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Chemo in Sept 08



  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    Three cheers for Genia!! Congratulations, sweetie!!

    Hey Trude...I also think it feels weird not to have a calendar peppered with doctors appts! I still have my labs and my port flush, and I'll see my PCP on Tues for unrelated things, but it's still weird! My first scan (mammogram) is Aug 3, and I have a follow up with my rads onc Aug 13. That's it so far! 

    I'm so glad and so thankful that we're all seeming to be on an upward slope now!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    Jane I hope you are having a lovely time at your retreat, good for you girl!

    Genia, Fantastic news all will be well, you will be alright, the cancer will not come back. Please try to believe it. Say to yourself every night as you are falling asleep, "I am strong and healthy", repeat it again and again and you will feel much better.

    I understand when you all say that having no more dr appointments is strange.  I go to our clinic every week to visit friends, and love going, it feels like home to me, but I am so glad I am not having treatment!

    I have had a great week, I spent the day at the Breast cancer foundation here in Singapore at a seminar, it was very interesting, we had speakers from all areas of cancer treatment.  Especially intersting about HER2 and receptor status. We were also filmed doing exercises, the dragon boat team is made up of an amazing group of ladies, who are just sooooooo fit, it will take me a while to get there, but boy am I going to do it.

    Have a great weekend ladies, take care, Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Congratulations! Clear PET!! Woot! Thank you God! I imagine you must feel like a black suffocating cloud is lifted, and you're in the light breathing the air! :)

    And totally YAY about the prosthesis! Wonderful I like Chris' idea, "I am strong and healthy". I couldn't get there right away, so I thought, "I am getting better now, better every day". We know that is true for you...

    I don't have Dr's appts until, JULY!!!  I have been doing a lot of research (the "Natural Girls" thread here is fantastic) and am taking supplements, vitamins, minerals. (Besides exercise and diet changes). I will make a list of all the things I am taking and bring in to my ONC in July to make sure nothing is "contra-indicated". But I feel great, so that must account for something.

    Chris, you will be an amazon Dragon Boat lady!!! I know it! 


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    genia- i am soooo happy for you. Now take a big breath and find something fun to do.

    Just an update on Calli- she went back to the clinic Thurday and all checked out good. They say she is tolerating the chemo well so far. She has been able to be out and about and see her friends and came to Wed. youth group at the church. They told her on this chemo the hair would start letting go in about 12 days or so which will be this weekend or the first of the week. Please lift her up ladies. She is really stressed about the idea just like we were!!! She has her wig and they say it is really cute and they are ordering another that is a little more curly like her hair. Like I said before cancer so stinks when we as adults have to face it but children like Calli and Hannah (ourlittlesweet pea) should NOT have to deal with this mess.

    We are in full babysitting mode today and I am stessing a little. I just feel like we have no life anymore as we are always in baby mode. I know it will pass but we have so few hours that are our own anymore. I really need to do a vision board Chris but i think i'd have to stay up all night to do it.....

    My brother is going to be staying at the lake this next week and we plan to have a big get together one night and he will get to see my new short snazzy doo. I had my hairdresser clean it up a little today. the back is growing at twice the rate of the front and it was looking not too good. We talked about Calli and how hard losing my hair was when she had to buzz mine. BUT the good thing that has come out of this is that I had not changed my hairstyle since I was young as I just wasn't open to "anything drastic" WELL now that drastic has happened i know it is just hair, it grows back and since we are starting from scratch, We can play with it now....There's my positive for today.

    Well as soon as the girls are down for their nap...(they are fighting it tooth and nail) I am headed to the grocery store to re-stock our empy shelves.

    Take care ladies! I sent out a new round of cards...I am going to get to as many of you as possible that I have addresses for. Send me your address and I'll drop you a line.

    HUGS ladies


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    I do feel like that black cloud has lifted.......and I've laughed SO hard today.  My sister and I went to the movies......and we sneaked in some  I felt so naughty.....hahaha.  But at $4.25 for a bag of popcorn......I'll sneak all I want to!!!  I love bein with her.....she's a blast!

    Good to hear Calli did well with her chemo.....I sure hope she continues to tolerate it well.

    Lisa...hang in there with the babysitting.  Bless your heart......I'm still havin problems with my daughter......she's gonna drive me crazy yet!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Genia - You go g/f! Congrats!

