The power of prayer...



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

     Dear Lord,  We bring you some friends that need you near them as they are facing surgerys and test, Bless them Lord and help them to stay strong and win. We know Springtime Genia and Robin are going threw some valleys right now. Please help them to see the mountains of your love and healing. We love you Lord and are very thankful that you care for us. In your name AMEN

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

    Believe unflinchingly in your treatment

    decisions, in your medicine and caregivers,

    And in Gods power to heal you if it is His

    will to do so.

  • Granny71
    Granny71 Posts: 11
    edited December 2008

    Dear Lord, we keep our sisters before you in love and prayer today: Springtime, Genia and Robin. Please guide surgeons' hands and doctors' minds -- give them wisdom to be Your instruments of treatment and healing according to Your will. In the midst of pain, fear and feeling week, please help our sisters to hear Your still small voice of peace, love and comfort.  May they gain strength from Your love, Lord, and from ours -- In Your name AMEN.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Posts: 8,310
    edited December 2008

    I have a praise report. My son Joshua finally saw the dr. and the place they are concerned about has shrunk. When I say he finally saw the dr it was a week later than orginally was suppose to be but it was the time God chose for him to be seen. The extra week waiting was more prayers going up for him. They will follow up later but no surgery needed. PRAISE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told him you better tell me everything and his response was of course mom. I go tomorrow for chemo and my next pet scan. I appreciate the prayers for me and the ones for Joshua. I guess I am a lil nervous of the scan. I have had lots of em along the way so I tend not to be to confident since if not good knocks you down harder. I know Gods word is true. I still claim healing but I let the human side kick in and that is a bad thing for there comes doubts. Genia I am praying for Robin and please keep us posted.God bless us all.

  • Genia
    Genia Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    kbugsmom.....I'm sooo happy for you!!!  Thanks for letting us know the good news!!! 

    Good luck with your scans and chemo sweetie.......I wish you the best!

    I found this prayer and I loved it......and thought I would share it with you all!

  • Genia
    Genia Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008
    For Victory Over Fear

    Heavenly Father, you are the guard and guide of
    all who place their trust in you.

    Give us believing minds and trusting hearts.

    You know the cares that often beset us and torment us.

    You see the path that stretches out before us more
    clearly than our eyes can discern it.

    Forgive the anxieties that cloud our minds and consume our energies.

    In you and your promised word, may we rest and be strong.

    Save us, Father, from undue self concern from dark fears, from distrust in your care.

    Into your hand of love, we place our hands, and we face the future unafraid.

    So shall your peace, which passes all understanding, be our strength and joy.

    Then each passing day will bring new proof of your love and faithfulness.

    At this moment, we rise to discover your plan, and this we
    pray in the name of him who is the victory,
    Jesus Christ our Lord.


  • OnEaglesWings
    OnEaglesWings Posts: 13
    edited December 2008

    Wow, what a beautiful, strengthening, and inspired prayer!  Thank you for offering it up for all that read this thread!  I think I will copy and send to many friends who need this.

     dear sisters in the Lord, I am having surgery on Thursday morning.... the final phase of reconstruction (switch from temporary expanders for bil. mastectomy, to permanent).  I would greatly appreciate your prayers for a smooth and uneventful surgery, that the cosmetic outcome would be great, and that I would have no post-operative complications of infection, etc....

    Thank you my dear sisters.  I'm sorry I haven't posted here much, but I subscribe to this thread and get strenghtened by reading everyone's prayers.  May the Lord touch each one of you with renewed confidence in His unfailing love, and also supernaturally touch and restore our bodies to wholeness!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

     Dear Sue, Here you are.Innocent

    Lord, We bring you Sue that is having surgery this week, Lord guide the Drs hands so that it will go well, Bless her that she may be help in the healing and know that you are there. Lord we also bring Genia, Robin and Springtime, Please help them threw there hard times, That it will make them stronger.  We love Our Family here Lord, Thank for that gift. AMEN

      Let your light shine

    If you ever have the opportunity to let your light shine, it is when you have cancer.

