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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    My daughter and grandson were in a car accident.  I found out right after I posted my message.  They took her to the hospital to be checked out.  She was on her way back from the methadone clinic when it happened.  She said a deer ran out in front of her...but it's the middle of the day and deer aren't known to roam around in the middle of the day.  I think she fell asleep....but the truth will never be known because she won't tell it!   My grandson is ok...but he could have been hurt or killed  very easily.  I'm gonna start watching him while she goes.....I should be going with her.....but my nerves can't handle her every single day.  Just can't do it.....God knows I've tried so hard...but she about does me in when I'm around her all the time.  Our personalities are soooo different we clash really bad.  And when she is like she is's all about HER....and no one else and I end up getting so angry with her that I wanna strangle her.  She knows which buttons to push to get me going...and she pushes them most every day.  And me..... being raised to have respect for your parents.....won't let her talk to me like she we fight constantly.

    Sooo...that's what's happening in my little world.

    I did get to talk to my Dr. today about the CT scan and them not being able to find a vein.  She told me after chemo....the veins become very small and hard to find.  Which is why they love ports....don't have that problem when ya have a port. 

    Thanks you too girl.

    Colleen.....I don't know why I have to drink that crap either.  I may ask her about it tomorrow when I go for radiation.  I'm still all bloated and yucky feeling from drinking it last night and this morning.

    love ya all

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    genia girl- i have to wonder if our daughters aren't half sisters or something..ours told us that a deer "kicked out" her parking light in the front of the Honda as it ran past in front of her...(No other damage anywhere else.) we had to laugh at the very thought but she stuck to her story. About 2 months after that we got a call from an insurance co. she had rear ended someone in Augusta and failed to tell us...(car is registered to dad) anyway that explained the broken parking light. We knew the deer story was far fetched...I guess it's sounds better in their head than it dies aloud.

    HUGS to you! We all love you. Try to keep positive thoughts. I know how difficult it is when the circumstances surrounding you are tough. Last week I almost thought at least a recurrance would at least  get me out of THIS mess....the feeling passes. Just hang tough.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    PS- This is a pic of our 25th anniversary- three days after my first chemo. Best I could find right now. Will try to get the shorty hair pic soon.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    Big hugs, Genia!!  So sorry all this is happening!  Whatever you are doing with your daughter I'm sure is the right thing.  Whether the deer was real or imagined, it just doesn't matter.  I wouldn't worry trying to figure out what really happened. You may as well believe her on that point. If you are able to take care of your grandson, I think that would be wonderful,

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    I'M DONE!!!

    I'M DONE!!!

    I'M DONE!!!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Go Robin, Go Robin, Go Robin... doin' the happy dance for Robin! Laughing

     Genia - Big Giant Hugs g/f! We love you! Kiss

    Lisa - love the pic! Happy belated Anniversary!

    Ok... gotta go type a report.

    hugs Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009




    Wanna do a few for me?  Embarassed

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    love you too all mean so much to me!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    How long did your radiation take....I mean from the time you laid down on the table until you were done?

    Mine seems to last forever....I'm gonna try to remember to wear my watch and time it.  But I KNOW it's over 5 mins.....just curious.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009


    Mine took much longer than 5 minutes too. I kept hearing about people bopping in, laying down and being back at their car in 15 minutes.  That wasn't me.  Towards the end, it got to be shorter as I think we all learned how to "arrange" me.  I would say it took more like 1/2 hour.  A little longer when they would do the xrays.  I would lose all feeling in my fingers.  I really worried that it would spark lymphedema, so I tried to do stretches before and after.   And that table!!!  Could it get any harder???  I have to say, for the most part, it got physically easier as time went along.  I did have one breakdown around #7.  It hurt too much to hold in that position, so I just cried through it.  Not sure why, but after a weekend break, it did come back and I was able to finish up with minimal pain.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

                                           ROBIN!!! ROBIN ROBIN ROBIN!!!!

                                                Happy Dance for you girl!!!

                                                       YOU BE DONE!!!!

    happy dance

    Lisa, I love the pic! our 25th anniversary is this Aug!

    Dahhhling Genia, My rads took like 5 min. There were three "shots". Right side,bzzzz.. Thing moved to other side. Left - Bzzzzz. A tech came in and did something to machine, it moved, Bzzzz on my collar bone. Each bzzzzz was like counting around 20 seconds, sometimes it seemed longer, sometimes shorter. Oh, and sometimes they took "Xrays" to check the body positioning. I was in and out of there in 15 minutes or less, unless there was a queue b/c the "machine broke down". I missed 2 days b/c of that and they tacked them onto the end. I had 28 total I think.

    Oh Colleen! Mine didn't hurt. :(((  ouchie. I mean, I did have to hold it a long time for the "planning session" like a half hour or more! They finally told me I could bring down my arms as the Dr. was just taking too long...  I had this "mold" thing I would lay in, and it helped keep my arms up. Did you have that?