    I am still in the doctor appt mode... 2 this week and next, then 1 a week for the next 3 weeks after... Retinal specialist, internist, neurologist, oncologist, gynegologist, pulmonologist and cardiologist. Who else can we throw in? LOL

    Somebody ought to be able to get rid of this stinging pain. Undecided

    back to typing reports...

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Genia, it is fun to be a little naughty sometimes, isn't it? he he. Glad you had fun! Your sister sounds like the best medicine!

    Jules, Yowzer, lots of appts! I need to make appts this week to get hemmhroids treated, and chiropractor adjustment! Why do our bodies have so many darn "parts"!!!!! oiy!

    Lisa, baby mode. Gee, in my mind it seems nice somehow. But I am sure in reality it is not like in my mind! lol!!!

    I gardened yesterday and today it rained. I love it when it works like that! We saw a movie too this wkend "Angels and Deamons" - we both read the book, it was good! Fun.


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Genia - PTL!!  I had a great time at the retreat!  The speaker and music were wonderful and, as always, I found things I could relate to.  The topic of the retreat was service and there are many ways I can be of service whether it be big or small.  It was nice to get away, but it's nice to be home.  I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Glad you are all doing well. I am off to an interview this evening at a medical spa, they are looking for holistic therapies to compliment their beauty treatments, one of the nurses in my clinic recommened me, I only want to do freelance as I have my own business, but it would be great to get some more work.  If I need any testimonial, is anyone willing to write a few words about how I have coped with my cancer journey?  Wish me luck!

    Take care everyone, Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Chris, I will vouch for you!

    Jane, retreats are good... Nice time to reflect.

    I did not want to get out of that bed this morning! But did anyway, did the 3.7 mile walk with DH, and now off to shower before work. I am glad the walk is done. It was quite chilly out there this AM!


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2009

    I'm here...I'm here...just haven't been posting much! I've been turned from a part time floral designer into THE floral designer as of last Monday, when the owner fired the previous designer. Can you say "TIRED"? I can!  It's good, though....working and not stress eating! He's familiar with my situation, and he's not allowing me to work myself into the ground.

    Has anyone had their period since finishing chemo and rads yet? I have....two full blown periods in two weeks...I have an appt with my PCP tomorrow afternoon, and he doesn't know it yet, but we're gonna be discussing it! My onc said last week at my appointment "Don't worry...your estrogen isn't trying to take over"...that was before I started my second now I beg to differ! All I can say is that I want it out out OUT!!! 

    That's all to report from Michigan!

    Love to all! 


    PS...Hey, Lisa! Sweet card!! Thank you! I needed that today!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Chris - I'll vouch for you; you've been a real inspiration to me.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    chris- count me in too. You have been our cheerleader, our motivator and our good friend from day one. When I was new and posing you were the first to PM me and lift me up...HUGS girlfriend!!

    Spring- CHILLY here too....IS IT MAY????? cant believe it's late may and going to be 44 tonight.!!!

    Been a long day. You would have thought the way work went today the moon was full or something.....

    Robin- I hope you are enjoying the job still. I bet you are great at creating arrangements!

    The kids finally gave up the ghost about 10:30 or so and all is quiet in Ma-Ma's house for now...So WHY AM I STILL AWAKE....time to go catch some z's

    Have a great Tuesday


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

    I got the job, they had decided to hire me even before they met me, based on what one of the nurses at my clinic said and my c.v.  I will only be working when I want and only for a few hours at a time, so should still be able to do lots of other things. I am putting together my web site and would really love some testimonials from my dear friends here, so if you have time, please PM me anything you would like to say.

    I envy you girls with Chilly in the air, that never happens here! but I'm not complaining. I have a meditation class tomorow with a group of chemo friends, should be good.

    Take care everyone. Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Lisa - Thank you SO much for the card... and you have such beautiful handwriting too!

    Chris - You are the most positive and inspirational person I have ever "met"!

    Hope everyone has a great day! hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Chris, if you want free design/usability advice as you're building your website, let me know. I do it for a living! Would be happy to help a dear friend.

    Walked again this morning, but took a different route, which was more intereresting! It's still cold here. What happened to the warm weather??

    Robin, your job sounds fun! I hope you are enjoying it, as Lisa says!!!  I have had no periods, and still have hot flashes, so I think I am safe from it coming back, I hope so. Ugh!!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone!

