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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited April 2009

    Sue.... You're my hero.  Be good to yourself.  Keep us posted. 

    I'm sending you a foot rub and a house cleaning....inside and out.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2009

    Geez Renee, you have such class! I just read your post after mine and you are so kind. I talk about itching....sigh.

    But! Sue will know what I mean when it happens Surprised

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2009

    I am back, with my puter all fixed and updated and virus protected and ready to send THAT SUCKS as needed and HUGS to everyone.   Have a super duper weekend.    Nancy

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2009

    Hey WhaSux??

    I haven't been here often lately so naturally all the stuff I read to catch up is now floating in the murky soup I call a brain! SOooo:

    Hooray for all the SOI's---recovering, returning, classy babes, pets, posts showing up & (for those who are getting it)

    THAT SUX for all the IOS's---NO: sex, job, children, sex, test results, peace of mind, & sex!

    I did not have kids til later in life (thought it would never happen--SURPRISE!) Anyway, I can tell you that life can still be fulfilling without kids, but if you don't have any & want them it can be so obsessive & overwhelming...well, I totally understand how you feel. I KNOW a child does not have to come from your own body for you to bond & make it your own. If this is really an issue consider foster or adoption. I have many friends (single & married) who have chosen this option with awesome results!

    My SOI (besides the excitement of my 16 yr old's first boyfriend &  the prom dress came!) I had a Lia Sophia party last nite & ended up with $600 in jewelry for $80 (yeah--NOTHING is free!!)  I also spent all day yesterday with the most delightful 4 month old baby AND I was named to the parents-for-the-performing-arts-in-our-schools Board of Directors!

    Life would be wonderful if this pain from my old injury would resolve-MY IOS !  Hope you all have a suck-free weekend! HUGS

    Be well & stay strong 

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2009

    Thanx stella. 

    Renee--you are pure class!! Please PM me if your dh would like to speak to mine. He has done it b4 & I'm pretty sure would do it again.....

    He & I have had some talks about lack-o-sex. I have come to the realization that part of how I saw myself was based on how he made me feel about me! Your comment about searching each other out across a crowded room rang a bell with me. It was the look we could give each other; knowing what would come later! Feeling dazzling cuz HE saw me with desire in front of all those others!!!!!! But no one else was aware in the least-it was our secret (I mistyped sexret! LOL) A secret NO ONE else in the world shared with either of us!!! I keep wondering what we replace that with...yes, we have a history & a very deep love, but I know my self image is lowered due to the fact that the desire he used to telegraph is gone (& my desire FOR it gone, too)........maybe this is why old ppl get fat & let themselves go????   At least we lost it TOGETHER!

    Hugs----pm me anytime! Be well & stay strong

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2009

    ((((hugs)))) back at you Bonnie.

    (((Sue))) how you doing girl? ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Connie, good to see you!!!! ((hugs))

    Everybody else, heart felt hugs.....Sorry I'm to lazy to write it down......Saint, you are just too cool.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2009

    I just realized looking for Stephanie, that two years ago today, I first "registered" to be a member of I can't begin to express how grateful I am to all of you who have been here for me. And, how grateful I am to the creators of this website..... Hugs everybody.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2009


    I know how you feel - it has been 2 years almost to the day (4-17) that I had my "abnormal" mammo that started this journey for me.  This site and the wonderful people on it have been very helpful for me in so many ways. 

    Gentle Hugs,


  • PSK07
    PSK07 Member Posts: 91
    edited April 2009

    It all sucks, right?

    Crud. I haven't been here in ages - pages and pages to read, and I can't remember squat. Someone wrote something about enjoying housework. That can't be right. Nope.

    Jane - I hope your daughter is ok. No family should have to deal with the stress and pain.

    Kathi/KAK - hope your screening went ok. ++++ thoughts of all ------ results headed your way. 

    Traci - you are here for so many women. I'm grateful for your humor, sympathy, empathy, generosity, tears, and everything else....and especially that you came up with this topic!

    Not much suckage here...a whole lot of bleh, though. Working hard, husband is working way too much, family drama. #1 daughter is graduating HS in June, so everything good and bad that goes along with it. She's the drama queen - everything is magnified x10 for her.  We did go get her prom dress today. OMG. How can that beauty be mine??!! 

    I have to make my appt with the onc this week. 6 months since surgery and LCIS/ALH dx and 3 months since I started in on the tamoxifen. This one is bugging me a lot more than prev appts. Will have to have mammogram this time, and on both sides at that. Haven't heard from the breast center though. Wonder why.

