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Chemo in Sept 08



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi girls,

    Genia, nice to hear you are alive and kicking, if not enjoying those nasty side effects of tamox, I am hoping to move to AI in October when I have my top to toe.

    Spring, sorry you had a rough weekend, I hope the worst is behind you now.

    We are having a lovely time with the whole family together.

    bye for now Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009


    So you are moving off Tamoxifen and to an AI, in less than a year then? is this because you think there'll be less Side Effects? Let me know. I know my onc will want me to move to an AI at some point. I think the plan is typically 2-3 years on Tam, followed by 2-3 on AI.

    Let us know which one you take!

    I am doing fine at home. One of the three remaining surgical drains is ready to come out today! Woot! As soon as DH arrives home this afternoon. He is a good "drain remover". lol.


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

     Cracking up here Genia. I've been on the Tamoxifen do I take it or not boards and am amazed at the side effects--similar to yours-- discussed there. See ya on FB.

    I'm on here and enjoying short posts on Twitter as sassym. I had a potential family member contact me as maiden name...many times  and was always in chat and  would post to me when I signed onto Face Book.. I felt pressured. I haven't the energy to go hunting for relatives. He  upset me, therefore, I've been taking it easy on FB for now.

    Wink, I don't have a clue about TN and Metformin. Maybe it helped me not to make a larger tumor when I was forming those delightful  cancer cells. So far it's not indicated for anyone but the research docs are  excited about it's impact on  BC stem cells.

    I read on another  BC thread  that John Edwards wife is TN but came in with a near 9CM tumor. She missed many mammograms as did I taking care of her family. I missed them for  4 bad. I think I  was so broken up with my mom's  passing  and didn't think clearly. Moving back home  to take care of her and getting my son situated changing docs etc., I  screwed myself. I'd never missed a  Mammo a year  since I was 40.

    Plus, the docs offices  in CA and TX make appts for you... take care of you more than here...Here--NYC-- they treat you like  a grownup???You have to make all your appointments with specialists and I messed up. I found a prescritiopn  for Mammo from my PMD 3/07. oops. I'm hopeful even with all that knowing that Chemo is  best RX for TN that I'm OK.  

    Glad you're having a great time with your family Chris. 

    love to all my Sept mates...sorry I mentioned  my mammogram history  but I do occasionally worry and wonder how I could have been so stupid.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    My onc called and said my PET scan showed something in my lungs. She is going to do bloodwork tomorrow. A little freaked out here Yell

    hugs Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2009

    Oh, Juli...I hope it's nothing.  You poor thing, you've been through the ringer!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Mina, girl - listen to me. Do NOT beat yourself up. I had mammograms *every friggin year* since I was 35, and I had a 5cm+ tumor that was NOT detected with mammogram and NOT even seen with ultrasound!! It just kept growing there until it could be felt, bad bad bad!! I did not know that Elizabeth Edwards was TN and 9cm. Cripes. I just want to tell my daughters to get their breast tissue out as a prophylactic measure. It's just not WORTH IT... We just don't deal well with it in terms of screening. 15-20% of breast cancer is not detected via mammogram. It is a crappy screening measure. ugh. Makes me sick.

    JULI JULI JULI.... I would be freaking out too. But, I am thinking your poor lungs have been through the ringer, maybe they are seeing something that has to do with asthma or those drugs you were taking. Also, a friend of ours was told they thought "something" in his lung - 95% chance it was cancer. It was not. So I am hoping and praying and thinking the best for you...  What is the blood work for??


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    I have no idea what the bloodwork is for. I was too stunned to ask questions when she called. I remember my last lung scan said something about a nodule in one of my lungs. My PCP wondered why the report recommendation was a follow up scan in 1 year to see if the nodule changed.

    We'll see what my onc says tomorrow.

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    nodule. hmm. I bet this is an asthma nodule. OK, pls let us know what the ONC says tomorrow. 

    I am not sure if i am happy or sad that I can't get a friggin' PET scan. My ONC will not do one for me.... she says insurance won't pay for it.

    Thinking of you Jules.... 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Hugs Juli.....hoping and praying it is nothing to worry your pretty self about!  I've been through enough already! ya feelin?  Your husband took your drains out???  Seriously?

    Mina....I had mammograms every year too.  Never missed one......had ultra sounds the last three years before my diagnosis.  I was SHOCKED to say the least when they told me I had breast cancer.  I thought.......what was the point in having mammograms all these years!  Plus the sucker was almost 7 cms by the time I could feel it.  NOT good........they need better screening.  I agree!!!

    I'm bein a bad bad girl.  I was supposed to have Herceptin last week.....called and rescheduled for this past Tuesday.  Called again on Tues and cancelled.....have yet to call back and reschedule.  Guess I need to do that.  I'm just so tired of dealing with all this cancer crap.  I want life to be normal again.........but I know it never will.  I feel so guilty for even could be far worse..........and I know this.  I just need a break from it all..........whine whine whine!!!   Shut up Genia..............ok done

    love you all

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    genia- you are allowed to whine!!

