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The power of prayer...



  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310
    edited November 2008

    Welcome Granny. I was thinking this morning about all our prayer lifes. I wonder how prayers may be answered sooner if we just prayed one more time for someone. I think am I close to a answer. But I know I must always pray for others for there may be no one praying for them. God does hear and answer I know. So lets all continue to pray and also to praise God for what he is doing. Thank him as if it has already happened. Have a blessed day...

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

     Dear Lord, Bless all the new friends we have here on-line. We know you hear and answer our prays. Please help us to remember we are never along, Even when we feel like it sometimes, All we have to do is remember You saying,"I will never leave you or forsake you." And sometime You visit us and we are not home. Help us to know you are always there to help us. We love you Lord AMEN

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    I have chemo tomorrow.........could you say an extra prayer for me?

    hugs and love


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

    Lord, I give My sister Genia to you, Help her to be strong. Lord she is a very special person with so much to give, Bless her tomorrow that she will be able to get threw the day with not alot of side effects from the chemo. We all love her and hate to see her suffer, So Lord I leave this with you. AMEN

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Thank you Debbie......if I'm not here for a few will know why!

    lots of hugs and a wish for wonderful blessings to each of you wonderful ladies!


  • Granny71
    Granny71 Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2008
    Good morning, Genia. Will certainly be praying for you today, and humming a special song for you in my heart. As a I read your post the words and a melody started flowing in my spirit:  This song is for Genia, our sweet Genia, please help her bear ... what she must bear. Lord, let her feel ...your love and comfort, her heavy burdens, Lord, You will share... I just wrote out the tune so I can remember it and sing it to the angels while they watch over you during your procedure. Love and hugs, Granny.
  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

     Dear Genia and Friends,  We are very luck to be able to give thanks tomorrow. To everyone here please remember that we are free to worship Our own God and give thanks. kbugmom  and Granny71 thanks for the caring and supporting this group. We love to share and help each other. I already see you love everyone. God bless you.

     Dear Lord, We come before you on this eve of Thankgiving grateful for the love we share. Lord bless our friend Genia as she gets herself strong again after chemo. We know there are others here, that are in need of your help Lord, Bless and help them as are carrying a burdern of their own. You have always been there before, To help us threw. We love you Lord and thank you for all our many blessing. AMEN

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310
    edited November 2008

    Lord I love you and thank you for my family and all the blessings I am here for. Thank you for my bc sisters and brothers. To be able to praise you and worship you freely. Bless Genia with a good response to the chemo . I am continue to lift all up in prayer . I love you Lord . amen.....

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

    Jeremiah 29: 11 Has been such a help when I begin to doubt," For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, Thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

    God loves you and so do I!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Happy Thanksgiving ladies!   I've been up since before 4.....between the water I drank all night long.......and the bathroom........and the steroids.......I finally just gave up and came downstairs!!!

    I go for my Neulasta shot today.......and it doesn't like me.  Always makes me feel worse than the chemo ever has.   My second tx it sent my white cells to the moon.  They were 40,000.  I felt so bad.......I may have posted about this but wit chemo brain I can' remember......lolol

    Hugs and many blessings on this day of giving thanks.  Just remember to look around you if you are feeling down.  There are those that are far worse than us!!!  ALWAYS!   We can always find something to be thankful for.

    Love and hugsssssss and hope you all have a wonderul day today!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    This song has always been a favorite of pretty much says it all!!!


    1. The world looks around me as I struggle along
    They say I have nothing, but they are so wrong.
    In my heart I'm rejoicing, how I wish they could see
    Thank You, Lord, for Your blessings on me.


    There's a roof up above me, I've a good place to sleep.
    There's food on my table, and shoes on my feet.
    You gave me Your love, Lord, and a fine family.
    Thank you, Lord, for Your blessings on me.

    2. I know I'm not wealthy and these clothes are not new,
    I don't have much money, but Lord, I have You,
    And to me You're all that matters tho' the world may not see.
    Thank you, Lord, for Your blessings on me.


