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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Happy Anniversary Lisa!

    Thanks for the Movie recommendation, Mina!

    Took out one of the two remaining drains today. It was out so far that it wasn't working anyway. 2 more days and the other is out. Can't wait!


    Julie, what is the status on the LUNG THING?? I keep thinking of you!

    Genia, how goes the Tamixifen related mood/temperament things??? 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Happy Belated Anniversary Lisa.....

    Still having mood swings.......I go see my new Onco on Weds.  I've seen him once already.....not sure how I feel about him.  He's older......doesn't seem as aggressive as my previous Dr.  Hopefully I won't need him again for anything besides check ups.  Although....I do have a "thickening" in the exact location my lump was and it's very sore.  I think it's probably scar tissue.........but it's still so scary.  Will we EVER be normal again???

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Beverly - no word on the lungs, but I see the cardiologist at 4:20 pm. My arms and legs get weak when I walk, my heart races, and I get out of breath. Sounds like CHF to me but the bloodwork says it's not. Hope the dr can figure it out this time.

    hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Julie, cripes!!! It sounds like something is up for sure. Let us know what the cardiologist says. 

    Genia, I wonder the same thing, especially after surgery! Feel like crap! I am trying to hold an image in my mind of a strong, healthy, working body -- and sort of "will myself" through healing to get back there!! (I am listening to a CD about surgery by BelleRuth Naperstack - and she suggests this). TI'll let you know if it works, LOL.


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2009

    Juli - did they do a BN Peptide?  It's an indicator for CHF.  I hope the your dr can figure this out too - I'm really worried about you!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Juli....bless your heart!   That's it....I'm making reservations!!!!!

    Bev....maybe someday we will feel good.  At least you WERE doin some walking.  I don't have enough energy to even do that much.  I get so angry because I just don't have any stamina whatsoever!!!  

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2009

    Congrats, Lisa.  My DH and I celebrated 26 in June

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Donna - yes, the BNP was in range. He has no flippen' idea what's wrong with me, just that it's not my heart. His best guess is that it has to do with neuropathy and I should see a neurologist.

    I'm getting tired of mystery diseases...Wasn't one enough?

    hugs Kiss

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    thanks for all the well wishes. We had a good day and a good steak dinner to cap it off.

    Juli- I sooo wish they could figure this out..

    People are begninning to comment that i look better than i did before i got sick or that i look like i am back to my old self....if i look better i must have lloked like crap before...LOL

    I am beginning to feel more like myself in some ways and yet there are still some lingering things that bother me. Hubby keeps making the comments that he can see i have more energy now thn i did and that i am doing more things....OF COURSE you know what he wants me to do with the extra energy!!!!

    Have a great evening ladies.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Jules, I am so sorry. It sure sounds like heart! ugh. You probably want to scream.


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Lisa - That's called a back-handed compliment. Like "You look younger with your hair short!" Gee, I didn't know I was looking so old!

    Ok, brain flash... I doubled my Effexor about the same time these symptoms started. My neurologist told me to when I saw her on the 11th. The problem started on the 14th. Duh!!!

    Wish my brain would have figured this out before I spent 4 hours in the ER!!! LOL

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi girls,

    Spring, I have been think how wonderful it is that my boob doesn't hurt anywhre, or my arm pit, it is a year since surgery and it does take some time to become normal again, but you will get there.  I am sure you will feel the benefit of the surgery for the rest of your life, when you have recovered! Hang on to that image of the perfect healthy you.

    Juli, hope your brain flash works, it would be wonderful to hear you are feeling good and all the nasty symptons have gone. Good Luck

    Lisa, let your husband know that if you are going to use up your energy, he will have to wine and dine you first, it's a two way street :)

    Genia, it is a vicious circle, no energy, you feel tired, the more tired you are the less energy you have.  Have you asked the Dr to test your hormone levels, you may be clinical depressed, if so you will need some help.  Did you say you have had some prosac?

    I really wish everyone would feel good and get their lives back you have all had such a hard time. tomorrow is another day, let's hope it bring good news and happy faces.

    I would happy a very happy face if this pain in my left heel would go away, I am going for another injection on Friday, not looking forward to it, it really hurt last time.  dr said I might need more than one.

    Take care everyone, Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Chris, a year. wow, yes it takes time. 

    What injection are you having?

    Girls, are you all getting flu shots?? I have been thinking about how to get one. who to call. when to go. Not right now, but when i am up and around...


