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Chemo in Sept 08



  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited September 2009

    I agree with you, Colleen...both my surgeon and my onc have said that it doesn't matter if you have both removed or only one, or just have a lumpectomy, because if a breast is removed, there is no guarantee that cancer won't come back due to the fact that they simply cannot remove ALL of the breast tissue. Sad, but true.

    I'm glad that my doctors in my little town are so up on things like this, and always... ALWAYS tell me the facts...not what I want to hear. 

    Bev! I'm so glad that you're up and around! What's "stage 2"? 

    Have a great Wednesday, friends!

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Welcome back Spring, thank goodness  your surgery went well. Chris your article helped me maintain my positive feelings..I've always felt I would recover though the TN dx did bother me. I read someplace that Cancer may  become a chronic disease  with on-going treatments to keep it at bay and us alive. Very Interesting....hmm.???

    Jane I'm hungry too and I can't taste food, except if it's sweet, sour salty etc. Who knows why but I am  hungry more than I have reason to be...I was in OA and learned to deal with  all that years ago and lost 50++ pounds then came the steroids and 12 lbs on in one week. 

     going over to facebook.

    I'm really fighting  fatigue when I go our and about. Have to go to MD  back soon.

    Please forgive any and everything I missed, if I skipped about topics and up to including typos etc. I haven't taken my Ritalin and I find it does help as much as I hate to take it. A good Neurologist is worth his weight in Gold. 

    Genia, what happened to you is why I want that Public Option...and to a certain extent what happened to me with a certain doctor and my co-pay. I had to get a grant to go forward. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Hi all you sweeties.

    I am sleeping fine. I got something called "The Back Max" and shipped it down here ahead of time. It's like "wedges" that to me, simulate a hospital bed. (see pic below). Have to get it shipped home now! I may have to do without it for a night or two.... I'll manage. AND we must have the only home in the world with no recliner!!! ha. I'll deal! 

    The "butt area" is sore, but doesn't mind to much to be layed on or sat upon, so no worries.

    Finished a shower, feels like an olypmic event. Now I need to dress. event #2 for the day! I am taking the pain pills, and have been really active with MiriLAX, colace, and now probiotics, so the bowels are moving fine. this is the MAJOR thing for me after surgery. ugh. :)


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    sprin- I am so glad to hear from you and that the surgery went well. I am sending healing vibes down to ya. So glad that you are able to manage the pain and are resting.

    Chris- I enjoyed your artical. It was great.

    Newest update from Calli is that she has begun the chemo again this week. Surgeon is pleased with the progress on her arm and thinks she may get more range and motion than originally thought. BUT the good news is that if all goes well she has and END DATE for chemo and that will be on Dec. 7th. Her pain is well tolerated and the chemo is not making her so sick as before. I think an adjustment to some meds helped that.

    Hope everybody has a great day!


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited September 2009

    Hi girls

    I have been hiding lately.  We had so much trouble trying to save our home.  The bank finally agreed to take payments and to renegotiate our loan !!  Praise God !!  I have changed my work schedule from 2 part time jobs to 1 full time and 1 part time. I am working about 55 to 60 hours a week to try to save our house.

    On a good note, I did see my onc and my breast cancer surgeon who both feel I am doing fine.  My plastic surgeon is schedualing my final surgery for Nov.  This will give me a permanent implant on my right side (I hate the expander) and an implant on my left to make the two match.  Soooooo funny!!!  I tried having a MRI but the expander prohibited any scan.  My breast surgeon did a really good exam and could not feel any thing .....YEA !!!!!!

    I am soooo sorry I have lost touch.  I have been trying to save my marriage.  My dh was very upset when he found out I had not shared all the info on the house payment.  I was so goofed up by all the trama from chemo and surgery, I just hid to much from him.  I alone have to pay the price for my actions, but I am working hard to show him I really want to make things better.

    I hope you all are well. I went back about 3 pages but had a hard time figuring out where all of you are at.  Hope all is going well......I miss you all and am sooooo sorry  for neglecting you.  My work life is so tough right now, I have a real hard time checking the computer at night.

    Love you all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Trude, I am so glad you came back and filled us in. I was occasionally thinking of you and hoping things were well. It sounds like you are working really really hard, to save house and marriage! Good for you. Fight for what is important! 

    I am in New Orleans (NOLA) right now and just went through Stage 1 DIEP/GAP recon. I have the post surgical appt tomorrow and we fly home on Friday. (the surgery was 11 hours, and recovery is rough, but I hope it will be worth it...)

    Love love love to You you you!!!


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Spring, Love your "The Back Max." It makes me happy just looking at it.Smile I'm totally happy your outcome is good. Hugs and kisses to you.

    Trude, thank goodness things are going well  for you. I've  been missing you. You were so kind to me when I had a dreadful HMO...I think about you a lot and will be here whenever you drop in.

