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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Colleen, Does your ONC also have you on Lupron shots to induce and keep you in menopause? Or, did he/she do a test to confirm you are post menopausal?

    I was regular with my period up until chemo. After chemo, she tested me, and I was shown to be POST menopausal levels of estrogen. So apparently, I went through menopause and chemo at same time. ugh. what a thing to do. Anyway. My ONC though did not feel that this may be true menopause. Said "We've hammered away on your ovaries with chemo, they might come back". This plus the fact that I am "extreme metabolizer" is why Tamox for me.

    I would really ask about all this if I was you. You are only 46. I agree with what Jules said. All the literature says AI's (like Femera) are only for post menopausal women. 

    You can do 5 years of Tamox and then 5 years of Femera. There are all sorts of combos to get coverage. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Chris, about the toenails, I have been soaking in white vinegar 2x a day for 10 min. I think something is happeneing. Or maybe my toes are turning into a salad (!!)   Also using that anti fungal creme 2x a day.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited August 2009

    Chris - 2 years of nail issues??? geez...

    I've used Vicks on a toe nail issue that I picked up walking in Ocean water. My big toe itched and itched, so I put Vicks on it every day (can't remember for how long) and it cleared it up.

    It's going to be 106 degrees today. Can I come stay with one of you having cool weather till this heat wave is over? I wish ! LOL

    hugs Kiss

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2009

    Just wanted to chime in here...I'm on Aromasin...and AI...I had my ovaries and everything taken out a month ago. We were looking at Tamoxifen, but the risk of blood clots was too high for me. I have peripheral edema in my right leg, and my circulation is shot there. Tamoxifen ruled out. I love Aromasin. No hot flashes, no night sweats...and it helps with weight loss. In another two weeks, I'll be getting the first of four infusions of Zometa to strengthen my bones. After getting the four infusions, I won't have a problem with bone loss again.

    I love you gals!!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2009

    robin good to hear from you. Glad you are doing good.

    i have had a whole week of brain is getting frustrating. I don't know if it is chamo brain, tamox, menopause OR that vein that pops in my head when the girls are messing up the house with eggs (LOL) but it seems like chemo brain gone bad...

    Have a good Friday tomorrow.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited August 2009

    Robin - No hot flashes!!! you lucky girl! Good to know that about Aromasin. Thanks!

    My 24 yr old son was in a car accident on the freeway this morning on his way to work. Luckily, he is only sore from the air bag (so far). We'll see how he feels tomorrow. His car was totalled though. Big Bummer! But so glad he is ok!

    Tomorrow I get to see the neurologist. yay!

    hugs! Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited August 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Oh Julie, how awful, thank god your son is alright, what a worrry!

    I am going to look aromasin, sounds great, even helps with weight loss, wonderful.

    Take care everyone and good luck on Monday Juli.

    Singapore Chris x

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2009

    There's a few studies out there that have found that patients who have had 5FU as a part of their chemo may have suffered brain damage, and longer short term memory loss. Apparently, even this long after finishing chemo, the drug keeps killing off brain cells.  Lucky us.

    Another study

    And another from a natural medicine site

     As for the Aromasin, it doesn't stop hot flashes or night sweats, I'm just not having any. Nothing about my own cancer or treatment has been "normal"! 

    Prayers for your son, Jules!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2009

    Thanks for the info Robin. I did indeed have F5U in my cocktail of drugs. It may be a combination of factors but it really may be something that I need to discuss with the onco. There are some days where I do indeed FEEL brain damaged and that the coognitive function is drastically impaired.

    Juli- I am glad your son is okay. I hope he is not too sore today. I know the car thing is a bummer but they CAN be replaced. I hope the appt with the neurologist goes well.

    Jane- I am brain damaged (LOL) so I don't remember but I hope that your birthday weekend was a good one and that you celebrated in a big and fun way.

    Have a good weekend ladies

    Love you all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    What is F5U? I wonder now if I had it, cripes!!

    Robin, are you getting the Zometa every 6 months? I am getting it on that schedule, so am wondering. Also, nobody told me I would just get 4, that is interesting! I wonder if the same in my case.... (I am on Tamoxifen but bone density scan found me to be osteopenic, so insurance approved the Zometa).


