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Chemo in Sept 08



  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    chris- thanks for the vision board info- I will get it to them as soon as i can.

    Callie came through the port surgery well and was to start chemo this afternoon but i have not heard anything. I am hoping that they update the caringbridge page tonight or in the morning.

    If hot flashes are helping then i GUESS that makes me feel better about it. Another long day on the jury...we are hoping do be done tomorrow...(cross your fingers)

    Have a great evening ladies. You are great!!! All the fall girls on the Komen board disappeared. You girls are my rock and I THANK YOU for being here!!!

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    My heart is fine.  The onc is stumped as to what all is going on.  We are going to get through rads, and then see how things are after that.

     Juli, looks like you and I will be finishing at the same time.  I only have 4 more to go!!!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    Two boosts down, four to go....I had an unintentional four day rest from rads because my boob was quite a bit more swollen than they thought it would be, and my scans weren't matching up with the original plan. We took more scans, more xrays, and finally started boosts yesterday evening.

    No more hot flashes for me...I had a full blown, 5 day period that started last Wednesday. I'll bet that Lupron will be next up for me until I get to have the girlie bits taken out this summer! 

    The fabulous women of my church are planning a barbeque to celebrate the end of the big treatment as soon as my sore, burned boob are feeling better and it stays warm outside! 

    My pal that owns a flower shop in town has asked me to come and work for him...and I've decided to take him up on his offer. I've done flowers for close to 25 years, and I miss it. This weekend, we've got prom, Mom's Day, and a wedding. It'll be nice to be busy!

    Glad everyone's doing well...and looking fine!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Colleen & Robin - We are almost done! Woo hoooooo! 3 more boosts for me! I have a little area that is blistering, right under my boob, where the bra sits. My rad onc noticed it yesterday. It doesn't hurt yet.

    The Gabapentin is working great ... till it wears off in the late afternoon. I may have to take another one in the evenings. But I read that a side effect is pneumonia. I was taking it 3 x a day when I was hospitalized. Do you suppose ...? When I saw the pulmonologist last week, he said, "I wonder why you got such a bad case of pneumonia." I wanted to add, "and congestive heart failure at the same time!"

    Robin - what determines whether or not the ovaries need to be taken out? No one has mentioned it to me.

    ok, back to typing reports...

    hugs Kiss

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    Juli- for me, it's because I had cervical dysphagia about seven years ago, along with HPV that was pretty high up in my cervix. My onc and surgeon are setting up an appt with a gyn to discuss surgery...I don't need uterine/endometrial/cervical cancer on top of breast cancer!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    robin- i know you will enjoy being busy- glad you are getting to do something you enjoy. When you look at some pretty alstromeria or some yummy lillies think of me!!! Hope you have a great time putting all those flowers together...I love the arranging it's wrapping all those little stems for the corsages that i always stunk at. There's a knack to getting them thin enough and I don't have it.

    Juli- I swear I have to wonder if those docs are reading the prescribing phamplets before they give you this stuff!!!! MERCY

    Mina- thanks for your prayers for calli and I hope your rhummy is behaving or at least trying to get under control

    Genia- Hope you are hanging in there! Take care of yourself.

    Wink- How are ya doing????

    Brandonmom- I am pulling for you- the end of the rads is coming your way!!!  I know you will be doing the happy dance soon.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    OH- I forgot to mention that when we had the relay friday night my hairdresser was set up in our church booth cutting hair for donations. It was rather hot in the wig SO I tossed it, she cut the strays and for the FIRST time I showed my little bit of hair off to half of the community!!!!! I also went commando while shopping this weekend but have not done so at work yet. I guess I am not ready to completly let go yet as it is still so short but I got a lot of good feedback. I have invested in some cute long earrings and hoping that i brave the workforce commando before too long...maybe i will wait till court sessions are over next week. Next week I get to go back but not as a JUROR i get to go back as an employee and we pick jurors for our criminal week. (If they don't all get scared and plea out)

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    Hey Lisa...You'd be pleasantly surprised to know that we glue corsages together now! They're so much lighter and much less awkward to wear, and there's no worry about a random wire poking you!

    Boost #3 this morning, working til 5ish, then youth group tonight! 

    Don't worry about going commando in public...super short hair is your badge of strength and courage!'s easy to work with!! 

    Today is new day!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Bettysgirl, thats fantastic, well done for running through the streets commando!

    Robin, how wonderful to be working in a flower shop, I am in the Singapore Flower club and we make arrangements most Fridays, very relaxing and good for us.

    Julie, Collen and Robin, only 3 more to go, not long now hang in there!