    I received a call today  to make an appt with my Onc. I'm sure my Dexa Scan is not looking the best it can;)  yuck.

    I've shrunk nearly 2 inches this last decade,  froom 5' 6 3/4" inches to 5' 5'. arrgh. My doc will advise me what to do. I may have had vertebral compression fractions because a few years ago I did experience  bad back pain for a while...who knew?  I guess Chemo is the last straw...ugh.

    Well I'm off to take care of another problem so I can continue to get better. Me great grand-mother broke her hip when she was 70++ so it's in my family. I was just hoping I'd be OK even though my mom had Osteoporosis.

    My friends,  I'm sharing news...maybe  silly news cause I am way to broke to play with them and buy anything,  but why not...we deserve silly news:)

     The Fashion world is so awful this year, the big shots are having a Fashion night  out for the rest of us tomorrow night. Usually Fashion week is very insular and invites only  go out to  editors, designers, models, favored  customers and celebrities.

     Tomorrow night is  the first night of Fashion Week and  is designated as the first global celebration of fashion. If I had the energy I'd go and check out  the unveling of Michael Kors' new fragrance , Rachel Ray's fashions and check out other models, i.e.Cindy Crawford, Iman or whoever; maybe journey to Queens to see Anna Wintour  and Michael Kors sign  the official Fashion Night out t-shirts.  40% of the  t-shirt proceeds  will benefit our  9/11 Museum and Memorial.

    I love it that fashion designers  are opening their stores to the  rest of us. I may take in the  Macy"s  Herald Square store, just to hang out, if I can, and try to win a $5,000.00 shopping spree.

     Many many blocks of shops have closed on  5th and Madison Ave since last September, and it's still happening, though I can tell it's slowing down. New small businesses are opening where old ones have been been closed for more than a year around town too.

    Please, someone tell me if you had a renewed bout of fatigue,  about 2 months after the radiation was completed. I'm so tired, much more than I was after the two chemos. All my frantic traveling 38 times to Mr Sinai  could  have  brought on my Fibromyalgia, but it had to be a bit of Lupus from a tad to much sun and not enuf sun block... who knows...It's a bit disheartening to be so tired... but  this too shall pass. I just hope my Cancer isn't coming back cause this is how I felt before I found the lump...tired beyond measure. Pray for me that's not so...

    Praying for Callie and all my friends here. I'm not able to make my vision board yet but I will....

    love  you all very  much


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls,

    So glad to year from you Trude, good for you for doing your best. All will work out in the end I am sure, try to find a little bit of time to do some relaxation exercises, even if it is just 10-20 deep breaths a day. Remember deep breathing is healing. Kept us posted and if you need any moral support we are hear, just go ahead and have a moan or vent if you need to.

    Mina, what is a Dexa scan. I think you will find that fatigue is part of the chemo package, a lot of people do feel really tired AFTER they have finished their treatment.  Take to your oncol about it when you go for your appointment, as you may find you have a virus or something quite harmless.  when I found my cancer, I was feeling fantastic!  Feeling tired and sick doesn't mean you have it back.  Stay positive, we are all here for you.

    Spring, glad you can sleep keep up the good healing work.  Hope you appointment goes well tomorrow and that you have a good flight back. Wishing you well my dear friend.

    Lisa, so glad poor Callie is doing well and had an END date to aim towards.

    Take care girls,

    Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Chris, I am sitting here doing deep breathing, thanks for the reminder that it is healing. Healing is what I need! :)

    Mina, thanks for the NYC Fashion update. And I just noticed in your signature line, "No more radiation, YEAH!" LOL. You crack me up!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2009

    I am in the process of signing on to a post-cancer fatigue related study being done at UCONN in Farmington, CT which is only about an hour from my home.  The drug they are testing will be given twice by infusion and twice a placebo will be given.  I will not know which I get at the time and they will see if there is any difference from when I get the drug or the placebo.  I haven't actually met with them to see if I meet all of their criteria, but so far I've met their intial criteria. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Jane, how interesting. Let us know if you feel like the energizer bunny after any of the infusions!!! 

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Chris, TY... I will not forget to tell my Onc when I see her 9/28, and I will keep to the positive side. I was out from mid morning to mid afternoon. and I am washing two loads of clothes...downstairs. I miss my washer/dryer and dishwasher. One lady looked at me sitting and loading clothes...Oh well. TY ChrisSmile 

    Jane, you know I'd also  want to know how it's going with your study.  I  expected a quick rebound after radiation  similar to what I felt after chemo...NOT... but I am up and  at 'em. 

    I bought   a bottle  of  Pinot Noir to chase my radiation toxins away, though I am finished with radiation.Wink yummmm. 

    Yeah Spring...deep breaths...that's what I  always forget. I think I hold my breath a lot. 