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited August 2009

    Juli.....glad your son is ok.  My sons's were in a car accident a couple of weeks ago.  Didn't think any damage had been done.....but the oldest is now having therapy 3 days a week on his neck and upper back.  I guess he has whiplash. 

    I  I was in the shower and slipped in the tub and my feet flew up in the air and I hit the side of the tub with my face.  I have a big shiner right at the end of my eyebrow back to the temple area.  Just kinda watching it and keeping ice on it.  I'll go get it checked out if starts causing any problems.......other than the swelling and pain.  Twice in one week.......! 

    I think I need a rubber room.........geez!!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Genia!!! Oh NO!!! I am glad you are okay. I hope you don't have a concussion! 

    Wouldn't it be a kick in the butt to survive all this cancer crap and then do ourselves in with some mundane household accident. HA! JK. Nothing like that is going to happen to us, we're all too hard headed!!! :)

    My surgery next week. Chris. I have your email from the vision board. Would it be okay for DH to include your email in a note about how I'm doing post surgery? Then you could update the ladies here. Pls think good thoughts and prayers for me on Sept 3!! The surgery, we are told, will be 10 hours. Yikes. 


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2009

    5FU is generally used along with Cytoxan and Adriamycin, before the Taxol or Taxotere infusions. I only got three infusions (thank God), but my short term is absolutely awful. I have to mentally go through the alphabet to figure out someone's name if I recognize a face. I'll hear someone telling me something I need to remember, and I swear, less than 15 seconds later, I'll completely forget that I've even talked to them.

    Bev... I'll be doing the Zometa once every 6 months for 24 months. 

    Genia...dammit! I'm gonna send down a roll of bubble wrap. Do you prefer the small bubbles or the large? ;)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited August 2009

    lol....just send the large Robin.....don't think the small ones could handle me and my clumsiness!!!  I haven't fallen in twice in one week.  Of course my sister is all worked up asking me why I'm falling all of a sudden.........she's the worrier!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2009

    Better yet, sweetie... you need full hockey equipment. ;)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited August 2009

    I sure do.....or 4 cabana boys to catch me when I fall.......that would be nice!  lol.......they'd have to be mighty strong cabana boys tho.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2009

    Genia- Out of all the suggestions I think the cabana boys sound he best but the full hockey gear might be more useful. TAKE CARE of you and please try to stay upright. Love you!!!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2009

    Oh and spring- I wish you the best for your surgery and I know that you will be glad once it is over. PLEASE have someone update us on how you are doing. HUGS to you.

    i couldn't begin to spell the drug that is F5U but it is the "F" in FAC and FEC chemo I read the articles that Robin had in her post. I also have lots of trouble with names and can't remember what i did 10 mins ago..but I can remember a yr ago clearly. Numbers are difficult, remembering the date...(we have to date stamp everything at work) I swear i have to look at the calendar 50 times a day cause i don't remember the date...I can look up a phone # in the book and if i close it i have forgotten it before I dial it. UGH.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Oh I see, I didn't get FEC chemo, so I guess I am in the clear on this one.

    Thanks for the good wishes Lisa!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited August 2009

    lol.....thanks lisa! 

    I didn't get FEC either....but it makes sense to me if some of them can cause this problem......more of them could.  My memory is SHOT.  I'll be in mid sentence and forget totally what I am talking about.  Makes me feel like an even bigger idiot!  Hush you

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited August 2009

    MY HEADDDDDDDDDD!!!!!  It hurts to laugh, smile, squint. chew and my glasses are making a indentation on my face!  But I managed to eat my ain't missin many meals according to them scales!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2009

    well lets plan on this...if we ever get to the place where we need to go to a home with our mushbrains lets try to all go together...ah heck that won't work cause we won't remember each other anyway!! LOL well it was worth suggesting.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2009

    I had the FAC...F=5FU, A=Adriamycin, C=Cytoxan.