    Juli- Hugs to you and prayers that this is something simple.

    Spring- I hope you are better every day. I don't know that I would have let hubby take my drains out even as bad as i hated them...HMMM

    Well add me to the list of those that had mamograms every year and a sneaky tumor that did not show up. My mamo said it was only 1-2 cms..Thankfully i had a doc that asked for an MRI

    Have a great day tomorrow...Friday is coming.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Juli, sending  you love and hugs  and prayers that all will be well.

    Thank fellow travelers for sharing your stories with me.  I never knew until I  joined this group that tumors were missed by mammograms all the time. It's time for new procedures or an MRI or a blood test similar to what my brother had for his prostate screening. His blood test was mildly elevated. A biopsy showed he did have early stage Prostate CA.. He  had surgery, recovered and is happy to be alive. Please docs another way to find this tricky disease for  all of us.

    Genia,   talk   about how you feel as long you wish....we're here for you.  

    I'm going to take myself over to FB and then to twitter then to bed then out side. My joints are in such pain, I'm thinking of acupuncture. Perhaps it's a Taxol side effect; my joints are back to their old pain state.

    hugs everyone

    back soon

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Jules, thinking of you.  I have heard so many people have things show up on lung scans that turned out NOT to be cancer, I am really thinking this for you. Mentally adding you to that really long list. You have been through FRIGGIN ENOUGH!!!  

    Genia, scream away! This is the spot to do it!!!  are you still feeling insane from the Tamoxifen?? 

    Yes, I am down from 6 drains to 2 now! Hubby took out #3 yesterday, Woot! he is good at it and was trained by the doctors in New Orleans. It's actually quite easy to do, Doesn't hurt either.

    I did 4 "laps" around our back yard yesterday, slow, but moved. The dog pooped out after lap #3!! Well, he found a pine cone and was focusing on that! (Sure! Excuses excuses doggie!!!)


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Thanks everyone. My onc said she needs to have my lung scan compared to the one in April to see if this is something new. She mentioned that I might need a Bronchoscopy and I said NOOOO. It was an awful procedure! The bloodwork was to test for Valley Fever and who knows what else. They took 4 vials of blood. She said I have to start Tamoxifen now... no more stalling. But I was so happy on the Evista. No SE's!  I am scared to death of Tamox.

    Going car shopping with my son this weekend. He finally got the money from the insurance company. Just wish it wasn't going to be so hot...Yell

     Spring - Good job "lapping" the yard. I'm having trouble walking up my stairs this week. Maybe it's my heart again. I've been feeling like something is wrong since Monday. Guess I'll call the cardiologist tomorrow.

    Genia - how are you doing? I worry 'bout ya! Wish we could take a break together!

    Mina - have you done acupuncture before?

    Lisa - I tried to be your friend on FB and the request kept disappearing. HUH?

    Chris - how long will you have the whole family together? sounds nice!

    Jane - have you started the trial?

    need to sleep now.

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli, sorry to hear you have more worries, when will you hear about the comparisons of tests? There is probably some scar tissue or something going on after all your treatments and drugs. If you don't feel well, make sure you call the cardiologist immediately, we don't want you taking any chances.  Sending positive vibes your way.......................................

    Genia, do not take a break from herceptin regardless of how you feel, you must keep taking it for the full year. How many more do you have left to go?  I know it must still feel like chemo, but it is for your own benefit, hard to believe I know and easy for me to say. hang in there girlfriend the end is in sight.Cool

    Spring, our husbands have done some things they never thought they would do, mine gave me an injection and that was huge for us, well done to your man, he's a king amoung men, tell him! My son shaved my head last year, not something we ever thought would happen! Hope the healing continue at a really fast rate for you. Healing vibes coming,...........................make sure you catch them!

    Mina, I too had a lump that wasn't detected by the mamogram, if I hadn't had my second lump that I found, I probably wouldn't have made it, as by then It was already stage 3c. I thank that extra lump for being so close to the surface, it saved me!Kiss Whatever we did or didn't do in the past doesn't matter, what matters is what we are now and how we move into the future.

    I have got all the photos of those who were interested in being in it, I would like to send them to you all by post, I am going to get them laminated or something so they won't wear out, we want the faces on this page to last us a lifetime.  Years from now we will come across it and thank god for providing us with such wonderful support.

    Mina and Lisa would you please PM me your postal address.

    My middle son leave home tomorrow, will be sad.

    Take girls, Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Chris, Did I send you a photo? I think I have Alzheimer's on top of everything else. I am drawing a blank on the photo thing, but don't want to miss out!!  Amazing your husband gave you a SHOT! :)

     Jules, well, if this thing was already there in your lung before, I am just thinking, your poor lungs! They have been through so much. I don't blame you for not wanting that scope procedure thing. I get hot and cold flashes from Tamoixifen, but nothing else too bad. Try it out and see, it may not be bad for you. It is just so different for every woman.