  • Granny71
    Granny71 Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2008

    Good to hear from you, Genia. The prayer hotline is still busy, supporting you ...I especially like the lines in verse 2 of your favorite song: "BUT Lord, I have You, and to me you're all that matters tho' the world may not see"... what goes before BUT may carry a lot of baggage and pain, but that three-letter word, BUT covers up all the gaps and losses. "Tho' the world may not see" I told a loved one recently that she would probably think I was crazy to make this statement and she stated that she did think it strange:  The physical pain, procedures, waiting etc., has definitely not been a good thing  -- but I said to her that surgery was a beautiful experience. She saw my battle with the physical stuff, but I saw the beauty in the people who took care of me, from helping me dress, keeping me warm, pats on the back: you'll be all right, "I'll be praying," to the surgeon and her staff of young doctors, residents and students, introducing themselves to me, explaining their role in the procedure, listening carefully to my concerns, doing legwork to get information that helped set my mind at ease -- and above all, as I wrote before, standing by respectfully as my daughter and I prayed. The word is that people living in New York City can be cynical and uncaring -- not so .. I thank You, Lord for the beauty that you have placed in us humans all over the world, along with the flaws and short falls that remind us that You are Almighty and we are not fully complete and functional without Your love, mercy, grace, and provision for caring connection with each other.  And Lord, I thank You for this beatiful spiritual circle in which You have placed us. Its awesome how all of us are never down at the same time, so that some of us can hold the others up while we catch our breath. And Lord Jesus, I thank you because I know you heard me calling you when the pain was so intense that my blood pressure set off alarms on the monitors and You took over control of the situation. Please forgive me, Lord, for giving you such a hard time, with doubts and bad memories, BUT thank you Lord for giving me wise counselors to help me get back on track, moving closer to Your will for the best years -- the rest of my life ... With love and gratitude ,,,,,,,,Amen.

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2008

    I am most grateful, thankful and in awe of all those that have come into my life to help, in so many different ways.  I know that they were the answers to prayers, God's presence in my life. I know most of these people will never know how much a gentle touch, a word, a small thing changed my day, gave me a feeling of peace, calm, hope.  To all those people I offer up a prayer of thanksgiving with love.

    May God's prescence and healing be felt by all today. 

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

    Dear Friends, I am trying to be strong today, I was thinking about the loss of my father with cancer around the day before Thankgiving. I am having a harder time I think cause of the he was so excited about Thankgiving and the hospice nurse told us that why he hung on. He smelled the turkey and passed away.  I will be praying that everyone has a good as they can hoilday, Genia God Bless you!  EWB God loves you, Happy Thankgiving! Granny71, May the Lord give you peace. kbugmom, Happy Thankgiving, God cares and answers prays. He loves us all, Please remember you are never alone.

    Lord, Bless this wonderful family and all their needs, You know each tear and every pain we are having. Help Genia to get threw her treatment with Your gentle arms around her. There are alot of people alone today that need Your love, Bless the elderly and sick and help them to remember how important they are. We know we have alot to be grateful for, With each day as a gift from You. I give these thing to You Lord and any others that these people need, AMEN

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2008

    Footprints-  I have been struggling with Thanksgiving and November this year.  Two yrs ago (11/06) I was dxed with bc which a few weeks later was staged at 4;  last yr (11/07) my beloved father died.  I was so happy that we got to this thanksgiving with no major, traumatic events and I have been down.  Instead of being @Mom's with my husband, college son and his girl friend,  my brother and lovely fiance, my daughter and I are home- she w/diahrea, vomiting and low fever, and I am feeling like that is not far behind.  As I have been pondering (a favorite hobby (?) of mine lately) I think that I have it wrong.  I am so thankful for having 48 years with my Dad, wonderful memories, lessons and skills learned, a love of holidays and family; although I have abc I also have been given much in excellant care, renewed and strengthened bonds within the family, many to help along the way etc.  I suppose that is what I am thankful for this yr.

    Footprints-don't be strong today- let yourself be wrapped in love and memories of loved ones past and those still here.  Be filled and strengthened by this dear friend.  Know you are never alone or apart from those you love.  If the spirit moves you- find ways to be with the lonely or sick on other days of the year, regular, ordinary days that everyone forgets.

    God's warm and healing presence to all in need tonight. 

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

    The light of God surrounds me,

    The love of God enfolds me.

    The power of God protects me,

    The presence of God watches over me.

    Whatever I am, God is, and all is well.

