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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2008


    I was having such a crappy day and y'all just cracked me up!

    Hannah 'bout Harley being a ticking time bomb for the insurance lady.... lol!!!

    And Deb...well, I gotta tell you sister it's not everyday that you hear somebody complain about bears like they were bugs!! That is too funny. (not but you know what I mean) Where the heck do you live anyway?

    I've got to finish my day but I had to chime in on Wink's question! LOL!!!



    oh yea....My Ass Off!! Wink

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842
    edited April 2008


    I'm sorry about your chickens.  My dad's chickens got eaten by a dog who broke into their chicken house.  He loved those chickens and was so distraught.  Is there anything besides a really big gun that will scare those bears off?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2008

    Misty cloudy rain, 37 degrees - frost tonight - flowers planted! Thats my bitch for the day.

    Diane:  There is nothing worse than nausea.  Hate it, hate it.  Ive heard that Marinol does wonders for nausea and appetite.

    Harley:  Another day another dollar makes me scream and want to holler.

    Sheila:  How in the world do we get through all of these mistakes in charges.  It happens all the time its getting ridiculous.  I say talk to the PS and ask him to write off the remainder of what you own - since you already paid him once.

    DebC:  It still amazes me you have bears.  Big ones too.  What a great idea that everyone gave you about the Benadryl.  Maybe not just local.  Wonder if you could take a pill?

    OK - gotta go find something to cover my flowers with before the frost comes.


  • SuperMujer
    SuperMujer Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2008

    Why not post when you're sad Otter, that is a sad thought.....

    This week was hard for me. I tackled the hair loss by buzzing may hair short so that it would not bother me so much when it fell out.

    No such luck!!!! It has hurt for weeks as it falls out of its buzz cut slowly making me look like a leprosy patient and leaving me very depressed.

    I had my SECOND ax node dissection in February and can no longer use my right hand to try to protect my left hand which has already developed lymphadema. Being the clutz that I am, I banged my newly axillary node dissected right arm on a chair last night and woke up with... Yup,, a newly swollen right arm.Cry I am extremely concerned about lifelong concerns about lymphadema of BOTH arms!!!!!Yell Nice constant reminder....

    and oh, no one around to talk to about it because my friends have ditched....

    Thats all for the ranting for me today.

    I have many blessing and I feel almost guilty. Anyway, its done!

    Hope you all had a better week.

    God bless.



  • Wink333
    Wink333 Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2008

    LOL!! Thanks Traci for telling me what it means. Learn something new everyday I come here. Some repeatable, some not. HA!

    SuperMujer, that really stinks! So sorry you had to have a 2nd ax dissection and that you have lymphedema in both. This disease is SO UNFAIR! I hate it! I remember how my scalp hurt as my hair fell out. I buzzed mine too, and never expected it to hurt. Lots of surprises with bc. 

    Come rant to us anytime. We'll listen.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008

    an update on my insurance problem:

    I called my ps office, and the girl there who does the insurance told me that I only owe a $12 co-pay!  YEAH!!!  Sometimes, things work out...  She said that they had a glitch with their billing, and everyone who had pending insurance claims got bills saying ' insurance didn't pay... pt owes the balance'.

    Take care, ya'll....hope tomorrow is a less sucky day!!


  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2008

    Oh DebC I'm sad about your chickens.  Good grief, aren't the bears up there supposed to eat salmon all the time?  That's what they show on the animal channel.  Salmon and berries and vegetation.  It is awful for me down in the lower 48 to hear of bears just sashaying up to your house and ripping down electric wires and chain link fences to get to some roosting chickens the poor things!   I'd be sleeping with a rifle under my bed I think up there in the wilds of Alaska!  What are they, grizzlies?   You must come from "pioneer stock" as my grandpa used to say.  

    Baby chicks are so cute, I'm thinking of getting some layers myself.  Nothing like a scrambled egg laid fresh that morning. You'll just have to get some chicks soon. 

    Harley, way to go on the insurance stuff!!  What a trailblazer u r!! My grandma always used to say, Patience, persistence and a pleasin' voice will get em every time!  Sometimes I forget the pleasin' voice part though Undecided but only when I'm up against a bill collector. Oh my, isn't this the ailment for the rich.  La di da.  Got me by mistake I think.

    Well, have a good night you all and sweet dreams.  <3 hanna 


  • mke
    mke Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2008

    Today I have a bitch - taxes.  I surely don't like paying them, but actually getting all the numbers together to file them just gets me in a lather.   I have been known to send a check with a "I don't know how much I owe, but I'm sure it's less than this and I'll get back to you" note.  They accept that for a while, but then they get sort of restive about it.