    Today made day 12 of my rads and I'm feelin it......just pink but it feels very tight and I have my stinkin hives back and they are all over my other breast and the inside of my arm.  She told me I could take 4 Decadron today.....that will knock in the bottom!!!  I'm gonna see about making an appt with an allergist.  Don't know if I can go until the radiation is done or not....but this is getting annoying.  I have these things all the time it seems.....and I'm pretty sure it's some sort of food allergy......just don't know what food!

    Chris congrats on the job!!!

    Thanks Juli, Lisa, Jane and Bev.....I was very glad to have a clear scan.  Those well wishes and prayers sure were appreciated! period here!  Tho my moods would say otherwise.....but nothing visual!

    love you all

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    Made apt. today for the 4 scans my PCP wanted...I'm having all of them on June 8th.  I went to the eye dr yesterday and he said I now need bi-focals.  He said the Taxol/taxotere can do a number on your eyes.  I went to the Relay for Life meeting last night.  I am trying to head up a team.  I'm hoping dd can get some of her friends together to spend the night there.  If you want to donate to my team or order a luminaria, you can go to my Relay for Life site -

    Today is 4 months since my last chemo and Friday I see rad onc for my 6 week post-rad check.  I am still discolored - I think that will last for a long time - if not permanently.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls,

     I'm sending   all best prayers  up for Callie and for us.  My email is nycrnmina at'd love to get  a card and I will definitely respond via  email  you ....I'd love to say hi. I'm feeling better  by the minute and would love to keep up if I can.

    As I read and remember...I meant to congratulate you on being back to work Trudecox and the prettiest:) 

    Genia we're moving on up. AF/AM breasts  gets darker and darker with Radiation... that may not pretty  to me ...says my Oncologist... but then the breast turns red near the end  of radiation treatment   and will  return to near my normal  color later...TY God..

    I am setup  in radiation and ready to go in about 8-10 minutes. Then 2 blasts approximately 15 seconds each  to each side of my breast. The doctor is considering my skin with the Cutaneous Lupus and Diabetes. I can't ask for more and everyone lets me adjust my arm with them. I'm such a chicken.

     I am already darker near my incision. I own a hematoma that darkened and is still there a bit since last my Core biopsy last June. I've never had that happen...that's  happens sometimes with the cancer...or so says my Oncologist... we'll see.

    I've  had  f our  Radiation treatments and am doing really well. Thanks to  everyone here for for all the information about blasts and more tips:)

    I just dxed a really stupid thing that  I've done to my bald head after my Taxol  finished in March.  I noticed my hair was  taking a longer time to grow in this nearly 2.5 months with sketchy growth... but because I was having scalp itches I didn't worry.  I thought itches meant growth...Then I checked my scalp really closely  this afternoon and I have even more of these itchy scalp bumps in spite of the steroid ointment my PMD gave me. Then I got it.  

     I've never put sunblock on my scalp  under my scarves and the wonderful sun... which I love... attacked my bald head. My scalp  has been driving me nuts with the  itches for approximately  one month+....a cardinal sign for me.  Jiminy Crickets. Thank goodness I caught it.  I'm off to my rheumy this week or next. I'll  apply sun block to  my scalp starting tonight and wear thicker head coverings. I'm not one to post about my hair or in the hair section.  I love it here and I can barely keep up as it is:) I won't do this hair thing again but I'm so angry with myself for being so careless. I hope I won't  have more  scalp troubles. I was fine when it was winter and I was wearing knit caps. I will Google  SPF head coverings, wear knit caps whatever. Who knew? :lol :lol.

    Jane,  I'm glad you're getting all your tests done  on one day. That's great news.

    Spring, the NYC/NC East coast weather is getting warmer starting  tomorrow. It's been so cool these last two mornings.

    love to  everyone..Baked Ziti to me...for Radiology...I am not to lose weight for these next 6 weeks. Love itSmile



  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    My right chest and especially my underarm are hurting so badly.  I still have my cough.  I can hardly lift my arm, the underarm hurts so bad.   One more week, right??  That will make two weeks post rads.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

    other cities and states

    I see  my hair fell out again at the height of  high UV season-- see March/April 2008 chart--and I forgot to apply  sunblock to my scalp. Arrgh.  I'll try to find a UV++ hat here in the city before ordering one on-line

    love ya everyone,


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    not a good night here tonight...meno is driving me CRAZY and while the babies were tag teaming I totally wigged out...hubby was ill also and it all got out of hand. I ended up taking the gilrs for a ride until mom could get off and them just rode around and tried to calm down and figure out what the hell is going on with my life. Things are so out of control. I am more unhappy now than i have ever been and if you asked me tonight i could care less about anything. Between work and babies and crazy hormones i just don't care anymore. I really didn't want to come home tonight but did anyway. Daughter and kids found another place to sleep tonight. Son is is hiding in his room. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2009