    From the UPLIFT a book of breast cancer survivors

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

      Dear Lord,  Help our special friend Genia and others that are in weak and need your healing and strength to help them to win. Help make this day a day of hope and cheer for Our family here on-line. Please remind us to take one step at a time and not run as we get stronger with Our bodies and You Lord. We love all the many blessing you give us each day. Help us to look for the good in every way. Help the Drs that they might be strong and help us. Thank You again Lord for all you have given us.....AMEN

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Hi all...

    I'm doin ok today.....just tired and little achy.  The Dr. changed my anti-nausea med and it is working so much better.  This evening is when the shot will kick in and make me achy.  Then if the pattern holds I will be out of commission all weekend and feeling better by Monday.  I'm hoping that doesn't happen this time......but it has the last 3 treatments.

    Thank you for your many prayers......I appreciate them more than I can tell you all.

    I pray for all of you.......that whatever is in your life that is worriesome or bothersome.......God would be there to be your shining light and  help  you through it!!!

    Hugs and blessings to you my sisters in Christ

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

    Father in heaven, help us to have hope by surrounding us with hopeful people. Help us not to receive bad news ,but rather as one piece of information afloat on a river of facts flowing into a hopeful future. Heal us, We pray, not for our sake or anyone else's,but for Your sake. And ground our hope in the reality of Your profound and enduring love for us and the desire for our well being. AMEN

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    AMEN.....beautiful prayer Debbie! 

    Thanks for reminding us every day how good our God is!!!

    hugsssss and love

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

    Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalms 31: 24

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    God is good, All the time!

    All the time, God is good!

    Psalm 31:14-15
    But I trust in you, O LORD;
    I say, "You are my God."
    My times are in your hands...

    Love you Genia!!  Laughing


  • Granny71
    Granny71 Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2008

    "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV). With the start of the Advent season in one hour, I will be going on a special consecration for spiritual renewal and refocus on God's new plans for my life. Am beginning to understand better how God wants to work through me during this present crisis-turned-into-a blessing. Have some serious decisions to work through. To God be the glory, for the things He has done ... Will check in occasionally to unite with you in prayer. Love, Granny.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2008

    Psalm 121

    I. I will lift up my eyes unto the hills for whence cometh my help.

    2. My help cometh from the Lord, which made the heaven and earth.

    3. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008
    AMEN to that, Footpringsangel!!!
  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

                     The Shepherds Pslam

    The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.

    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;

    He leadth me beside the still waters.

    He restoreth my soul; He leadth me in the path

    of rightousness for His name sake. Yea though

    I walk threw the valley of the shadow of death I

    will fear no evil: For Thou art with me; Thy rod and

    Thy staff they comfort me.Thou preparest a table

    before me in the presence of my enemies: Thou

    anointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over,

    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all

    the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house

    of the Lord forever.  PSALMS 23

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2008

     Dear Lord, This has been a day to praise You, Lord we are so greatful for our friendship. Sometime we feel so alone, But with our family on-line and You, We are never alone. Bless Our Genia through her hard time, Give her your comfort. Lord, Please bless anyone else that is in need in any way. Help us Lord to come to you and give our problems to you, So that we will rest and be not afraid.  We love You Lord. Amen

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

     Dear Lord.....please be with Spring as she faces her surgery tomorrow.  Lord give her the peace and love that only you can give.  Hold her in your care and keep her safe, so she can come back to us here.......and her family!

    Bless Debbie....for being such a wonderful friend to me.  I know Dear God you gave me this board to help me get through this horrilbe struggle.......and I'm thankful for each sister on here!!!

    You know their needs......their sicknesses and dreams.  Just be with whatever way they need you Dear Lord!

    I thank you for ALL that you have done for me.......and given me!   Your goodness and mercies are far more than I will ever deserve.

    In Jesus Blessed and Holy name!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Thanks for the prayer, Genia!

    I report to hospital at 5AM tomorrow....

    It looks like the Phase I procedure will be less involved and Phase II will be the DIEP/GAP parts, so my recovery may not be as long NOW, (but will be long LATER). I am *just* having the bi-lat Mx's and immed implants with alloderm for now. 

    I am counting on God's protective bubble, as always!!!

    Love, Spring...

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Spring.......let us know when you can how you are feeling sweetie!!!   I will be worried......

    I have another prayer request for a sister on here.  She is having really bad bone pain and had to have a PET scan done today.  Her name is Robin......and could you all remember her in your prayers that everything will ok and it won't be anything more than the medication causing the pain!

    Thanks.....and hugs to all