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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    I lost most of my eyelashes again. How am I supposed to bat 'em at the cabana boys now? Undecided

    Spring - 60's sounds perfect to me...I'll be right over!

    Chris - I know I've heard other girls on these boards talk about Plantar Fasciitis. I looked it up. Most were saying it was caused by Femara, but some said it was caused by the their chemo.

    Have a beautiful Sunday everyone!

    hugs Kiss

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited September 2009

    Hey gals... just checkin' in! I'm reading, just not posting much, as I don't have a whole lot to say. I'm feeling awesome, my onc isn't sending me for any testing for a body's been through enough the last year, and none of the scans would be accurate anyway! LOL  I still have my port, and will start Zometa infusions in November. I'm praying for all of you, for healing, for continued health, for answers...for this disease to disappear...

    Love you all...


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    yep- fall came here today also...NICE...come visit jules....

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Good to hear from you Robin.

    Lisa - ok, I'll be there in a flash! (probably a hot one! lol)

    I know, bad joke!

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli, I don't think that the drugs can cause a inflamation of the tendons, but I have also heard of people with foot pain on AL's.  P Fiscitis, generally affects people from their mid 40's onwards, so we just happen to fit the category too.  I will have to watch out for that if I change over to AL next week. Sorry to hear about your eyelashes, I was just starting to feel sad for you, when I read the cabana boy bit, well done for keeping your spirits up. It is normal to lose anything connected with fast regrown again, my nails are awful, so sad just when they were almost looking good again.  Never mind these things will all grow back again really fast. You could always use some sexy false once if a cabana boy comes calling! :)

    Robin, what did you mean when you said, none of the scans would be accurate anyway?

    Today is my birthday and I am having a lovely time with family and friends, I am so happy to be older, especially when you consider the alternative! :)

    have a great day girls, Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Everybody join in with me....


    Hugs! Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Happy Birthday Chris!!!!!!!!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2009


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Thanks you girls!

    Chris x

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Just remembered, I have some things to report.  I went for my 6 monthly gyny appointment this morning to make sure the lining of my womb isn't thickening, and guess what, it is! The dr said she is not too worried as I only had a D & C 6 months ago, so we will just keep any eye on it and to come back in another 6 months.  I will discuss it with my oncol next Wed. It seems to me another reason to come off tamoxafine.  Hope I don't get any side effect from the AI's.

    Cheered myself up by going to a laughter therapy workshops follwed by a nice lunch with friends. What a good life I have, sending laughter vibes to you all.  Ha Ha Ha, He He He, Ho Ho Ho Kiss

    Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Chris....were you the one that is taking the shots every month and the AI's.  When I was in to see my Dr. last week.....he told me if I keep having all these SE's from the tamox that is what he is going to put me on.  I know NOTHING about them.......

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Chris....were you the one that is taking the shots every month and the AI's.  When I was in to see my Dr. last week.....he told me if I keep having all these SE's from the tamox that is what he is going to put me on.  I know NOTHING about them.......

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Genia, I am on Tamox at the moment and am hoping to change to Arimdex I think, I am researching to see which one "I" think is best for me, I will of course do what my oncol advises but I like to have the right questions to ask. Will keep you posted on any info I find that might be helpful to you. I take it that you are also in menopause?

    Have agreat day girls.  Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Happy Bday Chris!

    I think there are 3 AI's and not uncommon for ladies to try one out and switch to another, I've known ladies to cycle through all three to see if they can fine one that has less SE's.

    You need to have that shot (Lupron) if you are not fully into menopause - when on the AIs.  You don't need it on Tamoxifen - you can have your period and all that and it's fine. 

    I am hoping to stay on Tamoxifen as long as possible before switching to AI. I really don't like the idea of suppressing all the estrogen in my body, and I have manageable side effects on Tam. However, recent research shows that Tam + AI is better than Tam alone. And also, All AI is better than Tam + AI. ugh.