    Dear Bettysgirl,

    You are just having a bad day, tomorrow will be different, you have so much to live for, it's just that you seems to be getting it all at once, never a good thing. Block out an hour and sit down with your magazines and do your vision board, make sure you put some calming pics on it, I am sure you subconcious will be looking for any relaxing thing you see. It will make you feel better and maybe give you some direction.  I have added one extra instruction to the notes, which is when you have finished, find up to 3 things you want to do from you board and put a date against them, make good things happen, even if you can't do anything this minute, put a date at some point in the future.

    Sounds like everyone is having a hard time, I really hope the pain goes away for you poor rads girls, rest, good food and sunshine is the answer, and keeping your boob out in the freshair will help you but probably not your neighbours.

    Calming healing vibes coming your way girls.  Love Singapore Chris x

    p.s. thanks for your votes of confidence, you ladies make all the difference to me!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2009 4 months will be tomorrow.  I'm just happy I've made it this far.  When I was first diagnosed.....they told me I had IBC.  I know my outcome would have been so much different had it been that kind of cancer.  I'm very thankful it wasn't.

    Mina....sorry you are having so much trouble with your scalp.  Nothing is as aggravating as your skin or head itching.  I've had hives in my scalp before....and it's enough to drive you nuts.  Hope it clears up soon.

    Colleen......hope you start healing soon sweetie.  I'm wishing so much this was all over with.  With every treatment I can feel it even more.  I have such light complected and sensitive skin.....I'm really dreading what it's gonna do to me.....but I have to do it.

    Lisa.....BIG HUGS SWEETIE.  What you just described....I've felt here lately.  One of the reasons I go to my sister's just regroup and rest my brain.  Do you take an anit-depressant or something for your nerves?  If might be a good get you through all this.  Does your daughter not have anyone else to help watch them?  You have a lot on your plate hun.....maybe you just need a break for a few days from it all.

    Thanks Chris......

    love you all

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited May 2009

    Hope everyone is having better days. Laughing

    I saw 2 doctors today... My primary care doctor put me on Evista for the osteoporosis. He is setting me up with appts with another oncologist and cardiologist because he is not happy with them. Neither am I. I don't like having 2 oncologists that disagree about my meds and treatment. Plus we feel they have dropped the ball on follow up tests. I had to find out about the osteoporosis at a street fair! Undecided He was surprised I never had a tumor marker test or another pet scan after reading my last lung scan showed a small nodule in my lung.

    We both think the stinging pain is caused by the heart medication, but he says I should never have been put on it in the first place because it is for heart damage caused by heart attacks, not chemo. He also said it can take 2 weeks to get it out of my system, so hopefully, the stinging pain will go away soon.
    The retinal specialist said the macular degeneration was caused by the chemo and shouldn't get worse. yay!

    Back to typing reports...

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2009

    Juli, good grief! Glad the PC doc is thinking to move you to others. Once you find a good one, you will know it. Good for you for doing it. We need to be our own advocates.

    I went into work yesterday (typically work at home) and gave a poster/presentation at a conference and saw many for the first time since having my really short hair. It was fun. A woman I mentor had not seen me since my diagnosis, and came up and gave me the BIGGEST HUG!! It must have lasted a full 90 seconds!!! She would not let go!!! I swear, it was the BEST hug I've ever had!!! :)

    Walked the 3.7 miles 4x this week so far. But today I really did not want to get up at 6 and walk! I am wondering if I need to mix it up and try something new and more fun...

    Hope you all have good days today. Some days are bad days. But then I think it makes us realize it when we have a good day! Maybe today will be that day...

    Genia, you sound like your old self nearly again. I think the "good" scan results must be a load off of your spirit. 

    Jane, what scans are you getting? I have my 4 month "follow up" in July, and I dont thnk they have any scans planned. How about the rest of you, are you haveing post treatment scans???


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited May 2009

    spring- my onco is of the persuasion that the only regualar monitoring will be blood work and chest x-rays. If the tumor markers are elevated AND i am having symptoms then he will scan. I go for my first evaluation of the tumor markers and bloodwork on the 4th of June...guess i better get better at talking this tamox on a regular basis...I have not been very compliant. I really ought to be better at this med stuff.

