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Chemo in Sept 08



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Just checking in, I tried yesterday, but had so many posts to read I had to go as my friend arrived at the hotel, I am having a great time with my son and my mum. The weather has been pretty good and it really is like a little holiday.  The flight over was exhausting and I didn't sleep at all.  I had a tiny bit of swelling on my bad arm, and my feet blow up like balloons, but all was well again by the morning.

    My husband call to say that there had been a flood of water from a roof top about our appartment that came gushing into the house and had ruined my persian rugs, the who place got covered in water and the colour have all run in the rugs. My sofas also got wet but seem to be alright. The dog managed to find a dry spot.  I am lucky really that I didn't have to deal with the whole situation and I will not be going shopping for a new persian rug. Never mind at least nobody was hurt.

    Brandon,mum, you drs sound like they know what they are doing, so try not to worry, if it is the herceptin as Julie says, they have will have a plan of how to proceed from here.

    Bettysgirl, so sorry to hear about Callie, but great that she has so much support around her.

    Must go, will read the rest of the post later. Hope you are all well.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009
    Today is my Birthday ladies! Still here and kickin'! Woot! :)
  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Spring - Party! Party! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Beverly! Happy Birthday to you!

    Jane - Doing great with rads! Thanks for asking. About time I didn't have a problem with a treatment! Just pink, no fatigue... knock on wood!

    Chris - Glad you are having a good time, sorry about the flood!

    hugs! Kiss

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Happy Birthday, Spring!

    Chris, so sorry to hear about the flood.  At least everyone was safe.

    Juli, we may end up being sisters.  I looked up the symptoms of congestive heart failure, and all I can say is oh my gosh.  They were all things I explained away.  And I still don't know anything yet.  I'll talk with the dr more later.  I'm almost glad I didn't know before, as I am clearly still hear, and would have just panicked big time if I had known.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Happy Birthday Chris!!Smile  I can't say I'm not happy you were on vacation but I'm sorry about  your rugs.


    CHF--if it is that-- can be cleared  up unless the med is causing it. I hope  you feel better and soon. I haven't worked in many moons but maybe your doc can do your heart studies, see if your output is OK afor medications. I am like other people here and on other boards...I had 2 out of 4 of my Taxols and that's a hella lot more than I  needed to kill this bad bug.  I'm not knocking on his door my Dylan.

    My rheumy put two more shots in my bum shoulder... that they caused... and instructed me to GET Back to radiation. "DON'T you KNOW you have Cancer?" DUH!

    But I think he read my mind; after the arm wrenching, I was ready to pack it in. So 4 shots to the shoulder and I'm ready to go...Only next time I'm holding  onto my arm  as long as I can. It has to be positioned  behind my head almost to the middle of my back.Yell I've had too much pain in my life--last 10+ years-- to be all that keen on having more. I'm good to go now though.

    Juli, I'm overjoyed to hear Radiation is going well for you. 

    My prayers are with all of us and our special friend Callie.  

    love and hugs and more hugs everybody,


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    Spring- Sorry i missed your post yesterday but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you celebrated BIG!!!

    We had our relay for life last night. It was really nice and the survivors lap was nice, them hubby and kids joined in the caregivers lap.The girls had a great time playing and running around in the field and playing with some of the older kids from the church. Our dear Calli and her family lead the survivorslap and carried the banner. She goes this week for her port and to start her chemo so please be thinking of her.

    Chris- Sorry to hear about your rugs!! But I am glad you didn't have to deal with it. I appreciate your PM and I am trying to stand up a little more and voice myself. We had this discussion this week at work and I have been reflecting alot about how much I have changed over the years. I used to be outgoing and have fun but now....somewhere along the way I lost a lot of myself.

    Oh well DH and I are going out of town this afternoon to get some R&R and to just be away. Looking forward to it and I will talk to you girls soon.

    HUGS to all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Lisa, Great on the relay for life!

    Chris, I hope by the time you get home your only job will be to buy new rugs???   :)

    Genia and all, There is a thread called "Success Stories" and today someone posted who is a survivor of Stage III cancer, with nodes, 13 years!!! Diagnosed in 1996! Check her out! Very inspirational! 

    Bday celebration was great! 

    Hope you're all having a great day...


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Typing my little fingers off this weekend (reports), but thought I'd post a new pic taken today when I went to vist my friend this morning (the one moving to Montana).

