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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Juli.....glad its all over for you!  I know it has to be sooo nice to not have to go back there.

    Colleen and're comin down the home stretch..........wooooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    I have way too many shoes already....I wanted the web site for the commercial, Spring.

    I'm going to try to figure out photobucket today so I can post some pics. It sounds better than cleaning, anyway.  I'm also going to put together my vision board.  I want to take a photo of it and post it here for you all to see.  Maybe you'll be inspired to do one, too.  I'm so glad Chris told us about it.  I've really found it therapeutic.  In fact, I told my therapist about it and she wants me to bring it in when I'm done.  I see a therapist once a month and I attend group therapy once a week.  I "graduated" out of therapy a while ago, but when I was diagnosed last year I called my therapist and asked her if I could come back because I knew I was going to need it.  She started using DBT with her group and she knew that I was interested in DBT so she invited me to join her group.  Most of the other members are mandated to be there either by probation or CPS, so I'm able to give them some insight on what can lie ahead and they remind me of where I was only 4 years ago.  

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009's  pretty easy.  Just create an account at photobucket first.  Then you will see an upload button on your page.  When you click should take you to your picture folder.  You just double click the picture and then upload it. 

    I will be in and out today if you need help.....

    To post it here you can do one of two things.....either put the link in a message.....or copy the html and paste it in a message here.

    love ya girl

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Today I went to a Street Fair... Found some really cute hats. Laughing Just as I am getting ready to leave, I spot a free bone density test. So just out of curiosity, and luckily I make the age requirement (50), I sit down, take the test, and find out I have OSTEOPOROSIS. Surprised Not even osteopenia, but full blown osteoporosis. He says take this report to your doctor and gives me a free sample of Actonel. Thank you chemo. Anything else I need to be tested for? Yell

    Hugs (trying to put on a happy face) Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

     Aww....Julie....... big hugs sweetie! 

    Bless your heart......ya know there are days I sit and wonder if I would not have been just as well off without the chemo.  Don't anyone yell at me.....but that's how I feel.  I'm tired of every single day feeling bad in some way.  Either my bones hurt....ribs....back....hips.  Or I'm bloated like crazy and can't bend over to get anything off the floor or my head hurts.   I am NOT a hypochondriac.....but I'm tired of hurting and feeling bad all the time.  Then I feel horrible when I go to the mets board and see all the ladies there.....I know things could be so much worse......and I know in all reality I shouldn't post this.

    I just want to feel GOOD....and I don't think that's asking for too much.......but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

    Happy Mothers Day to you all....

    love you

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    Happy Mothers Day!

    Juli, you poor thing, it might not have been the chemo that did it??? If you are taking tamoxafin you had better have the zomdex ?? injections to strengthen your bones. Not what you wanted to Mothers Day I am sure.  Well done on finishing rads. Now you have to look forward and get on with life. I wish you didn't have to work so hard.

    Jane, glad you liked the vision board, it really does help girls in our position.

    Genia, I know it's hard to be in pain and for so long, and you know you can post anything you like on this board, we are always happy to listen. Remember though, if you hadn't had chemo you wouldn't have me us!!!  you may have been feeling better generally without chemo, but you would not have any peace of mind. Considering that you have done all you can to keep the cancer away, try to take some comfort in that. Try to relax, eat well and write you feeling down in a diary, get it all out and I am sure you will feel better. Is there anything we can do to help you.  What would make you feel better? Are you able to talk to your husband about how you feel? Have you considered seeing a counsellor?

    I have just spoken to a lady who is just starting her first taxol tomorrow, a friend of Woorus, she is frightened and unsure of the future.  Just remember we have come out the other end of this and we will go on to live a wonderful life.  It takes effort though, we must try hard on a daily basis to see the best in life.

    Love to you all, Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Thanks Chris....I'm feeling pretty good this morning.  Hopeful and praying it lasts all day. 

    At least no pain today.....but when I eat I will be all bloated again.  Maybe I should just stop eating.  One of the foods I found out bloats me is dairy products.  Especially milk....and I LOVE milk.  But it's not worth feeling like your stomach is ready to explode.  All day yesterday my stomach was fine until I ate ice cream yesterday evening.......and I blew up like a balloon!  Could hardly breathe.

    If it keeps doing that....I'm gonna go see an allergist.  Just to see what it is that I CAN eat and what I shouldn't eat, or a Gastrointerologist.

    I'm still having rib pain right under my breast where the one tumor he cut through was.  I am a little concerned about the pain there.  Should I still be sore there from surgery?  Guess that's a question I need to ask my surgeon.....

    hugs and lotsa love

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009


    well, that sux! But the good news is now you can get Zomta infusions, and they've been shown to prevent bone mets. I just had my first one on Friday. Took 30 minutes. Sort of interesting being back in teh chemo room full of energy and "hair". lol. Oh, no SE's either... at least not yet...