    No exercise yesterday, unless you call getting out for lunch and picking up a bra at Wal-Mart exercise! I think today may be a repeat performance.  

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Chris....I'm not stopping the Herceptin.  I'm scheduled for Oct 6th.  I just needed a break from it all for a few weeks.  Not gonna make any difference either way.........just tired! 

    Still have the droopsies........have no idea why.........just don't wanna do much of anything.  

    Juli....I hope with everything in me this is nothing at all.......I'm ready for that break any time you are!  

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Spent 4 hours in the ER today. My cardiologist sent me over there for tests. He wanted to make sure I didn't have a clot in my lungs. They did a lot of blood tests too. Then they sent me home saying the tests did not show anything. So why does my heart race, I wheeze and my legs feel weak when I walk? Who knows.. follow up on Tuesday. I think I need a stress test.

    Ok, Genia, where are we going to escape? Undecided

    hugs Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Wherever ya want bones have been aching so bad today.......I can hardly move.  Hope I'm not coming down with something.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2009

    I'm with you all. If I'm in the car for any length of time, it hurts so bad to get up. I feel like I'm about 90 years old getting out of the car and then going ouch, ouch, ouch.

    Spring, did you get one of those fruit of the loom cotton, closes in the front bras from Walmart?  I love those!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    Maybe it's something in the air. My joints are killing me too.

    Looking forward to the weekend. But for now it's time to check in for the night. I am still learning FB..if I haven't found you all come find me.(if you want to)

    Have a great weekend.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    I feel totally crappy! (pain from the surgery, cutting back on narcotics due to constipation and fissure!) TMI!!

    We need the friggin CABANA BOYS. I swear. ugh.


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Hugs....Lisa and Bev! 

    Hang in there will get better soon!

    Nite all

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Beverly, Genia, Lisa & Colleen - big hugs for less aches and pain!

    I finally did it...took my 1st Tamox pill tonight (only because I ran out of Evista). Undecided

    off to bed...

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls,

    One of my heels still hurts!  There, I thought I would join in the aches and pains you are all having.

    Genia when do you finish herceptin? and have you had any side effects from it, most of the people I know haven't?

    Juli, I really hope they find out what is wrong with you soon, like you said there must be something! It sounds like medication to me.  By the way, do you drink coffee or have anything with caffine in it, chocolate, tea etc.  These things give me a racing heart and palputations.

    Don't worry too much about the tamox girls, my aches and pains have all gone from my joints now and the hot flushes are much much less than earlier. Perhaps our bodies just need time to get used to things. The only side effect I have is weight gain, I only have to look at it now and I put on a pound, 3 of last weeks pounds are back on! I am not giving up or being depressed though, life is good and we have each other.

    Spring, I have a friend here who has just had recon and she is in a lot of pain and quite a few things went wrong, the healing is taking ages, something is pointing in the wrong direction but she is still glad she had it done and knows all will be well in the end. Constipation is an awful thing, Scots porridge oats always works for me and lots of water. Gook luck.  No you forgot to send me a photo, so I have used your profile one from this site.  Send me another one if you like, it's not too late.

    Brandon mum and Bettys, good luck with the joints, like I said mine are much better now, hope yours improve too.

    My middle son left yesterday, but I still have my oldest one here to enterain me for another week. 

    Take care girls.

    Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Colleen.....I missed your post.

    Here's to all our aches and pains leaving and never coming back!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Chris, My pic from this site is fine, thank you!

    I have heard from other ladies that this hyper-sensitivity under/between the breasts is the nerves re-generating, which is what I thought. I mean, I hurts to blow AIR on that skin! Must be a nerve thing. I am sure it will get better in a bit! I am just walking on egg shells in the mean time! Trying not to jostle too much! 

    Also, I had to go off Tamoxifen for 2 weeks (one week prior and one week after surgery). I noticed I didn't get cold flashes and the hot flashes were less frequent and less severe. However, I would agree with Chris, I think over time our bodies adapt. I have started taking it again, and so far so good! 


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Girls let's not get on the joints...went to see Bright Star yesterday afternoon and could barely walk down the steps...YIKES. Abbie Cornish is marvelous and will probably get an Oscar nomination. This romantic sumptuous movie made my day. Chris, I will PM you my real addy...I'm worn out from venturing to and fro these last two days  and posting when I should be resting...too nosy am I...but I love you all and will write more soon. Take care  everyone...

    Praying for all of us always...

    love and hugs,


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    hope eveyone has had a good weekend. actually for me the aches have let up a little.

    FB has been fun. I've talked to some HS buddies I had been wondering about. I still don't have the whole hang of it but hey I am learning..

    Hubby and I have been married 26 yrs today. (21st)

    Have a great week

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Happy Anniversary Lisa!

    Love Singapore Chris x

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Happy Anniversary Lisa...Smile