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    I had a "cradle" for my head, a triangle pillow under my knees and handles to hold on to, above my head. My forearms rested on the "cradle". I had 2 zaps,, each one lasting about 30 seconds. Every day I counted, "one 1,000, two 1,000..." until the buzzing stopped. They had a basket of Aquafor tubes nearby. I used that at 1 pm (after my zapping), and radiantLife cream in the morning and at night.

    I didn't miss any days, and never had to wait more than a few minutes. But I had to give up my "lunch hour" for 7 weeks because it was a 20 minute drive each way .

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

     I lost my you all. I'm glad Radiation is finished  for  Juli and Brandonsmom. Genia, I start Thursday after a trip to the simulation room again and a  program redo. I'm so mad I lost my post. I will  probably finish  near the end of June.

    bettys girl, Thank goodness Callie is  doing well.  I made such careful notes so I would remember...arrgh

     Spring, the shoes are hot and you look radiant.  I love that you can get Zometa. I have read positive articles  about it recently.

    I've had so much time off... I know you will all feel better when we get finished. I couldn't finish my Taxol and have been off one more month because of joint problems. Whenever I've been off  for a while, I start to feel like a person, then I'm on to a new doctor or another modality.

    Arrgh x 20970492760297

    After the redo last week, I start Thursday. I am not sure but because of my arm, my Radiation Onc says I may take more than 15 minutes for each appointment,  but that's a walk in the park time-wise when compared to 3-4.5 hour chemo infusions.

    Hey Juli, I'm so sorry you  found this out while you were trying to have funfunfun...but  I'm glad you found out  now and not after a fall. Thanks for telling us how you went through your Radiation. Sounds like a good place. I had to ask and then the doc was angry with the tech for a knee pillow...I think there are too many people here...Duh? and people get really tired.  it's fantastic for me...a RN not working but still conscious of what's read about considerate compassionate care. TY Jill

     back soon


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    My goodness.....mine are with the machine in 4 different positions.....and there are at least 15 to 20 small zaps in each wonder it's taking so much time. 

    And those tables.....are horrid.  They are hard....and not nearly wide enough for this body.  I have to put my left hand under my butt to hold it on the table otherwise it would just hang down....there's no place to put it.

    But I where near as bad as the chemo.  Nothing is like that!!!

    I'm having so much pain under my rib tonight and Alleve isn't touching it.  I must say I'm kinda worried.....cause this pain feels like the pain I had in my breast before the chemo started and it goes straight to my back the same as my breast pain did.  To me it feels like that side is enlarged.....but again.....could just be my imagination.  Or it could be where the breast is gone and my fat roll looks bigger because I can see it so much easier.....

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    Every time I went to one of my 33 radiation appointments, I would receive 10 blasts each time, totaling 330 blasts. Each time I went for my boost appointment (6 of them), I would receive 3 blasts, totaling 18 blasts. Put them all together and what do you get? 348 blasts of radiation from the most powerful radiation beam in the State of Michigan. (I just found that out yesterday!)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    That's a bunch of blasting....huh Robin!  Shoulda blown those suckers right outta there!   It's funny how we lay there and count the blasts....I do that too......only mine are never consistent or the same!  One sounded like a car horn today......beepbeepbeep!!!  Then another series of beeps.  I don't care how long it takes as long as it gets rid of those live cancer cells that were left from surgery!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    My friend, David, says that that would put me in "SuperHero" status.

    I replied that I've been waiting for my hot pink cape and diamond wrist cuffs (a la Wonder Woman) to be delivered by FedEx!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    Collen Congratulations, you have finished!

    Jane, excellent idea to get out and do some good, I am sure you are very capable.

    Springie, lovely hair!

    Bettysgirl, great picture, nice to finally meet you, and your husband.

    Prettiest, fantastic

    Genia, hang in there, but what a hard time you have had. Things can only get better.

    Mina, glad to see you back, take one day at a time.

    All is well with me, I had a lovely day with my friends in Indonesia, only at 45 minutes boat ride away. I am so lucky to have met such a wonderful group of Singaporean ladies, I felt truely greatful to be included. The massage was good, the food was wonderful.  I did have almost everyone we passed looking at me, as it is not really a tourist town and I think they wondered where I had come from and why I was there. Asians are generally very small and dark and I am not!

    I had my dance lesson today with the girls at the breast cancer foundation and tonight is a swimming lesson to keep us fit, as I will be joining the dragon boating team. I have had a great day and am looking forward to many many more.

    Hope you ladies are all doing fine and feeling good too.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Mina, hey woman! Nice to hear from you.

    Chris, I've heard the "dragon boating" is fun! Should be a good workout too, right?

    Back to work. Conference calls making me batty...


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone.....I got my CT results and everything was clear!!!  Sure made me feel better.....yaaay!!!

    I go tomorrow for my PET scan......hoping it is all clear too.