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2009

    Hi Girls,

    The gyny called me today, and for a moment I thought I had cancer of  the womb!, but she just wanted to buy more of my pink ribbons for her staff :) She also told me that she has been thinking about it and she wants me to stop taking tamox right now. So I went to see my oncol and he is switching me to Aromasin tomorrow.  I will also have my blood tests done tomorrow to give him a base line to make sure that my liver isn't affected the the new Aromasin.

    I will keep you posted. Hope all is well with you girls.  Take Care Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2009

    I'm still taking the Tamoxifen.  I'm very confused about what to do.  I hate how the Tamox is making me feel.  But I don't know if I want the shots and AI's and the side effects that go with those.   I'd love to just opt out of 

    My niece is in the hospital with a blood clot in her lung.  So keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  They don't know what's caused it.  She had her ovaries taken out about 2 weeks ago.......and had a pick line they don't know if the clot came from that or the estrogen they put her on or something else.

    love you all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Chris, will you be getting the Lupron shots to assure you are in and stay in menopause? Sounds like this is a good move for you given the thickening. I had a friend who could NOT NOT NOT take Tamoxifen as it weirded out her womb! 

    Genia, Damned if you do, or don't!! Did you have your Estrogen levels checked? Maybe you are already in menopause and wouldn't need the shots?  

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2009

    Hey ladies! alost friday again...

    Well we finally had to break down and get a new fridge..the old one had seen better days and was beginning to just not keep stuff cool enough and was condensating all over the place soooo Sat. am they will bring my new one!!! YEAH!!!

    Hope you all have a good weekend.

    Oh..also if you are on FB and know someone who needs a farmville neighbor I need some more..I have sent a few requests that haven't panned out.

    hugs all around!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2009

    Lisa - Yay! for the new fridge!

    Where is everbody? Hanging out on FB? LOL

    Hope I get some answers from the doc on Tuesday.

    have a good weekend!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Spring, I will see what my hormone levels are next week when I go in, but my personal preference would be only to have the lupron shots IF I need them, I will see what my oncol advises.

    Genia, I will be thinking of your niece and hope she recovers very soon.

    I had the dragon boat race yesterday, what fun, the whole day was fantastic, but we didn't win as Estee Lauder had never paddeled before, so had 6 big guys in their boats to support them, all from a mens dragon boat team!  Never mind it was just for fun and they did give us some nice goddies.  We also had a pink ribbon light up last night, that was fun too, I feel like a movie star with all the photographs that were taken. I am so luck to have such wonderful people around me.  Hope you all have some pink ribbon stuff for October going on around you.

    I switched to aromasin yesterday and so far so good.

    Take care, Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Go Chris! The dragon boat events sound fun! 

    Julie, let us know what the doc says Tues!

    I am doing okay. 4 weeks done of the 8 week recovery period. I figure the worst must be behind me now... 

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2009

    chris- it does sound like fun. Glad you had a good day.

    Julie- keep us posted..

    Spring- I hope that the next few weeks fly by and that you heal quicky!

    Loving the new fridge but not liking the grocery bill it took to help fill it up...( ihad been putting some stuff off to buy until now)

    Watching the Ga.- LSU game..good thing i took my BP meds!!LOL

    Wink- I hope that you are out having a great time this weekend and look forward to hearing about it when you get back.

    Colleen- Your farm is awesome on FB- it has to take you forever to harvest and collect..but boy is it addictive... is there a FVille anon??? LOL

    Genia- Hugs to you and your niece!!

    Robin- I have really enjoyed seing your flowers on FB- you do good work!

    Kind of bummed had asked DD to ask off but she forgot and we are missing our SS class Low Country Boil tonight..UGH...I was looking forward to it and the girl i would ask to babysit is at the Ga. game!!! Oh well that's life huh

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Spring, glad to hear you are getting there, I am sure everyday you feel much better than the one before.

    I have just returned from a breast cancer awarness talk that I did for a bank here in Singapore, I told my survivor story and it was very well received. We also had a surgeon who came with slides of mastec and other open flesh photogaphs,  one lady fainted!  He is now going to take the nasty ones out.