    I have to make time to do Chris' "Vision Board" I have a lot of materials. I am thinking over the Memorial DAy (US) holiday, I have a three day weekend and will make this a priority. :) Thanks Janie poo! Love your new pic!

    We had a nice mother's day, but I ate too much and feel as bloated and Ginia and sort of like a slug! Tomorrow we are getting up early and taking our walk in the early dawn-ish hour to avoid the heat. However, I love to sleep, so I am hoping this works. !!! 

    Geina, I still have pain on the cancer side, sort of like where my breast meets the chest wall, under and up the side of my chest. I have no idea what this is. I assume I had sentinel node removed over there, then mastectomy, reconstruction, then rads. It's been through a lot. I am just not sure it's getting any better. Maybe this is the start of the rads wrecking my implant! I don't know! But you don't have recon, so I would think the healing would be more straight forward. Maybe you should ask your doc...


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Here is my vision board:

    What do you think? I'm going to make it my wallpaper on my computer so I see it every time I open my laptop

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    Jane- I love you board..looks like you love the beach and kittys and family and beautiful flowers. All things that are great blessings in our life for different reasons. It is way cool!!!

    Juli- babe i don't know what to say....sometimes not knowing is a good thing?????

    Genia- I wish for you a pain free day...It almost sounds like you are lacto-intolerant??????

    I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day.

    Tomorrow i get to go back to the courtroom but this time as an employee and not a juror. YEAH

    Well we were in a rush with the girls this am got everybody dressed, diaper bags packed and half way to church i realized that I had forgotten my "hair" it was an "Oh crud" moment. First that i am getting so forgetfull and secondly I didn't want to have to drive back home to get I sucked it up and tamed it down a little and went commando to church for the first time. People just kept saying "it's so cute" (YEAH RIGHT) and some were even a little shocked as the wig looked so natural....Oh well now the next hurdle is commando at work. Am I ready?????

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Genia glad you are feeling good today.

    Jane, what a fantastic board, it looks wonderful, well done you! Lots of relaxing things on it and lovely warm little kitties. Making it a screen saver is an excellent idea, you will get to see it everyday.

    Springie, worrying about your implants will not help. You have done what you had to do and if you need repairing later on, never mind, but you might actually be fine. It is a llittle bit like telling me not to worry about lymphadema, easier said than done, but we must try our best. Not a very nice experience going back to the clinic for an infusion. I go back to my clinic a lot to visit friends, and it feels good, I like it there, everyone is so nice.

    Bettysgirl, I am so glad you went out commando, when you have done it once, it gets easier and easier. I actually think we do look "cute", short hair can be very attractive. Do you know you have posted 253 posts and we haven't even seen a photo of you. If there a reason you don't want top meet us?  I would like to see your face and cute hair.

    I am off in Pink tonight to a breast cancer charity event, shades of pink, it is a photography exhibition. My husband had to buy a pink shirt to come along. I am off to Batam a small indoniseian island tomorrow, just for the day with two of my chemo buddies from here, one friend comes from that island, we are going to have our heads massaged, shop and eat by the beach. Sounds like fun to me!

    Take Care Girls, Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Janie, Woo!! What a great board! That gives me incentive!

    Hope you all had a good wkend. Rainy here but the green outside is like glowing. Very cool looking! 

    I took three of my Mother's day roses out of the big batch and put them here on my desk. One pink, one white, one red. Sort of pretty. :)


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Last rad today!  Counting down the minutes now.

     Chris - You know, it makes sense to me that your temperature would actually drop during a hot flash.  When I run a fever, I feel like I'm freezing (chills), so I assume if my temperature dropped, I would feel hot.  Make sense?  I honestly never thought about hot flashes being related to body temperature, but maybe it is. I'm going to take my temperature next time.

    Chemo - done, removal surgery - done, in just a bit, rads - done!!  The only things left are herceptin for the remainder of the year and hormone therapy, oh yea, and the reconstruction surgery.  Getting there!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Yay BrandonMOM (Colleen right?)

    Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!  Congratulations! Happy day! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Uploaded new avitar pic. Chris, are we still twin ladies???? lol.


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Saw med onc today.  He told me to walk more and it will help with the Femara side effects and I don't have to see him again until August!

    I see my PCP tomorrow about my thyroid and med onc asked me to have her order a bone density as well since the Femara decreases bone density.  I figure she will order a thyroid US anyway, so I can get them both done at the ame time.

    I registered a team to do the Relay for Life at my daughter's college on June 19th.  Wish me well recruiting team members, finding a tent, and securing donations.  It might be a rather ambitious goal, but it's for a good cause and I might as well get about the business of living and stop lollygagging about the house.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Go Jane! If your bone density comes back osteopenia, you can get Zometa!

    And I have been walking up a storm, after chemo ended and all during Rads. We are up to about 18.5 miles a week (We do 3.7 miles, it's a little over an hour, about 5 times a week). We just had to move to the morning as it was too hot and we kept skipping. 