    If ever you have the opportunity to be a powerful witness for Jesus Christ, it is in the

    midst of your stuggle against this disease. Why? Your are far more credible witness to

    God's love then someone whose life is disease-free and going well. Who is going to

    listen to someone who has never  had a problem in life?  We speak not only of pain, but

    the great resource of our faith in God during this time. Allow God to use you and your

    situation to give Him glory. As the apostle Paul taught us: So whether you eat or drink

    or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10: 31

  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2008
    Dear Lord. We thank you for the prayers You've answered regarding kbug's son Joshua. You are a might God and a prayer answering God and we lift your name up! We ask that you be with the rest of the sisters this week, especially those going through tests, chemo, etc. Especially send a host of angels to walk with Springtime Footprintsangel, Genia, Granny, Sue, Robin and any others who will be needing your strong hand of comfort and peace. We're so thankful that where there are 2 or 3 gathered and praying in Your name MIGHTY  things will happen. We're looking forward to seeing the signs, wonders and miracles. In Jesus name!!!!! Amen...........hope all of you ladies have a wonderful week......heal quickly......respond to treatment quickly..........oh, and please pray for me tooSmile
  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

    Everyone Please pray for Norm, He is having a very very hard day, Thanks Debbie

  • Genia
    Genia Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    A prayer answered.......Robins PET scan was negative.  NO BONE CANCER.......thank you GOD!!!!

    Thanks to all who prayed for her.......I know she was terrified!

    hugssssss Genia

  • Granny71
    Granny71 Posts: 11
    edited December 2008

    Thank You, Lord, for answering our prayers about Robin. We always pray when we need help for ourselves and loved ones, and now we come to You again to say, thank you: for relieving Robin of this frightening burden, for the miracles of modern science that You have provided to relieve our fears, and take us along roads to recovery, in Jesus' name, Amen.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Hi Genia,
    Surgery was yesterday and was 5 hours, but I popped right awake after. Was talkative and happy when wheeled back to the room where Richard (dH) was awiting! Walked the halls, drank, ate, peedl pooped, -- all the good stuff!

    I met with PS's the day prior to surgery, and to leave the MOST options open for later, we decided to *just* do the bilateral mastectomies this time both with immediate implants with AlloDerm. We're saving all my fat and flaps for after radiation. This way, we'll see how my skin/fat does with Rads and also how I like or dislike the prophylactic implant on the right.

    anyway, I am FINE!!! Just wanted to thank all you ladies for your thoughts and prayers!


    PS Joan from Charlotte NC is also here and stopped by my room (she is JBR on the boards). She will be having surgery tomorrow, so please lift her up. We should overlap here at the hospital for a few hours. She'll be at the same hotel as us next week....

  • Granny71
    Granny71 Posts: 11
    edited December 2008

    Thanks, Lisa, you have our prayers, too. Love, Granny

  • Genia
    Genia Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008 happy you are doing this well hun!!!  Thank ya girl!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

     Dear Lord, We come before you at the end of this day with thankfulness in are hearts that Our friend spring is doing so well. Bless those that are still in need of your healing touch threw their struggles. Lord you know all the needs like you know the hairs on our heads. Help those quiet unknown pains and burdens we have. Thank you Lord for another gift, This day. In this we pray, AMEN

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Thank you for the prayers! We are checking out today to go to hotel, I had a SHOWER (that was a huge project requiring help from DH) and am in real clothes.

    Joan is here and is in surgery right now. Please lift her up. Her husband is Gary and he is waiting for her in her room, we spoke with him. This is a tough day for them, but can be a blessing too. Prayers for Joan appreciated!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Please pray for a friend of mine who has been mentoring me since my dx.  She is a member of my church and was dx 10 years ago.  She was just dx with mets to the L1 vertebra and sternum.  So far, we don't know what the plan is.  She goes to the dr. on Tuesday.  She takes care of her elderly mother and grandmother.  Fortunately she is not in any pain.