    I think I have all my receipts or other evidence of expenditure and have all my totals.  I had a panic attack about missing a interest statement but I found it.  Admittedly it would help if I had a filing system that had more categories than:

    1. I really should do something about this

    2. OH dear God take this away.

    Maybe I should retire and just cash my pension checks.  Posssibly I could handle that.

  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited April 2008

    Good news on the billing glitch Harley.

    mke - Yep, taxes suck

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008

    Hey there, ya'll,

    I was so MAD at first, when I  got this bill!  But then, I thought that before my bc dx, what was that FIRST thing I used to do, if I got a bill like that one?  I used to call everyone...the doctors office, the insurance company, etc...  and YELL and SCREAM, until someone would help me.  But, no one EVER seemed to want to help me. 

    So this time, I just left a message for my insurance case manager, and said... "You see, THIS is why I STILL need to have case management"... she was trying to close out my case management, since I'm "all better now".... you know how everyone tells us that once we are finished our active treatment, we are all better... GRR...   Then, after I left the message, I thought, WTH, it can't hurt, maybe I'll call my ps office and see what's up.  Sure enough, the insurance woman told me that she has been getting SO MANY calls about these bills!! 

    Maybe I am learning, and I hope I won't flip out, every time something goes wrong.

    That is my lesson for today. 


  • carlin
    carlin Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2008

    12:07 can't sleep ------ and old naked men--- thank-you Traci-- I needed that . I come here and laugh and cry with all of you every day. Thanks

    Insurance co stink.

    Nausea- since chemo its now a part of my life. SO have changed how I eat .  And no haven't lost weight . (bitch)

    Bear in the back yard that's different .  I would love to see Alaska it must be beautiful.

    my bitch today is when to see my onc  ( 6 month check up) wants genetic testing done. Because you see my as he put it my overy's

    are no longer functioning so what the hell. Lets just hack them out to ........... Is everyone on crack ............ It just must be me. Gotta go xanax just kicked in .  It always takes me 2 days to get over these onc visits.

    Linda how you made it through the 2nd surgery (God bless)

  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2008

    Hi All,

    I was out of town for the weekend, not ignoring the replies of the cry for help that I put out about my chemo regimen decision. 

    So Nikki, Shirley and anyone else who weighed in - thanks, and yes, I was going to ask him that (What would he give his wife?).  His nurse told me to ask him that, too, because "she's young - like you."  Although, I think I may have made a decision because if I don't do the more intensive tx, I will always feel as if I didn't do enough and if it comes back, then I will really be up s**t creek physically and emotionally.  Of course, it could come back anyway, but then I could be REALLY pissed off.

    Wink and SuperMujer - does it really hurt when your hair falls out??!!  Now I am just freaked out.

    Harley - I hear ya.  My insurance issue isn't bills...yet.  It is that my PCP (who I really like) is changing medical groups as of July 1.  My Blue Shield has two different medical groups in this area for billing.  So they are changing and sent us a letter.  This is o.k. because it means I can stay with OB/GYN who I have had for 9 years.  So I don't mind changing and if I don't, I can't stay with my PCP.  So I call 2 weeks ago to change this (knowing that all the referrals we just made we would have to do again, but not a big deal).  The gal on the phone spends an HOUR with me going over things and basically says that because I'm "in treatment" it's unlikely that it will get approved.  Approved??!  WTH?!  DH and DDs change are no problem.  But she spends an HOUR with me trying to word it just right.  I got a letter last week saying that my request was denied because it might interrupt my continuity of care.  IDIOTS!!  Do they realize that THEY are disrupting my continuity by NOT authorizing the change as I will lose my PCP?!  Did anyone actually read the request?  Doubtful.  So now I will have to either stay with my billing group and lose my PCP (temporarily - they will take me back) or grieve the decision.  Great.

    So my other bitch today is that I'm driving home from this long weekend trip with my mom and 2 dd (8 & 4).  My 8 y.o. dd had a gymnastics competition in northern CA and we were also able to visit my aunt/mom's sister.  The best part was my older dd and I got to go to Discovery Kingdom with some of her teammates, their moms and the team's 2 coaches.  Everyone knows about the bc, but we just had FUN!!! Sealed    Got totally soaked on a ride at the end of the day (felt like I had peed my pants Surprised).  There's nothing like a gallon of cold water pouring down your back into your panties to remember you're alive!! 