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    It's been over 100 degrees here and will continue for the rest of the week. There is a big fire close by called the Guiberson (Fillmore/Moorpark) Fire. My house is not in any danger, but the air quality is going to be bad.

    Spring - I don't usually get a flu shot, but if my doctor wants me to, I will. Wishing you speedy healing vibes!

    Chris - I have heard of others with heal pain. Is it from the Tamox?


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    heal pain? good grief!!! 

    I am "practicing" wearing  a bra today. My softest stretchiest one. If I sit here and don't move, I can stand it. Ugh!!!!!!!!!! 

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Hi  everyone,

    I'm sorry I can't remember who asked but I remember the question...Jiminy Crickets. Surprised

    I was diagnosed by my rheumy with Fibromyalgia in the mid 90's post Hysterectomy. My mother being the original prophet of doom had warned me not to have a hysterectomy but I had so much pain from what I thought was endometriosis...NOT. Twas Fibromyalgia pain

    My pain points  were located near in my perineum  and groin. I couldn't tell  where the pain originated and my doc assumed  when she touched me in that area that it was my long standing endometriosis and did a TAH...BAD DOC!

    After the hyst the pain increased 234097602967906%

     Long story short, a friend  with Rheumatoid Arthritis  told me that acupuncture helped her get out of her wheelchair. My ex took me downtown LA to a wonderful doctor and his wife. After my first treatment, my ex said I looked up and out a window, something I hadn't done for a long time. I had 26 treatments and stopped with 80% less pain, more energy and  a desire to live again.

    Subsequently, I would have a "tuneup" as Dr Yu called them to stabilize my Yin/Yang and whatever else he felt needed work. I'm  going to call him  next month  for the name of a acupuncturist here. fingers xxed.

     I was in Chinatown  collecting acupuncture cards and looking around but I   have no clue who to go to  until I talk to him...

    Juli hoping  you are receiving good  treatment...I worry about you a lot  too...

    I was going to try Lyrica for this recent fibro  flare, but the SEs  for that drug are what I am experiencing now, mental confusion, gait instability, somnolence  and this one cinched it as a no no for me...Weight gain.

    I can wait this  flare out. I  would usually get a slight flare of FMS,  after a busy summer with my son when he was younger,  and of course this summer with 34 rads I expected it, and it's here.Frown

    love you all...

    back soon to read more carefully


    I think I need Netflix small acct...I can't remember to take the movies back...State of Play is an excellent movie but I now own it...NOT. I'm  taking it back in a few minutes.

    I can negotiate the subway steps much better than I could  earlier this summer, when all I could manage most times was the bus so off I go to Blockbuster.

    Macy's just changed my credit card rules, and increased the interest rate with the rude comment that if I didn't like  the changes, I could opt out  and my account would be closed.

    Then yesterday, Yahoo  reported that Macy's is approaching Bankruptcy. Why so mean Macy's? NO one shops dept stores  here anymore plus JC Penney just located their first NYC  store one block from Macy's . I knew they were done for last winter. Usually,  their store is so crowded you can't see more than a foot or two in front of you; last winter and fall I could roll a bowling ball down the aisle.

    love and hugs again


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Mina, acupuncture. Hmmm. Will keep that one in mind. Hmmm.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Oh Spring you poor thing, having to wear a bra on your new sore bits. I think you will find that the external area will heal really fast, it's the inside that time the time. Just go slow and don't over do it.  A friend who is having her recon in Jan was told she would need 8 weeks off work, what have you been told?

    The heel pain is not connected with tamox, it is from a stretched tendon on the bottom of my feet at the heel end. I checked the boards and we are just at the age when this stuff starts, so I don't actually think it is tamox.  My oncol and othopeadic dr says it is plantia fisicis (sp).  The first steroid injection worked like a dream almost immediately on one heel, but the other is playing up again. Not looking forward to my injection tomorrow evening, but will do anything to get rid of the pain as I am limping now.

    we have our first dragon boat race coming up in a week, against Estee lauder, should be fun, will keep you posted.

    Made appointments for my top to toe on the 7th Oct, the full works, MRI (made me shake just hearing the letters), CT of abdomon and extended area over ovaries, Chest and bone density test.  What fun! I will have my fingers crossed for clear results.

    I have flower club tomorrow I am really looking forward to that.