    Take care all.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited April 2009

    Well we tried it.  I was feeling pain free and thought that it was a good time.  By the time we were finished, I was gasping for air and he was unfulfilled.  Then the next day I had breathing problems all day - like a band around my chest, not letting me take a big breath.  I do believe that was the last of our physical relationship.  Play Taps....

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited April 2009

    Well we tried it.  I was feeling pain free and thought that it was a good time.  By the time we were finished, I was gasping for air and he was unfulfilled.  Then the next day I had breathing problems all day - like a band around my chest, not letting me take a big breath.  I do believe that was the last of our physical relationship.  Play Taps....

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2009


    I read & wrote a huge reply that actually addressed what I read (for a change) & then my laptop fried it's own brain & shut off for an hour----POOF! all gone!!  :>{

    Traci----For 5 years I have found this site has given me the only support group I've needed & all the info I could use! I have wondered where I'd be if I hadn't found this site & the sisters here! I am thankful for all of you!

    Dream--that sux, but you & I have had THAT talk! Big hugs (for Dh, too-he gives great telephone! LOL)

    Hugs renee, stella, jane, trish, kak, pam, aka, barbe, sue lovin, connie, navy, otter & anyone I missed! My IOS----pain in my hip is getting worse--hope it is an old injury & can be treated successfully---been about 2 weeks so will be checking with onc tomorrow......SOI-2 friends recently had sx so they have shared their pain meds with me & THAT is why I need to sign off-----HUGS

     Be well & stay strong 

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2009

    Saint, you are something else. I wish I knew you in real life. Too funny.

    Dream, sorry girl. That does suck. I haven't had sex in ................ so long I can't remember!!

    Pam, where the heck have you been??? Missed you girl. (And, if you've posted recently, and I forgot, well...I'm sorry....but know you know where I'm coming from!)


    I went to the horse races today with my sister. Girls, for the first time in forever, I was attracted to a guy. Maybe I've .................... I dunno.............

    Hugs, Traci

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited April 2009

    Traci, YAY! and ((((((((((((((((((((Traci))))))))))))))))))).  Love you, girl.

    Better day today. Evening with good friends at my house and I didn't even have to cook! I can almost stand upright.  I now look GREAT in a tank top....

    More tomorrow, I'm exhausted.



  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited April 2009


    I hope you guys had a good weekend...this is just a fly by so I'll just congratulations to the board, the attempt at intimacy, pam for returning, tracy for finding being attracted to a guy! That happened to me recently too but I found it much more confusing I'm sure ;) Another time on that story!

    I had such a darn good weekend...time with my neice (who is turning out to be a funny kid) lots of gardening done (I love getting the flowers planted and the beds mulched) and just good old fashioned relaxing time without worry about being sick/treatments/'s probably the best I've felt in a year. Thank you Jesus!

    I hope you all have just as good a day! Missed you guys, but as always you cracked me up on Monday morning and we all know how good it is to start the week off like that!!!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2009

    I had a big IOS on Saturday at work when one end of my incision opened up! I had to go to urgent care but they wouldn't stitch it as it would get infected for sure they said, just applied antibiotic cream and re-dressed it. Said to go to the ER if I got a fever or it oozed pus. I'm not even going to look under the bandage until tomorrow (my day off!). 

    Dream, the last time we had sex my nipple began bleeding. How's that for a lasting memory for my DH? Now I don't even have nipples to worry about....sigh. (((((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))))))))


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2009

    Monday morning hugs all around.  That Sucks, as needed.   Barbe, what a scare you must have had.  Bonnie, mega hugs and glad you are feeling better.   I will be over to see onco and tx on Thursday.  Dream, hugs for trying.  Pam, sue, traci, saint - hugs and smilies.   Anyone else, hugs and blessings for all.   It is POURING rain and I decided to get my eyes checked today since i can no longer read street signs when driving.   I guess I was in denial about it - now time to fix it.   


  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited April 2009

    I have a family member that I am not at all close to (I've seen him twice in the last 20 years) and I deliberately did not tell about my cancer.  I find him arrogant and condescending and knew that he would only say stupid things to tick me off and not be at all helpful.  Well, sure enough, its spread through the family grapevine and he finally heard about it. So, today I get an e-mail "scolding" (his words) me for not calling and telling him and lecturing me about not being mature enough to tell others and take advantage of their support and the healing power that I missed out on by not doing that.  He also said that he prefers to be told of other's problems rather than not be told about them.  I in a nice way told him that it was not personal and that I agreed with him about "healing power" and therefore did not tell many other people because I found it not only to not be helpful, but to be unhelpful.  I'm still annoyed and had to mail my support group so I could bitch and then put it away.  As I said, the reason I didn't tell him is because it would be about him and all I would get is arrogance and lecturing.  Like he knows better then I do how I should handle this and what I need and he had a right to know and be involved.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited April 2009

    Yikes did the eye appt. go?