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Your hair is re-appearing Juli!!! Woooo!  Not gray either, double Woooo Woooo!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Spring - with the help of Loreal!!! LOL

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Happy Birthday, Spring.  I got this thing from the American Cancer Society wanting to be my "official sponsor of birthdays."  It was neat.  It talked about what things we can do to help people with cancer have more birthdays.

    My son called me today to tell me that he was told last night that he is being deployed to Iraq.  They will tell him on Monday how soon he goes and how long he'll stay.  We're hoping he has enough time to come home and say goodbye beore he leaves.  We knew he was going to get deployed sometime, we just were hoping he'd be out to sea somewhere or be deployed to a hospital in Germany or something.  He's a corpsman/surgical tech, so he will either be in an Iraqi hospital or on the lines with the Marines.

    Of course, my sick mind is already wondering if I get a progression and die, will they let him come home for my funeral?  The last person deployed from his hospital was given 13 days notice and was deployed for 364 days.  Not much I can do about it, I guess.  But that doesn't mean I have to like it. (:

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Oh Jane, wow, all we can do is pray for his safety. What a brave son you have!

    hugs Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Oh Jane....I'm sorry sweetie.  I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling right now.  Just know I love you and if you need know where I am. 

    You are NOT gonna have a way!  So don't think like that........(I'm a good one to be tellling you that).

    Hugssssss.....and hi sweet Juli

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    Jane- keep the positive thoughts. I thank your son for his service and will be praying for his safety.

    Well we got away from the kids....I tried to do some shopping for some much needed clothes and once I started that the weeknd was shot. They do not make clothes that i could find this weekend for ladies that do not have boobs or foobs....what are us ladies to do that choose not to reconstruct or falsify. I wore a big heavy bra for most of my life and do not want one back. Do they not make a piece of womens'clothing that does not have a "boob dart" ARGH!!!!

    We got home and one of the kids has a stomach bug so i know the other one will be next....AH home sweet home.

    Now back to work we go....AND even though i work for the clerk of COURT I got called for JURY DUTY!!! Just goes to show you ladies, the computer DOES randomly pick jurors.....

    Have a good week

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Genia - How are you feeling?

    Lisa - Thanks for reminding boss has jury duty tomorrow. LOL

     I need something for my HOT flashes. Anyone taking Effexor for those? I just can't take the stinging pain anymore, especially with summer just around the corner.

    I took my mom to see a play tonight (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels) as her Mother's Day gift. Other than that, I typed all weekend.

    off to bed...

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Jane, life keeps going, doesn't it? I am sorry about your son having to go to Iraq. :(  Stupid cancer, making us have these morbid thoughts! But now you snap out of it girl! We are going to laaaast as long as we can and hopefully, some breakthrough will happen... The postive thoughts, as Lisa says!

    Lisa, "boob dart" had me cracking up!!! lol!!! 

    Jules, I've heard some women have good luck with Effexor for the flashing. On another thread, one woman called it a "wonder drug". I don't take it. 

    Had a great weekend! Yesterday gardened for 4 hours! I hurt in places I didn't know I had, but it is soooo gooooood!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    First RAD over.......ONLY 34 more to go....lolol.....don't sound bad if you say it really fast!!!

    Lisa I call myself the uni-boober.  I wish the other one was's so embarrassing to me to just have one breast.  And when I try to wear my ends up on my chest under my chin.....lmbo.....looks really attractive I'll tell ya!!!  I think when I finish my radiation I'm gonna ask the surgeon if he will go ahead and take this other one.  It worries me keeping it........scared the cancer will be in that one too.

    Hugs to ya' you

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    GOOD NEWS!!! Bobby's chief told him today that his orderes were cancelled.  That doesn't mean he won't get deployed - just not this time and not Iraq.  We know he's next up, obviously.  Still, I'm glad he's not going right now.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    Jane- That is great news! Prayers do get answered.

    Yeaah---boob darts was all i could think to call em spring...It was so frustrating and then some of the jackets i looked at had buttons the size of dinner plates....overall not a good fashion season for me yet. I am in need of another dress soooo bad but i guess i will be shopping for another one like the one i already have in another color.....There HAS to be something out there for us. Maybe I will try to find someone to MAKE me something that will work....