    O.K...I digress about my bitch.  Anyway, we're driving home and my mom says how it's "wonderful" that none of my nodes were positive.  Wonderful?!  WTH!?!  Have some tact!  So I bit my tongue, because I know she's trying (and I'm trying not to snap at her) and has been very supportive but I had to say something.  Wonderful should never be used as a descriptor for any part of bc.  She heard that and tried a different word ("fortunate") but that still didn't sit quite right.  I let it go. it wonderful that I went from having one surgery in my life of 40 years to having 2 within two weeks of each other?  Is is wonderful that I am going to take my relatively healthy body and poison it so that I can worry a little bit less about dying too soon?  Is it wonderful that I had virtually no risk factors for bc but got it anyway?  Is is wonderful that my 2 dds will have to worry whether they will get bc or not?  These are not things that seem wonderful.  THEY SUCK.

    Sorry for the long post - making up for the weekend.  A welcome to all who are new and a great big THAT SUCKS to all!

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2008

    Well, that just sucks!

    LOL Hanna about the bears and what they eat. I know that here in western NC they are particularly fond of nacho cheese flavored doritos...and mixed nuts. We went camping a while back--put the food in coolers before hitting the tents. I had bought dh a ginormous can of mixed nuts. Sometime during the night, a bear broke into the camp (as our 90 lb boxer "watchdog" cowered in the tent with us). Bear passed up bacon, chicken, fruit, but took dh's doritos and tried to break into that can of mixed nuts. He also ran off with the dog's 24" rawhide bone. The unopened can of nuts confounded the bear, though. There were holes punched in the can from his claws, but he didn't manage to get into it enough to eat the contents, so he left it. Next day, dh looks at the can and is howling, "Damn bear messed with my NUTS!" which the children and our camp-buddies thought was plum hilarious. DH was determined to eat those damned nuts and I found him doing just that....He was having a big time scarfing down those nuts until I reminded him that rabies was a problem where we were....and it is passed through saliva (you know, like those teeth marks on the can MIGHT have had a little slobber on them, you fool!) Good grief! Men and their nuts...

    Nicki, dh and I had a recent discussion about marinol. We're thinking a more "organic" version of the active ingredient may be in order. LOL!

    Dammit, Deb...if you'd just quit gargling with broken glass and razor blades! (honest, hon...I hope it's getting better!) I sure wish there was an easy answer for you. That sucks.

    My gripe today--and it will be from now through mid-June--is all of the end-of-the-school-year ceremonies and events. We have 3 kids in 3 different schools (elementary, jr. high, and high school) and they are all pretty high achievers and active in school. We have something to go to at one of their schools nearly every day from now until school ends. We had national honor society induction last night at the high school. Did you know that schools turn off the air conditioning at 3:30 to save energy costs, even if it's in the 80's?  AGHHHH I hobbled in there with my cane...had to stop on the way to the auditorium 3 times because the recent rads to my sacrum seem to have increased rather than decreased the pain. We arrive to this auditorium that is tiny, hot, and HOUR early because DS "forgot" what time we were to be there. Nothing like sitting on a circa 1960 wooden stadium seat sweating like a hog for 2 hours.  Blahhhhhhh

    A hearty "THAT SUCKS" to you all!


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2008

    Diane, Thanks for a great morning chuckle to read with my morning coffee. How dare that bear mess with your dh's nuts! LOL I feel bad for your puppy that the bear stole his giant bone! How rude! Btw, Boxers are so adorable!

    I hear ya about the overload of school functions. Maybe your kids need to learn about organic marinol and becoming underacheivers. That should cut out on so many vists to the hot school. I hear the jails have some rockin' ac (air conditioning - not adriamycin and cytoxan). Seriously though, national honor society induction is quite an honor. Congrats to the ds. I know you must be very pleased.

    Sorry to hear your pain has increased during rads. it must have been agonizing sitting bathed in sweat on bleachers for two hours. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through the SE of your current tx.

    Traci, thanks for sharing your Dusty Undies outing with us. You certainly have a way with words. I wish you could paint the pictures hanging on my walls so I could stare at them and laugh my butt off.

    Deb, that would really tick me off if a bear came and messed up my property and screwed with my chickens! I hope your dh finds him and fills his butt full of lead. How is your tongue today? What a wicked SE!