    Dexa scan is a bone scan... one of my more  pleasant trips to radiology this year. 



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Mina, girl, you CRACK ME UP!!! with the Pinot Noir to chase the Rads toxins away.... you go girl. !!

    We are flying home tomorrow, I was cleared by the surgeon to take off! Surgeon says after stage 2 my butt will look like it did when I was 17 years old. My husband is a brit and quite stoic, but I saw his eye brows raise up at this comment!!! LOL!!!!    giggles...    men....


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Trude - welcome back ... we missed you.

    Spring - There's no place like home...glad you are able to go. Healing thoughts for you.

    Mina - what is TN? some kind of neuropathy? I am too tired to figure it out. LOL

    Jane - Sounds great! I hope you get lots of energy!

    Neurologist appt tomorrow...this medicine did not help the stinging. I'm sure she will have another one to try. At least I didn't notice any side effects from that one.

    I guess I was celebrating dancing with NED a little too early. I got a call today to schedule a PET scan. I didn't even know my onc requested one. She is soooo good! So Monday morning I'll get the scan, exactly 1 year from my 1st one just before I started chemo. Time flies when you're having fun ... NOT!

    So we'll celebrate again next week, right? Laughing

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli, yes we will celebrate next week.  I know I have more tests and scans coming up next Month, they do come round fast, well at least we have each other to talk to about it.

    Spring, great news that you have the all clear to go home, and good news about the new butt!! The word Perky comes to mind when you say 17 year old, wow, make sure your husband keeps his hands off until you are well and truely healed Laughing

    Jane, have you been feeling tired post cancer? If not, how will you tell if it is working. 

    Must go over to the weight loss site to report my lost 4 lbs (please please make it stay off, who cares if it might be fluid, as long as the numbers on the scales go down, I am happy!

    Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    My neurologist did not have anything else to offer for the stinging. She said she didn't think it was caused by neuropathy. She wants me to double the amount of Effexor to help with the hot flashes. As she was about to leave, she said, "You aren't taking Niacin or B-12, are you?" I said, "As a matter of fact, I was taking very high doses of B-12 when the stinging started, so I stopped taking it after I made the correlation. But every doctor I mentioned it to, said you can't overdose on B-12." She said, "YES, You can. Drink lots of water." I have been ever since I started the Effexor because it causes dry mouth. There is no way of knowing if this is permanent or not. But at least I don't have to take any more anti-seizure meds.

    hugs Kiss

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2009

    Juli - TN means Triple Negative ER-/PR-/HER2-  I always thought that it was B-6 that caused neuropathy - maybe they both do.  Glad you can nix the anti-seizure meds.

    I had a CAT scan today to celebrate 1 year from 1st Chemo tx.  Just love the oral contrast - NOT!

    Wow Chris - 4 lbs!  I forgot to weigh today - but after 2 bottles of contrast and the after effect, I'd bet that I down at least a

    Mina - Fashion Week sound like a lot of fun.  I love "What Not to Wear"; if I can get someone to nominate me - I'll visit you while I'm in the Big Apple fighting over trashed clothes with Stacy &  I'll even bring a nice bottle of Pinot Noir - my favorite grape.

    Bev - did you make it out of the airport?  Any stiletto heel accidents?  People watching in airports can be ever so entertaining!

    Trude - so glad you're back. Glad to hear that the bank is working with you too.  I hate that you have to go through all of this.  Are you on Facebook?  We have quite an active group going on - in fact, Robin has found a 12-step program for Genia and I as we've become quite addicted to FB!

    Jane - I'm really interested in your study.  I truly hope that you can tell the difference between the placebo (and that it's a good difference).

    Question - do you find that you are angry, angry, angry after going through chemopause?  If so, what can be done about it?

    Love Y'all

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2009

    Trude - AMEN Sister - tissue expanders were developed by a sadist!  I have two nice, hard coconuts sitting under my pecs;  thank goodness my exchange is scheduled for the 28th of this month!  Can wait to have some nice, soft, squishy foobs!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi girls,

    Wink, not long now and you can get rid of those nasty coconuts. Spring has the latest tips for recovery, you will be in on my birthday, so I will be thinking of you.

    Take Care Everyone, Love Singapore Chris x

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    donna- don't know if it i chemopause or tamoxifen but yes i have been quite ill since the 'pause. I hae even had some dreams where i am PO'd...I think the sleep apnea has something to do with it too...???

    Trude- good to hear from you. Hang in there I know things will be turning better for you.

    Mina- fashion week does sound fun. Hope you are doing well.

    Spring I hope you have a safe trip home and heal quickly. Hugs to you.

    Chris- Great news on the four pounds.

    There is a touch of fall in the air this AM. i sit here with the back door open listening to the neighbors rooster reminding me it is morning...ENOUGH already!!!!

    I hope you all have a great day. I am hoping that the GA DAWGS do better today than last week.