    I have no idea what the "E" stands

    I'm like you, Lisa... I can remember things pre-chemo...but post? Pfffft....forget it. Boob damaged, Brain damaged... ugh!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited August 2009

    Well Lisa it would be like meeting someone new every day!  We might like it.........ha.........that made me laugh and it hurts my face!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited August 2009

    Yes, Lisa, but think of all the new friends we will meet every day (like the movie "50 1st Dates"). I can't believe I even remembered the name of the movie. I didn't have 5FU, so I don't know what's my excuse...I still think I deserve a prize for showing up 2 hours late for my flight to Montana... thinking I was 2 hours early! That was a very expensive brain fart!

    Beverly - 10 hours! Wow! I'll be thinking of you.

    Genia, Genia, more falling, ok? Maybe you could wear one of those padded Sumo Wrestler suits, so when you fall down, you will roll. LOL

    The neurologist hooked me up to a machine and zapped me all over my legs and feet for 15 minutes, as I repeatedly said "Ouch!", and then announced that I still have some neuropathy. She said the stinging is a side effect from Taxol and all I can do is try different drugs and hope I find one that helps. The one we are trying 1st is for seizures or bi-polar issues called Lamictal. She said to try it for 2 weeks and if it doesn't help then we'll switch to something else. Frown

    Hugs (TGIF!) Kiss

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2009

    Robin- the E is epirubicin. Red like the adriamycin just supposed to be less hard on the heart. SOOO heart is okay and brain is fried..LOL

    Juli- Hope the meds work.

    genia- sorry your face hurts...BUT maybe the laughter is helping you heal. I had a good chuckle thinking of you in one of those sumo wrestler suits.

    Kids will be up in a little while. I am going to lay down again for a while. Pray that the eggs stay in the fridge this Sat. am

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited August 2009

    Lisa and Juli.....I've gained enough weight to make me LOOK like a sumo wrestler already.   I'm a very pretty sight this morning........look like a battered wife.  I'm sure my hubby is gonna get lots of evil looks when we go out somewhere.

    Jules.....I hope the new drug works wonders for you.   Hopefully you won't have to try another one.

    love you all.........hope you have a very good weekend!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited August 2009

    Hi girls,

    Yes Spring, please use my email address to keep us updated I will keep checking and update everyone with your progress. Good luck, I am sure all will go well for you.  Are you having the whole thing totally done again?

     I had 5FU as part of my treatment, quite shocking to find that I might get brain damage! but so far haven't noticed any memory issues.  I can't believe that if it hasn't happened by now that it ever will.

    Genia, you poor thing, I know what you mean though, I always stand very carfully when showing as it would be very easy to slip, especially during out chemo time. Get well soon.

    Would anyone like to join me in a weight loss journey. maybe it will work if we have to report to each other every week, not necessary to post your starting weight, just your weight loss. It is always very dishartening over here as the asian girls are so small and weight only half of my weight, or the weight of one of my legs!

    Juli, hope your son recovers completely very soon, thank god he is alright.

    bettys, boil all the eggs in your fridge, then they won't make such a mess when the little ones play with them!

    I had a wonderful time today with the dance class of the breast cancer foundation, we had a 10th anniversary lunch, it was such fun, we ate, sang and danced all day.  I won first prize, some lovely perfume and body lotion. These girls are such wonderful people, I am truely happy to be involved with them, to be involved with all of YOU. You are all such a blessing in my life.  Thank you!

    Singapore Chris x

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2009

    Morning everyone,Smile

    Not to whine, but I have a hella FMS neck spasm...I'm used to this; I'll take muscle stuff, lie  down and  come back to read the last page. Tropical storm/depression Danny is making our kiddos last day at the beach not happen. arr.

     We've had 6 or 7 deaths at the beaches in Rockaway since June...horrible.  and they closed them this weekend for the second time due to  high waves rip tides and fast currents.

    Spring, your hair looks great. I think Taxol effected my  second hair growth. I had fast regrowth after A/C took me two months to dump my crazy doc and get my ducks in a row so I could  to keep going.  This time my hair is coming in oh so slow...arrgh. My doctor complimented my vain I felt  so good to hear her say that... It's sticking up in the back..the part that is growing in straight. HUH? :lol:lol

    Chris, I'm happy you got your injections. Sometimes I get sprayed with a numbing solution depends...heels need injectable lidocaine... after which you got my effect...NO More PAIN. I'm doing my happy dance for you.

    Bettys...It's awful...It's as if Cancer is an epidemic now...or its it the attention being paid with all our technology.