    Cristine, it definitely sucks that you're so young, with young children and have to go through BC! No doubt about it. I think you made a good decision to go with the strong tx for your own peace of mind. That way you'll know you're doing all you can.

     As far as your hair hurting while it comes out, mine never did. The worst it felt was a few days it seemed like I had laid on my head wrong, pressing my hair in the wrong direction. Some ladies have more pain from it, though. So it may hurt, but it might not. Some ladies keep a tender scalp while they are bald, but mine wasn't. It was hot and sweaty all last summer and like wearing a radiator, though.

    Sorry about your insurance woes. It's just one more stress to add on to your already stress-filled days. Take a deep breath. Things are sucky now, but better days are looming in your future.

    Thinking about you all and wishing a sunny, unsuckie day to all!

    Miss S

  • mke
    mke Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2008

    Sorry about your chickens Deb.  Lord knows black bears are enough of a problem in Ontario and in northern WI (our areas), but they mostly stick to garbage and campers supplies.  I didn't mean to imply a similarity between those two things.Wink

    Yesterday I went to a luncheon and the ladies were in a rage about the squirrels.  Well I get a bit miffed when the buggers bite off my tulip buds too, but I just thought about your brown bears.   My tulips were not my pets, nor were they going to feed me.

    My weapon of choice is my kid's Super Soaker.  For those who don't know this is a hydraulic machine gun, and a whole lot of fun.  You pump that thing up, strap it on your shoulder and you can hit a pigeon or squirrel at 40 feet, with water of course.  This IS downtown Toronto.  You can hit a raccoon too, but they don't care.

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2008

    Diane!  Bears in western NC like happy hour munchies huh!? 

    Beer, bears, and nuts.   I guess the bears keep their beer cold in the creek while they raid the campsites for their munchies.

    True on the Super Soaker.  I'd just be afraid if I used something that only aggravated a bear, I be looking for a tree to climb pretty quick.  As if I could haul my a$$ up a tree...ya right!  

    gtg 4 now. Later taters, hanna   

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited April 2008

    Diane, I just had to respond before I finish reading your post.  I'm ROFLMAO!  I can just see your dh eating those nuts and you tell him about rabies.  BTW, I think I heard that when you're out camping you're not supposed to have food handy BECAUSE of the bears!  LOL  How would I know.  You'll never find me camping.  AND for sure you'd NEVER find my dh camping!  Oh yes, we did that once..many, many moons ago when the girls were very little.  We didn't camp in a tent, but one of those campers you pull along and then open it up and scrunch everyone in it.  It was on a lake.  We had to use "public facilities"...YUCK!  It was our friend's camper...we were visiting in San Antonio (my home).  Anyway, we had horrible weather that night..rain, thunder, lightening, lightening..LOUD THUNDER!

    Now, back to reading your hysterical post!


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited April 2008

    Diane, the second part of your post wasn't as funny.  Bless your heart sitting there hurting and sweating!  Woman, you've got your work cut out for you for the next OVER a month!  I took Xeloda and it didn't make me nauseas.  I don't know if you're going to be taking another chemo along with it.  I hope your nausea goes bye-bye.  Horrible feeling!

    Deb, you and your mouth.  I can't imagine what pain you must be in.  I hope it gets better.  And the damn bear that got to your chickens.  That almost made me cry.  I'd faint if I saw a bear OR even thought one was near my house. 

    The "dusty undies" ...what a hoot.  However, let me say (and I'm almost 62) they didn't look too bad!  LOL

    Harley, so glad you got your insurance straightened out.  This insurance crap is enought to drive us nuts!  YOU DID GOOD!

    Carlin, it's easy for a doc to say let's just yank out those old ovaries.  He's not having the surgery! 

    Cristine, so glad you made your mind up on which treatment you wanted..well, not wanted.  I asked my surgeon what he'd recommend to his wife when it came to mastectomy or lumpectomy.  He didn't give me an answer.  My hair didn't "hurt" when it came out.  First I had it buzzed by the "wig" lady.  Then dh husband buzzed it more.  It does prick your head a bit until all of it falls out.  AND there's NOTHING, NOTHING WONDERFUL about breast cancer!  And insurance!  I don't even want to got there!

    Hanna, betcha could climb a tree.  All we have here (at least in my yard) is old pine trees and a few weak dogwoods that would certainly fall over if I tried to climb them because I'm soo fat.  Our azaleas are so overgrown that I could probably hide in them...of course then there's the scent.  I like to look a bears on the tv...not in person.  They're so cute.  I'm sure Deb doesn't think they're cute.