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited April 2009
    kmmd, just read your post.  Ha, if only he could............Wink
  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2009

    Big Suxs to all of you who need it.

    I am sorry dream. That does suck.  Barb...scary!! Saint..hoping the pain is just an old injury!

    I cannot remember what all is going on, but my prayers are for oyu all.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited April 2009

    Thank you all.  Barbe he's a man, the next picture of a boob took the place of that memory.  By now all he is worried about is you.  As my hubby said at the beginning of this journey.  You are not a breast, you are more than that.  Losing it would not change who I am.  He was wrong.  It changed me for the better.  I understand people with physical problems.  I know what it is like to play one bill over another.  I know that kindness lives in all of us.  And I seem to be able to draw that out.  My hubby can be a real pain.  Selfish at times.  But he is there for me.  When I am not there, when my mind takes a left turn without the rest of me, he holds me together until I come back to reality.  He has faced two of his mania's - fear of heights, fear of hospitals. 

    Enough of that, high everyone.  I had lunch out and came home to do nothing.  I am nursing my left arm, feels like my wrist to elbow is broken.  But I know it isnt.  Go figure.

    I am still suffering through cat fights.  About once a day the go at it.  We cant throw water cause we like our floors.  Have to find a spritz bottle.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2009

    Oh, Stella, LOL on the cartoon!

    Just a quickie, girls, to say I haven't yet lost my mind with waiting, but I think I've come pretty close.  Well, results tomorrow & I'll post as soon as I can.  Thanks for your good wishes.  I feel both amazingly well considering & really worn down by emotionally reliving the whole blasted experience over the last few weeks of waiting to find out if I'm back at square one again.  I'm still functioning tho' & not yet in a rubber room somewhere.  Stella, your dear, dear sister has offered words of comfort in the midst of her own troubles, which has really touched me.  It helps keep me sane to know you are all here.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2009

    A quick update on eye exam, no cataracts, no pressure problems, just old age making it necessary for distance (driving) glasses.   I got them in one hour, paid a bit extra,but figured it was worth it.  The opthomologist also said to have a re check in 6 months due to only being off chemo for 6 months.  He did not try to sell me sun glasses,tinting, or any of the other costly extras since I do not have vision insurance.  Just the basics.

    Then I hit the stores and got 2 deeply discounted tops and another hat.  I am becoming a hat collector since I can't wear most shoes without my feet hurting.  It poured rain, so it was a good thing to be trolling the mall.   Have a good sleep and HUGS,   Nancy 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2009

    Oh Nancy, too funny! I love your logic; your feet hurt so you collect hats. Okay.....Undecided

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited April 2009

    Nancy, I'm relieved to hear it's 'normal' aging.  Thank goodness.  Hugs all.

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited April 2009

    Top of the morning ladies! Please let it not rain today! I woke up this morning with a splitting headache again...allergy season is full upon us! I love spring, but my sinuses hate it!

    Just a drive by to say "THAT SUX" to anyone not having a good day...Dream, loved the sentiment in the post, made me smile. Nancy, loved the logic, made me laugh!

    Off to work! Hugs to all!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2009

    Good morning everyone.   I have rarely been called "logical", but thanks.   I do have a decent collection of shoes but my feet are not cooperating.   Once my toe nails grow back, IF they ever grow back, I can go back to shoe collecting.  For now, it is hats, or caps.   

    Bonnie, I think more rain is coming today, but 80 for the weekend.  Right now I see sunshine and few clouds.  Does this area ever get a gentle ease into the HOT temps?  I read that Phoenix had its first 100 degree day - usually not until May.  At least it is not snow.     

    THAT SUX as needed.  Grit your teeth, throw something, stomp your feet and make a statement. Hang in there and here's hoping for a non sucky day for everyone.   Hugs,  Nancy 

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2009

    Negative mamm!!!!  Yay!!!!

    Three-way car accident on the way to the doctor's!!   Boo!!!!!    I was stopped at intersection while one car plowed into a second, which then skidded into mine.   I should upload a diagram.  No one hurt.  Minor damage to my car, but IT WAS MY NEW PRISTINE CAR!!  Oh, well...I DON'T HAVE ANY MORE CANCER FOR NOW!!

    Gotta always look at the bright side.



  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited April 2009

    Kathi..........sorry about the accident but HOLY COW..........good for you on the mammo!!!!!!!!!!!!