    Anyway. Start slow and you will be AMAZED, miss Jane, how fast you will build up! I have no side effects of Tamoxifen, or the Zometa. I didn't get the Rads fatigue. I know, I must sound so ANNOYING, but honestly, I really wonder if it is all this walking. Our bodies are designed to M-O-V-E......  


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    chris- you haven't seen a picture because while i can do alot of things i don't know how to post a picture, AND believe it or not i have not taken any pictures of this journey. No balds pics and so far no short hair pics. I will have to try to get my kids to help me figure it out. If not here i will e-mail you one if i get it done.

    gotta run the  WILD INDIANS are restless tonight.....

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Spring & Jane - Love the new pics! and Jane, love the board, especially "maid service for a year"!

    Chris - How was the massage? Sounds heavenly!

    Colleen - Woo hoo! You are done! Laughing

    Robin - You too? or 1 more?

    Genia - How are you doing? Feeling any better?

    Lisa - I'm right there with you. I will drive without a hat, but haven't braved the rest of the world without one.

    Mina - How are you feeling? How was your Mother's Day?

    To anyone I missed - big hugs! Kiss

    My cardiologist said that the stinging pain is a rare side effect from the heart meds, but if it doesn't get better in a week, to call him and he will refer me to a neurologist. Yes, I need another specialist, my phone book isn't full yet. Undecided

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Juli, can't he give you another med??? sheesh!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Genia, are you there? Let us know what's going on, I saw your Facebook update, and feel like I missed something!!  It sounds like a colonoscopy but must be something else with the benedryl and doing it 2 nights???

    Genia Blair Barnette It's 5:15.....I'm starving.... I have one more bottle of gunk to drink, 5 more prednisone.....and 2 more benedryl. AND I get to do this all over again tomorrow night....woohoo! 

    Hope you are okay, Spring....

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Spring - yes, I am on another med, but the doctor thinks if after stopping the old one, I don't get better than I need a specialist.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Juli, don't you just love being a human experiment? Let's try this and see how it works.  For me, they are waiting until rads ends and see if any of my symptoms stay.  In other words, they have no idea which thing is causing the problem, but let's try this!

    Spring, I exchanged emails with Genia last night. I think the yucky stuff was contrast for a CT this AM.  I hate scans, but still a CT scan sounds better than a colonoscopy :)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    BrandonMOM, ok. I agree. CT scan better than a colonoscopy! At least it is not "invasive".

    Thinking of you Genia!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    I'm here....just not nearly as much as I used to be.  I had to make myself stop going over to the METS section....because that's where I felt I needed to be.  I'm making myself crazy.....because deep in my heart.....I know this is gonna be what kills me.  So rather than come here....and always end up there....I just have been reading the posts here and logging off.

    I'm in a really bad stage right now...mentally.  Things with my daughter have gradually gotten worse and I had to tell her to just stay away from me for a while....two days ago.  So it hasn't been good.

    I'm trying to go on with life.....and LIVE.....but it's not working well.  Sometimes during the day....I just go downhill.   

    I broke down this morning....when they were trying to stick me for the CT scan.   The only veins they hadn't tried in my arm were the ones in my wrist.....and I just told them NO.....I just couldn't do it.  So that was my meltdown for the day......  :(

    If any of you need me.....I'm here most every day.  Just not in the posting/talking mood right now.

    love you all.......

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    They are doing a PET scan Thurs morning......sure hope they have better luck with my veins......that's the reason for the 2 nights of drinking the constrast.  Last night for the CT scan and tomorrow night for the PET scan.  I've never had a PET scan before.....don't know why....guess I kinda slid through the cracks with the Dr.s.....because each one said I needed one done but I was never given one. 

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Genia, I have a field full of crops for you in Farmtown.  Get over there!!  You know, I have had two PET scans and didn't have to drink contrast for either one.  That's strange.  Hang in there!  I have shoulder pain as well, so I'm sensitive to that as a symptom.  There are lots and lots of women, without mets, that have that symptom.  Hang in there!  Hugs!

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Genia,  I know it is hard not to let your mind wander in that direction.  Truth be told, I think we all have those thoughts more than we would like.  The thing is,  you have done all you possibly could to beat this monster.  So there is nothing that you could do that you are not doing/have done.  If it does come back, you will have plenty of time to think about it and come up with a plan, so be darned if breast cancer steals one moment of your time now sad about "what if".  We will cross that bridge if it comes up, but there is no good to come out of thinking about it now.   I'm almost always online, so don't hesitate to reach out to me.

    Sorry, I can't offer any advice about your daughter.  My son is 16 and though we have had our things, we are not where you and your daughter are.  I know how much you love her and how devasting things must be right now.  I'm glad you were able to visit your sister this weekend.  Did you try out the new church again this weekend?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Genia Love love love....


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Genia, everyone keeps stopping by wanting to do my harvest.  You gotta stop by soon!