    My gripe for the day...another day I haven't gotten anything done!  And it's my sucky fault!


  • Loki007
    Loki007 Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2008

    Where have you guys been all my life?

    OOh, I mean...that sucks, listen to my crap!

    So, to catch you all up...

    I was DXed last year at 29 with DCIS after going in for a breast enlargement consult. It was widespread enough that I needed a mastectomy, and there were some iffy cells in the other breast so I had a bilat(Heck of a boob job, eh? They sure did a job on 'em!). I have three kids aged 4, 6, and 9 and my husband is USAF. Within 2 months of my last surgery, my husband deployed(albeit briefly in comparison to other branches of service) and my dog died sh*t...breast cancer. And my son's teacher died of lung cancer. After I'd ASSURED these poor kids BC was very treatable, if not curable, and they had nothing to worry about.

    Before the Mastectomy, I'd gotten heavy into martial arts, TKD to be exact, and was top ranked in my region and belt. I took a break for kind of obvious reasons, and started back a few months ago with my oldest son as sort of a bonding experience. 3 weeks into my return, our instructor was arrested for sexual abuse of a minor.

    Girls, I've been tired for a year straight. Sometimes I have this overwhelming urge to just curl up on the sidewalk and nap the day away.

    And I'm SO bitchy! For my 30th birthday( one month after the last surgery) an old friend sent me a Victoria's Secret card with a note saying although I couldn't buy the bras, maybe some new panties would make me happy. I returned the favor at Christmas by sending her a subscription to the Harvard Review with my own note telling her that, although she may not be very bright, she might enjoy reading about people who are.

    Last October, I had to leave my local mall to keep from destroying the BC awareness display. I saw myself taking that pretty pink tennis racket and beating the crap out of every item on that display. Tennis rackets, macaroni, boxing gloves, hairbrushes, SPORTS bras? Seriously? Kiss my pink A$$.

    Point being, I'm driving myself(and everyone within a 30 mile radius) nuts with my anger and guilt and sadness and fatigue, blah blah blah.

    And my best friend moved away. And my house is a wreck. And my dog ate my sandals and has been pooping Teva all over the carpet.

    I'm one drink from a country song. And not just any country song. I'm talking Hee-Haw country. Kornfield Kounty, here I come.



    ...this post sponsored by the National Sarcasm Society. Like we NEED your support.

  • Loki007
    Loki007 Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2008

    Did I mention I *might* be PMSing?

  • kes
    kes Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2008

    Hi Ladies,

    OMG, all those stories really suck.The bears and chickens and the dog that ate the sandals and is now pooping Teva, at least he picked a good brand and is a high class dog. I am reading this and eating my dinner, 1 big mac, 1 small fry and 1 diet cream soda (not my favorite choice, but it was a left over from a BBQ and I wanted to remember what it feels like to be a kid again) My beef for the day is that the Employment Office (up here in Canada they will not call it the Unemployment Office which is what is really is) has been sitting on my Doctor's note since APR 3/08 because it did not have his signature on the bottom. It was written on a prescription pad for Heaven's sake with his letterhead on the top. Did anyone call to tell me this. NO!!!!!! So after no sick money since March22 and my claim should have been dealt with by Apr 25 here I sit.Thank Heaven's that my GP wrote me another note and faxed it to me today. Unbelievable!!!!!! I'm going to have to see what other freebies are left over from the BBQ. Maybe someone left over some booze.

    Traci,   Hey, the Dustie Undies are in pretty good shape for men their age. I think that they look great. Definetly better than me after a big mac.

    Take care,


  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited April 2008

    OMG, megs, I think I'm gonna choke, I'm laughing so hard.

    "For my 30th birthday (one month after the last surgery) an old friend sent me a Victoria's Secret card with a note saying although I couldn't buy the bras, maybe some new panties would make me happy. I returned the favor at Christmas by sending her a subscription to the Harvard Review with my own note telling her that, although she may not be very bright, she might enjoy reading about people who are."

    I so admire those of you who think so quickly.  I can never come up with the right response.  OK, sometimes I can, but it would be totally inappropriate under the circumstances.

    My mom, bless her heart, has gone from being syrupy sweet with pity for me, to being able to call me and act halfway normal.  But that causes its own problems.

    Background:  My dh and I retired last year.  Our plan was to spend most of each year traveling to scenic places and camping in our RV.  We did travel for a couple of months, but I was dx'd with BC a short time later.  That has obviously messed up our travel plans dramatically.