     Last night I Iistened  for 120+ seconds to some screaming dude on CNBC who thinks the under-insured and uninsured should be given $5000.00 vouchers to buy insurance  and then pay low premiums...I am on Medicare and they set the rates...Medicare doesn't t give my doctors carte blanche to charge them or me loads of money and I still have bills for $20,000.00++ for my last chemotherapy and injectables. which I paid for with the secondary I was able to get and grants from Cancer Care and Healthwell Foundation so I could leave the doc who didn't want to spend money.  I think about and send up prayers for you guys and all our sisters all the time. I'm glad we kept our group.

    My son is taking  a good friend...they call older ladies younger men combos a name I don't like... but he really likes her...some younger girls have been cruel at times to him...and she is kind and sweet with him. He's going to see Goodfellas at Museum of Modern Art this evening...not exactly a date movie... I do love guys a lot; raising a son is very interesting.:):)

    I'm surprised about  all the lifting nails  and will look out for problems etc. God who said this on our board:Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving.

    It seems my life has been filled with Kennedy funerals. I watched President Kennedy's funeral from my college dorm. I loved all of them... I remember what JFK did for MLK when he was jailed while leading marches etc...the speeches he made about our country's  moral obligation towards all citizens of America...amazing. President Obama has lost another father...he looks wasted. Some Talking Head wanted to know why the President hasn't been more out and about with the family this week. Thank God his Obama's grandparents raised him well.

    C-SPAN is the only channel I can find where no one is talking talking talking during this time. I'm sticking with them.. Talking heads, BE QUIET!:) I feel sad for his wife and the family but we know what hell he's be fighting to stay with us.

    Welcome back Juli...I'd love to travel to Montana and  you sound  happy even with having  the MRI situation. Thanks for your BD wishes.

    back soon


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2009

    I'm sick of my brain...I thought I'd posted hours ago. I was going to come back and read pg 128...I come on now and I am the last post on page 128.

    I was told by my Onc that the blue-purplish ridge across my toenail was due to chemo--AC--I didn't do my treatment in order so who knows what's next; my fingernails are looking normal again. I will keep the vinegar rx  in mind for sure.

    {{{{{Genia}}}}} Pain is so  awful. I hope the doc can help you through until it lessens and stops. One of my survivor  friends had problems with Tamoxifen...pain and mood swings etc.  but her doc told her to keep going with the med and now she's doing well. It's been 7 years.  She's retired now in her early 70's, not on Tamoxifen now but another medication, Femara, I think. She  has grandchildren, travels to Texas to see her grandchildren, drives her motor home and car all over CA.. I'll ask her if she was medicated  for her pain, or or did it get better over time naturally.

    Juli, thank God your son was just injured. I hope he feels better soon..

    I fell out of bed last week and I fell out of bed about a  month ago.  My pharmacist told me to cut my Ambien period. Now what!  She told me there is a case pending that involves a man who took Ambien, got up still asleep, drove someplace and hit a man so hard he killed him. She thinks it will be taken off the market. We spent a few minutes laughing about all the side effects they keep adding to the AmbienCR commercials...back to Benadryl. and interrupted FMS sleep but no broken bones. I did hit my  non-cancerous breast and blue..calling my Onc Monday..maybe..

    My ex... who I never talk to:lol is a RN still working at 59 in ER ,so I called him...all my friends are retiring soon.... He immediately asked me if I were on Ambien...told me to cut it...they have been getting lots of older people falling  out of bed after taking it. arrrgh. I do remember that one of my friends who has not had cancer, had a friend who fell lots of times on and after chemo.  I will take Benadryl.

    How is it possible to write a appt down for the right date but the wrong day of the week?.:lol:lol I have no complaints though not really.

    Take care {{{{{{Spring}}}}}}}}...

    {{{{{{{Robin,}}}}}}} I do  miss reading here..Big hugs to ya. Glad you're doing well on your meds.

    Chris, I would love to have a weight loss partner. First I must gain a bit more energy and then I'll be ready.

    bettys... the eggs... I can't help but smile... sorry:)

    Juli, I hope your med helps:)

    love you to Callie and all our sisters...back to read one can believe how much I can't remember... but I believe.:)