    Oh and even though i work for the clerk since i do criminal cases and this is a civil...I GOT PICKED FOR THE JURY ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please pray for Callie tonight. The port surgery and chemo start is tomorrow.

    Have a great evening.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    My husband said I have to learn to dress differently.  My old clothes were not intended to accenuate a uni-boob body.  I actually have to go through my closet and donate stuff that I know I will never be able to wear again.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    Jane- i am in the same situation. Winter clothes are not the problem but the summer ones are. I have a wardrobe that has been built for so long around clevage that now i have a closet full of summer clothes i cannot wear. I have been wearing two outfits every sunday for a year now. Shopping this weekend was so disheartning and just another reminder of how much my life has changed. You tend to take little things for granted and i never had trouble shopping too much before. Now it is a major ordeal and NO fun at all. We are going to have to get creative and if anyone out there finds something that works we need to share the info. I don't want to have to be forced into a prosthesis only because i cannot find clothes.....Too many of my choices have been taken away already.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Jane, It's  wonderful to hear your son's orders were cancelled. I'll pray for us tonight, and for his ultimate safety and for Callie in surgery tomorrow.

    Take care everyone


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Jane - that is fantastic news!!!

    Lisa - Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow for Callie. Poor thing.

    Anyone see on the news tonight... Doctors are freezing breast tumors instead of removing them (in place of lumpectomy only). After being frozen, the tumor disappears. Looks like I got my tumor a year too soon! Undecided

    got to get to bed...

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    I am back and had such a great time. Springie Happy Birthday to you!!! Glad you had a good time.

    Jane, thank god your son is safe.

    Genia, it's good that you have started rads, that means it will be over soon.

    Brandonmum, what is the latest with your heart?

    Mina, you poor thing, hope the arm heals fast. Yes Mina the vision board is a place to past pictures and words taken from magazines of all the things you want in your life.  You then keep it somewhere you can see it, to pull you into the future and not focus on any problems you may have.

    Betteysgirl, I will email you the vision board instructions. I am praying for Callie.

    Julie, I think it is so funny when you  say that Herceptin tried to killl you, I always says that Holland tried to kill me.

    All is well with me, I am seeing a lady from You healing! and she really makes me feel good, she monitors my heart rate and is trying to strip away any junk I have to enable me to heal faster and de-stress.  She says  it is vital to journal and get our feelings out. I have made my journey seem easy, but I have to try and focus on just how horrible it has really been, and tell myself it is alright to be sad. It is just my way of coping and seems like a good way to me. She says that the reason I am always helping other people is because as some point I didn't get the help and support I needed and I don't want anyone else to suffer.  I think she is right and it feels liberating to know why I am a rescuer.  I will still continue to help people, but maybe not for myself from now on.  I am  also scared that the cancer will come back, but she is going to teach me not to be.  I will keep you all posted.

    I have my dance class tomorrow so I am looking forward to that and I am also joining the dragon boat team. It is a group of ladies who have all had breast cancer who row a dragon boat twice a week. Sounds like it will keep me fit.

    So Genia and Jane and anyone else who fits the bill, it is good to moan and get out just what a horrible time you have had. You are healing every time you cry and moan. Keep up the good work girls.

    Take Care girls, Singapore Chris x

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2009

    Jane - Woooo Hooooo  great news.  Our kids are so important

    Juli - Me too....the hot flashes are killing me.  I haven't slept all night for so long....I feeling like I am so sleep deprived.  I would do anthing to keep from waking up all night due to the hot flashes. Let me know about the effexor.  I have tried the Ativan and some Xanax and Ambien....nothing seems to let me sleep past 4 hours or so.

    Spring - Happy Birthday, just a little late....but work is keeping me soooo busy now that I am back to my normal schedule.

    Genia - This makes me really glad I did the expander at the time of my mastectomy.  I too have a closet full of clothes I couldn't wear but for the expander. 

    After much discussion and debate, I have opted for no radiation.  Both my onc and my surgeon said they didn't see the need since I did a mastectomy and my tissue showed no cancer cells anywhere in the missing boob tissue.  The docs said I was in a wierd spot in that by doing chemo first it and a full mastectomy ....that gave them all the tissue to evaluate.  They did some super pathology and found nothing.  Per the rads doc, I am only gaining about 8% extra and this just doesn't seem enough to warrent the risks from rads.  Wow ....tough call.  I really spent alot of time researching and thinking about it.  But I feel in a good place and if it comes back it just does. It could happen either way!!!