    Thought for the day

    "Today I release the need to criticize.  I love, accept and approve"

    Healing vibes coming your way for you hot ladies.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Sending my love to all you gorgeous ladies! :)

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    I just read Dr Gott (in my newspaper) and there is a treatment for peripheral neuropathy called Anodyne therapy. Mina - have you heard of this? Sounds like something to investigate! He is asking readers that have had success with this treatment to write in.

     hugs Kiss

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Morning everyone, I haven't heard about Anodyne therapy yet Juli, but I'll look it up. TY. 

    hugs to ya,


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    I personally know Dr. Gott.  He's a local doctor in our community.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2009

    Juli - my family doc gave me Elavil to help me sleep (hot flashes wake me every hour) and guess what it works !!!!  I slept from 10:00 to 5:30.....I felt so much better today!!!!!  Day time I still suffer but they aren't as bad as the night one.

    Bettysgirl - go feels great after the first day or so. I had to give up the wig when the weather hit 90.....I just couldn't take it.  This also happened to be the first day back to work...I am now really glad I did.  I think my hair is about 3/4" hubby and I laugh that I look like a dike!!!!  But all in good fun.  My friends at work have been so good....they all tell me how good I look with the short hair....boggus but I know they care. 

    My dd is coming home from Nashville next week.  I am soooooo exited.  She will be here on the 30th, our relay for life day.....nothing could make me more happy.  Our kids are so special to us.

    I don't have a dr appt untill July !!!!  My onc didn't seem to think I needed to be seen.  My plastic dr has me coming in the first of June just to see my scar....but no cancer appts !!!!!  Isn't this wierd?????  Am I crazy ????


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Jane - That is so cool! I learn so much from Dr Gott!

    Trude - I will ask about Elavil, Thanks.

    My opthamolgist is sending me to a retinal specialist. He said my right eye is showing signs of macular degeneration. He wants to know if it is from Chemo or from aging. I have an appt on the 20th. He also said he does not want me to start the Tamoxifen until after I see the specialist.

    I took a Gabapentin (Neurontin) tonight. I am desperate. The stinging pain is driving me crazy. Cry

     Monday I see my cardiologist. Maybe he can refer me to a neurologist? I need to find a doctor who can help me.

    2 more boosts Laughing

    hugs Kiss

  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2009

    Dear Ladies

    After a very long silence, I am dropping in to say "hello" again. So sorry for not keeping up with all of you.  I felt really bad about it and told SingaporeChris this when we met for brunch today - but she said, just drop a line. She always gives solid advice.

    I am done with the chemo and rads. Have started on Tamoxifen. Getting the hot flashes.  I am also seeing a lymphadeama therapist just to learn how to recognise the warning signs and do the massages.  Been keeping busy with my kids and friends.

    There are a lot of posts to catch up with. Take care and God Bless everyone!


  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2009

    Dear Ladies

    After a very long silence, I am dropping in to say "hello" again. So sorry for not keeping up with all of you.  I felt really bad about it and told SingaporeChris this when we met for brunch today - but she said, just drop a line. She always gives solid advice.

    I am done with the chemo and rads. Have started on Tamoxifen. Getting the hot flashes.  I am also seeing a lymphadeama therapist just to learn how to recognise the warning signs and do the massages.  Been keeping busy with my kids and friends.

    There are a lot of posts to catch up with. Take care and God Bless everyone!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Sam, I've started Tamoxifen too. Trude, also get hot flashes. Apparently, they feel this is a "good sign" that it is working! I imagine cancer cells dieing form the heat! LOL

    Juli, ALMOST DONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE!!!!! Jules, I am hoping in a few months your body will recover from all this medication. I just realized I have just stopped seeing some of the impacts recently. It takes some time, but our bodies do bounce back. I hope this for you lady!!!

    I go into the cancer center today for a commercial shoot! They had me in Oct When it was BC awareness month, for a news reporter's report, and I guess I did good (it was on TV and now their Web site lol) so now a "commercial". I hope it is fun. I am going to wear regular clothes and put product in my curls to give them some lift!

    OH I HAVE GOOD NEWS. Do you remember that I had a bone density scan to check for osteopenia, so I could see if I could get Zometa infustions? Zometa is a bone builder (like Boneva, of Fosomax) but it has been shown in studies to prevent Bone Mets in BC patients. Well, after first getting deneyed, it has been APPROVED!! So I go in tomorrow for the acutal infusion. I think it will be wierd to be back in the Chemo suite after all these months. But could be a time to look around and realize how far I've come. OH, I do have osteopenia, but I don't mind, cause I really wanted Zometa!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    I'm waaaay behind

    So I will just say I love you all.......and hope that whatever your concern is gets resolved!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    I just ordered these sandles!!!   Wooooo! let summer begin!!!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009


    What's their web site?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Beverly - Those are adorable!

    I was determined to find out the cause of my stinging pain... so I googled and googled and think I have figured it out! My new heart medication! It's a rare side effect. Now that I think about it, the pain started about the same time I started the meds. I hope that this is it!