  • Granny71
    Granny71 Posts: 11
    edited December 2008

    Praise report from Granny: Did not have a stroke in the recovery room. The symptoms were the same as when I had light strokes in the past, but neurologist says this is probably from anesthesia and expects it to wear off. He's running other tests and sending me for physcial therapy to help me walk better. Dear Lord, thank you for your help, and now I lift up Jane's friend: Please give her special strength to get through until Tuesday, and raise up help for her, not only with our prayers but people to help with care for her mother and grandmother.  Thank You, Lord, that she is not in pain .. With thanksgiving in the name of Jesus ... Amen.

  • Genia
    Genia Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Hi everyone...

    Didn't want any of you to think I had forgotten you.  

    I got food poisioning a couple of nights ago.....and it totally put me on my back.  I'm just now starting to feel better.  I have been reading your posts......just didn't feel like typing anything until now!

    You have been in my prayers......and have been in my thoughts daily!

    hugssss, love and blessings to you all


  • Granny71
    Granny71 Posts: 11
    edited December 2008

    Genia, take care and feel better. Prayers and love, Granny

  • EWB
    EWB Posts: 592
    edited December 2008

    Granny- glad to hear things are well!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Jane, Frown

    Sorry about your friend/mentor....

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

     Genia, We missed your happy thought and daily booster, God bless you threw this time, Debbie

  • Genia
    Genia Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Hi all......

    I'm still treading 

    I seriously made the statement.....this round of chemo isn't so bad!  NEVER will I make a statement like that again!!!  It may not have hit me in the usual way or followed the same pattern......but it sure didn't miss it's turn!!!  It just waited longer.....was more sneaky this time.  Plus the fact I ate some fish from Long John Silvers that gave me food poisoning.....I know this because my husband got sick too!!!  We were down for the count for about 3 days.  Add that to chemo......and you have quite a MESS!!!

    I've done a lot of laying in bed......and sleeping......because frankly that's all I have had the energy to do!  

    Just TWO more rounds and I will be finished.  You will all probably hear me shouting where you live.......cause I'm just so tired of feeling bad.

    Thanks for your prayers.......they mean the WORLD to me........and your friendship as well!!!  I am truly blessed to have found you all.  Well I didn't find you.....God sent me here! sorry about your friend sweetie!   I will be praying......hugs sweet lady

    Love and hugssss and have a blessed wonderful day!

  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2008

    Oh Genia! Bless your heart! Food poisoning AND chemo...........that's a horrible combination. So glad there's only two more to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeehaaaaaa..........count down is on, huh? I pray that you gain strength and feel better today. I pray for all the ladies on this board to feel a special presence of God and His angels. Lord, we're so thankful for being with Springtime during her surgery. Continue to strengthen her body for a quick healing! Please bless Granny today and help her through physical therapy in the weeks to come. Bless Jane's friend.......give peace and comfort during this difficult time. Dear Lord, please bless Sue to have a quick recovery from surgery, with no complications, plenty of strength and courage. Also, bless EWB and Footprintsangel today. Keep them under your tender hand, continuing to lead, guide and encourage. We thank you for another day and for the many blessings You give us daily. Please help us to never take anything for, friends, home, health, strength....Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

    Dear Genia and Friends, May you find peace as you work threw your battles. God is alway there to carry us when we get weak, I know that we are winners and can stay strong together. I was feeling weak and high blood pressure threw my breathing class and they took me to ER. I am weak but doing better. Someone took my out late to a church party and said they would mow for me. Guess what never showed up cause the wife said it wasnt long enough. So I mowed with a mask and wraps on (and Gods Help) Going to eat and rest alittle, God bless you all, Debbie

  • Genia
    Genia Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Sorry Debbie that you have such a difficult time.  I wish I could send someone over to help you........I would in a heartbeat! 

    You take care of yourself sweetie.......don't push it too much.


  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Posts: 8,310
    edited December 2008

    Genia glad you are better. Hugs to you and hubby.

    Granny glad it was not a stroke.

    Praise GOD he is awesome...

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

    Dear Lord, We come to you with thankfulness in Our hearts for all the ways you help us to get across long bridges, Sometime we may fall as we work to get across. But then You are always there to help us get to the other side. Praise You Lord for always being there for us, Thank you for the good news on Granny and Bless Genia that she will continue to heal and feel better, Bless thoughs in need of your help, That we do not know of. We love You Lord and Our on-line family too. AMEN