    I am due for my MRI, CT, Chest X-Ray, Bone Density, Cholestrol, etc tomorrow, not looking forward to it, but it has to be done.  Fingers crossed for me ladies. I will get all the results tomorrow afternoon, will keep you posted.

    Take care girls, Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Oh Wow Chris!!! The fainting lady, LOL. 

    Good luck on all the tests. Let us know how it goes.... 

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited October 2009

    Hi girls,

    I've been off for a while walking  around and  here and there, mostly downtown under protection of all those tall financial buildings to prevent any Lupus flares. I miss everyone  and  think about everyone here while I walk around the city. I'm feeling less fatigue and hopeful again. I bought some pink panties and socks  at Century 21 a huge discount store near World Trade for BC month.

     I can tell the recession is still raging here because I could see all the way across the store and walk easily in the aisles. Not so in 2007. And you can still roll a bowling ball down the aisles in Macy's. Macy's sent me a we're raising your interest rate letter which said... if you don't like it opt out and we'll close your account?!!  That is So rude after all my years of shopping. Later I read the store is headed towards Bankruptcy..hmmm.

    Chris, I'm sorry about the lady fainting, but l Iove you for getting the  breast cancer awareness message to others. Good luck with your tests. I was to have my second 6th month mammogram this month but Mt Sinai is booked solid until November 23rd, unless you call with a new lump, then of course you get in.

     I got scared but my doc was cool with me. I did have a lump that grew to 3.5 cms, so I'm Kool now. She will not do another Chest CT or anything else unless needed. I am holding onto my port for a while--I had such sketchy therapy-- and she checks my  blood work, markers otherwise I can forget it for now.

     I'm working on my cholesterol, taking my baby ASA and rebelling against all medical treatment. Lipitor was my best medicine for lowering cholesterol but it made my muscles hurt like my doc got scared of its SEs and changed it; no more pain but higher cholesterol  level matter.

    I'm the world's worst farmer but I'm loving it.

    Green tea is more popular than ever in the city...everyone is coming out with their  brand...YIKES!

    Praying for Calli and all of us to keep at it. love to everyone...

    Back soon,


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2009

    Chris - It's amazing that you will get all your test results so quickly! Hope it's all good!

    My blood test results were all negative, so more bloodwork, stay on the antiobiotic, get off the anti-fungal meds, and get a chest xray in 2 weeks.

    Now I thought I deserved the chemobrain award of the year for missing my flight to Montana, but this one is more deserving... I am taking so many pills that I didn't notice I ran out of my heart meds. I probably stopped taking them shortly before the leg weakness, heart racing, head rush thing started happening 3 WEEKS AGO!

    I hope chemobrain is not permanent!

    hugs Kiss

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited October 2009

    Congratulations Juli! I share your chemobrain hopes.



  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2009

    Thanks, Mina, I have hope once again! LOL

    Maybe I will be able to do the Survivor lap on Saturday at our Relay For Life.

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2009

    Hi girls,

    Had a pretty awful morning with all the test, but I am very luck that my results come out so fast, that's private medicine for you, especially in Singapore, very efficient. 3 hours for an MRI

    Everything is clear, no cancer to be seen anywhere!  Hurray! Hurray!

    I do have a cyst on my thyroid (sp), so will get that checked out soon, but it doesn't seem like anything to worry about, and a tiny kidney stone. Talking of stones they left no stone unturned! I have a picture of every single organ and part of my body.

    Juli, fancy forgetting your heart meds, send me a list of what you take, what it is for, how much you take and when you take it, and I will make you a little grid to follow and tick off.

    Mina, I can picture you walking around NYC looking up at the tall buildings and thinking of us. You are a dear.

    Take care everyone, Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Chris, glad all the test results show CLEAR!!! let us know what happens with the cyst on thyroid. 

    Julie, chemobrain!!!!  the other day, my girlfriend said she was looking for pansies. My brain was like, pansies, pansies, what flower is a pansy.... She was like, Bev, the ones we have on our decks every winter! I said, oh right! Pansies!

    My brain was not connecting pansies. Sad sad sad!!!! I tell you, it is not the same up there in my brain...