    Love you all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    We are home, very tired today, hope to feel better tomorrow. Was a long 13 hour trip door to door...

    Juli, I hope the stinging stops. 

    Chris, congratulations in 4 pounds! Woot! 

    OK signing off....


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Lisa, take it easy and try to rest.  Hope you will be back to your old self soon.

    Spring, thank goodness you are back home in once piece, travelling having just had surgery must have been awful. Just stay put and let the rest of the family look after you.

    We are just off to the airport to collect my oldest son, can't wait to see him!

    Singapore Chris x

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    good morning ladies! What a surprise to open my Sunday paper and see our dear Calli and her brother on the front page. I told Chris i am not a computer whiz but i will attempt to paste a link here. If it does not work google the Augusta Chronicle (in augusta georgia) and go to the sports section and look at a family with fight. It is a great article. just a warning you MIGHT need a kleenex...

    Just thought you ladies would like to put a face with the name.

    Love to all


    hope it works for ya. if not

    Have a great day.

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2009

    Hi Lisa - I'll read the article when I get home (can't access it here at work).  LOL - angry dreams - too funny!  I just get bent so easily now - and I don't seem to have an "edit function" anymore - has gotten me in some trouble Yell.  The weather is lovely here and the leaves are turning - beautiful!

    Chris - oh I know that you'll be lovin' huggin' on your son!  What a treat!

    Bev - so glad you made it home in one piece - 13 hrs seems like a long time from NO - seems like you could drive it in that amount of time.  You must have been worn plum tuckered out!  Hope you can catch up and get some rest.

    Where's Miss Genia?  She must be spending all of her time on!

    Love Y'all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Sat and Sunday were rough.... but feeling better today.

    I forgot to tell you, on the way home, in the airport, security inspected my "surgical drains" - this was after they told me to "take them off". !!!! I had to explain they were attached to me. doy.


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Priz47... I miss  you. Where are you?  the article "Family with Fight." TY. What a family and what a town! God Bless them all.

    Welcome back Spring with the new booty...glad  you're home recovering with your family; silly airport people. I once gave up all my liquid items because I hadn't paid attention to the news alerts. arr.

    Wink,  TN's have good news sometimes but it's scattered. 

    Wouldn't it be grand if this  Metformin news were true...I take this  med...I told my doc when I first read it on this forum. Her response was vague so I guess I'll not get too excited. Metformin doesn't make you live longer but it does something I can't remember even as I write it here:lol:lol 


    I am too  tired to do FB for a while but I'll be back cause I miss everyone.

    I'm making progress with subway steps though I am glad to use an elevator occasionally--the city didn't have those in place when I was a youngster--bringing packages home from the  market and walking more  each week. 

    Juli, that stinging has to stop...unblelievable it's still going on and on.

    Chris 4 lbs...good for you...Green tea is my new drink  since I read it's good for BC.



  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2009

    Spring, I bought a back max a couple weeks ago preparing for the surgery as well. I am a side sleeper, so it scared me when they said I'd have to sleep on my back for 6 weeks.  I'm hoping it helps with reflux as well.  So far, my son loves it!  I wish I loved it as much.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    I'm here.....just a lurker at

    If Tamoxifen is gonna make me feel like I do right now for the next 5 years.....I'll be jumpin off a cliff somewhere!  It's making me irritable, nervous, and so moody no one can stand me!  Please tell me these symptoms will go away after a while.  I still haven't gotten my prozac changed to something else..........cancer Dr. can't do it.  I have to go a family Dr.  He can refill what I already have....but he can't change it for some stupid reason!

    Soooo......I have to try and find an MD.  Cause I tried goin without the Prozac.....HA......that was a joke.  I cried if someone was BAD!

    love you girls......

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2009

    Genia - you funny girl!  Are you menopausal due to chemo?  That's got my panties in a wad...every little thing makes me want to "Kick somebodys behind" (sounds like a song on YouTube doesn't  That's crazy that your onc can't change your meds - what's up with that?  Well, at least you can't hear if any of us "fluff".  Hang in there GF - sending you some love.


    Spring - how amusing!  Now I just know you were trying to smuggle in some "love potion" in those drains.

    Mina - is the Metformin supposed to be for TNs?  I've never heard of it. I found some Hansen's Diet green tea soda with Splenda at Big Lots...I really like it - but I'm going to be sad when they run out; I don't know where else I can purchase it. I wish I liked the taste of regular green tea - it just tastes like wood chips steeped in hot water to me - maybe my tastebuds are off.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Hmmm, Genia, I don't get those symptoms from Tamoxifen. I freeze, and then I boil. Repeat X million times a day!!! That's my personal SE's!!!

    Colleen, I love the back max! We shipped it back from New Orleans (it was fab once I got out of hospital and was in hotel bed). and I MISS IT!! I wish it would get here already.