    I am still not such a happy camper BUT for now someone is cleaning after herself more....I hope it lasts. Boss was out of town today so work was really nice.

    DH is working long hours and i was asleep when he came in last night so or the past few nights we have been ships that pass in the night.

    I am going to the lake tomorrow night to have dinner with my brother and his wife while they are down. Hopefully it will be a little r&r

    Have a great Friday tomorrow.

    Calli continues to be doing okay so far. She goes back to atlanta monday for the next round of chemo to begin on tuesday. I'll let you know when we hear from her then.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited May 2009

    With hercepin, I get a muga every 3 months, so I'll have another one in June.

    I've had a follow up PET in December and will have another soon ... grrr, I really hate those.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2009

     Evening everyone,

    Bettysgirl, I can't say it any better than Sing did. I remember Meno...which is why I took hormone replacement therapy for so many years...and I miss it very much. Not enough to take it again, but I miss the way I feel with an addition of hormones. {{{{{ to ya}}}}}  I'm thinking about and sending love to Callie and you.

    Genia:) I'm better  after 6 days of Radiation.  The  itching has stopped...maybe it was my nerves...or whatever; I did put Sunblock on my head. I  just read about your  breast hives...and my heart goes out to you and your tender skin, both you and brandonsmom.

    Juli, thank goodness for you PMD. My  onc told me my markers were good 2 weeks ago. I didn't ask what wasn't good:) The Osteoporosis at the street fair was too much to be believed...good for your doc taking care of you.

    Brandonsmom, Until I met you and others here, I hadn't heard much about the side effects of Herceptin, just the good stuff. I hope you will have a  better experience with your next scans.

    I'm to have a Mammogram every 6 months and God knows what else. I have heard nothing about other tests. I've heard we should have an Oncologist  involved with clinical trials...who knew?  I feel fortunate to have the doctor's I had before I went nuts and joined the Medicare Advantage Plan.

    bettysgirl, the lake sounds wonderful...have a great weekend.

    I think I'll try to take in an early movie tomorrow maybe... $6.00 before noon...Terminator with some snacks brought in via my purse. I love Arnie's Terminator and my son keeps me  involved...YIKES!

    back soon


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited May 2009

    My PCP is like Juli's - very proactive.  If it were up to my onc, I'd have bloodwork every 3 months and an annual mammogram and that's it.  My PCP, on the other hand, wants me to have an echocardiogram as a follow up to the Adriamycin and radiation and also because she said my murmur is more audible and she hears a "click" she didn't hear before.  My TSH is 0 and my T4 is low-normal even though I'm on synthroid.  Since I already have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and my PET scan showed uptake in the thyroid and since I had radiation to the supraclavicular nodes, my PCP wants me to have an ultrasound of my thyroid.  I already have a history of osteopenia in my left hip and was supposed to be taking Fosomax D even before I was diagnosed with bc.  I am now on Femara which effects bone density, so she is ordering a dexa to see how that is doing.  And, finally, I have been complaining of shortness of breath since the end of rads, so she is ordering a pulmonary function test to make sure there are no residual effects on my lungs from the radiation. So, on June 8, I am supposed to have: thyroid ulstrasound, echocardiogram, pulmonary function test and dexa.  In August, it will be time to have my annual mammogram.

    Tomorrow, I go for my 6 week post-rad check up and I get fitted for my mastectomy prosthesis.

    Last night I had a bad night.  I was just so exhausted.  I was supposed to go from job 1 to job 2, but I had all I could do to stay awake at job 1, so I went home and went to bed instead of going to job 2.  I NEVER go to bed at 5 in the afternoon, but I was totally wiped.  I set my alarm for 8 PM and got up and watched the Idol finale and went back to bed.  I still didn't want to get up when my alarm went off this morning.

    I might have already mentioned this, but I can't rememeber sqaut, so, I'll say it again...

    I have set up a team for Relay for Life for Columbia/Greene County, New York (I live in Dutchess County, but that's another story).  The relay will be held at Columbia/Greene Community College on June 19.  My team and I will set up a tent and I will walk the survivor lap and whatever other lap(s) I am able along with my daughter and some of her friends and some other people I can hopefully coerce.  They have given my my own web address if anyone wants to donate to my "team"  If you go to your donation will go towards my team goal.  I'm hoping I can raise some awareness in my own little community that might make an impact somewhere.