    Hope everyone is you!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Genia, Great news, when you get your PET scan results which will also be clear, you must just relax and get on with life and stop thinking it will come back.  I met a lady last night who has had breast cancer 3 times over the years and is still perfectly healthy and living a fantastic life.  Even the stage 4 girls can go on into old age. Very happy you are feeling good.

    Take care, Singapore Chris x

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Whoo - hoo, Genia.  Glad all went well.  Your PET scan will be fine, too.

    I saw my PCP yesterday and she is worried about some of the side effects of the chemo and radiation so she has ordered:  a thyroid ultrasound, an echocardiogram, a pulmonary function test and a dexa.  I'm hoping I can get them all scheduled in the same day so I don't have to take multiple days off from work.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Genia - woohoo! great news! crossing fingers for more good news!

    Jane - what's a "dexa"?

    hugs! Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Jane, hang in there, good to get the tests and find out if anything is up.

    and our GENIA!!! Nothing is UP!!! She is all good!!! Thank you God!!! :)  Genia, I am so pleased for you. 

    Hi Miss Chris and Juli! 


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Hey Robin,  I had to tell you how much you cheer me up some days. I don't know why, but reading about your blasts after having been totally set up and "blasted"  today made me LMAO:)

    I heard toots and horn like noises but was not paying attention. NOW I will. They were very kind to me...though I fear my girls are almost too much to manage.  When I finished my initial setup today in the real radiation therapy  room...not the simulation room... I got off the table fully exposed...two younger than me male techs still there... and  I could care less. I love  you all.

    Some days I am angry...I am not feeling blessed but who knows...I feel better than I did prior to surgery and I've learned how important it is to take care of me.

    Genia, Congratulations to you!  I have to hold onto my the waist band  of my jeans or get yelled at:) I'm with ya.

     My underarm needs pain medicine  and I think I'll turn in early to take the 11:00-11:10 bus. I don't want to travel by train  if I can help it.

     I followed my g-mail over to just diagnosed and read  all the posts on  the Supermom topic. I know now that I  needed to read that post. God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. There's so much positive energy over there from long term her2+ and other  BC survivors for the young's wonderful. God Bless this board and all who post here for all of us.

    Jane, I'm  sending up a prayer...that you get the schedule you need or as close as can be arranged.

    My doc's nurse gave me a cream to  apply after treatment and at bedtime. Medline...Remedy Skin Repair Cream with Olivamine...she doesn't like Aquafor...why, I don't know. I  googled it; I can purchase it  but the nurse said I may have to change creams after 4 weeks...who knew?:)

    Howdy Chris, dragon boating sounds great.

    Backacha Spring...

    Juli hugs to ya...

    luv   you all again,

    back soon,


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Dexa is a bone density scan.  Even before bc, I had osteopenia.  The femara makes that worse.  I take Fosomax once a week, but it is possible I will need Zometa depending on the scan.

    Don't worry if you don't hear from me all weekend.  I'm leaving tomorrow for a women's retreat at Word of Life in Schroon Lake, NY.  I'm hoping it will rejuvenate my soul.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    YEAH ROBIN!!! so glad you are done.

    Genia- CONGRATS on the good news. Glad you girls like the pic. Will try to take another soon.

    Hope all you ladies have a GREAT weekend.

    Jane- I hope the retreat is SUPER

    HUGS to all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Hi Beauties and lovelies,

    Just wanted to say have a GREAT weekend!!! 


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls

    Juli - a dexascan is a bone density scan. 

    Wow I am so glad to hear all of us are doing so well.  I finally went back to work last week, it is killing me!!!  I am just not used to getting up and getting ready, being gone all day, and trying to keep up with chores.  I have no time left for Guitar Hero !!!!  I played last night and realized I am not as good as I was.

    My dd is coming home next week.  She is getting to go to LA first to see American Idol, and Taylor Swift.  She knows and works with some of the band members. My dd is a champion fiddler and working on being famous in Nashville. I told her to hurry up, I really need to be a kept woman now.!!!!  LOL  

    I haven't had a dr appt since 3 weeks ago......only one on the calender is May 29th for surgery f/u with the plastic surgeon.  It just seems weird that no oncology appts ?????  Oh, well. I am feeling a little more like my normal self.  What ever normal was ?????


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Hey my PET scan results back today and it's clear too!!!  I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders.  God is soooo good!!!   And I'm so thankful I am getting better! 

    I also went today and got fitted for my prosthesis.   When the lady put the right size and kind on me and I saw and FELT it there....tears came in my eyes.  I finally felt like my boob was back.....never knew I would miss anything like I have it!  To look at can NOT tell I've ever had looks so natural.  

    So it's been a wonderful day.......well until my daughter called me and sounded loopy on the phone.  She is a whole nother prayer subject........and I worry so much about my grandson!

    Good to hear from you Mina....glad your radiation went good!!!

    love you all.....