    Bye for now girls and take care everyone, Singapore Chris x

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2009

    Afternoon mates,

    Chris, my rheumy sprayed my heel with an anesthetic before  I received my heel injections which helped with  needle pain and told me not to walk  around much for at least one day, two if I could manage it. I hope this second injection works.

    My bone density was OK and I scheduled an appointment at the Dermatology clinic to schedule a mole eh? My rad Onc thought my chest/breast moles should be monitored for changes as they were larger after radiation;...still are. arr 



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Chris, I was also given 8 weeks off for this phase 1, and will have 4 weeks off in Dec after phase 2. I hope that is enough, honestly!

    I got a good nights sleep last night (YAY!) and walked one mile today (YAY!) in 23 minutes all the while being very still up top and trying not to jiggle anything!!!  

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2009

    Spring, is it your skin that hurts or just the area between?  Do you have feeling on your breasts or are they mostly numb?  Sorry for the questions, but trying to brace myself for when I have to go through this!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited September 2009

    Bev....what's phase 2?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    My oncologist just called and she wants me to see the infectious disease specialist because something is infiltrating my lungs. Isn't this getting old? Are we playing "What can Juli come down with this week?" game? Yell

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    My god Juli, what could it be? Some bug or something the drs have been giving you? At least they are actively trying to help you.

    Take Care, Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Chris - Colleen said when they found infiltrates in her lungs a few months ago, she was told it was damage from acid reflux. I read some articles and I think that is a good possibility. Now what kind of doctor should I really be seeing? Pulmonologist, Gasterentrologist? hmmm...

    Anybody losing eyelashes again? I hope this is the last time. Undecided

     hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Jules, I would go for the specialists, but you're right, which one? Arent' you glad you have insurance?Good GRIEF!!   No eyelash issues, but my big toe nails are not happy. I think chemo damaged them, and now I think I am battling fungus (WHICH IS SO GROSS). I am dousing them with vinegar and Thymol (which is the stuff in Vicks Vapor-Rub!) and hoping this helps. ugh.

    Colleen, I think what i have is very rare. Like some hypersesitive nerve/skin reaction to surgery. It is lower breasts and inner, under and just between. I saw a local Dr. today as I thought i had fluid buildup on the side of my chest under my arm pit, but she ultra sounded it and said no fluid, just puffy tissues. I asked her and she said it was "unusual" what I was experiencing in terms of skin/nerve. So don't worry about this!! 

    Genia, these "flap" recon surgeries are done in 2 phases. They basically are taking huge hunks of you to build breasts. Right now, both my butt cheeks are "concave" and my belly is not quite right either! So they do all sorts of liposuction to get fat, then they use it to 'contour" areas (like I'll get my butt cheeks back, flat tummy, scar revision if needed, etc). Anyway, That is stage 2. I have heard it is not as bad as stage 1, but then i have 2 donor sights, ugh. i can't wait to feel better, just in time for the next surgery! ahhhhck!!!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2009

    Spring - unusual skin/nerve issues...blame it on the chemo. That's what all my doctors say.

    12 vials of blood today. If all the tests are negative, I'm going to Dr. Oz! LOL

     Have a good weekend!

    hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2009

    Hi girls,

    Juli, hope they find something they can fix. Look out Dr Oz!

    Spring, it will all be a distanct memory before you know it.

    Had my heel injection, wasn't as bad as last time as I was prepared for pain this time.  Just finished dragon boating and am feeling really tired!

    Bye for now Singapore Chris x

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2009

    chris- sorry your heels are still hurting. I hope the shots are going to help. If it gets too bad look into the boots you can sleep in that stretch that ligament out i had a friend that loved his.(once he got used to sleeping in it)

    Juli- 100 degrees??? we had 95 yesterday...Is it fall somewhere yet?? They are talking about more rain in Ga. today but not as bad as before...we are hot AND moldy!!

    Spring- I hope that you heal quickly. I am impresed that you walked a mile. I need to get moving myself..

    Genia- HUGS to you

    Colleen, trude, mina, jane- hugs to you girls and I hope you have a good weekend.

    Jane- I hope hubby is feeling better!

    Hope all you lovely ladies have a great weekend.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Julie needs a "Dr. House" !!!

    Walked a mile today - trying not to let the breast pain get me down.

    chris, hope the shot helps the heel!!!

    It was nearly cold here today girls! Light mist all day and in the 60's!!! Fall has hit the south east of the USA anyway...

    Lisa, hope you are well and happy... :) 