    Mom:  "So, your cousin Jim retired last fall.  He bought an RV, too, and he has been traveling all over the country.  He sounds like he's having as much fun with his retirement as you are!"

    Me (WTH???):  "Um, Mom ... I'm glad to hear about the fun cousin Jim is having. But, I'll bet he hasn't been dealing with diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer for the past 4 months of his retirement, has he?"

    Moms.  Sometimes they just don't get it. Sometimes I think we can't help them very much.

    Just small bitches today--hair is mostly gone (day 7 of TC #2), and scalp has developed red, itchy spots; mild diarrhea (Alaskadeb, I think getting the indigestion under control this tx has helped--thanks!); feeling draggy and blah no matter what; ...

    Oh, and the topic where this thread is located is called, "Moving Beyond Cancer."  I know it gets better, I know that.  But at this point, I can't even imagine.  megs, I'll join you on that country song.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008

    WOW!!  A hearty THAT SUCKS to all ya'll!!

    Christine, I thought that if you had Blue Cross/Blue Shield, you could see ANY dr. you wanted!  That sucks!  If THEY contacted YOU and said that you HAD to change plans, then HOW can they turn around and tell you that you CAN'T change your pcp??  It sounds really messed up to me!

    Thanks, Shirley... guess what?  I am going up to Wilmington  tomorrow for my tattoo follow up! 

    My leg is hurting, and I really don't think it is because of my back herniated disc, cause it seems to just be my leg... I can't figure out why it is hurting, and don't want to go to my pcp, since she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed... 

    Hope everyone has a less sucky day tomorrow!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008

    WOW!!  A hearty THAT SUCKS to all ya'll!!

    Christine, I thought that if you had Blue Cross/Blue Shield, you could see ANY dr. you wanted!  That sucks!  If THEY contacted YOU and said that you HAD to change plans, then HOW can they turn around and tell you that you CAN'T change your pcp??  It sounds really messed up to me!

    Thanks, Shirley... guess what?  I am going up to Wilmington  tomorrow for my tattoo follow up! 

    My leg is hurting, and I really don't think it is because of my back herniated disc, cause it seems to just be my leg... I can't figure out why it is hurting, and don't want to go to my pcp, since she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed... 

    Hope everyone has a less sucky day tomorrow!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008

    WOW!!  A hearty THAT SUCKS to all ya'll!!

    Christine, I thought that if you had Blue Cross/Blue Shield, you could see ANY dr. you wanted!  That sucks!  If THEY contacted YOU and said that you HAD to change plans, then HOW can they turn around and tell you that you CAN'T change your pcp??  It sounds really messed up to me!

    Thanks, Shirley... guess what?  I am going up to Wilmington  tomorrow for my tattoo follow up! 

    My leg is hurting, and I really don't think it is because of my back herniated disc, cause it seems to just be my leg... I can't figure out why it is hurting, and don't want to go to my pcp, since she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed... 

    Hope everyone has a less sucky day tomorrow!

  • kes
    kes Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2008


    "HE SOUNDS LIKE HE IS HAVING AS MUCH FUN WITH HIS RETIREMENT AS YOU ARE"  OMG!!!! That sounds like something that MY mother would say. What is with Mothers? Another beef of mine. They just do not get it. My mother cuts newspaper articles out for me because she does not think that I have a brain in my head. And the topper is that she is always saying that my daughter is soooo smart and that she got it from her grandfather,(my Dad) had nothing to do with me, the mother, Ya right Mom, smartness skips a generation didn't you know. I wonder how I got through college and got an undergrad degree at university?


  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited April 2008

    otter -dont know whether to hug you or kick you...the harvard review thing made me laugh so hard i thought i was going to blow my flap!!!

    my bitch on top of bitch is i go back in for surgey tomorrow...infection cameback and is killing too much tissue...nipple and all infected tissue has to be removed. THIS SUCKS!!!!! i go from crying, to being pissed, to feeling guilty because there are women walking around with burn scars because thier boyfriends think gasoline and matches are a way to end a fight and im whining about going throught this...nice rollercoaster...ugh. done with that for the wishes for a bitchy day that doesnt cost any money, time in jail or permanant damage...

  • mke
    mke Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2008

    Thank you megs.  I'm taking a break from the doing my tax return and your posting gave me the first laugh of my day.  The visual of you wrecking havoc with the pink tennis racket has given me courage to go back to the taxes.