    So happy I could cry!

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Oh Jules! YOU ARE SO SMART!!! You Go Girl!!! get a new med! This is SO GREAT!!! WoooT!! So happy for you! We women are so dang smart!!!

    Janie-poo, I saw them and others a !!! not cheap, but so stylish. I wanted to have some FUN with my FEET!!! :)


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    Sam- so good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well.

    Spring- Love the shoes. I know you will enjoy them.

    Juli- I sooo want that pain to leave your body!!! Hope you find something that works.

    Jury duty was finished yesterday. So glad to be done. It was a NASTY divorce case...they should have settled it before it went to a jury but oh well.

    Callie has had her chemo and so far is tolerating it okay. They are keeping us updated through a caringbridge page. It is such a great way to stay in touch. They told us yesteray that if she is still tolerating the chemo well they will let her come home for two weeks until the next round starts.

    Trude- won't be long before the commando goes public more often. The baliff's keep the courtroom cold enough to kill hogs and my poor little head can't take it. While I have hot flashes at night they fail me in the courtroom. I wear extra layers on court days.

    Boss was on a roll late this afternoon. court week has brought a toll. Lord help us next week when the criminal trials start. It will be ten times as worse. One of the lawyers came in today. They are expecting at least two trials next week also.

    Mina- hope you are having a good evening.

    Take care ladies friday is almost here.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    I only have 2 more!!  2!! I can do 2!  I see that finish line and I'm running for it! What an awesome feeling!!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    Juli, so glad you have been investigating and have found the problem, well done for not putting up with it.  I am sure there is another medication they can give you for your heart. What a relief.

    Springie, what cool sexy shoes! We should update our photos to see if we still look like twins, mine is growning well now, how about you? Sorry your bones are a little weak, but good news about the zometa.  I will have a test in a couple of months.

    Brandonmon, fantastic only 2 more to go, I will be so glad for you when it is all over.

    bettysgirl, sounds like you are working very hard, take some time to relax if it is possible, it is important for us to change something in our lives to be healthy as I believe stress if the biggest factor in our getting breast cancer. Even a 10 minutes deep breathing in the evenings would help you. Take care and wear some thermal underware in the court room if necessary. I can't believe a hot flash is never around when you need one.

    Talking of hot flashes, I get mine regularly, so I decided to take my temperature when I had one, that thermometor is a load of rubbish as it stated a lower temp than normal. I swear it should have exploded.

    Sam, good to see you back on the boards, if there is anyone else out there who started out with us, it is never to late to drop back in and say hi.

    Genia, how are you?

    Trude, it will be so good to have your daughter home, how wonderful.

    Jane, sounds like you want some new sexy shoes too.

    It is my husbands birthday today, so we are off out for dinner, I also won a beautiful flower arrangement today at our Flower club AGM.  What a great day!

    Move forward ladies and keep your heads held high and appreciate the wonderful world around us.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Chris, I like it when you say rubbish!!!! My hubby, father in law are Brits and my mum in law Irish. LOL!!! xoxoxoxox I agree about the pics! I am almost 6 months out and have a lot more curly-ish hair now! I will do this wkend as it's mother's day here! I'm sure to have some pics... Hope hub and you had a fun Bday dinner! :)

    Brandonmom  (Colleen??) !!!! WOOOOT WOOOOOOOOOO!!! Oh I know how you feel!!!!! Get ready to exit that looooooooong tunnel and walk into the light, woman! Robin, you too!  And when you feel the sun on your face and the light on your skin, you will say LIFE IS SO GOOD!!!!! I remember it!!! Enjoy the moment! You've earned it!

    Betty's, good to hear you are up and kickin - sad about the jury duty. Everyone I've ever talked to says jury duty is sort of depressing!!!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Last radiation today for me!!! I hope you will all join me tonight at 5 pm at the Elephant Bar  (in spirit anyway) for my celebration with my girlfriends.

    Colleen and Robin - You're almost there too!  Yeeee Hawwww!

    Chris - Good job on winning the flowers! I love winning things!

    We need a fashion show of all the new sexy shoes! LOL

    My new mantra..."It feels so good to feel so good!"

    Hugs Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Well I finished my first week of RADS.  I feel like I'm gonna be doin this forever........ugh!

    I'm feelin ok.....tired....but ok.  

    I have something really weird.  This morning I woke up with blisters all over the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet.  My RADS Onco looked at it and said it was some sort of contact dermatitis.  It itches like crazy......and the blisters are hard!!!  I think there is fluid inside of them.....can't really tell.  Drivin me nutso!!!!!!!!!

    hope you all are you

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009


    Wooo!!! Party girl!  CELEBRATE!!!

    Here is a happy dance for all you ladies finishing RADS!!!


    Genia, laws! It never ends for you woman!!! I hope they don't burst open??? 
