC I was I strong and determined business professional - now I dont even know if I will ever get to go back to work......

    My DH isnt coping with it too well either.  One one side he seems to carry on as normal (not even helping out much about the house anymore) - but on another it is though I have the most terrible disease - he doesnt even come near me.  I know we'll get through this - I know he feels that he must fix it and he knows he cant. 

    I hate how I still gurt.  I hate that I can lift up my kids and spin them around like I used to (OK - they are 6 and 9, and getting heavier every day - but we used to hug and tumble all the time).

    But I love this thread - so I cant hate all these things and it does make me feel so much better.  I hope to hear lots of encouragement from you all - but right now I just hate life!   D

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited April 2009

    I big that SUX to all that need it.

    I'm not normally one to kiss and tell but since I'm not kissing (or anything else) I can tell.  Right?  I'm in the middle of rads right now and feeling closer to my old self.  (6 tx of TC)  I've initiated some frisky with the DH he doesn't seem to want to reciprocate.  I had a lumpectomy so I know it's not the boob thing.  I can say that if that was the issue I would loose all respect I've ever had for my DH of 25 years.

    I loved sex when I was pregnant and he wouldn't touch me then either.  I gave him an Easter card and wrote "Wanta have sex?" and nothing happened.  Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy that all my friends wish they had.  He has been so supportive every step of the way. 

    I don't get it.  I made a big deal about sex one day last week thinking that I needed to make it real clear that I'm back.  He got his...but didn't bother to touch me.  I asked him what was wrong and he says he just doesn't want to hurt me.  Too late.  What little self esteem I had is now gone.

    Anyone else or am I the only one?

    Yes, I know there are several "Get my MO JO back" sites but that's not the problem.  I want his Mo Jo.

    I hope I'm not crossing the line of acceptable topics on this thread.

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited April 2009

    well it's a rainy Tuesday here in the northeast, which did not do ANYTHING for my wanting to get out of bed again today!

    D - welcome sister, I'm so glad you found the site and are able to laugh and learn. I don't know about others...but just over a year into my diagnosis I am just getting to the point where I don't hate life. The stress of waiting for tests, then the fear of treatment, followed by the aftermath (emotional and physical) of getting the treatments, then all the mental crap of trying to reconnect with dp in the intimacy department. This sh*t is more work than anything I have been through and I've been down some pretty picturesque roads! Vent, vent, vent, it's good to get it out of your system - if for nothing else so that we can reassure you that you are not crazy!

    Which brings me to Renee...honey, I'm so sorry. I could cry just remembering that crushed feeling and remembering the sound of the last of my self esteem going out the window. I don't know why, but it seems to be really (really) hard getting our SO's to open back up. I know for me personally, it took a rare knock down, drag 'em out arguement. All I can say is, maybe he's been stuffing things during all of this and now that it's safe to let the cap back off he's gotta do it slow so he doesn't freak out. Not to play the man vs. woman thing, but if my gf was in that same place and it took months of talking and finally arguing to get to the root of it - I can imagine for a man it would be at least as difficult because there is a whole different emotional - protector - hide your feelings kind of thing that most men do. I know (really know) how painful it is to be you right now, but know that it's not you, it's just one more crappy aspect of this disease that we have to deal with. It sucks, but after 25 years - you guys can find your way through it. (((((hugs)))))

    I have to go eat some oatmeal...I have a meeting in an hour and my stomach is just a grumbling away while I type...if I can't find something to shut it up, it's going to be a hell of a meeting!!!

    Happy Day everyone...NO IOS's today!!!

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2009

    Thinking of you, Sue.

    Welcome, D.  I often call breast cancer "the Stalker," because you feel like you're looking over your shoulder for a long time.  There's an online talk-to-the-experts forum here on comeing up at t5he end of the month about axciety, so maybe you could participate.   Glad you're here.  We all totally understand.  I had a serious meltdown last week because I have more calcifications in my involved breast after already getting half of it removed.  So now I have to wait till Friday for another diagnostic mamm, etc. and so forth.  It SUX.  So, we KNOW how you feel.

    Renee, I wonder if your husband is afraid you'll break or die or something.  Cancer is in some ways a lot scarier for those who love us than it is for us ourselves.  There are some threads here for loved ones/husbands/S.O.'s that might help you help him.  What does he say?  Maybe he needs to talk to someone about his issues.  Guys tend to stick their head in the sand about stuff, so good luck!!  {{{{{{{{Renee}}}}}}}}

    Saint, we want photos of the prom couple!!!  It is so poignant and really wonderful to savor things so much more these days, isn't it?  Sometimes, even when I had my meltdown last week, I am so full of gratitude for the richness of life even while I am freaking out.  In that instance, it was how wonderful, loving and compassionate my friends at work are, who found me in the women's room crying my eyes out, hugged me and cried with me, then kept calling me the next day to check up on me.  I felt so lucky even while I was feeling beleaguered by this stupid disease.  

    I am still ingesting medicinal chocolate to get me through the next few days until my diagnostic mamm on Friday!!   I'm going to gain ten pounds, but I'll be a happier!

    Love to you all.  And remember, it's spring so all our gardening tools and potential suckage-fighting weapons need to be shined up!   More SOI's to us all.

  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2009

    I am sorry Renee. Guys are wierd!!!!

    Big suxs to all of you who need it out there!!!