  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Chris - Welcome Home! Glad you had a great time!

     Trude - Congrats on being done then! What will you be taking? Tamox or an AI? I put myself back on Neurontin (Gabapentin - I already have a big bottle  of it) because it lessens hot flashes and maybe that will get rid of the stinging pain. I am only taking 1/day, but may need to take it at night too, as yesterday the hot flashes came back after 6 pm. I only had 1 mild one at work. This drug does make me a little off balance so hopefully I can handle that. It has to be worth it to get rid of the pain. If not, then I will get the Effexor.

    4 boosts to go Laughing

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Hi Girlies,

    The talk of Uni-boober cracked me up! Genia, you are a riot! Anyhow, I did immed reconstruction, I have a sore spot, but am back wearing my old clothes and the new boobs look fantastic. Just a plug for recon. To me it was way worth it. And the new boobs dont sag!!! Very youthful looking! LOL.

    Trude, way to go!! I wish I could have avoided RADs, but it's over now. I just hope the long term effects (I've heard it takes 18 months!) don't wreck teh implant. But if it does, I know where to go for a natural tissue surgery. 

    Jules, is the stinging any better yet then?

    Guess what. I have read recently and heard that for those of us on AI or Tamoxifen, apparently, if you have hot flashes, this is correlated with DFS (disease free survival). So, now every time I have a hot flash, I think of it as burning any stray microscopic cancer cells into oblivion!!!

    Welcome back Chris! How is the carpet situation? 

    Jane, Woooooooooooooo!!!! Glad to hear about your boy!!!! I know Mom and Dad must be relieved for now...

    Mina, love the new "life" avitar! Go woman!


  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2009

    Spring - If DFS is the case, my hot flashes are killing any cancer cells within a 10 mile radius. LOL

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Yay Karen! Heat 'em up baby and burn 'em out!!!! LOL!!!

    Personally, I have both hot and COLD flashes. I figure after frying their C-butts, I freeze the crap out of them! 


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Welcome back Chris! Your post   reads so happy. I think I'll plan some time off after I finish radiation... I hope.

    And I'll make a vision board. TY Chris.

     I don't believe I was fair to my Radiologist. I should have called her immediately after my arm was sprung. What I did  instead was read all about Radiology and its side effects in one night and that plus the pain made me scared; I realize that now. I apologized to the doctor. She asked me to communicate with her Immediately if I have ANY problems with the treatments.

    My first visit is tomorrow. She will take pictures to see any changes that may have occurred in my breasts these last three weeks and then off we go:) Of course it didn't help me  that my friend told me how  weird her sister's boob looked after treatment. Why  did I listen? Silly me, I should know better. AF/Am  women's' breasts get darker, may move up on the chest wall and get smaller, which I knew. The Radiologist told me that might happen to me so I should not have engaged in her conversation, when she described how awful here sister's boob looked post radiation. We both decided that's why  her sister is still alive after 10++ years. I paid attention to the wrong part of the conversation.  Arrgh.

    Genia, love you... uni-boober.

    Juli, thank you for sharing the freezing  breast  tumor news. I googled it and am sharing some of what I found...TY again Juli. Gabapentin, to me is more tolerable than Neurontin the brand name drug??? who knows why...but any Neurontin/Gabapentin over 300 mgm/day makes me wobbly too. It helps with pain a lot even the generic helped me...when I take off from taking it I feel a difference in how much pain I have.

    I took replacement hormone therapy from 1993, post hysterectomy, until 2006-7. That may have caused my BC. I missed how I felt with my hormones, hot flashes, unable to sleep as I had before the hysterectomy etc., so I replaced them. So many of us did that--bad decision for me. It's too bad we didn't find this out years ago.

    My son has PDD and I have really no one who could treat him well if he needed help. I will have to make provisions for that through his counselor.

    I'm going to entertain myself tonight with Housewives of NYC...I  don't know  anyone one like these ladies so this show makes me feel  laugh a lot, which has to be good for me.

    Congratulations on being finished Trudecox!!My Oncologist told me that my numbers were low? I probably have mixed up what she told me but she sounded happy. I'll ask her later.

    I hope Callie is doing well today.

    I think I'll  wear a pink  cap on my first Mother's day since discovering my tumor... maybe.

    take care everyone,
